[1] | 1 | ' objbase.sbp
| 2 |
| 3 | #ifndef _INC_OBJBASE
| 4 | #define _INC_OBJBASE
| 5 |
| 6 | TypeDef RPC_AUTH_IDENTITY_HANDLE = VoidPtr 'Declared in Rpcdce.sbp; include Rpc.sbp.
| 7 | TypeDef RPC_AUTHZ_HANDLE = VoidPtr 'Declared in Rpcdce.sbp; include Rpc.sbp.
| 8 |
| 9 | Sub LISet32(ByRef li As LARGE_INTEGER, v As Long)
| 10 | With li
| 11 | If v < 0 Then
| 12 | .HighPart = -1
| 13 | Else
| 14 | .HighPart = 0
| 15 | End If
| 16 | .LowPart = v
| 17 | End With
| 18 | End Sub
| 19 | Sub ULISet32(ByRef li As ULARGE_INTEGER, v As DWord)
| 20 | With li
| 21 | .HighPart = 0
| 22 | .LowPart = v
| 23 | End With
| 24 | End Sub
| 25 |
| 27 |
| 28 | Const CWCSTORAGENAME = 32
| 29 |
| 30 | /* Storage instantiation modes */
| 31 | Const STGM_DIRECT = &h00000000
| 32 | Const STGM_TRANSACTED = &h00010000
| 33 | Const STGM_SIMPLE = &h08000000
| 34 |
| 35 | Const STGM_READ = &h00000000
| 36 | Const STGM_WRITE = &h00000001
| 37 | Const STGM_READWRITE = &h00000002
| 38 |
| 39 | Const STGM_SHARE_DENY_NONE = &h00000040
| 40 | Const STGM_SHARE_DENY_READ = &h00000030
| 41 | Const STGM_SHARE_DENY_WRITE = &h00000020
| 42 | Const STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE = &h00000010
| 43 |
| 44 | Const STGM_PRIORITY = &h00040000
| 45 | Const STGM_DELETEONRELEASE = &h04000000
[175] | 46 | '#if (WINVER >= &h400)
[1] | 47 | Const STGM_NOSCRATCH = &h00100000
| 48 | '#endif /* WINVER */
| 49 |
| 50 | Const STGM_CREATE = &h00001000
| 51 | Const STGM_CONVERT = &h00020000
| 52 | Const STGM_FAILIFTHERE = &h00000000
| 53 |
| 54 | Const STGM_NOSNAPSHOT = &h00200000
[175] | 55 | '#if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0500)
[1] | 56 | Const STGM_DIRECT_SWMR = &h00400000
| 57 | '#endif
| 58 |
| 59 | /* flags for internet asyncronous and layout docfile */
| 60 | Const ASYNC_MODE_COMPATIBILITY = &h00000001
| 61 | Const ASYNC_MODE_DEFAULT = &h00000000
| 62 |
| 63 | Const STGTY_REPEAT = &h00000100
| 64 | Const STG_TOEND = &hFFFFFFFF
| 65 |
| 66 | Const STG_LAYOUT_SEQUENTIAL = &h00000000
| 67 | Const STG_LAYOUT_INTERLEAVED = &h00000001
| 68 |
| 69 | Const STGFMT_STORAGE = 0
| 70 | Const STGFMT_NATIVE = 1
| 71 | Const STGFMT_FILE = 3
| 72 | Const STGFMT_ANY = 4
| 73 | Const STGFMT_DOCFILE = 5
| 74 |
| 75 | Const STGFMT_DOCUMENT = 0
| 76 |
| 77 | '/* here is where we pull in the MIDL generated headers for the interfaces */
| 78 | 'typedef interface IRpcStubBuffer IRpcStubBuffer;
| 79 | 'typedef interface IRpcChannelBuffer IRpcChannelBuffer;
| 80 |
[285] | 81 | #require <wtypes.ab>
| 82 | #require <unknwn.sbp>
| 83 | #require <objidl.sbp>
[1] | 84 |
| 85 | '-------------------
| 86 | ' IStream Interface
| 87 | '-------------------
| 88 |
[285] | 90 | '#if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0400) Or defined(_WIN32_DCOM)
| 91 | #ifdef _WIN32_DCOM
[285] | 94 | #else
| 97 | #endif
[1] | 98 |
| 99 | Const Enum REGCLS
| 105 | End Enum
| 106 |
| 107 | Declare Function CoInitialize Lib "ole32" (pvReserved As VoidPtr) As HRESULT
| 108 | Declare Sub CoUninitialize Lib "ole32" ()
[303] | 109 | 'Declare Sub CoGetMalloc Lib "ole32" (dwMemContext As DWord, ByRef Malloc As IMalloc) As HRESULT
[1] | 110 | Declare Function CoGetCurrentProcess Lib "ole32" () As DWord
[303] | 111 | 'Declare Function CoRegisterMallocSpy Lib "ole32" (ByRef MallocSpy As IMallocSpy) As HRESULT
[1] | 112 | Declare Function CoRevokeMallocSpy Lib "ole32" () As HRESULT
[303] | 113 | 'Declare Function CoCreateStandardMalloc Lib "ole32" (memctx As DWord, ByRef Malloc As IMalloc) As HRESULT
[1] | 114 |
| 115 |
[175] | 116 | '#if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0400) Or defined(_WIN32_DCOM)
[1] | 117 | #ifdef _WIN32_DCOM
| 118 | Const Enum COINIT
[175] | 119 | COINIT_MULTITHREADED = &h0
[1] | 123 | End Enum
| 124 | Declare Function CoInitializeEx Lib "ole32" (pvReserved As VoidPtr, dwCoInit As DWord) As HRESULT
| 125 | Declare Function CoGetCallerTID Lib "ole32" (ByRef dwTID AS DWord) As HRESULT
| 126 | #endif
| 127 |
| 128 | #ifdef __UNDECLARED__
[175] | 129 | '#if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0501)
[1] | 130 | ' 注意:このcokkieは本来ULARGE_INTEGER型
[303] | 131 | 'Declare Function CoRegisterInitializeSpy Lib "ole32" (Spy As IInitializeSpy, ByRef uliCokkie As QWord) As HRESULT
[1] | 132 | Declare Function CoRevokeInitializeSpy Lib "ole32" (uliCookie As QWord) As HRESULT
| 133 |
| 134 | Declare Function CoGetContextToken Lib "ole32" (ByRef token As ULONG_PTR) As HRESULT
| 135 |
| 136 | Const Enum COMSD
| 141 | End Enum
| 142 | 'Declare Function CoGetSystemSecurityPermissions(comSDType As COMSD, ByRef ppSD As *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) As HRESULT
| 143 | #endif
| 144 |
| 145 | '#if DBG == 1
| 146 | 'Declare Function DebugCoGetRpcFault Lib "" () As DWord
| 147 | 'Declare Sub DebugCoSetRpcFault Lib "" (ul As DWord)
| 148 | '#endif
| 149 |
[175] | 150 | '#if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0500)
[1] | 151 |
| 152 | Type SOleTlsDataPublic
| 153 | pvReserved0[ELM(2)] As VoidPtr
| 154 | dwReserved0[ELM(3)] As DWord
| 155 | pvReserved1[ELM(1)] As VoidPtr
| 156 | dwReserved1[ELM(3)] As DWord
| 157 | pvReserved2[ELM(4)] As VoidPtr
| 158 | dwReserved2[ELM(1)] As DWord
| 159 | pCurrentCtx As VoidPtr
| 160 | End Type
| 161 |
| 162 | '#endif
| 163 |
| 164 | /* COM+ APIs */
| 165 |
| 166 | Declare Function CoGetObjectContext Lib "ole32" (ByRef riid As IID, ByRef ppv As Any) As HRESULT
| 167 |
| 168 | /* register/revoke/get class objects */
| 169 |
| 170 | Declare Function CoGetClassObject Lib "ole32" (ByRef rclsid As CLSID, dwClsContext As DWord, pServerInfo As *COSERVERINFO, ByRef refiid As IID, ByRef ppv As Any) As HRESULT
| 171 | Declare Function CoRegisterClassObject Lib "ole32" (ByRef rclsid As CLSID, pUnk As *IUnknown, dwClsContext As DWord, flags As DWord, ByRef dwRegister As DWord) As HRESULT
| 172 | Declare Function CoRevokeClassObject Lib "ole32" (dwRegister As DWord) As HRESULT
| 173 | Declare Function CoResumeClassObjects Lib "ole32" () As HRESULT
| 174 | Declare Function CoSuspendClassObjects Lib "ole32" () As HRESULT
| 175 | Declare Function CoAddRefServerProcess Lib "ole32" () As DWord
| 176 | Declare Function CoReleaseServerProcess Lib "ole32" () As DWord
| 177 | Declare Function CoGetPSClsid Lib "ole32" (ByRef riid As IID, ByRef rclsid As CLSID) As HRESULT
| 178 | Declare Function CoRegisterPSClsid Lib "ole32" (ByRef riid As IID, ByRef rclsid As CLSID) As HRESULT
| 179 |
| 180 | /* Registering surrogate processes */
[303] | 181 | 'Declare Function CoRegisterSurrogate Lib "ole32" (Surrogate As ISurrogate) As HRESULT
[1] | 182 |
| 183 | /* marshaling interface pointers */
| 184 |
| 185 | Declare Function CoGetMarshalSizeMax Lib "ole32" (ByRef ulSize As DWord, ByRef riid As IID, pUnk As *IUnknown, dwDestContext As DWord, pvDestContext As VoidPtr, mshlflags As DWord) As HRESULT
| 186 | Declare Function CoMarshalInterface Lib "ole32" (pStm As *IStream, ByRef riid As IID, pUnk As *IUnknown, dwDestContext As DWord, pvDestContext As VoidPtr, mshlflags As DWord) As HRESULT
| 187 | Declare Function CoUnmarshalInterface Lib "ole32" (pstm As *IStream, ByRef riid As IID, ByRef ppv As Any) As HRESULT
| 188 | Declare Function CoMarshalHresult Lib "ole32" (pstm As *IStream, hresult As HRESULT) As HRESULT
| 189 | Declare Function CoUnmarshalHresult Lib "ole32" (pstm As *IStream, ByRef phresult As HRESULT) As HRESULT
| 190 | Declare Function CoReleaseMarshalData Lib "ole32" (pstm As *IStream) As HRESULT
| 191 | Declare Function CoDisconnectObject Lib "ole32" (pUnk As *IUnknown, dwReserved As DWord) As HRESULT
| 192 | Declare Function CoLockObjectExternal Lib "ole32" (pUnk As *IUnknown, fLock As BOOL, fLastUnlockReleases As BOOL) As HRESULT
| 193 | 'Declare Function CoGetStandardMarshal Lib "ole32" (ByRef riid As IID, pUnk As *IUnknown, dwDestContext As DWord, pvDestContext As VoidPtr, mshlflags As DWord, ByRef pMarshal As *IMarshal) As HRESULT
| 194 |
| 195 | Declare Function CoGetStdMarshalEx Lib "ole32" (pUnkOuter As *IUnknown, smexflags As DWord, ByRef pUnkInner As *IUnknown) As HRESULT
| 196 |
| 197 | /* flags for CoGetStdMarshalEx */
| 198 | Const Enum STDMSHLFLAGS
| 199 | SMEXF_SERVER = &h01
| 200 | SMEXF_HANDLER = &h02
| 201 | End Enum
| 202 |
| 203 | Declare Function CoIsHandlerConnected Lib "ole32" (pUnk As *IUnknown) As BOOL
| 204 |
| 205 | /* Apartment model inter-thread interface passing helpers */
| 206 | Declare Function CoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream Lib "ole32" (ByRef riid As IID, pUnk As *IUnknown, ByRef pStm As *IStream) As HRESULT
| 207 |
| 208 | Declare Function CoGetInterfaceAndReleaseStream Lib "ole32" (pStm As *IStream, ByRef riid As IID, ByRef ppv As Any) As HRESULT
| 209 | Declare Function CoCreateFreeThreadedMarshaler Lib "ole32" (punkOuter As *IUnknown, ByRef punkMarshal As *IUnknown) As HRESULT
| 210 |
| 211 | /* dll loading helpers; keeps track of ref counts and unloads all on exit */
| 212 |
| 213 | Declare Function CoLoadLibrary Lib "ole32" (lpszLibName As LPOLESTR, bAutoFree As BOOL) As HINSTANCE
| 214 | Declare Sub CoFreeLibrary Lib "ole32" (hInst As HINSTANCE)
| 215 | Declare Sub CoFreeAllLibraries Lib "ole32" ()
| 216 | Declare Sub CoFreeUnusedLibraries Lib "ole32" ()
[175] | 217 | '#if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0501)
[1] | 218 | Declare Sub CoFreeUnusedLibrariesEx Lib "ole32" (dwUnloadDelay As DWord, dwReserved As DWord)
| 219 | '#endif
| 220 |
[175] | 221 | '#if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0400) Or defined(_WIN32_DCOM) 'DCOM
[1] | 222 | #ifdef _WIN32_DCOM
| 223 |
| 224 | /* Call Security. */
| 225 |
| 226 | Declare Function CoInitializeSecurity Lib "ole32" (
| 227 | ByVal pSecDesc As *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR,
| 229 | ByVal pReserved1 As VoidPtr,
| 230 | ByVal dwAuthnLevel As DWord,
| 231 | ByVal dwImpLevel As DWord,
| 232 | ByVal pAuthList As VoidPtr,
| 233 | ByVal dwCapabilities As DWord
| 234 | ByVal pReserved3 As VoidPtr) As HRESULT
| 235 | Declare Function CoGetCallContext Lib "ole32" (
| 236 | ByRef riid As IID,
| 237 | ByRef pInterface As Any) As HRESULT
| 238 | Declare Function CoQueryProxyBlanket Lib "ole32" (
| 239 | ByVal pProxy As *IUnknown,
| 240 | ByRef AuthnSvc As DWord,
| 241 | ByVal pAuthzSvc As *DWord,
| 242 | ByVal pServerPrincName As **OLECHAR,
| 243 | ByVal pAuthnLevel As *DWord,
| 244 | ByVal pImpLevel As *DWord,
| 245 | ByVal pAuthInfo As *RPC_AUTH_IDENTITY_HANDLE
| 246 | ByVal pCapabilites As *DWord) As HRESULT
| 247 | Declare Function CoSetProxyBlanket Lib "ole32" (
| 248 | ByVal pProxy As *IUnknown,
| 249 | ByVal dwAuthnSvc As DWord,
| 250 | ByVal dwAuthzSvc As DWord,
| 251 | ByVal pServerPrincName As *OLECHAR,
| 252 | ByVal dwAuthnLevel As DWord,
| 253 | ByVal dwImpLevel As DWord,
| 254 | ByVal pAuthInfo As RPC_AUTH_IDENTITY_HANDLE,
| 255 | ByVal dwCapabilities As DWord) As HRESULT
| 256 | Declare Function CoCopyProxy Lib "ole32" (
| 257 | ByVal pProxySrc As *IUnknown,
| 258 | ByRef pProxyDst As *IUnknown) As HRESULT
| 259 | Declare Function CoQueryClientBlanket Lib "ole32" (
| 260 | ByVal pAuthnSvc As *DWord,
| 261 | ByVal pAuthzSvc As *DWord,
| 262 | ByVal pServerPrincName As **OLECHAR,
| 263 | ByVal pAuthnLevel As *DWord,
| 264 | ByVal pImpLevel As *DWord,
| 265 | ByVal pPrivs As *RPC_AUTHZ_HANDLE
| 266 | ByVal pCapabilities As *DWord) As HRESULT
| 267 | Declare Function CoImpersonateClient Lib "ole32" () As HRESULT
| 268 | Declare Function CoRevertToSelf Lib "ole32" () As HRESULT
| 269 | /*
| 270 | Declare Function CoRevertToSelf Lib "ole32" (
| 271 | ByRef cAuthSvc As DWord,
| 273 | */
| 274 | Declare Function CoSwitchCallContext Lib "ole32" (
| 275 | ByVal pNewObject As *IUnknown,
| 276 | ByRef ppOldObject As *IUnknown) As HRESULT
| 277 |
| 278 | Const COM_RIGHTS_EXECUTE = 1
| 283 |
| 284 | #endif ' DCOM
| 285 |
| 286 | Declare Function CoCreateInstance Lib "ole32" (ByRef clsid As CLSID, pUnknown As *IUnknown, dwClsContext As DWord, ByRef refiid As IID, ByRef pObj As Any) As HRESULT
| 287 |
[175] | 288 | '#if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0400) Or defined(_WIN32_DCOM) 'DCOM
[1] | 289 | #ifdef _WIN32_DCOM
| 290 | Declare Function CoGetInstanceFromFile Lib "ole32" (
| 291 | ByVal pServerInfo As *COSERVERINFO,
| 292 | ByRef clsid As CLSID,
| 293 | ByVal punkOuter As *IUnknown,
| 294 | ByVal dwClsCtx As DWord,
| 295 | ByVal grfMode As DWord,
| 296 | ByVal pwszName As *OLECHAR
| 297 | ByVal dwCount As DWord,
| 298 | ByVal pResults As *MULTI_QI) As HRESULT
| 299 |
| 300 | Declare Function CoGetInstanceFromIStorage Lib "ole32" (
| 301 | ByVal pServerInfo As *COSERVERINFO,
| 302 | ByRef clsid As CLSID,
| 303 | ByVal punkOuter As *IUnknown,
| 304 | ByVal dwClsCtx As DWord,
| 305 | ByVal grfMode As DWord,
| 306 | ByVal pstg As *IStorage
| 307 | ByVal dwCount As DWord,
| 308 | ByVal pResults As *MULTI_QI) As HRESULT
| 309 |
| 310 | Declare Function CoCreateInstanceEx Lib "ole32" (
| 311 | ByRef clsid As CLSID,
| 312 | ByVal punkOuter As *IUnknown,
| 313 | ByVal dwClsCtx As DWord,
[175] | 314 | ByVal pServerInfo As COSERVERINFO,
[1] | 315 | ByVal dwCount As DWord,
| 316 | ByVal pResults As *MULTI_QI) As HRESULT
| 317 | #endif ' DCOM
| 318 |
| 319 | /* Call related APIs */
[175] | 320 | '#if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0400) Or defined(_WIN32_DCOM) 'DCOM
[1] | 321 | #ifdef _WIN32_DCOM
| 322 |
| 323 | Declare Function CoGetCancelObject Lib "ole32" (dwThreadId As DWord, ByRef iid As IID, ByRef pUnk As Any) As HRESULT
| 324 | Declare Function CoSetCancelObject Lib "ole32" (pUnk As *IUnknown) As HRESULT
| 325 | Declare Function CoCancelCall Lib "ole32" (dwThreadId As DWord, ulTimeout As DWord) As HRESULT
| 326 | Declare Function CoTestCancel Lib "ole32" () As HRESULT
| 327 | Declare Function CoEnableCallCancellation Lib "ole32" (pReserved As VoidPtr) As HRESULT
| 328 | Declare Function CoDisableCallCancellation Lib "ole32" (pReserved As VoidPtr) As HRESULT
| 329 | Declare Function CoAllowSetForegroundWindow Lib "ole32" (pUnk As *IUnknown, pvReserved As VoidPtr) As HRESULT
| 330 | Declare Function DcomChannelSetHResult Lib "ole32" (pvReserved As HRESULT, pulReserved As DWord, appsHR As HRESULT) As HRESULT
| 331 |
| 332 | #endif
| 333 |
| 334 | /* other helpers */
| 335 |
| 336 | Declare Function StringFromCLSID Lib "ole32" (ByRef rclsid As CLSID, ByRef lpsz As LPOLESTR) As HRESULT
| 337 | Declare Function CLSIDFromString Lib "ole32" (lpsz As LPOLESTR, ByRef clsid As CLSID) As HRESULT
| 338 | Declare Function StringFromIID Lib "ole32" (ByRef iid As IID, ByRef lpsz As LPOLESTR) As HRESULT
| 339 | Declare Function IIDFromString Lib "ole32" (lpsz As LPOLESTR, ByRef iid As IID) As HRESULT
| 340 | Declare Function CoIsOle1Class Lib "ole32" (ByRef rclsid As CLSID) As BOOL
| 341 | Declare Function ProgIDFromCLSID Lib "ole32" (ByRef clsid As CLSID, ByRef lpszProgID As LPOLESTR) As HRESULT
| 342 | Declare Function CLSIDFromProgID Lib "ole32" (lpszProgID As LPCOLESTR, ByRef clsid As CLSID) As HRESULT
| 343 | Declare Function CLSIDFromProgIDEx Lib "ole32" (lpszProgID As LPCOLESTR, ByRef clsid As CLSID) As HRESULT
| 344 | Declare Function StringFromGUID2 Lib "ole32" (ByRef rguid As GUID, lpsz As LPOLESTR, cchMax As Long) As Long
| 345 |
| 346 | Declare Function CoCreateGuid Lib "ole32" (ByRef guid As GUID) As HRESULT
| 347 |
| 348 | Declare Function CoFileTimeToDosDateTime Lib "ole32" (ByRef FileTime As FILETIME, ByRef DosDate As Word, ByRef DosTime As Word) As BOOL
| 349 | Declare Function CoDosDateTimeToFileTime Lib "ole32" (nDosDate As Word, nDosTime As Word, ByRef FileTime As FILETIME) As BOOL
| 350 | Declare Function CoFileTimeNow Lib "ole32" (ByRef FileTime As FILETIME) As HRESULT
| 351 |
| 352 | Declare Function CoRegisterMessageFilter Lib "ole32" (pMessageFilter As *IMessageFilter, ByRef pMessageFilter As *IMessageFilter) As HRESULT
| 353 |
[175] | 354 | '#if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0400) Or defined(_WIN32_DCOM) 'DCOM
[1] | 355 | #ifdef _WIN32_DCOM
| 356 | Declare Function CoRegisterChannelHook Lib "ole32" (ByRef ExtensionUuid As GUID, pChannelHook As *IChannelHook) As HRESULT
| 357 | #endif ' DCOM
| 358 |
[175] | 359 | '#if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0400) Or defined(_WIN32_DCOM) 'DCOM
[1] | 360 | #ifdef _WIN32_DCOM
| 361 |
| 362 | Declare Function CoWaitForMultipleHandles Lib "ole32" (
| 363 | ByVal dwFlags As DWord,
| 364 | ByVal dwTimeout As DWord,
| 365 | ByVal cHandles As DWord,
| 366 | ByVal pHandles As *HANDLE,
| 367 | ByRef dwindex As DWord) As HRESULT
| 368 |
| 369 | /* Flags for Synchronization API and Classes */
| 370 |
| 371 | Const Enum COWAIT_FLAGS
| 372 | COWAIT_WAITALL = 1
| 375 | End Enum
| 376 |
| 377 | #endif ' DCOM
| 378 |
| 379 | /* for flushing OLESCM remote binding handles */
| 380 |
| 381 | #ifdef __UNDECLARED__
[175] | 382 | '#if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0501)
[1] | 383 | Declare Function CoInvalidateRemoteMachineBindings Lib "ole32" (pszMachineName As LPOLESTR) As HRESULT
| 384 | #endif
| 385 |
| 386 | /* TreatAs APIS */
| 387 |
| 388 | Declare Function CoGetTreatAsClass Lib "ole32" (ByRef clsidOld As CLSID, ByRef ClsidNew As CLSID) As HRESULT
| 389 | Declare Function CoTreatAsClass Lib "ole32" (ByRef clsidOld As CLSID, ByRef clsidNew As CLSID) As HRESULT
| 390 |
| 391 | /* the server dlls must define their DllGetClassObject and DllCanUnloadNow
| 392 | * to match these; the typedefs are located here to ensure all are changed at
| 393 | * the same time.
| 394 | */
| 395 |
| 396 | TypeDef LPFNGETCLASSOBJECT = *Function(ByRef rclsid As CLSID, ByRef riid As IID, ByRef ppv As Any) As HRESULT
| 397 | TypeDef LPFNCANUNLOADNOW = *Function() As HRESULT
| 398 |
| 399 | /*
| 400 | Declare Function DllGetClassObject(ByRef rclsid As CLSID, ByRef riid As IID, ByVal ppv As *VoidPtr) As HRESULT
| 401 | Declare Function DllCanUnloadNow() As HRESULT
| 402 | */
| 403 |
| 404 | /****** Default Memory Allocation ******************************************/
| 405 | Declare Function CoTaskMemAlloc Lib "ole32" (cb As SIZE_T) As VoidPtr
| 406 | Declare Function CoTaskMemRealloc Lib "ole32" (pv As VoidPtr, cb As SIZE_T) As VoidPtr
| 407 | Declare Sub CoTaskMemFree Lib "ole32" (pv As VoidPtr)
| 408 |
| 409 | /****** DV APIs ***********************************************************/
| 410 |
| 411 | /* This function is declared in objbase.h and ole2.h */
| 412 | Declare Function CreateDataAdviseHolder Lib "ole32" (ByRef pDAHolder As *IDataAdviseHolder) As HRESULT
| 413 | Declare Function CreateDataCache Lib "ole32" (pUnkOuter As *IUnknown, ByRef rclsid As CLSID, ByRef riid As IID, ByRef ppv As Any) As HRESULT
| 414 |
| 415 | /****** Storage API Prototypes ********************************************/
| 416 |
| 417 |
| 418 | Declare Function StgCreateDocfile Lib "ole32" (
| 419 | ByVal pwcsName As *OLECHAR,
| 420 | ByVal grfMode As DWord,
| 421 | ByVal reserved As DWord,
| 422 | ByRef pstgOpen As *IStorage) As HRESULT
| 423 |
| 424 | Declare Function StgCreateDocfileOnILockBytes Lib "ole32" (
| 425 | ByVal plkbyt As *ILockBytes,
| 426 | ByVal grfMode As DWord,
| 427 | ByVal reserved As DWord,
| 428 | ByRef pstgOpen As *IStorage) As HRESULT
| 429 |
| 430 | Declare Function StgOpenStorage Lib "ole32" (
| 431 | ByVal pwcsName As *OLECHAR,
| 432 | ByVal pstgPriority As *IStorage,
| 433 | ByVal grfMode As DWord,
| 434 | ByVal snbExclude As SNB,
| 435 | ByVal reserved As DWord,
| 436 | ByRef pstgOpen As *IStorage) As HRESULT
| 437 | Declare Function StgOpenStorageOnILockBytes Lib "ole32" (
| 438 | ByVal plkbyt As *ILockBytes,
| 439 | ByVal pstgPriority As *IStorage,
| 440 | ByVal grfMode As DWord,
| 441 | ByVal snbExclude As SNB,
| 442 | ByVal reserved As DWord,
| 443 | ByRef pstgOpen As *IStorage) As HRESULT
| 444 |
| 445 | Declare Function StgIsStorageFile Lib "ole32" (pwcsName As *OLECHAR) As HRESULT
| 446 | Declare Function StgIsStorageILockBytes Lib "ole32" (plkbyt As *ILockBytes) As HRESULT
| 447 |
| 448 | Declare Function StgSetTimes Lib "ole32" (
| 449 | ByVal pszName As *OLECHAR,
| 450 | ByRef pctime As FILETIME,
| 451 | ByRef patime As FILETIME,
| 452 | ByRef pmtime As FILETIME) As HRESULT
| 453 |
| 454 | Declare Function StgOpenAsyncDocfileOnIFillLockBytes Lib "ole32" (
| 455 | ByVal pflb As *IFillLockBytes,
| 456 | ByVal grfMode As DWord,
| 457 | ByVal asyncFlags As DWord,
| 458 | ByRef pstgOpen As *IStorage) As HRESULT
| 459 |
| 460 | Declare Function StgGetIFillLockBytesOnILockBytes Lib "ole32" (
| 461 | ByVal pilb As *ILockBytes,
| 462 | ByRef pflb As *IFillLockBytes) As HRESULT
| 463 |
| 464 | Declare Function StgGetIFillLockBytesOnFile Lib "ole32" (
| 465 | ByVal pwcsName As *OLECHAR,
| 466 | ByRef pflb As *IFillLockBytes) As HRESULT
| 467 | /*
| 468 | Declare Function StgOpenLayoutDocfile Lib "ole32" (
| 469 | ByVal pwcsName As *OLECHAR,
| 470 | ByVal grfMode As DWord,
| 471 | ByVal reserved As DWord,
| 472 | ByRef pstgOpen As *IStorage) As HRESULT
| 473 | */
| 474 | /*
| 475 | // STG initialization options for StgCreateStorageEx and StgOpenStorageEx
[175] | 476 | #if _WIN32_WINNT == &h500
[1] | 477 | #define STGOPTIONS_VERSION 1
[175] | 478 | #elif _WIN32_WINNT > &h500
[1] | 479 | #define STGOPTIONS_VERSION 2
| 480 | #else
| 481 | #define STGOPTIONS_VERSION 0
| 482 | #endif
| 483 | */
| 484 | Type STGOPTIONS
| 485 | usVersion As Word
| 486 | reserved As Word
| 487 | ulSectorSize As DWord
| 488 | '#if STGOPTIONS_VERSION >= 2
| 489 | ' pwcsTemplateFile As PCWSTR /' version 2 or above
| 490 | '#endif
| 491 | End Type
| 492 |
| 493 | Declare Function StgCreateStorageEx Lib "ole32" (
| 494 | ByVal pwcsName As *OLECHAR,
| 495 | ByVal grfMode As DWord,
| 496 | ByVal stgfmt As DWord,
| 497 | ByVal grfAttrs As DWord,
| 498 | ByVal pStgOptions As *STGOPTIONS,
| 499 | ByVal reserved As VoidPtr,
| 500 | ByRef riid As IID,
| 501 | ByRef pObjectOpen As Any) As HRESULT
| 502 |
| 503 | Declare Function StgOpenStorageEx Lib "ole32" (
| 504 | ByVal pwcsName As *OLECHAR,
| 505 | ByVal grfMode As DWord,
| 506 | ByVal stgfmt As DWord,
| 507 | ByVal grfAttrs As DWord,
| 508 | ByVal pStgOptions As *STGOPTIONS,
| 509 | ByVal reserved As VoidPtr,
| 510 | ByRef riid As IID,
| 511 | ByRef pObjectOpen As Any) As HRESULT
| 512 |
| 513 |
| 514 | ' Moniker APIs
| 515 |
| 516 | Declare Function BindMoniker Lib "ole32" (pmk As *IMoniker, grfOpt As DWord, ByRef iidResult As IID, ByRef pvResult As Any) As HRESULT
| 517 | /*
| 518 | Declare Function CoInstall Lib "ole32" (
| 519 | ByVal pbc As *IBindCtx,
| 520 | ByVal dwFlags As DWord,
| 521 | ByRef pClassSpec As uCLSSPEC,
| 522 | ByRef pQuery As QUERYCONTEXT,
| 523 | ByVal pszCodeBase As PWSTR) As HRESULT
| 524 | */
| 525 | Declare Function CoGetObject Lib "ole32" (pszName As PCWSTR, pBindOptions As *BIND_OPTS, ByRef riid As IID, ByRef ppv As Any) As HRESULT
| 526 | Declare Function MkParseDisplayName Lib "ole32" (pbc As *IBindCtx, szUserName As LPCOLESTR, ByRef pchEaten As DWord, ByRef pmk As *IMoniker) As HRESULT
| 527 | Declare Function MonikerRelativePathTo Lib "ole32" (pmkSrc As *IMoniker, pmkDest As *IMoniker, ByRef pmkRelPath As *IMoniker, dwReserved As BOOL) As HRESULT
| 528 | Declare Function MonikerCommonPrefixWith Lib "ole32" (pmkThis As *IMoniker, pmkOther As *IMoniker, ByRef ppmkCommon As *IMoniker) As HRESULT
| 529 | Declare Function CreateBindCtx Lib "ole32" (reserved As DWord, ByRef pbc As *IBindCtx) As HRESULT
| 530 | Declare Function CreateGenericComposite Lib "ole32" ( pmkFirst As *IMoniker, pmkRest As *IMoniker, ByRef pmkComposite As *IMoniker) As HRESULT
| 531 | Declare Function GetClassFile Lib "ole32" (szFilename As LPCOLESTR, ByRef clsid As CLSID) As HRESULT
| 532 | Declare Function CreateClassMoniker Lib "ole32" (ByRef rclsid As CLSID, ByRef pmk As *IMoniker) As HRESULT
| 533 | Declare Function CreateFileMoniker Lib "ole32" (lpszPathName As LPCOLESTR, ByRef pmk As *IMoniker) As HRESULT
| 534 | Declare Function CreateItemMoniker Lib "ole32" (lpszDelim As LPCOLESTR, lpszItem As LPCOLESTR, ByRef pmk As *IMoniker) As HRESULT
| 535 | Declare Function CreateAntiMoniker Lib "ole32" (ByRef pmk As *IMoniker) As HRESULT
| 536 | Declare Function CreatePointerMoniker Lib "ole32" (punk As *IUnknown, ByRef pmk As *IMoniker) As HRESULT
| 537 | Declare Function CreateObjrefMoniker Lib "ole32" (punk As *IUnknown, ByRef pmk As *IMoniker) As HRESULT
| 538 | Declare Function GetRunningObjectTable Lib "ole32" (reserved As DWord, ByRef prot As *IRunningObjectTable) As HRESULT
| 539 |
| 540 | Interface IBindStatusCallback ' urlmon.sbp
| 541 | Inherits IUnknown
| 542 | End Interface
[285] | 543 | '#require <urlmon.sbp>
| 544 | '#require <propidl.sbp>
[1] | 545 |
| 546 | ' Standard Progress Indicator impolementation
| 547 |
| 548 | Declare Function CreateStdProgressIndicator Lib "ole32" (
| 549 | ByVal hwndParent As HWND,
| 550 | ByVal pszTitle As LPCOLESTR,
| 551 | ByVal pIbscCaller As *IBindStatusCallback,
| 552 | ByRef pIbsc As *IBindStatusCallback) As HRESULT
| 553 |
| 554 |
| 555 | #endif '_INC_OBJBASE