'd3dx9mesh.sbp #ifndef _INC_D3DX9MESH #define _INC_D3DX9MESH ' patch mesh can be quads or tris Const Enum D3DXPATCHMESHTYPE D3DXPATCHMESH_RECT = &H001 D3DXPATCHMESH_TRI = &H002 D3DXPATCHMESH_NPATCH = &H003 D3DXPATCHMESH_FORCE_DWORD = &H7FFFFFFF End Enum ' Mesh options - lower 3 bytes only, upper byte used by _D3DXMESHOPT option flags Const Enum D3DXMESH D3DXMESH_32BIT = &H001 'If set, then use 32 bit indices, if not set use 16 bit indices. D3DXMESH_DONOTCLIP = &H002 'Use D3DUSAGE_DONOTCLIP for VB & IB. D3DXMESH_POINTS = &H004 'Use D3DUSAGE_POINTS for VB & IB. D3DXMESH_RTPATCHES = &H008 'Use D3DUSAGE_RTPATCHES for VB & IB. D3DXMESH_NPATCHES = &H4000 'Use D3DUSAGE_NPATCHES for VB & IB. D3DXMESH_VB_SYSTEMMEM = &H010 'Use D3DPOOL_SYSTEMMEM for VB. Overrides D3DXMESH_MANAGEDVERTEXBUFFER D3DXMESH_VB_MANAGED = &H020 'Use D3DPOOL_MANAGED for VB. D3DXMESH_VB_WRITEONLY = &H040 'Use D3DUSAGE_WRITEONLY for VB. D3DXMESH_VB_DYNAMIC = &H080 'Use D3DUSAGE_DYNAMIC for VB. D3DXMESH_VB_SOFTWAREPROCESSING = &H8000 'Use D3DUSAGE_SOFTWAREPROCESSING for VB. D3DXMESH_IB_SYSTEMMEM = &H100 'Use D3DPOOL_SYSTEMMEM for IB. Overrides D3DXMESH_MANAGEDINDEXBUFFER D3DXMESH_IB_MANAGED = &H200 'Use D3DPOOL_MANAGED for IB. D3DXMESH_IB_WRITEONLY = &H400 'Use D3DUSAGE_WRITEONLY for IB. D3DXMESH_IB_DYNAMIC = &H800 'Use D3DUSAGE_DYNAMIC for IB. D3DXMESH_IB_SOFTWAREPROCESSING = &H10000 'Use D3DUSAGE_SOFTWAREPROCESSING for IB. D3DXMESH_VB_SHARE = &H1000 'Valid for Clone* calls only, forces cloned mesh/pmesh to share vertex buffer D3DXMESH_USEHWONLY = &H2000 'Valid for ID3DXSkinInfo::ConvertToBlendedMesh 'Helper options D3DXMESH_SYSTEMMEM = &H110 'D3DXMESH_VB_SYSTEMMEM | D3DXMESH_IB_SYSTEMMEM D3DXMESH_MANAGED = &H220 'D3DXMESH_VB_MANAGED | D3DXMESH_IB_MANAGED D3DXMESH_WRITEONLY = &H440 'D3DXMESH_VB_WRITEONLY | D3DXMESH_IB_WRITEONLY D3DXMESH_DYNAMIC = &H880 'D3DXMESH_VB_DYNAMIC | D3DXMESH_IB_DYNAMIC D3DXMESH_SOFTWAREPROCESSING = &H18000 'D3DXMESH_VB_SOFTWAREPROCESSING | D3DXMESH_IB_SOFTWAREPROCESSING End Enum ' patch mesh options Const Enum D3DXPATCHMESH D3DXPATCHMESH_DEFAULT = 000 End Enum Const Enum D3DXCLEANTYPE D3DXCLEAN_BACKFACING = &H00000001 D3DXCLEAN_BOWTIES = &H00000002 ' Helper options D3DXCLEAN_SKINNING = &H00000001 ' Bowtie cleaning modifies geometry and breaks skinning D3DXCLEAN_OPTIMIZATION = &H00000001 D3DXCLEAN_SIMPLIFICATION= &H00000003 End Enum Type D3DXATTRIBUTERANGE AttribId As DWord FaceStart As DWord FaceCount As DWord VertexStart As DWord VertexCount As DWord End Type Type D3DXMATERIAL MatD3D As D3DMATERIAL9 pTextureFilename As BytePtr End Type Const Enum D3DXEFFECTDEFAULTTYPE D3DXEDT_STRING = &H1 ' pValue points to a null terminated ASCII string D3DXEDT_FLOATS = &H2 ' pValue points to an array of floats - number of floats is NumBytes / sizeof(float) D3DXEDT_DWORD = &H3 ' pValue points to a DWORD D3DXEDT_FORCEDWORD = &H7FFFFFFF End Enum Type D3DXEFFECTDEFAULT pParamName As BytePtr _Type As D3DXEFFECTDEFAULTTYPE NumBytes As DWord pValue As VoidPtr End Type Type D3DXEFFECTINSTANCE pEffectFilename As BytePtr NumDefaults As DWord pDefaults As *D3DXEFFECTDEFAULT End Type Type D3DXATTRIBUTEWEIGHTS Position As Single Boundary As Single Normal As Single Diffuse As Single Specular As Single Texcoord[7] As Single Tangent As Single Binormal As Single End Type Type D3DXWELDEPSILONS Position As Single BlendWeights As Single Normal As Single PSize As Single Specular As Single Diffuse As Single Texcoord[7] As Single Tangent As Single Binormal As Single TessFactor As Single End Type Class ID3DXBaseMesh Inherits IUnknown Public 'ID3DXBaseMesh Abstract Function DrawSubset(AttribId As DWord) As DWord Abstract Function GetNumFaces() As DWord Abstract Function GetNumVertices() As DWord Abstract Function GetFVF() As DWord Abstract Function GetDeclaration(Declaration As *D3DVERTEXELEMENT9) As DWord Abstract Function GetNumBytesPerVertex() As DWord Abstract Function GetOptions() As DWord Abstract Function GetDevice(ppDevice As *LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9) As DWord Abstract Function CloneMeshFVF(Options As DWord, FVF As DWord, pD3DDevice As LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9, ppCloneMesh As **ID3DXMesh) As DWord Abstract Function CloneMesh(Options As DWord, pDeclaration As *D3DVERTEXELEMENT9, pD3DDevice As LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9, ppCloneMesh As **ID3DXMesh) As DWord Abstract Function GetVertexBuffer(ppVB As **IDirect3DVertexBuffer9) As DWord Abstract Function GetIndexBuffer(ppIB As **IDirect3DIndexBuffer9) As DWord Abstract Function LockVertexBuffer(Flags As DWord, ppData As VoidPtr) As DWord Abstract Function UnlockVertexBuffer() As DWord Abstract Function LockIndexBuffer(Flags As DWord, ppData As VoidPtr) As DWord Abstract Function UnlockIndexBuffer() As DWord Abstract Function GetAttributeTable(pAttribTable As *D3DXATTRIBUTERANGE, pAttribTableSize As DWordPtr) As DWord Abstract Function ConvertPointRepsToAdjacency(pPRep As DWordPtr, pAdjacency As DWordPtr) As DWord Abstract Function ConvertAdjacencyToPointReps(pAdjacency As DWordPtr, pPRep As DWordPtr) As DWord Abstract Function GenerateAdjacency(Epsilon As Single, pAdjacency As DWordPtr) As DWord Abstract Function UpdateSemantics(Declaration As *D3DVERTEXELEMENT9) As DWord End Class TypeDef LPD3DXBASEMESH = *ID3DXBaseMesh Class ID3DXMesh Inherits IUnknown Public 'ID3DXBaseMesh Abstract Function DrawSubset(AttribId As DWord) As DWord Abstract Function GetNumFaces() As DWord Abstract Function GetNumVertices() As DWord Abstract Function GetFVF() As DWord Abstract Function GetDeclaration(Declaration As *D3DVERTEXELEMENT9) As DWord Abstract Function GetNumBytesPerVertex() As DWord Abstract Function GetOptions() As DWord Abstract Function GetDevice(ppDevice As *LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9) As DWord Abstract Function CloneMeshFVF(Options As DWord, FVF As DWord, pD3DDevice As LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9, ppCloneMesh As **ID3DXMesh) As DWord Abstract Function CloneMesh(Options As DWord, pDeclaration As *D3DVERTEXELEMENT9, pD3DDevice As LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9, ppCloneMesh As **ID3DXMesh) As DWord Abstract Function GetVertexBuffer(ppVB As **IDirect3DVertexBuffer9) As DWord Abstract Function GetIndexBuffer(ppIB As **IDirect3DIndexBuffer9) As DWord Abstract Function LockVertexBuffer(Flags As DWord, ppData As VoidPtr) As DWord Abstract Function UnlockVertexBuffer() As DWord Abstract Function LockIndexBuffer(Flags As DWord, ppData As VoidPtr) As DWord Abstract Function UnlockIndexBuffer() As DWord Abstract Function GetAttributeTable(pAttribTable As *D3DXATTRIBUTERANGE, pAttribTableSize As DWordPtr) As DWord Abstract Function ConvertPointRepsToAdjacency(pPRep As DWordPtr, pAdjacency As DWordPtr) As DWord Abstract Function ConvertAdjacencyToPointReps(pAdjacency As DWordPtr, pPRep As DWordPtr) As DWord Abstract Function GenerateAdjacency(Epsilon As Single, pAdjacency As DWordPtr) As DWord Abstract Function UpdateSemantics(Declaration As *D3DVERTEXELEMENT9) As DWord 'ID3DXMesh Abstract Function LockAttributeBuffer(Flags As DWord, ppData As VoidPtr) As DWord Abstract Function UnlockAttributeBuffer() As DWord Abstract Function Optimize(Flags As DWord, pAdjacencyIn As DWordPtr, pAdjacencyOut As DWordPtr, pFaceRemap As DWordPtr, ppVertexRemap As **ID3DXBuffer, ppOptMesh As **ID3DXMesh) As DWord Abstract Function OptimizeInplace(Flags As DWord, pAdjacencyIn As DWordPtr, pAdjacencyOut As DWordPtr, pFaceRemap As DWordPtr, ppVertexRemap As **ID3DXBuffer) As DWord Abstract Function SetAttributeTable(pAttribTable As *D3DXATTRIBUTERANGE, cAttribTableSize As DWord) As DWord End Class TypeDef LPD3DXMESH = *ID3DXMesh Class ID3DXPMesh Inherits IUnknown Public 'ID3DXBaseMesh Abstract Function DrawSubset(AttribId As DWord) As DWord Abstract Function GetNumFaces() As DWord Abstract Function GetNumVertices() As DWord Abstract Function GetFVF() As DWord Abstract Function GetDeclaration(Declaration As *D3DVERTEXELEMENT9) As DWord Abstract Function GetNumBytesPerVertex() As DWord Abstract Function GetOptions() As DWord Abstract Function GetDevice(ppDevice As *LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9) As DWord Abstract Function CloneMeshFVF(Options As DWord, FVF As DWord, pD3DDevice As LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9, ppCloneMesh As **ID3DXMesh) As DWord Abstract Function CloneMesh(Options As DWord, pDeclaration As *D3DVERTEXELEMENT9, pD3DDevice As LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9, ppCloneMesh As **ID3DXMesh) As DWord Abstract Function GetVertexBuffer(ppVB As **IDirect3DVertexBuffer9) As DWord Abstract Function GetIndexBuffer(ppIB As **IDirect3DIndexBuffer9) As DWord Abstract Function LockVertexBuffer(Flags As DWord, ppData As VoidPtr) As DWord Abstract Function UnlockVertexBuffer() As DWord Abstract Function LockIndexBuffer(Flags As DWord, ppData As VoidPtr) As DWord Abstract Function UnlockIndexBuffer() As DWord Abstract Function GetAttributeTable(pAttribTable As *D3DXATTRIBUTERANGE, pAttribTableSize As DWordPtr) As DWord Abstract Function ConvertPointRepsToAdjacency(pPRep As DWordPtr, pAdjacency As DWordPtr) As DWord Abstract Function ConvertAdjacencyToPointReps(pAdjacency As DWordPtr, pPRep As DWordPtr) As DWord Abstract Function GenerateAdjacency(Epsilon As Single, pAdjacency As DWordPtr) As DWord Abstract Function UpdateSemantics(Declaration As *D3DVERTEXELEMENT9) As DWord 'ID3DXPMesh Abstract Function ClonePMeshFVF(Options As DWord, FVF As DWord, pD3DDevice As LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9, ppCloneMesh As **ID3DXMesh) As DWord Abstract Function ClonePMesh(Options As DWord, pDeclaration As *D3DVERTEXELEMENT9, pD3DDevice As LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9, ppCloneMesh As **ID3DXMesh) As DWord Abstract Function SetNumFaces(Faces As DWord) As DWord Abstract Function SetNumVertices(Vertices As DWord) As DWord Abstract Function GetMaxFaces() As DWord Abstract Function GetMinFaces() As DWord Abstract Function GetMaxVertices() As DWord Abstract Function GetMinVertices() As DWord Abstract Function Save(pStream As *IStream, pMaterials As *D3DXMATERIAL, pEffectInstances As *D3DXEFFECTINSTANCE, NumMaterials As DWord) As DWord Abstract Function Optimize(Flags As DWord, pAdjacencyOut As DWordPtr, pFaceRemap As DWordPtr, ppVertexRemap As **ID3DXBuffer, ppOptMesh As **ID3DXMesh) As DWord Abstract Function OptimizeBaseLOD(Flags As DWord, pFaceRemap As DWordPtr) As DWord Abstract Function TrimByFaces(NewFacesMin As DWord, NewFacesMax As DWord, rgiFaceRemap As DWordPtr, rgiVertRemap As DWordPtr) As DWord Abstract Function TrimByVertices(NewVerticesMin As DWord, NewVerticesMax As DWord, rgiFaceRemap As DWordPtr, rgiVertRemap As DWord) As DWord Abstract Function GetAdjacency(pAdjacency As DWordPtr) As DWord Abstract Function GenerateVertexHistory(pVertexHistory As DWordPtr) As DWord End Class TypeDef LPD3DXPMESH = *ID3DXPMesh Class ID3DXSPMesh Inherits IUnknown Public 'ID3DXSPMesh Abstract Function GetNumFaces() As DWord Abstract Function GetNumVertices() As DWord Abstract Function GetFVF() As DWord Abstract Function GetDeclaration(Declaration As *D3DVERTEXELEMENT9) As DWord Abstract Function GetOptions() As DWord Abstract Function GetDevice(ppDevice As *LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9) As DWord Abstract Function CloneMeshFVF(Options As DWord, FVF As DWord, pD3DDevice As LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9, pAdjacencyOut As DWordPtr, pVertexRemapOut As DWordPtr, ppCloneMesh As **ID3DXMesh) As DWord Abstract Function CloneMesh(Options As DWord, pDeclaration As *D3DVERTEXELEMENT9, pD3DDevice As LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9, pAdjacencyOut As DWordPtr, pVertexRemapOut As DWordPtr, ppCloneMesh As **ID3DXMesh) As DWord Abstract Function ClonePMeshFVF(Options As DWord, FVF As DWord, pD3DDevice As LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9, pVertexRemapOut As DWordPtr, pErrorsByFace As SinglePtr, ppCloneMesh As **ID3DXMesh) As DWord Abstract Function ClonePMesh(Options As DWord, pDeclaration As *D3DVERTEXELEMENT9, pD3DDevice As LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9, pVertexRemapOut As DWordPtr, pErrorsbyFace As SinglePtr, ppCloneMesh As **ID3DXMesh) As DWord Abstract Function ReduceFaces(Faces As DWord) As DWord Abstract Function ReduceVertices(Vertices As DWord) As DWord Abstract Function GetMaxFaces() As DWord Abstract Function GetMaxVertices() As DWord Abstract Function GetVertexAttributeWeights(pVertexAttributeWeights As *D3DXATTRIBUTEWEIGHTS) As DWord Abstract Function GetVertexWeights(pVertexWeights As SinglePtr) As DWord End Class TypeDef LPD3DXSPMESH = *ID3DXSPMesh ' Subset of the mesh that has the same attribute and bone combination. ' This subset can be rendered in a single draw call Type D3DXBONECOMBINATION AttribId As DWord FaceStart As DWord FaceCount As DWord VertexStart As DWord VertexCount As DWord BoneId As DWordPtr End Type Type D3DXPATCHINFO PatchType As D3DXPATCHMESHTYPE Degree As D3DDEGREETYPE Basis As D3DBASISTYPE End Type Class ID3DXPatchMesh Inherits IUnknown Public 'ID3DXPatchMesh 'Return creation parameters Abstract Function GetNumPatches() As DWord Abstract Function GetNumVertices() As DWord Abstract Function GetDeclaration(Declaration As *D3DVERTEXELEMENT9) As DWord Abstract Function GetControlVerticesPerPatch() As DWord Abstract Function GetOptions() As DWord Abstract Function GetDevice(ppDevice As *LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9) As DWord Abstract Function GetPatchInfo(PatchInfo As *D3DXPATCHINFO) As DWord 'Control mesh access Abstract Function GetVertexBuffer(ppVB As **IDirect3DVertexBuffer9) As DWord Abstract Function GetIndexBuffer(ppIB As **IDirect3DIndexBuffer9) As DWord Abstract Function LockVertexBuffer(flags As DWord, ppData As DWordPtr) As DWord Abstract Function UnlockVertexBuffer() As DWord Abstract Function LockIndexBuffer(flags As DWord, ppData As DWordPtr) As DWord Abstract Function UnlockIndexBuffer() As DWord Abstract Function LockAttributeBuffer(flags As DWord, ppData As DWordPtr) As DWord Abstract Function UnlockAttributeBuffer() As DWord Abstract Function GetTessSize(fTessLevel As Single, Adaptive As DWord, NumTriangles As DWordPtr, NumVertices As DWordPtr) As DWord Abstract Function GenerateAdjacency(Tolerance As Single) As DWord Abstract Function CloneMesh(Options As DWord, pDecl As *D3DVERTEXELEMENT9, pMesh As *ID3DXPatchMesh) As DWord Abstract Function Optimize(flags As DWord) As DWord Abstract Function SetDisplaceParam(pTexture As *IDirect3DBaseTexture9, MinFilter As D3DTEXTUREFILTERTYPE, MagFilter As D3DTEXTUREFILTERTYPE, MipFilter As D3DTEXTUREFILTERTYPE, Wrap As D3DTEXTUREADDRESS, dwLODBias As DWord) As DWord Abstract Function GetDisplaceParam(ppTexture As **IDirect3DBaseTexture9, pMinFilter As *D3DTEXTUREFILTERTYPE, pMagFilter As *D3DTEXTUREFILTERTYPE, pMipFilter As *D3DTEXTUREFILTERTYPE, pWrap As *D3DTEXTUREADDRESS, lpdwLODBias As DWordPtr) As DWord Abstract Function Tessellate(fTessLevel As Single, pMesh As *ID3DXMesh) As DWord Abstract Function TessellateAdaptive(pTrans As *D3DXVECTOR4, dwMaxTessLevel As DWord, dwMinTessLevel As DWord, pMesh As *ID3DXMesh) As DWord End Class TypeDef LPD3DXPATCHMESH = *ID3DXPatchMesh '--------------- ' ID3DXSkinInfo '--------------- Class ID3DXSkinInfo Inherits IUnknown Public 'Specify the which vertices do each bones influence and by how much Abstract Function SetBoneInfluence(bone As DWord, numInfluences As DWord, vertices As DWordPtr, weights As SinglePtr) As DWord Abstract Function SetBoneVertexInfluence(boneNum As DWord, influenceNum As DWord, weight As Single) As DWord Abstract Function GetNumBoneInfluences(bone As DWord) As DWord Abstract Function GetBoneInfluence(bone As DWord, vertices As DWordPtr, weights As SinglePtr) As DWord Abstract Function GetBoneVertexInfluence(boneNum As DWord, influenceNum As DWord, pWeight As SinglePtr, pVertexNum As DWordPtr) As DWord Abstract Function GetMaxVertexInfluences(maxVertexInfluences As DWordPtr) As DWord Abstract Function GetNumBones() As DWord Abstract Function FindBoneVertexInfluenceIndex(boneNum As DWord, vertexNum As DWord, pInfluenceIndex As DWordPtr) As DWord 'This gets the max face influences based on a triangle mesh with the specified index buffer Abstract Function GetMaxFaceInfluences(pIB As *IDirect3DIndexBuffer9, NumFaces As DWord, maxFaceInfluences As DWordPtr) As DWord 'Set min bone influence. Bone influences that are smaller than this are ignored Abstract Function SetMinBoneInfluence(MinInfl As Single) As DWord 'Get min bone influence. Abstract Function GetMinBoneInfluence() As Single 'Bone names are returned by D3DXLoadSkinMeshFromXof. They are not used by any other method of this object Abstract Function SetBoneName(Bone As DWord, pName As BytePtr) As DWord Abstract Function GetBoneName(Bone As DWord) As BytePtr 'Bone offset matrices are returned by D3DXLoadSkinMeshFromXof. They are not used by any other method of this object Abstract Function SetBoneOffsetMatrix(Bone As DWord, pBoneTransform As *D3DXMATRIX) As DWord Abstract Function GetBoneOffsetMatrix(Bone As DWord) As *D3DXMATRIX 'Clone a skin info object Abstract Function Clone(ppSkinInfo As **ID3DXSkinInfo) As DWord 'Update bone influence information to match vertices after they are reordered. This should be called 'if the target vertex buffer has been reordered externally. Abstract Function Remap(NumVertices As DWord, pVertexRemap As DWordPtr) As DWord 'These methods enable the modification of the vertex layout of the vertices that will be skinned Abstract Function SetFVF(FVF As DWord) As DWord Abstract Function SetDeclaration(pDeclaration As *D3DVERTEXELEMENT9) As DWord Abstract Function GetFVF() As DWord Abstract Function GetDeclaration(Declaration As *D3DVERTEXELEMENT9) As DWord 'Apply SW skinning based on current pose matrices to the target vertices. Abstract Function UpdateSkinnedMesh(pBoneTransforms As *D3DXMATRIX, pBoneInvTransposeTransforms As *D3DXMATRIX, pVerticesSrc As VoidPtr, pVerticesDst As VoidPtr) As DWord 'Takes a mesh and returns a new mesh with per vertex blend weights and a bone combination 'table that describes which bones affect which subsets of the mesh Abstract Function ConvertToBlendedMesh(pMesh As *ID3DXMesh, Options As DWord, pAdjacencyIn As DWordPtr, pAdjacencyOut As DWordPtr, pFaceRemap As DWordPtr, ppVertexRemap As **ID3DXBuffer, pMaxFaceInfl As DWordPtr, pNumBoneCombinations As DWordPtr, ppBoneCombinationTable As **ID3DXBuffer, ppMesh As **ID3DXMesh) As DWord 'Takes a mesh and returns a new mesh with per vertex blend weights and indices 'and a bone combination table that describes which bones palettes affect which subsets of the mesh Abstract Function ConvertToIndexedBlendedMesh(pMesh As *ID3DXMesh, Options As DWord, paletteSize As DWord, pAdjacencyIn As DWordPtr, pAdjacencyOut As DWordPtr, pFaceRemap As DWordPtr, ppVertexRemap As **ID3DXBuffer, pMaxVertexInfl As DWordPtr, pNumBoneCombinations As DWordPtr, ppBoneCombinationTable As **ID3DXBuffer, ppMesh As **ID3DXMesh) As DWord End Class TypeDef LPD3DXSKININFO = *ID3DXSkinInfo Declare Function D3DXCreateMesh Lib "dx9abm" Alias "D3DXCreateMesh_abm" (NumFaces As DWord, NumVertices As DWord, Options As DWord, pDeclaration As *D3DVERTEXELEMENT9, pD3DDevice As LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9, ppMesh As **ID3DXMesh) As DWord Declare Function D3DXCreateMeshFVF Lib "dx9abm" Alias "D3DXCreateMeshFVF_abm" (NumFaces As DWord, NumVertices As DWord, Options As DWord, FVF As DWord, pD3DDevice As LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9, ppMesh As **ID3DXMesh) As DWord Declare Function D3DXCreateSPMesh Lib "dx9abm" Alias "D3DXCreateSPMesh_abm" (pMesh As *ID3DXMesh, pAdjacency As DWordPtr, pVertexAttributeWeights As *D3DXATTRIBUTEWEIGHTS, ppSMesh As **ID3DXSPMesh) As DWord Declare Function D3DXCleanMesh Lib "dx9abm" Alias "D3DXCleanMesh_abm" (CleanType As D3DXCLEANTYPE, pMeshIn As *ID3DXMesh, pAdjacencyIn As DWordPtr, ppMeshOut As **ID3DXMesh, pAdjacencyOut As DWordPtr, ppErrorsAndWarnings As **ID3DXBuffer) As DWord Declare Function D3DXValidMesh Lib "dx9abm" Alias "D3DXValidMesh_abm" (pMeshIn As *ID3DXMesh, pAdjacency As DWordPtr, ppErrorsAndWarnings As **ID3DXBuffer) As DWord Declare Function D3DXGeneratePMesh Lib "dx9abm" Alias "D3DXGeneratePMesh_abm" (pMesh As *ID3DXMesh, pAdjacency As DWordPtr, pVertexAttributeWeights As *D3DXATTRIBUTEWEIGHTS, MinValue As DWord, Options As DWord, ppPMesh As **ID3DXPMesh) As DWord Declare Function D3DXSimplifyMesh Lib "dx9abm" Alias "D3DXSimplifyMesh_abm" (pMesh As *ID3DXMesh, pAdjacency As DWordPtr, pVertexAttributeWeights As *D3DXATTRIBUTEWEIGHTS, pVertexWeights As SinglePtr, MinValue As DWord, Options As DWord, ppMesh As **ID3DXMesh) As DWord Declare Function D3DXComputeBoundingSphere Lib "dx9abm" Alias "D3DXComputeBoundingSphere_abm" (pFirstPosition As *D3DXVECTOR3, NumVertices As DWord, dwStride As DWord, pCenter As *D3DXVECTOR3, pRadius As SinglePtr) As DWord Declare Function D3DXComputeBoundingBox Lib "dx9abm" Alias "D3DXComputeBoundingBox_abm" (pFirstPosition As *D3DXVECTOR3, NumVertices As DWord, dwStride As DWord, pMin As *D3DXVECTOR3, pMax As *D3DXVECTOR3) As DWord Declare Function D3DXComputeNormals Lib "dx9abm" Alias "D3DXComputeNormals_abm" (pMesh As *ID3DXBaseMesh, pAdjacency As DWordPtr) As DWord Declare Function D3DXCreateBuffer Lib "dx9abm" Alias "D3DXCreateBuffer_abm" (NumBytes As DWord, ppBuffer As **ID3DXBuffer) As DWord Declare Function D3DXLoadMeshFromX Lib "dx9abm" Alias "D3DXLoadMeshFromX_abm" (pFilename As BytePtr, Options As DWord, pD3DDevice As LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9, ppAdjacency As VoidPtr, ppMaterials As VoidPtr, ppEffectInstances As VoidPtr, pNumMaterials As DWordPtr, ppMesh As VoidPtr) As DWord Declare Function D3DXLoadMeshFromXInMemory Lib "dx9abm" Alias "D3DXLoadMeshFromXInMemory_abm" (Memory As VoidPtr, SizeOfMemory As DWord, Options As DWord, pD3DDevice As LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9, ppAdjacency As **ID3DXBuffer, ppMaterials As **ID3DXBuffer, ppEffectInstances As **ID3DXBuffer, pNumMaterials As DWordPtr, ppMesh As *ID3DXMesh) As DWord Declare Function D3DXLoadMeshFromXResource Lib "dx9abm" Alias "D3DXLoadMeshFromXResource_abm" (Module As DWord, Name As BytePtr, lpszType As BytePtr, Options As DWord, pD3DDevice As LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9, ppAdjacency As **ID3DXBuffer, ppMaterials As **ID3DXBuffer, ppEffectInstances As **ID3DXBuffer, pNumMaterials As DWordPtr, ppMesh As **ID3DXMesh) As DWord Declare Function D3DXSaveMeshToX Lib "dx9abm" Alias "D3DXSaveMeshToX_abm" (pFilename As BytePtr, pMesh As *ID3DXMesh, pAdjacency As DWordPtr, pMaterials As *D3DXMATERIAL, pEffectInstances As *D3DXEFFECTINSTANCE, NumMaterials As DWord, Format As DWord) As DWord Declare Function D3DXCreatePMeshFromStream Lib "dx9abm" Alias "D3DXCreatePMeshFromStream_abm" (pStream As *IStream, Options As DWord, pD3DDevice As LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9, ppMaterials As **ID3DXBuffer, ppEffectInstances As **ID3DXBuffer, pNumMaterials As DWordPtr, ppPMesh As **ID3DXPMesh) As DWord Declare Function D3DXCreateSkinInfo Lib "dx9abm" Alias "D3DXCreateSkinInfo_abm" (NumVertices As DWord, pDeclaration As *D3DVERTEXELEMENT9, NumBones As DWord, ppSkinInfo As **ID3DXSkinInfo) As DWord Declare Function D3DXCreateSkinInfoFVF Lib "dx9abm" Alias "D3DXCreateSkinInfoFVF_abm" (NumVertices As DWord, FVF As DWord, NumBones As DWord, ppSkinInfo As **ID3DXSkinInfo) As DWord Declare Function D3DXLoadMeshFromXof Lib "dx9abm" Alias "D3DXLoadMeshFromXof_abm" (pxofMesh As *ID3DXFileData, Options As DWord, pD3DDevice As LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9, ppAdjacency As **ID3DXBuffer, ppMaterials As **ID3DXBuffer, ppEffectInstances As **ID3DXBuffer, pNumMaterials As DWordPtr, ppMesh As **ID3DXMesh) As DWord Declare Function D3DXLoadSkinMeshFromXof Lib "dx9abm" Alias "D3DXLoadSkinMeshFromXof_abm" (pxofMesh As *ID3DXFileData, Options As DWord, pD3DDevice As LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9, ppAdjacency As **ID3DXBuffer, ppMaterials As **ID3DXBuffer, ppEffectInstances As **ID3DXBuffer, pMatOut As DWordPtr, ppSkinInfo As **ID3DXSkinInfo, ppMesh As **ID3DXMesh) As DWord Declare Function D3DXCreateSkinInfoFromBlendedMesh Lib "dx9abm" Alias "D3DXCreateSkinInfoFromBlendedMesh_abm" (pMesh As *ID3DXBaseMesh, NumBones As DWord, pBoneCombinationTable As *D3DXBONECOMBINATION, ppSkinInfo As **ID3DXSkinInfo) As DWord Declare Function D3DXTessellateNPatches Lib "dx9abm" Alias "D3DXTessellateNPatches_abm" (pMeshIn As *ID3DXMesh, pAdjacencyIn As DWordPtr, NumSegs As Single, QuadraticInterpNormals As Long, ppMeshOut As **ID3DXMesh, ppAdjacencyOut As **ID3DXBuffer) As DWord Declare Function D3DXGenerateOutputDecl Lib "dx9abm" Alias "D3DXGenerateOutputDecl_abm" (pOutput As *D3DVERTEXELEMENT9, pInput As *D3DVERTEXELEMENT9) As DWord Declare Function D3DXLoadPatchMeshFromXof Lib "dx9abm" Alias "D3DXLoadPatchMeshFromXof_abm" (pXofObjMesh As *ID3DXFileData, Options As DWord, pD3DDevice As LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9, ppMaterials As **ID3DXBuffer, ppEffectInstances As **ID3DXBuffer, pNumMaterials As DWordPtr, ppMesh As **ID3DXPatchMesh) As DWord Declare Function D3DXRectPatchSize Lib "dx9abm" Alias "D3DXRectPatchSize_abm" (pfNumSegs As SinglePtr, pdwTriangles As DWordPtr, pdwVertices As DWordPtr) As DWord Declare Function D3DXTriPatchSize Lib "dx9abm" Alias "D3DXTriPatchSize_abm" (pfNumSegs As SinglePtr, pdwTriangles As DWordPtr, pdwVertices As DWordPtr) As DWord Declare Function D3DXTessellateRectPatch Lib "dx9abm" Alias "D3DXTessellateRectPatch_abm" (pVB As *IDirect3DVertexBuffer9, pNumSegs As SinglePtr, pdwInDecl As *D3DVERTEXELEMENT9, pRectPatchInfo As *D3DRECTPATCH_INFO, pMesh As *ID3DXMesh) As DWord Declare Function D3DXTessellateTriPatch Lib "dx9abm" Alias "D3DXTessellateTriPatch_abm" (pVB As *IDirect3DVertexBuffer9, pNumSegs As SinglePtr, pInDecl As *D3DVERTEXELEMENT9, pTriPatchInfo As *D3DTRIPATCH_INFO, pMesh As *ID3DXMesh) As DWord Declare Function D3DXCreateNPatchMesh Lib "dx9abm" Alias "D3DXCreateNPatchMesh_abm" (pMeshSysMem As *ID3DXMesh, pPatchMesh As *ID3DXPatchMesh) As DWord Declare Function D3DXCreatePatchMesh Lib "dx9abm" Alias "D3DXCreatePatchMesh_abm" (pInfo As *D3DXPATCHINFO, dwNumPatches As DWord, dwNumVertices As DWord, dwOptions As DWord, pDecl As *D3DVERTEXELEMENT9, pD3DDevice As LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9, pPatchMesh As *ID3DXPatchMesh) As DWord Declare Function D3DXValidPatchMesh Lib "dx9abm" Alias "D3DXValidPatchMesh_abm" (pMesh As *ID3DXPatchMesh, dwcDegenerateVertices As DWord, dwcDegeneratePatches As DWord, ppErrorsAndWarnings As **ID3DXBuffer) As DWord Declare Function D3DXGetFVFVertexSize Lib "dx9abm" Alias "D3DXGetFVFVertexSize_abm" (FVF As DWord) As DWord Declare Function D3DXGetDeclVertexSize Lib "dx9abm" Alias "D3DXGetDeclVertexSize_abm" (pDecl As *D3DVERTEXELEMENT9, Stream As DWord) As DWord Declare Function D3DXGetDeclLength Lib "dx9abm" Alias "D3DXGetDeclLength_abm" (pDecl As *D3DVERTEXELEMENT9) As DWord Declare Function D3DXDeclaratorFromFVF Lib "dx9abm" Alias "D3DXDeclaratorFromFVF_abm" (FVF As DWord, pDeclarator As *D3DVERTEXELEMENT9) As DWord Declare Function D3DXFVFFromDeclarator Lib "dx9abm" Alias "D3DXFVFFromDeclarator_abm" (pDeclarator As *D3DVERTEXELEMENT9, pFVF As DWordPtr) As DWord Declare Function D3DXWeldVertices Lib "dx9abm" Alias "D3DXWeldVertices_abm" (pMesh As *ID3DXMesh, Flags As DWord, pEpsilons As *D3DXWELDEPSILONS, pAdjacencyOut As DWord, pFaceRemap As DWordPtr, ppVertexRemap As **ID3DXBuffer) As DWord Type D3DXINTERSECTINFO FaceIndex As DWord U As Single V As Single Dist As Single End Type Declare Function D3DXIntersect Lib "dx9abm" Alias "D3DXIntersect_abm" (pMesh As *ID3DXBaseMesh, pRayPos As *D3DXVECTOR3, pRayDir As *D3DXVECTOR3, pHit As DWordPtr, pFaceIndex As DWordPtr, pU As SinglePtr, pV As SinglePtr, pDist As SinglePtr, ppAllHits As **ID3DXBuffer, pCountOfHits As DWordPtr) As DWord Declare Function D3DXIntersectSubset Lib "dx9abm" Alias "D3DXIntersectSubset_abm" (pMesh As *ID3DXBaseMesh, AttribId As DWord, pRayPos As *D3DXVECTOR3, pRayDir As *D3DXVECTOR3, pHit As DWordPtr, pFaceIndex As DWordPtr, pU As SinglePtr, pV As SinglePtr, pDist As SinglePtr, ppAllHits As **ID3DXBuffer, pCountOfHits As DWordPtr) As DWord Declare Function D3DXSplitMesh Lib "dx9abm" Alias "D3DXSplitMesh_abm" (pMeshIn As *ID3DXMesh, pAdjacencyIn As DWord, MaxSize As DWord, Options As DWord, pMeshesOut As DWordPtr, ppMeshArrayOut As **ID3DXBuffer, ppAdjacencyArrayOut As **ID3DXBuffer, ppFaceRemapArrayOut As **ID3DXBuffer, ppVertRemapArrayOut As **ID3DXBuffer) As DWord Declare Function D3DXIntersectTri Lib "dx9abm" Alias "D3DXIntersectTri_abm" (p0 As *D3DXVECTOR3, p1 As *D3DXVECTOR3, p2 As *D3DXVECTOR3, pRayPos As *D3DXVECTOR3, pRayDir As *D3DXVECTOR3, pU As SinglePtr, pV As SinglePtr, pDist As SinglePtr) As Long Declare Function D3DXSphereBoundProbe Lib "dx9abm" Alias "D3DXSphereBoundProbe_abm" (pCenter As *D3DXVECTOR3, Radius As Single, pRayPos As *D3DXVECTOR3, pRayDir As *D3DXVECTOR3) As Long Declare Function D3DXBoxBoundProbe Lib "dx9abm" Alias "D3DXBoxBoundProbe_abm" (pMin As *D3DXVECTOR3, pMax As *D3DXVECTOR3, pRayPos As *D3DXVECTOR3, pRayDir As *D3DXVECTOR3) As Long Declare Function D3DXComputeTangent Lib "dx9abm" Alias "D3DXComputeTangent_abm" (pMesh As *ID3DXMesh, TexStage As DWord, TangentIndex As DWord, BinormIndex As DWord, Wrap As DWord, pAdjacency As DWordPtr) As DWord Declare Function D3DXConvertMeshSubsetToSingleStrip Lib "dx9abm" Alias "D3DXConvertMeshSubsetToSingleStrip_abm" (pMeshIn As *ID3DXBaseMesh, AttribId As DWord, IBOptions As DWord, ppIndexBuffer As **IDirect3DIndexBuffer9, pNumIndices As DWordPtr) As DWord Declare Function D3DXConvertMeshSubsetToStrips Lib "dx9abm" Alias "D3DXConvertMeshSubsetToStrips_abm" (pMeshIn As *ID3DXBaseMesh, AttribId As DWord, IBOptions As DWord, ppIndexBuffer As **IDirect3DIndexBuffer9, pNumIndices As DWordPtr, ppStripLengths As **ID3DXBuffer, pNumStrips As DWordPtr) As DWord Declare Function D3DXOptimizeFaces Lib "dx9abm" Alias "D3DXOptimizeFaces_abm" (pbIndices As VoidPtr, cFaces As DWord, cVertices As DWord, b32BitIndices As Long, pFaceRemap As DWordPtr) As DWord Declare Function D3DXOptimizeVertices Lib "dx9abm" Alias "D3DXOptimizeVertices_abm" (pbIndices As VoidPtr, cFaces As DWord, cVertices As DWord, b32BitIndices As Long, pFaceRemap As DWordPtr) As DWord #endif '_INC_D3DX9MESH