/*! @file Classes/ActiveBasic/CType/CType.ab @brief ASCII文字分類関数群 @author Egtra @date 2007/11/25 */ Namespace ActiveBasic Namespace CType Namespace Detail Function Widen(c As CHAR) As WCHAR Return c As Byte As WCHAR End Function Function Narrow(c As WCHAR) As CHAR Return c As Byte As CHAR End Function End Namespace 'Detail /*! @brief ASCIIのアルファベットまたは数字かどうか @author Egtra @date 2007/11/25 */ Function IsAlnum(c As WCHAR) As Boolean Return IsUpper(c) Or IsLower(c) Or IsDigit(c) End Function /*! @brief ASCIIのアルファベットかどうか @author Egtra @date 2007/11/25 */ Function IsAlpha(c As WCHAR) As Boolean Return IsUpper(c) Or IsLower(c) End Function /*! @brief ASCIIの行内に置ける空白文字かどうか @author Egtra @date 2007/11/25 ようするにASCIIでは空白とタブ */ Function IsBlank(c As WCHAR) As Boolean Return c = &h20 Or c = &h09 'space or tab End Function /*! @brief ASCIIの制御文字かどうか @author Egtra @date 2007/11/25 */ Function IsCntrl(c As WCHAR) As Boolean Return c < &h20 Or c = &h7f End Function /*! @brief ASCIIの数字かどうか @author Egtra @date 2007/11/25 */ Function IsDigit(c As WCHAR) As Boolean Return (c As DWord Xor &h30) < 10 End Function /*! @brief ASCIIの図形文字かどうか @author Egtra @date 2007/11/25 図形文字とは、空白以外の表示文字 */ Function IsGraph(c As WCHAR) As Boolean Return (c As DWord - &h21) < (&h7e - &h21) End Function /*! @brief ASCIIのアルファベッの小文字かどうか @author Egtra @date 2007/11/25 */ Function IsLower(c As WCHAR) As Boolean Return c As DWord - &h61 < 26 ' &h61 = Asc("a") End Function Function IsPrint(c As WCHAR) As Boolean Return (c As DWord - &h20) < (&h7e - &h20) End Function /*! @brief ASCIIの区切り数字かどうか @author Egtra @date 2007/11/25 アルファベットでも数字でもない図形文字のこと */ Function IsPunct(c As WCHAR) As Boolean Return c < &h7f And IsGraph(c) And (Not IsAlnum(c)) End Function /*! @brief ASCIIのアルファベットの大文字かどうか @author Egtra @date 2007/11/25 */ Function IsUpper(c As WCHAR) As Boolean Return c As DWord - &h41 < 26 ' &h41 = Asc("A") End Function /*! @brief ASCIIの十六進法で記す際に用いられる文字かどうか @author Egtra @date 2007/11/25 */ Function IsXDigit(c As WCHAR) As Boolean Return IsDigit(c) Or ((c As DWord And (Not &h20)) - &h41 < 5) End Function /*! @brief ASCIIのアルファベット大文字を小文字にする @author Egtra @date 2007/11/25 */ Function ToLower(c As WCHAR) As WCHAR If IsUpper(c) Then Return c Or &h20 Else Return c End If End Function /*! @brief ASCIIのアルファベット小文字を大文字にする @author Egtra @date 2007/11/25 */ Function ToUpper(c As WCHAR) As WCHAR If IsLower(c) Then Return c And (Not &h20) Else Return c End If End Function /*! @overload */ Function IsAlnum(c As CHAR) As Boolean Return IsAlnum(Detail.Widen(c)) End Function /*! @overload */ Function IsAlpha(c As CHAR) As Boolean Return IsAlpha(Detail.Widen(c)) End Function /*! @overload */ Function IsBlank(c As CHAR) As Boolean Return IsBlank(Detail.Widen(c)) End Function /*! @overload */ Function IsCntrl(c As CHAR) As Boolean Return IsCntrl(Detail.Widen(c)) End Function /*! @overload */ Function IsDigit(c As CHAR) As Boolean Return IsDigit(Detail.Widen(c)) End Function /*! @overload */ Function IsGraph(c As CHAR) As Boolean Return IsGraph(Detail.Widen(c)) End Function /*! @overload */ Function IsLower(c As CHAR) As Boolean Return IsLower(Detail.Widen(c)) End Function /*! @overload */ Function IsPrint(c As CHAR) As Boolean Return IsPrint(Detail.Widen(c)) End Function /*! @overload */ Function IsPunct(c As CHAR) As Boolean Return IsPunct(Detail.Widen(c)) End Function /*! @overload */ Function IsUpper(c As CHAR) As Boolean Return IsUpper(Detail.Widen(c)) End Function /*! @overload */ Function IsXDigit(c As CHAR) As Boolean Return IsXDigit(Detail.Widen(c)) End Function /*! @overload */ Function ToLower(c As CHAR) As CHAR Return Detail.Narrow(ToLower(Detail.Widen(c))) End Function /*! @overload */ Function ToUpper(c As CHAR) As CHAR Return Detail.Narrow(ToUpper(Detail.Widen(c))) End Function End Namespace End Namespace