source: trunk/ab5.0/ablib/src/Classes/System/Threading/ThreadPool.ab

Last change on this file was 624, checked in by イグトランス (egtra), 16 years ago


File size: 7.4 KB
3Namespace System
4Namespace Threading
5Namespace Detail
7TypeDef PQueueUserWorkItem = *Function(fn As LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE, context As VoidPtr, flags As DWord) As BOOL
9TypeDef PRegisterWaitForSingleObject = *Function(ByRef hNewWaitObject As HANDLE, hObject As HANDLE, Callback As WAITORTIMERCALLBACK, Context As VoidPtr, dwMilliseconds As DWord, dwFlags As DWord) As BOOL
11Const WM_QueueUserWorkItem = WM_APP + 100
12Const WM_RegisterWaitForSingleObject = WM_APP + 101
14Class QueueContextData<T>
16 Callback As T
17 State As Object
19 Sub QueueContextData(c As T, s As Object)
20 Callback = c
21 State = s
22 End Sub
23End Class
25Class WaitData
27 WaitObject As WaitHandle
28 Callback As WaitOrTimerCallback
29 State As Object
31 Sub WaitData(w As WaitHandle, c As WaitOrTimerCallback, s As Object)
32 WaitObject = w
33 Callback = c
34 State = s
35 End Sub
36End Class
38End Namespace
40Delegate Sub WaitCallback(state As Object)
41Delegate Sub WaitOrTimerCallback(state As Object, timedOut As Boolean)
43Class ThreadPool
45 Static Function QueueUserWorkItem(callback As WaitCallback, state = Nothing As Object) As Boolean
46 startThread()
47 Dim qcd = New Detail.QueueContextData<WaitCallback>(callback, state)
48 Dim h = ActiveBasic.AllocObjectHandle(qcd)
49 PostThreadMessage(thread.ThreadId, Detail.WM_QueueUserWorkItem, 0, h)
50 End Function
52 'とりあえずタイムアウト非対応
53 Static Function RegisterWaitForSingleObject(waitObject As WaitHandle, callback As WaitOrTimerCallback, state As Object) As RegisteredWaitHandle
54 startThread()
55 Dim wd = New Detail.WaitData(waitObject, callback, state)
56 Dim h = ActiveBasic.AllocObjectHandle(wd)
57 PostThreadMessage(thread.ThreadId, Detail.WM_RegisterWaitForSingleObject, 0, h)
58 End Function
60 Static Function RegisterWaitForSingleObject(waitObject As WaitHandle, callback As WaitOrTimerCallback, state As Object, millisecondsTimeOutInterval As DWord, executeOnlyOnce As Boolean) As RegisteredWaitHandle
61 End Function
64 Static Function waitCallback(param As VoidPtr) As DWord
65 Try
66 Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(param <> 0)
67 Dim qcd = ActiveBasic.ReleaseObjectHandle(param As LONG_PTR) As Detail.QueueContextData<WaitCallback>
68 With qcd
69 Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(.Callback <> 0)
70 Dim c = .Callback
71 c(.State)
72 End With
73 Catch e As Object
74 End Try
75 End Function
77 Static Sub waitOrTimerCallback(param As VoidPtr, TimerOrWaitFired As BOOLEAN)
78 Try
79 Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(param <> 0)
80 Dim qcd = ActiveBasic.ReleaseObjectHandle(param As LONG_PTR) As Detail.QueueContextData<WaitOrTimerCallback>
81 With qcd
82 Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(.Callback <> 0)
83 Dim c = .Callback
84 c(.State, TimerOrWaitFired)
85 End With
86 Catch e As Object
87 End Try
88 End Sub
90 Static Sub startThread()
91 If ActiveBasic.IsNothing(thread) Then
92 Dim lock = New ActiveBasic.Windows.CriticalSectionLock(_System_CriticalSection)
93 thread = New Thread(AddressOf(poolThread), 0)
94 thread.Name = "ThreadPool"
95 thread.Start()
96 While isMessageQueueCreated = False
97 Sleep(1)
98 Wend
99 lock.Dispose()
100 End If
101 End Sub
103 Static Function poolThread(pv As VoidPtr) As DWord
104 Try
105 Dim msg As MSG
106 PeekMessage(msg, 0, WM_USER, WM_USER, PM_NOREMOVE) 'メッセージキューの作成
107 isMessageQueueCreated = True
108 Dim waitList = New Collections.Generic.List<Detail.WaitData>
109 Dim handles = waitListToArrayOfHANDLE(waitList)
110 Do
111 While PeekMessage(msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)
112 Select Case msg.message
113 Case WM_QUIT
114 Exit Do
115 Case Detail.WM_QueueUserWorkItem
116 waitCallback(msg.lParam As VoidPtr)
117 Case Detail.WM_RegisterWaitForSingleObject
118 Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(msg.lParam <> 0)
119 Dim wd = ActiveBasic.ReleaseObjectHandle(msg.lParam) As Detail.WaitData
120 waitList.Add(wd)
121 handles = waitListToArrayOfHANDLE(waitList)
122 End Select
123 Wend
124 Dim retWait = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(waitList.Count As DWord, handles, FALSE, INFINITE, QS_ALLINPUT)
125 If retWait = &hffffffff Then
126 poolThread = retWait
127 Exit Do
128 ElseIf WAIT_OBJECT_0 <= retWait And retWait < WAIT_OBJECT_0 + waitList.Count Then
129 Dim i = retWait - WAIT_OBJECT_0
130 Dim wd = waitList[i]
131 With wd
132 Dim c = wd.Callback
133 c(wd.State, False)
134 End With
135 waitList.RemoveAt(i)
136 handles = waitListToArrayOfHANDLE(waitList)
137 End If
138 Loop
139 Catch e As Object
140 Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("ThreadPool thread catches an exception:")
141 Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(e.ToString)
142 End Try
143 End Function
145 Static Function waitListToArrayOfHANDLE(waitList As Collections.Generic.List<Detail.WaitData>) As *HANDLE
146 Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(Not ActiveBasic.IsNothing(waitList))
147 waitListToArrayOfHANDLE = GC_malloc(waitList.Count * SizeOf(HANDLE))
148 Dim count = waitList.Count
149 Dim i As Long
150 For i = 0 To ELM(count)
151 waitListToArrayOfHANDLE[i] = waitList.Item[i].WaitObject.Handle
152 Next
153 End Function
155 Static thread = Nothing As Thread
156 Static isMessageQueueCreated = False As Boolean
157End Class
159Class RegisteredWaitHandle
160End Class
161#ifdef __UNDEFINED__
162Class ThreadPool
164 Static Function QueueUserWorkItem(callback As WaitCallback, state = Nothing As Object) As Boolean
165 Dim pfn = GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("kernel32"), ToMBStr("QueueUserWorkItem")) As Detail.PQueueUserWorkItem
166 If pfn = 0 Then
167 'ToDo: 自前実装
168 Throw New NotSupportedException("RegisterWaitForSingleObject requires Windows 2000")
169 End If
170 Dim qcd = New Detail.QueueContextData<WaitCallback>(callback, state)
171 Dim h = ActiveBasic.AllocObjectHandle(qcd)
172 pfn(AddressOf (waitCallback), h As VoidPtr, WT_EXECUTELONGFUNCTION)
173 End Function
175 Static Function RegisterWaitForSingleObject(waitObject As WaitHandle, callback As WaitOrTimerCallback, state As Object, millisecondsTimeOutInterval As DWord, executeOnlyOnce As Boolean) As RegisteredWaitHandle
176 Dim pfn = GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("kernel32"), ToMBStr("RegisterWaitForSingleObject")) As Detail.PRegisterWaitForSingleObject
177 If pfn = 0 Then
178 'ToDo: 自前実装
179 Throw New NotSupportedException("RegisterWaitForSingleObject requires Windows 2000")
180 End If
181 Dim qcd = New Detail.QueueContextData<WaitOrTimerCallback>(callback, state)
182 Dim h = ActiveBasic.AllocObjectHandle(qcd)
183 Dim wo As HANDLE
184 pfn(wo, waitObject.Handle, 0, 0 As VoidPtr, 0, WT_EXECUTELONGFUNCTION)
185' pfn(wo, waitObject.Handle, AddressOf (waitOrTimerCallback), h As VoidPtr, millisecondsTimeOutInterval, WT_EXECUTELONGFUNCTION)
186 End Function
189 Static Function waitCallback(param As VoidPtr) As DWord
190 Try
191 Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(param <> 0)
192 Dim qcd = ActiveBasic.ReleaseObjectHandle(param As LONG_PTR) As Detail.QueueContextData<WaitCallback>
193 With qcd
194 Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(.Callback <> 0)
195 Dim c = .Callback
196 c(.State)
197 End With
198 Catch e As Object
199 End Try
200 End Function
202 Static Sub waitOrTimerCallback(param As VoidPtr, TimerOrWaitFired As BOOLEAN)
203 Try
204 Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(param <> 0)
205 Dim qcd = ActiveBasic.ReleaseObjectHandle(param As LONG_PTR) As Detail.QueueContextData<WaitOrTimerCallback>
206 With qcd
207 Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(.Callback <> 0)
208 Dim c = .Callback
209 c(.State, TimerOrWaitFired)
210 End With
211 Catch e As Object
212 End Try
213 End Sub
214End Class
216Class RegisteredWaitHandle
217End Class
221End Namespace
222End Namespace
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