1 | ' Classes/System/Windows/Forms/Control.ab
2 |
5 |
6 | #require <Classes/System/Windows/Forms/misc.ab>
7 | #require <Classes/System/Windows/Forms/CreateParams.ab>
8 | #require <Classes/System/Windows/Forms/Message.ab>
9 | #require <Classes/System/Windows/Forms/PaintEventArgs.ab>
10 | #require <Classes/System/misc.ab>
11 | #require <Classes/System/Math.ab>
12 | #require <Classes/System/Threading/WaitHandle.ab>
13 | #require <Classes/System/Drawing/Color.ab>
14 | #require <Classes/System/Drawing/Point.ab>
15 | #require <Classes/System/Drawing/Size.ab>
16 | #require <Classes/System/Drawing/Rectangle.ab>
17 | #require <Classes/System/Runtime/InteropServices/GCHandle.ab>
18 | #require <Classes/ActiveBasic/Windows/WindowHandle.sbp>
19 | #require <Classes/ActiveBasic/Strings/Strings.ab>
20 |
21 | Namespace System
22 | Namespace Windows
23 | Namespace Forms
24 |
25 | Namespace Detail
26 |
27 | TypeDef InvokeProc = *Function(p As VoidPtr) As VoidPtr
28 |
29 | Class AsyncResultForInvoke
30 | Inherits System.IAsyncResult
31 | Public
32 | ' Properties
33 | Sub AsyncResultForInvoke(h As HANDLE)
34 | waitHandle.Handle = h
35 | End Sub
36 |
37 | Override Function AsyncState() As Object
38 | Return Nothing
39 | End Function
40 |
41 | Override Function AsyncWaitHandle() As System.Threading.WaitHandle
42 | Return waitHandle
43 | End Function
44 |
45 | Override Function CompletedSynchronously() As Boolean
46 | Return False
47 | End Function
48 |
49 | Override Function IsCompleted() As Boolean
50 | Return waitHandle.WaitOne(0, False)
51 | End Function
52 |
53 | Const Function Result() As VoidPtr
54 | Return result
55 | End Function
56 |
57 | Sub Result(r As VoidPtr)
58 | result = r
59 | End Sub
60 |
61 | Private
62 | waitHandle As System.Threading.WaitHandle
63 | result As VoidPtr
64 | End Class
65 |
66 | Class AsyncInvokeData
67 | Public
68 | FuncPtr As InvokeProc
69 | Data As *VoidPtr
70 | AsyncResult As AsyncResultForInvoke
71 | End Class
72 |
73 | End Namespace 'Detail
74 |
75 | Class Control
76 |
77 | ' Inherits IWin32Window
78 | Public
79 | '---------------------------------------------------------------------------
80 | ' Public Properties
81 | Function AllowDrop() As Boolean
82 | End Function
83 |
84 | 'Anchor
85 | 'AutoScrollOffset
86 | 'AutoSize
87 | 'BackColor下
88 | 'BackgroundImage
89 | 'BackgroundImageLayout
90 | '-BindingContext
91 | 'Bottom 下
92 | 'Bounds 下
93 | 'CanFocus
94 | 'CanSelect
95 | 'Capture
96 | '-CausesValidation
97 | 'CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls
98 |
99 | /*Override*/ Function Handle() As HWND
100 | Return wnd.HWnd
101 | End Function
102 |
103 | ' IDropTargetを実装するのでDragAcceptFiles関数は呼ばない。
104 | Sub AllowDrop(a As Boolean)
105 | End Sub
106 |
107 | Const Function Visible() As Boolean
108 | Return wnd.Visible
109 | End Function
110 |
111 | Sub Visible(v As Boolean)
112 | wnd.Visible(v)
113 | End Sub
114 |
115 | Const Function Text() As String
116 | Return text
117 | End Function
118 |
119 | Sub Text(t As String)
120 | text = t
121 | Dim e As EventArgs
122 | OnTextChanged(e)
123 | End Sub
124 |
125 | Const Function Enabled() As Boolean
126 | Return wnd.Enabled
127 | End Function
128 |
129 | Sub Enabled(e As Boolean)
130 | ' OnEnabledChangedはWM_ENABLE経由で呼ばれる
131 | wnd.Enabled(e)
132 | End Sub
133 |
134 | Const Function Bounds() As Rectangle
135 | Dim wr As RECT
136 | wr = wnd.WindowRect
137 | Dim r = New Rectangle(wr)
138 | Dim parent = Parent
139 | If Object.ReferenceEquals(parent, Nothing) Then
140 | Return parent->RectangleToClient(r)
141 | Else
142 | Return r
143 | End If
144 | End Function
145 |
146 | Sub Bounds(r As Rectangle)
147 | SetBoundsCore(r.X, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height, BoundsSpecified.All)
148 | End Sub
149 |
150 | Const Function Location() As Point
151 | Return Bounds.Location
152 | End Function
153 |
154 | Sub Location(p As Point)
155 | SetBoundsCore(p.X, p.Y, 0, 0, BoundsSpecified.Location)
156 | End Sub
157 |
158 | Const Function Size() As Size
159 | Return Bounds.Size
160 | End Function
161 |
162 | Sub Size(s As Size)
163 | SetBoundsCore(0, 0, s.Width, s.Height, BoundsSpecified.Size)
164 | End Sub
165 |
166 | Const Function ClientRectangle() As Rectangle
167 | Return New Rectangle(wnd.ClientRect)
168 | End Function
169 |
170 | Const Function ClientSize() As Size
171 | Return ClientRectangle.Size
172 | End Function
173 |
174 | Const Function Left() As Long
175 | Dim b = Bounds
176 | Return b.Left
177 | End Function
178 |
179 | Sub Left(l As Long)
180 | SetBoundsCore(l, 0, 0, 0, BoundsSpecified.X)
181 | End Sub
182 |
183 | Const Function Top() As Long
184 | Dim b = Bounds
185 | Return b.Top
186 | End Function
187 |
188 | Sub Top(t As Long)
189 | SetBoundsCore(0, t, 0, 0, BoundsSpecified.Y)
190 | End Sub
191 |
192 | Const Function Width() As Long
193 | Dim b = Bounds
194 | Return b.Width
195 | End Function
196 |
197 | Sub Width(w As Long)
198 | SetBoundsCore(0, 0, w, 0, BoundsSpecified.Width)
199 | End Sub
200 |
201 | Const Function Height() As Long
202 | Dim b = Bounds
203 | Return b.Height
204 | End Function
205 |
206 | Sub Height(h As Long)
207 | SetBoundsCore(0, 0, 0, h, BoundsSpecified.Height)
208 | End Sub
209 |
210 | Const Function Right() As Long
211 | Dim b = Bounds
212 | Return b.Left + b.Width
213 | End Function
214 |
215 | Const Function Bottom() As Long
216 | Dim b = Bounds
217 | Return b.Top + b.Height
218 | End Function
219 | /*
220 | Const Function PointToScreen(p As Point) As Point
221 | PointToScreen = New Point
222 | PointToScreen.X = p.X
223 | PointToScreen.Y = p.Y
224 | wnd.ClientToScreen(ByVal ObjPtr(PointToScreen) As *POINTAPI)
225 | End Function
226 |
227 | Const Function PointToClient(p As Point) As Point
228 | PointToScreen = New Point
229 | PointToClient.X = p.X
230 | PointToClient.Y = p.Y
231 | wnd.ScreenToClient(ByVal ObjPtr(PointToClient) As *POINTAPI)
232 | End Function
233 | */
234 | Const Function RectangleToScreen(r As Rectangle) As Rectangle
235 | Dim rc = r.ToRECT
236 | wnd.ClientToScreen(rc)
237 | Return New Rectangle(rc)
238 | End Function
239 |
240 | Const Function RectangleToClient(r As Rectangle) As Rectangle
241 | Dim rc = r.ToRECT()
242 | wnd.ScreenToClient(rc)
243 | Return New Rectangle(rc)
244 | End Function
245 |
246 | Const Function InvokeRequired() As Boolean
247 | Return wnd.ThreadId <> GetCurrentThreadId()
248 | End Function
249 |
250 | Const Virtual Function BackColor() As Color
251 | Return bkColor
252 | End Function
253 |
254 | Virtual Sub BackColor(c As Color)
255 | c = bkColor
256 | OnBackColorChanged(New EventArgs)
257 | End Sub
258 |
259 | Function Parent() As Control
260 | Return parent
261 | End Function
262 |
263 | Const Function IsHandleCreated() As Boolean
264 | Return wnd.HWnd <> 0 Or IsWindow(wnd.HWnd) <> FALSE
265 | End Function
266 |
267 | Static Function DefaultBackColor() As Color
268 | Return Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255)
269 | End Function
270 |
271 | '---------------------------------------------------------------------------
272 | ' Constractors
273 |
274 | Sub Control()
275 | Debug
276 | Dim sz = DefaultSize()
277 | Control("", 100, 100, sz.Width, sz.Height)
278 | End Sub
279 |
280 | Sub Control(text As String)
281 | Dim sz = DefaultSize()
282 | Control(text, 100, 100, sz.Width, sz.Height)
283 | End Sub
284 |
285 | Sub Control(parent As Control, text As String)
286 | Dim sz = DefaultSize()
287 | Control(parent, text, 100, 100, sz.Width, sz.Height)
288 | End Sub
289 |
290 | Sub Control(text As String, left As Long, top As Long, width As Long, height As Long)
291 | This.text = text
292 | bkColor = DefaultBackColor
293 | End Sub
294 |
295 | Sub Control(parent As Control, text As String, left As Long, top As Long, width As Long, height As Long)
296 | This.parent = parent
297 | Control(text, left, top, width, height)
298 | End Sub
299 |
300 | '---------------------------------------------------------------------------
301 | ' Destractor
302 |
303 | Virtual Sub ~Control()
304 | If Not Object.ReferenceEquals(wnd, Nothing) Then
305 | If wnd.IsWindow Then
306 | wnd.Destroy() ' 暫定
307 | End If
308 | End If
309 | End Sub
310 |
311 | '---------------------------------------------------------------------------
312 | ' Public Methods
313 | /*
314 | ' 同期関数呼出、Controlが作成されたスレッドで関数を実行する。
315 | ' 関数は同期的に呼び出されるので、関数が終わるまでInvokeは制御を戻さない。
316 | Function Invoke(pfn As System.Windows.Forms.Detail.InvokeProc, p As VoidPtr) As VoidPtr
317 | Return wnd.SendMessage(WM_CONTROL_INVOKE, p As WPARAM, pfn As LPARAM) As VoidPtr
318 | End Function
319 |
320 | ' 非同期関数呼出、Controlが作成されたスレッドで関数を実行する。
321 | ' 関数は非同期的に呼び出されるので、BeginInvokeはすぐに制御を戻す。
322 | ' 後にEndInvokeを呼び出すことにより、関数の戻り値を受け取れる。
323 | Function BeginInvoke(pfn As System.Windows.Forms.Detail.InvokeProc, p As VoidPtr) As System.IAsyncResult
324 | ' EndInvokeがDeleteする
325 | Dim asyncResult = New System.Windows.Forms.Detail.AsyncResultForInvoke(CreateEvent(0, FALSE, FALSE, 0))
326 | Dim asyncInvokeData = New System.Windows.Forms.Detail.AsyncInvokeData
327 | With asyncInvokeData
328 | .FuncPtr = pfn
329 | .Data = p
330 | .AsyncResult = asyncResult
331 | End With
332 | Dim gch = System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle.Alloc(asyncInvokeData)
333 | wnd.PostMessage(WM_CONTROL_BEGININVOKE, 0, System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle.ToIntPtr(gch))
334 | Return asyncResult
335 | End Function
336 |
337 | ' BeginInvokeで呼び出した関数の戻り値を受け取る。
338 | ' その関数がまだ終了していない場合、終了するまで待機する。
339 | Function EndInvoke(ar As System.IAsyncResult) As VoidPtr
340 | ar.WaitHandle.WaitOne()
341 | Dim arInvoke = ar As System.Windows.Forms.Detail.AsyncResultForInvoke
342 | Return arInvoke.Result
343 | End Function
344 | */
345 | ' 与えられたウィンドウハンドルがControl(若しくはその派生クラス)の
346 | ' インスタンスに対応するものであった場合、
347 | ' 元のインスタンスを返す。
348 | ' そうでなければNothingを返す。
349 | Static Function FromHandle(hwnd As HWND) As Control
350 | If IsWindow(hwnd) Then
351 | If GetClassLongPtr(hwnd, GCW_ATOM) = atom Then
352 | Dim gch = System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle.FromIntPtr(GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_THIS))
353 | Return gch.Target As Control
354 | End If
355 | End If
356 | Return Nothing As Control
357 | End Function
358 |
359 | Virtual Sub ResetText()
360 | text = ""
361 | End Sub
362 |
363 | Override Function ToString() As String
364 | Return text
365 | End Function
366 |
367 | ' Wrapper Methods
368 | Sub BringToFront()
369 | wnd.BringToTop()
370 | End Sub
371 |
372 | Sub Hide()
373 | wnd.Show(SW_HIDE)
374 | End Sub
375 |
376 | Sub Show()
377 | Debug
378 | wnd.Show(SW_SHOW)
379 | End Sub
380 |
381 | Sub Update()
382 | wnd.Update()
383 | End Sub
384 |
385 | Sub CreateControl()
386 | CreateHandle() '暫定
387 | End Sub
388 |
389 | Protected
390 |
391 | '---------------------------------------------------------------------------
392 | ' Protected Properties
393 | ' Const Virtual Function CanRaiseEvents() As Boolean
394 | Virtual Function CreateParams() As CreateParams
395 | Return createParams
396 | End Function
397 | ' Virtual Function DefaultCursor() As Cursor
398 |
399 | Virtual Function DefaultSize() As Size
400 | Dim s As Size(300, 300)
401 | Return s
402 | End Function
403 |
404 | ' Function FontHeight() As Long
405 | ' Sub FontHeight(h As Long)
406 |
407 | ' Const Virtual Function Cursor() As Cursor
408 | ' Virtual Sub Cursor(c As Cursor)
409 |
410 | '---------------------------------------------------------------------------
411 | ' Protected Methods
412 | Virtual Sub CreateHandle()
413 | Dim createParams = CreateParams()
414 | Dim gch = System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle.Alloc(This)
415 | TlsSetValue(tlsIndex, System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle.ToIntPtr(gch) As VoidPtr)
416 | With createParams
417 | Dim hwndParent = 0 As HWND
418 | If Not Object.ReferenceEquals(parent, Nothing) Then
419 | hwndParent = parent.Handle
420 | End If
421 | Dim pText As PCTSTR
422 | If String.IsNullOrEmpty(text) Then
423 | pText = "" As PCTSTR
424 | Else
425 | pText = ToTCStr(text)
426 | End If
427 |
428 | If CreateWindowEx(.ExStyle, atom As ULONG_PTR As PCSTR, pText, .Style, _
430 | hwndParent, 0, hInstance, 0) = 0 Then
431 | ' Error
432 | Dim buf[1023] As TCHAR
433 | wsprintf(buf, ToTCStr(Ex"Control: CreateWindowEx failed. Error code: &h%08X\r\n"), GetLastError())
434 | OutputDebugString(buf)
435 | ' Debug
436 | ExitThread(0)
437 | End If
438 | End With
439 | gch.Free()
440 | End Sub
441 |
442 | Virtual Sub DefWndProc(m As Message)
443 | m.Result = DefWindowProc(m.HWnd, m.Msg, m.WParam, m.LParam)
444 | End Sub
445 |
446 | Virtual Sub WndProc(m As Message)
447 | With m
448 | Select Case .Msg
450 | .Result = text.Length 'ToDo: Unicode対応
451 | Case WM_GETTEXT
452 | Dim size = System.Math.Min(.WParam As SIZE_T, (text.Length + 1) As SIZE_T)
453 | ActiveBasic.Strings.ChrCopy(.LParam As PCTSTR, ToTCStr(text), size)
454 | .Result = size
455 | Case WM_SETTEXT
456 | text = New String(.LParam As PCTSTR)
457 | Case WM_ENABLE
458 | OnEnabledChanged(System.EventArgs.Empty)
460 | ' OnPaintBackgroundに移すべき
461 | Dim hdc = .WParam As HDC
462 | Dim hbr = CreateSolidBrush(bkColor.ToCOLORREF())
463 | Dim hbrOld = SelectObject(hdc, hbr)
464 | Dim rc = wnd.ClientRect
465 | Rectangle(hdc, rc.left, rc.top, rc.right, rc.bottom)
466 | SelectObject(hdc, hbrOld)
467 | DeleteObject(hbr)
469 | Dim pfn = .LParam As System.Windows.Forms.Detail.InvokeProc
470 | .Result = pfn(m.WParam As VoidPtr) As LRESULT
472 | OnControlBeginInvoke(m)
473 | Case WM_CREATE
474 | OnHandleCreated(System.EventArgs.Empty)
475 | Case WM_DESTROY
476 | OnHandleDestroyed(System.EventArgs.Empty)
477 | Case Else
478 | DefWndProc(m)
479 | End Select
480 | End With
481 | End Sub
482 |
483 | Virtual Sub SetClientSizeCore(x As Long, y As Long)
484 | Dim rc As RECT
485 | With rc
486 | .left = 0
487 | .top = 0
488 | .right = x
489 | .bottom = y
490 | End With
491 | Dim hasMenu = FALSE As BOOL
492 | If wnd.Parent As HWND = 0 Then
493 | If wnd.Menu <> 0 Then
494 | hasMenu = TRUE
495 | End If
496 | End If
497 | AdjustWindowRectEx(rc, wnd.Style, hasMenu, wnd.ExStyle)
498 | wnd.Move(rc)
499 | End Sub
500 |
501 | Virtual Sub SetBoundsCore(x As Long, y As Long, width As Long, height As Long, bs As BoundsSpecified)
502 | ' If Not (bs As DWord And BoundsSpecified.X As DWord) Then
503 | x = Left
504 | ' End If
505 | ' If Not (bs As DWord And BoundsSpecified.Y As DWord) Then
506 | y = Right
507 | ' End If
508 | ' If Not (bs As DWord And BoundsSpecified.Width As DWord) Then
509 | width = Width
510 | ' End If
511 | ' If Not (bs As DWord And BoundsSpecified.Height As DWord) Then
512 | height = Height
513 | ' End If
514 | wnd.Move(x, y, width, height)
515 | End Sub
516 |
517 | Virtual Sub NotifyInvalidate(r As Rectangle)
518 | Dim rc As RECT
519 | rc = r.ToRECT()
520 | wnd.InvalidateRect(rc)
521 | End Sub
522 |
523 | Virtual Sub OnPaintBackground(e As PaintEventArgs) : End Sub
524 | Virtual Sub OnEnabledChanged(e As System.EventArgs) : End Sub
525 | Virtual Sub OnBackColorChanged(e As System.EventArgs) : End Sub
526 | Virtual Sub OnHandleCreated(e As System.EventArgs) : End Sub
527 | Virtual Sub OnHandleDestroyed(e As System.EventArgs) : End Sub
528 | Virtual Sub OnTextChanged(e As System.EventArgs)
529 | wnd.SetText(ToTCStr(text))
530 | End Sub
531 |
532 | Private
533 | ' Member variables
534 | wnd As ActiveBasic.Windows.WindowHandle
535 | text As String
536 | parent As Control
537 | bkColor As Color
538 |
539 | Static createParams As CreateParams
540 |
541 | 'ウィンドウ作成時にウィンドウプロシージャへThisを伝えるためのもの
542 | Static tlsIndex As DWord
543 |
544 | Static hInstance As HINSTANCE
545 | Static atom As ATOM
546 |
547 | Static Const WM_CONTROL_INVOKE = WM_USER + 0 As DWord
548 | Static Const WM_CONTROL_BEGININVOKE = WM_USER + 1 As DWord
549 |
550 | Static Const WindowClassName = "ActiveBasic Control"
551 | Public
552 | Static Sub Initialize(hinst As HINSTANCE)
553 | tlsIndex = TlsAlloc()
554 | hInstance = hinst
555 |
556 | Dim wcx As WNDCLASSEX
557 | With wcx
558 | .cbSize = Len (wcx)
560 | .lpfnWndProc = AddressOf (WndProcFirst)
561 | .cbClsExtra = 0
562 | .cbWndExtra = SizeOf (LONG_PTR) * 2
563 | .hInstance = hinst
564 | .hIcon = 0
566 | .hbrBackground = 0
567 | .lpszMenuName = 0
568 | .lpszClassName = ToTCStr(WindowClassName)
569 | .hIconSm = 0
570 | End With
571 | atom = RegisterClassEx(wcx)
572 | If atom = 0 Then
573 | Dim buf[1023] As TCHAR
574 | wsprintf(buf, ToTCStr(Ex"Control: RegisterClasseEx failed. Error code: &h%08X\r\n"), GetLastError())
575 | OutputDebugString(buf)
576 | Debug
577 | ExitThread(0)
578 | End If
579 |
580 | With createParams
581 | ' 値は暫定的なもの
583 | .ExStyle = WS_EX_APPWINDOW
584 | End With
585 | End Sub
586 |
587 | Static Sub Uninitialize()
588 | UnregisterClass(atom As ULONG_PTR As PCSTR, hInstance)
589 | TlsFree(tlsIndex)
590 | End Sub
591 | Private
592 | Static Const GWLP_THIS = SizeOf (LONG_PTR) * 0 As Long
593 | Static Const GWLP_TAG = SizeOf (LONG_PTR) * 1 As Long
594 |
595 | ' Windowsから呼ばれるウィンドウプロシージャ。WndProc
596 | Static Function WndProcFirst(hwnd As HWND, msg As DWord, wp As WPARAM, lp As LPARAM) As LRESULT
597 | Dim rThis = Control.FromHandle(hwnd) As Control
598 | If Object.ReferenceEquals(rThis As Object, Nothing) Then
599 | Dim gchValue = TlsGetValue(tlsIndex) As LONG_PTR
600 | Dim gch = System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle.FromIntPtr(gchValue)
601 | rThis = gch.Target As Control
602 | ' ウィンドウが作られて最初にWndProcFirstが呼ばれたとき
603 | If Object.ReferenceEquals(rThis, Nothing) Then
604 | ' あってはならない事態
605 | Debug
606 | ExitThread(-1)
607 | End If
608 | rThis.wnd = New ActiveBasic.Windows.WindowHandle(hwnd)
609 | SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_THIS, gchValue)
610 | End If
611 |
612 | Dim m = Message.Create(hwnd, msg, wp, lp)
613 | rThis.WndProc(m)
614 | Return m.Result
615 | End Function
616 |
617 | ' BeginInvokeが呼ばれたときの処理
618 | Sub OnControlBeginInvoke(m As Message)
619 | Dim gch = System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle.FromIntPtr(m.LParam)
620 | Dim data = gch.Target As System.Windows.Forms.Detail.AsyncInvokeData
621 | With data
622 | Dim pfn = .FuncPtr
623 | .AsyncResult.Result = pfn(.Data)
624 | SetEvent(.AsyncResult.AsyncWaitHandle.Handle)
625 | End With
626 | End Sub
627 | End Class
628 |
629 | Namespace Detail
630 | Class _System_ControlIinitializer
631 | Public
632 | Sub _System_ControlIinitializer(hinst As HINSTANCE)
633 | System.Windows.Forms.Control.Initialize(hinst)
634 | End Sub
635 |
636 | Sub ~_System_ControlIinitializer()
637 | System.Windows.Forms.Control.Uninitialize()
638 | End Sub
639 | End Class
640 |
642 | Dim _System_ControlInitializer As _System_ControlIinitializer(GetModuleHandle(0))
644 |
645 | End Namespace
646 |
647 | End Namespace 'Forms
648 | End Namespace 'Widnows
649 | End Namespace 'System
650 |
652 |