' System/Environment.ab #require Declare Function _System_SetEnvironmentVariable Lib "kernel32" Alias _FuncName_SetEnvironmentVariable (lpName As LPCTSTR, lpValue As LPTSTR) As BOOL Declare Function _System_GetEnvironmentVariable Lib "kernel32" Alias _FuncName_GetEnvironmentVariable (lpName As PCTSTR, lpBuffer As PTSTR, nSize As DWord) As DWord Namespace System Namespace Detail TypeDef PFNGetProcessMemoryInfo = *Function(Process As HANDLE, ByRef mc As PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS, cb As DWord) As BOOL Dim hasShutdownStarted As Boolean End Namespace Class Environment Public ' Properties Static Function CommandLine() As String #ifdef UNICODE CommandLine = New String(GetCommandLineW()) #else CommandLine = New String(GetCommandLineA()) #endif End Function Static Function CurrentDirectory() As String Dim size = GetCurrentDirectory(0, 0) Dim buf = New Text.StringBuilder buf.Length = size As Long Dim len = GetCurrentDirectory(size, StrPtr(buf)) If len < size Then CurrentDirectory = buf.ToString End If End Function Static Sub CurrentDirectory(cd As String) SetCurrentDirectory(ToTCStr(cd)) End Sub Static Function ExitCode() As Long Return exitCode End Function Static Sub ExitCode(code As Long) exitCode = code End Sub Static Function HasShutdownStarted() As Boolean Return Detail.hasShutdownStarted End Function Static Function MachineName() As String Dim len = (MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1) As DWord Dim buf = New Text.StringBuilder With buf .Length = MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH GetComputerName(StrPtr(buf), len) .Length = len MachineName = .ToString End With End Function Static Function NewLine() As String Return Ex"\r\n" End Function Static Function OSVersion() As OperatingSystem Dim vi As OSVERSIONINFO GetVersionEx(vi) OSVersion = New OperatingSystem(vi) End Function Static Function ProcessorCount() As Long Dim si As SYSTEM_INFO GetSystemInfo(si) ProcessorCount = si.dwNumberOfProcessors End Function ' StackTrace Static Function SystemDirectory() As String Dim size = GetSystemDirectory(0, 0) Dim buf = New Text.StringBuilder With buf .Length = size Dim len = GetSystemDirectory(StrPtr(buf), len) .Length = len MachineName = .ToString End With End Function Static Function TickCount() As Long Return GetTickCount() As Long End Function ' UserDomainName ' UserInteractive Static Function UserName() As String Dim len = (MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1) As DWord Dim buf = New Text.StringBuilder With buf .Length = MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH GetUserName(StrPtr(buf), len) .Length = len UserName = .ToString End With End Function ' Version Public 'NTでしか使用できない仕様 Static Function WorkingSet() As SIZE_T Dim hmodPSAPI = LoadLibrary("PSAPI.DLL") If hmodPSAPI = 0 Then Return 0 Dim pGetProcessMemoryInfo = GetProcAddress(hmodPSAPI, ToMBStr("GetProcessMemoryInfo")) As Detail.PFNGetProcessMemoryInfo If pGetProcessMemoryInfo <> 0 Then Dim mc As PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS If pGetProcessMemoryInfo(GetCurrentProcess(), mc, Len (mc)) <> FALSE Then WorkingSet = mc.WorkingSetSize End If End If FreeLibrary(hmodPSAPI) End Function ' Methods Static Sub Exit(exitCode As Long) Environment.exitCode = exitCode End End Sub Static Function ExpandEnvironmentVariables(s As String) As String If ActiveBasic.IsNothing(s) Then Throw New ArgumentNullException("s") End If Dim src = ToTCStr(s) Dim size = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(src, 0, 0) Dim dst = New Text.StringBuilder dst.Length = size As Long ExpandEnvironmentStrings(src, StrPtr(dst), size) dst.Length = (size - 1) As Long ExpandEnvironmentVariables = dst.ToString End Function Static Sub FailFast(message As String) FatalAppExit(0, ToTCStr(message)) End Sub ' GetCommandLineArgs Static Function GetEnvironmentVariable(variable As String) As String If ActiveBasic.IsNothing(variable) Then Throw New ArgumentNullException("variable") End If Dim tcsVariable = ToTCStr(variable) Dim size = _System_GetEnvironmentVariable(tcsVariable, 0, 0) Dim buf = New Text.StringBuilder buf.Length = size As Long buf.Length = _System_GetEnvironmentVariable(tcsVariable, StrPtr(buf), size) GetEnvironmentVariable = buf.ToString End Function ' GetEnvironmentVariables Static Function GetFolderPath(f As Environment_SpecialFolder) As String ' If ... Then ' Throw New ArgumentException ' End If Dim x As Long x = f Return ActiveBasic.Windows.GetFolderPath(x) End Function ' GetLogicalDrives Static Sub SetEnvironmentVariable(variable As String, value As String) If ActiveBasic.IsNothing(variable) Then Throw New ArgumentNullException("variable") End If _System_SetEnvironmentVariable(ToTCStr(variable), ToTCStr(value)) End Sub Private Static exitCode = 0 As Long End Class Enum Environment_SpecialFolder Desktop = CSIDL_DESKTOP Programs = CSIDL_PROGRAMS Personal = CSIDL_PERSONAL MyDocuments = CSIDL_PERSONAL Favorites = CSIDL_FAVORITES Startup = CSIDL_STARTUP Recent = CSIDL_RECENT SendTo = CSIDL_SENDTO StartMenu = CSIDL_STARTMENU MyMusic = CSIDL_MYMUSIC DesktopDirectory = CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY MyComputer = CSIDL_DRIVES Templates = CSIDL_TEMPLATES ApplicationData = CSIDL_APPDATA '4.71 LocalApplicationData = CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA InternetCache = CSIDL_INTERNET_CACHE Cookies = CSIDL_COOKIES History = CSIDL_HISTORY CommonApplicationData = CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA '5.0 System = CSIDL_SYSTEM CommonProgramFiles = CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES ProgramFiles = CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES MyPictures = CSIDL_MYPICTURES End Enum End Namespace 'System