' dmusicc.sbp - This module defines the DirectMusic core API's Const DMUS_MAX_DESCRIPTION = 128 Type DMUS_BUFFERDESC dwSize As DWord dwFlags As DWord guidBufferFormat As GUID cbBuffer As DWord End Type ' dwEffectFlags fields of both DMUS_PORTCAPS and DMUS_PORTPARAMS. Const DMUS_EFFECT_NONE = &H00000000 Const DMUS_EFFECT_REVERB = &H00000001 Const DMUS_EFFECT_CHORUS = &H00000002 Const DMUS_EFFECT_DELAY = &H00000004 ' For DMUS_PORTCAPS dwClass Const DMUS_PC_INPUTCLASS = 0 Const DMUS_PC_OUTPUTCLASS = 1 ' For DMUS_PORTCAPS dwFlags Const DMUS_PC_DLS = &H00000001 'Supports DLS downloading and DLS level 1. Const DMUS_PC_EXTERNAL = &H00000002 'External MIDI module. Const DMUS_PC_SOFTWARESYNTH = &H00000004 'Software synthesizer. Const DMUS_PC_MEMORYSIZEFIXED = &H00000008 'Memory size is fixed. Const DMUS_PC_GMINHARDWARE = &H00000010 'GM sound set is built in, no need to download. Const DMUS_PC_GSINHARDWARE = &H00000020 'GS sound set is built in. Const DMUS_PC_XGINHARDWARE = &H00000040 'XG sound set is built in. Const DMUS_PC_DIRECTSOUND = &H00000080 'Connects to DirectSound via a DSound buffer. Const DMUS_PC_SHAREABLE = &H00000100 'Synth can be actively shared by multiple apps at once. Const DMUS_PC_DLS2 = &H00000200 'Supports DLS2 instruments. Const DMUS_PC_AUDIOPATH = &H00000400 'Multiple outputs can be connected to DirectSound for audiopaths. Const DMUS_PC_WAVE = &H00000800 'Supports streaming and one shot waves. Const DMUS_PC_SYSTEMMEMORY = &H7FFFFFFF 'Sample memory is system memory. ' For DMUS_PORTCAPS dwType Const DMUS_PORT_WINMM_DRIVER = 0 Const DMUS_PORT_USER_MODE_SYNTH = 1 Const DMUS_PORT_KERNEL_MODE = 2 Type DMUS_PORTCAPS dwSize As DWord dwFlags As DWord guidPort As GUID dwClass As DWord dwType As DWord dwMemorySize As DWord dwMaxChannelGroups As DWord dwMaxVoices As DWord dwMaxAudioChannels As DWord dwEffectFlags As DWord wszDescription[DMUS_MAX_DESCRIPTION-1] As WCHAR End Type ' For DMUS_PORTPARAMS8 dwValidParams Const DMUS_PORTPARAMS_VOICES = &H00000001 Const DMUS_PORTPARAMS_CHANNELGROUPS = &H00000002 Const DMUS_PORTPARAMS_AUDIOCHANNELS = &H00000004 Const DMUS_PORTPARAMS_SAMPLERATE = &H00000008 Const DMUS_PORTPARAMS_EFFECTS = &H00000020 Const DMUS_PORTPARAMS_SHARE = &H00000040 Const DMUS_PORTPARAMS_FEATURES = &H00000080 ' For DMUS_PORTPARAMS8 dwFeatures Const DMUS_PORT_FEATURE_AUDIOPATH = &H00000001 'Supports audiopath connection to DSound buffers. Const DMUS_PORT_FEATURE_STREAMING = &H00000002 'Supports streaming waves through the synth. Type DMUS_PORTPARAMS8 dwSize As DWord dwValidParams As DWord dwVoices As DWord dwChannelGroups As DWord dwAudioChannels As DWord dwSampleRate As DWord dwEffectFlags As DWord fShare As Long dwFeatures As DWord End Type TypeDef DMUS_PORTPARAMS = DMUS_PORTPARAMS8 Type DMUS_SYNTHSTATS dwSize As DWord 'Size in bytes of the structure dwValidStats As DWord 'Flags indicating which fields below are valid. dwVoices As DWord 'Average number of voices playing. dwTotalCPU As DWord 'Total CPU usage as percent * 100. dwCPUPerVoice As DWord 'CPU per voice as percent * 100. dwLostNotes As DWord 'Number of notes lost in 1 second. dwFreeMemory As DWord 'Free memory in bytes lPeakVolume As Long 'Decibel level * 100. End Type Const Enum DMUS_CLOCKTYPE DMUS_CLOCK_SYSTEM = 0 DMUS_CLOCK_WAVE = 1 End Enum Type DMUS_CLOCKINFO dwSize As DWord ctType As DMUS_CLOCKTYPE guidClock As GUID wszDescription[DMUS_MAX_DESCRIPTION-1] As WCHAR dwFlags As DWord End Type TypeDef DMUS_CLOCKINFO8 = DMUS_CLOCKINFO '----------------- ' Interface '----------------- Class IDirectMusic Inherits IUnknown Public 'IDirectMusic Abstract Function EnumPort(dwIndex As DWord, pPortCaps As *DMUS_PORTCAPS) As DWord Abstract Function CreateMusicBuffer(pBufferDesc As *DMUS_BUFFERDESC, ppBuffer As *LPDIRECTMUSICBUFFER, pUnkOuter As LPUNKNOWN) As DWord Abstract Function CreatePort(ByRef rclsidPort As GUID, pPortParams As *DMUS_PORTPARAMS, ppPort As *LPDIRECTMUSICPORT8, pUnkOuter As LPUNKNOWN) As DWord Abstract Function EnumMasterClock(dwIndex As DWord, lpClockInfo As *DMUS_CLOCKINFO) As DWord Abstract Function GetMasterClock(pguidClock As *GUID, ppReferenceClock As **IReferenceClock) As DWord Abstract Function SetMasterClock(ByRef rguidClock As GUID) As DWord Abstract Function Activate(fEnable As Long) As DWord Abstract Function GetDefaultPort(pguidPort As *GUID) As DWord Abstract Function SetDirectSound(pDirectSound As LPDIRECTSOUND, hWnd As HWND) As DWord End Class TypeDef LPDIRECTMUSIC = *IDirectMusic Class IDirectMusic8 Inherits IDirectMusic Public 'IDirectMusic8 Abstract Function SetExternalMasterClock(pClock As *IReferenceClock) As DWord End Class TypeDef LPDIRECTMUSIC8 = *IDirectMusic8 Class IDirectMusicBuffer Inherits IUnknown Public 'IDirectMusicBuffer Abstract Function Flush() As DWord Abstract Function TotalTime(prtTime As *REFERENCE_TIME) As DWord Abstract Function PackStructured(rt As REFERENCE_TIME, dwChannelGroup As DWord, dwChannelMessage As DWord) As DWord Abstract Function PackUnstructured(rt As REFERENCE_TIME, dwChannelGroup As DWord, cb As DWord, lpb As BytePtr) As DWord Abstract Function ResetReadPtr() As DWord Abstract Function GetNextEvent(prt As *REFERENCE_TIME, pdwChannelGroup As DWordPtr, pdwLength As DWordPtr, ppData As **Byte) As DWord Abstract Function GetRawBufferPtr(ppData As **Byte) As DWord Abstract Function GetStartTime(prt As *REFERENCE_TIME) As DWord Abstract Function GetUsedBytes(pcb As DWordPtr) As DWord Abstract Function GetMaxBytes(pcb As DWordPtr) As DWord Abstract Function GetBufferFormat(pGuidFormat As *GUID) As DWord Abstract Function SetStartTime(rt As REFERENCE_TIME) As DWord Abstract Function SetUsedBytes(cb As DWord) As DWord End Class TypeDef LPDIRECTMUSICBUFFER = *IDirectMusicBuffer TypeDef IDirectMusicBuffer8 = IDirectMusicBuffer TypeDef LPDIRECTMUSICBUFFER8 = *IDirectMusicBuffer8 Class IDirectMusicInstrument Inherits IUnknown Public 'IDirectMusicInstrument Abstract Function GetPatch(pdwPatch As DWordPtr) As DWord Abstract Function SetPatch(dwPatch As DWord) As DWord End Class TypeDef IDirectMusicInstrument8 = IDirectMusicInstrument TypeDef LPDIRECTMUSICINSTRUMENT8 = *IDirectMusicInstrument8 Class IDirectMusicDownloadedInstrument Inherits IUnknown End Class TypeDef IDirectMusicDownloadedInstrument8 = IDirectMusicDownloadedInstrument TypeDef LPDIRECTMUSICDOWNLOADEDINSTRUMENT8 = *IDirectMusicDownloadedInstrument8 Class IDirectMusicCollection Inherits IUnknown Public 'IDirectMusicCollection Abstract Function GetInstrument(dwPatch As DWord, ppInstrument As **IDirectMusicInstrument) As DWord Abstract Function EnumInstrument(dwIndex As DWord, pdwPatch As DWordPtr, pwszName As *WCHAR, dwNameLen As DWord) As DWord End Class TypeDef IDirectMusicCollection8 = IDirectMusicCollection TypeDef LPDIRECTMUSICCOLLECTION8 = *IDirectMusicCollection8 Class IDirectMusicDownload Inherits IUnknown Public 'IDirectMusicDownload Abstract Function GetBuffer(ppvBuffer As DWordPtr, pdwSize As DWordPtr) As DWord End Class TypeDef IDirectMusicDownload8 = IDirectMusicDownload TypeDef LPDIRECTMUSICDOWNLOAD8 = *IDirectMusicDownload8 Class IDirectMusicPortDownload Inherits IUnknown Public 'IDirectMusicPortDownload Abstract Function GetBuffer(dwDLId As DWord, ppIDMDownload As **IDirectMusicDownload) As DWord Abstract Function AllocateBuffer(dwSize As DWord, ppIDMDownload As **IDirectMusicDownload) As DWord Abstract Function GetDLId(pdwStartDLId As DWordPtr, dwCount As DWord) As DWord Abstract Function GetAppend(pdwAppend As DWordPtr) As DWord Abstract Function Download(pIDMDownload As *IDirectMusicDownload) As DWord Abstract Function Unload(pIDMDownload As *IDirectMusicDownload) As DWord End Class TypeDef IDirectMusicPortDownload8 = IDirectMusicPortDownload TypeDef LPDIRECTMUSICPORTDOWNLOAD8 = *IDirectMusicPortDownload8 Class IDirectMusicPort Inherits IUnknown Public 'IDirectMusicPort Abstract Function PlayBuffer(pBuffer As LPDIRECTMUSICBUFFER) As DWord Abstract Function SetReadNotificationHandle(hEvent As HANDLE) As DWord Abstract Function Read(pBuffer As LPDIRECTMUSICBUFFER) As DWord Abstract Function DownloadInstrument(pInstrument As *IDirectMusicInstrument, ppDownloadedInstrument As **IDirectMusicDownloadedInstrument, pNoteRanges As *DMUS_NOTERANGE, dwNumNoteRanges As DWord) As DWord Abstract Function UnloadInstrument(pDownloadedInstrument As *IDirectMusicDownloadedInstrument) As DWord Abstract Function GetLatencyClock(ppClock As **IReferenceClock) As DWord Abstract Function GetRunningStats(pStats As *DMUS_SYNTHSTATS) As DWord Abstract Function Compact() As DWord Abstract Function GetCaps(pPortCaps As *DMUS_PORTCAPS) As DWord Abstract Function DeviceIoControl(dwIoControlCode As DWord, lpInBuffer As VoidPtr, nInBufferSize As DWord, lpOutBuffer As VoidPtr, nOutBufferSize As DWord, lpBytesReturned As DWordPtr, lpOverlapped As *OVERLAPPED) As DWord Abstract Function SetNumChannelGroups(dwChannelGroups As DWord) As DWord Abstract Function GetNumChannelGroups(pdwChannelGroups As DWordPtr) As DWord Abstract Function Activate(fActive As Long) As DWord Abstract Function SetChannelPriority(dwChannelGroup As DWord, dwChannel As DWord, dwPriority As DWord) As DWord Abstract Function GetChannelPriority(dwChannelGroup As DWord, dwChannel As DWord, pdwPriority As DWordPtr) As DWord Abstract Function SetDirectSound(pDirectSound As LPDIRECTSOUND, pDirectSoundBuffer As LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER) As DWord Abstract Function GetFormat(pWaveFormatEx As *WAVEFORMATEX, pdwWaveFormatExSize As DWordPtr, pdwBufferSize As DWordPtr) As DWord End Class TypeDef IDirectMusicPort8 = IDirectMusicPort TypeDef LPDIRECTMUSICPORT8 = *IDirectMusicPort8 Class IDirectMusicThru Inherits IUnknown Public 'IDirectMusicThru Abstract Function ThruChannel(dwSourceChannelGroup As DWord, dwSourceChannel As DWord, dwDestinationChannelGroup As DWord, dwDestinationChannel As DWord, pDestinationPort As LPDIRECTMUSICPORT8) As DWord End Class TypeDef IDirectMusicThru8 = IDirectMusicThru TypeDef LPDIRECTMUSICTHRU8 = *IDirectMusicThru8 '----------------- ' CLSID and IID '----------------- Dim CLSID_DirectMusic = [&H636b9f10,&H0c7d,&H11d1,[&H95,&Hb2,&H00,&H20,&Haf,&Hdc,&H74,&H21]] As GUID Dim CLSID_DirectMusicCollection = [&H480ff4b0, &H28b2, &H11d1, [&Hbe, &Hf7, &H0, &Hc0, &H4f, &Hbf, &H8f, &Hef]] As GUID Dim CLSID_DirectMusicSynth = [&H58C2B4D0,&H46E7,&H11D1,[&H89,&HAC,&H00,&HA0,&HC9,&H05,&H41,&H29]] As GUID Dim IID_IDirectMusic = [&H6536115a,&H7b2d,&H11d2,[&Hba,&H18,&H00,&H00,&Hf8,&H75,&Hac,&H12]] As GUID Dim IID_IDirectMusicBuffer = [&Hd2ac2878, &Hb39b, &H11d1, [&H87, &H4, &H0, &H60, &H8, &H93, &Hb1, &Hbd]] As GUID Dim IID_IDirectMusicPort = [&H08f2d8c9,&H37c2,&H11d2,[&Hb9,&Hf9,&H00,&H00,&Hf8,&H75,&Hac,&H12]] As GUID Dim IID_IDirectMusicThru = [&Hced153e7, &H3606, &H11d2, [&Hb9, &Hf9, &H00, &H00, &Hf8, &H75, &Hac, &H12]] As GUID Dim IID_IDirectMusicPortDownload = [&Hd2ac287a, &Hb39b, &H11d1, [&H87, &H4, &H0, &H60, &H8, &H93, &Hb1, &Hbd]] As GUID Dim IID_IDirectMusicDownload = [&Hd2ac287b, &Hb39b, &H11d1, [&H87, &H4, &H0, &H60, &H8, &H93, &Hb1, &Hbd]] As GUID Dim IID_IDirectMusicCollection = [&Hd2ac287c, &Hb39b, &H11d1, [&H87, &H4, &H0, &H60, &H8, &H93, &Hb1, &Hbd]] As GUID Dim IID_IDirectMusicInstrument = [&Hd2ac287d, &Hb39b, &H11d1, [&H87, &H4, &H0, &H60, &H8, &H93, &Hb1, &Hbd]] As GUID Dim IID_IDirectMusicDownloadedInstrument = [&Hd2ac287e, &Hb39b, &H11d1, [&H87, &H4, &H0, &H60, &H8, &H93, &Hb1, &Hbd]] As GUID