' Windows/WindowHandle.sbp #ifndef __WINDOWS_WINDOWHANDLE_SBP__ #define __WINDOWS_WINDOWHANDLE_SBP__ #ifdef _WIN64 Declare Function _System_GetWindowLongPtr Lib "user32" Alias _FuncName_GetWindowLongPtr (hWnd As HWND, nIndex As Long) As LONG_PTR Declare Function _System_SetWindowLongPtr Lib "user32" Alias _FuncName_SetWindowLongPtr (hWnd As HWND, nIndex As Long, l As LONG_PTR) As LONG_PTR #else Declare Function _System_GetWindowLongPtr Lib "user32" Alias _FuncName_GetWindowLong (hWnd As HWND, nIndex As Long) As LONG_PTR Declare Function _System_SetWindowLongPtr Lib "user32" Alias _FuncName_SetWindowLong (hWnd As HWND, nIndex As Long, l As LONG_PTR) As LONG_PTR #endif Declare Function _System_GetParent Lib "user32" Alias "GetParent" (hWnd As HWND) As HWND Declare Function _System_SetParent Lib "user32" Alias "SetParent" (hWnd As HWND) As HWND Declare Function _System_GetMenu Lib "user32" Alias "GetMenu" (hWnd As HWND) As HMENU Declare Function _System_SetMenu Lib "user32" Alias "SetMenu" (hWnd As HWND) As HMENU Declare Function _System_InvalidateRect Lib "user32" Alias "InvalidateRect" (hWnd As HWND, ByRef Rect As RECT, bErase As BOOL) As BOOL Declare Function _System_InvalidateRgn Lib "user32" Alias "InvalidateRgn" (hWnd As HWND, hRgn As HRGN, bErase As BOOL) As BOOL Declare Function _System_ValidateRect Lib "user32" Alias "ValidateRect" (hWnd As HWND, ByRef Rect As RECT) As BOOL Declare Function _System_ValidateRgn Lib "user32" Alias "ValidateRgn" (hWnd As HWND, hRgn As HRGN) As BOOL Declare Function _System_BeginPaint Lib "user32" Alias "BeginPaint" (hWnd As HWND, ByRef ps As PAINTSTRUCT) As HDC Declare Function _System_EndPaint Lib "user32" Alias "EndPaint" (hWnd As HWND, ByRef ps As PAINTSTRUCT) As HDC Declare Function _System_ClientToScreen Lib "user32" Alias "ClientToScreen" (hWnd As HWND, ByRef Point As POINTAPI) As BOOL Declare Function _System_ScreenToClient Lib "user32" Alias "ScreenToClient" (hWnd As HWND, ByRef Point As POINTAPI) As BOOL Declare Function _System_CreateCaret Lib "user32" Alias "CreateCaret" (hWnd As HWND, hBitmap As HBITMAP, nWidth As Long, nHeight As Long) As BOOL Declare Function _System_HideCaret Lib "user32" Alias "HideCaret" (hWnd As HWND) As BOOL Declare Function _System_ShowCaret Lib "user32" Alias "ShowCaret" (hWnd As HWND) As BOOL Declare Function _System_DrawMenuBar Lib "user32" Alias "DrawMenuBar" (hwnd As HWND) As BOOL Declare Function _System_GetWindowRect Lib "user32" Alias "DrawMenuBar" (hWnd As HWND, ByRef Rect As RECT) As BOOL Declare Function _System_IsWindow Lib "user32" Alias "IsWindow" (hWnd As HWND) As BOOL Declare Function _System_Isiconic Lib "user32" Alias "Isiconic" (hWnd As HWND) As BOOL Declare Function _System_GetClientRect Lib "user32" Alias "GetClientRect" (hWnd As HWND, ByRef Rect As RECT) As BOOL Class WindowHandle hwnd As HWND Public Sub WindowHandle() hwnd = 0 End Sub Sub WindowHandle(hwndNew As HWND) hwnd = hwndNew End Sub Sub WindowHandle(wnd As WindowHandle) hwnd = wnd.hwnd End Sub Sub Operator =(hwndNew As HWND) hwnd = hwndNew End Sub Const Function HWnd() As HWND Return hwnd End Function Const Function Operator() As HWND Return hwnd End Function Function BringToTop() As Boolean Return BringWindowToTop(hwnd) As Boolean End Function Function BeginPaint(ByRef ps As PAINTSTRUCT) As HDC Return _System_BeginPaint(hwnd, ps) End Function Const Function ChildFromPoint(x As Long, y As Long) As WindowHandle Return New WindowHandle(ChildWindowFromPoint(hwnd, x, y)) End Function Const Function ChildFromPointEx(x As Long, y As Long, flags As DWord) As WindowHandle Return New WindowHandle(ChildWindowFromPointEx(hwnd, x, y, flags)) End Function Const Function ClientToScreen(ByRef pt As POINTAPI) As Boolean Return _System_ClientToScreen(hwnd, pt) As Boolean End Function Function Close() As Boolean Return CloseWindow(hwnd) As Boolean End Function Function CreateCaret(hbmp As HBITMAP, width As Long, height As Long) As Boolean Return _System_CreateCaret(hwnd, hbmp, width, hegiht) As Boolean End Function Function Destroy() As Boolean Return DestroyWindow(hwnd) As Boolean End Function Function DrawMenuBar() As Boolean Return _System_DrawMenuBar(hwnd) As Boolean End Function Function EnableScrollBar(SBFlags As DWord, arrows As DWord) As Boolean Return EnableScrollBar(hwnd, SBFlags, arrows) As Boolean End Function Function Enable(enable As Boolean) As Boolean Return EnableWindow(hwnd, enable) As Boolean End Function Function EndPaint(ByRef ps As PAINTSTRUCT) As Boolean Return _System_EndPaint(hwnd, ps) As Boolean End Function Const Function EnumChilds(enumFunc As WNDENUMPROC, lp As LPARAM) As Boolean Return EnumChildWindows(hwnd, enumFunc, lp) As Boolean End Function Function Flash(invert As Boolean) As Boolean Return FlashWindow(hwnd, invert) As Boolean End Function Const Function GetClassLongPtr(index As Long) As LONG_PTR Return GetClassLongPtr(hwnd, index) End Function Const Function GetClassName(className As PTSTR, maxCount As Long) As Long Return GetClassName(className, maxCount) End Function Const Function GetClientRect(ByRef rc As RECT) As Boolean Return _System_GetClientRect(hwnd, rc) As Boolean End Function Const Function GetContextHelpId() As DWord Return GetWindowContextHelpId(hwnd) End Function Function GetDC() As HDC Return GetDC(hwnd) End Function Function GetDCEx(hrgnClip As HRGN, flags As DWord) As HDC Return GetDCEx(hwnd, hrgnClip, flags) End Function Const Function GetDlgCtrlID() As Long Return GetDlgCtrlID(hwnd) End Function Const Function GetDlgItem(idDlgItem As Long) As WindowHandle Return GetDlgItem(hwnd, idDlgItem) End Function Const Function GetDlgItemText(idDlgItem As Long, ps As PTSTR, maxCount As Long) As Long Return GetDlgItemText(hwnd, idDlgItem, ps, maxCount) End Function Const Function GetMenu() As HMENU Return _System_GetMenu(hwnd) End Function Const Function GetParent() As WindowHandle Dim w As WindowHandle(_System_GetParent(hwnd)) Return w End Function Const Function GetProp(str As String) As HANDLE Return GetProp(hwnd, ToTCStr(str)) End Function Const Function GetProp(psz As PCTSTR) As HANDLE Return GetProp(hwnd, psz) End Function Const Function GetProp(atom As ATOM) As HANDLE Return GetProp(hwnd, atom As ULONG_PTR As PCTSTR) End Function Const Function GetScrollInfo(fnBar As Long, ByRef si As SCROLLINFO) As Boolean Return GetScrollInfo(hwnd, fnBar, si) As Boolean End Function Const Function GetSystemMenu(revert As Boolean) As HMENU Return GetSystemMenu(hwnd, revert) End Function Const Function GetUpdateRect(ByRef rc As RECT, erase As Boolean) As Boolean Return GetUpdateRact(hwnd, rc, erase) As Boolean End Function Const Function GetUpdateRgn(hrgn As HRGN, erase As Boolean) As Boolean Return GetUpdateRgn(hwnd, hrgn, erase) As Boolean End Function Const Function GetWindow(cmd As DWord) As WindowHandle Return GetWindow(hwnd, cmd) End Function Function GetWindowDC() As HDC Return GetWindowDC(hwnd) End Function Const Function GetWindowLongPtr(index As Long) As LONG_PTR Return _System_GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, index) End Function Const Function GetWindowPlasement(ByRef wndpl As WINDOWPLACEMENT) As Boolean Return GetWindowPlasement(hwnd, wndpl) As Boolean End Function Const Function GetWindowRect(ByRef rc As RECT) As Boolean Return _System_GetWindowRect(rc) As Boolean End Function Const Function GetText(ps As PTSTR, maxCount As Long) As Boolean Return GetWindowText(ps, maxCount) As Boolean End Function Const Function GetTextLength() As Long Return GetWindowTextLength(hwnd) End Function Const Function GetWindowThreadId() As DWord Return GetWindowProcessThreadId(hwnd, 0) End Function Const Function GetWindowProcessThreadId(ByRef processId As DWord) As DWord Return GetWindowProcessThreadId(hwnd, VarPtr(processId)) End Function Function HideCaret() As Boolean Return _System_HideCaret(hwnd) As Boolean End Function Function InvalidateRect(ByRef rc As RECT, erace As Boolean) As Boolean Return _System_InvalidateRect(hwnd, rc, erace) As Boolean End Function Function InvalidateRect(ByRef rc As RECT) As Boolean Return _System_InvalidateRect(hwnd, rc, TRUE) As Boolean End Function Function InvalidateRgn(hrgn As HRGN, erace As Boolean) As Boolean Return _System_InvalidateRgn(hwnd, hrgn, erace) As Boolean End Function Function InvalidateRgn(hrgn As HRGN) As Boolean Return _System_InvalidateRgn(hwnd, hrgn, TRUE) As Boolean End Function Function Invalidate(erace As Boolean) As Boolean Return _System_InvalidateRect(hwnd, ByVal 0, erace) As Boolean End Function Function Invalidate() As Boolean Return _System_InvalidateRect(hwnd, ByVal 0, TRUE) As Boolean End Function Const Function IsChild(hwnd As HWND) As Boolean Return IsChild(This.hwnd, hwnd) As Boolean End Function Const Function IsDialogMessage(ByRef msg As MSG) As Boolean Return IsDialogMessage(hwnd, msg) As Boolean End Function Const Function IsIconic() As Boolean Return _System_IsIconic(hwnd) As Boolean End Function Const Function IsWindow() As Boolean Return _System_IsWindow(hwnd) As Boolean End Function Const Function IsEnabled() As Boolean Return IsWindowEnabled(hwnd) As Boolean End Function Const Function IsUnicode() As Boolean Return IsWindowUnicode(hwnd) As Boolean End Function Const Function IsVisible() As Boolean Return IsWindowVisible(hwnd) As Boolean End Function Const Function IsZoomed() As Boolean Return IsZoomed(hwnd) As Boolean End Function Function KillTimer(idEvent As ULONG_PTR) As Boolean Return KillTimer(idEvent) As Boolean End Function Function LockUpdate() As Boolean Return LockWindowUpdate(hwnd) As Boolean End Function Function MapPoints(hwndTo As HWND, pPoints As *POINTAPI, cPoints As DWord) As Long Return MapWindowPoints(hwnd, hwndTo, pPoints, cPoints) End Function Function MapPoints(hwndTo As HWND, ByRef rc As RECT) As Long Return MapWindowPoints(hwnd, hwndTo, VarPtr(rc) As *POINTAPI, 2) End Function Const Function MessageBox(text As PCTSTR, caption As PCTSTR, uType As DWord) As Long Return MessageBox(hwnd, text, caption, uType) End Function Const Function MessageBox(text As PCTSTR, caption As PCTSTR) As Long Return MessageBox(hwnd, text, caption, MB_OK) End Function Const Function MessageBox(text As PCTSTR) As Long Return MessageBox(hwnd, text, 0, MB_OK) End Function Function Move(x As Long, y As Long, width As Long, height As Long, repaint As Boolean) As Boolean Return MoveWindow(hwnd, x, y, width, height, repaint) As Boolean End Function Function Move(x As Long, y As Long, width As Long, height As Long) As Boolean Return MoveWindow(hwnd, x, y, width, height, TRUE) As Boolean End Function Function Move(ByRef rc As RECT, repeaint As Boolean) As Boolean With rc Return MoveWindow(hwnd, .left, .top, .right - .left, .bottom - .top, repaint) As Boolean End With End Function Function Move(ByRef rc As RECT) As Boolean With rc Return MoveWindow(hwnd, .left, .top, .right - .left, .bottom - .top, TRUE) As Boolean End With End Function Function OpenClipboard() As Boolean Return OpenClipboard(hwnd) As Boolean End Function Function OpenIcon() As Boolean Return OpenIcon(hwnd) As Boolean End Function Function PostMessage(msg As DWord, wp As WPARAM, lp As LPARAM) As Boolean Return PostMessage(hwnd, msg, wp, lp) As Boolean End Function Function PostMessage(msg As DWord) As Boolean Return PostMessage(hwnd, msg, 0, 0) As Boolean End Function Function RedrawWindow(ByRef rcUpdate As RECT, hrgnUpdate As HRGN, flags As DWord) As Boolean Return RedrawWindow(hwnd, rcUpdatre, hrgnUpdate, flags) As Boolean End Function Function ReleaseDC(hdc As HDC) As Boolean Return ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc) As Boolean End Function Function RemoveProp(str As String) As HANDLE Return RemoveProp(hwnd, ToTCStr(str)) End Function Function RemoveProp(psz As PCTSTR) As HANDLE Return RemoveProp(hwnd, psz) End Function Function RemoveProp(atom As ATOM) As HANDLE Return RemoveProp(hwnd, atom As ULONG_PTR As PCTSTR) End Function Const Function ScreenToClient(ByRef pt As POINTAPI) As Boolean Return _System_ScreenToClient(hwnd, pt) As Boolean End Function Function Scroll(dx As Long, dy As Long, ByRef rcScroll As RECT, ByRef rcClip As RECT, hrgnUpdate As HRGN, ByRef rcUpdate As RECT, flags As DWord) As Boolean Return ScrollWindowEx(hwnd, dx, dy, rcScroll, rcClip, hrgnUpdate, rcUpdate, flags) As Boolean End Function Function SendDlgItemMessage(idDlgItem As Long, msg As DWord, wp As WPARAM, lp As LPARAM) As LRESULT Return SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, idDlgItem, wp, lp) End Function Function SendDlgItemMessage(idDlgItem As Long, msg As DWord) As LRESULT Return SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, idDlgItem, 0, 0) End Function Function SendMessage(msg As DWord, wp As WPARAM, lp As LPARAM) As LRESULT Return SendMessage(hwnd, msg, wp, lp) End Function Function SendMessage(msg As DWord) As LRESULT Return SendMessage(hwnd, msg, 0, 0) End Function Function SetActiveWindow() As WindowHandle Return New WindowHandle(SetActiveWindow(hwnd)) End Function Function SetDlgItemText(idDlgItem As Long, psz As PCTSTR) As Boolean Return SetDlgItemText(hwnd, idDlgItem, psz) As Boolean End Function Function SetCapture() As WindowHandle Return New WindowHandle(SetCapture(hwnd)) End Function Function SetClassLongPtr(index As Long, newLong As LONG_PTR) As LONG_PTR Return SetClassLongPtr(hwnd, index, newLong) End Function Function SetFocus() As WindowHandle Return New WindowHandle(SetFocus(hwnd)) End Function Function SetForeground() As Boolean Return SetForegroundWindow(hwnd) As Boolean End Function Function SetMenu(hmenu As HMENU) As Boolean Return _System_SetMenu(hwnd, hmenu) As Boolean End Function Function SetParent(hwndNewParent As HWND) As WindowHandle Return New WindowHandle(_System_SetParent(hwnd, hwndNewParent)) End Function Function SetProp(str As String, hData As HANDLE) As Boolean Return SetProp(hwnd, ToTCStr(str), hData) As Boolean End Function Function SetProp(psz As PCTSTR, hData As HANDLE) As Boolean Return SetProp(hwnd, psz, hData) As Boolean End Function Function SetProp(atom As ATOM, hData As HANDLE) As Boolean Return SetProp(atom As ULONG_PTR As PCTSTR, hData) As Boolean End Function Function SetScrollInfo(fnBar As Long, ByRef si As SCROLLINFO, redraw As Boolean) As Boolean Return SetScrollInfo(hwnd, fnBar, si, redraw) As Boolean End Function Function SetScrollInfo(fnBar As Long, ByRef si As SCROLLINFO) As Boolean Return SetScrollInfo(hwnd, fnBar, si, TRUE) As Boolean End Function Function SetTimer(idEvent As ULONG_PTR, elapse As DWord, timerFunc As TIMERPROC) As ULONG_PTR Return SetTmer(hwnd, idEvent, elapse, timerFunc) End Function Function SetTimer(idEvent As ULONG_PTR, elapse As DWord) As ULONG_PTR Return SetTmer(hwnd, idEvent, elapse, 0) End Function Function SetContextHelpId(contextHelpId As DWord) As Boolean Return SetContextHelpId(hwnd, contextHelpId) As Boolean End Function Function SetWindowLongPtr(index As Long, newLong As LONG_PTR) As LONG_PTR Return _System_SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, index, newLong) End Function Function SetWindowPlacement(ByRef wndpl As WINDOWPLACEMENT) As Boolean Return SetWindowPlacement(hwnd, wndpl) As Boolean End Function Function SetPos(hwndInsertAfter As HWND, x As Long, y As Long, cx As Long, cy As Long, flags As DWord) As Boolean Return SetWindowPos(hwnd, hwndInsertAfter, x, y, cx, cy, flags) As Boolean End Function Function SetPos(hwndInsertAfter As HWND, ByRef rc As RECT, flags As DWord) As Boolean With rc Return SetWindowPos(hwnd, hwndInsertAfter, .left, .top, .right - .left, .bottom - .top, flags) As Boolean End With End Function Function SetRgn(hrgn As HRGN, redraw As Boolean) As Boolean Return SetWindowRgn(hwnd, hrgn, redraw) As Boolean End Function Function SetRgn(hrgn As HRGN) As Boolean Return SetWindowRgn(hwnd, hrgn, TRUE) As Boolean End Function Function SetText(psz As PCTSTR) As Boolean Return SetWindowText(hwnd, psz) As Boolean End Function Function SetText(str As String) As Boolean Return SetWindowText(hwnd, ToTCStr(str)) As Boolean End Function Function ShowCaret() As Boolean Return _System_ShowCaret(hwnd) As Boolean End Function Function ShowScrollBar(bar As DWord, show As Boolean) As Boolean Return ShowScrollBar(hwnd, bar, show) As Boolean End Function Function ShowScrollBar(bar As DWord) As Boolean Return ShowScrollBar(hwnd, bar, TRUE) As Boolean End Function Function Show(cmdShow As DWord) As Boolean Return ShowWindow(hwnd, cmdShow) As Boolean End Function Function ShowAsync(cmdShow As DWord) As Boolean Return ShowWindowAsync(hwnd, cmdShow) As Boolean End Function Function Update() As Boolean Return UpdateWindow(hwnd) As Boolean End Function Function ValidateRect(ByRef rc As RECT) As Boolean Return _System_ValidateRect(hwnd, rc) As Boolean End Function Function ValidateRgn(hrgn As HRGN) As Boolean Return _System_ValidateRgn(hwnd, hrgn) As Boolean End Function Function Validate() As Boolean Return _System_ValidateRect(hwnd, ByVal 0) As Boolean End Function ' Get/SetWindowLongPtr Wrappers Const Function GetExStyle() As DWord Return _System_GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE) As DWord End Function Const Function GetStyle() As DWord Return _System_GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWL_STYLE) As DWord End Function Const Function GetWndProc() As WNDPROC Return _System_GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_HINSTANCE) As WNDPROC End Function Const Function GetInstance() As HINSTANCE Return _System_GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_HINSTANCE) As HINSTANCE End Function Const Function GetUserData() As LONG_PTR Return _System_GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA) End Function Function SetExStyle(style As DWord) As DWord Return _System_SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, style) As DWord End Function Function SetStyle(style As DWord) As DWord Return _System_SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWL_STYLE, style) As DWord End Function Function SetWndProc(wndProc As WNDPROC) As WNDPROC Return _System_SetWindowLongPtR(hwnd, GWLP_WNDPROC, wndProc As WNDPROC) As WNDPROC End Function Function SetUserData(value As LONG_PTR) As LONG_PTR Return _System_SetWindowLongPtr(value As LONG_PTR) End Function ' Propaties Const Function ClientRect() As RECT Dim rc As RECT _System_GetClientRect(hwnd, rc) Return rc End Function Sub ClientRect(ByRef rc As RECT) Dim hasMenu As BOOL If IsChild() = False And IsMenu() <> False Then hasMenu = TRUE Else hasMenu = FALSE End If AdjustWindowRectEx(rc, GetStyle(), hasMenu, GetExStyle()) MoveWindow(rc) ' WindowRect = rc End Sub Const Function WindowRect() As RECT Dim rc As RECT _System_GetWindowRect(hwnd, rc) Return rc End Function Sub WindowRect(ByRef rc As RECT) MoveWindow(rc) End Sub Const Function ContextHelpID() As DWord Return GetContextHelpId(hwnd) End Function Sub ContextHelpID(newID As DWord) _System_SetContextHelpId(hwnd, newId) End Sub Const Function DlgCtrlID() As Long Return GetDlgCtrlID(hwnd) End Function Sub DlgCtrlId(newId As Long) _System_SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_ID, newId) End Sub Function DlgItem(idDlgItem As Long) As WindowHandle Dim w As WindowHandle(GetDlgItem(hwnd, idDlgItem)) Return w End Function Const Function ExStyle() As DWord Return _System_GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE) As DWord End Function Sub ExStyle(newExStyle As DWord) _System_SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_EXSTYLE, newExStyle) End Sub Const Function Style() As DWord Return _System_GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWL_STYLE) As DWord End Function Sub Style(newStyle As DWord) DWord _System_SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_STYLE, newStyle) End Sub Const Function Enabled() As Boolean Return IsWindowEnabled(hwnd) As Boolean End Function Sub Enabled(enable As Boolean) EnableWindow(hwnd, enable) End Sub Const Function Font() As HFONT Return SendMessage(hwnd, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0) As HFONT End Function Sub Font(hfntNew As HFONT) SendMessage(hwnd, WM_SETFONT, hfntNew As WPARAM, TRUE) End Sub Const Function Maximized() As Boolean Return IsIconic(hwnd) As Boolean End Function Sub Maximized(maximized As Boolean) If maximized <> False Then ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED) Else ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_RESTORE) End If End Sub Const Function Minimized() As Boolean Return IsIconic(hwnd) As Boolean End Function Sub Minimized(minimized As Boolean) If minimized <> False Then CloseWindow(hwnd) Else OpenIcon(hwnd) End If End Sub Const Function Instance() As HINSTANCE Return _System_GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_HINSTANCE) As HINSTANCE End Function ' IsWindow, IsUnicodeはメソッドと同じ。 Const Function Parent() As WindowHandle Return _System_GetParent(hwnd) End Function Sub Parent(hwndNewParent As HWND) _System_SetParent(hwnd, hwndNewParent) End Sub Const Function ProcessID() As DWord GetWindowProcessThreadId(ProcessID) End Function Const Function ThreadID() As DWord Return GetWindowProcessThreadId(ByVal 0) End Function Const Function Menu() As HMENU Return _System_GetMenu(hwnd) End Function Sub Menu(hmenuNew As HMENU) _System_SetMenu(hwnd, hmenuNew) End Sub Const Function Prop(str As String) As HANDLE Return GetProp(str) End Function Const Function Prop(psz As PCTSTR) As HANDLE Return GetProp(psz) End Function Const Function Prop(atom As ATOM) As HANDLE Return GetProp(atom) End Function Sub Prop(str As PCTSTR, h As HANDLE) SetProp(str, h) End Sub Sub Prop(psz As PCTSTR, h As HANDLE) SetProp(psz, h) End Sub Sub Prop(atom As ATOM, h As HANDLE) SetProp(atom, h) End Sub Const Function Text() As String Dim size = GetWindowTextLength(hwnd) + 1 Dim p = _System_malloc(SizeOf (TCHAR) * size) As PTSTR Dim length = GetWindowText(hwnd, p, size) Return New String(p, length As SIZE_T) End Function Sub Text(newText As String) SetWindowText(hwnd, ToTCStr(newText)) End Sub Sub Text(newText As PCTSTR) SetWindowText(hwnd, newText) End Sub Const Function TextLength() As Long Return GetWindowTextLength(hwnd) End Function Const Function UserData() As LONG_PTR Return _System_GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA) End Function Sub UserData(newValue As LONG_PTR) _System_SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA, newValue) End Sub Const Function Visible() As Boolean Return IsVisible(hwnd) As Boolean End Function Sub Visible(visible As Boolean) If visible <> False Then ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_SHOW) Else ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_HIDE) EndIf End Sub Const Function WindowPlacement() As WINDOWPLACEMENT WindowPlacement.length = Len(WindowPlacement) GetWindowPlacement(hwnd, WindowPlacement) End Function Sub WindowPlacement(ByRef wndpl As WINDOWPLACEMENT) SetWindowPlacement(wndpl) End Sub Const Function WndProc() As WNDPROC Return _System_GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_HINSTANCE) As WNDPROC End Function Sub WndProc(newWndProc As WNDPROC) _System_SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_WNDPROC, newWndProc As LONG_PTR) End Sub Protected Sub SetHWnd(hwndNew As HWND) hwnd = hwndNew End Sub End Class #endif '__WINDOWS_WINDOWHANDLE_SBP__