Namespace ActiveBasic Namespace Core ' 中間的な実装(継承専用) Class TypeBaseImpl Inherits System.TypeInfo strNamespace As String name As String fullName As String ptrType As TypeBaseImpl ptrLevel As Long ' メンバ情報 memberNames As *String ' 名前リスト memberTypeFullNames As *String ' 型名リスト memberOffsets As *LONG_PTR ' クラスの先頭ポインタからのオフセット値 memberCounts As Long ' 個数 memberInfosCache As System.Collections.Generic.List Protected baseType As System.TypeInfo 'interfaces As f(^^;;; Sub TypeBaseImpl( strNamespace As String, name As String, fullName As String ) This.strNamespace = strNamespace = name This.fullName = fullName This.baseType = Nothing ptrType = Nothing ptrLevel = 0 End Sub Sub ~TypeBaseImpl() End Sub Sub PtrLevelUp() ptrLevel ++ fullName = "*" + fullName End Sub Function Clone() As TypeBaseImpl Dim result = New TypeBaseImpl( strNamespace, name, fullName ) result.SetBaseType( baseType ) result.SetMembers( memberNames, memberTypeFullNames, memberOffsets, memberCounts ) result.memberInfosCache = This.memberInfosCache result.ptrLevel = This.ptrLevel Return result End Function Public Sub SetMembers( memberNames As *String, memberTypeFullNames As *String, memberOffsets As *LONG_PTR, num As Long ) This.memberNames = memberNames This.memberTypeFullNames = memberTypeFullNames This.memberOffsets = memberOffsets This.memberCounts = num /* OutputDebugString( Ex"\r\n" ) Dim i As Long For i=0 To ELM(num) OutputDebugString( memberNames[i] ) OutputDebugString( ", " ) OutputDebugString( memberTypeFullNames[i] ) OutputDebugString( Ex"\r\n" ) Next */ End Sub Sub SetBaseType( baseType As System.TypeInfo ) This.baseType = baseType End Sub Function GetPtrType() As TypeBaseImpl If Object.ReferenceEquals( ptrType, Nothing ) Then Dim clone = This.Clone() ptrType = clone ptrType.PtrLevelUp() End If Return ptrType End Function '---------------------------------------------------------------- ' Public properties '---------------------------------------------------------------- Override Function BaseType() As System.TypeInfo Return baseType End Function Override Function FullName() As String Return fullName End Function Override Function IsArray() As Boolean Return False End Function Override Function IsByRef() As Boolean Return False End Function Override Function IsClass() As Boolean Return False End Function Override Function IsEnum() As Boolean Return False End Function Override Function IsInterface() As Boolean Return False End Function Override Function IsPointer() As Boolean Return ( ptrLevel > 0 ) End Function Override Function IsValueType() As Boolean Return False End Function Override Function Name() As String Return name End Function Override Function Namespace() As String Return strNamespace End Function '---------------------------------------------------------------- ' Public methods '---------------------------------------------------------------- Override Function GetMembers() As System.Collections.Generic.List If Object.ReferenceEquals( memberInfosCache, Nothing ) Then ' キャッシュにないときは生成する memberInfosCache = New System.Collections.Generic.List Dim i As Long For i=0 To ELM(memberCounts) memberInfosCache.Add( New System.Reflection.MemberInfo( memberNames[i], _System_TypeBase_Search( memberTypeFullNames[i] ), memberOffsets[i] ) ) Next End If Return memberInfosCache End Function End Class ' 値型を管理するためのクラス Class _System_TypeForValueType Inherits TypeBaseImpl Public Sub _System_TypeForValueType( name As String ) TypeBaseImpl( "", name, name ) End Sub Override Function IsValueType() As Boolean Return True End Function End Class TypeDef _SYSTEM_CONSTRUCTOR_PROC = *Sub( pThis As *Object ) TypeDef _SYSTEM_DESTRUCTOR_PROC = *Sub( pThis As *Object ) ' クラスを管理するためのクラス Class _System_TypeForClass Inherits TypeBaseImpl Static Const _SYSTEM_OBJECT_HEAD_SIZE = SizeOf(LONG_PTR) * 4 size As SIZE_T comVtbl As VoidPtr vtblList As VoidPtr pDefaultConstructor As _SYSTEM_CONSTRUCTOR_PROC pDestructor As _SYSTEM_DESTRUCTOR_PROC Public referenceOffsets As *Long numOfReference As Long Sub _System_TypeForClass( strNamespace As String, name As String, fullName As String, referenceOffsets As *Long, numOfReference As Long ) TypeBaseImpl( strNamespace, name, fullName ) This.referenceOffsets = referenceOffsets This.numOfReference = numOfReference End Sub Sub _System_TypeForClass( strNamespace As String, name As String, fullName As String ) TypeBaseImpl( strNamespace, name, fullName ) End Sub Sub ~_System_TypeForClass() End Sub Sub SetClassInfo( size As SIZE_T, comVtbl As VoidPtr, vtblList As VoidPtr, pDefaultConstructor As _SYSTEM_CONSTRUCTOR_PROC, pDestructor As _SYSTEM_DESTRUCTOR_PROC ) This.size = size This.comVtbl = comVtbl This.vtblList = vtblList This.pDefaultConstructor = pDefaultConstructor This.pDestructor = pDestructor End Sub Override Function IsClass() As Boolean Return True End Function Static Function _System_New( typeForClass As ActiveBasic.Core._System_TypeForClass ) As Object If typeForClass.pDefaultConstructor = NULL Then Throw New System.SystemException( "デフォルトコンストラクタを持たないクラスに対して_System_New関数は使えません。" ) End If ' まずはメモリを確保 Dim pPtr = _System_GC_malloc_ForObject( typeForClass.size + _SYSTEM_OBJECT_HEAD_SIZE ) As VoidPtr ' pPtr[0]=オブジェクトの個数 Set_LONG_PTR( pPtr, 1 ) pPtr += SizeOf(LONG_PTR) ' pPtr[1]=オブジェクトのサイズ Set_LONG_PTR( pPtr, typeForClass.size ) pPtr += SizeOf(LONG_PTR) ' pPtr[2]=デストラクタの関数ポインタ Set_LONG_PTR( pPtr, typeForClass.pDestructor As LONG_PTR ) pPtr += SizeOf(LONG_PTR) ' pPtr[3]=reserve pPtr += SizeOf(LONG_PTR) Dim pObject = pPtr As *Object ' com_vtblをセット Set_LONG_PTR( pObject, typeForClass.comVtbl As LONG_PTR ) ' vtbl_listをセット Set_LONG_PTR( pObject + SizeOf(LONG_PTR), typeForClass.vtblList As LONG_PTR ) ' 動的型情報をセットする pObject->_System_SetType( typeForClass ) ' コンストラクタを呼び出す Dim proc = typeForClass.pDefaultConstructor proc( pObject ) Return ByVal pObject End Function End Class ' インターフェイスを管理するためのクラス Class _System_TypeForInterface Inherits TypeBaseImpl Public End Class ' 列挙体を管理するためのクラス Class _System_TypeForEnum Inherits TypeBaseImpl Public End Class ' デリゲートを管理するためのクラス Class _System_TypeForDelegate Inherits TypeBaseImpl Public End Class '-------------------------------------------------------------------- ' プロセスに存在するすべての型を管理する '-------------------------------------------------------------------- Class _System_TypeBase Static types As System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary Static isReady = False Static Sub Add( typeInfo As TypeBaseImpl ) types.Add( typeInfo.FullName, typeInfo ) End Sub Static Sub InitializeValueType() types = New System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary(8191) ' 値型の追加 Add( _System_Static_New _System_TypeForValueType[ strNamespace = "", name = "Byte", fullName = "Byte" ] ) Add( _System_Static_New _System_TypeForValueType[ strNamespace = "", name = "SByte", fullName = "SByte" ] ) Add( _System_Static_New _System_TypeForValueType[ strNamespace = "", name = "Word", fullName = "Word" ] ) Add( _System_Static_New _System_TypeForValueType[ strNamespace = "", name = "Integer", fullName = "Integer" ] ) Add( _System_Static_New _System_TypeForValueType[ strNamespace = "", name = "DWord", fullName = "DWord" ] ) Add( _System_Static_New _System_TypeForValueType[ strNamespace = "", name = "Long", fullName = "Long" ] ) Add( _System_Static_New _System_TypeForValueType[ strNamespace = "", name = "QWord", fullName = "QWord" ] ) Add( _System_Static_New _System_TypeForValueType[ strNamespace = "", name = "Int64", fullName = "Int64" ] ) Add( _System_Static_New _System_TypeForValueType[ strNamespace = "", name = "Boolean", fullName = "Boolean" ] ) Add( _System_Static_New _System_TypeForValueType[ strNamespace = "", name = "Single", fullName = "Single" ] ) Add( _System_Static_New _System_TypeForValueType[ strNamespace = "", name = "Double", fullName = "Double" ] ) Add( _System_Static_New _System_TypeForValueType[ strNamespace = "", name = "VoidPtr", fullName = "VoidPtr" ] ) End Sub Static Sub InitializeUserTypes() ' このメソッドの実装はコンパイラが自動生成する '例: 'Add( New _System_TypeForClass( "System", "String", "System.String", [__offsets...], __numOfOffsets ) ) '... End Sub Static Sub InitializeUserTypesForBaseType() ' このメソッドの実装はコンパイラが自動生成する '例: 'Search( "System.String" ).SetBaseType( Search( "System.Object" ) ) '... End Sub Public Static Sub Initialize() ' 値型を初期化 InitializeValueType() ' Class / Interface / Enum / Delegate を初期化 InitializeUserTypes() isReady = True ' 基底クラスを登録 InitializeUserTypesForBaseType() selfTypeInfo = _System_TypeBase.Search( "System.TypeInfo" ) As System.TypeInfo _System_DebugOnly_OutputDebugString( Ex"ready dynamic meta datas!\r\n" ) End Sub Static Sub _NextPointerForGC() ' TODO: 実装 End Sub Static Function Search( fullName As String ) As TypeBaseImpl If Object.ReferenceEquals(types, Nothing) Then Return Nothing End If If isReady = False Then Return Nothing End If If fullName[0] = &H2A Then ' fullName[0] = '*' Dim result = Search( fullName.Substring( 1 ) ) Return result.GetPtrType() End If Search = types.Item(fullName) If Object.ReferenceEquals( Search, Nothing ) Then OutputDebugString("TypeSearch Failed: ") If Not ActiveBasic.IsNothing(fullName) Then OutputDebugStringW(StrPtr(fullName) As PWSTR) OutputDebugString(Ex"\r\n") OutputDebugStringA(StrPtr(fullName) As PSTR) End If OutputDebugString(Ex"\r\n") End If End Function Static Function IsReady() As Boolean Return isReady End Function Static selfTypeInfo As System.TypeInfo End Class End Namespace End Namespace Function _System_TypeBase_Search( fullName As String ) As ActiveBasic.Core.TypeBaseImpl Return ActiveBasic.Core._System_TypeBase.Search( fullName ) End Function