'prompt.sbp #ifndef _INC_PROMPT #define _INC_PROMPT Namespace ActiveBasic Namespace Prompt Namespace Detail Function _PromptSys_GetTextExtentPoint32(hdc As HDC, psz As PCSTR, cb As Long, ByRef Size As SIZE) As Long _PromptSys_GetTextExtentPoint32 = GetTextExtentPoint32A(hdc, psz, cb, Size) End Function Function _PromptSys_GetTextExtentPoint32(hdc As HDC, psz As PCWSTR, cb As Long, ByRef Size As SIZE) As Long _PromptSys_GetTextExtentPoint32 = GetTextExtentPoint32W(hdc, psz, cb, Size) End Function Function _PromptSys_TextOut(hdc As HDC, x As Long, y As Long, psz As PCSTR, cb As Long) As Long _PromptSys_TextOut = TextOutA(hdc, x, y, psz, cb) If _PromptSys_TextOut = 0 Then Debug End Function Function _PromptSys_TextOut(hdc As HDC, x As Long, y As Long, psz As PCWSTR, cb As Long) As Long _PromptSys_TextOut = TextOutW(hdc, x, y, psz, cb) End Function Function _PromptSys_ImmGetCompositionString(himc As HIMC, index As DWord, pBuf As PSTR, bufLen As DWord) As Long _PromptSys_ImmGetCompositionString = ImmGetCompositionStringA(himc, index, pBuf, bufLen) End Function Function _PromptSys_ImmGetCompositionString(himc As HIMC, index As DWord, pBuf As PWSTR, bufLen As DWord) As Long _PromptSys_ImmGetCompositionString = ImmGetCompositionStringW(himc, index, pBuf, bufLen) End Function Dim _PromptSys_hWnd As HWND Dim _PromptSys_dwThreadID As DWord Dim _PromptSys_hInitFinish As HANDLE 'text Type _PromptSys_CharacterInformation ForeColor As COLORREF BackColor As COLORREF StartPos As Long End Type Type _PromptSys_LineInformation Length As Long Text As *Char CharInfo As *_PromptSys_CharacterInformation End Type Dim _PromptSys_hFont As HFONT Dim _PromptSys_FontSize As SIZE Dim _PromptSys_InputStr[255] As Char Dim _PromptSys_InputLen = -1 As Long Dim _PromptSys_KeyChar As Byte Dim _PromptSys_CurPos As POINTAPI Dim _PromptSys_TextLine[100] As _PromptSys_LineInformation Dim _PromptSys_NowTextColor As COLORREF Dim _PromptSys_NowBackColor As COLORREF Dim _PromptSys_SectionOfBufferAccess As CRITICAL_SECTION 'graphic Dim _PromptSys_hBitmap As HBITMAP Dim _PromptSys_hMemDC As HDC Dim _PromptSys_ScreenSize As SIZE Dim _PromptSys_GlobalPos As POINTAPI Sub _PromptSys_Initialize() _PromptSys_hInitFinish = CreateEvent(0, FALSE, FALSE, 0) Dim _PromptSys_hThread = CreateThread(0, 0, AddressOf(PromptMain), 0, 0, _PromptSys_dwThreadID) If _PromptSys_hThread = 0 Then Debug ExitProcess(1) End If WaitForSingleObject(_PromptSys_hInitFinish, INFINITE) End Sub Sub DrawPromptBuffer(hDC As HDC, StartLine As Long, EndLine As Long) Dim i As Long, i2 As Long, i3 As Long Dim ret As Long Dim hOldFont = SelectObject(hDC, _PromptSys_hFont) As HFONT 'Scroll Dim rc As RECT GetClientRect(_PromptSys_hWnd, rc) While (_PromptSys_CurPos.y+1) * _PromptSys_FontSize.cy > rc.bottom and _PromptSys_CurPos.y > 0 _System_free(_PromptSys_TextLine[0].Text) _System_free(_PromptSys_TextLine[0].CharInfo) For i = 0 To 100 - 1 _PromptSys_TextLine[i].Length = _PromptSys_TextLine[i+1].Length _PromptSys_TextLine[i].Text = _PromptSys_TextLine[i+1].Text _PromptSys_TextLine[i].CharInfo = _PromptSys_TextLine[i+1].CharInfo Next _PromptSys_TextLine[100].Length = 0 _PromptSys_TextLine[100].Text = _System_calloc(SizeOf (Char) * 255) _PromptSys_TextLine[100].CharInfo = _System_calloc(SizeOf (_PromptSys_CharacterInformation) * 255) _PromptSys_CurPos.y-- 'Redraw StartLine = -1 Wend i = 0' : Debug While i * _PromptSys_FontSize.cy < rc.bottom and i <= 100 If StartLine=-1 or (StartLine<=i and i<=EndLine) Then Dim currentLineCharInfo = _PromptSys_TextLine[i].CharInfo Dim sz As SIZE i3 = _PromptSys_TextLine[i].Length _PromptSys_GetTextExtentPoint32(hDC, _PromptSys_TextLine[i].Text, i3, sz) ' BitBlt(hDC,_ ' sz.cx, i * _PromptSys_FontSize.cy, _ ' rc.right, _PromptSys_FontSize.cy, _ ' _PromptSys_hMemDC, sz.cx, i * _PromptSys_FontSize.cy, SRCCOPY) While i2 < i3 SetTextColor(hDC, currentLineCharInfo[i2].ForeColor) If currentLineCharInfo[i2].BackColor = -1 Then SetBkMode(hDC, TRANSPARENT) Else ' Debug ret = SetBkMode(hDC, OPAQUE) ret = SetBkColor(hDC, currentLineCharInfo[i2].BackColor) End If Dim tempLen As Long If _System_IsDoubleUnitChar(_PromptSys_TextLine[i].Text[i2], _PromptSys_TextLine[i].Text[i2+1]) Then tempLen = 2 Else tempLen = 1 End If With _PromptSys_FontSize _PromptSys_TextOut(hDC, currentLineCharInfo[i2].StartPos, i * .cy, VarPtr(_PromptSys_TextLine[i].Text[i2]) As *Char, tempLen) End With i2 += tempLen Wend End If i++ Wend SelectObject(hDC, hOldFont) End Sub Sub PRINT_ToPrompt(buf As String) OutputDebugString(ToTCStr(Ex"PRINT_ToPrompt " + buf + Ex"\r\n")) EnterCriticalSection(_PromptSys_SectionOfBufferAccess) If buf = "あ" Then Debug With _PromptSys_CurPos Dim hdc = GetDC(_PromptSys_hWnd) Dim hOldFont = SelectObject(hdc, _PromptSys_hFont) Dim StartLine = .y As Long Dim bufLen = buf.Length Dim doubleUnitChar = False As Boolean 'Addition Dim i2 = 0 As Long, i3 As Long For i2 = 0 To ELM(bufLen) If buf[i2] = &h0d Then 'CR \r _PromptSys_TextLine[.y].Length = .x .x = 0 ElseIf buf[i2] = &h0a Then 'LF \n _PromptSys_TextLine[.y].Length = System.Math.Max(_PromptSys_TextLine[.y].Length, .x) .y++ Else Dim currentLineCharInfo = _PromptSys_TextLine[.y].CharInfo _PromptSys_TextLine[.y].Text[.x] = buf[i2] currentLineCharInfo[.x].ForeColor = _PromptSys_NowTextColor currentLineCharInfo[.x].BackColor = _PromptSys_NowBackColor If buf[i2] = &h09 Then 'tab Dim tabStop = _PromptSys_FontSize.cx * 8 currentLineCharInfo[.x + 1].StartPos = currentLineCharInfo[.x].StartPos + _ tabStop - currentLineCharInfo[.x].StartPos Mod tabStop Else If doubleUnitChar <> False Then doubleUnitChar = False currentLineCharInfo[.x + 1].StartPos = currentLineCharInfo[.x].StartPos Else Dim sz As SIZE Dim charLen As Long If _System_IsDoubleUnitChar(buf[i2], buf[i2 + 1]) Then charLen = 2 doubleUnitChar = True Else charLen = 1 EndIf Dim p = buf.StrPtr _PromptSys_GetTextExtentPoint32(hdc, VarPtr(p[i2]) As *Char, charLen, sz) currentLineCharInfo[.x + 1].StartPos = currentLineCharInfo[.x].StartPos + sz.cx End If End If .x++ End If Next _PromptSys_TextLine[.y].Length = System.Math.Max(_PromptSys_TextLine[.y].Length, .x) 'Draw the text buffer added 'DrawPromptBuffer(hdc, StartLine, .y) InvalidateRect(_PromptSys_hWnd, ByVal 0, TRUE) UpdateWindow(_PromptSys_hWnd) SelectObject(hdc, hOldFont) ReleaseDC(_PromptSys_hWnd, hdc) End With LeaveCriticalSection(_PromptSys_SectionOfBufferAccess) End Sub Function PromptProc(hWnd As HWND, message As DWord, wParam As WPARAM, lParam As LPARAM) As LRESULT Select Case message Case WM_CREATE Return _PromptWnd_OnCreate(hWnd, ByVal lParam As *CREATESTRUCT) Case WM_PAINT _PromptWnd_OnPaint(hWnd) Case WM_SETFOCUS _PromptWnd_OnSetFocus(hWnd, wParam As HWND) Case WM_KILLFOCUS _PromptWnd_OnKillForcus(hWnd, wParam As HWND) Case WM_KEYDOWN _PromptWnd_OnKeyDown(wParam As DWord, LOWORD(lParam) As DWord, HIWORD(lParam) As DWord) Case WM_CHAR _PromptWnd_OnChar(hWnd, wParam, lParam) Case WM_IME_COMPOSITION Return _PromptWnd_OnImeCompostion(hWnd, wParam, lParam) Case WM_DESTROY _PromptWnd_OnDestroy(hWnd) Case Else PromptProc = DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam) Exit Function End Select PromptProc = 0 End Function Function _PromptWnd_OnCreate(hwnd As HWND, ByRef cs As CREATESTRUCT) As LRESULT Dim hdc = GetDC(hwnd) With _PromptSys_ScreenSize _PromptSys_hBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, .cx, .cy) End With _PromptSys_hMemDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc) SelectObject(_PromptSys_hMemDC, _PromptSys_hBitmap) 'Initialize for Win9x ClearGraphicsScreen() Dim tm As TEXTMETRIC Dim hOldFont = SelectObject(_PromptSys_hMemDC, _PromptSys_hFont) As HFONT GetTextMetrics(_PromptSys_hMemDC, tm) SelectObject(_PromptSys_hMemDC, hOldFont) With _PromptSys_FontSize .cx = tm.tmAveCharWidth .cy = tm.tmHeight End With '_PromptSys_hFont initialize Dim lf As LOGFONT With lf .lfHeight = -MulDiv(12, GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSY), 72) .lfWidth = 0 .lfEscapement = 0 .lfOrientation = 0 .lfWeight = 0 .lfItalic = 0 .lfUnderline = 0 .lfStrikeOut = 0 .lfCharSet = SHIFTJIS_CHARSET .lfOutPrecision = OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS .lfClipPrecision = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS .lfQuality = DEFAULT_QUALITY .lfPitchAndFamily = FIXED_PITCH lstrcpy(.lfFaceName, ToTCStr("MS 明朝")) End With _PromptSys_hFont = CreateFontIndirect(lf) ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc) _PromptWnd_OnCreate = 0 End Function Sub _PromptWnd_OnPaint(hwnd As HWND) Dim ps As PAINTSTRUCT Dim hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, ps) With _PromptSys_ScreenSize BitBlt(hdc, 0, 0, .cx, .cy, _PromptSys_hMemDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY) ' With ps.rcPaint ' BitBlt(hdc, .left, .top, .right - .left, .bottom - .top, _PromptSys_hMemDC, .left, .top, SRCCOPY) End With DrawPromptBuffer(hdc, -1, 0) EndPaint(hwnd, ps) End Sub Sub _PromptWnd_OnSetFocus(hwnd As HWND, hwndOldFocus As HWND) If _PromptSys_InputLen <> -1 Then Dim himc = ImmGetContext(hwnd) If himc Then Dim CompForm As COMPOSITIONFORM With CompForm .dwStyle = CFS_POINT .ptCurrentPos.x = _PromptSys_CurPos.x * _PromptSys_FontSize.cx .ptCurrentPos.y = _PromptSys_CurPos.y * _PromptSys_FontSize.cy End With ImmSetCompositionWindow(himc, CompForm) Dim lf As LOGFONT GetObject(_PromptSys_hFont, Len(lf), lf) ImmSetCompositionFont(himc, lf) End If ImmReleaseContext(hwnd, himc) CreateCaret(hwnd, 0, 9, 6) With _PromptSys_CurPos SetCaretPos(_PromptSys_TextLine[.y].CharInfo[.x].StartPos, (.y + 1) * _PromptSys_FontSize.cy - 7) End With ShowCaret(hwnd) End If End Sub Sub _PromptWnd_OnKillForcus(hwnd As HWND, hwndNewFocus As HWND) HideCaret(hwnd) DestroyCaret() End Sub Sub _PromptWnd_OnKeyDown(vk As DWord, repeat As DWord, flags As DWord) If _PromptSys_InputLen = -1 Then _PromptSys_KeyChar = vk As Byte End If End Sub Sub _PromptWnd_OnDestroy(hwnd As HWND) DeleteDC(_PromptSys_hMemDC) DeleteObject(_PromptSys_hBitmap) PostQuitMessage(0) End Sub Sub _PromptWnd_OnChar(hwnd As HWND, wParam As WPARAM, lParam As LPARAM) Dim TempStr As String If _PromptSys_InputLen <> -1 Then If wParam = VK_BACK Then If _PromptSys_InputLen Then _PromptSys_InputLen-- _PromptSys_InputStr[_PromptSys_InputLen] = 0 _PromptSys_CurPos.x-- With _PromptSys_CurPos _PromptSys_TextLine[.y].Text[.x] = 0 End With End If ElseIf wParam = VK_RETURN Then _PromptSys_InputStr[_PromptSys_InputLen] = 0 _PromptSys_InputLen = -1 TempStr = Ex"\r\n" ElseIf wParam = &H16 Then /* 'Paste Command(Use Clippboard) OpenClipboard(hwnd) Dim hGlobal = GetClipboardData(CF_TEXT) As HGLOBAL If hGlobal = 0 Then Exit Sub Dim pTemp = GlobalLock(hGlobal) As PCSTR #ifdef UNICODE 'A版ウィンドウプロシージャ用 Dim tempSizeA = lstrlenA(pTemp) Dim tempSizeW = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pTemp, tempSizeA, 0, 0) + 1 TempStr = ZeroString(tempSizeW) MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pTemp, tempSizeA, StrPtr(TempStr), tempSizeW) #else TempStr = ZeroString(lstrlen(pTemp) + 1) lstrcpy(StrPtr(TempStr), pTemp) #endif memcpy(VarPtr(_PromptSys_InputStr[_PromptSys_InputLen]), TempStr.Chars, SizeOf (Char) * TempStr.Length) _PromptSys_InputLen += TempStr.Length GlobalUnlock(hGlobal) CloseClipboard() */ Else Dim t = wParam As TCHAR TempStr = New String(VarPtr(t), 1) _PromptSys_InputStr[_PromptSys_InputLen] = TempStr[0] _PromptSys_InputLen++ End If SendMessage(hwnd, WM_KILLFOCUS, 0, 0) ActiveBasic.Prompt.Detail.PRINT_ToPrompt(TempStr) SendMessage(hwnd, WM_SETFOCUS, 0, 0) End If End Sub Function _PromptWnd_GetCompositionStringW(himc As HIMC, ByRef rpsz As PWSTR) As Long Dim size = ImmGetCompositionStringW(himc, GCS_RESULTSTR, 0, 0) 'sizeはバイト単位 rpsz = GC_malloc(size) As PWSTR If rpsz = 0 Then 'Debug Return 0 End If Return ImmGetCompositionStringW(himc, GCS_RESULTSTR, rpsz, size) End Function Function _PromptWnd_GetCompositionStringA(himc As HIMC, ByRef rpsz As PSTR) As Long Dim size = ImmGetCompositionStringA(himc, GCS_RESULTSTR, 0, 0) 'sizeはバイト単位 rpsz = GC_malloc(size) As PSTR If rpsz = 0 Then 'Debug Return 0 End If Return ImmGetCompositionStringA(himc, GCS_RESULTSTR, rpsz, size) End Function Function _PromptWnd_OnImeCompostion(hwnd As HWND, wp As WPARAM, lp As LPARAM) As LRESULT If (lp And GCS_RESULTSTR) <> 0 Then Dim himc = ImmGetContext(hwnd) If himc = 0 Then 'Debug Return 0 End If Dim tempStr = Nothing As String Dim str As *Char #ifdef UNICODE Dim osver = System.Environment.OSVersion With osver ' GetCompositionStringW is not implimented in Windows 95 If .Version.Major = 4 And .Version.Minor = 0 And .Platform = System.PlatformID.Win32Windows Then Dim strA As PCSTR Dim sizeA = _PromptWnd_GetCompositionStringA(himc, strA) tempStr = New String(strA, sizeA As Long) Else Dim size = _PromptWnd_GetCompositionStringW(himc, str) tempStr = New String(str, (size \ SizeOf (WCHAR)) As Long) End If End With #else Dim size = _PromptWnd_GetCompositionStringA(himc, str) tempStr = New String(str, size As Long) #endif ImmReleaseContext(hwnd, himc) ActiveBasic.Strings.ChrCopy(VarPtr(_PromptSys_InputStr[_PromptSys_InputLen]), tempStr.StrPtr, tempStr.Length As SIZE_T) _PromptSys_InputLen += tempStr.Length SendMessage(hwnd, WM_KILLFOCUS, 0, 0) ActiveBasic.Prompt.Detail.PRINT_ToPrompt(tempStr) SendMessage(hwnd, WM_SETFOCUS, 0, 0) _PromptWnd_OnImeCompostion = 0 Else _PromptWnd_OnImeCompostion = DefWindowProc(hwnd, WM_IME_COMPOSITION, wp, lp) End If End Function Function PromptMain(data As VoidPtr) As DWord Dim i As Long 'Allocate For i = 0 To 100 With _PromptSys_TextLine[i] .Length = 0 .Text = _System_calloc(SizeOf (Char) * 255) .CharInfo = _System_calloc(SizeOf (_PromptSys_CharacterInformation) * 255) End With Next 'Current Colors initialize _PromptSys_NowTextColor = RGB(255, 255, 255) _PromptSys_NowBackColor = RGB(0, 0, 0) 'Setup With _PromptSys_ScreenSize .cx = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) .cy = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN) End With 'Critical Section InitializeCriticalSection(_PromptSys_SectionOfBufferAccess) 'Regist Prompt Class Dim wcl As WNDCLASSEX ZeroMemory(VarPtr(wcl), Len(wcl)) With wcl .cbSize = Len(wcl) .hInstance = GetModuleHandle(0) .style = CS_HREDRAW Or CS_VREDRAW' or CS_DBLCLKS .hIcon = LoadImage(0, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_APPLICATION), IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, LR_DEFAULTSIZE Or LR_SHARED) As HICON .hIconSm = LoadImage(0, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_WINLOGO), IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, LR_DEFAULTSIZE Or LR_SHARED) As HICON .hCursor = LoadImage(0, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_ARROW), IMAGE_CURSOR, 0, 0, LR_DEFAULTSIZE Or LR_SHARED) As HCURSOR .lpszClassName = ToTCStr("PROMPT") .lpfnWndProc = AddressOf(PromptProc) .hbrBackground = GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH) End With Dim atom = RegisterClassEx(wcl) 'Create Prompt Window _PromptSys_hWnd = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, atom As ULONG_PTR As LPCTSTR, ToTCStr("BASIC PROMPT"), _ WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, _ 0, 0, wcl.hInstance, 0) ShowWindow(_PromptSys_hWnd, SW_SHOW) UpdateWindow(_PromptSys_hWnd) SetEvent(_PromptSys_hInitFinish) Dim msg As MSG Do Dim iResult = GetMessage(msg, 0, 0, 0) If iResult = 0 Then System.Environment.ExitCode = msg.wParam As Long Exit Do ElseIf iResult = -1 Then Exit Do End If TranslateMessage(msg) DispatchMessage(msg) Loop '強制的に終了する End EnterCriticalSection(_PromptSys_SectionOfBufferAccess) For i = 0 to 100 _System_free(_PromptSys_TextLine[i].Text) _System_free(_PromptSys_TextLine[i].CharInfo) Next LeaveCriticalSection(_PromptSys_SectionOfBufferAccess) DeleteCriticalSection(_PromptSys_SectionOfBufferAccess) End End Function Sub ClearGraphicsScreen() Dim rc As RECT With rc .left = 0 .top = 0 .right = _PromptSys_ScreenSize.cx .bottom = _PromptSys_ScreenSize.cy End With SetBkColor(_PromptSys_hMemDC, 0) ExtTextOut(_PromptSys_hMemDC, 0, 0, ETO_OPAQUE, rc, "", 0, 0) '矩形塗り潰しはExtTextOutが速いらしい End Sub 'Prompt text command functoins Sub Cls(n As Long) Dim i As Long 'When parameter was omitted, num is set to 1 If n = 0 Then n = 1 If n = 1 Or n = 3 Then 'Clear the text screen For i = 0 To 100 With _PromptSys_TextLine[i] .Text[0] = 0 '_System_FillChar(_PromptSys_TextLine[i].Text, -1 As Char, 0) .Length = 0 End With Next With _PromptSys_CurPos .x = 0 .y = 0 End With End If If n = 2 Or n = 3 Then 'Clear the graphics screen ClearGraphicsScreen() End If 'Redraw InvalidateRect(_PromptSys_hWnd, ByVal 0, 0) End Sub Sub Color(textColorCode As Long, backColorCode As Long) _PromptSys_NowTextColor = GetBasicColor(textColorCode) If backColorCode = -1 Then _PromptSys_NowBackColor = -1 Else _PromptSys_NowBackColor = GetBasicColor(backColorCode) End If End Sub Sub INPUT_FromPrompt(showStr As String) *InputReStart ActiveBasic.Prompt.Detail.PRINT_ToPrompt(showStr) 'Input by keyboard _PromptSys_InputLen = 0 SendMessage(_PromptSys_hWnd, WM_SETFOCUS, 0, 0) While _PromptSys_InputLen <> -1 Sleep(10) Wend SendMessage(_PromptSys_hWnd, WM_KILLFOCUS, 0, 0) 'Set value to variable Const comma = &h2c As Char 'Asc(",") Dim broken = ActiveBasic.Strings.Detail.Split(New String(_PromptSys_InputStr), comma) Dim i As Long For i = 0 To ELM(broken.Count) If _System_InputDataPtr[i] = 0 Then ActiveBasic.Prompt.Detail.PRINT_ToPrompt(Ex"入力データの個数が多すぎます\r\n") Goto *InputReStart End If _System_Input_SetArgument(_System_InputDataPtr[i], _System_InputDataType[i], broken.Item[i]) Next If _System_InputDataPtr[i]<>0 Then ActiveBasic.Prompt.Detail.PRINT_ToPrompt(Ex"入力データの個数が足りません\r\n") Goto *InputReStart End If End Sub Sub Locate(x As Long, y As Long) If x < 0 Then x = 0 If y < 0 Then y = 0 If y > 100 Then y = 100 With _PromptSys_CurPos .x = x .y = y End With Dim i = _PromptSys_TextLine[y].Length If i < x Then ActiveBasic.Strings.ChrFill(VarPtr(_PromptSys_TextLine[y].Text[i]), x - i, &h20 As Char) 'Asc(" ") Dim i2 As Long For i2 = i To ELM(x) _PromptSys_TextLine[y].CharInfo[i2].BackColor = -1 Next _PromptSys_TextLine[y].Length = x End If End Sub 'Prompt graphic command functions Sub Circle(x As Long , y As Long, radius As Double, ColorCode As Long, StartPos As Double, EndPos As Double, Aspect As Double, bFill As Long, BrushColor As Long) Dim i1 As Long, i2 As Long, i3 As Long, i4 As Long Dim hPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID,1,GetBasicColor(ColorCode)) Dim hBrush As HBRUSH If bFill Then hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(GetBasicColor(BrushColor)) Else hBrush = GetStockObject(NULL_BRUSH) End If Dim hDC = GetDC(_PromptSys_hWnd) Dim hOldPenDC = SelectObject(hDC, hPen) Dim hOldBrushDC = SelectObject(hDC, hBrush) Dim hOldPen = SelectObject(_PromptSys_hMemDC, hPen) Dim hOldBrush = SelectObject(_PromptSys_hMemDC, hBrush) Dim radi2 As Long Dim iRadius As Long If Aspect<1 Then radi2 = (radius * Aspect) As Long iRadius = radius As Long Else radi2 = radius As Long iRadius = (radius / Aspect) As Long End If If StartPos=0 And EndPos=0 Then Ellipse(hDC,x-iRadius,y-radi2,x+iRadius,y+radi2) Ellipse(_PromptSys_hMemDC,x-iRadius,y-radi2,x+iRadius,y+radi2) Else Dim sw As Boolean StartPos *= 100 EndPos *= 100 If StartPos<0 Or EndPos<0 Then sw = True StartPos = Math.Abs(StartPos) EndPos = Math.Abs(EndPos) Else sw = False End If If StartPos<=78.5 Then i1=78 i2=Int(StartPos) ElseIf StartPos<=235.5 Then StartPos -= 78.5 i1=78-Int(StartPos) i2=78 ElseIf StartPos<=392.5 Then StartPos -= 235.5 i1=-78 i2=78-Int(StartPos) ElseIf StartPos<=549.5 Then StartPos -= 392.5 i1=-78+Int(StartPos) i2=-78 ElseIf StartPos<=628 Then StartPos -= 549.5 i1=78 i2=-78+Int(StartPos) End If If EndPos<=78.5 Then i3=78 i4=Int(EndPos) ElseIf EndPos<=235.5 Then EndPos -= 78.5 i3=78-Int(EndPos) i4=78 ElseIf EndPos<=392.5 Then EndPos -= 235.5 i3=-78 i4=78-Int(EndPos) ElseIf EndPos<=549.5 Then EndPos -= 392.5 i3=-78+Int(EndPos) i4=-78 ElseIf EndPos<=628 Then EndPos -= 549.5 i3=78 i4=-78+Int(EndPos) End If If sw Then Pie(hDC,x-iRadius,y-radi2,x+iRadius,y+radi2, x+i1,y-i2,x+i3,y-i4) Pie(_PromptSys_hMemDC,x-iRadius,y-radi2,x+iRadius,y+radi2, x+i1,y-i2,x+i3,y-i4) Else Arc(hDC,x-iRadius,y-radi2,x+iRadius,y+radi2, x+i1,y-i2,x+i3,y-i4) Arc(_PromptSys_hMemDC,x-iRadius,y-radi2,x+iRadius,y+radi2, x+i1,y-i2,x+i3,y-i4) End If End If SelectObject(hDC, hOldPenDC) SelectObject(hDC, hOldBrushDC) ReleaseDC(_PromptSys_hWnd, hDC) SelectObject(_PromptSys_hMemDC, hOldPen) SelectObject(_PromptSys_hMemDC, hOldBrush) DeleteObject(hPen) If bFill Then DeleteObject(hBrush) End Sub Sub Line(sx As Long, sy As Long, bStep As Long, ex As Long, ey As Long, ColorCode As Long, fType As Long, BrushColor As Long) Dim temp As Long If sx = &H80000000 And sy = &H80000000 Then With _PromptSys_GlobalPos sx = .x sy = .y End With End If If bStep Then ex += sx ey += sy Else If fType Then 'ラインの場合(四角形でない場合) If sx>ex Then temp=ex ex=sx sx=temp End If If sy>ey Then temp=ey ey=sy sy=temp End If End If End If Dim hdc = GetDC(_PromptSys_hWnd) Dim hPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, GetBasicColor(ColorCode)) Dim hBrush As HBRUSH If fType=2 Then hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(GetBasicColor(BrushColor)) Else hBrush = GetStockObject(NULL_BRUSH) End If SelectObject(hdc, hPen) SelectObject(hdc, hBrush) Dim hOldPen = SelectObject(_PromptSys_hMemDC, hPen) Dim hOldBrush = SelectObject(_PromptSys_hMemDC, hBrush) Select Case fType Case 0 'line MoveToEx(_PromptSys_hMemDC,sx,sy,ByVal NULL) LineTo(_PromptSys_hMemDC,ex,ey) SetPixel(_PromptSys_hMemDC,ex,ey,GetBasicColor(ColorCode)) MoveToEx(hdc,sx,sy,ByVal NULL) LineTo(hdc,ex,ey) SetPixel(hdc,ex,ey,GetBasicColor(ColorCode)) Case Else 'Rectangle Rectangle(hdc,sx,sy,ex+1,ey+1) Rectangle(_PromptSys_hMemDC,sx,sy,ex+1,ey+1) End Select ReleaseDC(_PromptSys_hWnd,hdc) SelectObject(_PromptSys_hMemDC,hOldPen) SelectObject(_PromptSys_hMemDC,hOldBrush) DeleteObject(hPen) If fType = 2 Then DeleteObject(hBrush) With _PromptSys_GlobalPos .x = ex .y = ey End With End Sub Sub PSet(x As Long, y As Long, ColorCode As Long) Dim hdc = GetDC(_PromptSys_hWnd) SetPixel(hdc, x, y, GetBasicColor(ColorCode)) SetPixel(_PromptSys_hMemDC, x, y, GetBasicColor(ColorCode)) ReleaseDC(_PromptSys_hWnd, hdc) With _PromptSys_GlobalPos .x = x .y = y End With End Sub Sub Paint(x As Long, y As Long, BrushColor As Long, LineColor As Long) Dim hbr = CreateSolidBrush(GetBasicColor(BrushColor)) Dim hdc = GetDC(_PromptSys_hWnd) Dim hbrOld = SelectObject(_PromptSys_hMemDC, hbr) Dim hbrOldWndDC = SelectObject(hdc, hbr) ExtFloodFill(hdc, x, y, GetBasicColor(LineColor), FLOODFILLBORDER) ExtFloodFill(_PromptSys_hMemDC, x, y, GetBasicColor(LineColor), FLOODFILLBORDER) ReleaseDC(_PromptSys_hWnd, hdc) SelectObject(_PromptSys_hMemDC, hbrOld) SelectObject(hdc, hbrOldWndDC) DeleteObject(hbr) End Sub Function Inkey$() As String If _PromptSys_KeyChar=0 Then Inkey$="" Else Inkey$=Chr$(_PromptSys_KeyChar) End If _PromptSys_KeyChar=0 End Function Function Input$(length As Long) As String Dim i = 0 As Long If length<=0 Then Input$="" Exit Function End If While 1 If _PromptSys_KeyChar Then Input$=Input$+Chr$(_PromptSys_KeyChar) _PromptSys_KeyChar=0 i++ If i >= length Then Exit While End If End If Sleep(1) Wend End Function End Namespace 'Detail Function OwnerWnd() As HWND Return Detail._PromptSys_hWnd End Function End Namespace 'Prompt End Namespace 'ActiveBasic '---------------------- ' Prompt text Commands '---------------------- Sub PRINT_ToPrompt(s As String) ActiveBasic.Prompt.Detail.PRINT_ToPrompt(s) End Sub Macro CLS()(num As Long) ActiveBasic.Prompt.Detail.Cls(num) End Macro Macro COLOR(TextColorCode As Long)(BackColorCode As Long) ActiveBasic.Prompt.Detail.Color(TextColorCode, BackColorCode) End Macro '---------- Defined in "command.sbp" ---------- 'Dim _System_InputDataPtr[_System_MAX_PARMSNUM] As VoidPtr 'Dim _System_InputDataType[_System_MAX_PARMSNUM] As DWord '---------------------------------------------- Sub INPUT_FromPrompt(ShowStr As String) ActiveBasic.Prompt.Detail.INPUT_FromPrompt(ShowStr) End Sub /* TODO: _System_GetUsingFormatを用意して実装する Sub PRINTUSING_ToPrompt(UsingStr As String) ActiveBasic.Prompt.Detail.PRINT_ToPrompt(_System_GetUsingFormat(UsingStr)) End Sub */ Macro LOCATE(x As Double, y As Double) ActiveBasic.Prompt.Detail.Locate(x As Long, y As Long) End Macro '------------------- ' Graphics Commands '------------------- Macro CIRCLE(x As Double , y As Double, radius As Double)(ColorCode As Long, StartPos As Double, EndPos As Double, Aspect As Double, bFill As Long, BrushColor As Long) '呼び出し方法は以下のようになります(コンパイラがパラメータの並びを最適化します) 'Circle (x, y), radius [, color] [, start] [, end] [, aspect] [, f] [, color2] ActiveBasic.Prompt.Detail.Circle(x As Long, y As Long, radius, ColorCode, StartPos, EndPos, Aspect, bFill, BrushColor) End Macro Macro LINE(sx As Double, sy As Double, bStep As Long, ex As Double, ey As Double)(ColorCode As Long, fType As Long, BrushColor As Long) '呼び出し方法は以下のようになります(コンパイラがパラメータの並びを最適化します) 'Line (sx,sy)-[STEP](ex,ey),[ColorCode],[B/Bf],[BrushColor] ActiveBasic.Prompt.Detail.Line(sx As Long, sy As Long, bStep, ex As Long, ey As Long, ColorCode, fType, BrushColor) End Macro Macro PSET(x As Double, y As Double)(ColorCode As Long) '呼び出し方法は以下のようになります(コンパイラがパラメータの並びを最適化します) 'PSet (x,y),ColorCode ActiveBasic.Prompt.Detail.PSet(x As Long, y As Long, ColorCode) End Macro Macro PAINT(x As Double, y As Double, BrushColor As Long)(ByVal LineColor As Long) '呼び出し方法は以下のようになります(コンパイラがパラメータの並びを最適化します) 'Paint (x,y),BrushColor,LineColor ActiveBasic.Prompt.Detail.Paint(x As Long, y As Long, BrushColor, LineColor) End Macro '----------- ' Functions '----------- Function Inkey$() As String Return ActiveBasic.Prompt.Detail.Inkey$() End Function Function Input$(length As Long) As String Return ActiveBasic.Prompt.Detail.Input$(length) End Function ActiveBasic.Prompt.Detail._PromptSys_Initialize() #endif '_INC_PROMPT