/* このファイルでは、ABのガベージコレクションの実装を行います。 */ /* ※これらの変数はコンパイラが自動的に定義します。 Dim _System_gc_GlobalRoot_StartPtr As VoidPtr Dim _System_gc_GlobalRoot_Size As Long Dim _System_gc_StackRoot_StartPtr As VoidPtr */ Function _System_GetSp() As LONG_PTR 'dummy End Function Const _System_GC_FLAG_ATOMIC = 1 Const _System_GC_FLAG_NEEDFREE = 2 Const _System_GC_FLAG_INITZERO = 4 Const _System_GC_FLAG_OBJECT = 8 Class _System_CGarbageCollection ppPtr As *VoidPtr pSize As *SIZE_T pdwFlags As *DWord n As Long iAllSize As SIZE_T isSweeping As Boolean CriticalSection As CRITICAL_SECTION 'メモリの上限値(この値を超えるとGCが発動します) '※バイト単位 limitMemorySize As LONG_PTR isFinish As Boolean Public ' 特殊クラスのため、コンストラクタ・デストラクタは呼ばれません Sub _System_CGarbageCollection() End Sub Sub ~_System_CGarbageCollection() End Sub Sub Begin() If ppPtr Then Exit Sub isFinish = False 'メモリの上限値(この値を超えるとGCが発動します) '※バイト単位 limitMemorySize = 1024*1024 As LONG_PTR ppPtr=_System_calloc( 1 ) pSize=_System_calloc( 1 ) pdwFlags=_System_calloc( 1 ) n=0 iAllSize=0 ' スウィープ中かどうか isSweeping = False 'クリティカルセッションを生成 InitializeCriticalSection(CriticalSection) '--------------------------- ' 開始時のスレッドを通知 '--------------------------- Dim hTargetThread As HANDLE DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), GetCurrentThread(), GetCurrentProcess(), hTargetThread, 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS) 'カレントスレッドのハンドルを複製 ' スレッド管理用オブジェクトを生成 _System_pobj_AllThreads = New _System_CThreadCollection() ' 自身のThreadオブジェクトを生成 Dim thread As Thread(hTargetThread,GetCurrentThreadId(),0) _System_pobj_AllThreads->BeginThread(VarPtr( thread ),_System_gc_StackRoot_StartPtr As *LONG_PTR) End Sub Sub Finish() If ppPtr=0 Then Exit Sub isFinish = True ' スレッド管理用オブジェクトを破棄 Delete _System_pobj_AllThreads ' 自分以外のスレッドを一時停止 '_System_pobj_AllThreads->SuspendAnotherThread() OutputDebugString( Ex"garbage colletion sweeping all memory objects!\r\n" ) DeleteAllGarbageMemories() ' 未解放のメモリオブジェクトをトレース DumpMemoryLeaks() ' 自分以外のスレッドを再開 '_System_pobj_AllThreads->ResumeAnotherThread() HeapFree(_System_hProcessHeap,0,ppPtr) ppPtr=0 HeapFree(_System_hProcessHeap,0,pSize) pSize=0 HeapFree(_System_hProcessHeap,0,pdwFlags) pdwFlags=0 'クリティカルセッションを破棄 DeleteCriticalSection(CriticalSection) End Sub Sub add(new_ptr As VoidPtr, size As SIZE_T, flags As DWord) iAllSize+=size EnterCriticalSection(CriticalSection) ppPtr=HeapReAlloc(_System_hProcessHeap,0,ppPtr,(n+1)*SizeOf(VoidPtr)) ppPtr[n]=new_ptr pSize=HeapReAlloc(_System_hProcessHeap,0,pSize,(n+1)*SizeOf(SIZE_T)) pSize[n]=size pdwFlags=HeapReAlloc(_System_hProcessHeap,0,pdwFlags,(n+1)*SizeOf(DWord)) pdwFlags[n]=flags LeaveCriticalSection(CriticalSection) n++ End Sub Function __malloc(size As SIZE_T,flags As Byte) As VoidPtr EnterCriticalSection(CriticalSection) Dim dwFlags As DWord If flags and _System_GC_FLAG_INITZERO Then dwFlags=HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY Else dwFlags=0 End If Dim ptr = HeapAlloc(_System_hProcessHeap,dwFlags,size) add( ptr, size, flags ) LeaveCriticalSection(CriticalSection) Return ptr End Function Function __realloc(lpMem As VoidPtr, size As SIZE_T) As VoidPtr EnterCriticalSection(CriticalSection) Dim i As Long For i=0 To ELM(n) If ppPtr[i]=lpMem Then iAllSize+=size-pSize[i] pSize[i]=size ppPtr[i]=HeapReAlloc(_System_hProcessHeap,HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,lpMem,size) LeaveCriticalSection(CriticalSection) Return ppPtr[i] End If Next LeaveCriticalSection(CriticalSection) Return 0 End Function Sub __free_ex(lpMem As VoidPtr, isSweeping As Boolean) EnterCriticalSection(CriticalSection) Dim i As Long For i=0 To ELM(n) If ppPtr[i]=lpMem Then If (pdwFlags[i] and _System_GC_FLAG_NEEDFREE)<>0 or isSweeping Then iAllSize-=pSize[i] HeapFree(_System_hProcessHeap,0,ppPtr[i]) ppPtr[i]=0 pSize[i]=0 Else If isFinish = False Then OutputDebugString( Ex"heap free missing!\r\n" ) End If End If End If Next LeaveCriticalSection(CriticalSection) End Sub Sub __free(lpMem As VoidPtr) __free_ex( lpMem, False ) End Sub Sub sweep() If isSweeping <> False Or iAllSize-1 Then If pbMark[index]=0 Then pbMark[index]=1 If (pdwFlags[index] and _System_GC_FLAG_ATOMIC)=0 Then 'ヒープ領域がポインタ値を含む可能性があるとき If ppPtr[index] = 0 Then 'エラー End If Scan(ppPtr[index] As *LONG_PTR,pSize[index],pbMark) End If End If End If Next End Sub ' ローカル領域をルートに指定してスキャン Sub LocalScan( pbMark As *Byte ) Dim Context As CONTEXT Dim NowSp As *LONG_PTR Dim size As LONG_PTR Dim i As Long For i=0 To ELM(_System_pobj_AllThreads->ThreadNum) If _System_pobj_AllThreads->ppobj_Thread[i] Then FillMemory(VarPtr(Context),SizeOf(CONTEXT),0) Context.ContextFlags=CONTEXT_CONTROL If _System_pobj_AllThreads->ppobj_Thread[i]->__GetContext(Context)=0 Then OutputDebugString(Ex"レジスタ情報の取得に失敗しました。\r\n") End If #ifdef _WIN64 NowSp=Context.Rsp As *LONG_PTR #else NowSp=Context.Esp As *LONG_PTR #endif size=(_System_pobj_AllThreads->pStackBase[i] As LONG_PTR)-(NowSp As LONG_PTR) If NowSp = 0 Then debug Exit Sub End If Scan( NowSp, size, pbMark ) End If Next End Sub Sub DeleteGarbageMemories( pbMark As *Byte ) Dim isAllDelete = False If pbMark = NULL Then ' すべてを破棄するとき isAllDelete = True pbMark = _System_calloc( n ) End If Dim i As Long For i=0 To ELM(n) If pbMark[i]=0 and ppPtr[i]<>0 and (pdwFlags[i] and _System_GC_FLAG_NEEDFREE)=0 Then If ppPtr[i] = 0 Then If isAllDelete Then Continue Else debug End If End If Dim ptr = ppPtr[i] Dim size = pSize[i] ppPtr[i]=0 pSize[i]=0 If (pdwFlags[i] and _System_GC_FLAG_OBJECT) <> 0 Then /* ・オブジェクトの個数 ・オブジェクトのサイズ ・デストラクタの関数ポインタ を考慮 */ _System_SweepingDelete (ptr + SizeOf( LONG_PTR ) * 3 ) Else iAllSize-=size HeapFree(_System_hProcessHeap,0,ptr) End If End If Next If isAllDelete Then _System_free( pbMark ) End If End Sub Sub DeleteAllGarbageMemories() DeleteGarbageMemories( NULL ) End Sub Sub Compaction() Dim i As Long, i2 = 0 As Long For i=0 To ELM(n) ppPtr[i2] = ppPtr[i] pSize[i2] = pSize[i] pdwFlags[i2] = pdwFlags[i] If ppPtr[i] Then i2++ End If Next n = i2 End Sub ' スウィープ(新規スレッドで呼び出し) Function Cdecl SweepOnOtherThread() As Long EnterCriticalSection(CriticalSection) If isSweeping <> False Or iAllSizeSuspendAllThread() ' マークリストを生成 Dim pbMark = HeapAlloc(_System_hProcessHeap,HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,n*SizeOf(Byte)) As *Byte ' グローバル領域をルートに指定してスキャン Scan( _System_gc_GlobalRoot_StartPtr, _System_gc_GlobalRoot_Size, pbMark ) ' ローカル領域をルートに指定してスキャン LocalScan( pbMark ) ' スウィープ前のメモリサイズを退避 Dim iBackAllSize = iAllSize ' スウィープ前のメモリオブジェクトの数 Dim iBeforeN = n '使われていないメモリを解放する DeleteGarbageMemories(pbMark) 'コンパクション Compaction() 'マークリストを解放 HeapFree(_System_hProcessHeap,0,pbMark) If iBackAllSize=iAllSize Then If iAllSize > limitMemorySize Then limitMemorySize = iAllSize End If '許容量を拡張する limitMemorySize *= 2 OutputDebugString( Ex"memory size is extended for gc!\r\n" ) End If Dim temp[100] As Char wsprintf(temp,Ex"object items ... %d -> %d ( %dMB -> %dMB )\r\n",iBeforeN,n, iBackAllSize\1024\1024, iAllSize\1024\1024) OutputDebugString( temp ) wsprintf(temp,Ex"limit size of memory ... %d\r\n",limitMemorySize) OutputDebugString( temp ) OutputDebugString( Ex"garbage colletion sweep finish!\r\n" ) '------------------------------------- ' すべてのスレッドを再開 '------------------------------------- _System_pobj_AllThreads->ResumeAllThread() LeaveCriticalSection(CriticalSection) End Function ' 未解放のメモリオブジェクトをトレース Sub DumpMemoryLeaks() Dim isLeak = False Dim i As Long For i=0 To ELM(n) If ppPtr[i] Then If (pdwFlags[i] and _System_GC_FLAG_NEEDFREE)<>0 Then If isLeak = False Then OutputDebugString( Ex"Detected memory leaks!\r\n" ) isLeak = True End If Dim temp[100] As Char OutputDebugString( Ex"heap free missing!\r\n" ) wsprintf(temp,Ex"{%d} normal block at &H%08X, %d bytes long.\r\n", i, ppPtr[i], pSize[i]) OutputDebugString( temp ) End If End If Next If isLeak Then OutputDebugString( Ex"Object dump complete.\r\n" ) End If End Sub End Class 'GC管理用の特殊なシステムオブジェクト(デストラクタは最終のタイミングで呼び出されます) Dim _System_pGC As *_System_CGarbageCollection Function GC_malloc(size As Long) As VoidPtr ' sweep _System_pGC->sweep() 'allocate Return _System_pGC->__malloc(size,0) End Function Function GC_malloc_atomic(size As Long) As VoidPtr ' sweep _System_pGC->sweep() 'allocate Return _System_pGC->__malloc(size,_System_GC_FLAG_ATOMIC) End Function Function _System_GC_malloc_ForObject(size As Long) As VoidPtr ' sweep _System_pGC->sweep() 'allocate Return _System_pGC->__malloc(size,_System_GC_FLAG_OBJECT or _System_GC_FLAG_INITZERO) End Function Function _System_GC_malloc_ForObjectPtr(size As Long) As VoidPtr ' sweep _System_pGC->sweep() 'allocate Return _System_pGC->__malloc(size,_System_GC_FLAG_OBJECT or _System_GC_FLAG_INITZERO or _System_GC_FLAG_NEEDFREE) End Function Function _System_GC_free_for_SweepingDelete( ptr As *Object ) ' free _System_pGC->__free_ex( ptr, True ) End Function