'function.sbp #ifndef _INC_FUNCTION #define _INC_FUNCTION Const _System_PI = 3.14159265358979323846264 Const _System_LOG2 = 0.6931471805599453094172321214581765680755 Const _System_SQRT2 = 1.41421356237309504880168872421 Const _System_Log_N = 7 As Long #require #require #require #require #require '------------- サポート関数の定義 ------------- Function ldexp(x As Double, n As Long) As Double If x = 0 Then ldexp = 0 Exit Function End If Dim pSrc = VarPtr(x) As *QWord Dim pDest = VarPtr(ldexp) As *QWord n += (pSrc[0] >> 52) As DWord And &h7FF pDest[0] = n << 52 Or (pSrc[0] And &h800FFFFFFFFFFFFF) End Function Function frexp(x As Double, ByRef n As Long) As Double If x = 0 Then n = 0 frexp = 0 Exit Function End If Dim pSrc = VarPtr(x) As *QWord Dim pDest = VarPtr(frexp) As *QWord n = ((pSrc[0] >> 52) As DWord And &h7FF) - 1022 pDest[0] = (pSrc[0] And &h800FFFFFFFFFFFFF) Or &h3FE0000000000000 End Function Function frexp(x As Single, ByRef n As Long) As Single If x = 0 Then n = 0 frexp = 0 Exit Function End If Dim pSrc As *DWord, pDest As *DWord pSrc = VarPtr(x) As *DWord pDest = VarPtr(frexp) As *DWord n = ((pSrc[0] >> 23) And &hFF) - 126 pDest[0] = (pSrc[0] And &h807FFFFF) Or &h7E000000 End Function Function ipow(x As Double, n As Long) As Double Dim abs_n As Long Dim r = 1 As Double abs_n=Abs(n) As Long While abs_n<>0 If abs_n and 1 Then r *= x x = x * x abs_n >>= 1 ' abs_n \= 2 Wend If n>=0 Then ipow=r Else ipow=1/r End If End Function Function pow(x As Double, y As Double) As Double ' If -LONG_MAX<=y and y<=LONG_MAX and y=CDbl(Int(y)) Then If y = (y As Long) Then pow = ipow(x, y As Long) ElseIf x>0 Then pow = Exp(y * Log(x)) Exit Function ElseIf x<>0 or y<=0 Then pow = ActiveBasic.Math.Detail.GetNaN() Else pow = 0 End If End Function Const RAND_MAX = &H7FFFFFFF Dim _System_RndNext = 1 As DWord Function rand() As Long _System_RndNext = _System_RndNext * 1103515245 + 12345 rand = (_System_RndNext >> 1) As Long End Function Sub srand(dwSeek As DWord) _System_RndNext = dwSeek End Sub '------------- ここからBasic標準関数の定義 ------------- '------------------ ' データ型変換関数 '------------------ Function CDbl(number As Double) As Double CDbl=number End Function Function _CUDbl(number As QWord) As Double _CUDbl=number As Double End Function Function CDWord(num As Double) As DWord CDWord=num As DWord End Function Function CInt(number As Double) As Long CInt=number As Long End Function Function CSng(number As Double) As Single CSng=number As Single End Function #ifdef _WIN64 Function Fix(number As Double) As Long Fix=number As Long End Function #else 'Fix関数はコンパイラに組み込まれている 'Function Fix(number As Double) As Long #endif Function Int(number As Double) As Long Int = Fix(number) If number < 0 Then If number < Fix(number) Then Int-- End If End Function '------------------------------------- ' ポインタ関数(コンパイラに組み込み) '------------------------------------- 'Function GetDouble(p As DWord) As Double 'Function GetSingle(p As DWord) As Single 'Function GetDWord(p As DWord) As DWord 'Function GetWord(p As DWord) As Word 'Function GetByte(p As DWord) As Byte 'Sub SetDouble(p As DWord, dblData As Double) 'Sub SetSingle(p As DWord, fltData As Single) 'Sub SetDWord(p As DWord, dwData As DWord) 'Sub SetWord(p As DWord, wData As Word) 'Sub SetByte(p As DWord, byteData As Byte) '---------- ' 算術関数 '---------- Function Abs(number As Double) As Double 'Abs = System.Math.Abs(number) If number < 0 then Abs = -number Else Abs = number End If End Function Function Abs(number As Int64) As Int64 If number < 0 then Abs = -number Else Abs = number End If End Function Function Abs(number As Long) As Long If number < 0 then Abs = -number Else Abs = number End If End Function Function Exp(x As Double) As Double Exp = System.Math.Exp(x) End Function Function Log(x As Double) As Double Log = System.Math.Log(x) End Function Function Sgn(number As Double) As Long Sgn = System.Math.Sign(number) End Function Function Sqr(number As Double) As Double Sqr = System.Math.Sqrt(number) End Function Function Atn(number As Double) As Double Atn = System.Math.Atan(number) End Function Function Atn2(y As Double, x As Double) As Double Atn2 = System.Math.Atan2(y, x) End Function Function Sin(number As Double) As Double Sin = System.Math.Sin(number) End Function Function Cos(number As Double) As Double Cos = System.Math.Cos(number) End Function Function Tan(number As Double) As Double Tan = System.Math.Tan(number) End Function Const RAND_UNIT = (1.0 / (LONG_MAX + 1.0)) Function Rnd() As Double Rnd = RAND_UNIT * rand() End Function Const HIDWORD(qw) = (((qw As QWord) >> 32) And &HFFFFFFFF) As DWord Const LODWORD(qw) = ((qw As QWord) And &HFFFFFFFF) As DWord Const MAKEDWORD(l, h) = (((l As DWord) And &HFFFF) Or (((h As DWord) And &HFFFF) << 16)) As DWord Const MAKEQWORD(l, h) = (((l As QWord) And &HFFFFFFFF) Or (((h As QWord) And &HFFFFFFFF) << 32)) As QWord '------------ ' 文字列関数 '------------ Function Asc(buf As *StrChar) As StrChar Asc = buf[0] End Function Function Chr$(code As StrChar) As String Chr$ = New String(code, 1) End Function #ifndef __STRING_IS_NOT_UNICODE Function AscW(s As String) As UCSCHAR If s.Length = 0 Then AscW = 0 Else If _System_IsSurrogatePair(s[0], s[1]) Then AscW = ((s[0] And &h3FF) As DWord << 10) Or (s[1] And &h3FF) Else AscW = s[0] End If End If End Function Function ChrW(c As UCSCHAR) As String If c <= &hFFFF Then Return New String(c As StrChar, 1) ElseIf c < &h10FFFF Then Dim t[1] = [&hD800 Or (c >> 10), &hDC00 Or (c And &h3FF)] As WCHAR Return New String(t, 2) Else 'ArgumentOutOfRangeException End If End Function #endif Function Date$() As String Dim date = System.DateTime.Now Dim buf = New System.Text.StringBuilder(10) 'year buf.Append(date.Year) 'month If date.Month < 10 Then buf.Append("/0") Else buf.Append("/") End If buf.Append(date.Month) 'day If date.Day < 10 Then buf.Append("/0") Else buf.Append("/") End If buf.Append(date.Day) Date$ = buf.ToString End Function Function Hex$(x As DWord) As String Imports ActiveBasic.Strings.Detail Hex$ = FormatIntegerX(x, 1, 0, None) End Function Function Hex$(x As QWord) As String Imports ActiveBasic.Strings.Detail Hex$ = FormatIntegerLX(x, 1, 0, None) End Function Function InStr(StartPos As Long, buf1 As String, buf2 As String) As Long Dim i As Long, i2 As Long, i3 As Long Dim len1 = buf1.Length Dim len2 = buf2.Length If len2=0 Then InStr=StartPos Exit Function End If StartPos-- If StartPos<0 Then 'error InStr=0 Exit Function End If i=StartPos:InStr=0 While i<=len1-len2 i2=i:i3=0 Do If i3=len2 Then InStr=i+1 Exit Do End If If buf1[i2]<>buf2[i3] Then Exit Do i2++ i3++ Loop If InStr Then Exit While i++ Wend End Function Function Left$(s As String, length As Long) As String Left$ = s.Substring(0, System.Math.Min(s.Length, length)) End Function Function Mid$(s As String, startPos As Long) As String startPos-- Mid$ = s.Substring(startPos) End Function Function Mid$(s As String, startPos As Long, readLength = 0 As Long) As String startPos-- Dim length = s.Length Mid$ = s.Substring(System.Math.Min(startPos, length), System.Math.Min(readLength, length - startPos)) End Function Function Oct$(n As QWord) As String Imports ActiveBasic.Strings.Detail Oct$ = FormatIntegerLO(n, 1, 0, None) End Function Function Oct$(n As DWord) As String Imports ActiveBasic.Strings.Detail Oct$ = FormatIntegerO(n, 1, 0, None) End Function Function Right$(s As String, length As Long) As String Right$ = s.Substring(System.Math.Max(0, s.Length - length), s.Length) End Function Function Space$(length As Long) As String Return New String(&h20 As StrChar, length) End Function Sub _ecvt_support(buf As *StrChar, count As Long, size As Long) Dim i As Long If buf[count] = 9 Then buf[count] = 0 If count = 0 Then For i = size To 1 Step -1 buf[i] = buf[i-1] Next buf[0] = 1 Else _ecvt_support(buf, count-1, size) End If Else buf[count]++ End If End Sub Sub _ecvt(buffer As *StrChar, value As Double, count As Long, ByRef dec As Long, ByRef sign As Boolean) Dim i As Long, i2 As Long '値が0の場合 If value = 0 Then ActiveBasic.Strings.ChrFill(buffer, count As SIZE_T, &h30 As StrChar) buffer[count] = 0 dec = 0 sign = 0 Exit Function End If '符号の判断(同時に符号を取り除く) If value < 0 Then sign = True value = -value Else sign = False End If '正規化 dec = 1 While value < 0.999999999999999 'value<1 value *= 10 dec-- Wend While 9.99999999999999 <= value '10<=value value /= 10 dec++ Wend For i = 0 To count - 1 buffer[i] = Int(value) As StrChar value = (value-CDbl(Int(value))) * 10 Next i-- If value >= 5 Then '切り上げ処理 _ecvt_support(buffer, i, count) End If For i = 0 To count - 1 buffer[i] += &H30 Next buffer[i] = 0 End Sub Function Str$(dbl As Double) As String Imports ActiveBasic.Math Imports ActiveBasic.Strings If IsNaN(dbl) Then Return "NaN" ElseIf IsInf(dbl) Then If dbl > 0 Then Return "Infinity" Else Return "-Infinity" End If End If Dim dec As Long, sign As Boolean Dim buffer[32] As StrChar, temp[15] As StrChar Dim i = 0 As Long '浮動小数点を文字列に変換 _ecvt(temp, dbl, 15, dec, sign) '符号の取り付け If sign Then buffer[i] = Asc("-") i++ End If If dec > 15 Or dec < -3 Then '指数表示 buffer[i] = temp[0] i++ buffer[i] = Asc(".") i++ ChrCopy(VarPtr(buffer[i]), VarPtr(temp[1]), 14 As SIZE_T) i += 14 buffer[i] = 0 Return MakeStr(buffer) + SPrintf("e%+03d", New System.Int32(dec - 1)) End If '整数部 Dim i2 = dec Dim i3 = 0 If i2>0 Then While i2>0 buffer[i]=temp[i3] i++ i3++ i2-- Wend buffer[i]=Asc(".") i++ Else buffer[i]=&H30 i++ buffer[i]=Asc(".") i++ i2=dec While i2<0 buffer[i]=&H30 i++ i2++ Wend End If '小数部 While i3<15 buffer[i]=temp[i3] i++ i3++ Wend While buffer[i-1]=&H30 i-- Wend If buffer[i-1]=Asc(".") Then i-- buffer[i]=0 Return MakeStr(buffer) End Function Function Str$(x As Int64) As String Imports ActiveBasic.Strings.Detail Return FormatIntegerEx(TraitsIntegerD[1], x As QWord, 1, 0, None) End Function Function Str$(x As QWord) As String Imports ActiveBasic.Strings.Detail Return FormatIntegerEx(TraitsIntegerU[1], x, 1, 0, None) End Function Function Str$(x As Long) As String Imports ActiveBasic.Strings.Detail Return FormatIntegerEx(TraitsIntegerD[0], x, 1, 0, None) End Function Function Str$(x As DWord) As String Imports ActiveBasic.Strings.Detail Return FormatIntegerEx(TraitsIntegerU[0], x, 1, 0, None) End Function Function Str$(x As Word) As String Return Str$(x As DWord) End Function Function Str$(x As Integer) As String Return Str$(x As Long) End Function Function Str$(x As Byte) As String Return Str$(x As DWord) End Function Function Str$(x As SByte) As String Return Str$(x As Long) End Function Function Str$(x As Single) As String Return Str$(x As Double) End Function Function Str$(b As Boolean) As String If b Then Return "True" Else Return "False" End If End Function Function String$(n As Long, s As StrChar) As String Return New String(s, n) End Function #ifdef _AB4_COMPATIBILITY_STRING$_ Function String$(n As Long, s As String) As String If n < 0 Then 'Throw ArgumentOutOfRangeException End If Dim buf = New System.Text.StringBuilder(s.Length * n) Dim i As Long For i = 0 To n buf.Append(s) Next End Function #else Function String$(n As Long, s As String) As String If String.IsNullOrEmpty(s) Then Return New String(0 As StrChar, n) Else Return New String(s[0], n) End If End Function #endif Function Time$() As String Dim time = System.DateTime.Now Dim buf = New System.Text.StringBuilder(8) 'hour If time.Hour < 10 Then buf.Append("0") End If buf.Append(time.Hour) 'minute If time.Minute < 10 Then buf.Append(":0") Else buf.Append(":") End If buf.Append(time.Minute) 'second If time.Second < 10 Then buf.Append(":0") Else buf.Append(":") End If buf.Append(time.Second) Time$ = buf.ToString End Function Function Val(buf As *StrChar) As Double Dim i As Long, i2 As Long, i3 As Long, i4 As Long Dim temporary As String Dim TempPtr As *StrChar Dim dbl As Double Dim i64data As Int64 Val=0 While buf[0]=Asc(" ") or buf[0]=Asc(Ex"\t") buf = VarPtr(buf[1]) Wend If buf[0]=Asc("&") Then temporary = New String( buf ) temporary = temporary.ToUpper() TempPtr = StrPtr(temporary) If TempPtr(1)=Asc("O") Then '8進数 i=2 While 1 '数字以外の文字の場合は抜け出す i3=TempPtr[i]-&H30 If Not (0<=i3 And i3<=7) Then Exit While TempPtr[i]=i3 As StrChar i++ Wend i-- i64data=1 While i>=2 Val += ( i64data * TempPtr[i] ) As Double i64data *= &O10 i-- Wend ElseIf TempPtr(1)=Asc("H") Then '16進数 i=2 While 1 '数字以外の文字の場合は抜け出す i3=TempPtr[i]-&H30 If Not(0<=i3 and i3<=9) Then i3=TempPtr[i]-&H41+10 If Not(&HA<=i3 and i3<=&HF) Then Exit While End If TempPtr[i]=i3 As StrChar i++ Wend i-- i64data=1 While i>=2 Val += (i64data*TempPtr[i]) As Double i64data *= &H10 i-- Wend End If Else '10進数 sscanf(buf,"%lf",VarPtr(Val)) End If End Function '-------------- ' ファイル関数 '-------------- Function Eof(FileNum As Long) As Long Dim dwCurrent As DWord, dwEnd As DWord FileNum-- dwCurrent=SetFilePointer(_System_hFile(FileNum),0,NULL,FILE_CURRENT) dwEnd=SetFilePointer(_System_hFile(FileNum),0,NULL,FILE_END) SetFilePointer(_System_hFile(FileNum),dwCurrent,NULL,FILE_BEGIN) If dwCurrent>=dwEnd Then Eof=-1 Else Eof=0 End If End Function Function Lof(FileNum As Long) As Long Lof = GetFileSize(_System_hFile(FileNum-1), 0) End Function Function Loc(FileNum As Long) As Long FileNum-- Dim NowPos = SetFilePointer(_System_hFile(FileNum), 0, 0, FILE_CURRENT) Dim BeginPos = SetFilePointer(_System_hFile(FileNum), 0, 0, FILE_BEGIN) SetFilePointer(_System_hFile(FileNum), NowPos - BeginPos, 0, FILE_BEGIN) Loc = NowPos - BeginPos End Function '------------------ ' メモリ関連の関数 '------------------ Function malloc(stSize As SIZE_T) As VoidPtr Return _System_pGC->__malloc(stSize,_System_GC_FLAG_NEEDFREE or _System_GC_FLAG_ATOMIC) End Function Function calloc(stSize As SIZE_T) As VoidPtr Return _System_pGC->__malloc(stSize,_System_GC_FLAG_NEEDFREE or _System_GC_FLAG_ATOMIC or _System_GC_FLAG_INITZERO) End Function Function realloc(lpMem As VoidPtr, stSize As SIZE_T) As VoidPtr If lpMem = 0 Then Return malloc(stSize) Else Return _System_pGC->__realloc(lpMem,stSize) End If End Function Sub free(lpMem As VoidPtr) _System_pGC->__free(lpMem) End Sub Function _System_malloc(stSize As SIZE_T) As VoidPtr Return HeapAlloc(_System_hProcessHeap,0,stSize) End Function Function _System_calloc(stSize As SIZE_T) As VoidPtr Return HeapAlloc(_System_hProcessHeap,HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,stSize) End Function Function _System_realloc(lpMem As VoidPtr, stSize As SIZE_T) As VoidPtr If lpMem = 0 Then Return HeapAlloc(_System_hProcessHeap, 0, stSize) Else Return HeapReAlloc(_System_hProcessHeap, 0, lpMem, stSize) End If End Function Sub _System_free(lpMem As VoidPtr) HeapFree(_System_hProcessHeap,0,lpMem) End Sub '-------- ' その他 '-------- Sub _splitpath(path As PCSTR, drive As PSTR, dir As PSTR, fname As PSTR, ext As PSTR) Dim i As Long, i2 As Long, i3 As Long, length As Long Dim buffer[MAX_PATH] As SByte '":\"をチェック If not(path[1]=&H3A and path[2]=&H5C) Then Exit Sub 'ドライブ名をコピー If drive Then drive[0]=path[0] drive[1]=path[1] drive[2]=0 End If 'ディレクトリ名をコピー i=2 i2=0 Do If IsDBCSLeadByte(path[i]) <> FALSE and path[i + 1] <> 0 Then If dir Then dir[i2]=path[i] dir[i2+1]=path[i+1] End If i += 2 i2 += 2 Continue End If If path[i]=0 Then Exit Do If path[i]=&H5C Then '"\"記号であるかどうか i3=i2+1 End If If dir Then dir[i2]=path[i] i++ i2++ Loop If dir Then dir[i3]=0 i3 += i-i2 'ファイル名をコピー i=i3 i2=0 i3=-1 Do '#ifdef UNICODE ' If _System_IsSurrogatePair(path[i], path[i + 1]) Then '#else If IsDBCSLeadByte(path[i]) <> FALSE and path[i + 1] <> 0 Then '#endif If fname Then fname[i2]=path[i] fname[i2+1]=path[i+1] End If i += 2 i2 += 2 Continue End If If path[i]=0 Then Exit Do If path[i]=&H2E Then '.'記号であるかどうか i3=i2 End If If fname Then fname[i2]=path[i] i++ i2++ Loop If i3=-1 Then i3=i2 If fname Then fname[i3]=0 i3 += i-i2 '拡張子名をコピー If ext Then If i3 Then lstrcpy(ext,path+i3) End If else ext[0]=0 End If End Sub Function GetBasicColor(ColorCode As Long) As Long Select Case ColorCode Case 0 GetBasicColor=RGB(0,0,0) Case 1 GetBasicColor=RGB(0,0,255) Case 2 GetBasicColor=RGB(255,0,0) Case 3 GetBasicColor=RGB(255,0,255) Case 4 GetBasicColor=RGB(0,255,0) Case 5 GetBasicColor=RGB(0,255,255) Case 6 GetBasicColor=RGB(255,255,0) Case 7 GetBasicColor=RGB(255,255,255) End Select End Function Function _System_BSwap(x As Word) As Word Dim src = VarPtr(x) As *Byte Dim dst = VarPtr(_System_BSwap) As *Byte dst[0] = src[1] dst[1] = src[0] End Function Function _System_BSwap(x As DWord) As DWord Dim src = VarPtr(x) As *Byte Dim dst = VarPtr(_System_BSwap) As *Byte dst[0] = src[3] dst[1] = src[2] dst[2] = src[1] dst[3] = src[0] End Function Function _System_BSwap(x As QWord) As QWord Dim src = VarPtr(x) As *Byte Dim dst = VarPtr(_System_BSwap) As *Byte dst[0] = src[7] dst[1] = src[6] dst[2] = src[5] dst[3] = src[4] dst[4] = src[3] dst[5] = src[2] dst[6] = src[1] dst[7] = src[0] End Function Function _System_HashFromPtr(p As VoidPtr) As Long #ifdef _WIN64 Dim qw = p As QWord Return (HIDWORD(qw) Xor LODWORD(qw)) As Long #else Return p As Long #endif End Function /*! @brief ObjPtrの逆。ABオブジェクトを指すポインタをObject型へ変換。 @author Egtra @date 2007/08/24 @param[in] p COMインタフェースを指すポインタ @return Object参照型 */ Function _System_PtrObj(p As VoidPtr) As Object SetPointer(VarPtr(_System_PtrObj), p) End Function /*! @brief IUnknownその他COMインタフェースを指すポインタをIUnknown参照型へ変換。 @author Egtra @date 2007/09/24 @param[in] p COMインタフェースを指すポインタ @return IUnknown参照型 */ Function _System_PtrUnknown(p As VoidPtr) As IUnknown SetPointer(VarPtr(_System_PtrUnknown), p) End Function '-------- ' 文字列関数その2 '-------- Function _System_IsSurrogatePair(wcHigh As WCHAR, wcLow As WCHAR) As Boolean If &hD800 <= wcHigh And wcHigh < &hDC00 Then If &hDC00 <= wcLow And wcLow < &hE000 Then Return True End If End If Return False End Function Function _System_IsDoubleUnitChar(lead As WCHAR, trail As WCHAR) As Boolean Return _System_IsSurrogatePair(lead, trail) End Function Function _System_IsDoubleUnitChar(lead As SByte, trail As SByte) As Boolean Return IsDBCSLeadByte(lead) <> FALSE End Function Function _System_GetHashFromWordArray(p As *Word, n As SIZE_T) As Long Dim hash = 0 As DWord Dim i As Long For i = 0 To ELM(n) hash = ((hash << 16) + p[i]) Mod &h7fffffff Next _System_GetHashFromWordArray = hash As Long End Function #endif '_INC_FUNCTION