ab ' /* */ " As Boolean ByRef ByVal Byte Catch Case Char Continue Delegate Delete Double DWord Else ElseIf End EndIf EndFunction EndSub EndType EndSelect EndWith Exit ExitDo ExitFor ExitFunction ExitSub ExitWhile False Finally In Int64 Integer Long Nothing Object Operator Private Protected Public QWord SByte Single Static Step String Super Then This To True Try Until Word #include #strict #console #prompt #N88BASIC #define #ifdef #ifndef #else #endif Abstract Abstract Sub/Function ([arglist]) [As type]] Class Class name Const Const constname = expression Debug Debug Declare Declare Sub/Function name Lib "libname" [Alias "aliasname"] ([arglist]) [As type]] Def Def func([parms] [,parms2]) = expression Dim Dim variable [= initValue] [As type] Do Do Enum Enum name For For variable=start To end [Step step] Function Function name ([arglist]) [As type] Foreach Foreach value In list GoSub GoSub label Goto Goto label If If expression Then truecommand [Else falsecommand] Imports Imports namespace Implements Inherits InterfaceName Inherits Inherits ClassName Interface Interface name Let [Let] variable = expression Loop Loop [while/until expression] Namespace Namespace name Next Next New New ClassName[(constructorParameters)] Override Override Sub/Function ([arglist]) [As type]] Rem Rem [comments] Return Return Select Select Case expression Sub Sub name ([arglist]) Throw Throw exceptionObject Type Type name TypeDef TypeDef newtype = basetype Virtual Virtual Sub/Function ([arglist]) [As type]] Wend Wend While While expression With With object