' Classes/System/String.ab #require #ifdef __STRING_IS_NOT_ALWAYS_UNICODE TypeDef StrChar = Char #ifndef UNICODE #define __STRING_IS_NOT_UNICODE #endif #else TypeDef StrChar = WCHAR #ifndef UNICODE #define __STRING_UNICODE_WINDOWS_ANSI #endif #endif Namespace System Class String ' Inherits IComparable, ICloneable, IConvertible, IEnumerable m_Length As Long Public Chars As *StrChar Sub String() Chars = _System_malloc(SizeOf (StrChar)) Chars[0] = 0 m_Length = 0 End Sub Sub String(initStr As PCSTR) Assign(initStr) End Sub Sub String(initStr As PCSTR, length As Long) Assign(initStr, length) End Sub Sub String(initStr As PCWSTR) Assign(initStr) End Sub Sub String(initStr As PCWSTR, length As Long) Assign(initStr, length) End Sub Sub String(ByRef initStr As String) Assign(initStr) End Sub Sub String(length As Long) ReSize(length) End Sub Sub String(initChar As StrChar, length As Long) ReSize(length, initChar) End Sub Sub ~String() _System_free(Chars) Chars = 0 #ifdef _DEBUG m_Length = 0 #endif End Sub Const Function Length() As Long Return m_Length End Function Function Operator() As *StrChar Return Chars End Function Const Function Operator [] (n As Long) As StrChar #ifdef _DEBUG If n > Length Then 'Throw ArgumentOutOfRangeException Debug End If #endif Return Chars[n] End Function Sub Operator []= (n As Long, c As StrChar) #ifdef _DEBUG If n >= Length Then 'Throw ArgumentOutOfRangeException Debug End If #endif Chars[n] = c End Sub /* Const Function Operator + (text As *Byte) As String Return Concat(text As PCTSTR, lstrlen(text)) End Function*/ Const Function Operator + (text As PCSTR) As String Return Concat(text, lstrlenA(text)) End Function Const Function Operator + (text As PCWSTR) As String Return Concat(text, lstrlenW(text)) End Function Const Function Operator + (objString As String) As String Return Concat(objString.Chars, objString.m_Length) End Function Const Function Operator & (text As PCSTR) As String Dim tempString = This + text Return tempString End Function Const Function Operator & (text As PCWSTR) As String Dim tempString = This + text Return tempString End Function Const Function Operator & (objString As String) As String Dim tempString = This + objString Return tempString End Function Const Function Operator == (objString As String) As Boolean Return String.Compare(This, objString) = 0 End Function Const Function Operator == (text As *StrChar) As Boolean Return _System_StrCmp(This.Chars, text) = 0 End Function Const Function Operator <> (objString As String) As Boolean Return String.Compare(This, objString) <> 0 End Function Const Function Operator <> (text As *StrChar) As Boolean Return _System_StrCmp(This.Chars, text) <> 0 End Function Const Function Operator < (objString As String) As Boolean Return String.Compare(This, objString) < 0 End Function Const Function Operator < (text As *StrChar) As Boolean Return _System_StrCmp(This.Chars, text) < 0 End Function Const Function Operator > (objString As String) As Boolean Return String.Compare(This, objString) > 0 End Function Const Function Operator > (text As *StrChar) As Boolean Return _System_StrCmp(This.Chars, text) > 0 End Function Const Function Operator <= (objString As String) As Boolean Return String.Compare(This, objString) <= 0 End Function Const Function Operator <= (text As *StrChar) As Boolean Return _System_StrCmp(This.Chars, text) <= 0 End Function Const Function Operator >= (objString As String) As Boolean Return String.Compare(This, objString) >= 0 End Function Const Function Operator >= (text As *StrChar) As Boolean Return _System_StrCmp(This.Chars, text) >= 0 End Function Static Function Compare(x As String, y As String) As Long Return CompareOrdinal(x, y) End Function Static Function Compare(x As String, indexX As Long, y As String, indexY As Long, length As Long) As Long Return CompareOrdinal(x, indexX, y, indexY, length) End Function Static Function CompareOrdinal(x As String, y As String) As Long Return _System_StrCmp(x.Chars, y.Chars) End Function Static Function CompareOrdinal(x As String, indexX As Long, y As String, indexY As Long, length As Long) As Long If Object.ReferenceEquals(x, Nothing) Then If Object.ReferenceEquals(y, Nothing) Then Return 0 Else Return -1 End If ElseIf Object.ReferenceEquals(y, Nothing) Then Return 1 End If Return _System_StrCmpN(VarPtr(x.Chars[indexX]), VarPtr(y.Chars[indexY]), length As SIZE_T) End Function Function CompareTo(y As String) As Long Return String.Compare(This, y) End Function Function CompareTo(y As Object) As Long Dim s = y As String ' If y is not String Then ' Throw New ArgumentException ' End If Return CompareTo(y) End Function Const Function StrPtr() As *StrChar Return Chars End Function Sub ReSize(allocLength As Long) If allocLength < 0 Then Exit Sub Dim oldLength = m_Length If AllocStringBuffer(allocLength) <> 0 Then If allocLength > oldLength Then ZeroMemory(VarPtr(Chars[oldLength]), SizeOf (StrChar) * (m_Length - oldLength + 1)) Else Chars[m_Length] = 0 End If End If End Sub Sub ReSize(allocLength As Long, c As StrChar) If allocLength < 0 Then Exit Sub Dim oldLength = m_Length If AllocStringBuffer(allocLength) <> 0 Then If allocLength > oldLength Then _System_FillChar(VarPtr(Chars[oldLength]), (m_Length - oldLength) As SIZE_T, c) End If Chars[m_Length] = 0 End If End Sub Sub Assign(text As PCSTR, textLengthA As Long) #ifdef __STRING_IS_NOT_UNICODE AssignFromStrChar(text, textLengthA) #else Dim textLengthW = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_THREAD_ACP, 0, text, textLengthA, 0, 0) If AllocStringBuffer(textLengthW) <> 0 Then MultiByteToWideChar(CP_THREAD_ACP, 0, text, textLengthA, Chars, textLengthW) Chars[textLengthW] = 0 End If #endif End Sub Sub Assign(text As PCWSTR, textLengthW As Long) #ifdef __STRING_IS_NOT_UNICODE Dim textLengthA = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_THREAD_ACP, 0, text, textLengthW, 0, 0, 0, 0) If AllocStringBuffer(textLengthA) <> 0 Then WideCharToMultiByte(CP_THREAD_ACP, 0, text, textLengthW, Chars, textLengthA, 0, 0) Chars[textLengthA] = 0 End If #else AssignFromStrChar(text, textLengthW) #endif End Sub Sub Assign(ByRef objString As String) Assign(objString.Chars, objString.m_Length) End Sub Sub Assign(text As PCSTR) If text Then Assign(text, lstrlenA(text)) Else If Chars <> 0 Then Chars[0] = 0 End If m_Length = 0 End If End Sub Sub Assign(text As PCWSTR) If text Then Assign(text, lstrlenW(text)) Else If Chars <> 0 Then Chars[0] = 0 End If m_Length = 0 End If End Sub Sub Append(text As *StrChar, textLength As Long) Dim prevLen As Long prevLen = m_Length If AllocStringBuffer(m_Length + textLength) <> 0 Then memcpy(VarPtr(Chars[prevLen]), text, SizeOf (StrChar) * textLength) Chars[m_Length] = 0 End If End Sub Sub Append(text As *StrChar) Append(text, lstrlen(text)) End Sub Sub Append(ByRef str As String) Append(str.Chars, str.m_Length) End Sub Const Function Clone() As String Return This End Function Private Static Function ConcatStrChar(text1 As *StrChar, text1Length As Long, text2 As *StrChar, text2Length As Long) As String ConcatStrChar = New String() With ConcatStrChar .AllocStringBuffer(text1Length + text2Length) memcpy(.Chars, text1, SizeOf (StrChar) * text1Length) memcpy(VarPtr(.Chars[text1Length]), text2, SizeOf (StrChar) * text2Length) .Chars[text1Length + text2Length] = 0 End With End Function Public Const Function Concat(text As PCSTR, len As Long) As String #ifdef __STRING_IS_NOT_UNICODE Return ConcatStrChar(This.Chars, m_Length, text, len) #else With Concat Dim lenW = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_THREAD_ACP, 0, text, len, 0, 0) .AllocStringBuffer(m_Length + lenW) memcpy(.Chars, This.Chars, m_Length) MultiByteToWideChar(CP_THREAD_ACP, 0, text, len, VarPtr(.Chars[m_Length]), lenW) .Chars[m_Length + lenW] = 0 End With #endif End Function Const Function Concat(text As PCWSTR, len As Long) As String #ifdef __STRING_IS_NOT_UNICODE With Concat Dim lenA = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_THREAD_ACP, 0, text, len, 0, 0, 0, 0) .AllocStringBuffer(m_Length + lenA) memcpy(.Chars, This.Chars, m_Length) WideCharToMultiByte(CP_THREAD_ACP, 0, text, len, VarPtr(.Chars[m_Length]), lenA, 0, 0) .Chars[m_Length + lenA] = 0 End With #else Return ConcatStrChar(This.Chars, m_Length, text, len) #endif End Function Static Function Concat(x As String, y As String) As String If String.IsNullOrEmpty(x) Then Return y Else Return x.Concat(y.Chars, y.m_Length) End If End Function Static Function Concat(x As Object, y As Object) As String Return String.Concat(x.ToString, y.ToString) End Function Const Function Contains(objString As String) As Boolean Return IndexOf(objString, 0, m_Length) >= 0 End Function Const Function Contains(lpszText As *StrChar) As Boolean Return IndexOf(lpszText, 0, m_Length) >= 0 End Function Const Function IndexOf(lpszText As *StrChar) As Long Return IndexOf(lpszText, 0, m_Length) End Function Const Function IndexOf(lpszText As *StrChar, startIndex As Long) As Long Return IndexOf(lpszText, startIndex, m_Length - startIndex) End Function Const Function IndexOf(lpszText As *StrChar, startIndex As Long, count As Long) As Long Dim length = lstrlen(lpszText) If startIndex < 0 Then Return -1 If count < 1 Or count + startIndex > m_Length Then Return -1 If length > m_Length Then Return -1 If length = 0 Then Return startIndex Dim i As Long, j As Long For i = startIndex To startIndex + count - 1 For j = 0 To length - 1 If Chars[i + j] = lpszText[j] Then If j = length - 1 Then Return i Else Exit For End If Next Next Return -1 End Function Const Function LastIndexOf(lpszText As *StrChar) As Long Return LastIndexOf(lpszText, m_Length - 1, m_Length) End Function Const Function LastIndexOf(lpszText As *StrChar, startIndex As Long) As Long Return LastIndexOf(lpszText As *StrChar, startIndex, startIndex + 1) End Function Const Function LastIndexOf(lpszText As *StrChar, startIndex As Long, count As Long) As Long Dim length = lstrlen(lpszText) If startIndex < 0 Or startIndex > m_Length - 1 Then Return -1 If count < 1 Or count > startIndex + 2 Then Return -1 If length > m_Length Then Return -1 If length = 0 Then Return startIndex Dim i As Long, j As Long For i = startIndex To startIndex - count + 1 Step -1 For j = length - 1 To 0 Step -1 If Chars[i + j] = lpszText[j] Then If j = 0 Then Return i Else Exit For End If Next Next Return -1 End Function Const Function StartsWith(lpszText As *StrChar) As Boolean Return IndexOf(lpszText) = 0 End Function Const Function EndsWith(lpszText As *StrChar) As Boolean Return LastIndexOf(lpszText) = m_Length - lstrlen(lpszText) End Function Const Function Insert(startIndex As Long, text As String) As String Return Insert(startIndex, text.Chars, text.Length) End Function Const Function Insert(startIndex As Long, text As *StrChar) As String Return Insert(startIndex, text, lstrlen(text)) End Function Const Function Insert(startIndex As Long, text As *StrChar, length As Long) As String If startIndex < 0 Or startIndex > m_Length Or length < 0 Then Debug 'ArgumentOutOfRangeException End If Insert = New String(m_Length + length) memcpy(Insert.Chars, Chars, SizeOf (StrChar) * startIndex) memcpy(VarPtr(Insert.Chars[startIndex]), text, SizeOf (StrChar) * length) memcpy(VarPtr(Insert.Chars[startIndex + length]), VarPtr(Chars[startIndex]), SizeOf (StrChar) * (m_Length - startIndex + 1)) End Function Const Function SubString(startIndex As Long) As String Return SubString(startIndex, m_Length - startIndex) End Function Const Function SubString(startIndex As Long, length As Long) As String If startIndex < 0 Or length <= 0 Then Return "" If startIndex + length > m_Length Then Return "" Dim temp As String temp.AllocStringBuffer(length) memcpy(temp.Chars, VarPtr(Chars[startIndex]), SizeOf (StrChar) * length) temp.Chars[m_Length] = 0 Return temp End Function Const Function Remove(startIndex As Long) As String If startIndex < 0 Or startIndex > m_Length Then Debug 'ArgumentOutOfRangeException End If Remove = New String(startIndex) memcpy(Remove.Chars, This.Chars, SizeOf (StrChar) * startIndex) End Function Const Function Remove(startIndex As Long, count As Long) As String If startIndex < 0 Or count < 0 Or startIndex + count > m_Length Then Debug 'ArgumentOutOfRangeException End If Remove = New String(m_Length - count) memcpy(Remove.Chars, This.Chars, SizeOf (StrChar) * startIndex) memcpy(VarPtr(Remove.Chars[startIndex]), VarPtr(This.Chars[startIndex + count]), SizeOf (StrChar) * (m_Length - startIndex - count)) End Function Static Function IsNullOrEmpty(s As String) As Boolean If Not Object.ReferenceEquals(s, Nothing) Then If s.m_Length > 0 Then Return False End If End If Return True End Function Const Function Replace(oldChar As StrChar, newChar As StrChar) As String Replace = Copy(This) With Replace Dim i As Long For i = 0 To ELM(.m_Length) If .Chars[i] = oldChar Then .Chars[i] = newChar End If Next End With End Function Const Function Replace(ByRef oldStr As String, ByRef newStr As String) As String ' If oldStr = Nothing Then Throw ArgumentNullException ' ' If newStr = Nothing Then ' Return ReplaceCore(oldStr, oldStr.m_Length, "", 0) ' Else Return ReplaceCore(oldStr, oldStr.m_Length, newStr, newStr.m_Length) ' End If End Function Const Function Replace(oldStr As *StrChar, newStr As *StrChar) As String If oldStr = 0 Then Debug 'Throw ArgumentNullException If newStr = 0 Then newStr = "" Return ReplaceCore(oldStr, lstrlen(oldStr), newStr, lstrlen(newStr)) End Function Const Function Replace(oldStr As *StrChar, oldLen As Long, newStr As *StrChar, newLen As Long) As String If oldStr = 0 Then Debug 'Throw ArgumentNullException If newStr = 0 Then newStr = "" newLen = 0 End If Return ReplaceCore(oldStr, oldLen, newStr, newLen) End Function Const Function ToLower() As String ToLower.ReSize(m_Length) Dim i As Long For i = 0 To ELM(m_Length) ToLower.Chars[i] = _System_ASCII_ToLower(Chars[i]) Next End Function Const Function ToUpper() As String ToUpper.ReSize(m_Length) Dim i As Long For i = 0 To ELM(m_Length) ToUpper.Chars[i] = _System_ASCII_ToUpper(Chars[i]) Next End Function /* Sub Swap(ByRef x As String) Dim tempLen As Long Dim tempChars As *StrChar tempLen = x.m_Length tempChars = x.Chars x.m_Length = This.m_Length x.Chars = This.Chars This.m_Length = tempLen This.Chars = tempChars End Sub */ Override Function ToString() As String Return This End Function Static Function Copy(s As String) As String Copy.ReSize(s.m_Length) memcpy(Copy.Chars, This.Chars, SizeOf (StrChar) * m_Length) End Function Override Function GetHashCode() As Long #ifdef __STRING_IS_NOT_UNICODE Dim size = (m_Length + 1) >> 1 #else Dim size = m_Length #endif Return _System_GetHashFromWordArray(Chars As *Word, size) End Function Private ' メモリ確保に失敗すると元の文字列は失われない。(例外安全でいう強い保障) Function AllocStringBuffer(textLength As Long) As *StrChar If textLength < 0 Then Return 0 ElseIf textLength > m_Length or Chars = 0 Then AllocStringBuffer = _System_realloc(Chars, SizeOf(StrChar) * (textLength + 1)) If AllocStringBuffer <> 0 Then m_Length = textLength Chars = AllocStringBuffer End If Else m_Length = textLength AllocStringBuffer = Chars End If End Function Function ReplaceCore(oldStr As *StrChar, oldLen As Long, newStr As *StrChar, newLen As Long) As String If oldLen = 0 Then Debug 'Throw ArgumentException End If Dim tmp As String With tmp Dim current = 0 As Long Do Dim pos = IndexOf(oldStr, current) If pos = -1 Then Exit Do End If .Append(VarPtr(Chars[current]), pos - current) .Append(newStr, newLen) current = pos + oldLen Loop .Append(VarPtr(Chars[current]), m_Length - current) End With Return tmp End Function Sub AssignFromStrChar(text As *StrChar, textLength As Long) If text = Chars Then Exit Sub If AllocStringBuffer(textLength) <> 0 Then memcpy(Chars, text, SizeOf (StrChar) * textLength) Chars[m_Length] = 0 End If End Sub End Class End Namespace