Changeset 698
- Timestamp:
- Mar 31, 2009, 2:09:07 PM (16 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/ab5.0/ablib
- Files:
- 3 added
- 26 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r679 r698 57 57 End Function 58 58 59 Function AddRef() As DWord 60 AddRef = comImpl.AddRef() 61 End Function 62 63 Function Release() As DWord 64 Release = comImpl.Release() 65 End Function 66 67 Function QueryInterface(ByRef riid As IID, ByRef pv As Any) As HRESULT 68 QueryInterface = comImpl.QueryInterface(riid, pv) 69 End Function 70 59 71 Private 60 72 Static Function FromHWndCore(hwnd As HWND) As Control … … 70 82 @date 2008/08/02 71 83 通常はCreateやCreateFormその他を使ってください。 84 ここで渡された引数は、GetCreateStructへ渡して修正の機会を与えた後に、 85 CreateWindowExへ渡される。 72 86 */ 73 87 Sub CreateEx(parent As Control, style As DWord, exStyle As DWord, hmenu As HMENU) … … 115 129 116 130 Protected 131 /*! 132 @brief ウィンドウ作成前の初期設定確認 133 派生クラスでオーバーライドして、csを書き換えてよい。 134 書き換えられたcsを基にCreateWindowExが呼ばれる。 135 */ 117 136 Virtual Sub GetCreateStruct(ByRef cs As CREATESTRUCT) 118 137 End Sub 119 138 139 Private 120 140 Sub createImpl(ByRef cs As CREATESTRUCT, parent As Control) 121 141 throwIfAlreadyCreated() … … 153 173 End Sub 154 174 */ 175 155 176 Sub BeginSubclass() 156 177 throwIfNotCreated() … … 207 228 Private 208 229 Static Function makeKeysFormMsg(e As MessageArgs) As Keys 209 Dim t As DWord 210 t = e.WParam And Keys.KeyCode 230 Dim t = (e.WParam As DWord) And Keys.KeyCode 211 231 t Or= (GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) As Word And &h8000) << 1 212 232 t Or= (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) As Word And &h8000) << 2 … … 354 374 355 375 Sub OnCreateBase(sender As Object, e As MessageArgs) 356 e.Handled = e.Handled And OnCreate(New CreateArgs(e.LParam As *CREATESTRUCT)) 376 Dim c = New CreateArgs(e.LParam As *CREATESTRUCT) 377 If e.LResult = -1 Then 378 c.Cancel = True 379 End If 380 e.Handled = e.Handled And OnCreate(c) 381 If c.Cancel Then 382 e.LResult = -1 383 Else 384 e.LResult = 0 385 End If 357 386 End Sub 358 387 … … 579 608 .hIcon = 0 580 609 .hCursor = LoadImage(0, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_ARROW), IMAGE_CURSOR, 0, 0, LR_DEFAULTSIZE Or LR_SHARED) As HCURSOR 581 .hbrBackground = 0610 .hbrBackground = (COLOR_3DFACE + 1) As HBRUSH 582 611 .lpszMenuName = 0 583 612 .lpszClassName = ToTCStr(WindowClassName) -
r615 r698 128 128 This.button = button 129 129 This.clicks = clicks 130 = New System.Drawing.Point(x, y) 130 = x 131 = y 131 132 = delta 132 133 End Sub … … 145 146 146 147 Const Function Locale() As System.Drawing.Point 147 Locale = New System.Drawing.Point(pt.X, pt.Y)148 Locale = pt 148 149 End Function 149 150 … … 495 496 CreateStruct = pcs 496 497 End Function 498 499 Const Function Cancel() As Boolean 500 Cancel = cancel 501 End Function 502 503 Sub Cancel(c As Boolean) 504 cancel = c 505 End Sub 497 506 Private 498 507 pcs As *CREATESTRUCT 508 cancel As Boolean 499 509 End Class 500 510 -
r637 r698 19 19 Sub Form() 20 20 AddMessageEvent(WM_COMMAND, AddressOf(OnCommand)) 21 AddPaintBackground(AddressOf(OnPaintBackground))22 21 End Sub 23 22 … … 31 30 .cy = CW_USEDEFAULT 32 31 End With 33 End Sub34 35 Sub OnPaintBackground(sender As Object, e As PaintBackgroundArgs)36 Dim rc = ClientRect37 FillRect(e.Handle, rc, (COLOR_3DFACE + 1) As HBRUSH)38 32 End Sub 39 33 -
r635 r698 4 4 Namespace Drawing 5 5 6 Class CharacterRange 7 Public 8 Sub CharacterRange(f As Long, l As Long) 9 first = f 10 length = l 11 End Sub 12 13 Sub CharacterRange() 14 First = 0 15 Length = 0 16 End Sub 17 18 Function First() As Long 19 Return first 20 End Function 21 22 Sub First(f As Long) 23 first = f 24 End Sub 25 26 Function Length() As Long 27 Return length 28 End Function 29 30 Sub Length(l As Long) 31 length = l 32 End Sub 33 34 Function Operator ==(c As CharacterRange) As Boolean 35 Return Equals(c) 36 End Function 37 38 Function Operator <>(c As CharacterRange) As Boolean 39 Return Not Equals(c) 40 End Function 41 42 Function Equals(c As CharacterRange) As Boolean 43 Return first = c.first And length = c.length 44 End Function 45 46 Override Function GetHashCode() As Long 47 Return first Xor length 48 End Function 49 50 Private 51 first As Long 52 length As Long 53 End Class 6 Type CharacterRange 7 First As Long 8 Length As Long 9 End Type 54 10 55 11 End Namespace -
r635 r698 4 4 Namespace Drawing 5 5 6 Class Color 7 Public 8 Sub Color() 9 argb = MakeARGB(255, 0, 0, 0) ' Black 10 End Sub 11 12 Sub Color(ByRef c As Color) 13 argb = c.argb 14 End Sub 15 16 Sub Color(r As Byte, g As Byte, b As Byte) 17 argb = MakeARGB(255, r, g, b) 18 End Sub 19 20 Sub Color(a As Byte, r As Byte, g As Byte, b As Byte) 21 argb = MakeARGB(a, r, g, b) 22 End Sub 23 24 Sub Color(newArgb As System.Drawing.Imaging.ARGB) 25 argb = newArgb 26 End Sub 27 28 Function Operator ==(c As Color) As Boolean 29 Return Equals(c) 30 End Function 31 32 Function Operator <>(c As Color) As Boolean 33 Return Not Equals(c) 34 End Function 35 36 Function A() As Byte 37 A = (argb >> System.Drawing.Imaging.ALPHA_SHIFT) As Byte 38 End Function 39 40 Function R() As Byte 41 R = (argb >> System.Drawing.Imaging.RED_SHIFT) As Byte 42 End Function 43 44 Function G() As Byte 45 G = (argb >> System.Drawing.Imaging.GREEN_SHIFT) As Byte 46 End Function 47 48 Function B() As Byte 49 B = (argb >> System.Drawing.Imaging.BLUE_SHIFT) As Byte 50 End Function 51 52 Function Value() As System.Drawing.Imaging.ARGB 53 Value = argb 54 End Function 55 56 Sub Value(value As System.Drawing.Imaging.ARGB) 57 argb = value 58 End Sub 59 60 Sub SetFromCOLORREF(rgb As COLORREF) 61 If (rgb And &hff000000) = &h01000000 Then 62 Exit Sub ' パレットインデックス指定は無効 63 Else 64 argb = MakeARGB(255, GetRValue(rgb) As Byte, GetGValue(rgb) As Byte, GetBValue(rgb) As Byte) 65 End If 66 End Sub 67 68 Function ToCOLORREF() As COLORREF 69 ToCOLORREF = RGB(R, G, B) 70 End Function 71 /* 72 Function ToArgb() As ARGB 73 ToArgb = argb 74 End Function 75 */ 76 Static Function FromArgb(argb As System.Drawing.Imaging.ARGB) As Color 77 Return New Color(argb) 78 End Function 79 80 Static Function FromArgb(a As Byte, base As Color) As Color 81 Return New Color(a, base.R, base.G, base.B) 82 End Function 83 84 Static Function FromArgb(r As Byte, g As Byte, b As Byte) As Color 85 Return New Color(r, g, b) 86 End Function 87 88 Static Function FromArgb(a As Byte, r As Byte, g As Byte, b As Byte) As Color 89 Return New Color(a, r, g, b) 90 End Function 91 92 Override Function GetHashCode() As Long 93 Return argb As Long 94 End Function 95 96 Function Equals(c As Color) As Boolean 97 Return argb = c.argb 98 End Function 99 100 ' HSBを求める式はを参考にしました。 101 Function GetHue() As Single 102 Dim max As Long, min As Long, d As Long 103 Dim r = R 104 Dim g = G 105 Dim b = B 106 max = System.Math.Max(System.Math.Max(r, g), b) 107 min = System.Math.Min(System.Math.Min(r, g), b) 108 d = max - min 109 If g = max Then 110 Return ((b - r) As Double / d * 60.0 + 120.0) As Single 111 ElseIf b = max Then 112 Return ((r - g) As Double / d * 60 + 240) As Single 113 ElseIf g < b Then 114 Return ((g - b) As Double / d * 60 + 360) As Single 115 Else 116 Return ((g - b) As Double / d * 60) As Single 117 EndIf 118 End Function 119 120 Function GetSaturation() As Single 121 Dim r = R 122 Dim g = G 123 Dim b = B 124 Dim max = System.Math.Max(System.Math.Max(r, g), b) As Long 125 Dim min = System.Math.Min(System.Math.Min(r, g), b) As Long 126 Return ( (max - min) / max ) As Single 127 End Function 128 129 Function GetBrightness() As Single 130 Dim r = R 131 Dim g = G 132 Dim b = B 133 Dim max = System.Math.Max(System.Math.Max(r, g), b) 134 Return ( max * (1 / 255) ) As Single 135 End Function 136 137 /* 138 ' Common color constants 139 Const Enum 140 AliceBlue = &hFFF0F8FF 141 AntiqueWhite = &hFFFAEBD7 142 Aqua = &hFF00FFFF 143 Aquamarine = &hFF7FFFD4 144 Azure = &hFFF0FFFF 145 Beige = &hFFF5F5DC 146 Bisque = &hFFFFE4C4 147 Black = &hFF000000 148 BlanchedAlmond = &hFFFFEBCD 149 Blue = &hFF0000FF 150 BlueViolet = &hFF8A2BE2 151 Brown = &hFFA52A2A 152 BurlyWood = &hFFDEB887 153 CadetBlue = &hFF5F9EA0 154 Chartreuse = &hFF7FFF00 155 Chocolate = &hFFD2691E 156 Coral = &hFFFF7F50 157 CornflowerBlue = &hFF6495ED 158 Cornsilk = &hFFFFF8DC 159 Crimson = &hFFDC143C 160 Cyan = &hFF00FFFF 161 DarkBlue = &hFF00008B 162 DarkCyan = &hFF008B8B 163 DarkGoldenrod = &hFFB8860B 164 DarkGray = &hFFA9A9A9 165 DarkGreen = &hFF006400 166 DarkKhaki = &hFFBDB76B 167 DarkMagenta = &hFF8B008B 168 DarkOliveGreen = &hFF556B2F 169 DarkOrange = &hFFFF8C00 170 DarkOrchid = &hFF9932CC 171 DarkRed = &hFF8B0000 172 DarkSalmon = &hFFE9967A 173 DarkSeaGreen = &hFF8FBC8B 174 DarkSlateBlue = &hFF483D8B 175 DarkSlateGray = &hFF2F4F4F 176 DarkTurquoise = &hFF00CED1 177 DarkViolet = &hFF9400D3 178 DeepPink = &hFFFF1493 179 DeepSkyBlue = &hFF00BFFF 180 DimGray = &hFF696969 181 DodgerBlue = &hFF1E90FF 182 Firebrick = &hFFB22222 183 FloralWhite = &hFFFFFAF0 184 ForestGreen = &hFF228B22 185 Fuchsia = &hFFFF00FF 186 Gainsboro = &hFFDCDCDC 187 GhostWhite = &hFFF8F8FF 188 Gold = &hFFFFD700 189 Goldenrod = &hFFDAA520 190 Gray = &hFF808080 191 Green = &hFF008000 192 GreenYellow = &hFFADFF2F 193 Honeydew = &hFFF0FFF0 194 HotPink = &hFFFF69B4 195 IndianRed = &hFFCD5C5C 196 Indigo = &hFF4B0082 197 Ivory = &hFFFFFFF0 198 Khaki = &hFFF0E68C 199 Lavender = &hFFE6E6FA 200 LavenderBlush = &hFFFFF0F5 201 LawnGreen = &hFF7CFC00 202 LemonChiffon = &hFFFFFACD 203 LightBlue = &hFFADD8E6 204 LightCoral = &hFFF08080 205 LightCyan = &hFFE0FFFF 206 LightGoldenrodYellow = &hFFFAFAD2 207 LightGray = &hFFD3D3D3 208 LightGreen = &hFF90EE90 209 LightPink = &hFFFFB6C1 210 LightSalmon = &hFFFFA07A 211 LightSeaGreen = &hFF20B2AA 212 LightSkyBlue = &hFF87CEFA 213 LightSlateGray = &hFF778899 214 LightSteelBlue = &hFFB0C4DE 215 LightYellow = &hFFFFFFE0 216 Lime = &hFF00FF00 217 LimeGreen = &hFF32CD32 218 Linen = &hFFFAF0E6 219 Magenta = &hFFFF00FF 220 Maroon = &hFF800000 221 MediumAquamarine = &hFF66CDAA 222 MediumBlue = &hFF0000CD 223 MediumOrchid = &hFFBA55D3 224 MediumPurple = &hFF9370DB 225 MediumSeaGreen = &hFF3CB371 226 MediumSlateBlue = &hFF7B68EE 227 MediumSpringGreen = &hFF00FA9A 228 MediumTurquoise = &hFF48D1CC 229 MediumVioletRed = &hFFC71585 230 MidnightBlue = &hFF191970 231 MintCream = &hFFF5FFFA 232 MistyRose = &hFFFFE4E1 233 Moccasin = &hFFFFE4B5 234 NavajoWhite = &hFFFFDEAD 235 Navy = &hFF000080 236 OldLace = &hFFFDF5E6 237 Olive = &hFF808000 238 OliveDrab = &hFF6B8E23 239 Orange = &hFFFFA500 240 OrangeRed = &hFFFF4500 241 Orchid = &hFFDA70D6 242 PaleGoldenrod = &hFFEEE8AA 243 PaleGreen = &hFF98FB98 244 PaleTurquoise = &hFFAFEEEE 245 PaleVioletRed = &hFFDB7093 246 PapayaWhip = &hFFFFEFD5 247 PeachPuff = &hFFFFDAB9 248 Peru = &hFFCD853F 249 Pink = &hFFFFC0CB 250 Plum = &hFFDDA0DD 251 PowderBlue = &hFFB0E0E6 252 Purple = &hFF800080 253 Red = &hFFFF0000 254 RosyBrown = &hFFBC8F8F 255 RoyalBlue = &hFF4169E1 256 SaddleBrown = &hFF8B4513 257 Salmon = &hFFFA8072 258 SandyBrown = &hFFF4A460 259 SeaGreen = &hFF2E8B57 260 SeaShell = &hFFFFF5EE 261 Sienna = &hFFA0522D 262 Silver = &hFFC0C0C0 263 SkyBlue = &hFF87CEEB 264 SlateBlue = &hFF6A5ACD 265 SlateGray = &hFF708090 266 Snow = &hFFFFFAFA 267 SpringGreen = &hFF00FF7F 268 SteelBlue = &hFF4682B4 269 Tan = &hFFD2B48C 270 Teal = &hFF008080 271 Thistle = &hFFD8BFD8 272 Tomato = &hFFFF6347 273 Transparent = &h00FFFFFF 274 Turquoise = &hFF40E0D0 275 Violet = &hFFEE82EE 276 Wheat = &hFFF5DEB3 277 White = &hFFFFFFFF 278 WhiteSmoke = &hFFF5F5F5 279 Yellow = &hFFFFFF00 280 YellowGreen = &hFF9ACD32 281 End Enum 282 283 ' Shift count and bit mask for A, R, G, B components 284 285 Const Enum 286 AlphaShift = 24 287 RedShift = 16 288 GreenShift = 8 289 BlueShift = 0 290 End Enum 291 292 Const Enum 293 AlphaMask = &hff000000 294 RedMask = &h00ff0000 295 GreenMask = &h0000ff00 296 BlueMask = &h000000ff 297 End Enum 298 */ 299 Static Function MakeARGB(a As Byte, r As Byte, g As Byte, b As Byte) As System.Drawing.Imaging.ARGB 300 MakeARGB = (((b As System.Drawing.Imaging.ARGB) << System.Drawing.Imaging.BLUE_SHIFT) Or _ 301 ((g As System.Drawing.Imaging.ARGB) << System.Drawing.Imaging.GREEN_SHIFT) Or _ 302 ((r As System.Drawing.Imaging.ARGB) << System.Drawing.Imaging.RED_SHIFT) Or _ 303 ((a As System.Drawing.Imaging.ARGB) << System.Drawing.Imaging.ALPHA_SHIFT)) 304 End Function 305 306 Protected 307 argb As System.Drawing.Imaging.ARGB 308 End Class 6 TypeDef Color = DWord 'ARGB 309 7 310 8 End Namespace -
r635 r698 5 5 6 6 Class Matrix 7 Public 8 Sub Matrix(native As *GpMatrix) 9 nativeMatrix = native 10 End Sub 11 Function NativeMatrix() As *GpMatrix 12 NativeMatrix = nativeMatrix 13 End Function 14 nativeMatrix As *GpMatrix 7 15 End Class 8 16 -
r635 r698 3 3 Namespace Drawing 4 4 Namespace Drawing2D 5 6 TypeDef GraphicsContainer = DWord 7 TypeDef GraphicsState = DWord 5 8 6 9 Enum CombineMode … … 85 88 End Enum 86 89 90 Enum DashStyle 91 Solid ' 0 92 Dash ' 1 93 Dot ' 2 94 DashDot ' 3 95 DashDotDot ' 4 96 Custom ' 5 97 End Enum 98 99 Enum DashCap 100 Flat = 0 101 Round = 2 102 Triangle = 3 103 End Enum 104 105 Enum LineCap 106 Flat = 0 107 Square = 1 108 Round = 2 109 Triangle = 3 110 NoAnchor = &h10 111 SquareAnchor = &h11 112 RoundAnchor = &h12 113 DiamondAnchor = &h13 114 ArrowAnchor = &h14 115 Custom = &hff 116 AnchorMask = &hf0 117 End Enum 118 119 Enum LineJoin 120 Miter = 0 121 Bevel = 1 122 Round = 2 123 Clipped = 3 124 End Enum 125 126 Enum PenAlignment 127 Center = 0 128 Inset = 1 129 End Enum 130 131 Enum PenType 132 SolidColor = 0 'BrushTypeSolidColor 133 HatchFill = 1 'BrushTypeHatchFill 134 TextureFill = 2 'BrushTypeTextureFill 135 PathGradient = 3 'BrushTypePathGradient 136 LinearGradient = 4 'BrushTypeLinearGradient 137 Unknown = -1 138 End Enum 139 87 140 End Namespace 88 141 End Namespace -
r635 r698 1 1 Namespace System 2 2 Namespace Drawing 3 4 3 5 4 /** … … 8 7 */ 9 8 10 Class FontFamily : End Class 11 Class FontCollection : End Class 9 Class FontCollection 10 Public 11 nativeCollection As *GpFontCollection 12 End Class 12 13 13 14 Class Font 14 15 Implements System.IDisposable 15 16 Public 16 ' friend class Graphics 17 18 Sub Font(/*IN*/ hdc As HDC) 17 Static Function FromHDC(/*IN*/ hdc As HDC) As Font 19 18 Dim font = 0 As *GpFont 20 lastResult = GdipCreateFontFromDC(hdc, font)21 SetNativeFont(font)22 End Sub23 24 S ub Font(/*IN*/ hdc As HDC, /*IN const*/ ByRef logfont As LOGFONTA)19 SetStatus(GdipCreateFontFromDC(hdc, font)) 20 FromHDC = New Font(font) 21 End Function 22 23 Static Function FromLogFont(/*IN*/ hdc As HDC, /*IN const*/ ByRef logfont As LOGFONTA) As Font 25 24 Dim font = 0 As *GpFont 26 lastResult =GdipCreateFontFromLogfontA(hdc, logfont, font)27 SetNativeFont(font)28 End Sub29 30 S ub Font(/*IN*/ hdc As HDC, /*IN const*/ ByRef logfont As LOGFONTW)25 SetStatus(GdipCreateFontFromLogfontA(hdc, logfont, font)) 26 FromLogFont = New Font(font) 27 End Function 28 29 Static Function FromLogFont(/*IN*/ hdc As HDC, /*IN const*/ ByRef logfont As LOGFONTW) As Font 31 30 Dim font = 0 As *GpFont 32 lastResult =GdipCreateFontFromLogfontW(hdc, logfont, font)33 SetNativeFont(font)34 End Sub35 36 S ub Font(/*IN*/ hdc As HDC, /*IN const*/ hfont As HFONT)31 SetStatus(GdipCreateFontFromLogfontW(hdc, logfont, font)) 32 FromLogFont = New Font(font) 33 End Function 34 35 Static Function FromHFont(/*IN*/ hdc As HDC, /*IN const*/ hfont As HFONT) As Font 37 36 Dim font = 0 As *GpFont 38 37 If hfont <> 0 Then 39 38 Dim lf As LOGFONTA 40 If GetObjectA(hfont, sizeof (LOGFONTA), lf) <> 0 Then41 lastResult = GdipCreateFontFromLogfontA(hdc, lf, font)39 If GetObjectA(hfont, Len(lf), lf) <> 0 Then 40 SetStatus(GdipCreateFontFromLogfontA(hdc, lf, font)) 42 41 Else 43 lastResult = GdipCreateFontFromDC(hdc, font)42 SetStatus(GdipCreateFontFromDC(hdc, font)) 44 43 End If 45 44 Else 46 lastResult = GdipCreateFontFromDC(hdc, font) 47 End If 48 SetNativeFont(font) 45 SetStatus(GdipCreateFontFromDC(hdc, font)) 46 End If 47 FromHFont = New Font(font) 48 End Function 49 50 Sub Font(f As *GpFont) 51 nativeFont = f 49 52 End Sub 50 53 51 54 Sub Font(/*IN const*/ family As FontFamily, /*IN*/ emSize As Single) 52 Font(family, emSize, FontStyleRegular, UnitPoint) 53 End Sub 54 55 Sub Font(/*IN const*/ family As FontFamily, 56 /*IN*/ emSize As Single, /*IN*/ style As Long) 57 58 Font(family, emSize, style, UnitPoint) 55 initFont(family, emSize, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point) 56 End Sub 57 58 Sub Font(/*IN const*/ family As FontFamily, /*IN*/ emSize As Single, /*IN*/ style As FontStyle) 59 initFont(family, emSize, style, GraphicsUnit.Point) 60 End Sub 61 62 Sub Font(/*IN const*/ family As FontFamily, /*IN*/ emSize As Single, /*IN*/ unit As GraphicsUnit) 63 initFont(family, emSize, FontStyle.Regular, unit) 59 64 End Sub 60 65 61 66 Sub Font(/*IN const*/ family As FontFamily, /*IN*/ emSize As Single, 62 /*IN*/ style As Long, /*IN*/ unit As GraphicsUnit) 63 64 Dim font = 0 As *GpFont 65 lastResult = GdipCreateFont( 66 family.NativeFamily, emSize, style, unit, font) 67 SetNativeFont(font) 67 /*IN*/ style As FontStyle, /*IN*/ unit As GraphicsUnit) 68 69 initFont(family, emSize, style, unit) 68 70 End Sub 69 71 70 72 Sub Font(/*IN const*/ familyName As PCWSTR, /*IN*/ emSize As Single) 71 Font(familyName, emSize, FontStyleRegular, Unit.Point, ByVal 0)73 initFromName(familyName, emSize, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, Nothing) 72 74 End Sub 73 75 74 76 Sub Font(/*IN const*/ familyName As String, /*IN*/ emSize As Single) 75 Font(familyName, emSize, FontStyleRegular, Unit.Point, ByVal 0) 77 initFromName(ToWCStr(familyName), emSize, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, Nothing) 78 End Sub 79 80 Sub Font(/*IN const*/ familyName As PCWSTR, /*IN*/ emSize As Single, /*IN*/ style As FontStyle) 81 initFromName(familyName, emSize, style, GraphicsUnit.Point, Nothing) 82 End Sub 83 84 Sub Font(/*IN const*/ familyName As String, /*IN*/ emSize As Single, /*IN*/ style As FontStyle) 85 initFromName(ToWCStr(familyName), emSize, style, GraphicsUnit.Point, Nothing) 86 End Sub 87 88 Sub Font(/*IN const*/ familyName As PCWSTR, /*IN*/ emSize As Single, /*IN*/ unit As GraphicsUnit) 89 initFromName(familyName, emSize, FontStyle.Regular, unit, Nothing) 90 End Sub 91 92 Sub Font(/*IN const*/ familyName As String, /*IN*/ emSize As Single, /*IN*/ unit As GraphicsUnit) 93 initFromName(ToWCStr(familyName), emSize, FontStyle.Regular, unit, Nothing) 76 94 End Sub 77 95 78 96 Sub Font(/*IN const*/ familyName As PCWSTR, /*IN*/ emSize As Single, 79 /*IN*/ style As Long) 80 Font(familyName, emSize, style, Unit.Point, ByVal 0) 97 /*IN*/ style As FontStyle, /*IN*/ unit As GraphicsUnit) 98 99 initFromName(familyName, emSize, style, unit, Nothing) 81 100 End Sub 82 101 83 102 Sub Font(/*IN const*/ familyName As String, /*IN*/ emSize As Single, 84 /*IN*/ style As Long) 85 Font(familyName, emSize, style, Unit.Point, ByVal 0) 103 /*IN*/ style As FontStyle, /*IN*/ unit As GraphicsUnit) 104 105 initFromName(ToWCStr(familyName), emSize, style, unit, Nothing) 86 106 End Sub 87 107 88 108 Sub Font(/*IN const*/ familyName As PCWSTR, /*IN*/ emSize As Single, 89 /*IN*/ style As Long, /*IN*/ unit As GraphicsUnit) 90 Font(familyName, emSize, style, unit, ByVal 0) 109 /*IN*/ style As FontStyle, /*IN*/ unit As GraphicsUnit, 110 /*IN const*/ fontCollection As FontCollection) 111 112 initFromName(familyName, emSize, style, unit, fontCollection) 91 113 End Sub 92 114 93 115 Sub Font(/*IN const*/ familyName As String, /*IN*/ emSize As Single, 94 /*IN*/ style As Long, /*IN*/ unit As GraphicsUnit) 95 Font(familyName, emSize, style, unit, ByVal 0) 96 End Sub 97 98 Sub Font(/*IN const*/ familyName As PCWSTR, /*IN*/ emSize As Single, 99 /*IN*/ style As Long, /*IN*/ unit As GraphicsUnit, 100 /*IN const*/ ByRef fontCollection As FontCollection) 101 102 nativeFont = 0 103 104 Dim family As FontFamily(familyName, fontCollection) 105 Dim nativeFamily = family.NativeFamily As *GpFontFamily 106 107 lastResult = family.GetLastStatus() 108 109 If lastResult <> Ok Then 110 nativeFamily = FontFamily.GenericSansSerif()->NativeFamily 111 lastResult = FontFamily.GenericSansSerif()->lastResult 112 If lastResult <> Ok Then 113 Exit Sub 114 End If 115 End If 116 117 lastResult = GdipCreateFont( 118 nativeFamily, emSize, style, unit, nativeFont) 119 120 If lastResult <> Ok Then 121 nativeFamily = FontFamily.GenericSansSerif()->NativeFamily 122 lastResult = FontFamily.GenericSansSerif()->lastResult 123 If lastResult <> Ok Then 124 Exit Sub 125 End If 126 127 lastResult = GdipCreateFont( 128 nativeFamily, emSize, style, unit, nativeFont) 129 End If 130 End Sub 131 132 Sub Font(/*IN const*/ familyName As String, /*IN*/ emSize As Single, 133 /*IN*/ style As Long, /*IN*/ unit As GraphicsUnit, 116 /*IN*/ style As FontStyle, /*IN*/ unit As GraphicsUnit, 134 117 /*IN const*/ fontCollection As FontCollection) 135 Font(ToWCStr(familyName), emSize, style, unit, fontCollection) 136 End Sub 137 138 Const Function GetLogFontA(/*IN const*/ g As Graphics, /*OUT*/ ByRef lf As LOGFONTA) As Status 139 Dim nativeGraphics As *GpGraphics 140 If Not ActiveBasic.IsNothing(g) Then 141 nativeGraphics = g.nativeGraphics 142 End If 143 Return SetStatus(GdipGetLogFontA(nativeFont, nativeGraphics, lf)) 144 End Function 145 146 Const Function GetLogFontW(/*IN const*/ g As Graphics, /*OUT*/ ByRef lf As LOGFONTW) As Status 147 Dim nativeGraphics As *GpGraphics 148 If Not ActiveBasic.IsNothing(g) Then 149 nativeGraphics = g.nativeGraphics 150 End If 151 Return SetStatus(GdipGetLogFontW(nativeFont, nativeGraphics, lf)) 152 End Function 153 154 Const Function GetLogFont(/*IN const*/ g As Graphics, /*OUT*/ ByRef lf As LOGFONT) As Status 155 Dim nativeGraphics As *GpGraphics 156 If Not ActiveBasic.IsNothing(g) Then 157 nativeGraphics = g.nativeGraphics 158 End If 159 #ifdef UNICODE 160 Return SetStatus(GdipGetLogFontW(nativeFont, nativeGraphics, lf)) 161 #else 162 Return SetStatus(GdipGetLogFontA(nativeFont, nativeGraphics, lf)) 163 #endif 164 End Function 118 119 initFromName(ToWCStr(familyName), emSize, style, unit, fontCollection) 120 End Sub 165 121 166 122 Const Function Clone() As Font 167 123 Dim cloneFont = 0 As *GpFont 168 124 SetStatus(GdipCloneFont(nativeFont, cloneFont)) 169 Return New Font(cloneFont, lastResult) 170 End Function 125 Clone = New Font(cloneFont) 126 End Function 127 128 Sub Dispose() 129 If nativeFont <> 0 Then 130 GdipDeleteFont(nativeFont) 131 End If 132 nativeFont = 0 133 End Sub 171 134 172 135 Sub ~Font() 173 GdipDeleteFont(nativeFont) 174 End Sub 175 176 Const Function IsAvailable() As Boolean 177 Return nativeFont <> 0 178 End Function 179 180 Const Function Style() As Long 181 SetStatus(GdipGetFontStyle(nativeFont, Style)) 182 End Function 136 Dispose() 137 End Sub 138 139 ' Const Function Style() As FontStyle 140 ' SetStatus(GdipGetFontStyle(nativeFont, Style)) 141 ' End Function 183 142 184 143 Const Function Size() As Single … … 186 145 End Function 187 146 188 Const Function SizeInPoints() As Single 189 190 Const Function Unit() As GraphicsUnit 191 SetStatus(GdipGetFontUnit(nativeFont, Unit)) 192 End Function 193 194 Const Function LastStatus() As Status 195 Return lastResult 196 End Function 147 ' Const Function SizeInPoints() As Single 148 ' End Function 149 150 ' Const Function Unit() As GraphicsUnit 151 ' SetStatus(GdipGetFontUnit(nativeFont, Unit)) 152 ' End Function 197 153 198 154 Const Function Height() As Long 199 ReturnGetHeight() As Long155 Height = GetHeight() As Long 200 156 End Function 201 157 … … 205 161 206 162 Const Function GetHeight(/*IN const*/ g As Graphics) As Single 207 Dim nativeGraphics As *GpGraphics 208 If Not ActiveBasic.IsNothing(g) Then 209 nativeGraphics = g.NativeGraphics 210 End If 163 Dim nativeGraphics = getNativeGraphics(g) 211 164 SetStatus(GdipGetFontHeight(nativeFont, nativeGraphics, GetHeight)) 212 165 End Function … … 216 169 End Function 217 170 218 ' Const Function FontFamily(/*OUT*/ ByRef family As FontFamily) 219 ' If VarPtr(family) = 0 Then 220 ' Return SetStatus(Status.InvalidParameter) 221 ' End If 222 ' Dim status = GdipGetFamily(nativeFont, family->nativeFamily) 223 ' family->SetStatus(status) 224 ' Return SetStatus(status) 171 ' Const Function FontFamily() As FontFamily 172 ' Dim nativeFamily As *GpFamily 173 ' SetStatus(GdipGetFamily(nativeFont, nativeFamily)) 174 ' FontFamily = New FontFamily(nativeFamily) 225 175 ' End Function 226 176 227 177 Const Function Bold() As Boolean 228 178 Dim lf As LOGFONT 229 GetLogFont(0,lf)179 ToLogFont(lf) 230 180 Return lf.lfWeight > FW_BOLD 231 181 End Function … … 233 183 Const Function GdiCharSet() As Byte 234 184 Dim lf As LOGFONT 235 GetLogFont(0,lf)185 ToLogFont(lf) 236 186 Return lf.lfCharSet 237 187 End Function … … 239 189 'Const Function GdiVerticalFont() As Boolean 240 190 241 Const Function NativeFont() As *GpFont242 Return nativeFont243 End Function244 245 191 'Const Function IsSystemFont() As Boolean 246 192 247 193 Const Function Italic() As Boolean 248 194 Dim lf As LOGFONT 249 GetLogFont(0,lf)250 Returnlf.lfItalic <> FALSE195 ToLogFont(lf) 196 Italic = lf.lfItalic <> FALSE 251 197 End Function 252 198 253 199 Const Function Name() As String 254 #ifdef UNICODE 255 Dim lf As LOGFONTW 256 GetLogFontW(0, lf) 257 #else 258 Dim lf As LOGFONTA 259 GetLogFontA(0, lf) 260 #endif 261 Return lf.lfFaceName 262 End Function 263 264 'Const Function SizeInPoint() As Boolean 200 Dim lf As LOGFONT 201 ToLogFont(lf) 202 Dim p = lf.lfFaceName As PCTSTR 203 Name = New String(p) 204 End Function 265 205 266 206 Const Function StrikeOut() As Boolean 267 207 Dim lf As LOGFONT 268 GetLogFont(0,lf)269 Return lf.fdwStrikeOut <> FALSE208 ToLogFont(lf) 209 StrikeOut = lf.lfStrikeOut <> FALSE 270 210 End Function 271 211 272 212 Const Function Style() As FontStyle 273 213 Dim lf As LOGFONT 274 GetLogFont(0, lf) 275 Return (((lf.lfWeight > FW_BOLD) And FontStyle.Bold) Or _ 276 ((lf.lfItatlic <> FALSE) And FontStyle.Italic) Or _ 277 ((lf.fdwStrikeOut <> FALSE) And FontStyle.Strickeout) Or _ 278 ((lf.fdwUnderline <> FALSE) And FontStyle.Underline)) As FontStyle 214 ToLogFont(lf) 215 Style = FontStyle.Regular 216 If lf.lfWeight > FW_BOLD Then 217 Style Or= FontStyle.Bold 218 End If 219 If lf.lfItalic <> FALSE Then 220 Style Or= FontStyle.Italic 221 End If 222 If lf.lfStrikeOut <> FALSE Then 223 Style Or= FontStyle.Strikeout 224 End If 225 If lf.lfUnderline <> FALSE Then 226 Style Or= FontStyle.Underline 227 End If 279 228 End Function 280 229 … … 283 232 Const Function Underline() As Boolean 284 233 Dim lf As LOGFONT 285 GetLogFont(0,lf)286 Return lf.fdwUnderline <> FALSE234 ToLogFont(lf) 235 Underline = lf.lfUnderline <> FALSE 287 236 End Function 288 237 289 238 Override Function ToString() As String 290 ReturnName239 ToString = Name 291 240 End Function 292 241 293 242 Const Function ToHfont() As HFONT 294 243 Dim lf As LOGFONT 295 GetLogFont(ByVal 0, lf) 296 Return CreateFontIndirect(lf) 297 End Function 298 299 Const Sub ToLogFont(ByRef lf As LOGFONT) 300 GetLogFont(ByVal 0, lf) 301 End Sub 302 303 Const Sub ToLogFont(ByRef lf As LOGFONT, g As Graphics) 304 GetLogFont(g, lf) 305 End Sub 244 ToLogFont(lf) 245 ToHfont = CreateFontIndirect(lf) 246 End Function 247 248 Const Sub ToLogFont(/*OUT*/ ByRef lf As LOGFONTA, /*IN const*/ g As Graphics) 249 Dim nativeGraphics = getNativeGraphics(g) 250 SetStatus(GdipGetLogFontA(nativeFont, nativeGraphics, lf)) 251 End Sub 252 253 Const Sub ToLogFont(/*OUT*/ ByRef lf As LOGFONTW, /*IN const*/ g As Graphics) 254 Dim nativeGraphics = getNativeGraphics(g) 255 SetStatus(GdipGetLogFontW(nativeFont, nativeGraphics, lf)) 256 End Sub 257 258 Const Sub ToLogFont(ByRef lf As LOGFONTA) 259 ToLogFont(lf, Nothing) 260 End Sub 261 262 Const Sub ToLogFont(ByRef lf As LOGFONTW) 263 ToLogFont(lf, Nothing) 264 End Sub 265 266 Function NativeFont() As *GpFont 267 NativeFont = nativeFont 268 End Function 306 269 307 270 Private 308 ' Sub Font(ByRef f As Font) 309 310 Protected 311 Sub Font(f As *GpFont, status As Status) 312 lastResult = status 313 SetNativeFont(f) 314 End Sub 315 316 Sub SetNativeFont(f As *GpFont) 317 nativeFont = f 318 End Sub 319 320 Const Function SetStatus(s As Status) As Status 321 If s <> Status.Ok Then 322 lastResult = s 323 Return s 271 Sub initFont(/*IN const*/ family As FontFamily, /*IN*/ emSize As Single, 272 /*IN*/ style As Long, /*IN*/ unit As GraphicsUnit) 273 274 If ActiveBasic.IsNothing(family) Then 275 Throw New ArgumentNullException("family") 276 End If 277 SetStatus(GdipCreateFont(family.NativeFamily, emSize, style, unit, nativeFont)) 278 End Sub 279 280 Sub initFromName(/*IN const*/ familyName As PCWSTR, /*IN*/ emSize As Single, 281 /*IN*/ style As Long, /*IN*/ unit As GraphicsUnit, fontCollection As FontCollection) 282 283 nativeFont = 0 284 Dim family = Nothing As FontFamily 285 Dim nativeFamily = family.NativeFamily 286 287 Try 288 family = New FontFamily(familyName, fontCollection) 289 Catch e As Exception 290 nativeFamily = FontFamily.GenericSansSerif().NativeFamily 291 End Try 292 293 Try 294 SetStatus(GdipCreateFont(nativeFamily, emSize, style, unit, nativeFont)) 295 Catch e As Exception 296 nativeFamily = FontFamily.GenericSansSerif().NativeFamily 297 SetStatus(GdipCreateFont(nativeFamily, emSize, style, unit, nativeFont)) 298 End Try 299 End Sub 300 301 Static Function getNativeGraphics(g As Graphics) As *GpGraphics 302 If ActiveBasic.IsNothing(g) Then 303 getNativeGraphics = 0 324 304 Else 325 Return s 326 End If 327 End Function 328 329 Protected 305 getNativeGraphics = g.NativeGraphics 306 End If 307 End Function 308 330 309 nativeFont As *GpFont 331 /*mutable*/ lastResult As Status332 310 End Class 333 311 -
r635 r698 4 4 Namespace Drawing 5 5 6 Class Brush : End Class 7 Class Pen : End Class 8 Class StringFormat : End Class 9 Class Image : End Class 10 Class ImageAttributes : End Class 11 Class Metafile : End Class 12 Class Region : End Class 13 Class GraphicsPath : End Class 14 Class CachedBitmap : End Class 6 Class Brush 7 Public 8 nativeBrush As *GpBrush 9 End Class 10 Class StringFormat 11 Public 12 nativeFormat As *GpStringFormat 13 End Class 14 Class Image 15 Public 16 nativeImage As *GpImage 17 End Class 18 Class ImageAttributes 19 Public 20 nativeImage As *GpImageAttributes 21 End Class 22 Class Metafile 23 Inherits Image 24 End Class 25 Class Region 26 Public 27 nativeRegion As *GpRegion 28 End Class 29 Class GraphicsPath 30 Public 31 nativePath As *GpPath 32 End Class 33 Class CachedBitmap 34 Public 35 nativeCachedBitmap As *GpCachedBitmap 36 End Class 37 38 Delegate Function EnumerateMetafileProc(recordType As EmfPlusRecordType, flags As DWord, dataSize As DWord, data As *Byte, callbackData As VoidPtr) As Boolean 39 40 Namespace Detail 41 42 TypeDef NativeEnumerateMetafileProc = *Function(recordType As EmfPlusRecordType, flags As DWord, dataSize As DWord, data As *Byte, callbackData As VoidPtr) As Boolean 43 44 Type EnumerateMetafileProcData 45 Proc As EnumerateMetafileProc 46 Data As VoidPtr 47 End Type 48 49 Function NativeEnumerateMetafileProcEntry(recordType As EmfPlusRecordType, flags As DWord, dataSize As DWord, data As *Byte, callbackData As VoidPtr) As Boolean 50 Dim procData = callbackData As *EnumerateMetafileProcData 51 Dim proc = procData->Proc 52 NativeEnumerateMetafileProcEntry = proc(recordType, flags, dataSize, data, procData->Data) 53 End Function 54 55 End Namespace 15 56 16 57 Class Graphics … … 20 61 '========================================================================= 21 62 Const Function Clip() As Region 22 Dim r AsRegion23 GetClip(r)24 Return r25 End Function 26 27 Sub Clip(region As /*Const*/ Region)28 Set Clip(region, CombineMode.Replace)63 Clip = New Region 64 SetStatus(GdipGetClip(nativeGraphics, Clip.nativeRegion)) 65 End Function 66 67 Sub Clip(region As Region) 68 Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D 69 SetStatus(GdipSetClipRegion(nativeGraphics, region.nativeRegion, CombineMode.Replace)) 29 70 End Sub 30 71 31 72 Const Function ClipBounds() As RectangleF 32 Dim rc As RectangleF 33 GetClipBounds(rc) 34 Return rc 35 End Function 36 37 Sub ClipBounds(rc As RectangleF) 38 SetClipBounds(rc) 39 End Sub 40 41 Function CompositingMode() As CompositingMode 42 Return GetCompositingMode() 43 End Function 44 45 Sub CompositingMode(mode As CompositingMode) 46 SetCompositingMode(mode) 47 End Sub 48 49 Function CompositingQuality() As CompositingQuality 50 Return GetCompositingQuality() 51 End Function 52 53 Sub CompositingQuality(cq As CompositingQuality) 54 SetCompositingQuality(cq) 55 End Sub 56 73 SetStatus(GdipGetClipBounds(nativeGraphics, ClipBounds)) 74 End Function 75 76 Const Function ClipBoundsI() As Rectangle 77 SetStatus(GdipGetClipBoundsI(nativeGraphics, ClipBoundsI)) 78 End Function 79 /* 80 Const Function CompositingMode() As Drawing2D.CompositingMode 81 SetStatus(GdipGetCompositingMode(nativeGraphics, CompositingMode)) 82 End Function 83 84 Sub CompositingMode(mode As Drawing2D.CompositingMode) 85 SetStatus(GdipSetCompositingMode(nativeGraphics, mode)) 86 End Sub 87 88 Function CompositingQuality() As Drawing2D.CompositingQuality 89 SetStatus(GdipGetCompositingQuality(nativeGraphics, CompositingQuality)) 90 End Function 91 92 Sub CompositingQuality(cq As Drawing2D.CompositingQuality) 93 Return SetStatus(GdipSetCompositingQuality(nativeGraphics, cq)) 94 End Sub 95 */ 57 96 Const Function DpiX() As Single 58 Dim dpi As Single 59 SetStatus(GdipGetDpiX(nativeGraphics, dpi)) 60 Return dpi 97 SetStatus(GdipGetDpiX(nativeGraphics, DpiX)) 61 98 End Function 62 99 63 100 Const Function DpiY() As Single 64 Dim dpi As Single 65 SetStatus(GdipGetDpiY(nativeGraphics, dpi)) 66 Return dpi 67 End Function 68 69 Const Function InterpolationMode() As InterpolationMode 70 Return GetInterpolationMode() 71 End Function 72 73 Sub InterpolationMode(im As InterpolationMode) 74 SetInterpolationMode(im) 75 End Sub 76 77 Const Function IsClipEmpty() As BOOL 101 SetStatus(GdipGetDpiY(nativeGraphics, DpiY)) 102 End Function 103 /* 104 Const Function InterpolationMode() As Drawing2D.InterpolationMode 105 SetStatus(GdipGetInterpolationMode(nativeGraphics, InterpolationMode)) 106 End Function 107 108 Sub InterpolationMode(im As Drawing2D.InterpolationMode) 109 InterpolationMode = SetStatus(GdipSetInterpolationMode(nativeGraphics, im)) 110 End Sub 111 */ 112 Const Function IsClipEmpty() As Boolean 78 113 Dim b = FALSE As BOOL 79 114 SetStatus(GdipIsClipEmpty(nativeGraphics, b)) 80 Return b81 End Function 82 83 Const Function IsVisibleClipEmpty() As B OOL115 IsClipEmpty = b As Boolean 116 End Function 117 118 Const Function IsVisibleClipEmpty() As Boolean 84 119 Dim b = FALSE As BOOL 85 120 SetStatus(GdipIsVisibleClipEmpty(nativeGraphics, b)) 86 Return b87 End Function 88 89 Function PageScale(scale As Single) As Status90 ReturnSetStatus(GdipSetPageScale(nativeGraphics, scale))91 End Function121 IsVisibleClipEmpty = b As Boolean 122 End Function 123 124 Sub PageScale(scale As Single) 125 SetStatus(GdipSetPageScale(nativeGraphics, scale)) 126 End Sub 92 127 93 128 Const Function PageScale() As Single 94 Dim scale As Single 95 SetStatus(GdipGetPageScale(nativeGraphics, scale)) 96 Return scale 97 End Function 98 129 SetStatus(GdipGetPageScale(nativeGraphics, PageScale)) 130 End Function 131 /* 99 132 Const Function PageUnit() As GraphicsUnit 100 Dim unit As GraphicsUnit 101 SetStatus(GdipGetPageUnit(nativeGraphics, unit)) 102 Return unit 103 End Function 104 105 Function PageUnit(unit As GraphicsUnit) As Status 106 Return SetStatus(GdipSetPageUnit(nativeGraphics, unit)) 107 End Function 108 109 Function PixelOffsetMode() As PixelOffsetMode 110 Return GetPixelOffsetMode() 111 End Function 112 113 Sub PixelOffsetMode(mode As PixelOffsetMode) 114 SetPixelOffsetMode(mode) 133 SetStatus(GdipGetPageUnit(nativeGraphics, PageUnit)) 134 End Function 135 */ 136 Sub PageUnit(unit As GraphicsUnit) 137 SetStatus(GdipSetPageUnit(nativeGraphics, unit)) 138 End Sub 139 /* 140 Function PixelOffsetMode() As Drawing2D.PixelOffsetMode 141 PixelOffsetMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PixelOffsetMode.Invalid 142 SetStatus(GdipGetPixelOffsetMode(nativeGraphics, PixelOffsetMode)) 143 End Function 144 */ 145 Sub PixelOffsetMode(mode As Drawing2D.PixelOffsetMode) 146 SetStatus(GdipSetPixelOffsetMode(nativeGraphics, mode)) 115 147 End Sub 116 148 117 149 Function RenderingOrigin() As Point 118 Dim pt As Point 119 GetRenderingOrigin(pt.X, pt.Y) 120 Return pt 150 With RenderingOrigin 151 .X = 0 152 .Y = 0 153 SetStatus(GdipGetRenderingOrigin(nativeGraphics, .X, .Y)) 154 End With 121 155 End Function 122 156 123 157 Sub RenderingOrigin(pt As Point) 124 Set RenderingOrigin(pt.X, pt.Y)125 End Sub 126 127 Function SmoothingMode() As SmoothingMode128 Return GetSmoothingMode()129 End Function 130 131 Sub SmoothingMode(mode As SmoothingMode)132 SetS moothingMode(mode)158 SetStatus(GdipSetRenderingOrigin(nativeGraphics, pt.X, pt.Y)) 159 End Sub 160 /* 161 Function SmoothingMode() As Drawing2D.SmoothingMode 162 SetStatus(GdipGetSmoothingMode(nativeGraphics, SmoothingMode)) 163 End Function 164 */ 165 Sub SmoothingMode(mode As Drawing2D.SmoothingMode) 166 SetStatus(GdipSetSmoothingMode(nativeGraphics, mode)) 133 167 End Sub 134 168 135 169 Function TextContrast() As DWord 136 Return GetTextContrast()170 SetStatus(GdipGetTextContrast(nativeGraphics, TextContrast)) 137 171 End Function 138 172 139 173 Sub TextContrast(contrast As DWord) 140 Set TextContrast(contrast)141 End Sub 142 143 Function TextRenderingHint() As Text RenderingHint144 Return GetTextRenderingHint()145 End Function 146 174 SetStatus(GdipSetTextContrast(nativeGraphics, contrast)) 175 End Sub 176 /* 177 Function TextRenderingHint() As Text.TextRenderingHint 178 SetStatus(GdipGetTextRenderingHint(nativeGraphics, ByVal VarPtr(TextRenderingHint))) 179 End Function 180 */ 147 181 Sub TextRenderingHint(mode As TextRenderingHint) 148 Set TextRenderingHint(mode)149 End Sub 150 151 Function Transform() As Matrix152 Dim matrix AsMatrix153 GetTransform(matrix)154 Return matrix155 End Function 156 157 Sub Transform(matrix As Matrix)158 Set Transform(matirx)182 SetStatus(GdipSetTextRenderingHint(nativeGraphics, mode)) 183 End Sub 184 185 Function Transform() As Drawing2D.Matrix 186 Dim native As *GpMatrix 187 SetStatus(GdipGetWorldTransform(nativeGraphics, native)) 188 Transform = New Drawing2D.Matrix(native) 189 End Function 190 191 Sub Transform(matrix As Drawing2D.Matrix) 192 SetStatus(GdipSetWorldTransform(nativeGraphics, matrix.nativeMatrix)) 159 193 End Sub 160 194 161 195 Function VisibleClipBounds() As RectangleF 162 Dim rc As RectangleF 163 GetVisibleClipBounds(rc) 164 Return rc 196 SetStatus(GdipGetVisibleClipBounds(nativeGraphics, VisibleClipBounds)) 197 End Function 198 199 Function VisibleClipBoundsI() As Rectangle 200 SetStatus(GdipGetVisibleClipBoundsI(nativeGraphics, VisibleClipBoundsI)) 165 201 End Function 166 202 … … 169 205 '========================================================================= 170 206 Static Function FromHDC(hdc As HDC) As Graphics 171 Return New Graphics(hdc) 207 Dim graphics = 0 As *GpGraphics 208 SetStatus(GdipCreateFromHDC(hdc, graphics)) 209 Return New Graphics(graphics) 172 210 End Function 173 211 174 212 Static Function FromHDC(hdc As HDC, hdevice As HANDLE) As Graphics 175 Return New Graphics(hdc, hdevice) 176 End Function 177 178 Static Function FromHWND(hwnd As HWND) As Graphics 179 Return New Graphics(hwnd, FALSE) 180 End Function 181 182 Static Function FromHWND(hwnd As DWord, icm As BOOL) As Graphics 183 Return New Graphics(hwnd, icm) 213 Dim graphics = 0 As *GpGraphics 214 SetStatus(GdipCreateFromHDC2(hdc, hdevice, graphics)) 215 Return New Graphics(graphics) 216 End Function 217 218 Static Function FromHwnd(hwnd As HWND) As Graphics 219 Dim graphics = 0 As *GpGraphics 220 SetStatus(GdipCreateFromHWND(hwnd, graphics)) 221 Return New Graphics(graphics) 222 End Function 223 224 Static Function FromHwnd(hwnd As HWND, icm As Boolean) As Graphics 225 Dim graphics = 0 As *GpGraphics 226 If icm Then 227 SetStatus(GdipCreateFromHWNDICM(hwnd, graphics)) 228 Else 229 SetStatus(GdipCreateFromHWND(hwnd, graphics)) 230 End If 231 Return New Graphics(graphics) 184 232 End Function 185 233 186 234 Static Function FromImage(image As Image) As Graphics 187 Return New Graphics(image) 188 End Function 189 190 Sub Graphics(hdc As HDC) 191 Dim graphics = 0 As GpGraphics 192 lastResult = GdipCreateFromHDC(hdc, graphics) 193 SetNativeGraphics(graphics) 194 End Sub 195 196 Sub Graphics(hdc As HDC, hdevice As HANDLE) 235 If ActiveBasic.IsNothing(image) Then 236 Throw New ArgumentNullException("image") 237 End If 197 238 Dim graphics = 0 As *GpGraphics 198 lastResult = GdipCreateFromHDC2(hdc, hdevice, graphics) 199 SetNativeGraphics(graphics) 200 End Sub 201 202 Sub Graphics(hwnd As HWND) 203 Dim graphics = 0 As *GpGraphics 204 lastResult = GdipCreateFromHWND(hwnd, graphics) 205 SetNativeGraphics(graphics) 206 End Sub 207 208 Sub Graphics(hwnd As HWND, icm As BOOL) 209 Dim graphics = 0 As *GpGraphics 210 If icm <> FALSE Then 211 lastResult = GdipCreateFromHWNDICM(hwnd, graphics) 212 Else 213 lastResult = GdipCreateFromHWND(hwnd, graphics) 214 End If 215 SetNativeGraphics(graphics) 216 End Sub 217 218 Sub Graphics(image As Image) 219 Dim graphics = 0 As *GpGraphics 220 If (image != 0) 221 lastResult = GdipGetImageGraphicsContext(image->NativeImage, graphics) 222 End If 223 SetNativeGraphics(graphics) 239 SetStatus(GdipGetImageGraphicsContext(image.nativeImage, graphics)) 240 Return New Graphics(graphics) 241 End Function 242 243 Sub Dispose() 244 GdipDeleteGraphics(nativeGraphics) 245 nativeGraphics = 0 224 246 End Sub 225 247 226 248 Sub ~Graphics() 227 GdipDeleteGraphics(nativeGraphics)249 Dispose() 228 250 End Sub 229 251 230 252 Sub Flush() 231 GdipFlush(nativeGraphics, FlushIntention.Flush)232 End Sub 233 234 Sub Flush(intention As FlushIntention)253 GdipFlush(nativeGraphics, System.Drawing.Drawing2D.FlushIntention.Flush) 254 End Sub 255 256 Sub Flush(intention As Drawing2D.FlushIntention) 235 257 GdipFlush(nativeGraphics, intention) 236 258 End Sub 237 259 238 '------------------------------------------------------------------------239 ' GDI Interop methods240 '------------------------------------------------------------------------241 242 ' Locks the graphics until ReleaseDC is called243 244 260 Function GetHDC() As HDC 245 Dim hdc = 0 As HDC 246 SetStatus(GdipGetDC(nativeGraphics, hdc)) 247 Return hdc 261 GetHDC = 0 262 SetStatus(GdipGetDC(nativeGraphics, GetHDC)) 248 263 End Function 249 264 … … 252 267 End Sub 253 268 254 '------------------------------------------------------------------------ 255 ' Rendering modes 256 '------------------------------------------------------------------------ 257 258 Function SetRenderingOrigin(x As Long, y As Long) As Status 259 Return SetStatus(GdipSetRenderingOrigin(nativeGraphics, x, y)) 260 End Function 261 262 Const Function GetRenderingOrigin(x As Long, y As Long) As Status 263 Return SetStatus(GdipGetRenderingOrigin(nativeGraphics, x, y)) 264 End Function 265 266 Function SetCompositingMode(compositingMode As CompositingMode) As Status 267 Return SetStatus(GdipSetCompositingMode(nativeGraphics, compositingMode)) 268 End Function 269 270 Const Function GetCompositingMode() As CompositingMode 271 Dim mode As CompositingMode 272 SetStatus(GdipGetCompositingMode(nativeGraphics, mode)) 273 Return mode 274 End Function 275 276 Function SetCompositingQuality(compositingQuality As CompositingQuality) 277 Return SetStatus(GdipSetCompositingQuality(nativeGraphics, compositingQuality)) 278 End Function 279 280 Const Function GetCompositingQuality() As CompositingQuality 281 Dim quality As CompositingQuality 282 SetStatus(GdipGetCompositingQuality(nativeGraphics, quality)) 283 Return quality 284 End Function 285 286 Function SetTextRenderingHint(newMode As TextRenderingHint) As Status 287 Return SetStatus(GdipSetTextRenderingHint(nativeGraphics, newMode)) 288 End Function 289 290 Const Function GetTextRenderingHint() As TextRenderingHint 291 Dim hint As TextRenderingHint 292 SetStatus(GdipGetTextRenderingHint(nativeGraphics, hint)) 293 Return hint 294 End Function 295 296 Function SetTextContrast(contrast As DWord) As Status 297 Return SetStatus(GdipSetTextContrast(nativeGraphics, contrast)) 298 End Function 299 300 Const Function GetTextContrast() As DWord 301 Dim contrast As DWord 302 SetStatus(GdipGetTextContrast(nativeGraphics, contrast)) 303 Return contrast 304 End Function 305 306 Const Function GetInterpolationMode() As InterpolationMode 307 Dim mode = InterpolationMode.Invalid As InterpolationMode 308 SetStatus(GdipGetInterpolationMode(nativeGraphics, mode)) 309 Return mode 310 End Function 311 312 Function SetInterpolationMode(interpolationMode As InterpolationMode) As Status 313 Return SetStatus(GdipSetInterpolationMode(nativeGraphics, interpolationMode)) 314 End Function 315 316 Const Function GetSmoothingMode() As SmoothingMode 317 Dim smoothingMode = SmoothingMode.Invalid As SmoothingMode 318 SetStatus(GdipGetSmoothingMode(nativeGraphics, smoothingMode)) 319 Return smoothingMode 320 End Function 321 322 Function SetSmoothingMode(smoothingMode As SmoothingMode) As Status 323 Return SetStatus(GdipSetSmoothingMode(nativeGraphics, smoothingMode)) 324 End Function 325 326 Const Function GetPixelOffsetMode() As PixelOffsetMode 327 Dim pixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.Invalid As PixelOffsetMode 328 SetStatus(GdipGetPixelOffsetMode(nativeGraphics, pixelOffsetMode)) 329 Return pixelOffsetMode 330 End Function 331 332 Function SetPixelOffsetMode(pixelOffsetMode As PixelOffsetMode) As Status 333 Return SetStatus(GdipSetPixelOffsetMode(nativeGraphics, pixelOffsetMode)) 334 End Function 335 336 '------------------------------------------------------------------------ 337 ' Manipulate current world transform 338 '------------------------------------------------------------------------ 339 340 Function SetTransform(matrix As /*Const*/ *Matrix) As Status 341 Return SetStatus(GdipSetWorldTransform(nativeGraphics, matrix->nativeMatrix)) 342 End Function 343 344 Function ResetTransform() As Status 345 Return SetStatus(GdipResetWorldTransform(nativeGraphics)) 346 End Function 347 348 Function MultiplyTransform(matrix As /*Const*/ Matrix) As Status 349 Return SetStatus(GdipMultiplyWorldTransform(nativeGraphics, matrix->nativeMatrix, MatrixOrder.Prepend)) 350 End Function 351 352 Function MultiplyTransform(matrix As /*Const*/ Matrix, order As MatrixOrder) As Status 353 Return SetStatus(GdipMultiplyWorldTransform(nativeGraphics, matrix->nativeMatrix, order)) 354 End Function 355 356 Function TranslateTransform(dx As Single, dy As Single) As Status 357 Return SetStatus(GdipTranslateWorldTransform(nativeGraphics, dx, dy, MatrixOrder.Prepend)) 358 End Function 359 360 Function TranslateTransform(dx As Single, dy As Single, order As MatrixOrder) As Status 361 Return SetStatus(GdipTranslateWorldTransform(nativeGraphics, dx, dy, order)) 362 End Function 363 364 Function ScaleTransform(sx As Single, sy As Single) As Status 365 Return SetStatus(GdipScaleWorldTransform(nativeGraphics, sx, sy, MatrixOrder.Prepend)) 366 End Function 367 368 Function ScaleTransform(sx As Single, sy As Single, order As MatrixOrder) As Status 369 Return SetStatus(GdipScaleWorldTransform(nativeGraphics, sx, sy, order)) 370 End Function 371 372 Function RotateTransform(angle As Single) As Status 373 Return SetStatus(GdipRotateWorldTransform(nativeGraphics, angle, MatrixOrder.Prepend)) 374 End Function 375 376 Function RotateTransform(angle As Single, order As MatrixOrder) As Status 377 Return SetStatus(GdipRotateWorldTransform(nativeGraphics, angle, order)) 378 End Function 379 380 Const Function GetTransform(matrix As Matrix) As Status 381 Return SetStatus(GdipGetWorldTransform(nativeGraphics, matrix->nativeMatrix)) 382 End Function 383 384 Const Function TransformPoints(destSpace As CoordinateSpace, srcSpace As CoordinateSpace, pts As PointF, count As Long) As Status 385 Return SetStatus(GdipTransformPoints(nativeGraphics, destSpace, srcSpace, pts, count)) 386 End Function 387 388 Const Function TransformPoints(destSpace As CoordinateSpace, srcSpace As CoordinateSpace, pts As Point, count As Long) As Status 389 Return SetStatus(GdipTransformPointsI(nativeGraphics, destSpace, srcSpace, pts, count)) 390 End Function 391 392 '------------------------------------------------------------------------ 393 ' GetNearestColor (for <= 8bpp surfaces). Note: Alpha is ignored. 394 '------------------------------------------------------------------------ 395 396 Const Function GetNearestColor(color As Color) As Status 397 Dim argb = color->Value 398 Dim status = SetStatus(GdipGetNearestColor(nativeGraphics, argb)) 399 color->Value = argb 400 Return status 401 End Function 402 403 Function DrawLine(pen As /*Const*/ Pen, x1 As Single, y1 As Single, x2 As Single, y2 As Single) As Status 404 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawLine(nativeGraphics, pen->nativePen, x1, y1, x2, y2)) 405 End Function 406 407 Function DrawLine(pen As /*Const*/ Pen, pt1 As /*Const*/ PointF, pt2 As /*Const*/ PointF) As Status 408 Return DrawLine(pen, pt1.X, pt1.Y, pt2.X, pt2.Y) 409 End Function 410 411 Function DrawLines(pen As /*Const*/ Pen, points As /*Const*/ *PointF, count As Long) As Status 412 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawLines(nativeGraphics, pen->nativePen, points, count)) 413 End Function 414 415 Function DrawLine(pen As /*Const*/ Pen, x1 As Long, y1 As Long, x2 As Long, y2 As Long) As Status 416 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawLineI(nativeGraphics, pen->nativePen, x1, y1, x2, y2)) 417 End Function 418 419 Function DrawLine(pen As /*Const*/ Pen, pt1 As /*Const*/ Point, pt2 As /*Const*/ Point) As Status 420 Return DrawLine(pen, pt1.X, pt1.Y, pt2.X, pt2.Y) 421 End Function 422 423 Function DrawLines(pen As /*Const*/ Pen, points As /*Const*/ *Point, count As Long) As Status 424 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawLinesI(nativeGraphics, pen->nativePen, points, count)) 425 End Function 426 427 Function DrawArc(pen As /*Const*/ Pen, x As Single, y As Single, width As Single, height As Single, startAngle As Single, sweepAngle As Single) As Status 428 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawArc(nativeGraphics, pen->nativePen, x, y, width, height, startAngle, sweepAngle)) 429 End Function 430 431 Function DrawArc(pen As /*Const*/ Pen, rect As /*Const*/ RectangleF, startAngle As Single, sweepAngle As Single) As Status 432 Return DrawArc(pen, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height, startAngle, sweepAngle) 433 End Function 434 435 Function DrawArc(pen As /*Const*/ Pen, x As Long, y As Long, width As Long, height As Long, startAngle As Single, sweepAngle As Single) As Status 436 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawArcI(nativeGraphics, pen->nativePen, x, y, width, height, startAngle, sweepAngle)) 437 End Function 438 439 Function DrawArc(pen As /*Const*/ Pen, rect As /*Const*/ Rectangle, startAngle As Single, sweepAngle As Single) As Status 440 Return DrawArc(pen, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height, startAngle, sweepAngle) 441 End Function 442 443 Function DrawBezier(pen As /*Const*/ Pen, x1 As Single, y1 As Single, x2 As Single, y2 As Single, x3 As Single, y3 As Single, x4 As Single, y4 As Single) As Status 444 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawBezier(nativeGraphics, pen->nativePen, x1, y1,x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4)) 445 End Function 446 447 Function DrawBezier(pen As /*Const*/ Pen, pt1 As /*Const*/ PointF, pt2 As /*Const*/ PointF, pt3 As /*Const*/ PointF, pt4 As /*Const*/ PointF) As Status 448 Return DrawBezier(pen, pt1.X, pt1.Y, pt2.X, pt2.Y, pt3.X, pt3.Y, pt4.X, pt4.Y) 449 End Function 450 451 Function DrawBeziers(pen As /*Const*/ Pen, points As /*Const*/ *PointF, count As Long) As Status 452 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawBeziers(nativeGraphics, pen->nativePen, points, count)) 453 End Function 454 455 Function DrawBezier(pen As /*Const*/ Pen, x1 As Long, y1 As Long, x2 As Long, y2 As Long, x3 As Long, y3 As Long, x4 As Long, y4 As Long) As Status 456 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawBezierI(nativeGraphics, pen->nativePen, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4)) 457 End Function 458 459 Function DrawBezier(pen As /*Const*/ Pen, pt1 As /*Const*/ Point, pt2 As /*Const*/ Point, pt3 As /*Const*/ Point, pt4 As /*Const*/ Point) As Status 460 Return DrawBezier(pen pt1.X, pt1.Y, pt2.X, pt2.Y, pt3.X, pt3.Y, pt4.X, pt4.Y) 461 End Function 462 463 Function DrawBeziers(pen As /*Const*/ Pen, points As /*Const*/ *Point, count As Long) As Status 464 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawBeziersI(nativeGraphics, pen->nativePen, points, count)) 465 End Function 466 467 Function DrawRectangle(pen As /*Const*/ Pen, rect As /*Const*/ RectangleF) As Status 468 Return DrawRectangle(pen, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height) 469 End Function 470 471 Function DrawRectangle(pen As /*Const*/ Pen, x As Single, y As Single, width As Single, height As Single) As Status 472 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawRectangle(nativeGraphics, pen->nativePen, x, y, width, height)) 473 End Function 474 475 Function DrawRectangles(pen As /*Const*/ Pen, rects As /*Const*/ *RectangleF, count As Long) As Status 476 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawRectangles(nativeGraphics, pen->nativePen, rects, count)) 477 End Function 478 479 Function DrawRectangle(pen As /*Const*/ Pen, rect As /*Const*/ Rectangle) As Status 480 Return DrawRectangle(pen, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height) 481 End Function 482 483 Function DrawRectangle(pen As /*Const*/ Pen, x As Long, y As Long, width As Long, height As Long) As Status 484 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawRectangleI(nativeGraphics, pen->nativePen, x, y, width, height)) 485 End Function 486 487 Function DrawRectangles(pen As /*Const*/ Pen, rects As /*Const*/ *Rectangle, count As Long) As Status 488 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawRectanglesI(nativeGraphics, pen->nativePen, rects, count)) 489 End Function 490 491 Function DrawEllipse(pen As /*Const*/ Pen, rect As /*Const*/ RectangleF) As Status 492 Return DrawEllipse(pen, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height) 493 End Function 494 495 Function DrawEllipse(pen As /*Const*/ Pen, x As Single, y As Single, width As Single, height As Single) As Status 496 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawEllipse(nativeGraphics, pen->nativePen, x, y, width, height)) 497 End Function 498 499 Function DrawEllipse(pen As /*Const*/ Pen, rect As /*Const*/ Rectangle) As Status 500 Return DrawEllipse(pen, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height) 501 End Function 502 503 Function DrawEllipse(pen As /*Const*/ Pen, x As Long, y As Long, width As Long, height As Long) As Status 504 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawEllipseI(nativeGraphics, pen->nativePen, x, y, width, height)) 505 End Function 506 507 Function DrawPie(pen As /*Const*/ Pen, rect As /*Const*/ RectangleF, startAngle As Single, sweepAngle As Single) As Status 508 Return DrawPie(pen, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height, startAngle, sweepAngle) 509 End Function 510 511 Function DrawPie(pen As /*Const*/ Pen, x As Single, y As Single, width As Single, height As Single, startAngle As Single, sweepAngle As Single) As Status 512 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawPie(nativeGraphics, pen->nativePen, x, y, width, height, startAngle, sweepAngle)) 513 End Function 514 515 Function DrawPie(pen As /*Const*/ Pen, rect As /*Const*/ Rectangle, startAngle As Single, sweepAngle As Single) As Status 516 Return DrawPie(pen, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height, startAngle, sweepAngle) 517 End Function 518 519 Function DrawPie(pen As /*Const*/ Pen, x As Long, y As Long, width As Long, height As Long, startAngle As Single, sweepAngle As Single) As Status 520 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawPieI(nativeGraphics, pen->nativePen, x, y, width, height, startAngle, sweepAngle)) 521 End Function 522 523 Function DrawPolygon(pen As /*Const*/ Pen, points As /*Const*/ *PointF, count As Long) As Status 524 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawPolygon(nativeGraphics, pen->nativePen, points, count)) 525 End Function 526 527 Function DrawPolygon(pen As /*Const*/ Pen, points As /*Const*/ *Point, count As Long) As Status 528 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawPolygonI(nativeGraphics, pen->nativePen, points, count)) 529 End Function 530 531 Function DrawPath(pen As /*Const*/ Pen, path As /*Const*/ GraphicsPath) As Status 532 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawPath(nativeGraphics, pen->nativePen, path->nativePath)) 533 ' Return SetStatus(GdipDrawPath(nativeGraphics, pen ? pen->nativePen : NULL, path ? path->nativePath : NULL)) 534 End Function 535 536 Function DrawCurve(pen As /*Const*/ Pen, points As /*Const*/ *PointF, count As Long) As Status 537 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawCurve(nativeGraphics, pen->nativePen, points, count)) 538 End Function 539 540 Function DrawCurve(pen As /*Const*/ Pen, points As /*Const*/ *PointF, count As Long, tension As Single) As Status 541 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawCurve2(nativeGraphics, pen->nativePen, points,count, tension)) 542 End Function 543 544 Function DrawCurve(pen As /*Const*/ Pen, points As /*Const*/ *PointF, count As Long, offset As Long, numberOfSegments As Long) As Status 545 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawCurve3(nativeGraphics, pen->nativePen, points, count, offset,numberOfSegments, 0.5)) 546 End Function 547 548 Function DrawCurve(pen As /*Const*/ Pen, points As /*Const*/ *PointF, count As Long, offset As Long, numberOfSegments As Long, tension As Single) As Status 549 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawCurve3(nativeGraphics, pen->nativePen, points, count, offset,numberOfSegments, tension)) 550 End Function 551 552 Function DrawCurve(pen As /*Const*/ Pen, points As /*Const*/ *Point, count As Long) As Status 553 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawCurveI(nativeGraphics, pen->nativePen, points, count)) 554 End Function 555 556 Function DrawCurve(pen As /*Const*/ Pen, points As /*Const*/ *Point, count As Long, tension As Single) As Status 557 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawCurve2I(nativeGraphics, pen->nativePen, points, count, tension)) 558 End Function 559 560 Function DrawCurve(pen As /*Const*/ Pen, points As /*Const*/ *Point, count As Long, offset As Long, numberOfSegments As Long) As Status 561 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawCurve3I(nativeGraphics, pen->nativePen, points, count, offset, numberOfSegments, 0.5)) 562 End Function 563 564 Function DrawCurve(pen As /*Const*/ Pen, points As /*Const*/ *Point, count As Long, offset As Long, numberOfSegments As Long, tension As Single) As Status 565 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawCurve3I(nativeGraphics, pen->nativePen, points, count, offset, numberOfSegments, tension)) 566 End Function 567 568 Function DrawClosedCurve(pen As /*Const*/ Pen, points As /*Const*/ *PointF, count As Long) As Status 569 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawClosedCurve(nativeGraphics, pen->nativePen, points, count)) 570 End Function 571 572 Function DrawClosedCurve(pen As /*Const*/ Pen, points As /*Const*/ *PointF, count As Long, tension As Single) As Status 573 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawClosedCurve2(nativeGraphics, pen->nativePen, points, count, tension)) 574 End Function 575 576 Function DrawClosedCurve(pen As /*Const*/ Pen, points As /*Const*/ *Point, count As Long) As Status 577 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawClosedCurveI(nativeGraphics, pen->nativePen, points, count)) 578 End Function 579 580 Function DrawClosedCurve(pen As /*Const*/ Pen, points As /*Const*/ *Point, count As Long, tension As Single) As Status 581 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawClosedCurve2I(nativeGraphics, pen->nativePen, points, count, tension)) 582 End Function 583 584 Function Clear(color As /*Const*/ Color) As Status 585 Return SetStatus(GdipGraphicsClear(nativeGraphics, color.Value)) 586 End Function 587 588 Function FillRectangle(brush As /*Const*/ Brush, rect As /*Const*/ RectangleF) As Status 589 Return FillRectangle(brush, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height) 590 End Function 591 592 Function FillRectangle(brush As /*Const*/ Brush, x As Single, y As Single, width As Single, height As Single) As Status 593 Return SetStatus(GdipFillRectangle(nativeGraphics, brush->nativeBrush, x, y, width, height)) 594 End Function 595 596 Function FillRectangles(brush As /*Const*/ Brush, rects As /*Const*/ *RectangleF, count As Long) As Status 597 Return SetStatus(GdipFillRectangles(nativeGraphics,brush->nativeBrush,rects, count)) 598 End Function 599 600 Function FillRectangle(brush As /*Const*/ Brush, rect As /*Const*/ Rectangle) As Status 601 Return FillRectangle(brush, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height) 602 End Function 603 604 Function FillRectangle(brush As /*Const*/ Brush, x As Long, y As Long, width As Long, height As Long) As Status 605 Return SetStatus(GdipFillRectangleI(nativeGraphics, brush->nativeBrush, x, y, width, height)) 606 End Function 607 608 Function FillRectangles(brush As /*Const*/ Brush, rects As /*Const*/ *Rectangle, count As Long) As Status 609 Return SetStatus(GdipFillRectanglesI(nativeGraphics, brush->nativeBrush, rects, count)) 610 End Function 611 612 Function FillPolygon(brush As /*Const*/ Brush, points As /*Const*/ *PointF, count As Long) As Status 613 Return FillPolygon(brush, points, count, FillModeAlternate) 614 End Function 615 616 Function FillPolygon(brush As /*Const*/ Brush, points As /*Const*/ *PointF, count As Long, fillMode As FillMode) As Status 617 Return SetStatus(GdipFillPolygon(nativeGraphics, brush->nativeBrush, points, count, fillMode)) 618 End Function 619 620 Function FillPolygon(brush As /*Const*/ Brush, points As /*Const*/ *Point, count As Long) As Status 621 Return FillPolygon(brush, points, count, FillModeAlternate) 622 End Function 623 624 Function FillPolygon(brush As /*Const*/ Brush, points As /*Const*/ *Point, count As Long, fillMode As FillMode) As Status 625 Return SetStatus(GdipFillPolygonI(nativeGraphics, brush->nativeBrush, points, count, fillMode)) 626 End Function 627 628 Function FillEllipse(brush As /*Const*/ Brush, rect As /*Const*/ RectangleF) As Status 629 Return FillEllipse(brush, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height) 630 End Function 631 632 Function FillEllipse(brush As /*Const*/ Brush, x As Single, y As Single, width As Single, height As Single) As Status 633 Return SetStatus(GdipFillEllipse(nativeGraphics, brush->nativeBrush, x, y, width, height)) 634 End Function 635 636 Function FillEllipse(brush As /*Const*/ Brush, rect As /*Const*/ Rectangle) As Status 637 Return FillEllipse(brush, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height) 638 End Function 639 640 Function FillEllipse(brush As /*Const*/ Brush, x As Long, y As Long, width As Long, height As Long) As Status 641 Return SetStatus(GdipFillEllipseI(nativeGraphics, brush->nativeBrush, x, y, width, height)) 642 End Function 643 644 Function FillPie(brush As /*Const*/ Brush, rect As /*Const*/ RectangleF, startAngle As Single, sweepAngle As Single) As Status 645 Return FillPie(brush, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height, startAngle, sweepAngle) 646 End Function 647 648 Function FillPie(brush As /*Const*/ Brush, x As Single, y As Single, width As Single, height As Single, startAngle As Single, sweepAngle As Single) As Status 649 Return SetStatus(GdipFillPie(nativeGraphics, brush->nativeBrush, x, y, width, height, startAngle, sweepAngle)) 650 End Function 651 652 Function FillPie(brush As /*Const*/ Brush, rect As /*Const*/ Rectangle, startAngle As Single, sweepAngle As Single) As Status 653 Return FillPie(brush, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height, startAngle, sweepAngle) 654 End Function 655 656 Function FillPie(brush As /*Const*/ Brush, x As Long, y As Long, width As Long, height As Long, startAngle As Single, sweepAngle As Single) As Status 657 Return SetStatus(GdipFillPieI(nativeGraphics, brush->nativeBrush, x, y, width, height, startAngle, sweepAngle)) 658 End Function 659 660 Function FillPath(brush As /*Const*/ Brush, path As /*Const*/ GraphicsPath) As Status 661 Return SetStatus(GdipFillPath(nativeGraphics, brush->nativeBrush, path->nativePath)) 662 End Function 663 664 Function FillClosedCurve(brush As /*Const*/ Brush, points As /*Const*/ *PointF, count As Long) As Status 665 Return SetStatus(GdipFillClosedCurve(nativeGraphics, brush->nativeBrush, points, count)) 666 End Function 667 668 Function FillClosedCurve(brush As /*Const*/ Brush, points As /*Const*/ *PointF, count As Long, fillMode As FillMode) As Status 669 Return SetStatus(GdipFillClosedCurve2(nativeGraphics, brush->nativeBrush, points, count, 0.5, fillMode)) 670 End Function 671 672 Function FillClosedCurve(brush As /*Const*/ Brush, points As /*Const*/ *PointF, count As Long, fillMode As FillMode, tension As Single) As Status 673 Return SetStatus(GdipFillClosedCurve2(nativeGraphics, brush->nativeBrush, points, count, tension, fillMode)) 674 End Function 675 676 Function FillClosedCurve(brush As /*Const*/ Brush, points As /*Const*/ *Point, count As Long) As Status 677 Return SetStatus(GdipFillClosedCurveI(nativeGraphics, brush->nativeBrush, points, count)) 678 End Function 679 680 Function FillClosedCurve(brush As /*Const*/ Brush, points As /*Const*/ *Point, count As Long, fillMode As FillMode) As Status 681 Return SetStatus(GdipFillClosedCurve2I(nativeGraphics, brush->nativeBrush, points, count, 0.5, fillMode)) 682 End Function 683 684 Function FillClosedCurve(brush As /*Const*/ Brush, points As /*Const*/ *Point, count As Long, fillMode As FillMode, tension As Single) As Status 685 Return SetStatus(GdipFillClosedCurve2I(nativeGraphics, brush->nativeBrush, points, count, tension, fillMode)) 686 End Function 687 688 Function FillRegion(brush As /*Const*/ Brush, region As /*Const*/ Region) As Status 689 Return SetStatus(GdipFillRegion(nativeGraphics, brush->nativeBrush, region->nativeRegion)) 690 End Function 691 692 Function DrawString(str As PCWSTR, length As Long, font As /*Const*/ Font, layoutRect As /*Const*/ RectangleF) As Status 693 Dim nativeFont As *GpFont 694 If VarPtr(font) <> 0 Then 695 nativeFont = font.nativeFormat 696 Else 697 nativeFont = 0 269 Sub ResetTransform() 270 SetStatus(GdipResetWorldTransform(nativeGraphics)) 271 End Sub 272 273 Sub MultiplyTransform(matrix As Drawing2D.Matrix) 274 SetStatus(GdipMultiplyWorldTransform(nativeGraphics, matrix.nativeMatrix, System.Drawing.Drawing2D.MatrixOrder.Prepend)) 275 End Sub 276 277 Sub MultiplyTransform(matrix As Drawing2D.Matrix, order As Drawing2D.MatrixOrder) 278 SetStatus(GdipMultiplyWorldTransform(nativeGraphics, matrix.nativeMatrix, order)) 279 End Sub 280 281 Sub TranslateTransform(dx As Single, dy As Single) 282 SetStatus(GdipTranslateWorldTransform(nativeGraphics, dx, dy, System.Drawing.Drawing2D.MatrixOrder.Prepend)) 283 End Sub 284 285 Sub TranslateTransform(dx As Single, dy As Single, order As Drawing2D.MatrixOrder) 286 SetStatus(GdipTranslateWorldTransform(nativeGraphics, dx, dy, order)) 287 End Sub 288 289 Sub ScaleTransform(sx As Single, sy As Single) 290 SetStatus(GdipScaleWorldTransform(nativeGraphics, sx, sy, System.Drawing.Drawing2D.MatrixOrder.Prepend)) 291 End Sub 292 293 Sub ScaleTransform(sx As Single, sy As Single, order As Drawing2D.MatrixOrder) 294 SetStatus(GdipScaleWorldTransform(nativeGraphics, sx, sy, order)) 295 End Sub 296 297 Sub RotateTransform(angle As Single) 298 SetStatus(GdipRotateWorldTransform(nativeGraphics, angle, System.Drawing.Drawing2D.MatrixOrder.Prepend)) 299 End Sub 300 301 Sub RotateTransform(angle As Single, order As Drawing2D.MatrixOrder) 302 SetStatus(GdipRotateWorldTransform(nativeGraphics, angle, order)) 303 End Sub 304 305 Sub TransformPoints(destSpace As Drawing2D.CoordinateSpace, srcSpace As Drawing2D.CoordinateSpace, pts As *PointF, count As Long) 306 SetStatus(GdipTransformPoints(nativeGraphics, destSpace, srcSpace, pts, count)) 307 End Sub 308 309 Sub TransformPoints(destSpace As Drawing2D.CoordinateSpace, srcSpace As Drawing2D.CoordinateSpace, pts As *Point, count As Long) 310 SetStatus(GdipTransformPointsI(nativeGraphics, destSpace, srcSpace, pts, count)) 311 End Sub 312 313 Const Function GetNearestColor(color As Color) As Color 314 GetNearestColor = color 315 SetStatus(GdipGetNearestColor(nativeGraphics, GetNearestColor)) 316 End Function 317 318 Sub DrawLine(pen As Pen, x1 As Single, y1 As Single, x2 As Single, y2 As Single) 319 SetStatus(GdipDrawLine(nativeGraphics, pen.NativePen, x1, y1, x2, y2)) 320 End Sub 321 322 Sub DrawLine(pen As Pen, ByRef pt1 As PointF, ByRef pt2 As PointF) 323 DrawLine(pen, pt1.X, pt1.Y, pt2.X, pt2.Y) 324 End Sub 325 326 Sub DrawLines(pen As Pen, points As *PointF, count As Long) 327 SetStatus(GdipDrawLines(nativeGraphics, pen.NativePen, points, count)) 328 End Sub 329 330 Sub DrawLine(pen As Pen, x1 As Long, y1 As Long, x2 As Long, y2 As Long) 331 SetStatus(GdipDrawLineI(nativeGraphics, pen.NativePen, x1, y1, x2, y2)) 332 End Sub 333 334 Sub DrawLine(pen As Pen, ByRef pt1 As Point, ByRef pt2 As Point) 335 DrawLine(pen, pt1.X, pt1.Y, pt2.X, pt2.Y) 336 End Sub 337 338 Sub DrawLines(pen As Pen, points As *Point, count As Long) 339 SetStatus(GdipDrawLinesI(nativeGraphics, pen.NativePen, points, count)) 340 End Sub 341 342 Sub DrawArc(pen As Pen, x As Single, y As Single, width As Single, height As Single, startAngle As Single, sweepAngle As Single) 343 SetStatus(GdipDrawArc(nativeGraphics, pen.NativePen, x, y, width, height, startAngle, sweepAngle)) 344 End Sub 345 346 Sub DrawArc(pen As Pen, ByRef rect As RectangleF, startAngle As Single, sweepAngle As Single) 347 DrawArc(pen, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height, startAngle, sweepAngle) 348 End Sub 349 350 Sub DrawArc(pen As Pen, x As Long, y As Long, width As Long, height As Long, startAngle As Single, sweepAngle As Single) 351 SetStatus(GdipDrawArcI(nativeGraphics, pen.NativePen, x, y, width, height, startAngle, sweepAngle)) 352 End Sub 353 354 Sub DrawArc(pen As Pen, ByRef rect As Rectangle, startAngle As Single, sweepAngle As Single) 355 DrawArc(pen, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height, startAngle, sweepAngle) 356 End Sub 357 358 Sub DrawBezier(pen As Pen, x1 As Single, y1 As Single, x2 As Single, y2 As Single, x3 As Single, y3 As Single, x4 As Single, y4 As Single) 359 SetStatus(GdipDrawBezier(nativeGraphics, pen.NativePen, x1, y1,x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4)) 360 End Sub 361 362 Sub DrawBezier(pen As Pen, ByRef pt1 As PointF, ByRef pt2 As PointF, ByRef pt3 As PointF, ByRef pt4 As PointF) 363 DrawBezier(pen, pt1.X, pt1.Y, pt2.X, pt2.Y, pt3.X, pt3.Y, pt4.X, pt4.Y) 364 End Sub 365 366 Sub DrawBeziers(pen As Pen, points As *PointF, count As Long) 367 SetStatus(GdipDrawBeziers(nativeGraphics, pen.NativePen, points, count)) 368 End Sub 369 370 Sub DrawBezier(pen As Pen, x1 As Long, y1 As Long, x2 As Long, y2 As Long, x3 As Long, y3 As Long, x4 As Long, y4 As Long) 371 SetStatus(GdipDrawBezierI(nativeGraphics, pen.NativePen, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4)) 372 End Sub 373 374 Sub DrawBezier(pen As Pen, ByRef pt1 As Point, ByRef pt2 As Point, ByRef pt3 As Point, ByRef pt4 As Point) 375 DrawBezier(pen, pt1.X, pt1.Y, pt2.X, pt2.Y, pt3.X, pt3.Y, pt4.X, pt4.Y) 376 End Sub 377 378 Sub DrawBeziers(pen As Pen, points As *Point, count As Long) 379 SetStatus(GdipDrawBeziersI(nativeGraphics, pen.NativePen, points, count)) 380 End Sub 381 382 Sub DrawRectangle(pen As Pen, ByRef rect As RectangleF) 383 DrawRectangle(pen, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height) 384 End Sub 385 386 Sub DrawRectangle(pen As Pen, x As Single, y As Single, width As Single, height As Single) 387 SetStatus(GdipDrawRectangle(nativeGraphics, pen.NativePen, x, y, width, height)) 388 End Sub 389 390 Sub DrawRectangles(pen As Pen, rects As *RectangleF, count As Long) 391 SetStatus(GdipDrawRectangles(nativeGraphics, pen.NativePen, rects, count)) 392 End Sub 393 394 Sub DrawRectangle(pen As Pen, ByRef rect As Rectangle) 395 DrawRectangle(pen, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height) 396 End Sub 397 398 Sub DrawRectangle(pen As Pen, x As Long, y As Long, width As Long, height As Long) 399 SetStatus(GdipDrawRectangleI(nativeGraphics, pen.NativePen, x, y, width, height)) 400 End Sub 401 402 Sub DrawRectangles(pen As Pen, rects As *Rectangle, count As Long) 403 SetStatus(GdipDrawRectanglesI(nativeGraphics, pen.NativePen, rects, count)) 404 End Sub 405 406 Sub DrawEllipse(pen As Pen, ByRef rect As RectangleF) 407 DrawEllipse(pen, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height) 408 End Sub 409 410 Sub DrawEllipse(pen As Pen, x As Single, y As Single, width As Single, height As Single) 411 SetStatus(GdipDrawEllipse(nativeGraphics, pen.NativePen, x, y, width, height)) 412 End Sub 413 414 Sub DrawEllipse(pen As Pen, ByRef rect As Rectangle) 415 DrawEllipse(pen, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height) 416 End Sub 417 418 Sub DrawEllipse(pen As Pen, x As Long, y As Long, width As Long, height As Long) 419 SetStatus(GdipDrawEllipseI(nativeGraphics, pen.NativePen, x, y, width, height)) 420 End Sub 421 422 Sub DrawPie(pen As Pen, ByRef rect As RectangleF, startAngle As Single, sweepAngle As Single) 423 DrawPie(pen, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height, startAngle, sweepAngle) 424 End Sub 425 426 Sub DrawPie(pen As Pen, x As Single, y As Single, width As Single, height As Single, startAngle As Single, sweepAngle As Single) 427 SetStatus(GdipDrawPie(nativeGraphics, pen.NativePen, x, y, width, height, startAngle, sweepAngle)) 428 End Sub 429 430 Sub DrawPie(pen As Pen, ByRef rect As Rectangle, startAngle As Single, sweepAngle As Single) 431 DrawPie(pen, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height, startAngle, sweepAngle) 432 End Sub 433 434 Sub DrawPie(pen As Pen, x As Long, y As Long, width As Long, height As Long, startAngle As Single, sweepAngle As Single) 435 SetStatus(GdipDrawPieI(nativeGraphics, pen.NativePen, x, y, width, height, startAngle, sweepAngle)) 436 End Sub 437 438 Sub DrawPolygon(pen As Pen, points As *PointF, count As Long) 439 SetStatus(GdipDrawPolygon(nativeGraphics, pen.NativePen, points, count)) 440 End Sub 441 442 Sub DrawPolygon(pen As Pen, points As *Point, count As Long) 443 SetStatus(GdipDrawPolygonI(nativeGraphics, pen.NativePen, points, count)) 444 End Sub 445 446 Sub DrawPath(pen As Pen, path As GraphicsPath) 447 If ActiveBasic.IsNothing(pen) Or ActiveBasic.IsNothing(path) Then 448 Throw New ArgumentNullException("pen or path or both") 698 449 End If 699 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawString( nativeGraphics, str, length, nativeFont, layoutRect, 0, 0)) 700 End Function 701 702 Function DrawString(str As PCWSTR, length As Long, font As /*Const*/ Font, layoutRect As /*Const*/ Rectangle, 703 stringFormat As /*Const*/ StringFormat, brush As /*Const*/ Brush) As Status 704 705 Dim nativeFont As *GpFont 706 If VarPtr(font) <> 0 Then 707 nativeFont = font.nativeFormat 708 Else 709 nativeFont = 0 450 SetStatus(GdipDrawPath(nativeGraphics, pen.NativePen, path.nativePath)) 451 End Sub 452 453 Sub DrawCurve(pen As Pen, points As *PointF, count As Long) 454 SetStatus(GdipDrawCurve(nativeGraphics, pen.NativePen, points, count)) 455 End Sub 456 457 Sub DrawCurve(pen As Pen, points As *PointF, count As Long, tension As Single) 458 SetStatus(GdipDrawCurve2(nativeGraphics, pen.NativePen, points,count, tension)) 459 End Sub 460 461 Sub DrawCurve(pen As Pen, points As *PointF, count As Long, offset As Long, numberOfSegments As Long) 462 SetStatus(GdipDrawCurve3(nativeGraphics, pen.NativePen, points, count, offset,numberOfSegments, 0.5)) 463 End Sub 464 465 Sub DrawCurve(pen As Pen, points As *PointF, count As Long, offset As Long, numberOfSegments As Long, tension As Single) 466 SetStatus(GdipDrawCurve3(nativeGraphics, pen.NativePen, points, count, offset,numberOfSegments, tension)) 467 End Sub 468 469 Sub DrawCurve(pen As Pen, points As *Point, count As Long) 470 SetStatus(GdipDrawCurveI(nativeGraphics, pen.NativePen, points, count)) 471 End Sub 472 473 Sub DrawCurve(pen As Pen, points As *Point, count As Long, tension As Single) 474 SetStatus(GdipDrawCurve2I(nativeGraphics, pen.NativePen, points, count, tension)) 475 End Sub 476 477 Sub DrawCurve(pen As Pen, points As *Point, count As Long, offset As Long, numberOfSegments As Long) 478 SetStatus(GdipDrawCurve3I(nativeGraphics, pen.NativePen, points, count, offset, numberOfSegments, 0.5)) 479 End Sub 480 481 Sub DrawCurve(pen As Pen, points As *Point, count As Long, offset As Long, numberOfSegments As Long, tension As Single) 482 SetStatus(GdipDrawCurve3I(nativeGraphics, pen.NativePen, points, count, offset, numberOfSegments, tension)) 483 End Sub 484 485 Sub DrawClosedCurve(pen As Pen, points As *PointF, count As Long) 486 SetStatus(GdipDrawClosedCurve(nativeGraphics, pen.NativePen, points, count)) 487 End Sub 488 489 Sub DrawClosedCurve(pen As Pen, points As *PointF, count As Long, tension As Single) 490 SetStatus(GdipDrawClosedCurve2(nativeGraphics, pen.NativePen, points, count, tension)) 491 End Sub 492 493 Sub DrawClosedCurve(pen As Pen, points As *Point, count As Long) 494 SetStatus(GdipDrawClosedCurveI(nativeGraphics, pen.NativePen, points, count)) 495 End Sub 496 497 Sub DrawClosedCurve(pen As Pen, points As *Point, count As Long, tension As Single) 498 SetStatus(GdipDrawClosedCurve2I(nativeGraphics, pen.NativePen, points, count, tension)) 499 End Sub 500 501 Sub Clear(color As Color) 502 SetStatus(GdipGraphicsClear(nativeGraphics, color)) 503 End Sub 504 505 Sub FillRectangle(brush As Brush, ByRef rect As RectangleF) 506 FillRectangle(brush, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height) 507 End Sub 508 509 Sub FillRectangle(brush As Brush, x As Single, y As Single, width As Single, height As Single) 510 SetStatus(GdipFillRectangle(nativeGraphics, brush.nativeBrush, x, y, width, height)) 511 End Sub 512 513 Sub FillRectangles(brush As Brush, rects As *RectangleF, count As Long) 514 SetStatus(GdipFillRectangles(nativeGraphics,brush.nativeBrush,rects, count)) 515 End Sub 516 517 Sub FillRectangle(brush As Brush, ByRef rect As Rectangle) 518 FillRectangle(brush, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height) 519 End Sub 520 521 Sub FillRectangle(brush As Brush, x As Long, y As Long, width As Long, height As Long) 522 SetStatus(GdipFillRectangleI(nativeGraphics, brush.nativeBrush, x, y, width, height)) 523 End Sub 524 525 Sub FillRectangles(brush As Brush, rects As *Rectangle, count As Long) 526 SetStatus(GdipFillRectanglesI(nativeGraphics, brush.nativeBrush, rects, count)) 527 End Sub 528 529 ' Sub FillPolygon(brush As Brush, points As *PointF, count As Long) 530 ' FillPolygon(brush, points, count, System.Drawing.Drawing2D.FillMode.Alternate) 531 ' End Sub 532 533 Sub FillPolygon(brush As Brush, points As *PointF, count As Long, fillMode As Drawing2D.FillMode) 534 SetStatus(GdipFillPolygon(nativeGraphics, brush.nativeBrush, points, count, fillMode)) 535 End Sub 536 537 ' Sub FillPolygon(brush As Brush, points As *Point, count As Long) 538 ' FillPolygon(brush, points, count, System.Drawing.Drawing2D.FillMode.Alternate) 539 ' End Sub 540 541 Sub FillPolygon(brush As Brush, points As *Point, count As Long, fillMode As Drawing2D.FillMode) 542 SetStatus(GdipFillPolygonI(nativeGraphics, brush.nativeBrush, points, count, fillMode)) 543 End Sub 544 545 Sub FillEllipse(brush As Brush, ByRef rect As RectangleF) 546 FillEllipse(brush, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height) 547 End Sub 548 549 Sub FillEllipse(brush As Brush, x As Single, y As Single, width As Single, height As Single) 550 SetStatus(GdipFillEllipse(nativeGraphics, brush.nativeBrush, x, y, width, height)) 551 End Sub 552 553 Sub FillEllipse(brush As Brush, ByRef rect As Rectangle) 554 FillEllipse(brush, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height) 555 End Sub 556 557 Sub FillEllipse(brush As Brush, x As Long, y As Long, width As Long, height As Long) 558 SetStatus(GdipFillEllipseI(nativeGraphics, brush.nativeBrush, x, y, width, height)) 559 End Sub 560 561 Sub FillPie(brush As Brush, ByRef rect As RectangleF, startAngle As Single, sweepAngle As Single) 562 FillPie(brush, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height, startAngle, sweepAngle) 563 End Sub 564 565 Sub FillPie(brush As Brush, x As Single, y As Single, width As Single, height As Single, startAngle As Single, sweepAngle As Single) 566 SetStatus(GdipFillPie(nativeGraphics, brush.nativeBrush, x, y, width, height, startAngle, sweepAngle)) 567 End Sub 568 569 Sub FillPie(brush As Brush, ByRef rect As Rectangle, startAngle As Single, sweepAngle As Single) 570 FillPie(brush, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height, startAngle, sweepAngle) 571 End Sub 572 573 Sub FillPie(brush As Brush, x As Long, y As Long, width As Long, height As Long, startAngle As Single, sweepAngle As Single) 574 SetStatus(GdipFillPieI(nativeGraphics, brush.nativeBrush, x, y, width, height, startAngle, sweepAngle)) 575 End Sub 576 577 Sub FillPath(brush As Brush, path As GraphicsPath) 578 If ActiveBasic.IsNothing(brush) Or ActiveBasic.IsNothing(path) Then 579 Throw New ArgumentNullException("brush or path or both") 710 580 End If 711 Dim nativeFormat As *GpStringFormat 712 If VarPtr(layoutRect) <> 0 Then 713 nativeFormat = layoutRect.nativeFormat 714 Else 715 nativeFormat = 0 581 SetStatus(GdipFillPath(nativeGraphics, brush.nativeBrush, path.nativePath)) 582 End Sub 583 584 Sub FillClosedCurve(brush As Brush, points As *PointF, count As Long) 585 SetStatus(GdipFillClosedCurve(nativeGraphics, brush.nativeBrush, points, count)) 586 End Sub 587 588 Sub FillClosedCurve(brush As Brush, points As *PointF, count As Long, fillMode As Drawing2D.FillMode) 589 SetStatus(GdipFillClosedCurve2(nativeGraphics, brush.nativeBrush, points, count, 0.5, fillMode)) 590 End Sub 591 592 Sub FillClosedCurve(brush As Brush, points As *PointF, count As Long, fillMode As Drawing2D.FillMode, tension As Single) 593 SetStatus(GdipFillClosedCurve2(nativeGraphics, brush.nativeBrush, points, count, tension, fillMode)) 594 End Sub 595 596 Sub FillClosedCurve(brush As Brush, points As *Point, count As Long) 597 SetStatus(GdipFillClosedCurveI(nativeGraphics, brush.nativeBrush, points, count)) 598 End Sub 599 600 Sub FillClosedCurve(brush As Brush, points As *Point, count As Long, fillMode As Drawing2D.FillMode) 601 SetStatus(GdipFillClosedCurve2I(nativeGraphics, brush.nativeBrush, points, count, 0.5, fillMode)) 602 End Sub 603 604 Sub FillClosedCurve(brush As Brush, points As *Point, count As Long, fillMode As Drawing2D.FillMode, tension As Single) 605 SetStatus(GdipFillClosedCurve2I(nativeGraphics, brush.nativeBrush, points, count, tension, fillMode)) 606 End Sub 607 608 Sub FillRegion(brush As Brush, region As Region) 609 SetStatus(GdipFillRegion(nativeGraphics, brush.nativeBrush, region.nativeRegion)) 610 End Sub 611 612 'DrawStringは次の組み合わせからなる。 613 '(PCWSTR, Long) or String 614 'PointF or (Single, Single) or Rectangle 615 'StringFormatの有無 616 Sub DrawString(str As PCWSTR, length As Long, font As Font, brush As Brush, ByRef origin As PointF, stringFormat = Nothing As StringFormat) 617 DrawString(str, length, font, brush, origin.X, origin.Y, stringFormat) 618 End Sub 619 620 Sub DrawString(str As PCWSTR, length As Long, font As Font, brush As Brush, x As Single, y As Single, stringFormat = Nothing As StringFormat) 621 Dim rc As RectangleF 622 rc.X = x 623 rc.Y = y 624 rc.Width = 0 625 rc.Height = 0 626 DrawString(str, length, font, brush, rc, stringFormat) 627 End Sub 628 629 Sub DrawString(str As PCWSTR, length As Long, font As Font, brush As Brush, ByRef layoutRect As RectangleF, stringFormat = Nothing As StringFormat) 630 Dim nativeFont = getNativeFont(font) 631 Dim nativeFormat = getNativeStringFormat(stringFormat) 632 Dim nativeBrush = getNativeBrush(brush) 633 SetStatus(GdipDrawString(nativeGraphics, str, length, nativeFont, layoutRect, nativeFormat, nativeBrush)) 634 End Sub 635 636 Sub DrawString(s As String, font As Font, brush As Brush, ByRef origin As PointF, stringFormat = Nothing As StringFormat) 637 DrawString(s, font, brush, origin.X, origin.Y, stringFormat) 638 End Sub 639 640 Sub DrawString(s As String, font As Font, brush As Brush, x As Single, y As Single, stringFormat = Nothing As StringFormat) 641 Dim rc As RectangleF 642 rc.X = x 643 rc.Y = y 644 rc.Width = 0 645 rc.Height = 0 646 DrawString(s, font, brush, rc, stringFormat) 647 End Sub 648 649 Sub DrawString(s As String, font As Font, brush As Brush, ByRef layoutRect As RectangleF, stringFormat = Nothing As StringFormat) 650 Dim wcs As PCWSTR 651 Dim len = GetStr(s, wcs) As Long 652 DrawString(wcs, len As Long, font, brush, layoutRect, stringFormat) 653 End Sub 654 655 Function MeasureString(s As String, font As Font) As SizeF 656 Dim pt As PointF 657 MeasureString = MeasureString(s, font, pt, Nothing) 658 End Function 659 660 Function MeasureString(s As String, font As Font, ByRef layoutRectSize As SizeF) As SizeF 661 MeasureString = MeasureString(s, font, layoutRectSize, Nothing) 662 End Function 663 664 Function MeasureString(s As String, font As Font, ByRef layoutRectSize As SizeF, stringFormat As StringFormat) As SizeF 665 Dim wcs As PCWSTR 666 Dim len = GetStr(s, wcs) As Long 667 MeasureString = MeasureString(wcs, len, font, layoutRectSize, stringFormat) 668 End Function 669 670 Function MeasureString(s As String, font As Font, ByRef origin As PointF, stringFormat As StringFormat) As SizeF 671 Dim wcs As PCWSTR 672 Dim len = GetStr(s, wcs) As Long 673 MeasureString = MeasureString(wcs, len, font, origin, stringFormat) 674 End Function 675 676 Function MeasureString(s As String, font As Font, width As Long, stringFormat As StringFormat) As SizeF 677 Dim wcs As PCWSTR 678 Dim len = GetStr(s, wcs) As Long 679 MeasureString = MeasureString(wcs, len, font, width, stringFormat) 680 End Function 681 682 Function MeasureString(s As String, font As Font, ByRef layoutRectSize As SizeF, stringFormat As StringFormat, ByRef codepointsFitted As Long, ByRef linesFilled As Long) As SizeF 683 Dim wcs As PCWSTR 684 Dim len = GetStr(s, wcs) As Long 685 MeasureString = MeasureString(wcs, len, font, layoutRectSize, stringFormat, codepointsFitted, linesFilled) 686 End Function 687 688 Function MeasureString(str As PCWSTR, length As Long, font As Font) As SizeF 689 Dim pt As PointF 690 MeasureString = MeasureString(str, length, font, pt, Nothing) 691 End Function 692 693 Function MeasureString(str As PCWSTR, length As Long, font As Font, ByRef layoutRectSize As SizeF) As SizeF 694 MeasureString = MeasureString(str, length, font, layoutRectSize, Nothing) 695 End Function 696 697 Function MeasureString(str As PCWSTR, length As Long, font As Font, ByRef layoutRectSize As SizeF, stringFormat As StringFormat) As SizeF 698 MeasureString = measureStringPt(str, length, font, layoutRectSize, stringFormat, 0, 0) 699 End Function 700 701 Function MeasureString(str As PCWSTR, length As Long, font As Font, ByRef origin As PointF, stringFormat As StringFormat) As SizeF 702 Dim layoutRect As RectangleF 703 With layoutRect 704 .X = origin.X 705 .Y = origin.Y 706 .Width = 0 707 .Height = 0 708 End With 709 MeasureString = measureString(str, length, font, layoutRect, stringFormat, 0, 0) 710 End Function 711 712 Function MeasureString(str As PCWSTR, length As Long, font As Font, width As Long, stringFormat As StringFormat) As SizeF 713 Dim layoutRect As RectangleF 714 With layoutRect 715 .X = 0 716 .Y = 0 717 .Width = width 718 .Height = 0 719 End With 720 MeasureString = measureString(str, length, font, layoutRect, stringFormat, 0, 0) 721 End Function 722 723 Function MeasureString(str As PCWSTR, length As Long, font As Font, ByRef layoutRectSize As SizeF, stringFormat As StringFormat, ByRef codepointsFitted As Long, ByRef linesFilled As Long) As SizeF 724 MeasureString = measureStringPt(str, length, font, layoutRectSize, stringFormat, VarPtr(codepointsFitted), VarPtr(linesFilled)) 725 End Function 726 727 Private 728 Function measureStringPt(str As PCWSTR, length As Long, font As Font, ByRef layoutRectSize As SizeF, stringFormat As StringFormat, codepointsFitted As *Long, linesFilled As *Long) As SizeF 729 Dim layoutRect As RectangleF 730 With layoutRect 731 .X = 0 732 .Y = 0 733 .Width = layoutRectSize.Width 734 .Height = layoutRectSize.Height 735 End With 736 measureStringPt = measureString(str, length, font, layoutRect, stringFormat, codepointsFitted, linesFilled) 737 End Function 738 739 Function measureString(str As PCWSTR, length As Long, font As Font, ByRef layoutRect As RectangleF, stringFormat As StringFormat, codepointsFitted As *Long, linesFilled As *Long) As SizeF 740 Dim nativeFont = getNativeFont(font) 741 Dim nativeFormat = getNativeStringFormat(stringFormat) 742 Dim boundingBox As RectangleF 743 SetStatus(GdipMeasureString(nativeGraphics, str, length, nativeFont, layoutRect, nativeFormat, boundingBox, codepointsFitted, linesFilled)) 744 measureString.Width = boundingBox.Width 745 measureString.Height = boundingBox.Height 746 End Function 747 748 Public 749 750 Function MeasureCharacterRanges(s As String, font As Font, ByRef layoutRect As RectangleF, stringFormat As StringFormat) As System.Collections.Generic.IList<Region> 751 Dim wcs As PCWSTR 752 Dim len = GetStr(s, wcs) 753 MeasureCharacterRanges = MeasureCharacterRanges(wcs, len, font, layoutRect, stringFormat) 754 End Function 755 756 Function MeasureCharacterRanges(str As PCWSTR, length As Long, font As Font, ByRef layoutRect As RectangleF, stringFormat As StringFormat) As System.Collections.Generic.IList<Region> 757 If ActiveBasic.IsNothing(stringFormat) Then 758 stringFormat = New StringFormat 716 759 End If 717 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawString(nativeGraphics, str, length, nativeFont, layoutRect, nativeFormat, 0)) 718 End Function 719 720 Function DrawString(str As PCWSTR, length As Long, font As /*Const*/ Font, layoutRect As /*Const*/ RectangleF, 721 stringFormat As /*Const*/ StringFormat, brush As /*Const*/ Brush) As Status 722 723 Dim nativeFont As *GpFont 724 If VarPtr(font) <> 0 Then 725 nativeFont = font.nativeFormat 726 Else 727 nativeFont = 0 728 End If 729 Dim nativeFormat As *GpStringFormat 730 If VarPtr(stringFormat) <> 0 Then 731 nativeFormat = stringFormat.nativeFormat 732 Else 733 nativeFormat = 0 734 End If 735 Dim nativeBrush As *GpBrush 736 If VarPtr(brush) <> 0 Then 737 nativeBrush = brush.nativeFormat 738 Else 739 nativeBrush = 0 740 End If 741 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawString(nativeGraphics, str, length, nativeFont, layoutRect, nativeFormat, nativeBrush)) 742 End Function 743 744 Function DrawString(str As PCWSTR, length As Long, font As /*Const*/ Font, origin As /*Const*/ Point) As Status 745 Dim rect As RectangleF(origin.X, origin.Y, 0.0, 0.0) 746 Dim nativeFont As *GpFont 747 If VarPtr(font) <> 0 Then 748 nativeFont = font.nativeFormat 749 Else 750 nativeFont = 0 751 End If 752 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawString(nativeGraphics, str, length, nativeFont, rect, 0, 0)) 753 End Function 754 755 Function DrawString(str As PCWSTR, length As Long, font As /*Const*/ Font, origin As /*Const*/ PointF, 756 brush As /*Const*/ Brush) As Status 757 758 Dim rect As RectangleF(origin.X, origin.Y, 0.0, 0.0) 759 Dim nativeFont As *GpFont 760 If VarPtr(font) <> 0 Then 761 nativeFont = font.nativeFormat 762 Else 763 nativeFont = 0 764 End If 765 Dim nativeBrush As *GpBrush 766 If VarPtr(brush) <> 0 Then 767 nativeBrush = brush.nativeFormat 768 Else 769 nativeBrush = 0 770 End If 771 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawString(nativeGraphics, str, length, nativeFont, rect, 0, nativeBrush)) 772 End Function 773 774 Function DrawString(str As PCWSTR, length As Long, font As /*Const*/ Font, origin As /*Const*/ PointF) As Status 775 Dim rect As RectangleF(origin.X, origin.Y, 0.0, 0.0) 776 Dim nativeFont As *GpFont 777 If VarPtr(font) <> 0 Then 778 nativeFont = font.nativeFormat 779 Else 780 nativeFont = 0 781 End If 782 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawString(nativeGraphics, str, length, nativeFont, rect, 0, 0)) 783 End Function 784 785 Function DrawString(str As PCWSTR, length As Long, font As /*Const*/ Font, origin As /*Const*/ PointF, 786 stringFormat As /*Const*/ StringFormat) As Status 787 788 Dim rect As RectangleF(origin.X, origin.Y, 0.0, 0.0) 789 Dim nativeFont As *GpFont 790 If VarPtr(font) <> 0 Then 791 nativeFont = font.nativeFormat 792 Else 793 nativeFont = 0 794 End If 795 Dim nativeFormat As *GpStringFormat 796 If VarPtr(stringFormat) <> 0 Then 797 nativeFormat = stringFormat.nativeFormat 798 Else 799 nativeFormat = 0 800 End If 801 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawString(nativeGraphics, str, length, nativeFont, rect, nativeFormat, 0)) 802 End Function 803 804 Function DrawString(str As PCWSTR, length As Long, font As /*Const*/ Font, origin As /*Const*/ PointF, 805 stringFormat As /*Const*/ StringFormat, brush As /*Const*/ Brush) As Status 806 807 Dim rect As RectangleF(origin.X, origin.Y, 0.0, 0.0) 808 Dim nativeFont As *GpFont 809 If VarPtr(font) <> 0 Then 810 nativeFont = font.nativeFormat 811 Else 812 nativeFont = 0 813 End If 814 Dim nativeFormat As *GpStringFormat 815 If VarPtr(stringFormat) <> 0 Then 816 nativeFormat = stringFormat.nativeFormat 817 Else 818 nativeFormat = 0 819 End If 820 If VarPtr(brush) <> 0 Then 821 nativeBrush = brush.nativeFormat 822 Else 823 nativeBrush = 0 824 End If 825 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawString( nativeGraphics, str, length, nativeFont, rect, nativeFormat, nativeBrush)) 826 End Function 827 828 Const Function MeasureString(str As PCWSTR, length As Long, font As /*Const*/ Font, layoutRect As /*Const*/ RectangleF, 829 stringFormat As /*Const*/ StringFormat, boundingBox As RectangleF) As Status 830 831 Return MeasureString(str, length, font, layoutRect, stringFormat, boundingBox, ByVal 0, ByVal 0) 832 End Function 833 834 Const Function MeasureString(str As PCWSTR, length As Long, font As /*Const*/ Font, layoutRect As /*Const*/ RectangleF, 835 stringFormat As /*Const*/ StringFormat, boundingBox As RectangleF, 836 codepointsFitted As Long) As Status 837 838 Return MeasureString(str, length, font, layoutRect, stringFormat, boundingBox, codepointsFitted, ByVal 0) 839 End Function 840 841 Const Function MeasureString(str As PCWSTR, length As Long, font As /*Const*/ Font, layoutRect As /*Const*/ RectangleF, 842 stringFormat As /*Const*/ StringFormat, boundingBox As RectangleF, 843 codepointsFitted As Long, linesFilled As Long) As Status 844 845 Dim nativeFont As *GpFont 846 If VarPtr(font) <> 0 Then 847 nativeFont = font.nativeFormat 848 Else 849 nativeFont = 0 850 End If 851 Dim nativeFormat As *GpStringFormat 852 If VarPtr(stringFormat) <> 0 Then 853 nativeFormat = stringFormat.nativeFormat 854 Else 855 nativeFormat = 0 856 End If 857 Return SetStatus(GdipMeasureString(nativeGraphics, str, length, nativeFont, layoutRect, nativeFormat, 858 boundingBox, codepointsFitted, linesFilled)) 859 End Function 860 861 Const Function MeasureString(str As PCWSTR, length As Long, font As /*Const*/ Font, 862 layoutRectSize As /*Const*/ SizeF, stringFormat As /*Const*/ StringFormat, 863 size As SizeF) As Status 864 865 Return MeasureString(str, length, font, layoutRectSize, stringFormat, size, ByVal 0, ByVal 0) 866 End Function 867 868 Const Function MeasureString(str As PCWSTR, length As Long, font As /*Const*/ Font, 869 layoutRectSize As /*Const*/ SizeF, stringFormat As /*Const*/ StringFormat, 870 size As SizeF, codepointsFitted As Long) As Status 871 872 Return MeasureString(str, length, font, layoutRectSize, stringFormat, size, codepointsFitted, ByVal 0) 873 End Function 874 875 Const Function MeasureString(str As PCWSTR, length As Long, font As /*Const*/ Font, 876 layoutRectSize As /*Const*/ SizeF, stringFormat As /*Const*/ StringFormat, 877 size As SizeF, codepointsFitted As Long, linesFilled As Long) As Status 878 879 Dim layoutRect As RectangleF(0, 0, layoutRectSize.Width, layoutRectSize.Height) 880 Dim boundingBox As RectangleF, pBoundingBox As *RectangleF 881 If VarPtr(size) <> 0 Then 882 pBoundingBox = VarPtr(boundingBox) 883 Else 884 pBoundingBox = 0 885 End If 886 887 Dim nativeFont As *GpFont 888 If VarPtr(font) <> 0 Then 889 nativeFont = font.nativeFormat 890 Else 891 nativeFont = 0 892 End If 893 Dim nativeFormat As *GpStringFormat 894 If VarPtr(stringFormat) <> 0 Then 895 nativeFormat = stringFormat.nativeFormat 896 Else 897 nativeFormat = 0 898 End If 899 Dim status = SetStatus(GdipMeasureString(nativeGraphics, str, length, 900 nativeFont, layoutRect, nativeFormat, pBoundingBox, codepointsFitted, linesFilled)) 901 902 If VarPtr(size) <> 0 And status = Status.Ok Then 903 size.Width = boundingBox.Width 904 size.Height = boundingBox.Height 905 End Function 906 907 Return status 908 End Function 909 910 Const Function MeasureString(str As PCWSTR, length As Long, font As /*Const*/ Font, 911 origin As /*Const*/ PointF, stringFormat As /*Const*/ StringFormat, 912 boundingBox As RectangleF) As Status 913 914 Dim rect As RectangleF(origin.X, origin.Y, 0.0f, 0.0f) 915 Dim nativeFont As *GpFont 916 If VarPtr(font) <> 0 Then 917 nativeFont = font.nativeFormat 918 Else 919 nativeFont = 0 920 End If 921 Dim nativeFormat As *GpStringFormat 922 If VarPtr(stringFormat) <> 0 Then 923 nativeFormat = stringFormat.nativeFormat 924 Else 925 nativeFormat = 0 926 End If 927 928 Return SetStatus(GdipMeasureString(nativeGraphics, str, length, nativeFont, rect, nativeFormat, boundingBox, 0, 0)) 929 End Function 930 931 Const Function MeasureString(str As PCWSTR, length As Long, font As /*Const*/ Font, 932 layoutRect As /*Const*/ RectangleF, boundingBox As RectangleF) As Status 933 934 Dim nativeFont As *GpFont 935 If VarPtr(font) <> 0 Then 936 nativeFont = font.nativeFormat 937 Else 938 nativeFont = 0 939 End If 940 941 Return SetStatus(GdipMeasureString(nativeGraphics, str, length, nativeFont, layoutRect, 0, boundingBox, 0, 0)) 942 End Function 943 944 Const Function MeasureString(str As PCWSTR, length As Long, font As /*Const*/ Font, 945 origin As /*Const*/ PointF, boundingBox As RectangleF) As Status 946 Dim rect As RectangleF(origin.X, origin.Y, 0.0, 0.0) 947 948 Dim nativeFont As *GpFont 949 If VarPtr(font) <> 0 Then 950 nativeFont = font.nativeFormat 951 Else 952 nativeFont = 0 953 End If 954 Return SetStatus(GdipMeasureString(nativeGraphics, str, length, nativeFont, rect, 0, boundingBox, 0, 0)) 955 End Function 956 957 Const Function MeasureCharacterRanges(str As PCWSTR, length As Long, font As /*Const*/ Font, 958 layoutRect As /*Const*/ RectangleF, stringFormat As /*Const*/ StringFormat, 959 regionCount As Long, regions As *Region) As Status 960 If regions = 0 Or regionCount <= 0 Then 961 Return InvalidParameter 962 End If 963 964 Dim nativeRegions = _System_malloc(regionCount * SizeOf (GpRegion*)) As **GpRegion 965 966 If nativeRegions = 0 Then 967 Return OutOfMemory 968 End If 760 Dim count As Long 761 SetStatus(GdipGetStringFormatMeasurableCharacterRangeCount(stringFormat.nativeFormat, count)) 762 Dim nativeRegions As **GpRegion 'ここで = GC_mallocとすると、エラーになる。 763 nativeRegions = GC_malloc(count * SizeOf(*GpRegion)) 764 Dim regions = New System.Collections.Generic.List<Region>(count) 765 MeasureCharacterRanges = regions 969 766 970 767 Dim i As Long 971 For i = 0 To regionCount 972 nativeRegions[i] = regions[i].nativeRegion 768 For i = 0 To ELM(count) 769 Dim t = regions[i] 770 nativeRegions[i] = t.nativeRegion 973 771 Next 974 975 Dim nativeFont As *GpFont 976 If VarPtr(font) <> 0 Then 977 nativeFont = font.nativeFormat 978 Else 979 nativeFont = 0 980 End If 981 Dim nativeFormat As *GpStringFormat 982 If VarPtr(stringFormat) <> 0 Then 983 nativeFormat = stringFormat.nativeFormat 984 Else 985 nativeFormat = 0 986 End If 987 988 Dim status = SetStatus(GdipMeasureCharacterRanges(nativeGraphics, 989 str, length, nativeFont, layoutRect, nativeFormat,regionCount, nativeRegions)) 990 _System_free(nativeRegions) 991 Return status 992 End Function 993 994 Function DrawDriverString(text As /*Const*/ Word, length As Long, font As /*Const*/ Font, 995 brush As /*Const*/ Brush, positions As /*Const*/ *PointF, flags As Long) As Status 996 997 Return DrawDriverString(text, length, font, brush, positions, flags, ByVal 0) 998 End Function 999 1000 Function DrawDriverString(text As /*Const*/ Word, length As Long, font As /*Const*/ Font, 1001 brush As /*Const*/ Brush, positions As /*Const*/ *PointF, flags As Long, matrix As /*Const*/ Matrix) As Status 1002 1003 Dim nativeFont As *GpFont 1004 If VarPtr(font) <> 0 Then 1005 nativeFont = font.nativeFormat 1006 Else 1007 nativeFont = 0 1008 End If 1009 Dim nativeBrush As *GpBrush 1010 If VarPtr(brush) <> 0 Then 1011 nativeBrush = brush.nativeBrush 1012 Else 1013 nativeBrush = 0 1014 End If 1015 Dim nativeMatrix As *GpMatrix 1016 If VarPtr(matrix) <> 0 Then 1017 nativeMatrix = matrix.nativeMatrix 1018 Else 1019 nativeMatrix = 0 1020 End If 1021 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawDriverString(nativeGraphics, text, length, nativeFont, nativeBrush, positions, flags, nativeMatrix)) 1022 End Function 1023 1024 Const Function MeasureDriverString(text As /*Const*/ Word, length As Long, font As /*Const*/ Font, 1025 positions As /*Const*/ *PointF, flags As Long, matrix As /*Const*/ Matrix, boundingBox As RectangleF) As Status 1026 1027 Dim nativeFont As *GpFont 1028 If VarPtr(font) <> 0 Then 1029 nativeFont = font.nativeFormat 1030 Else 1031 nativeFont = 0 1032 End If 1033 Dim nativeMatrix As *GpMatrix 1034 If VarPtr(matrix) <> 0 Then 1035 nativeMatrix = matrix.nativeMatrix 1036 Else 1037 nativeMatrix = 0 1038 End If 1039 Return SetStatus(GdipMeasureDriverString(nativeGraphics, text, length, nativeFont, positions, flags, nativeMatrix, boundingBox)) 1040 End Function 1041 1042 ' Draw a cached bitmap on this graphics destination offset by 1043 ' x, y. Note this will fail with WrongState if the CachedBitmap 1044 ' native format differs from this Graphics. 1045 1046 Function DrawCachedBitmap(cb As CachedBitmap, x As Long, y As Long) As Status 1047 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawCachedBitmap(nativeGraphics, cb->nativeCachedBitmap, x, y)) 1048 End Function 1049 1050 Function DrawImage(image As Image, point As /*Const*/ PointF) As Status 1051 Return DrawImage(image, point.X, point.Y) 1052 End Function 1053 1054 Function DrawImage(image As Image, x As Single, y As Single) As Status 1055 Dim nativeImage As *GpImage 1056 If VarPtr(image) <> 0 Then 1057 nativeImage = image.NativeImage 1058 Else 1059 nativeImage = 0 1060 End If 1061 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawImage(nativeGraphics, nativeImage, x, y)) 1062 End Function 1063 1064 Function DrawImage(image As Image, rect As /*Const*/ RectangleF) As Status 1065 Return DrawImage(image, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height) 1066 End Function 1067 1068 Function DrawImage(image As Image, x As Single, y As Single, width As Single, height As Single) As Status 1069 Dim nativeImage As *GpImage 1070 If VarPtr(image) <> 0 Then 1071 nativeImage = image.NativeImage 1072 Else 1073 nativeImage = 0 1074 End If 1075 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawImageRect(nativeGraphics, nativeImage, x, y, width, height)) 1076 End Function 1077 1078 Function DrawImage(image As Image, point As /*Const*/ Point) As Status 1079 Return DrawImage(image, point.X, point.Y) As Status 1080 End Function 1081 1082 Function DrawImage(image As Image, x As Long, y As Long) As Status 1083 Dim nativeImage As *GpImage 1084 If VarPtr(image) <> 0 Then 1085 nativeImage = image.NativeImage 1086 Else 1087 nativeImage = 0 1088 End If 1089 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawImageI(nativeGraphics, nativeImage, x, y)) 1090 End Function 1091 1092 Function DrawImage(image As Image, rect As /*Const*/ Rectangle) As Status 1093 Return DrawImage(image, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height) 1094 End Function 1095 1096 Function DrawImage(image As Image, x As Long, y As Long, width As Long, height As Long) As Status 1097 Dim nativeImage As *GpImage 1098 If VarPtr(image) <> 0 Then 1099 nativeImage = image.NativeImage 1100 Else 1101 nativeImage = 0 1102 End If 1103 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawImageRectI(nativeGraphics, nativeImage, x, y, width, height)) 1104 End Function 772 Dim nativeFont = getNativeFont(font) 773 SetStatus(GdipMeasureCharacterRanges(nativeGraphics, str, length, nativeFont, layoutRect, stringFormat.nativeFormat, count, nativeRegions)) 774 End Function 775 776 'DrawDriverString 777 'MeasureDriverString 778 779 Sub DrawCachedBitmap(cb As CachedBitmap, x As Long, y As Long) 780 SetStatus(GdipDrawCachedBitmap(nativeGraphics, cb.nativeCachedBitmap, x, y)) 781 End Sub 782 783 Sub DrawImage(image As Image, ByRef point As PointF) 784 DrawImage(image, point.X, point.Y) 785 End Sub 786 787 Sub DrawImage(image As Image, x As Single, y As Single) 788 Dim nativeImage = getNativeImage(image) 789 SetStatus(GdipDrawImage(nativeGraphics, nativeImage, x, y)) 790 End Sub 791 792 Sub DrawImage(image As Image, ByRef rect As RectangleF) 793 DrawImage(image, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height) 794 End Sub 795 796 Sub DrawImage(image As Image, x As Single, y As Single, width As Single, height As Single) 797 Dim nativeImage = getNativeImage(image) 798 SetStatus(GdipDrawImageRect(nativeGraphics, nativeImage, x, y, width, height)) 799 End Sub 800 801 Sub DrawImage(image As Image, ByRef point As Point) 802 DrawImage(image, point.X, point.Y) 803 End Sub 804 805 Sub DrawImage(image As Image, x As Long, y As Long) 806 Dim nativeImage = getNativeImage(image) 807 SetStatus(GdipDrawImageI(nativeGraphics, nativeImage, x, y)) 808 End Sub 809 810 Sub DrawImage(image As Image, ByRef rect As Rectangle) 811 DrawImage(image, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height) 812 End Sub 813 814 Sub DrawImage(image As Image, x As Long, y As Long, width As Long, height As Long) 815 Dim nativeImage = getNativeImage(image) 816 SetStatus(GdipDrawImageRectI(nativeGraphics, nativeImage, x, y, width, height)) 817 End Sub 1105 818 1106 819 ' Affine Draw Image … … 1112 825 ' destPoints[3] <=> bottom-right corner 1113 826 1114 Function DrawImage(image As Image, destPoints As /*Const*/ PointF, count As Long) As Status827 Sub DrawImage(image As Image, destPoints As *PointF, count As Long) 1115 828 If count <> 3 And count <> 4 Then 1116 ReturnSetStatus(InvalidParameter)829 SetStatus(InvalidParameter) 1117 830 End If 1118 831 1119 Dim nativeImage As *GpImage 1120 If VarPtr(image) <> 0 Then 1121 nativeImage = image.NativeImage 1122 Else 1123 nativeImage = 0 832 Dim nativeImage = getNativeImage(image) 833 SetStatus(GdipDrawImagePoints(nativeGraphics, nativeImage, destPoints, count)) 834 End Sub 835 836 Sub DrawImage(image As Image, destPoints As *Point, count As Long) 837 If count <> 3 And count <> 4 Then 838 SetStatus(InvalidParameter) 1124 839 End If 1125 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawImagePoints(nativeGraphics, nativeImage, destPoints, count)) 1126 End Function 1127 1128 Function DrawImage(image As Image, destPoints As /*Const*/ Point, count As Long) As Status 1129 If count <> 3 And count <> 4 Then 1130 Return SetStatus(InvalidParameter) 1131 End If 1132 1133 Dim nativeImage As *GpImage 1134 If VarPtr(image) <> 0 Then 1135 nativeImage = image.NativeImage 1136 Else 1137 nativeImage = 0 1138 End If 1139 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawImagePointsI(nativeGraphics, nativeImage, destPoints, count)) 1140 End Function 1141 1142 Function DrawImage(image As Image, x As Single, y As Single, 1143 srcx As Single, srcy As Single, srcwidth As Single, srcheight As Single, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit) As Status 1144 1145 Dim nativeImage As *GpImage 1146 If VarPtr(image) <> 0 Then 1147 nativeImage = image.NativeImage 1148 Else 1149 nativeImage = 0 1150 End If 1151 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawImagePointRect(nativeGraphics, nativeImage, x, y, srcx, srcy, srcwidth, srcheight, srcUnit)) 1152 End Function 1153 1154 Function DrawImage(image As Image, destRect As /*Const*/ RectangleF, 1155 srcx As Single, srcy As Single, srcwidth As Single, srcheight As Single, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit) As Status 1156 1157 Return DrawImage(image, destRect, srcx, srcy, srcwidth, srcheight, srcUnit, 0, 0, 0) 1158 End Function 1159 1160 Function DrawImage(image As Image, destRect As /*Const*/ RectangleF, 840 841 Dim nativeImage = getNativeImage(image) 842 SetStatus(GdipDrawImagePointsI(nativeGraphics, nativeImage, destPoints, count)) 843 End Sub 844 845 Sub DrawImage(image As Image, ByRef destRect As Rectangle, ByRef src As Rectangle, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit) 846 DrawImage(image, destRect, src.X, src.Y, src.Width, src.Height, srcUnit) 847 End Sub 848 849 Sub DrawImage(image As Image, ByRef destRect As RectangleF, ByRef src As RectangleF, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit) 850 DrawImage(image, destRect, src.X, src.Y, src.Width, src.Height, srcUnit) 851 End Sub 852 853 Sub DrawImage(image As Image, x As Long, y As Long, ByRef src As Rectangle, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit) 854 Dim nativeImage = getNativeImage(image) 855 SetStatus(GdipDrawImagePointRectI(nativeGraphics, nativeImage, x, y, src.X, src.Y, src.Width, src.Height, srcUnit)) 856 End Sub 857 858 Sub DrawImage(image As Image, x As Single, y As Single, ByRef src As RectangleF, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit) 859 Dim nativeImage = getNativeImage(image) 860 SetStatus(GdipDrawImagePointRect(nativeGraphics, nativeImage, x, y, src.X, src.Y, src.Width, src.Height, srcUnit)) 861 End Sub 862 863 Sub DrawImage(image As Image, destPoints As *Point, count As Long, ByRef src As Rectangle, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, _ 864 imageAttr = Nothing As ImageAttributes, callback = Nothing As DrawImageAbort, callbackData = 0 As VoidPtr) 865 866 Dim nativeImage = getNativeImage(image) 867 Dim nativeImageAttr = getNativeImageAttributes(imageAttr) 868 SetStatus(GdipDrawImagePointsRectI(nativeGraphics, nativeImage, destPoints, count, 869 src.X, src.Y, src.Width, src.Height, srcUnit, nativeImageAttr, callback, callbackData)) 870 End Sub 871 872 Sub DrawImage(image As Image, destPoints As *PointF, count As Long, ByRef src As RectangleF, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, 873 imageAttr = Nothing As ImageAttributes, callback = Nothing As DrawImageAbort, callbackData = 0 As VoidPtr) 874 875 Dim nativeImage = getNativeImage(image) 876 Dim nativeImageAttr = getNativeImageAttributes(imageAttr) 877 SetStatus(GdipDrawImagePointsRect(nativeGraphics, nativeImage, destPoints, count, 878 src.X, src.Y, src.Width, src.Height, srcUnit, nativeImageAttr, callback, callbackData)) 879 End Sub 880 881 Sub DrawImage(image As Image, ByRef destRect As RectangleF, 1161 882 srcx As Single, srcy As Single, srcwidth As Single, srcheight As Single, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, 1162 imageAttributes As /*Const*/ ImageAttributes) As Status 1163 1164 Return DrawImage(image, destRect, srcx, srcy, srcwidth, srcheight, srcUnit, imageAttributes, 0, 0) 1165 End Function 1166 1167 Function DrawImage(image As Image, destRect As /*Const*/ RectangleF, 1168 srcx As Single, srcy As Single, srcwidth As Single, srcheight As Single, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, 1169 imageAttributes As /*Const*/ ImageAttributes, 1170 callback As DrawImageAbort) As Status 1171 1172 Return DrawImage(image, destRect, srcx, srcy, srcwidth, srcheight, srcUnit, imageAttributes, callback, 0) 1173 End Function 1174 1175 Function DrawImage(image As Image, destRect As /*Const*/ RectangleF, 1176 srcx As Single, srcy As Single, srcwidth As Single, srcheight As Single, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, 1177 imageAttributes As /*Const*/ ImageAttributes, callback As DrawImageAbort, callbackData As VoidPtr) As Status 1178 1179 Dim nativeImage As *GpImage 1180 If VarPtr(image) <> 0 Then 1181 nativeImage = image.NativeImage 1182 Else 1183 nativeImage = 0 1184 End If 1185 Dim nativeImageAttr As *GpImageAttributes 1186 If VarPtr(imageAttributes) <> 0 Then 1187 nativeImageAttr = image.NativeImageAttr 1188 Else 1189 nativeImageAttr = 0 1190 End If 1191 1192 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawImageRectRect(nativeGraphics, nativeImageAttr, 883 imageAttr = Nothing As ImageAttributes, callback = Nothing As DrawImageAbort, callbackData = 0 As VoidPtr) 884 885 Dim nativeImage = getNativeImage(image) 886 Dim nativeImageAttr = getNativeImageAttributes(imageAttr) 887 SetStatus(GdipDrawImageRectRect(nativeGraphics, nativeImageAttr, 1193 888 destRect.X, destRect.Y, destRect.Width, destRect.Height, srcx, srcy, srcwidth, srcheight, 1194 889 srcUnit, nativeImageAttr, callback, callbackData)) 1195 End Function 1196 1197 Function DrawImage(image As Image, destPoints As /*Const*/ PointF, count As Long, 1198 srcx As Single, srcy As Single, srcwidth As Single, srcheight As Single, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit) As Status 1199 1200 Return DrawImage(image, destPoints, count, srcx, srcy, srcwidth, srcheight, srcUnit, 0, 0, 0) 1201 End Function 1202 1203 Function DrawImage(image As Image, destPoints As /*Const*/ PointF, count As Long, 1204 srcx As Single, srcy As Single, srcwidth As Single, srcheight As Single, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, 1205 imageAttributes As /*Const*/ ImageAttributes) As Status 1206 1207 Return DrawImage(image, destPoints, count, srcx, srcy, srcwidth, srcheight, srcUnit, imageAttributes, 0, 0) 1208 End Function 1209 1210 Function DrawImage(image As Image, destPoints As /*Const*/ PointF, count As Long, 1211 srcx As Single, srcy As Single, srcwidth As Single, srcheight As Single, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, 1212 imageAttributes As /*Const*/ ImageAttributes, 1213 callback As DrawImageAbort) As Status 1214 1215 Return DrawImage(image, destPoints, count, srcx, srcy, srcwidth, srcheight, srcUnit, imageAttributes, callback, 0) 1216 End Function 1217 1218 Function DrawImage(image As Image, destPoints As /*Const*/ PointF, count As Long, 1219 srcx As Single, srcy As Single, srcwidth As Single, srcheight As Single, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, 1220 imageAttributes As /*Const*/ ImageAttributes, callback As DrawImageAbort, callbackData As VoidPtr) As Status 1221 1222 Dim nativeImage As *GpImage 1223 If VarPtr(image) <> 0 Then 1224 nativeImage = image.NativeImage 1225 Else 1226 nativeImage = 0 1227 End If 1228 Dim nativeImageAttr As *GpImageAttributes 1229 If VarPtr(imageAttributes) <> 0 Then 1230 nativeImageAttr = image.NativeImageAttr 1231 Else 1232 nativeImageAttr = 0 1233 End If 1234 1235 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawImagePointsRect(nativeGraphics, nativeImage, destPoints, count, 1236 srcx, srcy, srcwidth, srcheight, srcUnit, nativeImageAttr, callback, callbackData)) 1237 End Function 1238 1239 Function DrawImage(image As Image, x As Long, y As Long, 1240 srcx As Long, srcy As Long, srcwidth As Long, srcheight As Long, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit) As Status 1241 1242 Dim nativeImage As *GpImage 1243 If VarPtr(image) <> 0 Then 1244 nativeImage = image.NativeImage 1245 Else 1246 nativeImage = 0 1247 End If 1248 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawImagePointRectI(nativeGraphics, nativeImage, x, y, srcx, srcy, srcwidth, srcheight, srcUnit)) 1249 End Function 1250 1251 Function DrawImage(image As Image, destRect As /*Const*/ Rectangle, 1252 srcx As Single, srcy As Single, srcwidth As Single, srcheight As Single, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit) As Status 1253 1254 Return DrawImage(image, destRect, srcx, srcy, srcwidth, srcheight, srcUnit, 0, 0, 0) 1255 End Function 1256 1257 Function DrawImage(image As Image, destRect As /*Const*/ Rectangle, 1258 srcx As Single, srcy As Single, srcwidth As Single, srcheight As Single, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, 1259 imageAttributes As /*Const*/ ImageAttributes) As Status 1260 1261 Return DrawImage(image, destRect, srcx, srcy, srcwidth, srcheight, srcUnit, imageAttributes, 0, 0) 1262 End Function 1263 1264 Function DrawImage(image As Image, destRect As /*Const*/ Rectangle, 1265 srcx As Single, srcy As Single, srcwidth As Single, srcheight As Single, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, 1266 imageAttributes As /*Const*/ ImageAttributes, callback As DrawImageAbort) As Status 1267 1268 Return DrawImage(image, destRect, srcx, srcy, srcwidth, srcheight, srcUnit, imageAttributes, callback, 0) 1269 End Function 1270 1271 Function DrawImage(image As Image, destRect As /*Const*/ Rectangle, 890 End Sub 891 892 Sub DrawImage(image As Image, ByRef destRect As Rectangle, 1272 893 srcx As Long, srcy As Long, srcwidth As Long, srcheight As Long, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, 1273 imageAttributes As /*Const*/ ImageAttributes, callback As DrawImageAbort, callbackData As VoidPtr) As Status 1274 1275 Dim nativeImage As *GpImage 1276 If VarPtr(image) <> 0 Then 1277 nativeImage = image.NativeImage 1278 Else 1279 nativeImage = 0 1280 End If 1281 Dim nativeImageAttr As *GpImageAttributes 1282 If VarPtr(imageAttributes) <> 0 Then 1283 nativeImageAttr = image.NativeImageAttr 1284 Else 1285 nativeImageAttr = 0 1286 End If 1287 1288 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawImageRectRectI(nativeGraphics, nativeImage, 894 imageAttr = Nothing As ImageAttributes, callback = Nothing As DrawImageAbort, callbackData = 0 As VoidPtr) 895 896 Dim nativeImage = getNativeImage(image) 897 Dim nativeImageAttr = getNativeImageAttributes(imageAttr) 898 SetStatus(GdipDrawImageRectRectI(nativeGraphics, nativeImage, 1289 899 destRect.X, destRect.Y, destRect.Width, destRect.Height, 1290 900 srcx, srcy, srcwidth, srcheight, srcUnit, nativeImageAttr, callback, callbackData)) 1291 End Function 1292 1293 Function DrawImage(image As Image, destPoints As /*Const*/ Point, count As Long, 1294 srcx As Long, srcy As Long, srcwidth As Long, srcheight As Long, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit) As Status 1295 1296 Return DrawImage(image, destPoints, count, srcx, srcy, srcwidth, srcheight, srcUnit, 0, 0, 0) 1297 End Function 1298 1299 Function DrawImage(image As Image, destPoints As /*Const*/ Point, count As Long, 1300 srcx As Long, srcy As Long, srcwidth As Long, srcheight As Long, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, 1301 imageAttributes As /*Const*/ ImageAttributes) As Status 1302 1303 Return DrawImage(image, destPoints, count, srcx, srcy, srcwidth, srcheight, srcUnit, imageAttributes, 0, 0) 1304 End Function 1305 1306 Function DrawImage(image As Image, destPoints As /*Const*/ Point, count As Long, _ 1307 srcx As Long, srcy As Long, srcwidth As Long, srcheight As Long, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, _ 1308 imageAttributes As /*Const*/ ImageAttributes, 1309 callback As DrawImageAbort) As Status 1310 1311 Return DrawImage(image, destPoints, count, srcx, srcy, srcwidth, srcheight, srcUnit, imageAttributes, callback, 0) 1312 End Function 1313 1314 Function DrawImage(image As Image, destPoints As /*Const*/ Point, count As Long, 1315 srcx As Long, srcy As Long, srcwidth As Long, srcheight As Long, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, 1316 imageAttributes As /*Const*/ ImageAttributes, callback As DrawImageAbort, callbackData As VoidPtr) As Status 1317 1318 Dim nativeImage As *GpImage 1319 If VarPtr(image) <> 0 Then 1320 nativeImage = image.NativeImage 1321 Else 1322 nativeImage = 0 1323 End If 1324 Dim nativeImageAttr As *GpImageAttributes 1325 If VarPtr(imageAttributes) <> 0 Then 1326 nativeImageAttr = image.NativeImageAttr 1327 Else 1328 nativeImageAttr = 0 1329 End If 1330 1331 Return SetStatus(GdipDrawImagePointsRectI(nativeGraphics, nativeImage, destPoints, count, 1332 srcx, srcy, srcwidth, srcheight, srcUnit, nativeImageAttr, callback, callbackData)) 1333 End Function 1334 1335 Function DrawImage(image As Image, destPoints As /*Const*/ *Point, count As Long, srcRect As Rectangle, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit) As Status 1336 Return DrawImage(image, destPoints, count, srcRect.X, srcRect.Y, srcRect.Width, srcRect.Height, srcUnit) 1337 End Function 1338 1339 Function DrawImage(image As Image, destPoints As /*Const*/ *PointF, count As Long, srcRect As RectangleF, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit) As Status 1340 Return DrawImage(image, destPoints, count, srcRect.X, srcRect.Y, srcRect.Width, srcRect.Height, srcUnit) 1341 End Function 1342 1343 Function DrawImage(image As Image, x As Long, y As Long, srcRect As Rectangle, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit) As Status 1344 Return DrawImage(image, x, y, count, srcRect.X, srcRect.Y, srcRect.Width, srcRect.Height, srcUnit) 1345 End Function 1346 1347 Function DrawImage(image As Image, x As Single, y As Single, srcRect As RectangleF, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit) As Status 1348 Return DrawImage(image, x, y, count, srcRect.X, srcRect.Y, srcRect.Width, srcRect.Height, srcUnit) 1349 End Function 1350 1351 Function DrawImage(image As Image, destPoints As /*Const*/ *Point, count As Long, srcRect As Rectangle, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, imageAttributes As /*Const*/ ImageAttributes) As Status 1352 Return DrawImage(image, destPoints, count, srcRect.X, srcRect.Y, srcRect.Width, srcRect.Height, srcUnit, imageAttributes) 1353 End Function 1354 1355 Function DrawImage(image As Image, destPoints As /*Const*/ *PointF, count As Long, srcRect As RectangleF, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, imageAttributes As /*Const*/ ImageAttributes) As Status 1356 Return DrawImage(image, destPoints, count, srcRect.X, srcRect.Y, srcRect.Width, srcRect.Height, srcUnit, imageAttributes) 1357 End Function 1358 1359 Function DrawImage(image As Image, destPoints As /*Const*/ *Point, count As Long, srcRect As Rectangle, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, imageAttributes As /*Const*/ ImageAttributes, callback As DrawImageAbort) As Status 1360 Return DrawImage(image, destPoints, count, srcRect.X, srcRect.Y, srcRect.Width, srcRect.Height, srcUnit, imageAttributes, callback) 1361 End Function 1362 1363 Function DrawImage(image As Image, destPoints As /*Const*/ *PointF, count As Long, srcRect As RectangleF, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, imageAttributes As /*Const*/ ImageAttributes, callback As DrawImageAbort) As Status 1364 Return DrawImage(image, destPoints, count, srcRect.X, srcRect.Y, srcRect.Width, srcRect.Height, srcUnit, imageAttributes, callback) 1365 End Function 1366 1367 Function DrawImage(image As Image, destPoints As /*Const*/ *Point, count As Long, srcRect As Rectangle, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, imageAttributes As /*Const*/ ImageAttributes, callback As DrawImageAbort, callbackData As VoidPtr) As Status 1368 Return DrawImage(image, destPoints, count, srcRect.X, srcRect.Y, srcRect.Width, srcRect.Height, srcUnit, imageAttributes, callback, callbackData) 1369 End Function 1370 1371 Function DrawImage(image As Image, destPoints As /*Const*/ *PointF, count As Long, srcRect As RectangleF, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, imageAttributes As /*Const*/ ImageAttributes, callback As DrawImageAbort, callbackData As VoidPtr) As Status 1372 Return DrawImage(image, destPoints, count, srcRect.X, srcRect.Y, srcRect.Width, srcRect.Height, srcUnit, imageAttributes, callback, callbackData) 1373 End Function 1374 1375 ' The following methods are for playing an EMF+ to a graphics 1376 ' via the enumeration interface. Each record of the EMF+ is 1377 ' sent to the callback (along with the callbackData). Then 1378 ' the callback can invoke the Metafile::PlayRecord method 1379 ' to play the particular record. 1380 1381 Function EnumerateMetafile(metafile As /*Const*/ Metafile, destPoint As /*Const*/ PointF, 1382 callback As EnumerateMetafileProc) As Status 1383 1384 Return EnumerateMetafile(metafile, destPoint, callback, 0, 0) 1385 End Function 1386 1387 Function EnumerateMetafile(metafile As /*Const*/ Metafile, destPoint As /*Const*/ PointF, 1388 callback As EnumerateMetafileProc, callbackData As VoidPtr) As Status 1389 1390 Return EnumerateMetafile(metafile, destPoint, callback, callbackData, 0) 1391 End Function 1392 1393 Function EnumerateMetafile(metafile As /*Const*/ Metafile, destPoint As /*Const*/ PointF, 1394 callback As EnumerateMetafileProc, callbackData As VoidPtr, imageAttributes As /*Const*/ ImageAttributes) As Status 1395 1396 Dim nativeImage As /*Const*/ *GpMetafile 1397 If VarPtr(metafile) <> 0 Then 1398 nativeImage = metafile.NativeImage 1399 Else 1400 nativeImage = 0 1401 End If 1402 Dim nativeImageAttr As *GpImageAttributes 1403 If VarPtr(imageAttributes) <> 0 Then 1404 nativeImageAttr = image.NativeImageAttr 1405 Else 1406 nativeImageAttr = 0 1407 End If 1408 1409 Return SetStatus(GdipEnumerateMetafileDestPoint(nativeGraphics, 1410 nativeImage, destPoint, callback, callbackData,nativeImageAttr)) 1411 End Function 1412 1413 Function EnumerateMetafile(metafile As /*Const*/ Metafile, destPoint As /*Const*/ Point, 1414 callback As EnumerateMetafileProc) As Status 1415 1416 Return EnumerateMetafile(metafile, destPoint, callback, 0, 0) 1417 End Function 1418 1419 Function EnumerateMetafile(metafile As /*Const*/ Metafile, destPoint As /*Const*/ Point, 1420 callback As EnumerateMetafileProc, callbackData As VoidPtr) As Status 1421 1422 Return EnumerateMetafile(metafile, destPoint, callback, callbackData, 0) 1423 End Function 1424 1425 Function EnumerateMetafile(metafile As /*Const*/ Metafile, destPoint As /*Const*/ Point, 1426 callback As EnumerateMetafileProc, callbackData As VoidPtr, imageAttributes As /*Const*/ ImageAttributes) As Status 1427 1428 Dim nativeImage As /*Const*/ *GpMetafile 1429 If VarPtr(metafile) <> 0 Then 1430 nativeImage = metafile.NativeImage 1431 Else 1432 nativeImage = 0 1433 End If 1434 Dim nativeImageAttr As *GpImageAttributes 1435 If VarPtr(imageAttributes) <> 0 Then 1436 nativeImageAttr = image.NativeImageAttr 1437 Else 1438 nativeImageAttr = 0 1439 End If 1440 1441 Return SetStatus(GdipEnumerateMetafileDestPointI(nativeGraphics, 1442 nativeImage, destPoint, callback, callbackData,nativeImageAttr)) 1443 End Function 1444 1445 Function EnumerateMetafile(metafile As /*Const*/ Metafile, destRect As /*Const*/ RectangleF, 1446 callback As EnumerateMetafileProc) As Status 1447 1448 Return EnumerateMetafile(metafile, destRect, callback, 0, 0) 1449 End Function 1450 1451 Function EnumerateMetafile(metafile As /*Const*/ Metafile, destRect As /*Const*/ RectangleF, 1452 callback As EnumerateMetafileProc, callbackData As VoidPtr) As Status 1453 1454 Return EnumerateMetafile(metafile, destRect, callback, callbackData, 0) 1455 End Function 1456 1457 Function EnumerateMetafile(metafile As /*Const*/ Metafile, destRect As /*Const*/ RectangleF, 1458 callback As EnumerateMetafileProc, callbackData As VoidPtr, imageAttributes As /*Const*/ ImageAttributes) As Status 1459 1460 Dim nativeImage As /*Const*/ *GpMetafile 1461 If VarPtr(metafile) <> 0 Then 1462 nativeImage = metafile.NativeImage 1463 Else 1464 nativeImage = 0 1465 End If 1466 Dim nativeImageAttr As *GpImageAttributes 1467 If VarPtr(imageAttributes) <> 0 Then 1468 nativeImageAttr = image.NativeImageAttr 1469 Else 1470 nativeImageAttr = 0 1471 End If 1472 1473 Return SetStatus(GdipEnumerateMetafileDestRect(nativeGraphics, 1474 nativeImage, destRect, callback, callbackData, nativeImageAttr)) 1475 End Function 1476 1477 Function EnumerateMetafile(metafile As /*Const*/ Metafile, destRect As /*Const*/ Rectangle, 1478 callback As EnumerateMetafileProc) As Status 1479 1480 Return EnumerateMetafile(metafile, destRect, callback, 0, 0) 1481 End Function 1482 1483 Function EnumerateMetafile(metafile As /*Const*/ Metafile, destRect As /*Const*/ Rectangle, 1484 callback As EnumerateMetafileProc, callbackData As VoidPtr) As Status 1485 1486 Return EnumerateMetafile(metafile, destRect, callback, callbackData, 0) 1487 End Function 1488 1489 Function EnumerateMetafile(metafile As /*Const*/ Metafile, destRect As /*Const*/ Rectangle, 1490 callback As EnumerateMetafileProc, callbackData As VoidPtr, imageAttributes As /*Const*/ ImageAttributes) As Status 1491 1492 Dim nativeImage As /*Const*/ *GpMetafile 1493 If VarPtr(metafile) <> 0 Then 1494 nativeImage = metafile.NativeImage 1495 Else 1496 nativeImage = 0 1497 End If 1498 Dim nativeImageAttr As *GpImageAttributes 1499 If VarPtr(imageAttributes) <> 0 Then 1500 nativeImageAttr = image.NativeImageAttr 1501 Else 1502 nativeImageAttr = 0 1503 End If 1504 1505 Return SetStatus(GdipEnumerateMetafileDestRectI(nativeGraphics, 1506 nativeImage, destRect, callback, callbackData, nativeImageAttr)) 1507 End Function 1508 1509 Function EnumerateMetafile(metafile As /*Const*/ Metafile, destPoints As /*Const*/ *PointF, count As Long, 1510 callback As EnumerateMetafileProc) As Status 1511 1512 Return EnumerateMetafile(metafile, destPoints, count, callback, 0, 0) 1513 End Function 1514 1515 Function EnumerateMetafile(metafile As /*Const*/ Metafile, destPoints As /*Const*/ *PointF, count As Long, 1516 callback As EnumerateMetafileProc, callbackData As VoidPtr) As Status 1517 1518 Return EnumerateMetafile(metafile, destPoints, count, callback, callbackData, 0) 1519 End Function 1520 1521 Function EnumerateMetafile(metafile As /*Const*/ Metafile, destPoints As /*Const*/ *PointF, count As Long, 1522 callback As EnumerateMetafileProc, callbackData As VoidPtr, imageAttributes As /*Const*/ ImageAttributes) As Status 1523 1524 Dim nativeImage As /*Const*/ *GpMetafile 1525 If VarPtr(metafile) <> 0 Then 1526 nativeImage = metafile.NativeImage 1527 Else 1528 nativeImage = 0 1529 End If 1530 Dim nativeImageAttr As *GpImageAttributes 1531 If VarPtr(imageAttributes) <> 0 Then 1532 nativeImageAttr = image.NativeImageAttr 1533 Else 1534 nativeImageAttr = 0 1535 End If 1536 1537 Return SetStatus(GdipEnumerateMetafileDestPoints(nativeGraphics, 1538 nativeImage,destPoints, count, callback, callbackData, nativeImageAttr)) 1539 End Function 1540 1541 Function EnumerateMetafile(metafile As /*Const*/ Metafile, destPoints As /*Const*/ *Point, count As Long, 1542 callback As EnumerateMetafileProc) As Status 1543 1544 Return EnumerateMetafile(metafile, destPoints, count, callback, 0, 0) 1545 End Function 1546 1547 Function EnumerateMetafile(metafile As /*Const*/ Metafile, destPoints As /*Const*/ *Point, count As Long, 1548 callback As EnumerateMetafileProc, callbackData As VoidPtr) As Status 1549 1550 Return EnumerateMetafile(metafile, destPoints, count, callback, callbackData, 0) 1551 End Function 1552 1553 Function EnumerateMetafile(metafile As /*Const*/ Metafile, destPoints As /*Const*/ *Point, count As Long, 1554 callback As EnumerateMetafileProc, callbackData As VoidPtr, imageAttributes As /*Const*/ ImageAttributes) As Status 1555 1556 Dim nativeImage As /*Const*/ *GpMetafile 1557 If VarPtr(metafile) <> 0 Then 1558 nativeImage = metafile.NativeImage 1559 Else 1560 nativeImage = 0 1561 End If 1562 Dim nativeImageAttr As *GpImageAttributes 1563 If VarPtr(imageAttributes) <> 0 Then 1564 nativeImageAttr = image.NativeImageAttr 1565 Else 1566 nativeImageAttr = 0 1567 End If 1568 1569 Return SetStatus(GdipEnumerateMetafileDestPointsI(nativeGraphics, 1570 nativeImage,destPoints, count, callback, callbackData, nativeImageAttr)) 1571 End Function 1572 1573 Function EnumerateMetafile(metafile As /*Const*/ Metafile, 1574 destPoint As /*Const*/ PointF, srcRect As /*Const*/ RectangleF, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, 1575 callback As EnumerateMetafileProc) As Status 1576 1577 Return EnumerateMetafile(metafile, destPoint, count, srcUnit, callback, 0, 0) 1578 End Function 1579 1580 Function EnumerateMetafile(metafile As /*Const*/ Metafile, 1581 destPoint As /*Const*/ PointF, srcRect As /*Const*/ RectangleF, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, 1582 callback As EnumerateMetafileProc, callbackData As VoidPtr) As Status 1583 1584 Return EnumerateMetafile(metafile, destPoint, srcRect, srcUnit, callback, callbackData, 0) 1585 End Function 1586 1587 Function EnumerateMetafile(metafile As /*Const*/ Metafile, 1588 destPoint As /*Const*/ PointF, srcRect As /*Const*/ RectangleF, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, 1589 callback As EnumerateMetafileProc, callbackData As VoidPtr, imageAttributes As /*Const*/ ImageAttributes) As Status 1590 1591 Dim nativeImage As /*Const*/ *GpMetafile 1592 If VarPtr(metafile) <> 0 Then 1593 nativeImage = metafile.NativeImage 1594 Else 1595 nativeImage = 0 1596 End If 1597 Dim nativeImageAttr As *GpImageAttributes 1598 If VarPtr(imageAttributes) <> 0 Then 1599 nativeImageAttr = image.NativeImageAttr 1600 Else 1601 nativeImageAttr = 0 1602 End If 1603 1604 Return SetStatus(GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestPoint(nativeGraphics, _ 1605 nativeImage, destPoint, srcRect, srcUnit, callback, callbackData, nativeImageAttr)) 1606 End Function 1607 1608 Function EnumerateMetafile(metafile As /*Const*/ Metafile, _ 1609 destPoint As /*Const*/ Point, srcRect As /*Const*/ Rectangle, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, _ 1610 callback As EnumerateMetafileProc) As Status 1611 1612 Return EnumerateMetafile(metafile, destPoint, count, srcUnit, callback, 0, 0) 1613 End Function 1614 1615 Function EnumerateMetafile(metafile As /*Const*/ Metafile, _ 1616 destPoint As /*Const*/ Point, srcRect As /*Const*/ Rectangle, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, _ 1617 callback As EnumerateMetafileProc, callbackData As VoidPtr) As Status 1618 1619 Return EnumerateMetafile(metafile, destPoint, srcRect, srcUnit, callback, callbackData, 0) 1620 End Function 1621 1622 Function EnumerateMetafile(metafile As /*Const*/ Metafile, _ 1623 destPoint As /*Const*/ Point, srcRect As /*Const*/ Rectangle, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, _ 1624 callback As EnumerateMetafileProc, callbackData As VoidPtr, imageAttributes As /*Const*/ ImageAttributes) As Status 1625 1626 Dim nativeImage As /*Const*/ *GpMetafile 1627 If VarPtr(metafile) <> 0 Then 1628 nativeImage = metafile.NativeImage 1629 Else 1630 nativeImage = 0 1631 End If 1632 Dim nativeImageAttr As *GpImageAttributes 1633 If VarPtr(imageAttributes) <> 0 Then 1634 nativeImageAttr = image.NativeImageAttr 1635 Else 1636 nativeImageAttr = 0 1637 End If 1638 1639 Return SetStatus(GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestPointI(nativeGraphics, _ 1640 nativeImage, destPoint, srcRect, srcUnit, callback, callbackData, nativeImageAttr)) 1641 End Function 1642 1643 Function EnumerateMetafile(metafile As /*Const*/ Metafile, _ 1644 destRect As /*Const*/ RectangleF, srcRect As /*Const*/ RectangleF, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, _ 1645 callback As EnumerateMetafileProc) As Status 1646 1647 Return EnumerateMetafile(metafile, destRect, count, srcUnit, callback, 0, 0) 1648 End Function 1649 1650 Function EnumerateMetafile(metafile As /*Const*/ Metafile, _ 1651 destRect As /*Const*/ RectangleF, srcRect As /*Const*/ RectangleF, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, _ 1652 callback As EnumerateMetafileProc, callbackData As VoidPtr) As Status 1653 1654 Return EnumerateMetafile(metafile, destRect, srcRect, srcUnit, callback, callbackData, 0) 1655 End Function 1656 1657 Function EnumerateMetafile(metafile As /*Const*/ Metafile, _ 1658 destRect As /*Const*/ RectangleF, srcRect As /*Const*/ RectangleF, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, _ 1659 callback As EnumerateMetafileProc, callbackData As VoidPtr, imageAttributes As /*Const*/ ImageAttributes) As Status 1660 1661 Dim nativeImage As /*Const*/ *GpMetafile 1662 If VarPtr(metafile) <> 0 Then 1663 nativeImage = metafile.NativeImage 1664 Else 1665 nativeImage = 0 1666 End If 1667 Dim nativeImageAttr As *GpImageAttributes 1668 If VarPtr(imageAttributes) <> 0 Then 1669 nativeImageAttr = image.NativeImageAttr 1670 Else 1671 nativeImageAttr = 0 1672 End If 1673 1674 Return SetStatus(GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestRect(nativeGraphics, _ 1675 nativeImage, destRect, srcRect, srcUnit, callback, callbackData, nativeImageAttr)) 1676 End Function 1677 1678 Function EnumerateMetafile(metafile As /*Const*/ Metafile, _ 1679 destRect As /*Const*/ Rectangle, srcRect As /*Const*/ Rectangle, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, _ 1680 callback As EnumerateMetafileProc) As Status 1681 1682 Return EnumerateMetafile(metafile, destRect, srcRect, srcUnit, callback, 0, 0) 1683 End Function 1684 1685 Function EnumerateMetafile(metafile As /*Const*/ Metafile, _ 1686 destRect As /*Const*/ Rectangle, srcRect As /*Const*/ Rectangle, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, _ 1687 callback As EnumerateMetafileProc, callbackData As VoidPtr) As Status 1688 1689 Return EnumerateMetafile(metafile, destRect, srcRect, srcUnit, callback, callbackData, 0) 1690 End Function 1691 1692 Function EnumerateMetafile(metafile As /*Const*/ Metafile, _ 1693 destRect As /*Const*/ Rectangle, srcRect As /*Const*/ Rectangle, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, _ 1694 callback As EnumerateMetafileProc, callbackData As VoidPtr, imageAttributes As /*Const*/ ImageAttributes) As Status 1695 1696 Dim nativeImage As /*Const*/ *GpMetafile 1697 If VarPtr(metafile) <> 0 Then 1698 nativeImage = metafile.NativeImage 1699 Else 1700 nativeImage = 0 1701 End If 1702 Dim nativeImageAttr As *GpImageAttributes 1703 If VarPtr(imageAttributes) <> 0 Then 1704 nativeImageAttr = image.NativeImageAttr 1705 Else 1706 nativeImageAttr = 0 1707 End If 1708 1709 Return SetStatus(GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestRectI(nativeGraphics, _ 1710 nativeImage, destRect, srcRect, srcUnit, callback, callbackData, nativeImageAttr)) 1711 End Function 1712 1713 Function EnumerateMetafile(metafile As /*Const*/ Metafile, _ 1714 destPoints As /*Const*/ *PointF, count As Long, srcRect As /*Const*/ RectangleF, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, _ 1715 callback As EnumerateMetafileProc) As Status 1716 1717 Return EnumerateMetafile(metafile, destPoints, count, srcRect, srcUnit, callback, 0, 0) 1718 End Function 1719 1720 Function EnumerateMetafile(metafile As /*Const*/ Metafile, _ 1721 destPoints As /*Const*/ *PointF, count As Long, srcRect As /*Const*/ RectangleF, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, _ 1722 callback As EnumerateMetafileProc, callbackData As VoidPtr) As Status 1723 1724 Return EnumerateMetafile(metafile, destPoints, count, srcRect, srcUnit, callback, callbackData, 0) 1725 End Function 1726 1727 Function EnumerateMetafile(metafile As /*Const*/ Metafile, _ 1728 destPoints As /*Const*/ *PointF, count As Long, srcRect As /*Const*/ RectangleF, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, _ 1729 callback As EnumerateMetafileProc, callbackData As VoidPtr, imageAttributes As /*Const*/ ImageAttributes) As Status 1730 1731 Dim nativeImage As /*Const*/ *GpMetafile 1732 If VarPtr(metafile) <> 0 Then 1733 nativeImage = metafile.NativeImage 1734 Else 1735 nativeImage = 0 1736 End If 1737 Dim nativeImageAttr As *GpImageAttributes 1738 If VarPtr(imageAttributes) <> 0 Then 1739 nativeImageAttr = image.NativeImageAttr 1740 Else 1741 nativeImageAttr = 0 1742 End If 1743 1744 Return SetStatus(GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestPoints(nativeGraphics, _ 1745 nativeImage, destPoints, count, srcRect, srcUnit, callback, callbackData, nativeImageAttr)) 1746 End Function 1747 1748 Function EnumerateMetafile(metafile As /*Const*/ Metafile, _ 1749 destPoints As /*Const*/ *Point, count As Long, srcRect As /*Const*/ Rectangle, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, _ 1750 callback As EnumerateMetafileProc) As Status 1751 1752 Return EnumerateMetafile(metafile, destPoints, count, srcRect, srcUnit, callback, 0, 0) 1753 End Function 1754 1755 Function EnumerateMetafile(metafile As /*Const*/ Metafile, _ 1756 destPoints As /*Const*/ *Point, count As Long, srcRect As /*Const*/ Rectangle, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, _ 1757 callback As EnumerateMetafileProc, callbackData As VoidPtr) As Status 1758 1759 Return EnumerateMetafile(metafile, destPoints, count, srcRect, srcUnit, callback, callbackData, 0) 1760 End Function 1761 1762 Function EnumerateMetafile(metafile As /*Const*/ Metafile, _ 1763 destPoints As /*Const*/ *Point, count As Long, srcRect As /*Const*/ Rectangle, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, _ 1764 callback As EnumerateMetafileProc, callbackData As VoidPtr, imageAttributes As /*Const*/ ImageAttributes) As Status 1765 1766 Dim nativeImage As /*Const*/ *GpMetafile 1767 If VarPtr(metafile) <> 0 Then 1768 nativeImage = metafile.NativeImage 1769 Else 1770 nativeImage = 0 1771 End If 1772 Dim nativeImageAttr As *GpImageAttributes 1773 If VarPtr(imageAttributes) <> 0 Then 1774 nativeImageAttr = image.NativeImageAttr 1775 Else 1776 nativeImageAttr = 0 1777 End If 1778 1779 Return SetStatus(GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestPointsI(nativeGraphics, nativeImage, _ 1780 destPoints, count, srcRect, srcUnit, callback, callbackData, nativeImageAttr)) 1781 End Function 1782 1783 Function SetClip(g As /*Const*/ Graphics) As Status 1784 Return SetClip(g, CombineMode.Replace) 1785 End Function 1786 1787 Function SetClip(rc As /*Const*/ RectangleF) As Status 1788 Return SetStatus(GdipSetClipRect(nativeGraphics, rc.X, rc.Y, rc.Width, rc.Height, CombineMode.Replace)) 1789 End Function 1790 1791 Function SetClip(rc As /*Const*/ Rectangle) As Status 1792 Return SetStatus(GdipSetClipRectI(nativeGraphics, rc.X, rc.Y, rc.Width, rc.Height, CombineMode.Replace)) 1793 End Function 1794 1795 Function SetClip(path As /*Const*/ GraphicsPath) As Status 1796 Return SetStatus(GdipSetClipPath(nativeGraphics, path->nativePath, CombineMode.Replace)) 1797 End Function 1798 1799 Function SetClip(region As /*Const*/ Region) As Status 1800 Return SetStatus(GdipSetClipRegion(nativeGraphics, region->nativeRegion, CombineMode.Replace)) 1801 End Function 1802 1803 Function SetClip(g As /*Const*/ Graphics, combineMode As CombineMode) As Status 1804 Return SetStatus(GdipSetClipGraphics(nativeGraphics, g->nativeGraphics, combineMode)) 1805 End Function 1806 1807 Function SetClip(rc As /*Const*/ RectangleF, combineMode As CombineMode) As Status 1808 Return SetStatus(GdipSetClipRect(nativeGraphics, rc.X, rc.Y, rc.Width, rc.Height, combineMode)) 1809 End Function 1810 1811 Function SetClip(rc As /*Const*/ Rectangle, combineMode As CombineMode) As Status 1812 Return SetStatus(GdipSetClipRectI(nativeGraphics, rc.X, rc.Y, rc.Width, rc.Height, combineMode)) 1813 End Function 1814 1815 Function SetClip(path As /*Const*/ GraphicsPath, combineMode As CombineMode) As Status 1816 Return SetStatus(GdipSetClipPath(nativeGraphics, path->nativePath, combineMode)) 1817 End Function 1818 1819 Function SetClip(region As /*Const*/ Region, combineMode As CombineMode) As Status 1820 Return SetStatus(GdipSetClipRegion(nativeGraphics, region->nativeRegion, combineMode)) 1821 End Function 1822 1823 ' This is different than the other SetClip methods because it assumes 1824 ' that the HRGN is already in device units, so it doesn't transform 1825 ' the coordinates in the HRGN. 1826 1827 Function SetClip(hrgn As HRGN, combineMode As CombineMode /* = CombineModeReplace*/) As Status 1828 Return SetStatus(GdipSetClipHrgn(nativeGraphics, hrgn, combineMode)) 1829 End Function 1830 1831 Function IntersectClip(rc As /*Const*/ RectangleF) As Status 1832 Return SetStatus(GdipSetClipRect(nativeGraphics, rc.X, rc.Y, rc.Width, rc.Height, CombineMode.Intersect)) 1833 End Function 1834 1835 Function IntersectClip(rc As /*Const*/ Rectangle) As Status 1836 Return SetStatus(GdipSetClipRectI(nativeGraphics, rc.X, rc.Y, rc.Width, rc.Height, CombineMode.Intersect)) 1837 End Function 1838 1839 Function IntersectClip(region As /*Const*/ Region) As Status 1840 Return SetStatus(GdipSetClipRegion(nativeGraphics, region->nativeRegion, CombineMode.Intersect)) 1841 End Function 1842 1843 Function ExcludeClip(rc As /*Const*/ RectangleF) As Status 1844 Return SetStatus(GdipSetClipRect(nativeGraphics, rc.X, rc.Y, rc.Width, rc.Height, CombineMode.Exclude)) 1845 End Function 1846 1847 Function ExcludeClip(rc As /*Const*/ Rectangle) As Status 1848 Return SetStatus(GdipSetClipRectI(nativeGraphics, rc.X, rc.Y, rc.Width, rc.Height, CombineMode.Exclude)) 1849 End Function 1850 1851 Function ExcludeClip(region As /*Const*/ Region) As Status 1852 Return SetStatus(GdipSetClipRegion(nativeGraphics, region->nativeRegion, CombineMode.Exclude)) 1853 End Function 1854 1855 Function ResetClip() As Status 1856 Return SetStatus(GdipResetClip(nativeGraphics)) 1857 End Function 1858 1859 Function TranslateClip(dx As Single, dy As Single) As Status 1860 Return SetStatus(GdipTranslateClip(nativeGraphics, dx, dy)) 1861 End Function 1862 1863 Function TranslateClip(dx As Long, dy As Long) As Status 1864 Return SetStatus(GdipTranslateClipI(nativeGraphics, dx, dy)) 1865 End Function 1866 1867 Const Function GetClip(region As Region) As Status 1868 Return SetStatus(GdipGetClip(nativeGraphics, region->nativeRegion)) 1869 End Function 1870 1871 Const Function GetClipBounds(rc As RectangleF) As Status 1872 Return SetStatus(GdipGetClipBounds(nativeGraphics, rc)) 1873 End Function 1874 1875 Const Function GetClipBounds(rc As Rectangle) As Status 1876 Return SetStatus(GdipGetClipBoundsI(nativeGraphics, rc)) 1877 End Function 1878 1879 Const Function GetVisibleClipBounds(rc As RectangleF) As Status 1880 Return SetStatus(GdipGetVisibleClipBounds(nativeGraphics, rc)) 1881 End Function 1882 1883 Const Function GetVisibleClipBounds(rc As Rectangle) As Status 1884 Return SetStatus(GdipGetVisibleClipBoundsI(nativeGraphics, rc)) 1885 End Function 1886 1887 Const Function IsVisible(x As Long, y As Long) As BOOL 901 End Sub 902 903 Sub EnumerateMetafile(metafile As Metafile, ByRef destPoint As PointF, 904 callback As EnumerateMetafileProc, callbackData = 0 As VoidPtr, imageAttr = Nothing As ImageAttributes) 905 906 Dim nativeImage = getNativeImage(metafile) 907 Dim nativeImageAttr = getNativeImageAttributes(imageAttr) 908 Dim procData As Detail.EnumerateMetafileProcData 909 procData.Proc = callback 910 procData.Data = callbackData 911 SetStatus(GdipEnumerateMetafileDestPoint(nativeGraphics, 912 nativeImage, destPoint, AddressOf(Detail.NativeEnumerateMetafileProcEntry), VarPtr(procData), nativeImageAttr)) 913 End Sub 914 915 Sub EnumerateMetafile(metafile As Metafile, ByRef destPoint As Point, 916 callback As EnumerateMetafileProc, callbackData = 0 As VoidPtr, imageAttr = Nothing As ImageAttributes) 917 918 Dim nativeImage = getNativeImage(metafile) 919 Dim nativeImageAttr = getNativeImageAttributes(imageAttr) 920 Dim procData As Detail.EnumerateMetafileProcData 921 procData.Proc = callback 922 procData.Data = callbackData 923 SetStatus(GdipEnumerateMetafileDestPointI(nativeGraphics, 924 nativeImage, destPoint, AddressOf(Detail.NativeEnumerateMetafileProcEntry), VarPtr(procData), nativeImageAttr)) 925 End Sub 926 927 Sub EnumerateMetafile(metafile As Metafile, ByRef destRect As RectangleF, 928 callback As EnumerateMetafileProc, callbackData = 0 As VoidPtr, imageAttr = Nothing As ImageAttributes) 929 930 Dim nativeImage = getNativeImage(metafile) 931 Dim nativeImageAttr = getNativeImageAttributes(imageAttr) 932 Dim procData As Detail.EnumerateMetafileProcData 933 procData.Proc = callback 934 procData.Data = callbackData 935 SetStatus(GdipEnumerateMetafileDestRect(nativeGraphics, 936 nativeImage, destRect, AddressOf(Detail.NativeEnumerateMetafileProcEntry), VarPtr(procData), nativeImageAttr)) 937 End Sub 938 939 Sub EnumerateMetafile(metafile As Metafile, ByRef destRect As Rectangle, 940 callback As EnumerateMetafileProc, callbackData = 0 As VoidPtr, imageAttr = Nothing As ImageAttributes) 941 942 Dim nativeImage = getNativeImage(metafile) 943 Dim nativeImageAttr = getNativeImageAttributes(imageAttr) 944 Dim procData As Detail.EnumerateMetafileProcData 945 procData.Proc = callback 946 procData.Data = callbackData 947 SetStatus(GdipEnumerateMetafileDestRectI(nativeGraphics, 948 nativeImage, destRect, AddressOf(Detail.NativeEnumerateMetafileProcEntry), VarPtr(procData), nativeImageAttr)) 949 End Sub 950 951 Sub EnumerateMetafile(metafile As Metafile, destPoints As *PointF, count As Long, 952 callback As EnumerateMetafileProc, callbackData = 0 As VoidPtr, imageAttr = Nothing As ImageAttributes) 953 954 Dim nativeImage = getNativeImage(metafile) 955 Dim nativeImageAttr = getNativeImageAttributes(imageAttr) 956 Dim procData As Detail.EnumerateMetafileProcData 957 procData.Proc = callback 958 procData.Data = callbackData 959 SetStatus(GdipEnumerateMetafileDestPoints(nativeGraphics, 960 nativeImage,destPoints, count, AddressOf(Detail.NativeEnumerateMetafileProcEntry), VarPtr(procData), nativeImageAttr)) 961 End Sub 962 963 Sub EnumerateMetafile(metafile As Metafile, destPoints As *Point, count As Long, 964 callback As EnumerateMetafileProc, callbackData = 0 As VoidPtr, imageAttr = Nothing As ImageAttributes) 965 966 Dim nativeImage = getNativeImage(metafile) 967 Dim nativeImageAttr = getNativeImageAttributes(imageAttr) 968 Dim procData As Detail.EnumerateMetafileProcData 969 procData.Proc = callback 970 procData.Data = callbackData 971 SetStatus(GdipEnumerateMetafileDestPointsI(nativeGraphics, 972 nativeImage,destPoints, count, AddressOf(Detail.NativeEnumerateMetafileProcEntry), VarPtr(procData), nativeImageAttr)) 973 End Sub 974 975 Sub EnumerateMetafile(metafile As Metafile, 976 ByRef destPoint As PointF, ByRef srcRect As RectangleF, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, 977 callback As EnumerateMetafileProc, callbackData = 0 As VoidPtr, imageAttr = Nothing As ImageAttributes) 978 979 Dim nativeImage = getNativeImage(metafile) 980 Dim nativeImageAttr = getNativeImageAttributes(imageAttr) 981 Dim procData As Detail.EnumerateMetafileProcData 982 procData.Proc = callback 983 procData.Data = callbackData 984 SetStatus(GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestPoint(nativeGraphics, 985 nativeImage, destPoint, srcRect, srcUnit, AddressOf(Detail.NativeEnumerateMetafileProcEntry), VarPtr(procData), nativeImageAttr)) 986 End Sub 987 988 Sub EnumerateMetafile(metafile As Metafile, 989 ByRef destPoint As Point, ByRef srcRect As Rectangle, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, 990 callback As EnumerateMetafileProc, callbackData = 0 As VoidPtr, imageAttr = Nothing As ImageAttributes) 991 992 Dim nativeImage = getNativeImage(metafile) 993 Dim nativeImageAttr = getNativeImageAttributes(imageAttr) 994 Dim procData As Detail.EnumerateMetafileProcData 995 procData.Proc = callback 996 procData.Data = callbackData 997 SetStatus(GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestPointI(nativeGraphics, 998 nativeImage, destPoint, srcRect, srcUnit, AddressOf(Detail.NativeEnumerateMetafileProcEntry), VarPtr(procData), nativeImageAttr)) 999 End Sub 1000 1001 Sub EnumerateMetafile(metafile As Metafile, 1002 ByRef destRect As RectangleF, ByRef srcRect As RectangleF, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, 1003 callback As EnumerateMetafileProc, callbackData = 0 As VoidPtr, imageAttr = Nothing As ImageAttributes) 1004 1005 Dim nativeImage = getNativeImage(metafile) 1006 Dim nativeImageAttr = getNativeImageAttributes(imageAttr) 1007 Dim procData As Detail.EnumerateMetafileProcData 1008 procData.Proc = callback 1009 procData.Data = callbackData 1010 SetStatus(GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestRect(nativeGraphics, 1011 nativeImage, destRect, srcRect, srcUnit, AddressOf(Detail.NativeEnumerateMetafileProcEntry), VarPtr(procData), nativeImageAttr)) 1012 End Sub 1013 1014 Sub EnumerateMetafile(metafile As Metafile, 1015 ByRef destRect As Rectangle, ByRef srcRect As Rectangle, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, 1016 callback As EnumerateMetafileProc, callbackData = 0 As VoidPtr, imageAttr = Nothing As ImageAttributes) 1017 1018 Dim nativeImage = getNativeImage(metafile) 1019 Dim nativeImageAttr = getNativeImageAttributes(imageAttr) 1020 Dim procData As Detail.EnumerateMetafileProcData 1021 procData.Proc = callback 1022 procData.Data = callbackData 1023 SetStatus(GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestRectI(nativeGraphics, 1024 nativeImage, destRect, srcRect, srcUnit, AddressOf(Detail.NativeEnumerateMetafileProcEntry), VarPtr(procData), nativeImageAttr)) 1025 End Sub 1026 1027 Sub EnumerateMetafile(metafile As Metafile, 1028 destPoints As *PointF, count As Long, ByRef srcRect As RectangleF, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, 1029 callback As EnumerateMetafileProc, callbackData = 0 As VoidPtr, imageAttr = Nothing As ImageAttributes) 1030 1031 Dim nativeImage = getNativeImage(metafile) 1032 Dim nativeImageAttr = getNativeImageAttributes(imageAttr) 1033 Dim procData As Detail.EnumerateMetafileProcData 1034 procData.Proc = callback 1035 procData.Data = callbackData 1036 SetStatus(GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestPoints(nativeGraphics, 1037 nativeImage, destPoints, count, srcRect, srcUnit, AddressOf(Detail.NativeEnumerateMetafileProcEntry), VarPtr(procData), nativeImageAttr)) 1038 End Sub 1039 1040 Sub EnumerateMetafile(metafile As Metafile, 1041 destPoints As *Point, count As Long, ByRef srcRect As Rectangle, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, 1042 callback As EnumerateMetafileProc, callbackData = 0 As VoidPtr, imageAttr = Nothing As ImageAttributes) 1043 1044 Dim nativeImage = getNativeImage(metafile) 1045 Dim nativeImageAttr = getNativeImageAttributes(imageAttr) 1046 Dim procData As Detail.EnumerateMetafileProcData 1047 procData.Proc = callback 1048 procData.Data = callbackData 1049 SetStatus(GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestPointsI(nativeGraphics, nativeImage, 1050 destPoints, count, srcRect, srcUnit, AddressOf(Detail.NativeEnumerateMetafileProcEntry), VarPtr(procData), nativeImageAttr)) 1051 End Sub 1052 1053 Sub SetClip(g As Graphics) 1054 SetClip(g, System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CombineMode.Replace) 1055 End Sub 1056 1057 Sub SetClip(g As Graphics, combineMode As Drawing2D.CombineMode) 1058 SetStatus(GdipSetClipGraphics(nativeGraphics, g.nativeGraphics, combineMode)) 1059 End Sub 1060 1061 Sub SetClip(ByRef rc As RectangleF) 1062 SetClip(rc, System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CombineMode.Replace) 1063 End Sub 1064 1065 Sub SetClip(ByRef rc As RectangleF, combineMode As Drawing2D.CombineMode) 1066 SetStatus(GdipSetClipRect(nativeGraphics, rc.X, rc.Y, rc.Width, rc.Height, combineMode)) 1067 End Sub 1068 1069 Sub SetClip(ByRef rc As Rectangle) 1070 SetClip(rc, System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CombineMode.Replace) 1071 End Sub 1072 1073 Sub SetClip(ByRef rc As Rectangle, combineMode As Drawing2D.CombineMode) 1074 SetStatus(GdipSetClipRectI(nativeGraphics, rc.X, rc.Y, rc.Width, rc.Height, combineMode)) 1075 End Sub 1076 1077 Sub SetClip(path As GraphicsPath) 1078 SetClip(path, System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CombineMode.Replace) 1079 End Sub 1080 1081 Sub SetClip(path As GraphicsPath, combineMode As Drawing2D.CombineMode) 1082 SetStatus(GdipSetClipPath(nativeGraphics, path.nativePath, combineMode)) 1083 End Sub 1084 1085 Sub SetClip(region As Region) 1086 SetClip(region, System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CombineMode.Replace) 1087 End Sub 1088 1089 Sub SetClip(region As Region, combineMode As Drawing2D.CombineMode) 1090 SetStatus(GdipSetClipRegion(nativeGraphics, region.nativeRegion, combineMode)) 1091 End Sub 1092 1093 Sub SetClip(hrgn As HRGN) 1094 SetClip(hrgn, System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CombineMode.Replace) 1095 End Sub 1096 1097 Sub SetClip(hrgn As HRGN, combineMode As Drawing2D.CombineMode) 1098 SetStatus(GdipSetClipHrgn(nativeGraphics, hrgn, combineMode)) 1099 End Sub 1100 1101 Sub IntersectClip(ByRef rc As RectangleF) 1102 SetStatus(GdipSetClipRect(nativeGraphics, rc.X, rc.Y, rc.Width, rc.Height, System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CombineMode.Intersect)) 1103 End Sub 1104 1105 Sub IntersectClip(ByRef rc As Rectangle) 1106 SetStatus(GdipSetClipRectI(nativeGraphics, rc.X, rc.Y, rc.Width, rc.Height, System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CombineMode.Intersect)) 1107 End Sub 1108 1109 Sub IntersectClip(region As Region) 1110 SetStatus(GdipSetClipRegion(nativeGraphics, region.nativeRegion, System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CombineMode.Intersect)) 1111 End Sub 1112 1113 Sub ExcludeClip(ByRef rc As RectangleF) 1114 SetStatus(GdipSetClipRect(nativeGraphics, rc.X, rc.Y, rc.Width, rc.Height, System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CombineMode.Exclude)) 1115 End Sub 1116 1117 Sub ExcludeClip(ByRef rc As Rectangle) 1118 SetStatus(GdipSetClipRectI(nativeGraphics, rc.X, rc.Y, rc.Width, rc.Height, System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CombineMode.Exclude)) 1119 End Sub 1120 1121 Sub ExcludeClip(region As Region) 1122 SetStatus(GdipSetClipRegion(nativeGraphics, region.nativeRegion, System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CombineMode.Exclude)) 1123 End Sub 1124 1125 Sub ResetClip() 1126 SetStatus(GdipResetClip(nativeGraphics)) 1127 End Sub 1128 1129 Sub TranslateClip(dx As Single, dy As Single) 1130 SetStatus(GdipTranslateClip(nativeGraphics, dx, dy)) 1131 End Sub 1132 1133 Sub TranslateClip(dx As Long, dy As Long) 1134 SetStatus(GdipTranslateClipI(nativeGraphics, dx, dy)) 1135 End Sub 1136 1137 Const Function IsVisible(x As Long, y As Long) As Boolean 1888 1138 Dim b = FALSE As BOOL 1889 1139 SetStatus(GdipIsVisiblePointI(nativeGraphics, x, y, b)) 1890 Return b1891 End Function 1892 1893 Const Function IsVisible( pt As /*Const*/ Point) As BOOL1894 ReturnIsVisible(pt.X, pt.Y)1895 End Function 1896 1897 Const Function IsVisible(x As Long, y As Long, width As Long, height As Long) As B OOL1140 IsVisible = b As Boolean 1141 End Function 1142 1143 Const Function IsVisible(ByRef pt As Point) As Boolean 1144 IsVisible(pt.X, pt.Y) 1145 End Function 1146 1147 Const Function IsVisible(x As Long, y As Long, width As Long, height As Long) As Boolean 1898 1148 Dim b = FALSE As BOOL 1899 1149 SetStatus(GdipIsVisibleRectI(nativeGraphics, x, y, width, height, b)) 1900 Return b1901 End Function 1902 1903 Const Function IsVisible( rc As /*Const*/ Rectangle) As BOOL1904 ReturnIsVisible(rc.X, rc.Y, rc.Width, rc.Height)1905 End Function 1906 1907 Const Function IsVisible(x As Single, y As Single) As B OOL1150 IsVisible = b As Boolean 1151 End Function 1152 1153 Const Function IsVisible(ByRef rc As Rectangle) As Boolean 1154 IsVisible = IsVisible(rc.X, rc.Y, rc.Width, rc.Height) 1155 End Function 1156 1157 Const Function IsVisible(x As Single, y As Single) As Boolean 1908 1158 Dim b = FALSE As BOOL 1909 1159 SetStatus(GdipIsVisiblePoint(nativeGraphics, x, y, b)) 1910 Return b1911 End Function 1912 1913 Const Function IsVisible( point As /*Const*/ PointF) As BOOL1914 ReturnIsVisible(pt.X, pt.Y)1915 End Function 1916 1917 Const Function IsVisible(x As Single, y As Single, width As Single, height As Single) As B OOL1160 IsVisible = b As Boolean 1161 End Function 1162 1163 Const Function IsVisible(ByRef pt As PointF) As Boolean 1164 IsVisible = IsVisible(pt.X, pt.Y) 1165 End Function 1166 1167 Const Function IsVisible(x As Single, y As Single, width As Single, height As Single) As Boolean 1918 1168 Dim b = FALSE As BOOL 1919 1169 SetStatus(GdipIsVisibleRect(nativeGraphics, x, y, width, height, b)) 1920 Return b 1921 End Function 1922 1923 Const Function IsVisible(rect As /*Const*/ RectangleF) As BOOL 1924 Return IsVisible(rc.X, rc.Y, rc.Width, rc.Height) 1925 End Function 1926 1927 Const Function Save() As GraphicsState 1928 Dim gstate As GraphicsState 1929 SetStatus(GdipSaveGraphics(nativeGraphics, state)) 1930 Return gstate 1931 End Function 1932 1933 Function Restore(gstate As GraphicsState) 1934 Return SetStatus(GdipRestoreGraphics(nativeGraphics, gstate)) 1935 End Function 1936 1937 Function BeginContainer(dstrect As /*Const*/ RectangleF, srcrect As /*Const*/ RectangleF, unit As GraphicsUnit) As GraphicsContainer 1938 Dim state As GraphicsContainer 1939 SetStatus(GdipBeginContainer(nativeGraphics, dstrect, srcrect, unit, state)) 1940 Return state 1941 End Function 1942 1943 Function BeginContainer(dstrect As /*Const*/ Rectangle, srcrect As /*Const*/ Rectangle, unit As GraphicsUnit) As GraphicsContainer 1944 Dim state As GraphicsContainer 1945 SetStatus(GdipBeginContainerI(nativeGraphics, dstrect, srcrect, unit, state)) 1946 Return state 1947 End Function 1948 1949 Function BeginContainer() As GraphicsContainer 1950 Dim state As GraphicsContainer 1951 SetStatus(GdipBeginContainer2(nativeGraphics, state)) 1952 Return state 1953 End Function 1954 1955 Function EndContainer(state As GraphicsContainer) As Status 1956 Return SetStatus(GdipEndContainer(nativeGraphics, state)) 1957 End Function 1958 1959 ' Only valid when recording metafiles. 1960 1961 Function AddMetafileComment(data As /*Const*/ *Byte, sizeData As DWord) 1962 Return SetStatus(GdipComment(nativeGraphics, sizeData, data)) 1963 End Function 1170 IsVisible = b As Boolean 1171 End Function 1172 1173 Const Function IsVisible(ByRef rc As RectangleF) As Boolean 1174 IsVisible = IsVisible(rc.X, rc.Y, rc.Width, rc.Height) 1175 End Function 1176 1177 Const Function Save() As Drawing2D.GraphicsState 1178 SetStatus(GdipSaveGraphics(nativeGraphics, Save)) 1179 End Function 1180 1181 Sub Restore(gstate As Drawing2D.GraphicsState) 1182 SetStatus(GdipRestoreGraphics(nativeGraphics, gstate)) 1183 End Sub 1184 1185 Function BeginContainer(ByRef dstrect As RectangleF, ByRef srcrect As RectangleF, unit As GraphicsUnit) As Drawing2D.GraphicsContainer 1186 SetStatus(GdipBeginContainer(nativeGraphics, dstrect, srcrect, unit, BeginContainer)) 1187 End Function 1188 1189 Function BeginContainer(ByRef dstrect As Rectangle, ByRef srcrect As Rectangle, unit As GraphicsUnit) As Drawing2D.GraphicsContainer 1190 SetStatus(GdipBeginContainerI(nativeGraphics, dstrect, srcrect, unit, BeginContainer)) 1191 End Function 1192 1193 Function BeginContainer() As Drawing2D.GraphicsContainer 1194 SetStatus(GdipBeginContainer2(nativeGraphics, BeginContainer)) 1195 End Function 1196 1197 Sub EndContainer(state As Drawing2D.GraphicsContainer) 1198 SetStatus(GdipEndContainer(nativeGraphics, state)) 1199 End Sub 1200 1201 Sub AddMetafileComment(data As *Byte, sizeData As DWord) 1202 SetStatus(GdipComment(nativeGraphics, sizeData, data)) 1203 End Sub 1964 1204 1965 1205 Static Function GetHalftonePalette() As HPALETTE 1966 Return GdipCreateHalftonePalette() 1967 End Function 1968 1969 Const Function GetLastStatus() As Status 1970 Dim lastStatus = lastResult 1971 lastResult = Status.Ok 1972 Return lastStatus 1973 End Function 1206 GdipCreateHalftonePalette() 1207 End Function 1208 1209 Function NativeGraphics() As *GpGraphics 1210 NativeGraphics = nativeGraphics 1211 End Function 1212 1213 Sub Graphics(graphics As *GpGraphics) 1214 nativeGraphics = graphics 1215 End Sub 1974 1216 1975 1217 Private 1976 ' Sub Graphics(gr As Graphics) 1977 ' Debug 1978 ' End Sub 1979 Sub Operator =(gr As Graphics) 1980 Debug 1981 End Sub 1982 1983 Protected 1984 Sub Graphics(graphics As *GpGraphics) 1985 lastResult = Status.Ok 1986 SetNativeGraphics(graphics) 1987 End Sub 1988 1989 Sub SetNativeGraphics(graphics As *GpGraphics) 1990 This.nativeGraphics = graphics 1991 End Sub 1992 1993 Const Function SetStatus(status As Status) As Status 1994 If status <> Status.Ok Then 1995 lastResult = status 1218 Static Function getNativePen(pen As Pen) As *GpPen 1219 If ActiveBasic.IsNothing(pen) Then 1220 getNativePen = 0 1221 Else 1222 getNativePen = pen.NativePen 1996 1223 End If 1997 Return status 1998 End Function 1999 2000 Const Function GetNativeGraphics() As *GpGraphics 2001 Return This.nativeGraphics 2002 End Function 2003 2004 Function GetNativePen(pen As /*Const*/ *Pen) As *GpPen 2005 Return pen->nativePen 2006 End Function 2007 2008 Protected 1224 End Function 1225 1226 Static Function getNativeStringFormat(sf As StringFormat) As *GpStringFormat 1227 If ActiveBasic.IsNothing(sf) Then 1228 getNativeStringFormat = 0 1229 Else 1230 getNativeStringFormat = sf.nativeFormat 1231 End If 1232 End Function 1233 1234 Static Function getNativeBrush(br As Brush) As *GpBrush 1235 If ActiveBasic.IsNothing(br) Then 1236 getNativeBrush = 0 1237 Else 1238 getNativeBrush = br.nativeBrush 1239 End If 1240 End Function 1241 1242 Static Function getNativeFont(font As Font) As *GpFont 1243 If ActiveBasic.IsNothing(font) Then 1244 getNativeFont = 0 1245 Else 1246 getNativeFont = font.NativeFont 1247 End If 1248 End Function 1249 1250 Static Function getNativeImage(image As Image) As *GpImage 1251 If ActiveBasic.IsNothing(image) Then 1252 getNativeImage = 0 1253 Else 1254 getNativeImage = image.nativeImage 1255 End If 1256 End Function 1257 1258 Static Function getNativeImageAttributes(imageAttr As ImageAttributes) As *GpImageAttributes 1259 If ActiveBasic.IsNothing(imageAttr) Then 1260 getNativeImageAttributes = 0 1261 Else 1262 getNativeImageAttributes = imageAttr.nativeImage 1263 End If 1264 End Function 1265 2009 1266 nativeGraphics As *GpGraphics 2010 lastResult As /*Mutable*/ Status2011 1267 End Class 2012 1268 -
r635 r698 46 46 Const GDIP_EMFPLUSFLAGS_DISPLAY = &h00000001 47 47 48 Class MetafileHeader 49 Private 48 Type MetafileHeader 50 49 mfType As MetafileType 51 50 Size As DWord … … 65 64 logicalDpiX As Long 66 65 logicalDpiY As Long 66 /* 67 67 Public 68 68 Function MetafileType() As MetafileType … … 91 91 92 92 Function Bounds() As Rectangle 93 Dim r(X, Y, Width, Height) 94 Return r 93 Bounds.X = X 94 Bounds.Y = Y 95 Bounds.Width = Width 96 Bounds.Height = Height 95 97 End Function 96 98 … … 127 129 End Function 128 130 129 Function IsEmfPlusOnly() As BOOL /*const*/131 Function IsEmfPlusOnly() As BOOL 130 132 IsEmfPlusOnly = (mfType = MetafileTypeEmfPlusOnly) 131 133 End Function … … 133 135 Function IsDisplay() As BOOL 134 136 If IsEmfPlus() <> FALSE And ((EmfPlusFlags And GDIP_EMFPLUSFLAGS_DISPLAY) <> 0) Then 135 IsDisplay = _System_TRUE137 IsDisplay = TRUE 136 138 Else 137 IsDisplay = _System_FALSE 139 IsDisplay = FALSE 140 End If 138 141 End Function 139 142 … … 146 149 End Function 147 150 148 Function GetEmfHeader() As * /*const*/ ENHMETAHEADER3 /*const*/151 Function GetEmfHeader() As *ENHMETAHEADER3 149 152 If IsEmfOrEmfPlus() Then 150 153 Return VarPtr(EmfHeader) 'VarPtr(WmfHeader) … … 153 156 End If 154 157 End Function 155 End Class 158 */ 159 End Type 156 160 157 161 End Namespace -
r635 r698 1 1 ' Classes/System/Drawing/Imaging/misc.ab 2 3 TypeDef ARGB = DWord 4 TypeDef ARGB64 = QWord 2 5 3 6 Namespace System 4 7 Namespace Drawing 5 8 Namespace Imaging 6 7 TypeDef ARGB = DWord8 TypeDef ARGB64 = QWord9 9 10 10 Enum ColorMode … … 137 137 Type Align(8) EncoderParameters 138 138 Count As DWord 139 Parameter[ 1] As EncoderParameter139 Parameter[0] As EncoderParameter 140 140 End Type 141 141 -
r550 r698 4 4 Namespace Drawing 5 5 6 Class Point 7 Public 8 Sub Point() 9 x = 0 10 y = 0 11 End Sub 12 13 Sub Point(initX As Long, initY As Long) 14 x = initX 15 y = initY 16 End Sub 17 18 Sub Point(sz As Size) 19 x = sz.Width 20 y = sz.Height 21 End Sub 22 23 Sub Point(dw As DWord) 24 x = LOWORD(dw) 25 y = HIWORD(dw) 26 End Sub 27 28 Function X() As Long 29 X = x 30 End Function 31 32 Sub X(newX As Long) 33 x = newX 34 End Sub 35 36 Function Y() As Long 37 Y = y 38 End Function 39 40 Sub Y(newY As Long) 41 y = newY 42 End Sub 43 44 Function IsEmpty() As Boolean 45 Return x = 0 And y = 0 46 End Function 47 48 Function Operator +(pt As Point) As Point 49 Return Add(This, pt) 50 End Function 51 52 Function Operator +(sz As Size) As Point 53 Return Add(This, sz) 54 End Function 55 56 Function Operator -(pt As Point) As Point 57 Return Substract(This, pt) 58 End Function 59 60 Function Operator -(sz As Size) As Point 61 Return Substract(This, sz) 62 End Function 63 64 Function Operator ==(sz As Point) As Boolean 65 Return Equals(sz) 66 End Function 67 68 Function Operator <>(sz As Point) As Boolean 69 Return Not Equals(sz) 70 End Function 71 72 Static Function Add(pt1 As Point, pt2 As Point) As Point 73 Return New Point(pt1.x + pt2.x, pt1.y + pt2.y) 74 End Function 75 76 Static Function Add(pt As Point, sz As Size) As Point 77 Return New Point(pt.x + sz.Width, pt.y + sz.Height) 78 End Function 79 80 Function Offset(pt As Point) As Point 81 Return New Point(x + pt.x, y + pt.y) 82 End Function 83 84 Sub Offset(dx As Long, dy As Long) 85 x += dx 86 y += dy 87 End Sub 88 89 Static Function Substract(pt1 As Point, pt2 As Point) As Point 90 Return New Point(pt1.x - pt2.x, pt1.y - pt2.y) 91 End Function 92 93 Static Function Substract(pt As Point, sz As Size) As Point 94 Return New Point(pt.x - sz.Width, pt.y - sz.Height) 95 End Function 96 97 Function Equals(pt As Point) As Boolean 98 Return x = pt.x And y = pt.y 99 End Function 100 101 Override Function GetHashCode() As Long 102 Return x Xor _System_BSwap(y As DWord) 103 End Function 104 105 Static Function Ceiling(ptf As PointF) As Point 106 Return New Point(Math.Ceiling(ptf.X) As Long, Math.Ceiling(ptf.Y) As Long) 107 End Function 108 109 Static Function Round(ptf As PointF) As Point 110 Return New Point(Math.Round(ptf.X) As Long, Math.Round(ptf.Y) As Long) 111 End Function 112 113 Static Function Truncate(ptf As PointF) As Point 114 Return New Point(Math.Truncate(ptf.X) As Long, Math.Truncate(ptf.Y) As Long) 115 End Function 116 117 Function Operator () As PointF 118 Return New PointF(X, Y) 119 End Function 120 121 Private 122 x As Long 123 y As Long 124 End Class 6 Type Point 7 X As Long 8 Y As Long 9 End Type 125 10 126 11 End Namespace -
r473 r698 4 4 Namespace Drawing 5 5 6 Class PointF 7 Public 8 Sub PointF() 9 x = 0 10 y = 0 11 End Sub 12 13 Sub PointF(initX As Single, initY As Single) 14 x = initX 15 y = initY 16 End Sub 17 18 Sub PointF(pt As PointF) 19 x = pt.x 20 y = pt.y 21 End Sub 22 23 Sub PointF(sz As SizeF) 24 x = sz.Width 25 y = sz.Height 26 End Sub 27 28 Function X() As Single 29 X = x 30 End Function 31 32 Sub X(newX As Single) 33 x = newX 34 End Sub 35 36 Function Y() As Single 37 Y = y 38 End Function 39 40 Sub Y(newY As Single) 41 y = newY 42 End Sub 43 44 Function IsEmpty() As Boolean 45 Return x = 0 And y = 0 46 End Function 47 48 Function Operator + (pt As PointF) As PointF 49 Return Add(This, pt) 50 End Function 51 52 Function Operator + (sz As Size) As PointF 53 Return Add(This, sz) 54 End Function 55 56 Function Operator + (sz As SizeF) As PointF 57 Return Add(This, sz) 58 End Function 59 60 Function Operator - (pt As PointF) As PointF 61 Return Substract(This, pt) 62 End Function 63 64 Function Operator - (sz As Size) As PointF 65 Return Substract(This, sz) 66 End Function 67 68 Function Operator - (sz As SizeF) As PointF 69 Return Substract(This, sz) 70 End Function 71 72 Function Operator == (sz As PointF) As Boolean 73 Return Equals(sz) 74 End Function 75 76 Function Operator <> (sz As PointF) As Boolean 77 Return Not Equals(sz) 78 End Function 79 80 Static Function Add(pt1 As PointF, pt2 As PointF) As PointF 81 Return New PointF(pt1.x + pt2.x, pt1.y + pt2.y) 82 End Function 83 84 Static Function Add(pt As PointF, sz As Size) As PointF 85 Return New PointF(pt.x + sz.Width, pt.y + sz.Height) 86 End Function 87 88 Static Function Add(pt As PointF, sz As SizeF) As PointF 89 Return New PointF(pt.x + sz.Width, pt.y + sz.Height) 90 End Function 91 92 Static Function Substract(pt1 As PointF, pt2 As PointF) As PointF 93 Return New PointF(pt1.x - pt2.x, pt1.y - pt2.y) 94 End Function 95 96 Static Function Substract(pt As PointF, sz As Size) As PointF 97 Return New PointF(pt.x - sz.Width, pt.y - sz.Height) 98 End Function 99 100 Static Function Substract(pt As PointF, sz As SizeF) As PointF 101 Return New PointF(pt.x - sz.Width, pt.y - sz.Height) 102 End Function 103 104 Function Equals(pt As PointF) As Boolean 105 Return x = pt.x And y = pt.y 106 End Function 107 108 Override Function GetHashCode() As Long 109 Return (GetDWord(VarPtr(x)) Xor _System_BSwap(GetDWord(VarPtr(x)))) As Long 110 End Function 111 112 Private 113 x As Single 114 y As Single 115 End Class 6 Type PointF 7 X As Single 8 Y As Single 9 End Type 116 10 117 11 End Namespace -
r473 r698 4 4 Namespace Drawing 5 5 6 Class Rectangle 7 Public 8 Sub Rectangle() 9 x = 0 10 y = 0 11 width = 0 12 height = 0 13 End Sub 14 15 Sub Rectangle(x As Long, y As Long, width As Long, height As Long) 16 x = x 17 y = y 18 width = width 19 height = height 20 End Sub 21 22 Sub Rectangle(l As Point, s As Size) 23 x = l.X 24 y = l.Y 25 width = s.Height 26 height = s.Height 27 End Sub 28 29 Sub Rectangle(ByRef r As RECT) 30 x = r.left 31 y = 32 width = r.right - r.left 33 height = - r.bottom 34 End Sub 35 36 Function Location() As Point 37 Location = New Point(x, y) 38 End Function 39 40 Sub Location(point As Point) 41 x = point.X 42 y = point.Y 43 End Sub 44 45 Function Size() As Size 46 Size = New Size(width, height) 47 End Function 48 49 Sub Size(size As Size) 50 width = size.Width 51 height = size.Height 52 End Sub 53 54 Function X() As Long 55 X = x 56 End Function 57 58 Sub X(value As Long) 59 x = value 60 End Sub 61 62 Function Y() As Long 63 Y = y 64 End Function 65 66 Sub Y(value As Long) 67 y = value 68 End Sub 69 70 Function Width() As Long 71 Width = width 72 End Function 73 74 Sub Width(value As Long) 75 width = value 76 End Sub 77 78 Function Height() As Long 79 Height = height 80 End Function 81 82 Sub Height(value As Long) 83 height = value 84 End Sub 85 86 Function Left() As Long 87 Left = X 88 End Function 89 90 Function Top() As Long 91 Top = Y 92 End Function 93 94 Function Right() As Long 95 Right = X + Width 96 End Function 97 98 Function Bottom() As Long 99 Bottom = Y + Height 100 End Function 101 102 Function IsEmpty() As Boolean 103 Return Width <= 0 Or Height <= 0 104 End Function 105 106 Function Operator ==(rc As Rectangle) As Boolean 107 Return Equals(rc) 108 End Function 109 110 Function Operator <>(rc As Rectangle) As Boolean 111 Return (Not Equals(rc)) 112 End Function 113 114 Function Operator () As RectangleF 115 Return New RectangleF(x, y, width, height) 116 End Function 117 118 Function Equals(rc As Rectangle) As Boolean 119 Return X = rc.X And Y = rc.Y And Width = rc.Width And Height = rc.Height 120 End Function 121 122 Override Function GetHashCode() As Long 123 Return x As DWord Xor _System_BSwap(y As DWord) Xor width As DWord Xor _System_BSwap(height As DWord) 124 End Function 125 126 Static Function FromLTRB(l As Long, t As Long, r As Long, b As Long) As Rectangle 127 return New Rectangle(l, t, r - l, b - t) 128 End Function 129 130 Function Contains(x As Long, y As Long) As Boolean 131 Return x >= X And x < X + Width And y >= Y And y < Y + Height 132 End Function 133 134 Function Contains(pt As Point) As Boolean 135 Return Contains(pt.X, pt.Y) 136 End Function 137 138 Function Contains(rc As Rectangle) As Boolean 139 Return X <= rc.X And rc.Right <= Right And Y <= rc.Y And rc.Bottom <= Bottom 140 End Function 141 142 Sub Inflate(dx As Long, dy As Long) 143 x -= dx 144 y -= dy 145 width += dx + dx 146 height += dy + dy 147 End Sub 148 149 Sub Inflate(sz As Size) 150 Inflate(sz.Width, sz.Height) 151 End Sub 152 153 Static Function Inflate(rc As Rectangle, x As Long, y As Long) As Rectangle 154 Inflate = New Rectangle(rc.X, rc.Y, rc.Width, rc.Height) 155 Inflate.Inflate(x, y) 156 End Function 157 158 Sub Intersect(rect As Rectangle) 159 Dim r = Rectangle.Intersect(This, rect) 160 x = r.x 161 y = r.y 162 width = r.width 163 height = r.height 164 End Sub 165 166 Static Function Intersect(a As Rectangle, ByRef b As Rectangle) As Rectangle 167 Dim right As Long, bottom As Long, left As Long, top As Long 168 right = System.Math.Min(a.Right, b.Right) 169 bottom = System.Math.Min(a.Bottom, b.Bottom) 170 left = System.Math.Min(a.Left, b.Left) 171 top = System.Math.Min(a.Top, b.Top) 172 Return Rectangle.FromLTRB(left, top, right, bottom) 173 End Function 174 175 Function IntersectsWith(rc As Rectangle) As Boolean 176 Return Left < rc.Right And _ 177 Top < rc.Bottom And _ 178 Right > rc.Left And _ 179 Bottom > rc.Top 180 End Function 181 182 Static Function Union(a As Rectangle, b As Rectangle) As Rectangle 183 Dim right As Long, bottom As Long, left As Long, top As Long 184 right = System.Math.Max(a.Right(), b.Right()) 185 bottom = System.Math.Max(a.Bottom(), b.Bottom()) 186 left = System.Math.Max(a.Left(), b.Left()) 187 top = System.Math.Max(a.Top(), b.Top()) 188 Return FromLTRB(left, top, right, bottom) 189 End Function 190 191 Sub Offset(pt As Point) 192 Offset(pt.X, pt.Y) 193 End Sub 194 195 Sub Offset(dx As Long, dy As Long) 196 x += dx 197 y += dy 198 End Sub 199 200 Static Function Ceiling(rcf As RectangleF) As Rectangle 201 Dim r As Rectangle( 202 Math.Ceiling(rcf.X) As Long, 203 Math.Ceiling(rcf.Y) As Long, 204 Math.Ceiling(rcf.Width) As Long, 205 Math.Ceiling(rcf.Height) As Long) 206 Return r 207 End Function 208 209 Static Function Round(rcf As RectangleF) As Rectangle 210 Dim r As Rectangle( 211 Math.Round(rcf.X) As Long, 212 Math.Round(rcf.Y) As Long, 213 Math.Round(rcf.Width) As Long, 214 Math.Round(rcf.Height) As Long) 215 Return r 216 End Function 217 218 Static Function Truncate(rcf As RectangleF) As Rectangle 219 Dim r As Rectangle( 220 Math.Truncate(rcf.X) As Long, 221 Math.Truncate(rcf.Y) As Long, 222 Math.Truncate(rcf.Width) As Long, 223 Math.Truncate(rcf.Height) As Long) 224 Return r 225 End Function 226 227 Function ToRECT() As RECT 228 With ToRECT 229 .left = x 230 .top = y 231 .right = x + width 232 .bottom = y + height 233 End With 234 End Function 235 236 Public 237 x As Long 238 y As Long 239 width As Long 240 height As Long 241 End Class 6 Type Rectangle 7 X As Long 8 Y As Long 9 Width As Long 10 Height As Long 11 End Type 242 12 243 13 End Namespace -
r473 r698 4 4 Namespace Drawing 5 5 6 Class RectangleF 7 Public 8 Sub RectangleF() 9 x = 0 10 y = 0 11 width = 0 12 height = 0 13 End Sub 14 15 Sub RectangleF(x As Single, y As Single, width As Single, height As Single) 16 x = x 17 y = y 18 width = width 19 height = height 20 End Sub 21 22 Sub RectangleF(location As PointF, size As SizeF) 23 x = location.X 24 y = location.Y 25 width = size.Height 26 height = size.Height 27 End Sub 28 29 Sub RectangleF(rc As RectangleF) 30 x = rc.x 31 y = rc.y 32 width = rc.width 33 height = rc.height 34 End Sub 35 36 Function Location() As PointF 37 Location = New PointF(x, y) 38 End Function 39 40 Sub Location(point As PointF) 41 x = point.X 42 y = point.Y 43 End Sub 44 45 Function Size() As SizeF 46 Size = New SizeF(width, height) 47 End Function 48 49 Sub Size(size As SizeF) 50 width = size.Width 51 height = size.Height 52 End Sub 53 54 Function X() As Single 55 X = x 56 End Function 57 58 Sub X(value As Single) 59 x = value 60 End Sub 61 62 Function Y() As Single 63 Y = y 64 End Function 65 66 Sub Y(value As Single) 67 y = value 68 End Sub 69 70 Function Width() As Single 71 Width = width 72 End Function 73 74 Sub Width(value As Single) 75 width = value 76 End Sub 77 78 Function Height() As Single 79 Height = height 80 End Function 81 82 Sub Height(value As Single) 83 height = value 84 End Sub 85 86 Function Left() As Single 87 Left = X 88 End Function 89 90 Function Top() As Single 91 Top = Y 92 End Function 93 94 Function Right() As Single 95 Right = X + Width 96 End Function 97 98 Function Bottom() As Single 99 Bottom = Y + Height 100 End Function 101 102 Function IsEmpty() As Boolean 103 Return Width <= 0 Or Height <= 0 104 End Function 105 106 Function Operator ==(rc As RectangleF) As Boolean 107 Return Equals(rc) 108 End Function 109 110 Function Operator <>(rc As RectangleF) As Boolean 111 Return Not Equals(rc) 112 End Function 113 114 Function Equals(rc As RectangleF) As Boolean 115 Equals = (X = rc.X And Y = rc.Y And Width = rc.Width And Height = rc.Height) 116 End Function 117 118 Override Function GetHashCode() As Long 119 Return GetDWord(VarPtr(x)) Xor _System_BSwap(GetDWord(VarPtr(y))) Xor GetDWord(VarPtr(width)) Xor _System_BSwap(GetDWord(VarPtr(height))) 120 End Function 121 122 Static Function FromLTRB(l As Single, t As Single, r As Single, b As Single) As RectangleF 123 return New RectangleF(l, t, r - l, b - t) 124 End Function 125 126 Function Contains(x As Single, y As Single) As Boolean 127 Contains = (x >= X And x < X + Width And y >= Y And y < Y + Height) 128 End Function 129 130 Function Contains(pt As PointF) As Boolean 131 Return Contains(pt.X, pt.Y) 132 End Function 133 134 Function Contains(rc As RectangleF) As Boolean 135 Contains = (X <= rc.X And rc.Right <= Right And Y <= rc.Y And rc.Bottom <= Bottom) 136 End Function 137 138 Sub Inflate(dx As Single, dy As Single) 139 x -= dx 140 y -= dy 141 width += dx + dx 142 height += dy + dy 143 End Sub 144 145 Sub Inflate(sz As SizeF) 146 Inflate(sz.Width, sz.Height) 147 End Sub 148 149 Static Function Inflate(rc As RectangleF, x As Single, y As Single) As RectangleF 150 Inflate = New RectangleF(rc.X, rc.Y, rc.Width, rc.Height) 151 Inflate.Inflate(x, y) 152 End Function 153 154 Sub Intersect(rect As RectangleF) 155 Dim r = RectangleF.Intersect(This, rect) 156 x = r.x 157 y = r.y 158 width = r.width 159 height = r.height 160 End Sub 161 162 Static Function Intersect(a As RectangleF, b As RectangleF) As RectangleF 163 Dim right As Single, bottom As Single, left As Single, top As Single 164 right = System.Math.Min(a.Right, b.Right) 165 bottom = System.Math.Min(a.Bottom, b.Bottom) 166 left = System.Math.Min(a.Left, b.Left) 167 top = System.Math.Min(a.Top, b.Top) 168 Return FromLTRB(left, top, right, bottom) 169 End Function 170 171 Function IntersectsWith(rc As RectangleF) As Boolean 172 If Left < rc.Right And _ 173 Top < rc.Bottom And _ 174 Right > rc.Left And _ 175 Bottom > rc.Top Then 176 IntersectsWith = True 177 Else 178 IntersectsWith = False 179 End If 180 End Function 181 182 Static Function Union(a As RectangleF, b As RectangleF) As RectangleF 183 Dim right As Single, bottom As Single, left As Single, top As Single 184 right = System.Math.Max(a.Right(), b.Right()) 185 bottom = System.Math.Max(a.Bottom(), b.Bottom()) 186 left = System.Math.Max(a.Left(), b.Left()) 187 top = System.Math.Max(a.Top(), b.Top()) 188 Return FromLTRB(left, top, right, bottom) 189 End Function 190 191 Sub Offset(pt As PointF) 192 Offset(pt.X, pt.Y) 193 End Sub 194 195 Sub Offset(dx As Single, dy As Single) 196 x += dx 197 y += dy 198 End Sub 199 200 Public 201 x As Single 202 y As Single 203 width As Single 204 height As Single 205 End Class 6 Type RectangleF 7 X As Single 8 Y As Single 9 Width As Single 10 Height As Single 11 End Type 206 12 207 13 End Namespace -
r473 r698 4 4 Namespace Drawing 5 5 6 Class Size 7 Public 8 Sub Size() 9 width = 0 10 height = 0 11 End Sub 12 13 Sub Size(initWidth As Long, initHeight As Long) 14 width = initWidth 15 height = initHeight 16 End Sub 17 18 Sub Size(sz As Size) 19 width = sz.width 20 height = sz.height 21 End Sub 22 23 Function Width() As Long 24 Return width 25 End Function 26 27 Sub Width(w As Long) 28 width = w 29 End Sub 30 31 Function Height() As Long 32 Return height 33 End Function 34 35 Sub Height(h As Long) 36 height = h 37 End Sub 38 39 Function Operator +(sz As Size) As Size 40 Return New Size(width + sz.width, height + sz.height) 41 End Function 42 43 Function Operator -(sz As Size) As Size 44 Return New Size(width - sz.width, height - sz.height) 45 End Function 46 47 Function Operator () As SizeF 48 Return New SizeF(width, height) 49 End Function 50 51 Function Operator ==(sz As Size) As Boolean 52 Return Equals(sz) 53 End Function 54 55 Function Operator <>(sz As Size) As Boolean 56 Return Not Equals(sz) 57 End Function 58 59 Function Equals(sz As Size) As Boolean 60 If width = sz.width And height = sz.height Then 61 Equals = True 62 Else 63 Equals = False 64 End If 65 End Function 66 67 Override Function GetHashCode() As Long 68 Return width As DWord Xor _System_BSwap(height As DWord) 69 End Function 70 71 Function IsEmpty() As Boolean 72 Return width = 0 And height = 0 73 End Function 74 75 Function Add(sz As Size) As Size 76 Return This + sz 77 End Function 78 79 Function Subtract(sz As Size) As Size 80 Return This - sz 81 End Function 82 83 Static Function Ceiling(szf As SizeF) As Size 84 Return New Size(System.Math.Ceiling(szf.Width) As Long, System.Math.Ceiling(szf.Height) As Long) 85 End Function 86 87 Static Function Round(szf As SizeF) As Size 88 Return New Size(System.Math.Round(szf.Width) As Long, System.Math.Round(szf.Height) As Long) 89 End Function 90 91 Static Function Truncate(szf As SizeF) As Size 92 Return New Size(System.Math.Truncate(szf.Width) As Long, System.Math.Truncate(szf.Height) As Long) 93 End Function 94 95 Private 96 width As Long 97 height As Long 98 End Class 6 Type Size 7 Width As Long 8 Height As Long 9 End Type 99 10 100 11 End Namespace -
r473 r698 4 4 Namespace Drawing 5 5 6 Class SizeF 7 Public 8 Sub SizeF() 9 width = 0 10 height = 0 11 End Sub 12 13 Sub SizeF(initWidth As Single, initHeight As Single) 14 width = initWidth 15 height = initHeight 16 End Sub 17 18 Sub SizeF(sz As SizeF) 19 width = sz.width 20 height = sz.height 21 End Sub 22 23 Function Width() As Single 24 Return width 25 End Function 26 27 Sub Width(w As Single) 28 width = w 29 End Sub 30 31 Function Height() As Single 32 Return height 33 End Function 34 35 Sub Height(h As Single) 36 height = h 37 End Sub 38 39 Function Operator +(sz As SizeF) As SizeF 40 Return New SizeF(width + sz.width, height + sz.height) 41 End Function 42 43 Function Operator -(sz As SizeF) As SizeF 44 Return New SizeF(width - sz.width, height - sz.height) 45 End Function 46 47 Function Operator ==(sz As SizeF) As Boolean 48 Return Equals(sz) 49 End Function 50 51 Function Operator <>(sz As SizeF) As Boolean 52 Return Not Equals(sz) 53 End Function 54 55 Function Equals(sz As SizeF) As Boolean 56 Return width = sz.width And height = sz.height 57 End Function 58 59 Override Function GetHashCode() As Long 60 Return GetDWord(VarPtr(width)) Xor _System_BSwap(GetDWord(VarPtr(height))) 61 End Function 62 63 Function IsEmpty() As Boolean 64 Return width = 0 And height = 0 65 End Function 66 67 Function Add(sz As SizeF) As SizeF 68 Return This + sz 69 End Function 70 71 Function Subtract(sz As SizeF) As SizeF 72 Return This - sz 73 End Function 74 75 Function ToSize() As Size 76 Return Size.Round(This) 77 End Function 78 79 Function ToPointF() As PointF 80 Return New PointF(width, height) 81 End Function 82 Private 83 width As Single 84 height As Single 85 End Class 6 Type SizeF 7 Width As Single 8 Height As Single 9 End Type 86 10 87 11 End Namespace -
r635 r698 37 37 38 38 Enum FontStyle 39 /*40 39 Regular = 0 41 40 Bold = 1 42 41 Italic = 2 43 42 Strikeout = 4 44 Underline = 8 45 */ 43 Underline = 8 46 44 End Enum 47 45 46 Enum TextRenderingHint 47 TextRenderingHintSystemDefault = 0 48 TextRenderingHintSingleBitPerPixelGridFit 49 TextRenderingHintSingleBitPerPixel 50 TextRenderingHintAntiAliasGridFit 51 TextRenderingHintAntiAlias 52 TextRenderingHintClearTypeGridFit 53 End Enum 54 55 Enum MetafileFrameUnit 56 Pixel = 2 57 Point = 3 58 Inch = 4 59 Document = 5 60 Millimeter = 6 61 Gdi 62 End Enum 63 64 Namespace Detail 65 Sub ThrowGdiplusException(status As Status) 66 Select Case status 67 Case Ok 68 Exit Sub 69 ' Case OutOfMemory 70 ' Throw New System.OutOfMemroyException("GDI+") 71 Case NotImplemented 72 Throw New System.NotImplementedException("GDI+") 73 ' Case FileNotFoundException 74 ' Throw New System.IO.FileNotFoundException("GDI+") 75 Case Else 76 Throw New System.Exception("GDI+") 77 End Select 78 End Sub 79 End Namespace 80 81 Sub SetStatus(status As Status) 82 Detail.ThrowGdiplusException(status) 83 End Sub 48 84 49 85 End Namespace -
r678 r698 47 47 #require "./System/Diagnostics/TraceListener.ab" 48 48 #require "./System/Diagnostics/TraceListenerCollection.ab" 49 #require "./System/Drawing/CharacterRange.ab"50 #require "./System/Drawing/Color.ab"49 '#require "./System/Drawing/CharacterRange.ab" 50 '#require "./System/Drawing/Color.ab" 51 51 '#require "./System/Drawing/Font.ab" 52 52 '#require "./System/Drawing/Graphics.ab" 53 53 '#require "./System/Drawing/Image.ab" 54 #require "./System/Drawing/misc.ab"55 #require "./System/Drawing/Point.ab"56 #require "./System/Drawing/PointF.ab"57 #require "./System/Drawing/Rectangle.ab"58 #require "./System/Drawing/RectangleF.ab"59 #require "./System/Drawing/Size.ab"60 #require "./System/Drawing/SizeF.ab"54 '#require "./System/Drawing/misc.ab" 55 '#require "./System/Drawing/Point.ab" 56 '#require "./System/Drawing/PointF.ab" 57 '#require "./System/Drawing/Rectangle.ab" 58 '#require "./System/Drawing/RectangleF.ab" 59 '#require "./System/Drawing/Size.ab" 60 '#require "./System/Drawing/SizeF.ab" 61 61 '#require "./System/Drawing/Drawing2D/Matrix.ab" 62 62 '#require "./System/Drawing/Drawing2D/misc.ab" 63 63 '#require "./System/Drawing/Imaging/MetafileHeader.ab" 64 #require "./System/Drawing/Imaging/misc.ab"64 '#require "./System/Drawing/Imaging/misc.ab" 65 65 '#require "./System/Drawing/Text/misc.ab" 66 66 #require "./System/IO/BinaryReader.ab" -
r497 r698 9 9 #require <GdiPlusGpStubs.ab> 10 10 11 '#require <GdiplusFlat.ab>11 #require <GdiplusFlat.ab> 12 12 13 13 '#require <Classes/System/Drawing/misc.ab> -
r497 r698 4 4 5 5 TypeDef GraphicsState = DWord 6 TypeDef GraphicsContainer = DWord7 8 Const Enum MetafileFrameUnit9 MetafileFrameUnitPixel = 210 MetafileFrameUnitPoint = 311 MetafileFrameUnitInch = 412 MetafileFrameUnitDocument = 513 MetafileFrameUnitMillimeter = 614 MetafileFrameUnitGdi15 End Enum16 6 17 7 Const Enum WrapMode … … 85 75 End Enum 86 76 87 Const Enum DashStyle88 DashStyleSolid ' 089 DashStyleDash ' 190 DashStyleDot ' 291 DashStyleDashDot ' 392 DashStyleDashDotDot ' 493 DashStyleCustom ' 594 End Enum95 96 Const Enum DashCap97 DashCapFlat = 098 DashCapRound = 299 DashCapTriangle = 3100 End Enum101 102 Const Enum LineCap103 LineCapFlat = 0104 LineCapSquare = 1105 LineCapRound = 2106 LineCapTriangle = 3107 108 LineCapNoAnchor = &h10109 LineCapSquareAnchor = &h11110 LineCapRoundAnchor = &h12111 LineCapDiamondAnchor = &h13112 LineCapArrowAnchor = &h14113 114 LineCapCustom = &hff115 116 LineCapAnchorMask = &hf0117 End Enum118 119 77 Const Enum CustomLineCapType 120 78 CustomLineCapTypeDefault = 0 121 79 CustomLineCapTypeAdjustableArrow = 1 122 End Enum123 124 Const Enum LineJoin125 LineJoinMiter = 0126 LineJoinBevel = 1127 LineJoinRound = 2128 LineJoinMiterClipped = 3129 80 End Enum 130 81 … … 158 109 End Enum 159 110 160 Const Enum PenAlignment161 PenAlignmentCenter = 0162 PenAlignmentInset = 1163 End Enum164 165 111 Const Enum BrushType 166 112 BrushTypeSolidColor = 0 … … 171 117 End Enum 172 118 173 Const Enum PenType174 PenTypeSolidColor = BrushTypeSolidColor175 PenTypeHatchFill = BrushTypeHatchFill176 PenTypeTextureFill = BrushTypeTextureFill177 PenTypePathGradient = BrushTypePathGradient178 PenTypeLinearGradient = BrushTypeLinearGradient179 PenTypeUnknown = -1180 End Enum181 182 119 Const Enum GenericFontFamily 183 120 GenericFontFamilySerif 184 121 GenericFontFamilySansSerif 185 122 GenericFontFamilyMonospace 186 End Enum187 188 Const Enum FontStyle189 FontStyleRegular = 0190 FontStyleBold = 1191 FontStyleItalic = 2192 FontStyleBoldItalic = 3193 FontStyleUnderline = 4194 FontStyleStrikeout = 8195 123 End Enum 196 124 -
r497 r698 89 89 Declare Function GdipPathIterHasCurve Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal iterator As *GpPathIterator, ByRef hasCurve As BOOL) As GpStatus 90 90 Declare Function GdipPathIterRewind Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal iterator As *GpPathIterator) As GpStatus 91 Declare Function GdipPathIterEnumerate Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal iterator As *GpPathIterator, ByRef resultCount As Long, ByVal points As * PointF, ByVal types As *Byte, ByVal count As Long) As GpStatus92 Declare Function GdipPathIterCopyData Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal iterator As *GpPathIterator, ByRef resultCount As Long, ByVal points As * PointF, ByVal types As *Byte, ByVal startIndex As Long, ByVal endIndex As Long) As GpStatus91 Declare Function GdipPathIterEnumerate Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal iterator As *GpPathIterator, ByRef resultCount As Long, ByVal points As *GpPointF, ByVal types As *Byte, ByVal count As Long) As GpStatus 92 Declare Function GdipPathIterCopyData Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal iterator As *GpPathIterator, ByRef resultCount As Long, ByVal points As *GpPointF, ByVal types As *Byte, ByVal startIndex As Long, ByVal endIndex As Long) As GpStatus 93 93 94 94 ' Matrix APIs … … 126 126 Declare Function GdipSetInfinite Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal region As *GpRegion) As GpStatus 127 127 Declare Function GdipSetEmpty Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal region As *GpRegion) As GpStatus 128 Declare Function GdipCombineRegionRect Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal region As *GpRegion, ByRef rect As GpRectF, ByVal combineMode As CombineMode) As GpStatus129 Declare Function GdipCombineRegionRectI Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal region As *GpRegion, ByRef rect As GpRect, ByVal combineMode As CombineMode) As GpStatus130 Declare Function GdipCombineRegionPath Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal region As *GpRegion, ByVal path As *GpPath, ByVal combineMode As CombineMode) As GpStatus131 Declare Function GdipCombineRegionRegion Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal region As *GpRegion, ByVal region2 As *GpRegion, ByVal combineMode As CombineMode) As GpStatus128 Declare Function GdipCombineRegionRect Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal region As *GpRegion, ByRef rect As GpRectF, ByVal combineMode As Long /*CombineMode*/) As GpStatus 129 Declare Function GdipCombineRegionRectI Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal region As *GpRegion, ByRef rect As GpRect, ByVal combineMode As Long /*CombineMode*/) As GpStatus 130 Declare Function GdipCombineRegionPath Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal region As *GpRegion, ByVal path As *GpPath, ByVal combineMode As Long /*CombineMode*/) As GpStatus 131 Declare Function GdipCombineRegionRegion Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal region As *GpRegion, ByVal region2 As *GpRegion, ByVal combineMode As Long /*CombineMode*/) As GpStatus 132 132 Declare Function GdipTranslateRegion Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal region As *GpRegion, ByVal dx As Single, ByVal dy As Single) As GpStatus 133 133 Declare Function GdipTranslateRegionI Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal region As *GpRegion, ByVal dx As Long, ByVal dy As Long) As GpStatus … … 336 336 Declare Function GdipCloneImage Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal image As *GpImage, ByRef cloneImage As *GpImage) As GpStatus 337 337 Declare Function GdipDisposeImage Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal image As *GpImage) As GpStatus 338 Declare Function GdipSaveImageToFile Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal image As *GpImage, ByVal filename As PCWSTR, ByRef clsidEncoder As CLSID, ByRef encoderParams As EncoderParameters) As GpStatus339 Declare Function GdipSaveImageToStream Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal image As *GpImage, ByVal stream As *IStream, ByRef clsidEncoder As CLSID, ByRef encoderParams As EncoderParameters) As GpStatus340 Declare Function GdipSaveAdd Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal image As *GpImage, ByRef encoderParams As EncoderParameters) As GpStatus341 Declare Function GdipSaveAddImage Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal image As *GpImage, ByVal newImage As *GpImage, ByRef encoderParams As EncoderParameters) As GpStatus338 Declare Function GdipSaveImageToFile Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal image As *GpImage, ByVal filename As PCWSTR, ByRef clsidEncoder As CLSID, ByRef encoderParams As System.Drawing.Imaging.EncoderParameters) As GpStatus 339 Declare Function GdipSaveImageToStream Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal image As *GpImage, ByVal stream As *IStream, ByRef clsidEncoder As CLSID, ByRef encoderParams As System.Drawing.Imaging.EncoderParameters) As GpStatus 340 Declare Function GdipSaveAdd Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal image As *GpImage, ByRef encoderParams As System.Drawing.Imaging.EncoderParameters) As GpStatus 341 Declare Function GdipSaveAddImage Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal image As *GpImage, ByVal newImage As *GpImage, ByRef encoderParams As System.Drawing.Imaging.EncoderParameters) As GpStatus 342 342 Declare Function GdipGetImageGraphicsContext Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal image As *GpImage, ByRef graphics As *GpGraphics) As GpStatus 343 343 Declare Function GdipGetImageBounds Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal image As *GpImage, ByRef srcRect As GpRectF, ByRef srcUnit As GpUnit) As GpStatus … … 350 350 Declare Function GdipGetImageFlags Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal image As *GpImage, ByRef flags As DWord) As GpStatus 351 351 Declare Function GdipGetImageRawFormat Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal image As *GpImage, ByRef format As GUID) As GpStatus 352 Declare Function GdipGetImagePixelFormat Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal image As *GpImage, ByRef format As PixelFormat) As GpStatus352 Declare Function GdipGetImagePixelFormat Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal image As *GpImage, ByRef format As Long /*PixelFormat*/) As GpStatus 353 353 Declare Function GdipGetImageThumbnail Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal image As *GpImage, ByVal thumbWidth As DWord, ByVal thumbHeight As DWord, ByRef thumbImage As *GpImage, ByVal callback As GetThumbnailImageAbort, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr) As GpStatus 354 354 Declare Function GdipGetEncoderParameterListSize Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal image As *GpImage, ByRef clsidEncoder As CLSID, ByRef size As DWord) As GpStatus 355 Declare Function GdipGetEncoderParameterList Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal image As *GpImage, ByRef clsidEncoder As CLSID, ByVal size As DWord, ByRef buffer As EncoderParameters) As GpStatus355 Declare Function GdipGetEncoderParameterList Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal image As *GpImage, ByRef clsidEncoder As CLSID, ByVal size As DWord, ByRef buffer As System.Drawing.Imaging.EncoderParameters) As GpStatus 356 356 Declare Function GdipImageGetFrameDimensionsCount Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByRef image As *GpImage, ByRef count As DWord) As GpStatus 357 Declare Function GdipImageGetFrameDimensionsList Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByRef image As *GpImage, ByVal dimensionIDs As GUID, ByVal count As DWord) As GpStatus358 Declare Function GdipImageGetFrameCount Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal image As *GpImage, ByRef dimensionID As GUID, ByRef count As DWord) As GpStatus357 Declare Function GdipImageGetFrameDimensionsList Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByRef image As *GpImage, ByVal dimensionIDs As *GUID, ByVal count As DWord) As GpStatus 358 Declare Function GdipImageGetFrameCount Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal image As *GpImage, ByRef dimensionID As *GUID, ByRef count As DWord) As GpStatus 359 359 Declare Function GdipImageSelectActiveFrame Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal image As *GpImage, ByRef dimensionID As GUID, ByVal frameIndex As DWord) As GpStatus 360 Declare Function GdipImageRotateFlip Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal image As *GpImage, ByVal rfType As RotateFlipType) As GpStatus361 Declare Function GdipGetImagePalette Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal image As *GpImage, ByRef palette As ColorPalette, ByVal size As Long) As GpStatus362 Declare Function GdipSetImagePalette Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal image As *GpImage, By Val palette AsColorPalette) As GpStatus360 Declare Function GdipImageRotateFlip Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal image As *GpImage, ByVal rfType As Long /*System.Drawing.RotateFlipType*/) As GpStatus 361 Declare Function GdipGetImagePalette Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal image As *GpImage, ByRef palette As System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorPalette, ByVal size As Long) As GpStatus 362 Declare Function GdipSetImagePalette Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal image As *GpImage, ByRef palette As System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorPalette) As GpStatus 363 363 Declare Function GdipGetImagePaletteSize Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal image As *GpImage, ByRef size As Long) As GpStatus 364 364 Declare Function GdipGetPropertyCount Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal image As *GpImage, ByRef numOfProperty As DWord) As GpStatus 365 365 Declare Function GdipGetPropertyIdList Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal image As *GpImage, ByVal numOfProperty As DWord, ByRef list As PROPID) As GpStatus 366 366 Declare Function GdipGetPropertyItemSize Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal image As *GpImage, ByVal propId As PROPID, ByRef size As DWord) As GpStatus 367 Declare Function GdipGetPropertyItem Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal image As *GpImage, ByVal propId As PROPID, ByVal propSize As DWord, buffer As * PropertyItem) As GpStatus367 Declare Function GdipGetPropertyItem Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal image As *GpImage, ByVal propId As PROPID, ByVal propSize As DWord, buffer As *System.Drawing.Imaging.PropertyItem) As GpStatus 368 368 Declare Function GdipGetPropertySize Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal image As *GpImage, ByRef totalBufferSize As DWord, ByRef numProperties As DWord) As GpStatus 369 Declare Function GdipGetAllPropertyItems Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal image As *GpImage, ByVal totalBufferSize As DWord, ByVal numProperties As DWord, ByVal allItems As * PropertyItem) As GpStatus369 Declare Function GdipGetAllPropertyItems Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal image As *GpImage, ByVal totalBufferSize As DWord, ByVal numProperties As DWord, ByVal allItems As *System.Drawing.Imaging.PropertyItem) As GpStatus 370 370 Declare Function GdipRemovePropertyItem Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal image As *GpImage, ByVal propId As PROPID) As GpStatus 371 Declare Function GdipSetPropertyItem Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal image As *GpImage, ByRef item As PropertyItem) As GpStatus371 Declare Function GdipSetPropertyItem Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal image As *GpImage, ByRef item As System.Drawing.Imaging.PropertyItem) As GpStatus 372 372 Declare Function GdipImageForceValidation Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal image As *GpImage) As GpStatus 373 373 … … 377 377 Declare Function GdipCreateBitmapFromStreamICM Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal stream As *IStream, ByRef bitmap As *GpBitmap) As GpStatus 378 378 Declare Function GdipCreateBitmapFromFileICM Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal filename As PCWSTR, ByRef bitmap As *GpBitmap) As GpStatus 379 Declare Function GdipCreateBitmapFromScan0 Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal width As Long, ByVal height As Long, ByVal stride As Long, ByVal format As PixelFormat, ByVal scan0 As *Byte, ByRef bitmap As *GpBitmap) As GpStatus379 Declare Function GdipCreateBitmapFromScan0 Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal width As Long, ByVal height As Long, ByVal stride As Long, ByVal format As Long /*PixelFormat*/, ByVal scan0 As *Byte, ByRef bitmap As *GpBitmap) As GpStatus 380 380 Declare Function GdipCreateBitmapFromGraphics Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal width As Long, ByVal height As Long, ByVal target As *GpGraphics, ByRef bitmap As *GpBitmap) As GpStatus 381 381 Declare Function GdipCreateBitmapFromDirectDrawSurface Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal surface As PDirectDrawSurface7, ByRef bitmap As *GpBitmap) As GpStatus … … 386 386 Declare Function GdipCreateHICONFromBitmap Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal bitmap As *GpBitmap, ByRef hbmReturn As HICON) As GpStatus 387 387 Declare Function GdipCreateBitmapFromResource Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal hInstance As HINSTANCE, ByVal pBitmapName As PCWSTR, ByRef bitmap As *GpBitmap) As GpStatus 388 Declare Function GdipCloneBitmapArea Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal x As Single, ByVal y As Single, ByVal width As Single, ByVal height As Single, ByVal format As PixelFormat, ByVal srcBitmap As *GpBitmap, ByRef dstBitmap As *GpBitmap) As GpStatus389 Declare Function GdipCloneBitmapAreaI Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal width As Long, ByVal height As Long, ByVal format As PixelFormat, ByVal srcBitmap As *GpBitmap, ByRef dstBitmap As *GpBitmap) As GpStatus390 Declare Function GdipBitmapLockBits Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal bitmap As *GpBitmap, ByRef rect As GpRect, ByVal flags As DWord, ByVal format As PixelFormat, ByVal lockedBitmapData As *BitmapData) As GpStatus391 Declare Function GdipBitmapUnlockBits Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal bitmap As *GpBitmap, ByRef lockedBitmapData As BitmapData) As GpStatus388 Declare Function GdipCloneBitmapArea Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal x As Single, ByVal y As Single, ByVal width As Single, ByVal height As Single, ByVal format As Long /*PixelFormat*/, ByVal srcBitmap As *GpBitmap, ByRef dstBitmap As *GpBitmap) As GpStatus 389 Declare Function GdipCloneBitmapAreaI Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal width As Long, ByVal height As Long, ByVal format As Long /*PixelFormat*/, ByVal srcBitmap As *GpBitmap, ByRef dstBitmap As *GpBitmap) As GpStatus 390 Declare Function GdipBitmapLockBits Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal bitmap As *GpBitmap, ByRef rect As GpRect, ByVal flags As DWord, ByVal format As Long /*PixelFormat*/, ByVal lockedBitmapData As *System.Drawing.Imaging.BitmapData) As GpStatus 391 Declare Function GdipBitmapUnlockBits Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal bitmap As *GpBitmap, ByRef lockedBitmapData As System.Drawing.Imaging.BitmapData) As GpStatus 392 392 Declare Function GdipBitmapGetPixel Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal bitmap As *GpBitmap, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByRef color As ARGB) As GpStatus 393 393 Declare Function GdipBitmapSetPixel Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal bitmap As *GpBitmap, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal color As ARGB) As GpStatus … … 398 398 Declare Function GdipCloneImageAttributes Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByRef imageattr As GpImageAttributes, ByRef GpImageAttributes As *GpImageAttributes) As GpStatus 399 399 Declare Function GdipDisposeImageAttributes Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal imageattr As *GpImageAttributes) As GpStatus 400 Declare Function GdipSetImageAttributesToIdentity Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal imageattr As *GpImageAttributes, ByVal colorAdjustType As ColorAdjustType) As GpStatus401 Declare Function GdipResetImageAttributes Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal imageattr As *GpImageAttributes, ByVal colorAdjustType As ColorAdjustType) As GpStatus402 Declare Function GdipSetImageAttributesColorMatrix Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal imageattr As *GpImageAttributes, ByVal colorAdjustType As ColorAdjustType, ByVal enableFlag As BOOL, ByRef colorMatrix As *ColorMatrix, ByRef grayMatrix As *ColorMatrix, ByVal flags As ColorMatrixFlag) As GpStatus403 Declare Function GdipSetImageAttributesThreshold Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal imageattr As *GpImageAttributes, ByVal colorAdjustType As ColorAdjustType, ByVal enableFlag As BOOL, ByVal threshold As Single) As GpStatus404 Declare Function GdipSetImageAttributesGamma Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal imageattr As *GpImageAttributes, ByVal colorAdjustType As ColorAdjustType, ByVal enableFlag As BOOL, ByVal gamma As Single) As GpStatus405 Declare Function GdipSetImageAttributesNoOp Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal imageattr As *GpImageAttributes, ByVal colorAdjustType As ColorAdjustType, ByVal enableFlag As BOOL) As GpStatus406 Declare Function GdipSetImageAttributesColorKeys Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal imageattr As *GpImageAttributes, ByVal colorAdjustType As ColorAdjustType, ByVal enableFlag As BOOL, ByVal colorLow As ARGB, ByVal colorHigh As ARGB) As GpStatus407 Declare Function GdipSetImageAttributesOutputChannel Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal imageattr As *GpImageAttributes, ByVal colorAdjustType As ColorAdjustType, ByVal enableFlag As BOOL, ByVal channelFlags As ColorChannelFlags) As GpStatus408 Declare Function GdipSetImageAttributesOutputChannelColorProfile Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal imageattr As *GpImageAttributes, ByVal colorAdjustType As ColorAdjustType, ByVal enableFlag As BOOL, ByVal colorProfileFilename As PCWSTR) As GpStatus409 Declare Function GdipSetImageAttributesRemapTable Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal imageattr As *GpImageAttributes, ByVal colorAdjustType As ColorAdjustType, ByVal enableFlag As BOOL, ByVal mapSize As DWord, ByRef map AsColorMap) As GpStatus400 Declare Function GdipSetImageAttributesToIdentity Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal imageattr As *GpImageAttributes, ByVal colorAdjustType As Long /*ColorAdjustType*/) As GpStatus 401 Declare Function GdipResetImageAttributes Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal imageattr As *GpImageAttributes, ByVal colorAdjustType As Long /*ColorAdjustType*/) As GpStatus 402 Declare Function GdipSetImageAttributesColorMatrix Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal imageattr As *GpImageAttributes, ByVal colorAdjustType As Long /*ColorAdjustType*/, ByVal enableFlag As BOOL, ByRef colorMatrix As *System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorMatrix, ByRef grayMatrix As *System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorMatrix, ByVal flags As Long /*ColorMatrixFlag*/) As GpStatus 403 Declare Function GdipSetImageAttributesThreshold Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal imageattr As *GpImageAttributes, ByVal colorAdjustType As Long /*ColorAdjustType*/, ByVal enableFlag As BOOL, ByVal threshold As Single) As GpStatus 404 Declare Function GdipSetImageAttributesGamma Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal imageattr As *GpImageAttributes, ByVal colorAdjustType As Long /*ColorAdjustType*/, ByVal enableFlag As BOOL, ByVal gamma As Single) As GpStatus 405 Declare Function GdipSetImageAttributesNoOp Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal imageattr As *GpImageAttributes, ByVal colorAdjustType As Long /*ColorAdjustType*/, ByVal enableFlag As BOOL) As GpStatus 406 Declare Function GdipSetImageAttributesColorKeys Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal imageattr As *GpImageAttributes, ByVal colorAdjustType As Long /*ColorAdjustType*/, ByVal enableFlag As BOOL, ByVal colorLow As ARGB, ByVal colorHigh As ARGB) As GpStatus 407 Declare Function GdipSetImageAttributesOutputChannel Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal imageattr As *GpImageAttributes, ByVal colorAdjustType As Long /*ColorAdjustType*/, ByVal enableFlag As BOOL, ByVal channelFlags As Long /*ColorChannelFlags*/) As GpStatus 408 Declare Function GdipSetImageAttributesOutputChannelColorProfile Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal imageattr As *GpImageAttributes, ByVal colorAdjustType As Long /*ColorAdjustType*/, ByVal enableFlag As BOOL, ByVal colorProfileFilename As PCWSTR) As GpStatus 409 Declare Function GdipSetImageAttributesRemapTable Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal imageattr As *GpImageAttributes, ByVal colorAdjustType As Long /*ColorAdjustType*/, ByVal enableFlag As BOOL, ByVal mapSize As DWord, ByRef map As System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorMap) As GpStatus 410 410 Declare Function GdipSetImageAttributesWrapMode Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal imageAttr As *GpImageAttributes, ByVal wrap As WrapMode, ByVal argb As ARGB, ByVal clamp As BOOL) As GpStatus 411 411 Declare Function GdipSetImageAttributesICMMode Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal imageAttr As *GpImageAttributes, ByRef on As BOOL) As GpStatus 412 Declare Function GdipGetImageAttributesAdjustedPalette Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal imageAttr As *GpImageAttributes, ByRef colorPalette As ColorPalette, ByVal colorAdjustType As ColorAdjustType) As GpStatus412 Declare Function GdipGetImageAttributesAdjustedPalette Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal imageAttr As *GpImageAttributes, ByRef colorPalette As System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorPalette, ByVal colorAdjustType As Long /*ColorAdjustType*/) As GpStatus 413 413 414 414 ' Graphics APIs … … 421 421 Declare Function GdipGetDC Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByRef hdc As HDC) As GpStatus 422 422 Declare Function GdipReleaseDC Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal hdc As HDC) As GpStatus 423 Declare Function GdipSetCompositingMode Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal compositingMode As CompositingMode) As GpStatus424 Declare Function GdipGetCompositingMode Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByRef compositingMode As CompositingMode) As GpStatus423 Declare Function GdipSetCompositingMode Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal compositingMode As Long /*CompositingMode*/) As GpStatus 424 Declare Function GdipGetCompositingMode Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByRef compositingMode As Long /*CompositingMode*/) As GpStatus 425 425 Declare Function GdipSetRenderingOrigin Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long) As GpStatus 426 426 Declare Function GdipGetRenderingOrigin Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByRef x As Long, ByRef y As Long) As GpStatus 427 Declare Function GdipSetCompositingQuality Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal compositingQuality As CompositingQuality) As GpStatus428 Declare Function GdipGetCompositingQuality Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByRef compositingQuality As CompositingQuality) As GpStatus429 Declare Function GdipSetSmoothingMode Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal smoothingMode As SmoothingMode) As GpStatus430 Declare Function GdipGetSmoothingMode Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByRef smoothingMode As SmoothingMode) As GpStatus431 Declare Function GdipSetPixelOffsetMode Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal pixelOffsetMode As PixelOffsetMode) As GpStatus432 Declare Function GdipGetPixelOffsetMode Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByRef pixelOffsetMode As PixelOffsetMode) As GpStatus433 Declare Function GdipSetTextRenderingHint Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal mode As TextRenderingHint) As GpStatus434 Declare Function GdipGetTextRenderingHint Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByRef mode As TextRenderingHint) As GpStatus427 Declare Function GdipSetCompositingQuality Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal compositingQuality As Long /*CompositingQuality*/) As GpStatus 428 Declare Function GdipGetCompositingQuality Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByRef compositingQuality As Long /*CompositingQuality*/) As GpStatus 429 Declare Function GdipSetSmoothingMode Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal smoothingMode As Long /*SmoothingMode*/) As GpStatus 430 Declare Function GdipGetSmoothingMode Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByRef smoothingMode As Long /*SmoothingMode*/) As GpStatus 431 Declare Function GdipSetPixelOffsetMode Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal pixelOffsetMode As Long /*PixelOffsetMode*/) As GpStatus 432 Declare Function GdipGetPixelOffsetMode Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByRef pixelOffsetMode As Long /*PixelOffsetMode*/) As GpStatus 433 Declare Function GdipSetTextRenderingHint Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal mode As Long /*TextRenderingHint*/) As GpStatus 434 Declare Function GdipGetTextRenderingHint Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByRef mode As Long /*TextRenderingHint*/) As GpStatus 435 435 Declare Function GdipSetTextContrast Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal contrast As DWord) As GpStatus 436 436 Declare Function GdipGetTextContrast Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByRef contrast As DWord) As GpStatus 437 Declare Function GdipSetInterpolationMode Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal interpolationMode As InterpolationMode) As GpStatus438 Declare Function GdipGetInterpolationMode Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByRef interpolationMode As InterpolationMode) As GpStatus437 Declare Function GdipSetInterpolationMode Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal interpolationMode As Long /*InterpolationMode*/) As GpStatus 438 Declare Function GdipGetInterpolationMode Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByRef interpolationMode As Long /*InterpolationMode*/) As GpStatus 439 439 Declare Function GdipSetWorldTransform Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal matrix As *GpMatrix) As GpStatus 440 440 Declare Function GdipResetWorldTransform Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics) As GpStatus … … 451 451 Declare Function GdipGetDpiX Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByRef dpi As Single) As GpStatus 452 452 Declare Function GdipGetDpiY Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByRef dpi As Single) As GpStatus 453 Declare Function GdipTransformPoints Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal destSpace As GpCoordinateSpace, ByVal srcSpace As GpCoordinateSpace, ByVal points As * PointF, ByVal count As Long) As GpStatus454 Declare Function GdipTransformPointsI Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal destSpace As GpCoordinateSpace, ByVal srcSpace As GpCoordinateSpace, ByVal points As * Point, ByVal count As Long) As GpStatus453 Declare Function GdipTransformPoints Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal destSpace As GpCoordinateSpace, ByVal srcSpace As GpCoordinateSpace, ByVal points As *GpPointF, ByVal count As Long) As GpStatus 454 Declare Function GdipTransformPointsI Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal destSpace As GpCoordinateSpace, ByVal srcSpace As GpCoordinateSpace, ByVal points As *GpPoint, ByVal count As Long) As GpStatus 455 455 Declare Function GdipGetNearestColor Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByRef argb As ARGB) As GpStatus 456 ' Creates the Win9x Halftone Palette (even on NT) with correct Desktop colors457 456 Declare Function GdipCreateHalftonePalette Lib "gdiplus.dll" () As HPALETTE 458 457 Declare Function GdipDrawLine Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal pen As *GpPen, ByVal x1 As Single, ByVal y1 As Single, ByVal x2 As Single, ByVal y2 As Single) As GpStatus … … 514 513 Declare Function GdipDrawImagePointRect Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal image As *GpImage, ByVal x As Single, ByVal y As Single, ByVal srcx As Single, ByVal srcy As Single, ByVal srcwidth As Single, ByVal srcheight As Single, ByVal srcUnit As GpUnit) As GpStatus 515 514 Declare Function GdipDrawImagePointRectI Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal image As *GpImage, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal srcx As Long, ByVal srcy As Long, ByVal srcwidth As Long, ByVal srcheight As Long, ByVal srcUnit As GpUnit) As GpStatus 516 Declare Function GdipDrawImageRectRect Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal image As *GpImage, ByVal dstx As Single, ByVal dsty As Single, ByVal dstwidth As Single, ByVal dstheight As Single, ByVal srcx As Single, ByVal srcy As Single, ByVal srcwidth As Single, ByVal srcheight As Single, ByVal srcUnit As GpUnit, ByVal imageAttributes As GpImageAttributes, ByVal callback As DrawImageAbort, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr) As GpStatus517 Declare Function GdipDrawImageRectRectI Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal image As *GpImage, ByVal dstx As Long, ByVal dsty As Long, ByVal dstwidth As Long, ByVal dstheight As Long, ByVal srcx As Long, ByVal srcy As Long, ByVal srcwidth As Long, ByVal srcheight As Long, ByVal srcUnit As GpUnit, ByVal imageAttributes As GpImageAttributes, ByVal callback As DrawImageAbort, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr) As GpStatus518 Declare Function GdipDrawImagePointsRect Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal image As *GpImage, ByVal points As *GpPointF, ByVal count As Long, ByVal srcx As Single, ByVal srcy As Single, ByVal srcwidth As Single, ByVal srcheight As Single, ByVal srcUnit As GpUnit, ByVal imageAttributes As GpImageAttributes, ByVal callback As DrawImageAbort, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr) As GpStatus519 Declare Function GdipDrawImagePointsRectI Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal image As *GpImage, ByVal points As *GpPoint, ByVal count As Long, ByVal srcx As Long, ByVal srcy As Long, ByVal srcwidth As Long, ByVal srcheight As Long, ByVal srcUnit As GpUnit, ByVal imageAttributes As GpImageAttributes, ByVal callback As DrawImageAbort, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr) As GpStatus520 Declare Function GdipEnumerateMetafileDestPoint Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal metafile As GpMetafile, ByRef destPoint As PointF, ByVal callback AsEnumerateMetafileProc, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr) As GpStatus521 Declare Function GdipEnumerateMetafileDestPointI Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal metafile As GpMetafile, ByRef destPoint As Point, ByVal callback AsEnumerateMetafileProc, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr) As GpStatus522 Declare Function GdipEnumerateMetafileDestRect Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal metafile As GpMetafile, ByRef destRect As GpRectF, ByVal callback AsEnumerateMetafileProc, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr) As GpStatus523 Declare Function GdipEnumerateMetafileDestRectI Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal metafile As GpMetafile, ByRef destRect As GpRect, ByVal callback AsEnumerateMetafileProc, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr) As GpStatus524 Declare Function GdipEnumerateMetafileDestPoints Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal metafile As GpMetafile, ByVal destPoints As *PointF, ByVal count As Long, ByVal callback AsEnumerateMetafileProc, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr) As GpStatus525 Declare Function GdipEnumerateMetafileDestPointsI Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal metafile As GpMetafile, ByVal destPoints As *Point, ByVal count As Long, ByVal callback AsEnumerateMetafileProc, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr) As GpStatus526 Declare Function GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestPoint Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal metafile As GpMetafile, ByRef destPoint As PointF, ByRef srcRect As GpRectF, ByVal srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, ByVal callback AsEnumerateMetafileProc, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr) As GpStatus527 Declare Function GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestPointI Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal metafile As GpMetafile, ByRef destPoint As Point, ByRef srcRect As GpRect, ByVal srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, ByVal callback AsEnumerateMetafileProc, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr) As GpStatus528 Declare Function GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestRect Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal metafile As GpMetafile, ByRef destRect As GpRectF, ByRef srcRect As GpRectF, ByVal srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, ByVal callback AsEnumerateMetafileProc, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr) As GpStatus529 Declare Function GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestRectI Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal metafile As GpMetafile, ByRef destRect As GpRect, ByRef srcRect As GpRect, ByVal srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, ByVal callback AsEnumerateMetafileProc, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr) As GpStatus530 Declare Function GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestPoints Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal metafile As GpMetafile, ByVal destPoints As *PointF, ByVal count As Long, ByRef srcRect As GpRectF, ByVal srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, ByVal callback AsEnumerateMetafileProc, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr) As GpStatus531 Declare Function GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestPointsI Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal metafile As GpMetafile, ByVal destPoints As *Point, ByVal count As Long, ByRef srcRect As GpRect, ByVal srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, ByVal callback AsEnumerateMetafileProc, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr) As GpStatus532 Declare Function GdipPlayMetafileRecord Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal metafile As GpMetafile, ByVal recordType As EmfPlusRecordType, ByVal flags As DWord, dataSize As DWord, ByVal data As *Byte) As GpStatus533 Declare Function GdipSetClipGraphics Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal srcgraphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal combineMode As CombineMode) As GpStatus534 Declare Function GdipSetClipRect Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal x As Single, ByVal y As Single, ByVal width As Single, ByVal height As Single, ByVal combineMode As CombineMode) As GpStatus535 Declare Function GdipSetClipRectI Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal width As Long, ByVal height As Long, ByVal combineMode As CombineMode) As GpStatus536 Declare Function GdipSetClipPath Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal path As *GpPath, ByVal combineMode As CombineMode) As GpStatus537 Declare Function GdipSetClipRegion Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal region As *GpRegion, ByVal combineMode As CombineMode) As GpStatus538 Declare Function GdipSetClipHrgn Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal hRgn As HRGN, ByVal combineMode As CombineMode) As GpStatus515 Declare Function GdipDrawImageRectRect Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal image As *GpImage, ByVal dstx As Single, ByVal dsty As Single, ByVal dstwidth As Single, ByVal dstheight As Single, ByVal srcx As Single, ByVal srcy As Single, ByVal srcwidth As Single, ByVal srcheight As Single, ByVal srcUnit As GpUnit, ByVal imageAttributes As *GpImageAttributes, ByVal callback As DrawImageAbort, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr) As GpStatus 516 Declare Function GdipDrawImageRectRectI Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal image As *GpImage, ByVal dstx As Long, ByVal dsty As Long, ByVal dstwidth As Long, ByVal dstheight As Long, ByVal srcx As Long, ByVal srcy As Long, ByVal srcwidth As Long, ByVal srcheight As Long, ByVal srcUnit As GpUnit, ByVal imageAttributes As *GpImageAttributes, ByVal callback As DrawImageAbort, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr) As GpStatus 517 Declare Function GdipDrawImagePointsRect Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal image As *GpImage, ByVal points As *GpPointF, ByVal count As Long, ByVal srcx As Single, ByVal srcy As Single, ByVal srcwidth As Single, ByVal srcheight As Single, ByVal srcUnit As GpUnit, ByVal imageAttributes As *GpImageAttributes, ByVal callback As DrawImageAbort, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr) As GpStatus 518 Declare Function GdipDrawImagePointsRectI Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal image As *GpImage, ByVal points As *GpPoint, ByVal count As Long, ByVal srcx As Long, ByVal srcy As Long, ByVal srcwidth As Long, ByVal srcheight As Long, ByVal srcUnit As GpUnit, ByVal imageAttributes As *GpImageAttributes, ByVal callback As DrawImageAbort, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr) As GpStatus 519 Declare Function GdipEnumerateMetafileDestPoint Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal metafile As *GpMetafile, ByRef destPoint As GpPointF, ByVal callback As System.Drawing.Detail.NativeEnumerateMetafileProc, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr) As GpStatus 520 Declare Function GdipEnumerateMetafileDestPointI Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal metafile As *GpMetafile, ByRef destPoint As GpPoint, ByVal callback As System.Drawing.Detail.NativeEnumerateMetafileProc, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr) As GpStatus 521 Declare Function GdipEnumerateMetafileDestRect Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal metafile As *GpMetafile, ByRef destRect As GpRectF, ByVal callback As System.Drawing.Detail.NativeEnumerateMetafileProc, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr) As GpStatus 522 Declare Function GdipEnumerateMetafileDestRectI Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal metafile As *GpMetafile, ByRef destRect As GpRect, ByVal callback As System.Drawing.Detail.NativeEnumerateMetafileProc, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr) As GpStatus 523 Declare Function GdipEnumerateMetafileDestPoints Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal metafile As *GpMetafile, ByVal destPoints As *GpPointF, ByVal count As Long, ByVal callback As System.Drawing.Detail.NativeEnumerateMetafileProc, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr) As GpStatus 524 Declare Function GdipEnumerateMetafileDestPointsI Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal metafile As *GpMetafile, ByVal destPoints As *GpPoint, ByVal count As Long, ByVal callback As System.Drawing.Detail.NativeEnumerateMetafileProc, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr) As GpStatus 525 Declare Function GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestPoint Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal metafile As *GpMetafile, ByRef destPoint As GpPointF, ByRef srcRect As GpRectF, ByVal srcUnit As Long /*GraphicsUnit*/, ByVal callback As System.Drawing.Detail.NativeEnumerateMetafileProc, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr) As GpStatus 526 Declare Function GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestPointI Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal metafile As *GpMetafile, ByRef destPoint As GpPoint, ByRef srcRect As GpRect, ByVal srcUnit As Long /*GraphicsUnit*/, ByVal callback As System.Drawing.Detail.NativeEnumerateMetafileProc, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr) As GpStatus 527 Declare Function GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestRect Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal metafile As *GpMetafile, ByRef destRect As GpRectF, ByRef srcRect As GpRectF, ByVal srcUnit As Long /*GraphicsUnit*/, ByVal callback As System.Drawing.Detail.NativeEnumerateMetafileProc, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr) As GpStatus 528 Declare Function GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestRectI Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal metafile As *GpMetafile, ByRef destRect As GpRect, ByRef srcRect As GpRect, ByVal srcUnit As Long /*GraphicsUnit*/, ByVal callback As System.Drawing.Detail.NativeEnumerateMetafileProc, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr) As GpStatus 529 Declare Function GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestPoints Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal metafile As *GpMetafile, ByVal destPoints As *GpPointF, ByVal count As Long, ByRef srcRect As GpRectF, ByVal srcUnit As Long /*GraphicsUnit*/, ByVal callback As System.Drawing.Detail.NativeEnumerateMetafileProc, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr) As GpStatus 530 Declare Function GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestPointsI Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal metafile As *GpMetafile, ByVal destPoints As *GpPoint, ByVal count As Long, ByRef srcRect As GpRect, ByVal srcUnit As Long /*GraphicsUnit*/, ByVal callback As System.Drawing.Detail.NativeEnumerateMetafileProc, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr, ByVal callbackData As VoidPtr) As GpStatus 531 Declare Function GdipPlayMetafileRecord Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal metafile As *GpMetafile, ByVal recordType As EmfPlusRecordType, ByVal flags As DWord, dataSize As DWord, ByVal data As *Byte) As GpStatus 532 Declare Function GdipSetClipGraphics Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal srcgraphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal combineMode As Long /*CombineMode*/) As GpStatus 533 Declare Function GdipSetClipRect Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal x As Single, ByVal y As Single, ByVal width As Single, ByVal height As Single, ByVal combineMode As Long /*CombineMode*/) As GpStatus 534 Declare Function GdipSetClipRectI Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal width As Long, ByVal height As Long, ByVal combineMode As Long /*CombineMode*/) As GpStatus 535 Declare Function GdipSetClipPath Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal path As *GpPath, ByVal combineMode As Long /*CombineMode*/) As GpStatus 536 Declare Function GdipSetClipRegion Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal region As *GpRegion, ByVal combineMode As Long /*CombineMode*/) As GpStatus 537 Declare Function GdipSetClipHrgn Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal hRgn As HRGN, ByVal combineMode As Long /*CombineMode*/) As GpStatus 539 538 Declare Function GdipResetClip Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics) As GpStatus 540 539 Declare Function GdipTranslateClip Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal dx As Single, ByVal dy As Single) As GpStatus … … 553 552 Declare Function GdipSaveGraphics Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal state As GraphicsState) As GpStatus 554 553 Declare Function GdipRestoreGraphics Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal state As GraphicsState) As GpStatus 555 Declare Function GdipBeginContainer Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, By Val dstrect As *GpRectF, ByVal srcrect As *GpRectF, ByVal unit As GpUnit, ByVal state As *GraphicsContainer) As GpStatus556 Declare Function GdipBeginContainerI Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, By Val dstrect As *GpRect, ByVal srcrect As *GpRect, ByVal unit As GpUnit, ByVal state As *GraphicsContainer) As GpStatus557 Declare Function GdipBeginContainer2 Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, By Val state As *GraphicsContainer) As GpStatus558 Declare Function GdipEndContainer Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, By Val state As *GraphicsContainer) As GpStatus559 Declare Function GdipGetMetafileHeaderFromWmf Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal hWmf As HMETAFILE, ByRef wmfPlaceableFileHeader As WmfPlaceableFileHeader, ByRef header AsMetafileHeader) As GpStatus560 Declare Function GdipGetMetafileHeaderFromEmf Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal hEmf As HENHMETAFILE, ByRef header As MetafileHeader) As GpStatus561 Declare Function GdipGetMetafileHeaderFromFile Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal filename As PCWSTR, ByRef header As MetafileHeader) As GpStatus562 Declare Function GdipGetMetafileHeaderFromStream Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal stream As *IStream, ByRef header As MetafileHeader) As GpStatus563 Declare Function GdipGetMetafileHeaderFromMetafile Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal metafile As *GpMetafile, ByRef header As MetafileHeader) As GpStatus554 Declare Function GdipBeginContainer Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByRef dstrect As GpRectF, ByRef srcrect As GpRectF, ByVal unit As GpUnit, ByRef state As System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsContainer) As GpStatus 555 Declare Function GdipBeginContainerI Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByRef dstrect As GpRect, ByRef srcrect As GpRect, ByVal unit As GpUnit, ByRef state As System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsContainer) As GpStatus 556 Declare Function GdipBeginContainer2 Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByRef state As System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsContainer) As GpStatus 557 Declare Function GdipEndContainer Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByRef state As System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsContainer) As GpStatus 558 Declare Function GdipGetMetafileHeaderFromWmf Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal hWmf As HMETAFILE, ByRef wmfPlaceableFileHeader As System.Drawing.Imaging.WmfPlaceableFileHeader, ByRef header As System.Drawing.Imaging.MetafileHeader) As GpStatus 559 Declare Function GdipGetMetafileHeaderFromEmf Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal hEmf As HENHMETAFILE, ByRef header As System.Drawing.Imaging.MetafileHeader) As GpStatus 560 Declare Function GdipGetMetafileHeaderFromFile Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal filename As PCWSTR, ByRef header As System.Drawing.Imaging.MetafileHeader) As GpStatus 561 Declare Function GdipGetMetafileHeaderFromStream Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal stream As *IStream, ByRef header As System.Drawing.Imaging.MetafileHeader) As GpStatus 562 Declare Function GdipGetMetafileHeaderFromMetafile Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal metafile As *GpMetafile, ByRef header As System.Drawing.Imaging.MetafileHeader) As GpStatus 564 563 Declare Function GdipGetHemfFromMetafile Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal metafile As *GpMetafile, ByRef hEmf As HENHMETAFILE) As GpStatus 565 Declare Function GdipCreateStreamOnFile Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal filename As PCWSTR, ByVal access As DWord, ByRef stream As *IStream) As GpStatus566 Declare Function GdipCreateMetafileFromWmf Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal hWmf As HMETAFILE, ByVal deleteWmf As BOOL, ByRef wmfPlaceableFileHeader As WmfPlaceableFileHeader, ByRef metafile As *GpMetafile) As GpStatus564 Declare Function GdipCreateStreamOnFile Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal filename As PCWSTR, ByVal access As DWord, ByRef stream As Any/*IStream*/) As GpStatus 565 Declare Function GdipCreateMetafileFromWmf Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal hWmf As HMETAFILE, ByVal deleteWmf As BOOL, ByRef wmfPlaceableFileHeader As System.Drawing.Imaging.WmfPlaceableFileHeader, ByRef metafile As *GpMetafile) As GpStatus 567 566 Declare Function GdipCreateMetafileFromEmf Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal hEmf As HENHMETAFILE, ByVal deleteEmf As BOOL, ByRef metafile As *GpMetafile) As GpStatus 568 567 Declare Function GdipCreateMetafileFromFile Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal filename As PCWSTR, ByRef metafile As *GpMetafile) As GpStatus 569 Declare Function GdipCreateMetafileFromWmfFile Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal filename As PCWSTR, ByRef wmfPlaceableFileHeader As WmfPlaceableFileHeader, ByRef metafile As *GpMetafile) As GpStatus568 Declare Function GdipCreateMetafileFromWmfFile Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal filename As PCWSTR, ByRef wmfPlaceableFileHeader As System.Drawing.Imaging.WmfPlaceableFileHeader, ByRef metafile As *GpMetafile) As GpStatus 570 569 Declare Function GdipCreateMetafileFromStream Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal stream As *IStream, ByRef metafile As *GpMetafile) As GpStatus 571 Declare Function GdipRecordMetafile Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal referenceHdc As HDC, ByVal emfType As EmfType, ByRef frameRect As GpRectF, ByVal frameUnit As MetafileFrameUnit, ByVal description As PCWSTR, ByRef metafile As *GpMetafile) As GpStatus572 Declare Function GdipRecordMetafileI Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal referenceHdc As HDC, ByVal emfType As EmfType, ByRef frameRect As GpRectF, ByVal frameUnit As MetafileFrameUnit, ByVal description As PCWSTR, ByRef metafile As *GpMetafile) As GpStatus573 Declare Function GdipRecordMetafileFileName Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal filename As PCWSTR, ByVal referenceHdc As HDC, ByVal emfType As EmfType, ByRef frameRect As GpRectF, ByVal frameUnit As MetafileFrameUnit, ByVal description As PCWSTR, ByRef metafile As *GpMetafile) As GpStatus574 Declare Function GdipRecordMetafileFileNameI Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal filename As PCWSTR, ByVal referenceHdc As HDC, ByVal emfType As EmfType,ByRef frameRect As GpRectF, ByVal frameUnit As MetafileFrameUnit, ByVal description As PCWSTR, ByRef metafile As *GpMetafile) As GpStatus575 Declare Function GdipRecordMetafileStream Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal stream As *IStream, ByVal referenceHdc As HDC, ByVal emfType As EmfType, ByRef frameRect As GpRectF, ByVal frameUnit As MetafileFrameUnit, ByVal description As PCWSTR, ByRef metafile As *GpMetafile) As GpStatus576 Declare Function GdipRecordMetafileStreamI Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal stream As *IStream, ByVal referenceHdc As HDC, ByVal emfType As EmfType, ByRef frameRect As GpRectF, ByVal frameUnit As MetafileFrameUnit, ByVal description As PCWSTR, ByRef metafile As *GpMetafile) As GpStatus570 Declare Function GdipRecordMetafile Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal referenceHdc As HDC, ByVal emfType As EmfType, ByRef frameRect As GpRectF, ByVal frameUnit As Long /*MetafileFrameUnit*/, ByVal description As PCWSTR, ByRef metafile As *GpMetafile) As GpStatus 571 Declare Function GdipRecordMetafileI Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal referenceHdc As HDC, ByVal emfType As EmfType, ByRef frameRect As GpRectF, ByVal frameUnit As Long /*MetafileFrameUnit*/, ByVal description As PCWSTR, ByRef metafile As *GpMetafile) As GpStatus 572 Declare Function GdipRecordMetafileFileName Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal filename As PCWSTR, ByVal referenceHdc As HDC, ByVal emfType As EmfType, ByRef frameRect As GpRectF, ByVal frameUnit As Long /*MetafileFrameUnit*/, ByVal description As PCWSTR, ByRef metafile As *GpMetafile) As GpStatus 573 Declare Function GdipRecordMetafileFileNameI Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal filename As PCWSTR, ByVal referenceHdc As HDC, ByVal emfType As EmfType,ByRef frameRect As GpRectF, ByVal frameUnit As Long /*MetafileFrameUnit*/, ByVal description As PCWSTR, ByRef metafile As *GpMetafile) As GpStatus 574 Declare Function GdipRecordMetafileStream Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal stream As *IStream, ByVal referenceHdc As HDC, ByVal emfType As EmfType, ByRef frameRect As GpRectF, ByVal frameUnit As Long /*MetafileFrameUnit*/, ByVal description As PCWSTR, ByRef metafile As *GpMetafile) As GpStatus 575 Declare Function GdipRecordMetafileStreamI Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal stream As *IStream, ByVal referenceHdc As HDC, ByVal emfType As EmfType, ByRef frameRect As GpRectF, ByVal frameUnit As Long /*MetafileFrameUnit*/, ByVal description As PCWSTR, ByRef metafile As *GpMetafile) As GpStatus 577 576 Declare Function GdipSetMetafileDownLevelRasterizationLimit Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal metafile As *GpMetafile, ByVal metafileRasterizationLimitDpi As DWord) As GpStatus 578 577 Declare Function GdipGetMetafileDownLevelRasterizationLimit Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal metafile As *GpMetafile, ByRef metafileRasterizationLimitDpi As DWord) As GpStatus 579 578 Declare Function GdipGetImageDecodersSize Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByRef numDecoders As DWord, ByRef size As DWord) As GpStatus 580 Declare Function GdipGetImageDecoders Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal numDecoders As DWord, ByVal size As DWord, ByVal decoders As * ImageCodecInfo) As GpStatus579 Declare Function GdipGetImageDecoders Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal numDecoders As DWord, ByVal size As DWord, ByVal decoders As *System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageCodecInfo) As GpStatus 581 580 Declare Function GdipGetImageEncodersSize Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByRef numDecoders As DWord, ByRef size As DWord) As GpStatus 582 Declare Function GdipGetImageEncoders Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal numEncoders As DWord, ByVal size As DWord, ByVal encoderss As * ImageCodecInfo) As GpStatus581 Declare Function GdipGetImageEncoders Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal numEncoders As DWord, ByVal size As DWord, ByVal encoderss As *System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageCodecInfo) As GpStatus 583 582 Declare Function GdipComment Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal sizeData As DWord, ByVal data As *Byte) As GpStatus 584 583 … … 603 602 Declare Function GdipCreateFontFromLogfontA Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal hdc As HDC, ByRef logfont As LOGFONTA, ByRef font As *GpFont) As GpStatus 604 603 Declare Function GdipCreateFontFromLogfontW Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal hdc As HDC, ByRef logfont As LOGFONTW, ByRef font As *GpFont) As GpStatus 605 Declare Function GdipCreateFont Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal fontFamily As *GpFontFamily, ByVal emSize As Single, ByVal style As Long, ByVal unit As G raphicsUnit, ByRef font As *GpFont) As GpStatus604 Declare Function GdipCreateFont Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal fontFamily As *GpFontFamily, ByVal emSize As Single, ByVal style As Long, ByVal unit As GpUnit, ByRef font As *GpFont) As GpStatus 606 605 Declare Function GdipCloneFont Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal font As *GpFont, ByRef cloneFont As *GpFont) As GpStatus 607 606 Declare Function GdipDeleteFont Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal font As *GpFont) As GpStatus … … 609 608 Declare Function GdipGetFontStyle Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal font As *GpFont, ByRef style As Long) As GpStatus 610 609 Declare Function GdipGetFontSize Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal font As *GpFont, ByRef size As Single) As GpStatus 611 Declare Function GdipGetFontUnit Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal font As *GpFont, ByRef unit As GraphicsUnit) As GpStatus610 Declare Function GdipGetFontUnit Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal font As *GpFont, ByRef unit As Long /*GraphicsUnit*/) As GpStatus 612 611 Declare Function GdipGetFontHeight Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal font As *GpFont, ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByRef height As Single) As GpStatus 613 612 Declare Function GdipGetFontHeightGivenDPI Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal font As *GpFont, ByVal dpi As Single, ByRef height As Single) As GpStatus … … 624 623 ' Text APIs 625 624 Declare Function GdipDrawString Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal string As PCWSTR, ByVal length As Long, font As *GpFont, ByRef layoutRect As GpRectF, ByVal stringFormat As *GpStringFormat, ByVal brush As *GpBrush) As GpStatus 626 Declare Function GdipMeasureString Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal string As PCWSTR, ByVal length As Long, ByVal font As *GpFont, ByRef layoutRect As GpRectF, ByVal stringFormat As *GpStringFormat, ByRef boundingBox As GpRectF, By Ref codepointsFitted As Long, ByRef linesFilled AsLong) As GpStatus627 Declare Function GdipMeasureCharacterRanges Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal str As PCWSTR, ByVal length As Long, ByVal font As *GpFont, ByRef layoutRect As GpRectF, ByVal stringFormat As *GpStringFormat, ByVal regionCount As Long, ByRef regions As*GpRegion) As GpStatus628 Declare Function GdipDrawDriverString Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal text As *Word, ByVal length As Long, ByVal font As *GpFont, ByVal brush As *GpBrush, ByVal positions As * PointF, ByVal flags As Long, ByVal matrix As *GpMatrix) As GpStatus629 Declare Function GdipMeasureDriverString Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal text As *Word, ByVal length As Long, ByVal font As *GpFont, ByVal positions As * PointF, ByVal flags As Long, ByVal matrix As *GpMatrix, ByRef boundingBox As GpRectF) As GpStatus625 Declare Function GdipMeasureString Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal string As PCWSTR, ByVal length As Long, ByVal font As *GpFont, ByRef layoutRect As GpRectF, ByVal stringFormat As *GpStringFormat, ByRef boundingBox As GpRectF, ByVal codepointsFitted As *Long, ByVal linesFilled As *Long) As GpStatus 626 Declare Function GdipMeasureCharacterRanges Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal str As PCWSTR, ByVal length As Long, ByVal font As *GpFont, ByRef layoutRect As GpRectF, ByVal stringFormat As *GpStringFormat, ByVal regionCount As Long, regions As **GpRegion) As GpStatus 627 Declare Function GdipDrawDriverString Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal text As *Word, ByVal length As Long, ByVal font As *GpFont, ByVal brush As *GpBrush, ByVal positions As *GpPointF, ByVal flags As Long, ByVal matrix As *GpMatrix) As GpStatus 628 Declare Function GdipMeasureDriverString Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal graphics As *GpGraphics, ByVal text As *Word, ByVal length As Long, ByVal font As *GpFont, ByVal positions As *GpPointF, ByVal flags As Long, ByVal matrix As *GpMatrix, ByRef boundingBox As GpRectF) As GpStatus 630 629 631 630 ' String format APIs … … 651 650 Declare Function GdipGetStringFormatDigitSubstitution Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal format As *GpStringFormat, ByRef language As LANGID, ByRef substitute As StringDigitSubstitute) As GpStatus 652 651 Declare Function GdipGetStringFormatMeasurableCharacterRangeCount Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal format As *GpStringFormat, ByRef count As Long) As GpStatus 653 Declare Function GdipSetStringFormatMeasurableCharacterRanges Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal format As *GpStringFormat, ByVal rangeCount As Long, ByVal ranges As * CharacterRange) As GpStatus652 Declare Function GdipSetStringFormatMeasurableCharacterRanges Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal format As *GpStringFormat, ByVal rangeCount As Long, ByVal ranges As *System.Drawing.CharacterRange) As GpStatus 654 653 655 654 ' Cached Bitmap APIs -
r497 r698 4 4 #require <Classes/System/Drawing/Drawing2D/Matrix.ab> 5 5 6 ClassGpGraphics7 End Class6 Type GpGraphics 7 End Type 8 8 9 ClassGpBrush10 End Class11 ClassGpTexture12 Inherits GpBrush13 End Class14 ClassGpSolidFill15 Inherits GpBrush16 End Class17 ClassGpLineGradient18 Inherits GpBrush19 End Class20 ClassGpPathGradient21 Inherits GpBrush22 End Class23 ClassGpHatch24 Inherits GpBrush25 End Class9 Type GpBrush 10 End Type 11 Type GpTexture 12 ' Inherits GpBrush 13 End Type 14 Type GpSolidFill 15 ' Inherits GpBrush 16 End Type 17 Type GpLineGradient 18 ' Inherits GpBrush 19 End Type 20 Type GpPathGradient 21 ' Inherits GpBrush 22 End Type 23 Type GpHatch 24 ' Inherits GpBrush 25 End Type 26 26 27 ClassGpPen28 End Class29 ClassGpCustomLineCap30 End Class31 ClassGpAdjustableArrowCap32 Inherits GpCustomLineCap33 End Class27 Type GpPen 28 End Type 29 Type GpCustomLineCap 30 End Type 31 Type GpAdjustableArrowCap 32 ' Inherits GpCustomLineCap 33 End Type 34 34 35 ClassGpImage36 End Class37 ClassGpBitmap38 Inherits GpImage39 End Class40 ClassGpMetafile41 Inherits GpImage42 End Class43 ClassGpImageAttributes44 End Class35 Type GpImage 36 End Type 37 Type GpBitmap 38 ' Inherits GpImage 39 End Type 40 Type GpMetafile 41 ' Inherits GpImage 42 End Type 43 Type GpImageAttributes 44 End Type 45 45 46 ClassGpPath47 End Class48 ClassGpRegion49 End Class50 ClassGpPathIterator51 End Class46 Type GpPath 47 End Type 48 Type GpRegion 49 End Type 50 Type GpPathIterator 51 End Type 52 52 53 ClassGpFontFamily54 End Class55 ClassGpFont56 End Class57 ClassGpStringFormat58 End Class59 ClassGpFontCollection60 End Class61 ClassGpInstalledFontCollection62 Inherits GpFontCollection63 End Class64 ClassGpPrivateFontCollection65 Inherits GpFontCollection66 End Class53 Type GpFontFamily 54 End Type 55 Type GpFont 56 End Type 57 Type GpStringFormat 58 End Type 59 Type GpFontCollection 60 End Type 61 Type GpInstalledFontCollection 62 ' Inherits GpFontCollection 63 End Type 64 Type GpPrivateFontCollection 65 ' Inherits GpFontCollection 66 End Type 67 67 68 ' ClassGpCachedBitmap;69 ClassGpCachedBitmap70 End Class68 'Type GpCachedBitmap; 69 Type GpCachedBitmap 70 End Type 71 71 72 72 TypeDef GpStatus = Status 73 TypeDef GpFillMode = FillMode73 TypeDef GpFillMode = Long 'System.Drawing.Drawing2D.FillMode 74 74 TypeDef GpWrapMode = WrapMode 75 TypeDef GpUnit = GraphicsUnit76 TypeDef GpCoordinateSpace = CoordinateSpace75 TypeDef GpUnit = Long 'System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit 76 TypeDef GpCoordinateSpace = Long 'System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CoordinateSpace 77 77 TypeDef GpPointF = System.Drawing.PointF 78 78 TypeDef GpPoint = System.Drawing.Point … … 80 80 TypeDef GpRect = System.Drawing.Rectangle 81 81 TypeDef GpSizeF = System.Drawing.SizeF 82 TypeDef GpHatchStyle = HatchStyle83 TypeDef GpDashStyle = DashStyle84 TypeDef GpLineCap = L ineCap85 TypeDef GpDashCap = DashCap82 TypeDef GpHatchStyle = Long 'HatchStyle 83 TypeDef GpDashStyle = Long 'DashStyle 84 TypeDef GpLineCap = Long 'LineCap 85 TypeDef GpDashCap = Long 'DashCap 86 86 87 87 88 TypeDef GpPenAlignment = PenAlignment88 TypeDef GpPenAlignment = Long 'PenAlignment 89 89 90 TypeDef GpLineJoin = L ineJoin91 TypeDef GpPenType = PenType90 TypeDef GpLineJoin = Long 'LineJoin 91 TypeDef GpPenType = Long 'PenType 92 92 93 TypeDef GpMatrix = Matrix 94 TypeDef GpBrushType = BrushType 95 TypeDef GpMatrixOrder = MatrixOrder 96 TypeDef GpFlushIntention = FlushIntention 93 Type GpMatrix : End Type 94 'TypeDef GpMatrix = Matrix 95 TypeDef GpBrushType = Long 'BrushType 96 TypeDef GpMatrixOrder = Long 'System.Drawing.Drawing2D.MatrixOrder 97 TypeDef GpFlushIntention = Long 'System.Drawing.Drawing2D.FlushIntention 97 98 TypeDef GpPathData = PathData -
r497 r698 1 1 ' GdiPlusInit.ab 2 2 3 Enum DebugEventLevel3 Const Enum DebugEventLevel 4 4 DebugEventLevelFatal 5 5 DebugEventLevelWarning 6 6 End Enum 7 7 8 Type def DebugEventProc = *Sub(level As DebugEventLevel, message As *CHAR)8 TypeDef DebugEventProc = *Sub(level As DebugEventLevel, message As *CHAR) 9 9 10 Type def NotificationHookProc = *Function(/*OUT*/ ByRef token As ULONG_PTR) As Status10 TypeDef NotificationHookProc = *Function(/*OUT*/ ByRef token As ULONG_PTR) As Status 11 11 TypeDef NotificationUnhookProc = *Sub(ByVal token As ULONG_PTR) 12 12 -
r497 r698 4 4 TypeDef DrawImageAbort = ImageAbort 5 5 TypeDef GetThumbnailImageAbort = ImageAbort 6 7 TypeDef EnumerateMetafileProc = *Function(recordType As EmfPlusRecordType, flags As DWord, dataSize As DWord, data As *Byte, callbackData As VoidPtr) As BOOL8 6 9 7 'Const REAL_MAX = FLT_MAX … … 36 34 End Enum 37 35 38 ClassPathData36 Type PathData 39 37 /* 40 38 Public … … 54 52 55 53 Public 54 */ 56 55 Count As Long 57 Points As * PointF56 Points As *GpPointF 58 57 Types As *BYTE 59 */ 60 End Class 58 End Type -
r692 r698 815 815 Declare Function FrameRgn Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, hRgn As HRGN, hBrush As HBRUSH, nWidth As Long, nHeight As Long) As Long 816 816 Declare Function GdiComment Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, cbSize As DWord, lpData As *Byte) As BOOL 817 Declare Function GdiFlush Lib "gdi32" () As BOOL 817 818 Declare Function GetBitmapBits Lib "gdi32" (hbmp As HBITMAP, cbBuffer As Long, lpvBits As VoidPtr) As Long 818 819 Declare Function GetBkColor Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC) As DWord … … 963 964 Declare Function GetMetaFileBitsEx Lib "gdi32" (hmf As HMETAFILE, nSize As DWord, pvData As VoidPtr) As DWord 964 965 Declare Function GetMiterLimit Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, peLimit As SinglePtr) As Long 966 Declare Function GetObjectA Lib "gdi32" (hgdiobj As HANDLE, cbBuffer As Long, ByRef pvObject As Any) As Long 967 Declare Function GetObjectW Lib "gdi32" (hgdiobj As HANDLE, cbBuffer As Long, ByRef pvObject As Any) As Long 965 968 Declare Function GetObject Lib "gdi32" Alias _FuncName_GetObject (hgdiobj As HANDLE, cbBuffer As Long, ByRef pvObject As Any) As Long 966 969 Declare Function GetObjectType Lib "gdi32" (hObject As HANDLE) As Long … … 1169 1172 Declare Function TextOut Lib "gdi32" Alias "TextOutA" (hdc As HDC, nXStart As Long, nYStart As Long, pString As PCSTR, cbString As Long) As Long 1170 1173 #endif 1171 1174 Declare Function TransparentBlt Lib "msimg32" (hdcDest As HDC, nXDest As Long, nYDest As Long, nDestWidth As Long, nDestHeight As Long, hdcSrc As HDC, XSrc As Long, YSrc As Long, nSrcWidth As Long, nSrcHeight As Long, dwRop As DWord) As Long 1172 1175 1173 1176 /* Pixel Format */
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