' Classes/System/DateTime.ab #ifndef __SYSTEM_DATETIME_AB__ #define __SYSTEM_DATETIME_AB__ Class DateTime m_Date As Int64 Public Static MaxValue = 3162240000000000000 As Int64 'Const Static MinValue = 316224000000000 As Int64 'Const Sub DateTime(ticks As Int64) Ticks = ticks Kind = Unspecified End Sub Sub DateTime(ticks As Int64, kind As DateTimeKind) DateTime(ticks) Kind = kind End Sub Sub DateTime(year As Long, month As Long, day As Long) If year < 1 Or year > 9999 Or month < 1 Or month > 12 Or day < 1 Or day > DaysInMonth(year, month) Then 'ArgumentOutOfRangeException debug End If DateTime(316224000000000) AddYears(year - 1) Dim days As Long Dim i As Long For i = 1 To month - 1 days += DaysInMonth(Year, i) Next days += day AddDays(days - 1) End Sub Sub DateTime(year As Long, month As Long, day As Long, kind As DateTimeKind) DateTime(year, month, day) Kind = kind End Sub Sub DateTime(year As Long, month As Long, day As Long, hour As Long, minute As Long, second As Long) If hour < 0 Or hour > 23 Or minute < 0 Or minute > 59 Or second < 0 Or second > 59 Then 'ArgumentOutOfRangeException debug End If DateTime(year, month, day) AddHours(hour) AddMinutes(minute) AddSeconds(second) End Sub /* Sub DateTime(year As Long, month As Long, day As Long, hour As Long, minute As Long, second As Long, kind As DateTimeKind) DateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second) Kind = kind End Sub*/ Sub DateTime(year As Long, month As Long, day As Long, hour As Long, minute As Long, second As Long, millisecond As Long) DateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second) AddMilliseconds(millisecond) End Sub Sub DateTime(year As Long, month As Long, day As Long, hour As Long, minute As Long, second As Long, millisecond As Long, kind As DateTimeKind) DateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond) Kind = kind End Sub Sub DateTime(ByRef time As SYSTEMTIME) DateTime(time.wYear, time.wMonth, time.wDay, time.wHour, time.wMinute, time.wSecond, time.wMilliseconds) End Sub Sub DateTime(ByRef time As SYSTEMTIME, kind As DateTimeKind) DateTime(time.wYear, time.wMonth, time.wDay, time.wHour, time.wMinute, time.wSecond, time.wMilliseconds, kind) End Sub 'Copy Constructor Sub DateTime( ByRef datetime As DateTime ) This.m_Date = datetime.m_Date End Sub Sub ~DateTime() End Sub Function Operator == (ByRef value As DateTime) As BOOL Return Equals(value) End Function Function Operator <> (ByRef value As DateTime) As BOOL Return Not Equals(value) End Function Function Operator > (ByRef value As DateTime) As BOOL If DateTime.Compare(This, value) > 0 Then Return _System_TRUE Else Return _System_FALSE End If End Function Function Operator < (ByRef value As DateTime) As BOOL If DateTime.Compare(This, value) < 0 Then Return _System_TRUE Else Return _System_FALSE End If End Function Function Operator >= (ByRef value As DateTime) As BOOL If DateTime.Compare(This, value) => 0 Then Return _System_TRUE Else Return _System_FALSE End If End Function Function Operator <= (ByRef value As DateTime) As BOOL If DateTime.Compare(This, value) <= 0 Then Return _System_TRUE Else Return _System_FALSE End If End Function 'Property Function Ticks() As Int64 Return (m_Date And &H3FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) End Function Function Millisecond() As Long Return (Ticks \ 10000 Mod 1000) As Long End Function Function Second() As Long Return (Ticks \ 10000000 Mod 60) As Long End Function Function Minute() As Long Return (Ticks \ 600000000 Mod 60) As Long End Function Function Hour() As Long Return (Ticks \ 36000000000 Mod 24) As Long End Function Function Day() As Long Dim day As Long day = DayOfYear Dim i As Long For i = 1 To Month - 1 day -= DaysInMonth(Year, i) Next Return day End Function Function Month() As Long Dim year As Long Dim day As Long year = Year day = DayOfYear Dim i As Long For i = 1 To 12 day -= DaysInMonth(year, i) If day <= 0 Then Return i Next Return 12 End Function Function Year() As Long Dim day As Long day = totalDays() Return Int((day + day \ 36523 - day \ 146097) / 365.25) End Function Function DayOfWeek() As DayOfWeek Return totalDays() Mod 7 - 1 End Function Function Kind() As DateTimeKind Return kindFromBinary(m_Date) End Function Function DayOfYear() As Long Dim day As Long day = totalDays() Return day - Int(Year * 365.25 - day \ 36523 + day \ 146097) End Function Function Date() As DateTime Dim date As DateTime(Year, Month, Day, Kind) Return date End Function Static Function Now() As DateTime Dim time As SYSTEMTIME GetLocalTime(time) Dim date As DateTime(time, Local) Return date End Function Static Function ToDay() As DateTime Dim time As SYSTEMTIME GetLocalTime(time) Dim date As DateTime(time.wYear, time.wMonth, time.wDay, Local) Return date End Function Static Function UtcNow() As DateTime Dim time As SYSTEMTIME GetSystemTime(time) Dim date As DateTime(time, Utc) Return date End Function 'method Static Function Compare(ByRef t1 As DateTime, ByRef t2 As DateTime) As Int64 Return t1.Ticks - t2.Ticks End Function Function Equals(ByRef value As DateTime) As BOOL If value.m_Date = m_Date Then Return _System_TRUE Else Return _System_FALSE End If End Function Static Function Equals(ByRef t1 As DateTime, ByRef t2 As DateTime) As BOOL If t1.m_Date = t2.m_Date Then Return _System_TRUE Else Return _System_FALSE End If End Function Sub AddTicks(value As Int64) Dim ticks As Int64 ticks = Ticks If (ticks > DateTime.MaxValue - value) Or (ticks < DateTime.MinValue - value) Then 'ArgumentOutOfRangeException debug End If Ticks = ticks + value End Sub Sub AddMilliseconds(value As Double) AddTicks((value * 10000) As Int64) End Sub Sub AddSeconds(value As Double) AddTicks((value * 10000000) As Int64) End Sub Sub AddMinutes(value As Double) AddTicks((value * 600000000) As Int64) End Sub Sub AddHours(value As Double) AddTicks((value * 36000000000) As Int64) End Sub Sub AddDays(value As Double) AddTicks((value * 864000000000) As Int64) End Sub Sub AddYears(value As Double) Dim year As Long Dim intValue As Long year = Year intValue = Int(value) AddTicks(intValue * 315360000000000 + 864000000000 * ((year Mod 4 + intValue) \ 4 - (year Mod 100 + intValue) \ 100 + (year Mod 400 + intValue) \ 400)) If value < 0 Then If (year Mod 4 + intValue <= 0 And year Mod 100 > 4) Or (year Mod 400 <= 4) Then AddTicks(-864000000000) End If End If If IsLeapYear(year) = TRUE Then AddTicks(((value - intValue) * 316224000000000) As Int64) Else AddTicks(((value - intValue) * 315360000000000) As Int64) End If End Sub Function DaysInMonth(year As Long, month As Long) As Long If year < 1 Or year > 9999 Or month < 1 Or month > 12 Then 'ArgumentOutOfRangeException debug End If Select Case month Case 1 Return 31 Case 2 If IsLeapYear(year) = TRUE Then Return 29 Else Return 28 End If Case 3 Return 31 Case 4 Return 30 Case 5 Return 31 Case 6 Return 30 Case 7 Return 31 Case 8 Return 31 Case 9 Return 30 Case 10 Return 31 Case 11 Return 30 Case 12 Return 31 End Select End Function Function IsLeapYear(year As Long) As BOOL If (year Mod 4) = 0 Then If (year Mod 100) = 0 Then If (year Mod 400) = 0 Then Return _System_TRUE End If Return _System_FALSE Else Return _System_TRUE End If End If Return _System_FALSE End Function Function GetDateTimeFormats() As String Return GetDateTimeFormats(NULL) End Function Function GetDateTimeFormats(format As *Byte) As String Dim time As SYSTEMTIME With time .wYear = Year As Word .wMonth = Month As Word .wDay = Day As Word .wHour = Hour As Word .wMinute = Minute As Word .wSecond = Second As Word .wMilliseconds = Millisecond As Word .wDayOfWeek = DayOfWeek() As Word End With Dim size As Long size = GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, time, format, NULL, 0) GetDateTimeFormats.ReSize(size - 1) GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, time, format, GetDateTimeFormats, size) Dim temp As String If format = NULL Then size = GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, time, format, NULL, 0) temp.ReSize(size - 1) GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, time, format, temp, size) GetDateTimeFormats = GetDateTimeFormats + " " + temp Else size = GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, time, GetDateTimeFormats, NULL, 0) temp.ReSize(size - 1) GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, time, GetDateTimeFormats, temp, size) GetDateTimeFormats = temp End If End Function Static Function FromBinary(dateData As Int64) As DateTime Dim date As DateTime((dateData And &H3FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF), kindFromBinary(dateData)) Return date End Function Function ToBinary() As Int64 Return m_Date End Function Static Function FromFileTime(fileTime As FILETIME) As DateTime Dim localTime As FILETIME FileTimeToLocalFileTime(fileTime, localTime) Dim time As SYSTEMTIME FileTimeToSystemTime(localTime, time) Dim date As DateTime(time, Local) Return date End Function Function ToFileTime() As FILETIME Dim time As SYSTEMTIME With time .wYear = Year As Word .wMonth = Month As Word .wDay = Day As Word .wHour = Hour As Word .wMinute = Minute As Word .wSecond = Second As Word .wMilliseconds = Millisecond As Word End With Dim fileTime As FILETIME SystemTimeToFileTime(time, fileTime) Return fileTime End Function Static Function FromFileTimeUtc(fileTime As FILETIME) As DateTime Dim time As SYSTEMTIME FileTimeToSystemTime(fileTime, time) Dim date As DateTime(time, Utc) Return date End Function Function ToFileTimeUtc() As FILETIME Dim fileTime As FILETIME fileTime = ToFileTime() If Kind = 1 Then Dim utcTime As FILETIME LocalFileTimeToFileTime(fileTime, ToFileTimeUtc)'Return Else Return fileTime End If End Function Function ToLocalTime() As DateTime If Kind = Utc Then ToLocalTime = DateTime.FromFileTime(ToFileTimeUtc()) ToLocalTime.Kind = Local Else ToLocalTime = This End If End Function Function ToUniversalTime() As DateTime If Kind = Local Then ToUniversalTime = DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(ToFileTimeUtc()) ToUniversalTime.Kind = Utc Else ToUniversalTime = This End If End Function Private Sub Ticks(value As Int64) Dim kind As DateTimeKind kind = Kind m_Date = value Kind = kind End Sub Sub Kind(kind As DateTimeKind) Dim temp As Int64 temp = kind temp = (temp << 62) And &HC000000000000000 m_Date = (m_Date And &H3FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) Or temp End Sub Function totalDays() As Long Return (Ticks \ 864000000000) As Long End Function Function kindFromBinary(dateData As Int64) As Long dateData = (dateData >> 62) And &H03 If dateData = &H01 Then Return Local ElseIf dateData = &H02 Then Return Unspecified ElseIf dateData = &H03 Then Return Utc End If End Function End Class Const Enum DateTimeKind Local Unspecified Utc End Enum Const Enum DayOfWeek Sunday = 0 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday End Enum #endif '__SYSTEM_DATETIME_AB__