' Classes/System/Windows/Forms/Control.ab #ifndef __SYSTEM_WINDOWS_FORMS_CONTROL_AB__ #define __SYSTEM_WINDOWS_FORMS_CONTROL_AB__ #require #require #require #require #require #require #require #require #require #require #require #require #require TypeDef InvokeProc = *Function(p As VoidPtr) As VoidPtr Class AsyncResultForInvoke Inherits IAsyncResult Public ' Properties Sub AsyncResultForInvoke(h As HANDLE) waitHandle.Handle = h End Sub Override Function AsyncState() As IObject Return Nothing End Function Override Function AsyncWaitHandle() As WaitHandle Return waitHandle End Function Override Function CompletedSynchronously() As BOOL Return FALSE End Function Override Function IsCompleted() As BOOL Return waitHandle.WaitOne(0, FALSE) End Function Const Function Result() As VoidPtr Return result End Function Sub Result(r As VoidPtr) result = r End Sub Private waitHandle As WaitHandle result As VoidPtr End Class Class AsyncInvokeData Public FuncPtr As InvokeProc Data As *VoidPtr AsyncResult As AsyncResultForInvoke End Class Class Control ' Inherits IWin32Window Public '--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Public Properties Function AllowDrop() As Boolean End Function /*Override*/ Function Handle() As HWND Return wnd.HWnd End Function ' IDropTargetを実装するのでDragAcceptFiles関数は呼ばない。 Sub AllowDrop(a As Boolean) End Sub Const Function Visible() As Boolean Return wnd.Visible End Function Sub Visible(v As Boolean) wnd.Visible(v) End Sub Const Function Text() As String Return text End Function Sub Text(ByRef t As String) text = t Dim e As EventArgs OnTextChanged(e) End Sub Const Function Enabled() As Boolean Return wnd.Enabled End Function Sub Enabled(e As Boolean) ' OnEnabledChangedはWM_ENABLE経由で呼ばれる wnd.Enabled(e) End Sub Const Function Bounds() As Rectangle Dim wr As RECT wr = wnd.WindowRect Dim r = New Rectangle(wr) Dim parent = Parent If Object.ReferenceEquals(parent, Nothing) Then Return parent->RectangleToClient(r) Else Return r End If End Function Sub Bounds(r As Rectangle) SetBoundsCore(r.X, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height, BoundsSpecified.All) End Sub Const Function Location() As Point Return Bounds.Location End Function Sub Location(p As Point) SetBoundsCore(p.X, p.Y, 0, 0, BoundsSpecified.Location) End Sub Const Function Size() As Size Return Bounds.Size End Function Sub Size(s As Size) SetBoundsCore(0, 0, s.Width, s.Height, BoundsSpecified.Size) End Sub Const Function ClientRectangle() As Rectangle Return New Rectangle(wnd.ClientRect) End Function Const Function ClientSize() As Size Return ClientRectangle.Size End Function Const Function Left() As Long Dim b = Bounds Return b.Left End Function Sub Left(l As Long) SetBoundsCore(l, 0, 0, 0, BoundsSpecified.X) End Sub Const Function Top() As Long Dim b = Bounds Return b.Top End Function Sub Top(t As Long) SetBoundsCore(0, t, 0, 0, BoundsSpecified.Y) End Sub Const Function Width() As Long Dim b = Bounds Return b.Width End Function Sub Width(w As Long) SetBoundsCore(0, 0, w, 0, BoundsSpecified.Width) End Sub Const Function Height() As Long Dim b = Bounds Return b.Height End Function Sub Height(h As Long) SetBoundsCore(0, 0, 0, h, BoundsSpecified.Height) End Sub Const Function Right() As Long Return Left + Width End Function Const Function Bottom() As Long Return Top + Height End Function Const Function PointToScreen(p As Point) As Point PointToScreen = New Point ret.X = p.X ret.Y = p.Y wnd.ClientToScreen(ByVal VarPtr(PointToScreen) As *POINTAPI) End Function Const Function PointToClient(p As Point) As Point PointToScreen = New Point ret.X = p.X ret.Y = p.Y wnd.ScreenToClient(ByVal VarPtr(PointToScreen) As *POINTAPI) End Function Const Function RectangleToScreen(r As Rectangle) As Rectangle Dim rc = r.ToRECT wnd.ClientToScreen(rc) Return New Rectangle(rc) End Function Const Function RectangleToClient(r As Rectangle) As Rectangle Dim rc As RECT rc = r.ToRECT() wnd.ScreenToClient(rc) Return New Rectangle(rc) End Function Const Function InvokeRequired() As Boolean Return wnd.ThreadID <> GetCurrentThreadId() End Function Const Virtual Function BackColor() As Color Return bkColor End Function Virtual Sub BackColor(c As Color) c = bkColor Dim e As EventArgs OnBackColorChanged(e) End Sub Function Parent() As Control Return parent End Function Const Function IsHandleCreated() As Boolean Return wnd.HWnd <> 0 End Function Static Function DefaultBackColor() As Color Return Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255) End Function '--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Constractors Sub Control() Dim sz = DefaultSize() Control("", 100, 100, sz.Width, sz.Height) End Sub Sub Control(text As String) Dim sz = DefaultSize() Control(text, 100, 100, sz.Width, sz.Height) End Sub Sub Control(parent As Control, text As String) Dim sz = DefaultSize() Control(parent, text, 100, 100, sz.Width, sz.Height) End Sub Sub Control(text As String, left As Long, top As Long, width As Long, height As Long) This.text = text bkColor = DefaultBackColor ' Debug CreateHandle() End Sub Sub Control(parent As Control, text As String, left As Long, top As Long, width As Long, height As Long) This.parent = VarPtr(parent) Control(text, left, top, width, height) End Sub '--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Destractor Virtual Sub ~Control() If wnd.IsWindow Then wnd.Destroy() ' 暫定 End If End Sub '--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Public Methods ' 同期関数呼出、Controlが作成されたスレッドで関数を実行する。 ' 関数は同期的に呼び出されるので、関数が終わるまでInvokeは制御を戻さない。 Function Invoke(pfn As InvokeProc, p As VoidPtr) As VoidPtr Return wnd.SendMessage(WM_CONTROL_INVOKE, p As WPARAM, pfn As LPARAM) As VoidPtr End Function ' 非同期関数呼出、Controlが作成されたスレッドで関数を実行する。 ' 関数は非同期的に呼び出されるので、BeginInvokeはすぐに制御を戻す。 ' 後にEndInvokeを呼び出すことにより、関数の戻り値を受け取れる。 Function BeginInvoke(pfn As InvokeProc, p As VoidPtr) As IAsyncResult ' EndInvokeがDeleteする Dim asyncResult = New AsyncResultForInvoke(CreateEvent(0, FALSE, FALSE, 0)) ' OnControlBeginInvokeがDeleteする Dim asyncInvokeData = New AsyncInvokeData With asyncInvokeData .FuncPtr = pfn .Data = p .AsyncResult = asyncResult End With Dim gch = GCHandle.Alloc(asyncInvokeData) wnd.PostMessage(WM_CONTROL_BEGININVOKE, 0, GCHandle.ToIntPtr(gch)) Return pAsyncResult End Function ' BeginInvokeで呼び出した関数の戻り値を受け取る。 ' その関数がまだ終了していない場合、終了するまで待機する。 Function EndInvoke(ar As IAsyncResult) As VoidPtr ar.WaitHandle.WaitOne() Dim arInvoke = ar As AsyncResultForInvoke Return arInvoke.Result End Function ' 与えられたウィンドウハンドルがControl(若しくはその派生クラス)の ' インスタンスに対応するものであった場合、 ' 元のインスタンスを返す。 ' そうでなければNothingを返す。 Static Function FromHandle(hwnd As HWND) As Control If IsWindow(hwnd) Then If GetClassLongPtr(hwnd, GCW_ATOM) = atom Then Dim gch = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_THIS)) Return gch.Target As Control End If End If Return Nothing As Control End Function Virtual Sub ResetText() text = "" End Sub Override Function ToString() As String Return text End Function ' Wrapper Methods Sub BringToFront() wnd.BringToTop() End Sub Sub Hide() wnd.Show(SW_HIDE) End Sub Sub Show() wnd.Show(SW_SHOW) End Sub Sub Update() wnd.Update() End Sub Protected '--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Protected Properties ' Const Virtual Function CanRaiseEvents() As Boolean Virtual Function CreateParams() As CreateParams Return createParams End Function ' Virtual Function DefaultCursor() As Cursor Virtual Function DefaultSize() As Size Dim s As Size(300, 300) Return s End Function ' Function FontHeight() As Long ' Sub FontHeight(h As Long) ' Const Virtual Function Cursor() As Cursor ' Virtual Sub Cursor(ByRef c As Cursor) '--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Protected Methods Virtual Sub CreateHandle() Dim createParams = CreateParams() Dim gch = GCHandle.Alloc(This) TlsSetValue(tlsIndex, GCHandle.ToIntPtr(gch) As VoidPtr) With createParams[0] Dim hwndParent = 0 As HWND If Not Object.ReferenceEquals(parent, Nothing) Then hwndParent = parent.Handle End If If CreateWindowEx(.ExStyle, atom As ULONG_PTR As PCSTR, text, .Style, _ CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, _ hwndParent, 0, hInstance, 0) = 0 Then ' Error Dim buf[1023] As TCHAR wsprintf(buf, ToTCStr(Ex"Control: CreateWindowEx failed. Error code: &h%08X\r\n"), GetLastError()) OutputDebugString(buf) ' Debug ExitThread(0) End If End With gch.Free() End Sub Virtual Sub DefWndProc(m As Message) m.Result = DefWindowProc(m.HWnd, m.Msg, m.WParam, m.LParam) End Sub Virtual Sub WndProc(m As Message) With m Select Case .Msg Case WM_GETTEXTLENGTH .Result = text.Length Case WM_GETTEXT Dim size = Math.Min(.WParam As ULONG_PTR, (text.Length + 1) As ULONG_PTR) memcpy(.LParam As PCTSTR, ToTCStr(text), size * SizeOf (TCHAR)) .Result = size Case WM_SETTEXT text = New String(.LParam As PCTSTR) Case WM_ENABLE OnEnabledChanged(EventArgs.Empty) Case WM_ERASEBKGND ' OnPaintBackgroundに移すべき Dim hdc = .WParam As HDC Dim hbr = CreateSolidBrush(bkColor.ToCOLORREF()) Dim hbrOld = SelectObject(hdc, hbr) Dim rc = wnd.ClientRect Rectangle(hdc, rc.left, rc.top, rc.right, rc.bottom) SelectObject(hdc, hbrOld) DeleteObject(hbr) Case WM_CONTROL_INVOKE Dim pfn = .LParam As InvokeProc .Result = pfn(m.WParam As VoidPtr) As LRESULT Case WM_CONTROL_BEGININVOKE OnControlBeginInvoke(m) Case WM_CREATE OnHandleCreated(EventArgs.Empty) Case Else DefWndProc(m) End Select End With End Sub Virtual Sub SetClientSizeCore(x As Long, y As Long) Dim rc As RECT With rc .left = 0 .top = 0 .right = x .bottom = y End With Dim hasMenu = FALSE As BOOL If wnd.Parent As HWND = 0 Then If wnd.Menu <> 0 Then hasMenu = TRUE End If End If AdjustWindowRectEx(rc, wnd.Style, hasMenu, wnd.ExStyle) wnd.Move(rc) End Sub Virtual Sub SetBoundsCore(x As Long, y As Long, width As Long, height As Long, bs As BoundsSpecified) ' If Not (bs As DWord And BoundsSpecified.X As DWord) Then x = Left ' End If ' If Not (bs As DWord And BoundsSpecified.Y As DWord) Then y = Right ' End If ' If Not (bs As DWord And BoundsSpecified.Width As DWord) Then width = Width ' End If ' If Not (bs As DWord And BoundsSpecified.Height As DWord) Then height = Height ' End If wnd.Move(x, y, width, height) End Sub Virtual Sub NotifyInvalidate(r As Rectangle) Dim rc As RECT rc = r.ToRECT() wnd.InvalidateRect(rc) End Sub Virtual Sub OnPaintBackground(e As PaintEventArgs) : End Sub Virtual Sub OnEnabledChanged(e As EventArgs) : End Sub Virtual Sub OnBackColorChanged(e As EventArgs) : End Sub Virtual Sub OnHandleCreated(e As EventArgs) : End Sub Virtual Sub OnTextChanged(e As EventArgs) wnd.SetText(ToTCStr(text)) End Sub Private ' Member variables wnd As WindowHandle text As String parent As Control bkColor As Color Static createParams As CreateParams 'ウィンドウ作成時にウィンドウプロシージャへThisを伝えるためのもの Static tlsIndex As DWord Static hInstance As HINSTANCE Static atom As ATOM Static Const WM_CONTROL_INVOKE = WM_USER + 0 As DWord Static Const WM_CONTROL_BEGININVOKE = WM_USER + 1 As DWord Static Const WindowClassName = "ActiveBasic Control" Public Static Sub Initialize(hinst As HINSTANCE) tlsIndex = TlsAlloc() hInstance = hinst Dim wcx As WNDCLASSEX With wcx .cbSize = Len (wcx) .style = CS_HREDRAW Or CS_VREDRAW Or CS_DBLCLKS .lpfnWndProc = AddressOf (WndProcFirst) .cbClsExtra = 0 .cbWndExtra = SizeOf (LONG_PTR) * 2 .hInstance = hinst .hIcon = 0 .hCursor = LoadImage(0, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_ARROW), IMAGE_CURSOR, 0, 0, LR_DEFAULTSIZE Or LR_SHARED) As HCURSOR .hbrBackground = 0 .lpszMenuName = 0 .lpszClassName = WindowClassName .hIconSm = 0 End With atom = RegisterClassEx(wcx) If atom = 0 Then Dim buf[1023] As TCHAR wsprintf(buf, ToTCStr(Ex"Control: RegisterClasseEx failed. Error code: &h%08X\r\n"), GetLastError()) OutputDebugString(buf) Debug ExitThread(0) End If With createParams ' 値は暫定的なもの .Style = WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW .ExStyle = WS_EX_APPWINDOW End With End Sub Static Sub Uninitialize() UnregisterClass(atom As ULONG_PTR As PCSTR, hInstance) TlsFree(tlsIndex) End Sub Private Static Const GWLP_THIS = SizeOf (LONG_PTR) * 0 As Long Static Const GWLP_TAG = SizeOf (LONG_PTR) * 1 As Long ' Windowsから呼ばれるウィンドウプロシージャ。WndProc Static Function WndProcFirst(hwnd As HWND, msg As DWord, wp As WPARAM, lp As LPARAM) As LRESULT Dim rThis = Control.FromHandle(hwnd) As Control If Object.ReferenceEquals(rThis As Object, Nothing) Then Dim gchValue = TlsGetValue(tlsIndex) As LONG_PTR Dim gch = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(gchValue) rThis = gch.Target As Control ' ウィンドウが作られて最初にWndProcFirstが呼ばれたとき If Object.ReferenceEquals(rThis, Nothing) Then ' あってはならない事態 Debug ExitThread(0) End If ' Debug rThis.wnd = New WindowHandle(hwnd) SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_THIS, gchValue) End If Dim m As Message m = Message.Create(hwnd, msg, wp, lp) rThis.WndProc(m) Return m.Result End Function ' BeginInvokeが呼ばれたときの処理 Sub OnControlBeginInvoke(m As Message) Dim gch = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(m.LParam) Dim data = gch.Target As AsyncInvokeData With data Dim pfn = .FuncPtr .AsyncResult.Result = pfn(.Data) SetEvent(.AsyncResult.AsyncWaitHandle.Handle) End With End Sub End Class Class _System_ControlIinitializer Public Sub _System_ControlIinitializer(hinst As HINSTANCE) Control.Initialize(hinst) End Sub Sub ~_System_ControlIinitializer() Control.Uninitialize() End Sub End Class #ifndef _SYSTEM_NO_INITIALIZE_CONTROL_ Dim _System_ControlInitializer As _System_ControlIinitializer(GetModuleHandle(0)) #endif '_SYSTEM_NO_INITIALIZE_CONTROL_ #endif '__SYSTEM_WINDOWS_FORMS_CONTROL_AB__