'function.sbp #ifndef _INC_FUNCTION #define _INC_FUNCTION #include Const _System_PI = 3.14159265358979323846264 Const _System_LOG2 = 0.6931471805599453094172321214581765680755 Const _System_SQRT2 = 1.41421356237309504880168872421 '------------- サポート関数の定義 ------------- Function ldexp(x As Double, n As Long) As Double If x = 0 Then ldexp = 0 Exit Function End If Dim pSrc As *QWord, pDest As *QWord pSrc = VarPtr(x) As *QWord pDest = VarPtr(ldexp) As *QWord n += (pSrc[0] >> 52) As DWord And &h7FF pDest[0] = n << 52 Or (pSrc[0] And &h800FFFFFFFFFFFFF) End Function Function frexp(x As Double, ByRef n As Long) As Double If x = 0 Then n = 0 frexp = 0 Exit Function End If Dim pSrc As *QWord, pDest As *QWord pSrc = VarPtr(x) As *QWord pDest = VarPtr(frexp) As *QWord n = ((pSrc[0] >> 52) As DWord And &h7FF) - 1022 pDest[0] = (pSrc[0] And &h800FFFFFFFFFFFFF) Or &h3FE0000000000000 End Function Function frexp(x As Single, ByRef n As Long) As Single If x = 0 Then n = 0 frexp = 0 Exit Function End If Dim pSrc As *DWord, pDest As *DWord pSrc = VarPtr(x) As *DWord pDest = VarPtr(frexp) As *DWord n = ((pSrc[0] >> 23) And &hFF) - 126 pDest[0] = (pSrc[0] And &h807FFFFF) Or &h7E000000 End Function Function ipow(x As Double, n As Long) As Double Dim abs_n As Long Dim r As Double abs_n=Abs(n) As Long r=1 While abs_n<>0 If abs_n and 1 Then r = r * x x = x * x abs_n >>= 1 ' abs_n \= 2 Wend If n>=0 Then ipow=r Else ipow=1/r End If End Function Function pow(x As Double, y As Double) As Double If -LONG_MAX<=y and y<=LONG_MAX and y=CDbl(Int(y)) Then pow=ipow(x,y As Long) Exit Function End If If x>0 Then pow=Exp(y*Log(x)) Exit Function End If If x<>0 or y<=0 Then 'error End If pow=0 End Function #ifdef _WIN64 Function _System_GetNaN() As Double SetQWord(VarPtr(_System_GetNaN) As *QWord, &H7FF8000000000000) End Function Function _System_GetInf(sign As BOOL) As Double Dim s = 0 As QWord If sign Then s = 1 << 63 SetQWord(VarPtr(_System_GetInf) As *QWord, &h7FF0000000000000 Or s) End Function #else Function _System_GetNaN() As Double Dim p As *DWord p = VarPtr(_System_GetNaN) As *DWord p[0] = 0 p[1] = &H7FF80000 End Function Function _System_GetInf(sign As BOOL) As Double Dim s = 0 As DWord If sign Then s = (1 As DWord) << 31 Dim p As *DWord p = VarPtr(_System_GetInf) As *DWord p[0] = 0 p[1] = &h7FF00000 Or s End Function #endif ' xの符号だけをyのものにした値を返す。 ' 引数 x 元となる絶対値 ' 引数 y 元となる符号 Function CopySign(x As Double, y As Double) As Double SetQWord(VarPtr(CopySign), (GetQWord(VarPtr(x)) And &h7fffffffffffffff) Or (GetQWord(VarPtr(y)) And &h8000000000000000)) End Function Function CopySign(x As Single, y As Single) As Single SetDWord(VarPtr(CopySign), (GetDWord(VarPtr(x)) And &h7fffffff) Or (GetDWord(VarPtr(y)) And &h80000000)) End Function Function _System_SetSign(x As Double, isNegative As Long) As Double #ifdef _WIN64 SetQWord(VarPtr(CopySign), (GetQWord(VarPtr(x)) And &h7fffffffffffffff) Or (isNegative << 63)) #else SetDWord(VarPtr(CopySign), GetDWord(VarPtr(x))) SetDWord(VarPtr(CopySign) + SizeOf (DWord), GetQWord(VarPtr(x) + SizeOf (DWord)) And &h7fffffff Or (isNegative << 31)) #endif End Function Const RAND_MAX=&H7FFFFFFF Dim _System_RndNext=1 As DWord Function rand() As Long _System_RndNext = _System_RndNext * 1103515245 + 12345 rand = _System_RndNext >> 1 End Function Sub srand(dwSeek As DWord) _System_RndNext = dwSeek End Sub '------------- ここからBasic標準関数の定義 ------------- '------------------ ' データ型変換関数 '------------------ Function CDbl(number As Double) As Double CDbl=number End Function Function _CUDbl(number As QWord) As Double _CUDbl=number As Double End Function Function CDWord(num As Double) As DWord CDWord=num End Function Function CInt(number As Double) As Long CInt=number End Function Function CSng(number As Double) As Single CSng=number End Function #ifdef _WIN64 Function Fix(number As Double) As Long Fix=number As Long End Function #else 'Fix関数はコンパイラに組み込まれている 'Function Fix(number As Double) As Long #endif Function Int(number As Double) As Long Int=Fix(number) If number<0 Then If number=0 Then k=Fix(x/(_System_PI/2)+0.5) Else k=Fix(x/(_System_PI/2)-0.5) End If x=(x-(CDbl(3217)/CDbl(2048))*k)+4.4544551033807686783083602485579e-6*k x2=x*x t=0 For i=19 To 3 Step -2 t=x2/(i-t) Next _Support_tan=x/(1-t) End Function Function Atn2(y As Double, x As Double) As Double If x = 0 Then Atn2 = Sgn(y) * _System_PI * 0.5 Else Atn2 = Atn(y / x) If x < 0 Then Atn2 += CopySign(_System_PI, y) End If End If End Function Function Sin(number As Double) As Double Sin = Math.Sign(number) End Function Function Cos(number As Double) As Double Cos = Math.Cos(number) End Function Function Tan(number As Double) As Double Tan = Math.Tan(number) End Function Function IsNaN(ByVal x As Double) As BOOL Dim p As *DWord p = VarPtr(x) As *DWord IsNaN = FALSE If (p[1] And &H7FF00000) = &H7FF00000 Then If (p[0] <> 0) Or ((p[1] And &HFFFFF) <> 0) Then IsNaN = TRUE End If End If ' IsNaN=FALSE End Function Function IsInf(x As Double) As BOOL Dim p As *DWord, nan As Double p = VarPtr(x) As *DWord p[1] And= &h7fffffff nan = _System_GetInf(FALSE) IsInf = (memcmp(p As *Byte, VarPtr(nan), SizeOf (Double)) = 0) End Function Function IsNaNOrInf(x As Double) As BOOL IsNaNOrInf = IsFinite(x) End Function Function IsFinite(x As Double) As BOOL Dim p As *DWord, nan As Double p = VarPtr(x) As *DWord ' p[1] And= &h7ffe0000 p[1] And= &H7FF00000 p[0] = 0 nan = _System_GetInf(/*x,*/ FALSE) IsNaNOrInf = (memcmp(p, VarPtr(nan), SizeOf (Double)) = 0) End Function Const RAND_UNIT = (1.0 / (LONG_MAX + 1.0)) Function Rnd() As Double Rnd = RAND_UNIT * rand() End Function Const HIBYTE(w) = (((w As Word) >> 8) and &HFF) As Byte Const LOBYTE(w) = ((w As Word) and &HFF) As Byte Const HIWORD(dw) = (((dw As DWord) >> 16) and &HFFFF) As Word Const LOWORD(dw) = ((dw As DWord) and &HFFFF) As Word Const MAKEWORD(a,b) = (((a As Word) and &HFF) or (((b As Word) and &HFF)<<8)) As Word Const MAKELONG(a,b) = (((a As DWord) and &HFFFF) or (((b As DWord) and &HFFFF)<<16)) As Long '------------ ' 文字列関数 '------------ Function Asc(buf As String) As Byte Asc = buf[0] End Function Function Chr$(code As Byte) As String Chr$=ZeroString(1) Chr$[0]=code End Function Function Date$() As String Dim st As SYSTEMTIME GetLocalTime(st) 'year Date$=Str$(st.wYear) 'month If st.wMonth<10 Then Date$=Date$+"/0" Else Date$=Date$+"/" End If Date$=Date$+Str$(st.wMonth) 'day If st.wDay<10 Then Date$=Date$+"/0" Else Date$=Date$+"/" End If Date$=Date$+Str$(st.wDay) End Function Function Hex$(num As DWord) As String Dim length As Long Hex$=ZeroString(8) length=wsprintf(Hex$, "%X", num) Hex$=Left$(Hex$,length) End Function Function Hex$(num As QWord) As String Dim length As Long Hex$=ZeroString(16) length=wsprintf(Hex$, "%X%X", num) Hex$=Left$(Hex$,length) End Function Function InStr(StartPos As Long, buf1 As String, buf2 As String) As Long Dim len1 As Long, len2 As Long, i As Long, i2 As Long, i3 As Long len1=Len(buf1) len2=Len(buf2) If len2=0 Then InStr=StartPos Exit Function End If StartPos=StartPos-1 If StartPos<0 Then 'error InStr=0 Exit Function End If i=StartPos:InStr=0 While i<=len1-len2 i2=i:i3=0 Do If i3=len2 Then InStr=i+1 Exit Do End If If buf1[i2]<>buf2[i3] Then Exit Do i2=i2+1 i3=i3+1 Loop If InStr Then Exit While i=i+1 Wend End Function Function Left$(buf As String, length As Long) As String Left$=ZeroString(length) memcpy( StrPtr(Left$), StrPtr(buf), length) End Function Function Mid$(buf As String, StartPos As Long)(ReadLength As Long) As String Dim length As Long StartPos=StartPos-1 If StartPos<0 Then 'error 'Debug Exit Function End If length=Len(buf) If length<=StartPos Then Exit Function If ReadLength=0 Then ReadLength=length-StartPos End If If ReadLength>length-StartPos Then ReadLength=length-StartPos End If Mid$=ZeroString(ReadLength) memcpy(StrPtr(Mid$),StrPtr(buf)+StartPos,ReadLength) End Function Function Oct$(num As DWord) As String Dim i As DWord, i2 As DWord For i=10 To 1 Step -1 If (num\CDWord(8^i)) And &H07 Then Exit For End If Next Oct$=ZeroString(i+1) i2=0 Do Oct$[i2]=Asc("0")+((num\CDWord(8^i)) And &H07) If i=0 Then Exit Do i-- i2++ Loop End Function Function Right$(buf As String, length As Long) As String Dim i As Long i=Len(buf) If i>length Then Right$=ZeroString(length) memcpy(StrPtr(Right$),StrPtr(buf)+i-length,length) Else Right$=buf End If End Function Function Space$(length As Long) As String Space$=ZeroString(length) FillMemory(StrPtr(Space$),length,&H20) End Function Dim _System_ecvt_buffer[16] As Byte Sub _ecvt_support(count As Long) Dim i As Long If _System_ecvt_buffer[count]=9 Then _System_ecvt_buffer[count]=0 If count=0 Then For i=16 To 1 Step -1 _System_ecvt_buffer[i]=_System_ecvt_buffer[i-1] Next _System_ecvt_buffer[0]=1 Else _ecvt_support(count-1) End If Else _System_ecvt_buffer[count]=_System_ecvt_buffer[count]+1 As Byte End If End Sub Function _ecvt(value As Double, count As Long, ByRef dec As Long, ByRef sign As Long) As BytePtr Dim temp As BytePtr Dim i As Long, i2 As Long _ecvt=_System_ecvt_buffer '値が0の場合 If value=0 Then FillMemory(_System_ecvt_buffer,count,&H30) _System_ecvt_buffer[count]=0 dec=0 sign=0 Exit Function End If '符号の判断(同時に符号を取り除く) If value<0 Then sign=1 value=-value Else sign=0 End If '正規化 dec=1 While value<0.999999999999999 'value<1 value=value*10 dec=dec-1 Wend While 9.99999999999999<=value '10<=value value=value/10 dec=dec+1 Wend For i=0 To count-1 _System_ecvt_buffer[i]=Int(value) As Byte value=(value-CDbl(Int(value)))*10 Next _System_ecvt_buffer[i]=0 i=i-1 If value>=5 Then '切り上げ処理 _ecvt_support(i) End If For i=0 To count-1 _System_ecvt_buffer[i]=_System_ecvt_buffer[i]+&H30 Next _System_ecvt_buffer[i]=0 End Function Function Str$(dbl As Double) As String If IsNaN(dbl) Then Return "NaN" ElseIf IsInf(dbl) Then If dbl > 0 Then Return "Infinity" Else Return "-Infinity" End If End If Dim dec As Long, sign As Long Dim buffer[32] As Byte, temp As BytePtr Dim i As Long, i2 As Long, i3 As Long '浮動小数点を文字列に変換 temp=_ecvt(dbl,15,dec,sign) i=0 '符号の取り付け If sign Then buffer[i]=Asc("-") i=i+1 End If If dec>15 Then '指数表示(桁が大きい場合) buffer[i]=temp[0] i=i+1 buffer[i]=Asc(".") i=i+1 memcpy(buffer+i,temp+1,14) i=i+14 buffer[i]=Asc("e") i=i+1 wsprintf(buffer+i,"+%03d",dec-1) Return MakeStr(buffer) End If If dec<-3 Then '指数表示(桁が小さい場合) buffer[i]=temp[0] i=i+1 buffer[i]=Asc(".") i=i+1 memcpy(buffer+i,temp+1,14) i=i+14 buffer[i]=Asc("e") i=i+1 wsprintf(buffer+i,"%03d",dec-1) Return MakeStr(buffer) End If '整数部 i2=dec i3=0 If i2>0 Then While i2>0 buffer[i]=temp[i3] i=i+1 i3=i3+1 i2=i2-1 Wend buffer[i]=Asc(".") i=i+1 Else buffer[i]=&H30 i=i+1 buffer[i]=Asc(".") i=i+1 i2=dec While i2<0 buffer[i]=&H30 i=i+1 i2=i2+1 Wend End If '小数部 While i3<15 buffer[i]=temp[i3] i=i+1 i3=i3+1 Wend While buffer[i-1]=&H30 i=i-1 Wend If buffer[i-1]=Asc(".") Then i=i-1 buffer[i]=0 Return MakeStr(buffer) End Function Function Str$(value As LONG_PTR) As String Dim temp[255] As Byte wsprintf(temp,"%d",value) Str$=MakeStr(temp) End Function Function String$(num As Long, buf As String) As String Dim dwStrPtr As DWord Dim length As Long length=Len(buf) 'バッファ領域を確保 String$=ZeroString(length*num) '文字列をコピー Dim i As Long For i=0 To num-1 memcpy(StrPtr(String$)+i*length,StrPtr(buf),length) Next End Function Function Time$() As String Dim st As SYSTEMTIME GetLocalTime(st) 'hour If st.wHour<10 Then Time$="0" End If Time$=Time$+Str$(st.wHour) 'minute If st.wMinute<10 Then Time$=Time$+":0" Else Time$=Time$+":" End If Time$=Time$+Str$(st.wMinute) 'second If st.wSecond<10 Then Time$=Time$+":0" Else Time$=Time$+":" End If Time$=Time$+Str$(st.wSecond) End Function Function Val(buf As BytePtr) As Double Dim i As Long, i2 As Long, i3 As Long, i4 As Long Dim temporary As String Dim TempPtr As BytePtr Dim dbl As Double Dim i64data As Int64 Val=0 While buf[0]=Asc(" ") or buf[0]=Asc(Ex"\t") buf++ Wend If buf[0]=Asc("&") Then temporary=ZeroString(lstrlen(buf)) lstrcpy(temporary,buf) TempPtr=StrPtr(temporary) CharUpper(TempPtr) If TempPtr(1)=Asc("O") Then '8進数 i=2 While 1 '数字以外の文字の場合は抜け出す i3=TempPtr[i]-&H30 If Not (0<=i3 And i3<=7) Then Exit While TempPtr[i]=i3 As Byte i++ Wend i-- i64data=1 While i>=2 Val=Val+i64data*TempPtr[i] i64data=i64data*&O10 i=i-1 Wend ElseIf TempPtr(1)=Asc("H") Then '16進数 i=2 While 1 '数字以外の文字の場合は抜け出す i3=TempPtr[i]-&H30 If Not(0<=i3 and i3<=9) Then i3=TempPtr[i]-&H41+10 If Not(&HA<=i3 and i3<=&HF) Then Exit While End If TempPtr[i]=i3 As Byte i++ Wend i-- i64data=1 While i>=2 Val=Val+i64data*TempPtr[i] i64data=i64data*&H10 i-- Wend End If Else '10進数 If buf[0]=&H2D Then 'マイナス値 i4=1 buf++ Else 'プラス値 i4=0 If buf[0]=&H2B Then buf++ End If End If i=0 While 1 '数字以外の文字の場合は抜け出す i3=buf[i]-&H30 If Not (0<=i3 And i3<=9) Then Exit While i++ Wend '整数部 dbl=1 i3=i-1 While i3>=0 Val=Val+dbl*(buf[i3]-&H30) dbl=dbl*10 i3-- Wend If buf[i]=Asc(".") Then '小数部 i++ dbl=10 While 1 '数字以外の文字の場合は抜け出す i3=buf[i]-&H30 If Not (0<=i3 And i3<=9) Then Exit While Val += (buf[i] - &H30) / dbl dbl *= 10 i++ Wend End If If i4 Then Val=-Val End If End Function '-------------- ' ファイル関数 '-------------- Function Eof(FileNum As Long) As Long Dim dwCurrent As DWord, dwEnd As DWord FileNum-- dwCurrent=SetFilePointer(_System_hFile(FileNum),0,NULL,FILE_CURRENT) dwEnd=SetFilePointer(_System_hFile(FileNum),0,NULL,FILE_END) SetFilePointer(_System_hFile(FileNum),dwCurrent,NULL,FILE_BEGIN) If dwCurrent>=dwEnd Then Eof=-1 Else Eof=0 End If End Function Function Lof(FileNum As Long) As Long Lof=GetFileSize(_System_hFile(FileNum-1),NULL) End Function Function Loc(FileNum As Long) As Long Dim NowPos As Long, BeginPos As Long FileNum=FileNum-1 NowPos=SetFilePointer(_System_hFile(FileNum),0,NULL,FILE_CURRENT) BeginPos=SetFilePointer(_System_hFile(FileNum),0,NULL,FILE_BEGIN) SetFilePointer(_System_hFile(FileNum),NowPos-BeginPos,NULL,FILE_BEGIN) Loc=NowPos-BeginPos End Function '------------------ ' メモリ関連の関数 '------------------ Function malloc(stSize As SIZE_T) As VoidPtr Return _System_GC.__malloc(stSize,_System_GC_FLAG_NEEDFREE) End Function Function calloc(stSize As SIZE_T) As VoidPtr Return _System_GC.__malloc(stSize,_System_GC_FLAG_NEEDFREE or _System_GC_FLAG_INITZERO) End Function Function realloc(lpMem As VoidPtr, stSize As SIZE_T) As VoidPtr If lpMem = 0 Then Return malloc(stSize) Else Return _System_GC.__realloc(lpMem,stSize) End If End Function Sub free(lpMem As VoidPtr) _System_GC.__free(lpMem) End Sub Function _System_malloc(stSize As SIZE_T) As VoidPtr Return HeapAlloc(_System_hProcessHeap,0,stSize) End Function Function _System_calloc(stSize As SIZE_T) As VoidPtr Return HeapAlloc(_System_hProcessHeap,HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,stSize) End Function Function _System_realloc(lpMem As VoidPtr, stSize As SIZE_T) As VoidPtr If lpMem = 0 Then Return HeapAlloc(_System_hProcessHeap, 0, stSize) Else Return HeapReAlloc(_System_hProcessHeap, 0, lpMem, stSize) End If End Function Sub _System_free(lpMem As VoidPtr) HeapFree(_System_hProcessHeap,0,lpMem) End Sub '-------- ' その他 '-------- Sub _splitpath(path As BytePtr, drive As BytePtr, dir As BytePtr, fname As BytePtr, ext As BytePtr) Dim i As Long, i2 As Long, i3 As Long, length As Long Dim buffer[MAX_PATH] As Byte '":\"をチェック If not(path[1]=&H3A and path[2]=&H5C) Then Exit Sub 'ドライブ名をコピー If drive Then drive[0]=path[0] drive[1]=path[1] drive[2]=0 End If 'ディレクトリ名をコピー i=2 i2=0 Do If IsDBCSLeadByte(path[i])=TRUE and path[i+1]<>0 Then If dir Then dir[i2]=path[i] dir[i2+1]=path[i+1] End If i=i+2 i2=i2+2 Continue End If If path[i]=0 Then Exit Do If path[i]=&H5C Then '"\"記号であるかどうか i3=i2+1 End If If dir Then dir[i2]=path[i] i=i+1 i2=i2+1 Loop If dir Then dir[i3]=0 i3=i3+(i-i2) 'ファイル名をコピー i=i3 i2=0 i3=-1 Do If IsDBCSLeadByte(path[i])=TRUE and path[i+1]<>0 Then If fname Then fname[i2]=path[i] fname[i2+1]=path[i+1] End If i=i+2 i2=i2+2 Continue End If If path[i]=0 Then Exit Do If path[i]=&H2E Then '.'記号であるかどうか i3=i2 End If If fname Then fname[i2]=path[i] i=i+1 i2=i2+1 Loop If i3=-1 Then i3=i2 If fname Then fname[i3]=0 i3=i3+(i-i2) '拡張子名をコピー If ext Then If i3 Then lstrcpy(ext,path+i3) End If else ext[0]=0 End If End Sub Function GetBasicColor(ColorCode As Long) As Long Select Case ColorCode Case 0 GetBasicColor=RGB(0,0,0) Case 1 GetBasicColor=RGB(0,0,255) Case 2 GetBasicColor=RGB(255,0,0) Case 3 GetBasicColor=RGB(255,0,255) Case 4 GetBasicColor=RGB(0,255,0) Case 5 GetBasicColor=RGB(0,255,255) Case 6 GetBasicColor=RGB(255,255,0) Case 7 GetBasicColor=RGB(255,255,255) End Select End Function #endif '_INC_FUNCTION