#ifndef _WINSOCK2API_ #define _WINSOCK2API_ #define _WINSOCKAPI_ /* #ifndef INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES #define INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES 1 #endif #ifndef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS #define INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS 0 #endif */ Const WINSOCK_VERSION = MAKEWORD(2, 2) TypeDef SOCKET = ULONG_PTR Const FD_SETSIZE = 64 Type fd_set fd_count As DWord fd_array[ELM(FD_SETSIZE)] As SOCKET End Type Declare Function __WSAFDIsSet Lib "ws2_32" (fd As SOCKET, ByRef set As fd_set) As Long Sub FD_CLR(fd As SOCKET, ByRef set As fd_set) Dim i As DWord With set For i = 0 To .fd_count If .fd_array[i] = fd Then While i < .fd_count - 1 .fd_array[i] = .fd_array[i + 1] WEnd .fd_count-- Exit For End If Next End With End Sub Sub FD_SET(fd As SOCKET, ByRef set As fd_set) Dim i As DWord With set For i = 0 To ELM(.fd_count) If .fd_array[i] = fd Then Exit Sub End If Next If i = .fd_count Then If .fd_count < FD_SET_SIZE Then .fd_array[i] = fd .fd_count++ End If End If End With End Sub Sub FD_ZERO(ByRef set As fd_set) set.fd_count = 0 End Sub Const FD_ISSET(fd, set) = __WSAFDIsSet(fd, set) Type timeval tv_sec As Long tv_usec As Long End Type ' Operations on timevals. Function timerisset(ByRef tvp As timeval) As BOOL Return tvp.tv_sec Or tvp.tv_usec End Function /* #define timercmp(tvp, uvp, cmp) \ ((tvp)->tv_sec cmp (uvp)->tv_sec || \ (tvp)->tv_sec == (uvp)->tv_sec && (tvp)->tv_usec cmp (uvp)->tv_usec) */ Sub timerclear(ByRef tvp As timeval) tvp.tv_sec = 0 tvp.tv_usec = 0 End Sub ' Commands for ioctlsocket(), taken from the BSD file fcntl.h. Const IOCPARM_MASK = &h7f Const IOC_VOID = &h20000000 Const IOC_OUT = &h40000000 Const IOC_IN = &h80000000 Const IOC_INOUT= (IOC_IN Or IOC_OUT) Const _IO(x ,y) = (IOC_VOID Or (x << 8) Or y) Const _IOR(x, y, size) = (IOC_OUT Or ((size And IOCPARM_MASK) << 16) Or ((x) << 8) Or (y)) Const _IOW(x, y, size) = (IOC_IN Or ((size And IOCPARM_MASK) << 16) Or ((x) << 8) Or (y)) Const FIONREAD = _IOR(&h66,127, SizeOf (DWord)) '&h66‚Í'f' Const FIONBIO = _IOW(&h66,126, SizeOf (DWord)) Const FIOASYNC = _IOW(&h66,125, SizeOf (DWord)) ' Socket I/O Controls Const SIOCSHIWAT = _IOW(&h73, 0, SizeOf (DWord)) '&h73‚Í's' Const SIOCGHIWAT = _IOR(&h73, 1, SizeOf (DWord)) Const SIOCSLOWAT = _IOW(&h73, 2, SizeOf (DWord)) Const SIOCGLOWAT = _IOR(&h73, 3, SizeOf (DWord)) Const SIOCATMARK = _IOR(&h73, 7, SizeOf (DWord)) Class hostent Public h_name As *Byte h_aliases As **Byte h_addrtype As Integer h_lengt As Integer h_addr_list As **Byte Function h_addr() As *Byte Return h_addr_list[0] End Function Sub h_addr(l As *Byte) h_addr_list[0] = i End Sub End Class Type netent FAR * n_name As *Byte FAR * FAR * n_aliases As **Byte n_addrtyp As Integer n_net As DWord End Type Type servent s_name As *Byte s_aliases As **Byte #ifdef _WIN64 s_proto As *Byte s_port As Integer #else s_port As Integer s_proto As *Byte #endif End Type Type protoent p_name As *Byte p_aliases As **Byte p_proto As Integer End Type ' Protocols Const IPPROTO_IP = 0 Const IPPROTO_HOPOPTS = 0 Const IPPROTO_ICMP = 1 Const IPPROTO_IGMP = 2 Const IPPROTO_GGP = 3 Const IPPROTO_IPV4 = 4 Const IPPROTO_TCP = 6 Const IPPROTO_PUP = 12 Const IPPROTO_UDP = 17 Const IPPROTO_IDP = 22 Const IPPROTO_IPV6 = 41 Const IPPROTO_ROUTING = 43 Const IPPROTO_FRAGMENT = 44 Const IPPROTO_ESP = 50 Const IPPROTO_AH = 51 Const IPPROTO_ICMPV6 = 58 Const IPPROTO_NONE = 59 Const IPPROTO_DSTOPTS = 60 Const IPPROTO_ND = 77 Const IPPROTO_ICLFXBM = 78 Const IPPROTO_RAW = 255 Const IPPROTO_MAX = 256 ' Port/socket numbers: network standard functions Const IPPORT_ECHO = 7 Const IPPORT_DISCARD = 9 Const IPPORT_SYSTAT = 11 Const IPPORT_DAYTIME = 13 Const IPPORT_NETSTAT = 15 Const IPPORT_FTP = 21 Const IPPORT_TELNET = 23 Const IPPORT_SMTP = 25 Const IPPORT_TIMESERVER = 37 Const IPPORT_NAMESERVER = 42 Const IPPORT_WHOIS = 43 Const IPPORT_MTP = 57 ' Port/socket numbers: host specific functions Const IPPORT_TFTP = 69 Const IPPORT_RJE = 77 Const IPPORT_FINGER = 79 Const IPPORT_TTYLINK = 87 Const IPPORT_SUPDUP = 95 ' UNIX TCP sockets Const IPPORT_EXECSERVER = 512 Const IPPORT_LOGINSERVER = 513 Const IPPORT_CMDSERVER = 514 Const IPPORT_EFSSERVER = 520 ' UNIX UDP sockets Const IPPORT_BIFFUDP = 512 Const IPPORT_WHOSERVER = 513 Const IPPORT_ROUTESERVER = 520 ' 520+1 also used ' Ports < IPPORT_RESERVED are reserved for privileged processes (e.g. root). Const IPPORT_RESERVED = 1024 ' Link numbers Const IMPLINK_IP = 155 Const IMPLINK_LOWEXPER = 156 Const IMPLINK_HIGHEXPER = 158 #ifndef s_addr #define s_addr ' Internet address (old style... should be updated) Class in_addr Public /* Union S_un S_un_b As Type s_b1 As Byte s_b2 As Byte s_b3 As Byte s_b4 As Byte End Type S_un_w As Type s_w1 As Word s_w2 As Word End Type S_addr As DWord End Union */ s_addr As DWord Function s_host() As Byte Return GetByte(VarPtr(s_addr) + 1) End Function Sub s_host(h As Byte) Return SetByte(VarPtr(s_addr) + 2, h) End Sub Function s_net() As Byte Return GetByte(VarPtr(s_addr) + 0) End Function Sub s_net(n As Byte) Return SetByte(VarPtr(s_addr) + 0, n) End Sub Function s_imp() As Word Return GetWord(VarPtr(s_addr) + 1) End Function Sub s_imp(i As Word) Return SetWord(VarPtr(s_addr) + 1, i) End Sub Function s_impno() As Byte Return GetByte(VarPtr(s_addr) + 3) End Function Sub s_impno(i As Byte) Return SetByte(VarPtr(s_addr) + 3, i) End Sub Function s_lh() As Byte Return GetByte(VarPtr(s_addr) + 2) End Function Sub s_lh(l As Byte) Return SetByte(VarPtr(s_addr) + 2, l) End Sub End Class #endif Const IN_CLASSA(i) = (((i) As DWord And &h80000000) = 0) Const IN_CLASSA_NET = &hff000000 Const IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT = 24 Const IN_CLASSA_HOST = &h00ffffff Const IN_CLASSA_MAX = 128 Const IN_CLASSB(i) = (((i) As DWord & &hc0000000) = &h80000000) Const IN_CLASSB_NET= &hffff0000 Const IN_CLASSB_NSHIFT = 16 Const IN_CLASSB_HOST = &h0000ffff Const IN_CLASSB_MAX = 65536 Const IN_CLASSC(i) = (((i) As DWord And &he0000000) = &hc0000000) Const IN_CLASSC_NET = &hffffff00 Const IN_CLASSC_NSHIFT = 8 Const IN_CLASSC_HOST = &h000000ff Const IN_CLASSD(i) = (((i) As DWord And &hf0000000) = &he0000000) Const IN_CLASSD_NET = &hf0000000 Const IN_CLASSD_NSHIFT = 28 Const IN_CLASSD_HOST = &h0fffffff Const IN_MULTICAST(i) = IN_CLASSD(i) Const INADDR_ANY = &h00000000 As DWord Const INADDR_LOOPBACK = &h7f000001 Const INADDR_BROADCAST = &hffffffff As DWord Const INADDR_NONE = &hffffffff Const ADDR_ANY = INADDR_ANY ' Socket address, internet style. Type sockaddr_in sin_family As Integer sin_port As Word sin_addr As in_addr sin_zero[ELM(8)] As Byte End Type Const WSADESCRIPTION_LEN = 256 Const WSASYS_STATUS_LEN = 128 Type WSADATA wVersion As Word wHighVersion As Word #ifdef _WIN64 iMaxSockets As Word iMaxUdpDg As Word lpVendorInfo As *Byte szDescription[WSADESCRIPTION_LEN] As Byte szSystemStatus[WSASYS_STATUS_LEN] As Byte #else szDescription[WSADESCRIPTION_LEN] As Byte szSystemStatus[WSASYS_STATUS_LEN] As Byte iMaxSockets As Word iMaxUdpDg As Word lpVendorInfo As *Byte #endif End Type TypeDef LPWSADATA = *WSADATA ' Definitions related to sockets: types, address families, options, taken from the BSD file sys/socket.h. Const INVALID_SOCKET = (Not 0) As ULONG_PTR Const SOCKET_ERROR = (-1) Const FROM_PROTOCOL_INFO = (-1) ' Types Const SOCK_STREAM = 1 Const SOCK_DGRAM = 2 Const SOCK_RAW = 3 Const SOCK_RDM = 4 Const SOCK_SEQPACKET = 5 ' Option flags per-socket. Const SO_DEBUG = &h0001 Const SO_ACCEPTCONN = &h0002 Const SO_REUSEADDR = &h0004 Const SO_KEEPALIVE = &h0008 Const SO_DONTROUTE = &h0010 Const SO_BROADCAST = &h0020 Const SO_USELOOPBACK = &h0040 Const SO_LINGER = &h0080 Const SO_OOBINLINE = &h0100 Const SO_DONTLINGER = ((Not SO_LINGER) As Long) Const SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE = ((Not SO_REUSEADDR) As Long) ' Additional options. Const SO_SNDBUF = &h1001 Const SO_RCVBUF = &h1002 Const SO_SNDLOWAT = &h1003 Const SO_RCVLOWAT = &h1004 Const SO_SNDTIMEO = &h1005 Const SO_RCVTIMEO = &h1006 Const SO_ERROR = &h1007 Const SO_TYPE = &h1008 ' WinSock 2 extension -- new options Const SO_GROUP_ID = &h2001 Const SO_GROUP_PRIORITY = &h2002 Const SO_MAX_MSG_SIZE = &h2003 Const SO_PROTOCOL_INFOA = &h2004 Const SO_PROTOCOL_INFOW = &h2005 #ifdef UNICODE Const SO_PROTOCOL_INFO = SO_PROTOCOL_INFOW #else Const SO_PROTOCOL_INFO = SO_PROTOCOL_INFOA #endif /* UNICODE */ Const PVD_CONFIG = &h3001 Const SO_CONDITIONAL_ACCEPT = &h3002 ' TCP options. Const TCP_NODELAY = &h0001 ' Address families. Const AF_UNSPEC = 0 Const AF_UNIX = 1 Const AF_INET = 2 Const AF_IMPLINK = 3 Const AF_PUP = 4 Const AF_CHAOS = 5 Const AF_NS = 6 Const AF_IPX = AF_NS Const AF_ISO = 7 Const AF_OSI = AF_ISO Const AF_ECMA = 8 Const AF_DATAKIT = 9 Const AF_CCITT = 10 Const AF_SNA = 11 Const AF_DECnet = 12 Const AF_DLI = 13 Const AF_LAT = 14 Const AF_HYLINK = 15 Const AF_APPLETALK = 16 Const AF_NETBIOS = 17 Const AF_VOICEVIEW = 18 Const AF_FIREFOX = 19 Const AF_UNKNOWN1 = 20 Const AF_BAN = 21 Const AF_ATM = 22 Const AF_INET6 = 23 Const AF_CLUSTER = 24 Const AF_12844 = 25 Const AF_IRDA = 26 Const AF_NETDES = 28 Const AF_TCNPROCESS = 29 Const AF_TCNMESSAGE = 30 Const AF_ICLFXBM = 31 Const AF_MAX = 32 ' Structure used by kernel to store most addresses. Type sockaddr sa_family As Word sa_data[ELM(14)] As Byte End Type ' Portable socket structure (RFC 2553). ' Desired design of maximum size and alignment. ' These are implementation specific. Const _SS_MAXSIZE = 128 ' Maximum size. Const _SS_ALIGNSIZE = (SizeOf (Int64)) 'Desired alignment. ' Definitions used for sockaddr_storage structure paddings design. Const _SS_PAD1SIZE = (_SS_ALIGNSIZE - SizeOf (Integer)) Const _SS_PAD2SIZE = (_SS_MAXSIZE - (SizeOf (Integer) + _SS_PAD1SIZE + _SS_ALIGNSIZE)) Type sockaddr_storage ss_family As Integer __ss_pad1[ELM(_SS_PAD1SIZE)] As Byte __ss_align As Int64 __ss_pad2[ELM(_SS_PAD2SIZE)] As Byte End Type Type sockproto sp_family As Word sp_protocol As Word End Type ' Protocol families, same as address families for now. Const PF_UNSPEC = AF_UNSPEC Const PF_UNIX = AF_UNIX Const PF_INET = AF_INET Const PF_IMPLINK = AF_IMPLINK Const PF_PUP = AF_PUP Const PF_CHAOS = AF_CHAOS Const PF_NS = AF_NS Const PF_IPX = AF_IPX Const PF_ISO = AF_ISO Const PF_OSI = AF_OSI Const PF_ECMA = AF_ECMA Const PF_DATAKIT = AF_DATAKIT Const PF_CCITT = AF_CCITT Const PF_SNA = AF_SNA Const PF_DECnet = AF_DECnet Const PF_DLI = AF_DLI Const PF_LAT = AF_LAT Const PF_HYLINK = AF_HYLINK Const PF_APPLETALK = AF_APPLETALK Const PF_VOICEVIEW = AF_VOICEVIEW Const PF_FIREFOX = AF_FIREFOX Const PF_UNKNOWN1 = AF_UNKNOWN1 Const PF_BAN = AF_BAN Const PF_ATM = AF_ATM Const PF_INET6 = AF_INET6 Const PF_MAX = AF_MAX ' Structure used for manipulating linger option. Type linger l_onoff As Word l_linger As Word End Type ' Level number for (get/set)sockopt() to apply to socket itself. Const SOL_SOCKET = &hffff ' Maximum queue length specifiable by listen. Const SOMAXCONN = &h7fffffff Const MSG_OOB = &h1 Const MSG_PEEK = &h2 Const MSG_DONTROUTE = &h4 Const MSG_WAITALL = &h8 Const MSG_PARTIAL = &h8000 ' WinSock 2 extension -- new flags for WSASend(), WSASendTo(), WSARecv() and ' WSARecvFrom() Const MSG_INTERRUPT = &h10 Const MSG_MAXIOVLEN = 16 ' Define constant based on rfc883, used by gethostbyxxxx() calls. Const MAXGETHOSTSTRUCT = 1024 ' WinSock 2 extension -- bit values and indices for FD_XXX network events Const FD_READ_BIT = 0 Const FD_READ = (1 << FD_READ_BIT) Const FD_WRITE_BIT = 1 Const FD_WRITE = (1 << FD_WRITE_BIT) Const FD_OOB_BIT = 2 Const FD_OOB = (1 << FD_OOB_BIT) Const FD_ACCEPT_BIT = 3 Const FD_ACCEPT = (1 << FD_ACCEPT_BIT) Const FD_CONNECT_BIT = 4 Const FD_CONNECT = (1 << FD_CONNECT_BIT) Const FD_CLOSE_BIT = 5 Const FD_CLOSE = (1 << FD_CLOSE_BIT) Const FD_QOS_BIT = 6 Const FD_QOS = (1 << FD_QOS_BIT) Const FD_GROUP_QOS_BIT = 7 Const FD_GROUP_QOS = (1 << FD_GROUP_QOS_BIT) Const FD_ROUTING_INTERFACE_CHANGE_BIT = 8 Const FD_ROUTING_INTERFACE_CHANGE = (1 << FD_ROUTING_INTERFACE_CHANGE_BIT) Const FD_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE_BIT = 9 Const FD_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE = (1 << FD_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE_BIT) Const FD_MAX_EVENTS = 10 Const FD_ALL_EVENTS = ((1 << FD_MAX_EVENTS) - 1) #include ' Compatibility macros. 'Const h_errno = WSAGetLastError() Const HOST_NOT_FOUND = WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND Const TRY_AGAIN = WSATRY_AGAIN Const NO_RECOVERY = WSANO_RECOVERY Const NO_DATA = WSANO_DATA Const WSANO_ADDRESS = WSANO_DATA Const NO_ADDRESS = WSANO_ADDRESS ' WinSock 2 extension -- new error codes and type definition '#ifdef _WIN32 TypeDef WSAEVENT = HANDLE TypeDef LPWSAEVENT = *HANDLE TypeDef WSAOVERLAPPED = OVERLAPPED TypeDef LPWSAOVERLAPPED = *OVERLAPPED Const WSA_IO_PENDING = (ERROR_IO_PENDING) Const WSA_IO_INCOMPLETE = (ERROR_IO_INCOMPLETE) Const WSA_INVALID_HANDLE = (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) Const WSA_INVALID_PARAMETER = (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) Const WSA_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY = (ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY) Const WSA_OPERATION_ABORTED = (ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED) Const WSA_INVALID_EVENT = (0 As WSAEVENT) Const WSA_MAXIMUM_WAIT_EVENTS = (MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS) Const WSA_WAIT_FAILED = (WAIT_FAILED) Const WSA_WAIT_EVENT_0 = (WAIT_OBJECT_0) Const WSA_WAIT_IO_COMPLETION = (WAIT_IO_COMPLETION) Const WSA_WAIT_TIMEOUT = (WAIT_TIMEOUT) Const WSA_INFINITE = (INFINITE) '#elif defined _WIN16 '#endif Type WSABUF len As DWord buf As *Byte End Type TypeDef LPWSABUF = *WSABUF #include Type QOS 'struct _QualityOfService SendingFlowspec As FLOWSPEC ReceivingFlowspec As FLOWSPEC ProviderSpecific As WSABUF End Type TypeDef LPQOS = *QOS ' WinSock 2 extension -- manifest constants for return values of the condition function Const CF_ACCEPT = &h0000 Const CF_REJECT = &h0001 Const CF_DEFER = &h0002 ' WinSock 2 extension -- manifest constants for shutdown() Const SD_RECEIVE = &h00 Const SD_SEND = &h01 Const SD_BOTH = &h02 ' WinSock 2 extension -- data type and manifest constants for socket groups TypeDef GROUP = DWord Const SG_UNCONSTRAINED_GROUP = &h01 Const SG_CONSTRAINED_GROUP = &h02 ' WinSock 2 extension -- data type for WSAEnumNetworkEvents() Type WSANETWORKEVENTS lNetworkEvents As Long iErrorCode[ELM(FD_MAX_EVENTS)] As Long End Type TypeDef LPWSANETWORKEVENTS = *WSANETWORKEVENTS ' WinSock 2 extension -- WSAPROTOCOL_INFO structure and associated ' manifest constants Const MAX_PROTOCOL_CHAIN = 7 Const BASE_PROTOCOL = 1 Const LAYERED_PROTOCOL = 0 Type WSAPROTOCOLCHAIN ChainLen As Long ChainEntries[ELM(MAX_PROTOCOL_CHAIN)] As DWord End Type TypeDef LPWSAPROTOCOLCHAIN = *WSAPROTOCOLCHAIN Const WSAPROTOCOL_LEN = 255 Type WSAPROTOCOL_INFOA dwServiceFlags1 As DWord dwServiceFlags2 As DWord dwServiceFlags3 As DWord dwServiceFlags4 As DWord dwProviderFlags As DWord ProviderId As GUID dwCatalogEntryId As DWord ProtocolChain As WSAPROTOCOLCHAIN iVersion As Long iAddressFamily As Long iMaxSockAddr As Long iMinSockAddr As Long iSocketType As Long iProtocol As Long iProtocolMaxOffset As Long iNetworkByteOrder As Long iSecurityScheme As Long dwMessageSize As DWord dwProviderReserved As DWord szProtocol[WSAPROTOCOL_LEN] As Byte End Type TypeDef LPWSAPROTOCOL_INFOA = *WSAPROTOCOL_INFOA Type WSAPROTOCOL_INFOW dwServiceFlags1 As DWord dwServiceFlags2 As DWord dwServiceFlags3 As DWord dwServiceFlags4 As DWord dwProviderFlags As DWord ProviderId As GUID dwCatalogEntryId As DWord ProtocolChain As WSAPROTOCOLCHAIN iVersion As Long iAddressFamily As Long iMaxSockAddr As Long iMinSockAddr As Long iSocketType As Long iProtocol As Long iProtocolMaxOffset As Long iNetworkByteOrder As Long iSecurityScheme As Long dwMessageSize As DWord dwProviderReserved As DWord szProtocol[WSAPROTOCOL_LEN] As WCHAR End Type TypeDef LPWSAPROTOCOL_INFOW = *WSAPROTOCOL_INFOW #ifdef UNICODE TypeDef WSAPROTOCOL_INFO = WSAPROTOCOL_INFOW TypeDef LPWSAPROTOCOL_INFO = LPWSAPROTOCOL_INFOW #else TypeDef WSAPROTOCOL_INFO = WSAPROTOCOL_INFOA TypeDef LPWSAPROTOCOL_INFO = LPWSAPROTOCOL_INFOA #endif ' Flag bit definitions for dwProviderFlags Const PFL_MULTIPLE_PROTO_ENTRIES = &h00000001 Const PFL_RECOMMENDED_PROTO_ENTRY = &h00000002 Const PFL_HIDDEN = &h00000004 Const PFL_MATCHES_PROTOCOL_ZERO = &h00000008 ' Flag bit definitions for dwServiceFlags1 Const XP1_CONNECTIONLESS = &h00000001 Const XP1_GUARANTEED_DELIVERY = &h00000002 Const XP1_GUARANTEED_ORDER = &h00000004 Const XP1_MESSAGE_ORIENTED = &h00000008 Const XP1_PSEUDO_STREAM = &h00000010 Const XP1_GRACEFUL_CLOSE = &h00000020 Const XP1_EXPEDITED_DATA = &h00000040 Const XP1_CONNECT_DATA = &h00000080 Const XP1_DISCONNECT_DATA = &h00000100 Const XP1_SUPPORT_BROADCAST = &h00000200 Const XP1_SUPPORT_MULTIPOINT = &h00000400 Const XP1_MULTIPOINT_CONTROL_PLANE = &h00000800 Const XP1_MULTIPOINT_DATA_PLANE = &h00001000 Const XP1_QOS_SUPPORTED = &h00002000 Const XP1_INTERRUPT = &h00004000 Const XP1_UNI_SEND = &h00008000 Const XP1_UNI_RECV = &h00010000 Const XP1_IFS_HANDLES = &h00020000 Const XP1_PARTIAL_MESSAGE = &h00040000 Const BIGENDIAN = &h0000 Const LITTLEENDIAN = &h0001 Const SECURITY_PROTOCOL_NONE = &h0000 ' WinSock 2 extension -- manifest constants for WSAJoinLeaf() Const JL_SENDER_ONLY = &h01 Const JL_RECEIVER_ONLY = &h02 Const JL_BOTH = &h04 ' WinSock 2 extension -- manifest constants for WSASocket() Const WSA_FLAG_OVERLAPPED = &h01 Const WSA_FLAG_MULTIPOINT_C_ROOT = &h02 Const WSA_FLAG_MULTIPOINT_C_LEAF = &h04 Const WSA_FLAG_MULTIPOINT_D_ROOT = &h08 Const WSA_FLAG_MULTIPOINT_D_LEAF = &h10 ' WinSock 2 extension -- manifest constants for WSAIoctl() Const IOC_UNIX = &h00000000 Const IOC_WS2 = &h08000000 Const IOC_PROTOCOL = &h10000000 Const IOC_VENDOR = &h18000000 Const _WSAIO(x, y) = (IOC_VOID Or (x) Or (y)) Const _WSAIOR(x, y) = (IOC_OUT Or (x) Or (y)) Const _WSAIOW(x, y) = (IOC_IN Or (x) Or (y)) Const _WSAIORW(x, y) = (IOC_INOUT Or (x) Or (y)) Const SIO_ASSOCIATE_HANDLE = _WSAIOW(IOC_WS2, 1) Const SIO_ENABLE_CIRCULAR_QUEUEING = _WSAIO(IOC_WS2, 2) Const SIO_FIND_ROUTE = _WSAIOR(IOC_WS2, 3) Const SIO_FLUSH = _WSAIO(IOC_WS2, 4) Const SIO_GET_BROADCAST_ADDRESS = _WSAIOR(IOC_WS2, 5) Const SIO_GET_EXTENSION_FUNCTION_POINTER = _WSAIORW(IOC_WS2, 6) Const SIO_GET_QOS = _WSAIORW(IOC_WS2, 7) Const SIO_GET_GROUP_QOS = _WSAIORW(IOC_WS2, 8) Const SIO_MULTIPOINT_LOOPBACK = _WSAIOW(IOC_WS2, 9) Const SIO_MULTICAST_SCOPE = _WSAIOW(IOC_WS2, 10) Const SIO_SET_QOS = _WSAIOW(IOC_WS2, 11) Const SIO_SET_GROUP_QOS = _WSAIOW(IOC_WS2, 12) Const SIO_TRANSLATE_HANDLE = _WSAIORW(IOC_WS2, 13) Const SIO_ROUTING_INTERFACE_QUERY = _WSAIORW(IOC_WS2, 20) Const SIO_ROUTING_INTERFACE_CHANGE = _WSAIOW(IOC_WS2, 21) Const SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_QUERY = _WSAIOR(IOC_WS2, 22) Const SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE = _WSAIO(IOC_WS2, 23) Const SIO_QUERY_TARGET_PNP_HANDLE = _WSAIOR(IOC_WS2, 24) Const SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_SORT = _WSAIORW(IOC_WS2, 25) ' WinSock 2 extensions -- data types for the condition function in ' WSAAccept() and overlapped I/O completion routine. TypeDef LPCONDITIONPROC = *Function( ByRef CallerId As WSABUF, ByRef CallerData As WSABUF, ByRef lpSQOS As QOS, ByRef lpGQOS As QOS, ByRef lpCalleeId As WSABUF, ByRef lpCalleeData As WSABUF, ByRef g As GROUP, dwCallbackData As ULONG_PTR ) As Long TypeDef LPWSAOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE = *Sub( dwError As DWord, cbTransferred As DWord, ByRef Overlapped As WSAOVERLAPPED, dwFlags As DWord) ' WinSock 2 extension -- manifest constants and associated structures ' for WSANSPIoctl() Const SIO_NSP_NOTIFY_CHANGE = _WSAIOW(IOC_WS2, 25) Const Enum WSACOMPLETIONTYPE NSP_NOTIFY_IMMEDIATELY = 0 NSP_NOTIFY_HWND NSP_NOTIFY_EVENT NSP_NOTIFY_PORT NSP_NOTIFY_APC End Enum TypeDef PWSACOMPLETIONTYPE = *WSACOMPLETIONTYPE TypeDef LPWSACOMPLETIONTYPE = *WSACOMPLETIONTYPE Type _System_WinSock_WSACOMPLETION_WINDOWMESSAGE hWnd As HWND uMsg As DWord context As WPARAM End Type Type _System_WinSock_WSACOMPLETION_EVENT lpOverlapped As LPWSAOVERLAPPED End Type Type _System_WinSock_WSACOMPLETION_APC lpOverlapped As LPWSAOVERLAPPED lpfnCompletionProc As LPWSAOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE End Type Type _System_WinSock_WSACOMPLETION_PORT lpOverlapped As LPWSAOVERLAPPED hPort As HANDLE Key As ULONG_PTR End Type Class WSACOMPLETION Public Type_ As WSACOMPLETIONTYPE /* Parameters As Union WindowMessage As _System_WinSock_WSACOMPLETION_WINDOWMESSAGE Event As _System_WinSock_WSACOMPLETION_EVENT Apc As _System_WinSock_WSACOMPLETION_APC Port As _System_WinSock_WSACOMPLETION_PORT End Union */ Port As _System_WinSock_WSACOMPLETION_PORT Function WindowMessage() As _System_WinSock_WSACOMPLETION_WINDOWMESSAGE Dim p As *_System_WinSock_WSACOMPLETION_WINDOWMESSAGE p = VarPtr(Port) As *_System_WinSock_WSACOMPLETION_WINDOWMESSAGE Return p[0] End Function Sub WindowMessage(w As _System_WinSock_WSACOMPLETION_WINDOWMESSAGE) Dim p As *_System_WinSock_WSACOMPLETION_WINDOWMESSAGE p = VarPtr(Port) As *_System_WinSock_WSACOMPLETION_WINDOWMESSAGE p[0] = w End Sub Function Event() As _System_WinSock_WSACOMPLETION_EVENT Dim p As *_System_WinSock_WSACOMPLETION_EVENT p = VarPtr(Port) As *_System_WinSock_WSACOMPLETION_EVENT Return p[0] End Function Sub Event(e As _System_WinSock_WSACOMPLETION_EVENT) Dim p As *_System_WinSock_WSACOMPLETION_EVENT p = VarPtr(Port) As *_System_WinSock_WSACOMPLETION_EVENT p[0] = e End Sub Function Apc() As _System_WinSock_WSACOMPLETION_APC Dim p As *_System_WinSock_WSACOMPLETION_APC p = VarPtr(Port) As *_System_WinSock_WSACOMPLETION_APC Return p[0] End Function Sub Apc(a As _System_WinSock_WSACOMPLETION_APC) Dim p As *_System_WinSock_WSACOMPLETION_APC p = VarPtr(Port) As *_System_WinSock_WSACOMPLETION_APC p[0] = a End Sub /* Function Port() As _System_WinSock_WSACOMPLETION_PORT Dim p As *_System_WinSock_WSACOMPLETION_PORT p = VarPtr(Port) As *_System_WinSock_WSACOMPLETION_PORT Return p[0] End Function Sub Port(p As _System_WinSock_WSACOMPLETION_PORT) Dim p As *_System_WinSock_WSACOMPLETION_PORT p = VarPtr(Port) As *_System_WinSock_WSACOMPLETION_PORT p[0] = p End Sub */ End Class TypeDef PWSACOMPLETION = *WSACOMPLETION TypeDef LPWSACOMPLETION = *WSACOMPLETION ' WinSock 2 extension -- manifest constants for SIO_TRANSLATE_HANDLE ioctl Const TH_NETDEV = &h00000001 Const TH_TAPI = &h00000002 TypeDef SOCKADDR = sockaddr TypeDef PSOCKADDR = *sockaddr TypeDef LPSOCKADDR = *sockaddr TypeDef SOCKADDR_STORAGE = sockaddr_storage TypeDef PSOCKADDR_STORAGE = *sockaddr_storage TypeDef LPSOCKADDR_STORAGE = *sockaddr_storage ' Manifest constants and type definitions related to name resolution and ' registration (RNR) API #ifndef _tagBLOB_DEFINED #define _tagBLOB_DEFINED #define _BLOB_DEFINED #define _LPBLOB_DEFINED Type BLOB cbSize As DWord #ifdef MIDL_PASS [size_is(cbSize)] pBlobData As *Byte #else pBlobData As *Byte #endif End Type TypeDef LPBLOB = *BLOB #endif ' Service Install Flags Const SERVICE_MULTIPLE = (&h00000001) ' Name Spaces Const NS_ALL = (0) Const NS_SAP = (1) Const NS_NDS = (2) Const NS_PEER_BROWSE = (3) Const NS_SLP = (5) Const NS_DHCP = (6) Const NS_TCPIP_LOCAL = (10) Const NS_TCPIP_HOSTS = (11) Const NS_DNS = (12) Const NS_NETBT = (13) Const NS_WINS = (14) Const NS_NLA = (15) Const NS_NBP = (20) Const NS_MS = (30) Const NS_STDA = (31) Const NS_NTDS = (32) Const NS_X500 = (40) Const NS_NIS = (41) Const NS_NISPLUS = (42) Const NS_WRQ = (50) Const NS_NETDES = (60) ' Resolution flags for WSAGetAddressByName(). Const RES_UNUSED_1 = (&h00000001) Const RES_FLUSH_CACHE = (&h00000002) #ifndef RES_SERVICE #define RES_SERVICE Const RES_SERVICE = (&h00000004) #endif /* RES_SERVICE */ ' Well known value names for Service Types Const SERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_IPXPORTA = "IpxSocket" 'Const SERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_IPXPORTW = L"IpxSocket" Const SERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_SAPIDA = "SapId" 'Const SERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_SAPIDW = L"SapId" Const SERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_TCPPORTA = "TcpPort" 'Const SERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_TCPPORTW = L"TcpPort" Const SERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_UDPPORTA = "UdpPort" 'Const SERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_UDPPORTW = L"UdpPort" Const SERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_OBJECTIDA = "ObjectId" 'Const SERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_OBJECTIDW = L"ObjectId" #ifdef UNICODE /* Const SERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_SAPID = SERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_SAPIDW Const SERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_TCPPORT = SERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_TCPPORTW Const SERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_UDPPORT = SERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_UDPPORTW Const SERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_OBJECTID = SERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_OBJECTIDW */ #else Const SERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_SAPID = SERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_SAPIDA Const SERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_TCPPORT = SERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_TCPPORTA Const SERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_UDPPORT = SERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_UDPPORTA Const SERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_OBJECTID = SERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_OBJECTIDA #endif #ifndef __CSADDR_DEFINED__ #define __CSADDR_DEFINED__ ' SockAddr Information Type SOCKET_ADDRESS lpSockaddr As LPSOCKADDR iSockaddrLength As Long End Type TypeDef PSOCKET_ADDRESS = *SOCKET_ADDRESS TypeDef LPSOCKET_ADDRESS = *SOCKET_ADDRESS ' CSAddr Information Type CSADDR_INFO LocalAddr As SOCKET_ADDRESS RemoteAddr As SOCKET_ADDRESS iSocketType As Long iProtocol As Long End Type TypeDef PCSADDR_INFO = *CSADDR_INFO TypeDef LPCSADDR_INFO = *CSADDR_INFO #endif ' Address list returned via SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_QUERY Type SOCKET_ADDRESS_LIST iAddressCount As Long Address[ELM(1)] As SOCKET_ADDRESS End Type TypeDef LPSOCKET_ADDRESS_LIST = *SOCKET_ADDRESS_LIST ' Address Family/Protocol Tuples Type AFPROTOCOLS iAddressFamily As Long iProtocol As Long End Type TypeDef PAFPROTOCOLS = *AFPROTOCOLS TypeDef LPAFPROTOCOLS = *AFPROTOCOLS ' Client Query API Typedefs ' The comparators Const Enum WSAECOMPARATOR COMP_EQUAL = 0 COMP_NOTLESS End Enum TypeDef PWSAECOMPARATOR = *WSAECOMPARATOR TypeDef LPWSAECOMPARATOR = *WSAECOMPARATOR Type WSAVERSION dwVersion As DWord ecHow As WSAECOMPARATOR End Type TypeDef PWSAVERSION = *WSAVERSION TypeDef LPWSAVERSION = *WSAVERSION Type WSAQUERYSETA dwSize As DWord lpszServiceInstanceName As LPSTR lpServiceClassId As *GUID lpVersion As LPWSAVERSION lpszComment As LPSTR dwNameSpace As DWord lpNSProviderId As *GUID lpszContext As LPSTR dwNumberOfProtocols As DWord lpafpProtocols As LPAFPROTOCOLS lpszQueryString As LPSTR dwNumberOfCsAddrs As DWord lpcsaBuffer As LPCSADDR_INFO dwOutputFlags As DWord lpBlob As LPBLOB End Type TypeDef PWSAQUERYSETA = *WSAQUERYSETA TypeDef LPWSAQUERYSETA = *WSAQUERYSETA Type WSAQUERYSETW dwSize As DWord lpszServiceInstanceName As LPWSTR lpServiceClassId As *GUID lpVersion As LPWSAVERSION lpszComment As LPWSTR dwNameSpace As DWord lpNSProviderId As *GUID lpszContext As LPWSTR dwNumberOfProtocols As DWord lpafpProtocols As LPAFPROTOCOLS lpszQueryString As LPWSTR dwNumberOfCsAddrs As DWord lpcsaBuffer As LPCSADDR_INFO dwOutputFlags As DWord lpBlob As LPBLOB End Type TypeDef PWSAQUERYSETW = *WSAQUERYSETW TypeDef LPWSAQUERYSETW = *WSAQUERYSETW #ifdef UNICODE TypeDef WSAQUERYSET = WSAQUERYSETW TypeDef PWSAQUERYSET = PWSAQUERYSETW TypeDef LPWSAQUERYSET = LPWSAQUERYSETW #else TypeDef WSAQUERYSET = WSAQUERYSETA TypeDef PWSAQUERYSET = PWSAQUERYSETA TypeDef LPWSAQUERYSET = LPWSAQUERYSETA #endif Const LUP_DEEP = &h0001 Const LUP_CONTAINERS = &h0002 Const LUP_NOCONTAINERS = &h0004 Const LUP_NEAREST = &h0008 Const LUP_RETURN_NAME = &h0010 Const LUP_RETURN_TYPE = &h0020 Const LUP_RETURN_VERSION = &h0040 Const LUP_RETURN_COMMENT = &h0080 Const LUP_RETURN_ADDR = &h0100 Const LUP_RETURN_BLOB = &h0200 Const LUP_RETURN_ALIASES = &h0400 Const LUP_RETURN_QUERY_STRING = &h0800 Const LUP_RETURN_ALL = &h0FF0 Const LUP_RES_SERVICE = &h8000 Const LUP_FLUSHCACHE = &h1000 Const LUP_FLUSHPREVIOUS = &h2000 ' Return flags Const RESULT_IS_ALIAS = &h0001 Const RESULT_IS_ADDED = &h0010 Const RESULT_IS_CHANGED = &h0020 Const RESULT_IS_DELETED = &h0040 ' Service Address Registration and Deregistration Data Types. Const Enum WSAESETSERVICEOP RNRSERVICE_REGISTER = 0 RNRSERVICE_DEREGISTER RNRSERVICE_DELETE End Enum TypeDef PWSAESETSERVICEOP = *WSAESETSERVICEOP TypeDef LPWSAESETSERVICEOP = *WSAESETSERVICEOP ' Service Installation/Removal Data Types. Type WSANSCLASSINFOA lpszName As LPSTR dwNameSpace As DWord dwValueType As DWord dwValueSize As DWord lpValue As VoidPtr End Type TypeDef PWSANSCLASSINFOA = *WSANSCLASSINFOA TypeDef LPWSANSCLASSINFOA = *WSANSCLASSINFOA Type WSANSCLASSINFOW lpszName As LPWSTR dwNameSpace As DWord dwValueType As DWord dwValueSize As DWord lpValue As VoidPtr End Type TypeDef PWSANSCLASSINFOW = *WSANSCLASSINFOW TypeDef LPWSANSCLASSINFOW = *WSANSCLASSINFOW #ifdef UNICODE TypeDef WSANSCLASSINFO = WSANSCLASSINFOW TypeDef PWSANSCLASSINFO = PWSANSCLASSINFOW TypeDef LPWSANSCLASSINFO = LPWSANSCLASSINFOW #else TypeDef WSANSCLASSINFO = WSANSCLASSINFOA TypeDef PWSANSCLASSINFO = PWSANSCLASSINFOA TypeDef LPWSANSCLASSINFO = LPWSANSCLASSINFOA #endif Type WSASERVICECLASSINFOA lpServiceClassId As *GUID lpszServiceClassName As LPSTR dwCount As DWord lpClassInfos As LPWSANSCLASSINFOA End Type TypeDef PWSASERVICECLASSINFOA = *WSASERVICECLASSINFOA TypeDef LPWSASERVICECLASSINFOA = *WSASERVICECLASSINFOA Type WSASERVICECLASSINFOW lpServiceClassId As *GUID lpszServiceClassName As LPWSTR dwCount As DWord lpClassInfos As LPWSANSCLASSINFOA End Type TypeDef PWSASERVICECLASSINFOW = *WSASERVICECLASSINFOW TypeDef LPWSASERVICECLASSINFOW = *WSASERVICECLASSINFOW #ifdef UNICODE TypeDef WSASERVICECLASSINFO = WSASERVICECLASSINFOW TypeDef PWSASERVICECLASSINFO = PWSASERVICECLASSINFOW TypeDef LPWSASERVICECLASSINFO = LPWSASERVICECLASSINFOW #else TypeDef WSASERVICECLASSINFO = WSASERVICECLASSINFOA TypeDef PWSASERVICECLASSINFO = PWSASERVICECLASSINFOA TypeDef LPWSASERVICECLASSINFO = LPWSASERVICECLASSINFOA #endif Type WSANAMESPACE_INFOA NSProviderId As GUID dwNameSpace As DWord fActive As BOOL dwVersion As DWord lpszIdentifier As LPSTR End Type TypeDef PWSANAMESPACE_INFOA = *WSANAMESPACE_INFOA TypeDef LPWSANAMESPACE_INFOA = *WSANAMESPACE_INFOA Type WSANAMESPACE_INFOW NSProviderId As GUID dwNameSpace As DWord fActive As BOOL dwVersion As DWord lpszIdentifier As LPWSTR End Type TypeDef PWSANAMESPACE_INFOW = *WSANAMESPACE_INFOW TypeDef LPWSANAMESPACE_INFOW = *WSANAMESPACE_INFOW #ifdef UNICODE TypeDef WSANAMESPACE_INFO = WSANAMESPACE_INFOW TypeDef PWSANAMESPACE_INFO = PWSANAMESPACE_INFOW TypeDef LPWSANAMESPACE_INFO = LPWSANAMESPACE_INFOW #else TypeDef WSANAMESPACE_INFO = WSANAMESPACE_INFOA TypeDef PWSANAMESPACE_INFO = PWSANAMESPACE_INFOA TypeDef LPWSANAMESPACE_INFO = LPWSANAMESPACE_INFOA #endif ' Socket function prototypes #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function accept Lib "ws2_32" (s As SOCKET, ByRef addr As sockaddr, ByRef addrlen As Long) As SOCKET #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_ACCEPT = *Function(s As SOCKET, ByRef addr As sockaddr, ByRef addrlen As Long) As SOCKET #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function bind Lib "ws2_32" (s As SOCKET, ByRef name As sockaddr, addrlen As Long) As Long #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_BIND = *Function(s As SOCKET, ByRef name As sockaddr, addrlen As Long) As Long #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function closesocket Lib "ws2_32" (s As SOCKET) As Long #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_CLOSESOCKET = *Function(s As SOCKET) As Long #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function connect Lib "ws2_32" (s As SOCKET, ByRef name As sockaddr, namelen As Long) As Long #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_CONNECT = *Function(s As SOCKET, ByRef name As sockaddr, namelen As Long) As Long #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function ioctlsocket Lib "ws2_32" (s As SOCKET, cmd As Long, ByRef argp As DWord) As Long #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_IOCTLSOCKET = *Function(s As SOCKET, cmd As Long, ByRef argp As DWord) As Long #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function getpeername Lib "ws2_32" (s As SOCKET, ByRef name As sockaddr, ByRef namelen As Long) As Long #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_GETPEERNAME = *Function(s As SOCKET, ByRef name As sockaddr, ByRef namelen As Long) As Long #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function getsockname Lib "ws2_32" (s As SOCKET, ByRef name As sockaddr, ByRef namelen As Long) As Long #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_GETSOCKNAME = *Function(s As SOCKET, ByRef name As sockaddr, ByRef namelen As Long) As Long #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function getsockopt Lib "ws2_32" (s As SOCKET, level As Long, optname As Long, optval As *Byte, ByRef optlen As Long) As Long #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_GETSOCKOPT = *Function(s As SOCKET, level As Long, optname As Long, optval As *Byte, ByRef optlen As Long) As Long #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function htonl Lib "ws2_32" (hostlong As DWord) As DWord #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_HTONL = *Function(hostlong As DWord) As DWord #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function htons Lib "ws2_32" (hostshort As Word) As Word #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_HTONS = *Function(hostshort As Word) As Word #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function inet_addr Lib "ws2_32" (cp As *Byte) As DWord #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_INET_ADDR = *Function(cp As *Byte) As DWord #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function inet_ntoa Lib "ws2_32" (in As in_addr) As *Byte #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_INET_NTOA = *Function(in As in_addr) As *Byte #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function listen Lib "ws2_32" (s As SOCKET, backlog As Long) As Long #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_LISTEN = *Function(s As SOCKET, backlog As Long) As Long #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function ntohl Lib "ws2_32" (netlong As DWord) As DWord #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_NTOHL = *Function(netlong As DWord) As DWord #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function ntohs Lib "ws2_32" (netshort As Word) As Word #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_NTOHS = *Function(netshort As Word) As Word #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function recv Lib "ws2_32" (s As SOCKET, buf As *Byte, len As Long, flags As Long) As Long #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_RECV = *Function(s As SOCKET, buf As *Byte, len As Long, flags As Long) As Long #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function recvfrom Lib "ws2_32" (s As SOCKET, buf As *Byte, len As Long, flags As Long, ByRef from As sockaddr, ByRef fromlen As Long) As Long #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_RECVFROM = *Function(s As SOCKET, buf As *Byte, len As Long, flags As Long, ByRef from As sockaddr, ByRef fromlen As Long) As Long #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function select Lib "ws2_32" (nfds As Long, ByRef readfds As fd_set, ByRef writefds As fd_set, ByRef exceptfds As fd_set, ByRef timeout As timeval) As Long #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_SELECT = *Function(nfds As Long, ByRef readfds As fd_set, ByRef writefds As fd_set, ByRef exceptfds As fd_set, ByRef timeout As timeval) As Long #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function send Lib "ws2_32" (s As SOCKET, buf As *Byte, len As Long, flags As Long) As Long #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_SEND = *Function(s As SOCKET, buf As *Byte, len As Long, flags As Long) As Long #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function sendto Lib "ws2_32" (s As SOCKET, buf As *Byte, len As Long, flags As Long, ByRef to_ As sockaddr, tolen As Long) As Long #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_SENDTO = *Function(s As SOCKET, buf As *Byte, len As Long, flags As Long, ByRef to_ As sockaddr, tolen As Long) As Long #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function setsockopt Lib "ws2_32" (s As SOCKET, level As Long, optname As Long, optval As *Byte, optlen As Long) As Long #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_SETSOCKOPT = *Function(s As SOCKET, level As Long, optname As Long, optval As *Byte, optlen As Long) As Long #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function shutdown Lib "ws2_32" (s As SOCKET, how As Long) As Long #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_SHUTDOWN = *Function(s As SOCKET, how As Long) As Long #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function socket Lib "ws2_32" (af As Long, type_ As Long, protocol As Long) As SOCKET #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_SOCKET = *Function(af As Long, type_ As Long, protocol As Long) As SOCKET #endif ' Database function prototypes #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function gethostbyaddr Lib "ws2_32" (addr As PCSTR, len As Long, type_ As Long) As *hostent #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_GETHOSTBYADDR = *Function(addr As PCSTR, len As Long, type_ As Long) As *hostent #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function gethostbyname Lib "ws2_32" (name As PCSTR) As *hostent #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_GETHOSTBYNAME = *Function(name As PCSTR) As *hostent #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function gethostname Lib "ws2_32" (name As PCSTR, namelen As Long) As Long #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_GETHOSTNAME = *Function(name As PCSTR, namelen As Long) As Long #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function getservbyport Lib "ws2_32" (port As Long, proto As PCSTR) As *servent #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_GETSERVBYPORT = *Function(port As Long, proto As PCSTR) As *servent #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function getservbyname Lib "ws2_32" (name As PCSTR, proto As PCSTR) As *servent #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_GETSERVBYNAME = *Function(name As PCSTR, proto As PCSTR) As *servent #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function getprotobynumber Lib "ws2_32" (number As Long) As *protoent #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_GETPROTOBYNUMBER = *Function(number As Long) As *protoent #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function getprotobyname Lib "ws2_32" (name As PCSTR) As *protoent #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_GETPROTOBYNAME = (name As PCSTR) As *protoent #endif ' Microsoft Windows Extension function prototypes #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSAStartup Lib "ws2_32" (wVersionRequested As Word, ByRef WSAData As WSADATA) As Long #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSASTARTUP = *Function(wVersionRequested As Word, ByRef WSAData As WSADATA) As Long #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSACleanup Lib "ws2_32" () As Long #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSACLEANUP = *Function() As Long #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Sub WSASetLastError Lib "ws2_32" (iError As Long) #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSASETLASTERROR = *Sub(iError As Long) #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSAGetLastError Lib "ws2_32" () As Long #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSAGETLASTERROR = *Function() As Long #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSAIsBlocking Lib "ws2_32" () As BOOL #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSAISBLOCKING = *Function() As BOOL #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSAUnhookBlockingHook Lib "ws2_32" () As Long #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSAUNHOOKBLOCKINGHOOK = *Function() As Long #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSASetBlockingHook Lib "ws2_32" (lpBlockFunc As FARPROC) As FARPROC #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSASETBLOCKINGHOOK = *Function(lpBlockFunc As FARPROC) As FARPROC #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSACancelBlockingCall Lib "ws2_32" () As Long #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSACANCELBLOCKINGCALL = *Function() As Long #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSAAsyncGetServByName Lib "ws2_32" (hwnd As HWND, msg As DWord, name As PCSTR, proto As PCSTR, buf As *Byte, buflen As Long) As HANDLE #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSAASYNCGETSERVBYNAME = *Function(hwnd As HWND, msg As DWord, name As PCSTR, proto As PCSTR, buf As *Byte, buflen As Long) As HANDLE #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSAAsyncGetServByPort Lib "ws2_32" (hwnd As HWND, msg As DWord, port As Long, proto As PCSTR, buf As *Byte, buflen As Long) As HANDLE #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSAASYNCGETSERVBYPORT = *Function(hwnd As HWND, msg As DWord, port As Long, proto As PCSTR, buf As *Byte, buflen As Long) As HANDLE #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSAAsyncGetProtoByName Lib "ws2_32" (hwnd As HWND, msg As DWord, name As PCSTR, buf As *Byte, buflen As Long) As HANDLE #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSAASYNCGETPROTOBYNAME = *Function(hwnd As HWND, msg As DWord, name As PCSTR, buf As *Byte, buflen As Long) As HANDLE #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSAAsyncGetProtoByNumber Lib "ws2_32" (hwnd As HWND, msg As DWord, number As Long, buf As *Byte, buflen As Long) As HANDLE #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSAASYNCGETPROTOBYNUMBER = *Function(hwnd As HWND, msg As DWord, number As Long, buf As *Byte, buflen As Long) As HANDLE #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSAAsyncGetHostByName Lib "ws2_32" (hwnd As HWND, msg As DWord, name As PCSTR, buf As *Byte, buflen As Long) As HANDLE #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSAASYNCGETHOSTBYNAME = *Function(hwnd As HWND, msg As DWord, name As PCSTR, buf As *Byte, buflen As Long) As HANDLE #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSAAsyncGetHostByAddr Lib "ws2_32" (hwnd As HWND, msg As DWord, addr As PCSTR, len As Long, type_ As Long, buf As *Byte, buflen As Long) As HANDLE #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSAASYNCGETHOSTBYADDR = *Function(hwnd As HWND, msg As DWord, addr As PCSTR, len As Long, type_ As Long, buf As *Byte, buflen As Long) As HANDLE #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSACancelAsyncRequest Lib "ws2_32" (hAsyncTaskHandle As HANDLE) As Long #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSACANCELASYNCREQUEST = *Function(hAsyncTaskHandle As HANDLE) As Long #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSAAsyncSelect Lib "ws2_32" (s As SOCKET, hwnd As HWND, msg As DWord, Event As Long) As Long #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSAASYNCSELECT = *Function(s As SOCKET, hwnd As HWND, msg As DWord, Event As Long) As Long #endif /* WinSock 2 API new function prototypes */ #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSAAccept Lib "ws2_32" (s As SOCKET, ByRef addr As sockaddr, ByRef addrlen As Long, lpfnCondition As LPCONDITIONPROC, CallbackData As ULONG_PTR) As SOCKET #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSAACCEPT = *Function(s As SOCKET, ByRef addr As sockaddr, ByRef addrlen As Long, lpfnCondition As LPCONDITIONPROC, CallbackData As ULONG_PTR) As SOCKET #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSACloseEvent Lib "ws2_32" (hEvent As WSAEVENT) As BOOL #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSACLOSEEVENT = *Function(hEvent As WSAEVENT) As BOOL #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSAConnect Lib "ws2_32" (s As SOCKET, ByRef name As sockaddr, namelen As Long, ByRef CallerData As WSABUF, ByRef CalleeData As WSABUF, ByRef SQOS As QOS, ByRef GQOS As QOS) As Long #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSACONNECT = *Functions As SOCKET, ByRef name As sockaddr, namelen As Long, ByRef CallerData As WSABUF, ByRef CalleeData As WSABUF, ByRef SQOS As QOS, ByRef GQOS As QOS) As Long #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSACreateEvent Lib "ws2_32" () As WSAEVENT #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSACREATEEVENT = *Function() As WSAEVENT #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSADuplicateSocketA Lib "ws2_32" (s As SOCKET, ProcessId As DWord, ByRef ProtocolInfo As WSAPROTOCOL_INFOA) As Long Declare Function WSADuplicateSocketW Lib "ws2_32" (s As SOCKET, ProcessId As DWord, ByRef ProtocolInfo As WSAPROTOCOL_INFOW) As Long #ifdef UNICODE Declare Function WSADuplicateSocket Lib "ws2_32" Alias "WSADuplicateSocketW" (s As SOCKET, ProcessId As DWord, ByRef ProtocolInfo As WSAPROTOCOL_INFO) As Long #else Declare Function WSADuplicateSocket Lib "ws2_32" Alias "WSADuplicateSocketA" (s As SOCKET, ProcessId As DWord, ByRef ProtocolInfo As WSAPROTOCOL_INFO) As Long #endif #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSADUPLICATESOCKETA = *Function(s As SOCKET, ProcessId As DWord, ByRef ProtocolInfo As WSAPROTOCOL_INFOA) As Long TypeDef LPFN_WSADUPLICATESOCKETW = *Function(s As SOCKET, ProcessId As DWord, ByRef ProtocolInfo As WSAPROTOCOL_INFOW) As Long #ifdef UNICODE TypeDef LPFN_WSADUPLICATESOCKET = LPFN_WSADUPLICATESOCKETW #else TypeDef LPFN_WSADUPLICATESOCKET = LPFN_WSADUPLICATESOCKETA #endif #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSAEnumNetworkEvents Lib "ws2_32" (s As SOCKET, hEventObject As WSAEVENT, ByRef NetworkEvents As WSANETWORKEVENTS) As Long #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSAENUMNETWORKEVENTS = *Function(s As SOCKET, hEventObject As WSAEVENT, ByRef NetworkEvents As WSANETWORKEVENTS) As Long #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSAEnumProtocolsA Lib "ws2_32" (Protocols As *Long, ByRef ProtocolBuffer As WSAPROTOCOL_INFOA, ByRef BufferLength As DWord) As Long Declare Function WSAEnumProtocolsW Lib "ws2_32" (Protocols As *Long, ByRef ProtocolBuffer As WSAPROTOCOL_INFOW, ByRef BufferLength As DWord) As Long #ifdef UNICODE Declare Function WSAEnumProtocols Lib "ws2_32" Alias "WSAEnumProtocolsW" (Protocols As *Long, ByRef ProtocolBuffer As WSAPROTOCOL_INFO, ByRef BufferLength As DWord) As Long #else Declare Function WSAEnumProtocols Lib "ws2_32" Alias "WSAEnumProtocolsA" (Protocols As *Long, ByRef ProtocolBuffer As WSAPROTOCOL_INFO, ByRef BufferLength As DWord) As Long #endif #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSAENUMPROTOCOLSA = *Function(Protocols As *Long, ByRef ProtocolBuffer As WSAPROTOCOL_INFOA, ByRef BufferLength As DWord) As Long TypeDef LPFN_WSAENUMPROTOCOLSW = *Function(Protocols As *Long, ByRef ProtocolBuffer As WSAPROTOCOL_INFOW, ByRef BufferLength As DWord) As Long #ifdef UNICODE TypeDef LPFN_WSAENUMPROTOCOLS = LPFN_WSAENUMPROTOCOLSW #else TypeDef LPFN_WSAENUMPROTOCOLS = LPFN_WSAENUMPROTOCOLSA #endif #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSAEventSelect Lib "ws2_32" (s As SOCKET, hEventObject As WSAEVENT, NetworkEvents As Long) As Long #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSAEVENTSELECT = *Function(s As SOCKET, hEventObject As WSAEVENT, NetworkEvents As Long) As Long #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSAGetOverlappedResult Lib "ws2_32" (s As SOCKET, ByRef Overlapped As WSAOVERLAPPED, ByRef cbTransfer As DWord, Wait As BOOL, ByRef Flags As DWord) As BOOL #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSAGETOVERLAPPEDRESULT = *Function(s As SOCKET, ByRef Overlapped As WSAOVERLAPPED, ByRef cbTransfer As DWord, Wait As BOOL, ByRef Flags As DWord) As BOOL #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSAGetQOSByName Lib "ws2_32" (s As SOCKET, ByRef QOSName As WSABUF, ByRef qos As QOS) As BOOL #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSAGETQOSBYNAME = *Function(s As SOCKET, ByRef QOSName As WSABUF, ByRef qos As QOS) As BOOL #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSAHtonl Lib "ws2_32" (s As SOCKET, hostlong As DWord, ByRef netlong As DWord) As Long #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSAHTONL = *Function(s As SOCKET, hostlong As DWord, ByRef netlong As DWord) As Long #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSAHtons Lib "ws2_32" (s As SOCKET, hostshort As Word, ByRef netshort As Word) As Long #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSAHTONS = *Function(s As SOCKET, hostshort As Word, ByRef netshort As Word) As Long #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSAIoctl Lib "ws2_32" (s As SOCKET, IoControlCode As DWord, pvInBuffer As VoidPtr, cbInBuffer As DWord, pvOutBuffer As VoidPtr, cbOutBuffer As DWord, ByRef cbBytesReturned As DWord, ByRef Overlapped As WSAOVERLAPPED, pCompletionRoutine As LPWSAOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE) As Long #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSAIOCTL = *Function(s As SOCKET, IoControlCode As DWord, pvInBuffer As VoidPtr, cbInBuffer As DWord, pvOutBuffer As VoidPtr, cbOutBuffer As DWord, ByRef cbBytesReturned As DWord, ByRef Overlapped As WSAOVERLAPPED, pCompletionRoutine As LPWSAOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE) As Long #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSAJoinLeaf Lib "ws2_32" (s As SOCKET, ByRef name As sockaddr, namelen As Long, ByRef CallerData As WSABUF, ByRef CalleeData As WSABUF, ByRef SQOS As QOS, ByRef GQOS AS QOS, Flags As DWord) As SOCKET #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSAJOINLEAF = *Function(s As SOCKET, ByRef name As sockaddr, namelen As Long, ByRef CallerData As WSABUF, ByRef CalleeData As WSABUF, ByRef SQOS As QOS, ByRef GQOS AS QOS, Flags As DWord) As SOCKET #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSANtohl Lib "ws2_32" (s As SOCKET, netlong As DWord, ByRef hostlong As DWord) As Long #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSANTOHL = *Function(s As SOCKET, netlong As DWord, ByRef hostlong As DWord) As Long #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSANtohs Lib "ws2_32" (s As SOCKET, netshort As Word, ByRef hostshort As Word) As Long #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSANTOHS = *Function(s As SOCKET, netshort As Word, ByRef hostshort As Word) As Long #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSARecv Lib "ws2_32" (s As SOCKET, ByRef Buffers As WSABUF, BufferCount As DWord, ByRef NumberOfBytesRecvd As DWord, ByRef Flags As DWord, ByRef Overlapped As WSAOVERLAPPED, lpCompletionRoutine As LPWSAOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE) As Long #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSARECV = *Function(s As SOCKET, ByRef Buffers As WSABUF, BufferCount As DWord, ByRef NumberOfBytesRecvd As DWord, ByRef Flags As DWord, ByRef Overlapped As WSAOVERLAPPED, lpCompletionRoutine As LPWSAOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE) As Long #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSARecvDisconnect Lib "ws2_32" (s As SOCKET, ByRef InboundDisconnectData As WSABUF) As Long #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSARECVDISCONNECT = *Function(s As SOCKET, ByRef InboundDisconnectData As WSABUF) As Long #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSARecvFrom Lib "ws2_32" (s As SOCKET, ByRef Buffers As WSABUF, BufferCount As DWord, ByRef NumberOfBytesRecvd As DWord, ByRef Flags As DWord, ByRef From As sockaddr, ByRef Fromlen As Long, ByRef Overlapped As WSAOVERLAPPED, lpCompletionRoutine As LPWSAOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE) As Long #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSARECVFROM = *Function(s As SOCKET, ByRef Buffers As WSABUF, BufferCount As DWord, ByRef NumberOfBytesRecvd As DWord, ByRef Flags As DWord, ByRef From As sockaddr, ByRef Fromlen As Long, ByRef Overlapped As WSAOVERLAPPED, lpCompletionRoutine As LPWSAOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE) As Long #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSAResetEvent Lib "ws2_32" (hEvent As WSAEVENT) As BOOL #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSARESETEVENT = *Function(hEvent As WSAEVENT) As BOOL #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSASend Lib "ws2_32" (s As SOCKET, ByRef Buffers As WSABUF, BufferCount As DWord, ByRef NumberOfBytesSent As DWord, ByRef Flags As DWord, ByRef Overlapped As WSAOVERLAPPED, lpCompletionRoutine As LPWSAOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE) As Long #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSASEND = *Function(s As SOCKET, ByRef Buffers As WSABUF, BufferCount As DWord, ByRef NumberOfBytesSent As DWord, ByRef Flags As DWord, ByRef Overlapped As WSAOVERLAPPED, lpCompletionRoutine As LPWSAOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE) As Long #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSASendDisconnect Lib "ws2_32" (s As SOCKET, ByRef OutboundDisconnectData As WSABUF) As Long #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSASENDDISCONNECT = *Function(s As SOCKET, ByRef OutboundDisconnectData As WSABUF) As Long #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSASendTo Lib "ws2_32" (s As SOCKET, ByRef Buffers As WSABUF, BufferCount As DWord, ByRef NumberOfBytesSent As DWord, ByRef Flags As DWord, ByRef To_ As sockaddr, ToLen As Long, ByRef Overlapped As WSAOVERLAPPED, lpCompletionRoutine As LPWSAOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE) As Long #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSASENDTO = *Function(s As SOCKET, ByRef Buffers As WSABUF, BufferCount As DWord, ByRef NumberOfBytesSent As DWord, ByRef Flags As DWord, ByRef To_ As sockaddr, ToLen As Long, ByRef Overlapped As WSAOVERLAPPED, lpCompletionRoutine As LPWSAOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE) As Long #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSASetEvent Lib "ws2_32" (hEvent As WSAEVENT) As BOOL #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSASETEVENT = *Function(hEvent As WSAEVENT) As BOOL #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSASocketA Lib "ws2_32" (af As Long, type_ As Long, protocol As Long, ByRef ProtocolInfo As WSAPROTOCOL_INFOA, g As GROUP, Flags As DWord) As SOCKET Declare Function WSASocketW Lib "ws2_32" (af As Long, type_ As Long, protocol As Long, ByRef ProtocolInfo As WSAPROTOCOL_INFOW, g As GROUP, Flags As DWord) As SOCKET #ifdef UNICODE Declare Function WSASocket Lib "ws2_32" Alias "WSASocketW" (af As Long, type_ As Long, protocol As Long, ByRef ProtocolInfo As WSAPROTOCOL_INFO, g As GROUP, Flags As DWord) As SOCKET #else Declare Function WSASocket Lib "ws2_32" Alias "WSASocketA" (af As Long, type_ As Long, protocol As Long, ByRef ProtocolInfo As WSAPROTOCOL_INFO, g As GROUP, Flags As DWord) As SOCKET #endif #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSASOCKETA = *Function(af As Long, type_ As Long, protocol As Long, ByRef ProtocolInfo As WSAPROTOCOL_INFOA, g As GROUP, Flags As DWord) As SOCKET TypeDef LPFN_WSASOCKETW = *Function(af As Long, type_ As Long, protocol As Long, ByRef ProtocolInfo As WSAPROTOCOL_INFOW, g As GROUP, Flags As DWord) As SOCKET #ifdef UNICODE TypeDef LPFN_WSASOCKET = LPFN_WSASOCKETW #else TypeDef LPFN_WSASOCKET = LPFN_WSASOCKETA #endif #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSAWaitForMultipleEvents Lib "ws2_32" (cEvents As DWord, phEvents As *WSAEVENT, WaitAll As BOOL, Timeout As DWord, Alertable As BOOL) As DWord #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSAWAITFORMULTIPLEEVENTS = *Function(cEvents As DWord, phEvents As *WSAEVENT, WaitAll As BOOL, Timeout As DWord, Alertable As BOOL) As DWord #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSAAddressToStringA Lib "ws2_32" (ByRef saAddress As SOCKADDR, AddressLength As DWord, ByRef ProtocolInfo As WSAPROTOCOL_INFOA, AddressString As PSTR, ByRef dwAddressStringLength As DWord) As Long Declare Function WSAAddressToStringW Lib "ws2_32" (ByRef saAddress As SOCKADDR, AddressLength As DWord, ByRef ProtocolInfo As WSAPROTOCOL_INFOA, AddressString As PWSTR, ByRef dwAddressStringLength As DWord) As Long #ifdef UNICODE Declare Function WSAAddressToString Lib "ws2_32" Alias "WSAAddressToStringW" (ByRef saAddress As SOCKADDR, AddressLength As DWord, ByRef ProtocolInfo As WSAPROTOCOL_INFO, AddressString As PSTR, ByRef dwAddressStringLength As DWord) As Long #else Declare Function WSAAddressToString Lib "ws2_32" Alias "WSAAddressToStringA" (ByRef saAddress As SOCKADDR, AddressLength As DWord, ByRef ProtocolInfo As WSAPROTOCOL_INFO, AddressString As PSTR, ByRef dwAddressStringLength As DWord) As Long #endif #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSAADDRESSTOSTRINGA = *Function(ByRef saAddress As SOCKADDR, AddressLength As DWord, ByRef ProtocolInfo As WSAPROTOCOL_INFOA, AddressString As PSTR, ByRef dwAddressStringLength As DWord) As Long TypeDef LPFN_WSAADDRESSTOSTRINGW = *Function(ByRef saAddress As SOCKADDR, AddressLength As DWord, ByRef ProtocolInfo As WSAPROTOCOL_INFOA, AddressString As PWSTR, ByRef dwAddressStringLength As DWord) As Long #ifdef UNICODE TypeDef LPFN_WSAADDRESSTOSTRING = LPFN_WSAADDRESSTOSTRINGW #else TypeDef LPFN_WSAADDRESSTOSTRING = LPFN_WSAADDRESSTOSTRINGA #endif #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSAStringToAddressA Lib "ws2_32" (AddressString As PSTR, AddressFamily As Long, ByRef ProtocolInfo As WSAPROTOCOL_INFOA, ByRef Address As SOCKADDR, ByRef AddressLength As Long) As Long Declare Function WSAStringToAddressW Lib "ws2_32" (AddressString As PWSTR, AddressFamily As Long, ByRef ProtocolInfo As WSAPROTOCOL_INFOW, ByRef Address As SOCKADDR, ByRef AddressLength As Long) As Long #ifdef UNICODE Declare Function WSAStringToAddress Lib "ws2_32" Alias "WSAStringToAddressW" (AddressString As PSTR, AddressFamily As Long, ByRef ProtocolInfo As WSAPROTOCOL_INFO, ByRef Address As SOCKADDR, ByRef AddressLength As Long) As Long #else Declare Function WSAStringToAddress Lib "ws2_32" Alias "WSAStringToAddressA" (AddressString As PSTR, AddressFamily As Long, ByRef ProtocolInfo As WSAPROTOCOL_INFO, ByRef Address As SOCKADDR, ByRef AddressLength As Long) As Long #endif #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSASTRINGTOADDRESSA = *Function(AddressString As PSTR, AddressFamily As Long, ByRef ProtocolInfo As WSAPROTOCOL_INFOA, ByRef Address As SOCKADDR, ByRef AddressLength As Long) As Long TypeDef LPFN_WSASTRINGTOADDRESSW = *Function(AddressString As PWSTR, AddressFamily As Long, ByRef ProtocolInfo As WSAPROTOCOL_INFOW, ByRef Address As SOCKADDR, ByRef AddressLength As Long) As Long #ifdef UNICODE TypeDef LPFN_WSASTRINGTOADDRESS = LPFN_WSASTRINGTOADDRESSW #else TypeDef LPFN_WSASTRINGTOADDRESS = LPFN_WSASTRINGTOADDRESSA #endif #endif ' Registration and Name Resolution API functions #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSALookupServiceBeginA Lib "ws2_32" (ByRef qsRestrictions As WSAQUERYSETA, ControlFlags As DWord, ByRef hLookup As HANDLE) As Long Declare Function WSALookupServiceBeginW Lib "ws2_32" (ByRef qsRestrictions As WSAQUERYSETW, ControlFlags As DWord, ByRef hLookup As HANDLE) As Long #ifdef UNICODE Declare Function WSALookupServiceBegin Lib "ws2_32" Alias "WSALookupServiceBeginW" (ByRef qsRestrictions As WSAQUERYSET, ControlFlags As DWord, ByRef hLookup As HANDLE) As Long #else Declare Function WSALookupServiceBegin Lib "ws2_32" Alias "WSALookupServiceBeginA" (ByRef qsRestrictions As WSAQUERYSET, ControlFlags As DWord, ByRef hLookup As HANDLE) As Long #endif #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSALOOKUPSERVICEBEGINA = *Function(ByRef qsRestrictions As WSAQUERYSETA, ControlFlags As DWord, ByRef hLookup As HANDLE) As Long TypeDef LPFN_WSALOOKUPSERVICEBEGINW = *Function(ByRef qsRestrictions As WSAQUERYSETW, ControlFlags As DWord, ByRef hLookup As HANDLE) As Long #ifdef UNICODE TypeDef LPFN_WSALOOKUPSERVICEBEGIN = LPFN_WSALOOKUPSERVICEBEGINW #else TypeDef LPFN_WSALOOKUPSERVICEBEGIN = LPFN_WSALOOKUPSERVICEBEGINA #endif #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSALookupServiceNextA Lib "ws2_32" (hLookup As HANDLE, ControlFlags As DWord, ByRef BufferLength As DWord, ByRef qsResults As WSAQUERYSETA) As Long Declare Function WSALookupServiceNextW Lib "ws2_32" (hLookup As HANDLE, ControlFlags As DWord, ByRef BufferLength As DWord, ByRef qsResults As WSAQUERYSETW) As Long #ifdef UNICODE Declare Function WSALookupServiceNext Lib "ws2_32" Alias "WSALookupServiceNextW" (hLookup As HANDLE, ControlFlags As DWord, ByRef BufferLength As DWord, ByRef qsResults As WSAQUERYSET) As Long #else Declare Function WSALookupServiceNext Lib "ws2_32" Alias "WSALookupServiceNextA" (hLookup As HANDLE, ControlFlags As DWord, ByRef BufferLength As DWord, ByRef qsResults As WSAQUERYSET) As Long #endif #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSALOOKUPSERVICENEXTA = *FunctionhLookup As HANDLE, ControlFlags As DWord, ByRef BufferLength As DWord, ByRef qsResults As WSAQUERYSETA) As Long TypeDef LPFN_WSALOOKUPSERVICENEXTW = *FunctionhLookup As HANDLE, ControlFlags As DWord, ByRef BufferLength As DWord, ByRef qsResults As WSAQUERYSETW) As Long #ifdef UNICODE TypeDef LPFN_WSALOOKUPSERVICENEXT = LPFN_WSALOOKUPSERVICENEXTW #else TypeDef LPFN_WSALOOKUPSERVICENEXT = LPFN_WSALOOKUPSERVICENEXTA #endif #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSANSPIoctl Lib "ws2_32" (hLookup As HANDLE, ControlCode As DWord, pvInBuffer As VoidPtr, cbInBuffer As DWord, pvOutBuffer As VoidPtr, cbOutBuffer As DWord, ByRef cbBytesReturned As DWord, ByRef Completion As WSACOMPLETION) As Long #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSANSPIOCTL = *Function(hLookup As HANDLE, ControlCode As DWord, pvInBuffer As VoidPtr, cbInBuffer As DWord, pvOutBuffer As VoidPtr, cbOutBuffer As DWord, ByRef cbBytesReturned As DWord, ByRef Completion As WSACOMPLETION) As Long #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSALookupServiceEnd Lib "ws2_32" (hLookup As HANDLE) As Long #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSALOOKUPSERVICEEND = *Function(hLookup As HANDLE) As Long #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSAInstallServiceClassA Lib "ws2_32" (ByRef ServiceClassInfo As WSASERVICECLASSINFOA) As Long Declare Function WSAInstallServiceClassW Lib "ws2_32" (ByRef ServiceClassInfo As WSASERVICECLASSINFOW) As Long #ifdef UNICODE Declare Function WSAInstallServiceClass Lib "ws2_32" Alias "WSAInstallServiceClassW" (ByRef ServiceClassInfo As WSASERVICECLASSINFO) As Long #else Declare Function WSAInstallServiceClass Lib "ws2_32" Alias "WSAInstallServiceClassA" (ByRef ServiceClassInfo As WSASERVICECLASSINFO) As Long #endif #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSAINSTALLSERVICECLASSA = *Function(ByRef ServiceClassInfo As WSASERVICECLASSINFOA) As Long TypeDef LPFN_WSAINSTALLSERVICECLASSW = *Function(ByRef ServiceClassInfo As WSASERVICECLASSINFOW) As Long #ifdef UNICODE TypeDef LPFN_WSAINSTALLSERVICECLASS = LPFN_WSAINSTALLSERVICECLASSW #else TypeDef LPFN_WSAINSTALLSERVICECLASS = LPFN_WSAINSTALLSERVICECLASSA #endif #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSARemoveServiceClass Lib "ws2_32" (ByRef ServiceClassId As GUID) As Long #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSAREMOVESERVICECLASS = *Function(ByRef ServiceClassId As GUID) As Long #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSAGetServiceClassInfoA Lib "ws2_32" (ByRef ProviderId As GUID, ByRef ServiceClassId As GUID, ByRef BufSize As DWord, ByRef ServiceClassInfo As WSASERVICECLASSINFOA) As Long Declare Function WSAGetServiceClassInfoW Lib "ws2_32" (ByRef ProviderId As GUID, ByRef ServiceClassId As GUID, ByRef BufSize As DWord, ByRef ServiceClassInfo As WSASERVICECLASSINFOW) As Long #ifdef UNICODE Declare Function WSAGetServiceClassInfo Lib "ws2_32" Alias "WSAGetServiceClassInfoW" (ByRef ProviderId As GUID, ByRef ServiceClassId As GUID, ByRef BufSize As DWord, ByRef ServiceClassInfo As WSASERVICECLASSINFO) As Long #else Declare Function WSAGetServiceClassInfo Lib "ws2_32" Alias "WSAGetServiceClassInfoA" (ByRef ProviderId As GUID, ByRef ServiceClassId As GUID, ByRef BufSize As DWord, ByRef ServiceClassInfo As WSASERVICECLASSINFO) As Long #endif #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSAGETSERVICECLASSINFOA = *Function(ByRef ProviderId As GUID, ByRef ServiceClassId As GUID, ByRef BufSize As DWord, ByRef ServiceClassInfo As WSASERVICECLASSINFOA) As Long TypeDef LPFN_WSAGETSERVICECLASSINFOW = *Function(ByRef ProviderId As GUID, ByRef ServiceClassId As GUID, ByRef BufSize As DWord, ByRef ServiceClassInfo As WSASERVICECLASSINFOW) As Long #ifdef UNICODE TypeDef LPFN_WSAGETSERVICECLASSINFO = LPFN_WSAGETSERVICECLASSINFOW #else TypeDef LPFN_WSAGETSERVICECLASSINFO = LPFN_WSAGETSERVICECLASSINFOA #endif #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSAEnumNameSpaceProvidersA Lib "ws2_32" (ByRef BufferLength As DWord, ByRef nspBuffer As WSANAMESPACE_INFOA) As Long Declare Function WSAEnumNameSpaceProvidersW Lib "ws2_32" (ByRef BufferLength As DWord, ByRef nspBuffer As WSANAMESPACE_INFOW) As Long #ifdef UNICODE Declare Function WSAEnumNameSpaceProviders Lib "ws2_32" Alias "WSAEnumNameSpaceProvidersW" (ByRef BufferLength As DWord, ByRef nspBuffer As WSANAMESPACE_INFO) As Long #else Declare Function WSAEnumNameSpaceProviders Lib "ws2_32" Alias "WSAEnumNameSpaceProvidersA" (ByRef BufferLength As DWord, ByRef nspBuffer As WSANAMESPACE_INFO) As Long #endif #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSAENUMNAMESPACEPROVIDERSA = *Function(ByRef BufferLength As DWord, ByRef nspBuffer As WSANAMESPACE_INFOA) As Long TypeDef LPFN_WSAENUMNAMESPACEPROVIDERSW = *Function(ByRef BufferLength As DWord, ByRef nspBuffer As WSANAMESPACE_INFOW) As Long #ifdef UNICODE TypeDef LPFN_WSAENUMNAMESPACEPROVIDERS = LPFN_WSAENUMNAMESPACEPROVIDERSW #else TypeDef LPFN_WSAENUMNAMESPACEPROVIDERS = LPFN_WSAENUMNAMESPACEPROVIDERSA #endif #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSAGetServiceClassNameByClassIdA Lib "ws2_32" (ByRef ServiceClassId As GUID, ServiceClassName As PSTR, ByRef BufferLength As DWord) As Long Declare Function WSAGetServiceClassNameByClassIdW Lib "ws2_32" (ByRef ServiceClassId As GUID, ServiceClassName As PWSTR, ByRef BufferLength As DWord) As Long #ifdef UNICODE Declare Function WSAGetServiceClassNameByClassId Lib "ws2_32" Alias "WSAGetServiceClassNameByClassIdW" (ByRef ServiceClassId As GUID, ServiceClassName As PWSTR, ByRef BufferLength As DWord) As Long #else Declare Function WSAGetServiceClassNameByClassId Lib "ws2_32" Alias "WSAGetServiceClassNameByClassIdA" (ByRef ServiceClassId As GUID, ServiceClassName As PSTR, ByRef BufferLength As DWord) As Long #endif #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSAGETSERVICECLASSNAMEBYCLASSIDA = *Function(ByRef ServiceClassId As GUID, ServiceClassName As PSTR, ByRef BufferLength As DWord) As Long TypeDef LPFN_WSAGETSERVICECLASSNAMEBYCLASSIDW = *Function(ByRef ServiceClassId As GUID, ServiceClassName As PWSTR, ByRef BufferLength As DWord) As Long #ifdef UNICODE TypeDef LPFN_WSAGETSERVICECLASSNAMEBYCLASSID = LPFN_WSAGETSERVICECLASSNAMEBYCLASSIDW #else TypeDef LPFN_WSAGETSERVICECLASSNAMEBYCLASSID = LPFN_WSAGETSERVICECLASSNAMEBYCLASSIDA #endif #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSASetServiceA Lib "ws2_32" (ByRef qsRegInfo As WSAQUERYSETA, essoperation As WSAESETSERVICEOP, ControlFlags As DWord) As Long Declare Function WSASetServiceW Lib "ws2_32" (ByRef qsRegInfo As WSAQUERYSETW, essoperation As WSAESETSERVICEOP, ControlFlags As DWord) As Long #ifdef UNICODE Declare Function WSASetService Lib "ws2_32" Alias "WSASetServiceW" (ByRef qsRegInfo As WSAQUERYSET, essoperation As WSAESETSERVICEOP, ControlFlags As DWord) As Long #else Declare Function WSASetService Lib "ws2_32" Alias "WSASetServiceA" (ByRef qsRegInfo As WSAQUERYSET, essoperation As WSAESETSERVICEOP, ControlFlags As DWord) As Long #endif #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSASETSERVICEA = *Function(ByRef qsRegInfo As WSAQUERYSETA, essoperation As WSAESETSERVICEOP, ControlFlags As DWord) As Long TypeDef LPFN_WSASETSERVICEW = *Function(ByRef qsRegInfo As WSAQUERYSETW, essoperation As WSAESETSERVICEOP, ControlFlags As DWord) As Long #ifdef UNICODE TypeDef LPFN_WSASETSERVICE = LPFN_WSASETSERVICEW #else TypeDef LPFN_WSASETSERVICE = LPFN_WSASETSERVICEA #endif #endif #ifndef NO_INCL_WINSOCK_API_PROTOTYPES Declare Function WSAProviderConfigChange Lib "ws2_32" (ByRef NotificationHandle As HANDLE, ByRef Overlapped As WSAOVERLAPPED, lpCompletionRoutine As LPWSAOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE) As Long #endif #ifdef INCL_WINSOCK_API_TYPEDEFS TypeDef LPFN_WSAPROVIDERCONFIGCHANGE = *Function(ByRef NotificationHandle As HANDLE, ByRef Overlapped As WSAOVERLAPPED, lpCompletionRoutine As LPWSAOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE) As Long #endif ' Microsoft Windows Extended data types TypeDef SOCKADDR_IN = sockaddr_in TypeDef PSOCKADDR_IN = *sockaddr_in TypeDef LPSOCKADDR_IN = *sockaddr_in TypeDef LINGER = linger TypeDef PLINGER = *linger TypeDef LPLINGER = *linger TypeDef IN_ADDR = in_addr TypeDef PIN_ADDR = *in_addr TypeDef LPIN_ADDR = *in_addr TypeDef FD_SET = fd_set TypeDef PFD_SET = *fd_set TypeDef LPFD_SET = *fd_set TypeDef HOSTENT = hostent TypeDef PHOSTENT = *hostent TypeDef LPHOSTENT = *hostent TypeDef SERVENT = servent TypeDef PSERVENT = *servent TypeDef LPSERVENT = *servent TypeDef PROTOENT = protoent TypeDef PPROTOENT = *protoent TypeDef LPPROTOENT = *protoent TypeDef TIMEVAL = timeval TypeDef PTIMEVAL = *timeval TypeDef LPTIMEVAL = *timeval ' Windows message parameter composition and decomposition macros. Const WSAMAKEASYNCREPLY(buflen, error) = MAKELONG(buflen, error) Const WSAMAKESELECTREPLY(event, error) = MAKELONG(event, error) Const WSAGETASYNCBUFLEN(lParam) = LOWORD(lParam) Const WSAGETASYNCERROR(lParam) = HIWORD(lParam) Const WSAGETSELECTEVENT(lParam) = LOWORD(lParam) Const WSAGETSELECTERROR(lParam) = HIWORD(lParam) #ifdef IPV6STRICT '#include #endif #endif