'Classes/ActiveBasic/Windows/UI/ListBox.ab #require Namespace ActiveBasic Namespace Windows Namespace UI /*! @brief リストボックスコントロールのクラス @date 2008/07/21 @auther Egtra */ Class ListBox Inherits Control Public Sub ListBox() items = New Detail.ListBoxItemList(This) End Sub Function Items() As System.Collections.Generic.IList Items = items End Function Sub SetSelected(i As Long, select As Boolean) Dim now = SendMessage(LB_GETSEL, i As WPARAM, 0) lrCheck(now, i, "ListBox.SetSelected") If (now > 0) <> (select As Long <> 0) Then '現状とselectが異なればLB_SETCURSELで反転させる。 lrCheck(SendMessage(LB_SETCURSEL, i As WPARAM, 0), i, "ListBox.SetSelected") End If End Sub Protected Override Sub GetCreateStruct(ByRef cs As CREATESTRUCT) With cs .lpszClass = "LISTBOX" End With End Sub Private items As Detail.ListBoxItemList Sub lrCheck(lr As LRESULT, i As Long, s As String) Detail.LRCheck(lr, i, items.Count, s) End Sub Sub lrCheck(lr As LRESULT, s As String) Detail.LRCheck(lr, s) End Sub End Class Namespace Detail Class ListBoxItemList Implements System.Collections.Generic.IList Public Sub ListBoxItemList(l As ListBox) base = l End Sub Function GetEnumerator() As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator End Function Function Count() As Long Count = base.SendMessage(LB_GETCOUNT) As Long lrCheck(Count, "ListBox.Item.Count") End Function Function IsReadOnly() As Boolean Return False End Function Sub Add(s As String) lrCheck(base.SendMessage(LB_ADDSTRING, 0, ToTCStr(s) As LPARAM), "ListBox.Item.Add") End Sub Sub Clear() Do : Loop Until removeAtImpl(0) = LB_ERR End Sub Function Remove(s As String) As Boolean Dim i = IndexOf(s) If i = -1 Then Remove = False Else removeAtImpl(i) Remove = True End If End Function Sub Operator [](index As Long, item As String) Item[index] = item End Sub Function Operator [](index As Long) As String Return Item[index] End Function Virtual Sub Item(i As Long, s As String) lrCheck(removeAtImpl(i), i, "ListBox.Item[] (set)") lrCheck(base.SendMessage(LB_INSERTSTRING, 0, ToTCStr(s) As LPARAM), i, "ListBox.Item[] (set)") End Sub Virtual Function Item(i As Long) As String Dim len = base.SendMessage(LB_GETTEXTLEN, i As WPARAM, 0) lrCheck(len, i, "ListBox.Item[] (get)") Dim sb = New System.Text.StringBuilder(len) sb.Length = len len = base.SendMessage(LB_GETTEXT, i As WPARAM, StrPtr(sb) As LPARAM) lrCheck(len, i, "ListBox.Item[] (get)") sb.Length = len Item = sb.ToString End Function Virtual Function IndexOf(s As String) As Long '見つからなかったときに返るLB_ERRはちょうど-1。 IndexOf = base.SendMessage(LB_FINDSTRINGEXACT, -1 As WPARAM, ToTCStr(s) As LPARAM) As Long End Function Virtual Sub Insert(i As Long, s As String) Dim lr = base.SendMessage(LB_INSERTSTRING, 0, ToTCStr(s) As LPARAM) lrCheck(lr, i, "ListBox.Item.Insert") End Sub Virtual Sub RemoveAt(i As Long) Dim lr = removeAtImpl(i) lrCheck(lr, i, "ListBox.Item.RemoveAt") End Sub Private Function removeAtImpl(i As Long) As LRESULT removeAtImpl = base.SendMessage(LB_DELETESTRING, i As WPARAM, 0) End Function Sub lrCheck(lr As LRESULT, s As String) LRCheck(lr, s) End Sub Sub lrCheck(lr As LRESULT, i As Long, s As String) LRCheck(lr, i, Count, s) End Sub base As ListBox End Class /*! @brief List Boxからの戻り値がエラー値の場合に例外を投げる。 @param[in] lr SendMessageなどの戻り値 @param[in] s 例外を投げるときに添加するメッセージ @throw SystemException lrがエラー値のとき @date 2008/08/21 @auther Egtra */ Sub LRCheck(lr As LRESULT, s As String) If lr = LB_ERR Then Throw New System.SystemException(s & " (LB_ERR)") ElseIf lr = LB_ERRSPACE Then Throw New System.SystemException(s & " (LB_ERRSPACE)") End If End Sub /*! @brief List Boxからの戻り値がエラー値の場合に例外を投げる。 @param[in] lr SendMessageなどの戻り値 @param[in] i インデックス @param[in] max インデックスの許容される最大値 @param[in] s 例外を投げるときに添加するメッセージ @throw SystemException lrがエラー値のとき @throw OutOfRangeException lrがLB_ERRで、なおかつiが範囲外のとき @date 2008/08/21 @auther Egtra こちらは、iが範囲外かならOutOfRangeExceptionを投げるのが特徴 */ Sub LRCheck(lr As LRESULT, i As Long, max As Long, s As String) If lr = LB_ERR Then If i < 0 Or i >= max Then Throw New System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException(s) Else Throw New System.SystemException(s & " (LB_ERR)") End If ElseIf lr = LB_ERRSPACE Then Throw New System.SystemException(s & " (LB_ERRSPACE)") End If End Sub End Namespace End Namespace 'UI End Namespace 'Widnows End Namespace 'ActiveBasic