' windef.ab #ifndef _WINDEF_ #define _WINDEF_ '#ifndef WINVER '#define WINVER &h0500 '#endif #ifndef BASETYPES #define BASETYPES 'TypeDef ULONG = DWord 'TypeDef PULONG = *ULONG 'TypeDef USHORT = Word 'TypeDef PUSHORT = *USHORT TypeDef UCHAR = Byte TypeDef PUCHAR = *UCHAR 'TypeDef PSZ = *SByte #endif Const MAX_PATH = 260 '#ifndef NULL '#define NULL Const NULL = 0 As VoidPtr '#endif '#ifndef FALSE '#define FALSE Const FALSE = 0 '#endif '#ifndef TRUE '#define TRUE Const TRUE = 0 '#endif 'TypeDef DWORD = DWord TypeDef BOOL = Long 'TypeDef BYTE = Byte 'TypeDef WORD = Word 'TypeDef FLOAT = Single 'TypeDef PFLOAT = *FLOAT 'TypeDef PBOOL = *BOOL 'TypeDef LPBOOL = *BOOL 'TypeDef PBYTE = *Byte 'TypeDef LPBYTE = *Byte 'TypeDef PINT = *Long 'TypeDef LPINT = *Long 'TypeDef PWORD = *Word 'TypeDef LPWORD = *Word 'TypeDef LPLONG = *Long 'TypeDef PDWORD = *DWord 'TypeDef LPDWORD = *DWord TypeDef LPVOID = VoidPtr TypeDef LPCVOID = VoidPtr 'TypeDef INT = Long 'TypeDef UINT = DWord 'TypeDef PUINT = *DWord #ifndef NT_INCLUDED #require #endif '#require TypeDef WPARAM = ULONG_PTR TypeDef LPARAM = LONG_PTR TypeDef LRESULT = LONG_PTR /* #ifndef NOMINMAX #ifndef max #endif #ifndef min #endif #endif */ Const MAKEWORD(l, h) = (((l As Word) And &HFF) Or (((h As Word) And &HFF) << 8)) As Word Const MAKELONG(l, h) = (((l As DWord) And &HFFFF) Or (((h As DWord) And &HFFFF) << 16)) As Long Const HIBYTE(w) = (((w As Word) >> 8) And &HFF) As Byte Const LOBYTE(w) = ((w As Word) And &HFF) As Byte Const HIWORD(dw) = (((dw As DWord) >> 16) And &HFFFF) As Word Const LOWORD(dw) = ((dw As DWord) And &HFFFF) As Word #ifndef WIN_INTERNAL Type _System_DeclareHandle_HWND:unused As DWord:End Type TypeDef HWND = *_System_DeclareHandle_HWND Type _System_DeclareHandle_HHOOK:unused As DWord:End Type TypeDef HHOOK = *_System_DeclareHandle_HHOOK #ifdef WINABLE Type _System_DeclareHandleHEVENT:unused As DWord:End Type TypeDef HEVENT = *_System_DeclareHandle_HEVENT #endif #endif TypeDef ATOM = Word TypeDef SPHANDLE = *HANDLE TypeDef LPHANDLE = *HANDLE TypeDef HGLOBAL = HANDLE TypeDef HLOCAL = HANDLE TypeDef GLOBALHANDLE = HANDLE TypeDef LOCALHANDLE = HANDLE TypeDef FARPROC = *Function() As LONG_PTR TypeDef NEARPROC = *Function() As LONG_PTR TypeDef PROC = *Function() As LONG_PTR TypeDef HGDIOBJ = VoidPtr Type _System_DeclareHandle_HKEY:unused As DWord:End Type TypeDef HKEY = *_System_DeclareHandle_HKEY TypeDef PHKEY = *HKEY #ifndef WIN_INTERNAL Type _System_DeclareHandle_HACCEL:unused As DWord:End Type TypeDef HACCEL = *_System_DeclareHandle_HACCEL #endif #ifndef GDI_INTERNAL Type _System_DeclareHandle_HBITMAP:unused As DWord:End Type TypeDef HBITMAP = *_System_DeclareHandle_HBITMAP Type _System_DeclareHandle_HBRUSH:unused As DWord:End Type TypeDef HBRUSH = *_System_DeclareHandle_HBRUSH #endif Type _System_DeclareHandle_HCOLORSPACE:unused As DWord:End Type TypeDef HCOLORSPACE = *_System_DeclareHandle_HCOLORSPACE #ifndef GDI_INTERNAL Type _System_DeclareHandle_HDC:unused As DWord:End Type TypeDef HDC = *_System_DeclareHandle_HDC #endif Type _System_DeclareHandle_HGLRC:unused As DWord:End Type TypeDef HGLRC = *_System_DeclareHandle_HGLRC Type _System_DeclareHandle_HDESK:unused As DWord:End Type TypeDef HDESK = *_System_DeclareHandle_HDESK Type _System_DeclareHandle_HENHMETAFILE:unused As DWord:End Type TypeDef HENHMETAFILE = *_System_DeclareHandle_HENHMETAFILE #ifndef GDI_INTERNAL Type _System_DeclareHandle_HFONT:unused As DWord:End Type TypeDef HFONT = *_System_DeclareHandle_HFONT #endif Type _System_DeclareHandle_HICON:unused As DWord:End Type TypeDef HICON = *_System_DeclareHandle_HICON #ifndef WIN_INTERNAL Type _System_DeclareHandle_HMENU:unused As DWord:End Type TypeDef HMENU = *_System_DeclareHandle_HMENU #endif Type _System_DeclareHandle_HMETAFILE:unused As DWord:End Type TypeDef HMETAFILE = *_System_DeclareHandle_HMETAFILE Type _System_DeclareHandle_HINSTANCE:unused As DWord:End Type TypeDef HINSTANCE = *_System_DeclareHandle_HINSTANCE TypeDef HMODULE = HINSTANCE #ifndef GDI_INTERNAL Type _System_DeclareHandle_HPALETTE:unused As DWord:End Type TypeDef HPALETTE = *_System_DeclareHandle_HPALETTE Type _System_DeclareHandle_HPEN:unused As DWord:End Type TypeDef HPEN = *_System_DeclareHandle_HPEN #endif Type _System_DeclareHandle_HRGN:unused As DWord:End Type TypeDef HRGN = *_System_DeclareHandle_HRGN Type _System_DeclareHandle_HRSRC:unused As DWord:End Type TypeDef HRSRC = *_System_DeclareHandle_HRSRC Type _System_DeclareHandle_HSPRITE:unused As DWord:End Type TypeDef HSPRITE = *_System_DeclareHandle_HSPRITE Type _System_DeclareHandle_HSTRC:unused As DWord:End Type TypeDef HSTR = *_System_DeclareHandle_HSTR Type _System_DeclareHandle_HTASK:unused As DWord:End Type TypeDef HTASK = *_System_DeclareHandle_HTASK Type _System_DeclareHandle_HWINSTA:unused As DWord:End Type TypeDef HWINSTA = *_System_DeclareHandle_HWINSTA Type _System_DeclareHandle_HKL:unused As DWord:End Type TypeDef HKL = *_System_DeclareHandle_HKL Type _System_DeclareHandle_HWINEVENTHOOK:unused As DWord:End Type TypeDef HWINEVENTHOOK = *_System_DeclareHandle_HWINEVENTHOOK '#if(WINVER >= 0x0500) Type _System_DeclareHandle_HMONITOR:unused As DWord:End Type TypeDef HMONITOR = *_System_DeclareHandle_HMONITOR Type _System_DeclareHandle_HUMPD:unused As DWord:End Type TypeDef HUMPD = *_System_DeclareHandle_HUMPD '#endif TypeDef HFILE = Long TypeDef HCURSOR = HICON TypeDef COLORREF = DWord TypeDef LPCOLORREF = *DWord Const HFILE_ERROR = ((-1) As HFILE) Type RECT left As Long top As Long right As Long bottom As Long End Type TypeDef PRECT = *RECT TypeDef NPRECT = *RECT TypeDef LPRECT = *RECT TypeDef LPCRECT = *RECT TypeDef RECTL = RECT TypeDef PRECTL = *RECTL TypeDef LPRECTL = *RECTL TypeDef LPCRECTL = *RECTL Type POINTAPI x As Long y As Long End Type TypeDef PPOINT = *POINTAPI TypeDef NPPOINT = *POINT TypeDef LPPOINT = *POINT TypeDef POINTL = POINTAPI TypeDef PPOINTL = *PPOINTL Type SIZE cx As Long cy As Long End Type TypeDef PSIZE = *SIZE TypeDef LPSIZE = *SIZE TypeDef SIZEL = SIZE TypeDef PSIZEL = *SIZEL TypeDef LPSIZEL = *SIZEL Type POINTS x As Integer y As Integer End Type TypeDef PPOINTS = *POINTS TypeDef LPPOINTS = *POINTS Type FILETIME dwLowDateTime As DWord dwHighDateTime As DWord End Type TypeDef PFILETIME = *FILETIME TypeDef LPFILETIME = *FILETIME #define _FILETIME_ Const DM_UPDATE = 1 Const DM_COPY = 2 Const DM_PROMPT = 4 Const DM_MODIFY = 8 Const DM_IN_BUFFER = DM_MODIFY Const DM_IN_PROMPT = DM_PROMPT Const DM_OUT_BUFFER = DM_COPY Const DM_OUT_DEFAULT = DM_UPDATE Const DC_FIELDS = 1 Const DC_PAPERS = 2 Const DC_PAPERSIZE = 3 Const DC_MINEXTENT = 4 Const DC_MAXEXTENT = 5 Const DC_BINS = 6 Const DC_DUPLEX = 7 Const DC_SIZE = 8 Const DC_EXTRA = 9 Const DC_VERSION = 10 Const DC_DRIVER = 11 Const DC_BINNAMES = 12 Const DC_ENUMRESOLUTIONS = 13 Const DC_FILEDEPENDENCIES = 14 Const DC_TRUETYPE = 15 Const DC_PAPERNAMES = 16 Const DC_ORIENTATION = 17 Const DC_COPIES = 18 #endif