1 | /*!
2 | @file Classes/System/Text/UTF8Encoding.ab
3 | @brief UTF8Encodingクラスとそれに関係するクラスなどの宣言・定義
4 | */
5 |
6 | Namespace System
7 | Namespace Text
8 |
9 | Namespace Detail
10 |
11 | Class UTF8Encoder
12 | Inherits Encoder
13 | Protected
14 | Override Sub ConvertCore(chars As *WCHAR, charCount As Long, bytes As *Byte, byteCount As Long, flush As Boolean,
15 | ByRef bytesUsed As Long, ByRef charsUsed As Long, ByRef completed As Boolean)
16 |
17 | Dim i As Long, j = 0 As Long
18 | For i = 0 To ELM(charCount)
19 | If chars[i] < &h80 Then
20 | '1バイト変換
21 | If j + 1 > byteCount Then
22 | 'バッファ不足
23 | Goto *BufferOver
24 | End If
25 | bytes[j] = chars[i] As Byte
26 | j++
27 | ElseIf chars[i] < &h800 Then
28 | '2バイト変換
29 | If j + 2 > byteCount Then
30 | Goto *BufferOver
31 | End If
32 | bytes[j] = ((chars[i] >> 6) Or &hC0) As Byte
33 | j++
34 | bytes[j] = (chars[i] And &h3F Or &h80) As Byte
35 | j++
36 | ElseIf _System_IsHighSurrogate(chars[i]) Then
37 | If i + 1 >= charCount Then
38 | 'バッファに貯め込む
39 | If flush = False Then
40 | buffer = chars[i]
41 | Exit Sub
42 | End If
43 | 'ToDo: chars[i + 1]が範囲外になる場合が考慮されていない
44 | ElseIf _System_IsLowSurrogate(chars[i + 1]) = False Then
45 | 'EncoderFallback
46 | End If
47 | If j + 4 > byteCount Then
48 | Goto *BufferOver
49 | End If
50 | 'UTF-16列からUnicodeコードポイントを復元
51 | Dim c = (((chars[i] And &h3FF) As DWord << 10) Or (chars[i + 1] And &h3FF)) + &h10000
52 | '4バイト変換
53 | bytes[j] = ((c >> 18) Or &hf0) As Byte
54 | j++
55 | bytes[j] = ((c >> 12) And &h3F Or &h80) As Byte
56 | j++
57 | bytes[j] = ((c >> 6) And &h3F Or &h80) As Byte
58 | j++
59 | bytes[j] = (c And &h3F Or &h80) As Byte
60 | j++
61 | i++
62 | ElseIf _System_IsLowSurrogate(chars[i]) Then
63 | 'EncoderFallback
64 | Else
65 | '3バイト変換
66 | If j + 3 > byteCount Then
67 | Goto *BufferOver
68 | End If
69 | bytes[j] = ((chars[i] >> 12) Or &hE0) As Byte
70 | j++
71 | bytes[j] = ((chars[i] >> 6) And &h3F Or &h80) As Byte
72 | j++
73 | bytes[j] = (chars[i] And &h3F Or &h80) As Byte
74 | j++
75 | End If
76 | Next
77 |
78 | Exit Sub
79 | *BufferOver
80 | 'バッファ不足
81 | Throw New ArgumentException("Buffer is not enough.", "bytes")
82 | End Sub
83 |
84 | Private
85 | buffer As WCHAR
86 | End Class
87 |
88 | Class UTF8Decoder
89 | Inherits Decoder
90 | Protected
91 | Override Sub ConvertCore(bytes As *Byte, byteCount As Long, chars As *WCHAR, charCount As Long, flush As Boolean,
92 | ByRef bytesUsed As Long, ByRef charsUsed As Long, ByRef completed As Boolean)
93 | Dim i As Long, j = 0 As Long
94 | For i = 0 To ELM(byteCount)
95 | If state = 0 Then
96 | If bytes[i] <= &h80 Then
97 | '1バイト変換
98 | If j = charCount Then Goto *BufferOver
99 | chars[j] = bytes[i]
100 | j++
101 | ElseIf bytes[i] < &hC0 Then
102 | 'マルチバイトの2バイト目以降
103 | 'DecoderFallback完成までの暫定
104 | If j = charCount Then Goto *BufferOver
105 | chars[j] = &hfffd
106 | j++
107 | ElseIf bytes[i] < &hD0 Then
108 | '2バイト文字の始まり
109 | last = 2
110 | buf = bytes[i] And &h3f
111 | state++
112 | ElseIf bytes[i] < &hF0 Then
113 | '3バイト文字の始まり
114 | last = 3
115 | buf = bytes[i] And &h1f
116 | state++
117 | Else
118 | '4バイト文字の始まり
119 | last = 4
120 | buf = bytes[i] And &h0f
121 | state++
122 | End If
123 | Else
124 | If &h80 <= bytes[i] And bytes[i] < &hC0 Then
125 | 'マルチバイト文字の2バイト目以降
126 | buf <<= 6
127 | buf Or= bytes[i] And &h3F
128 | state++
129 | If state = last Then '最終バイトに到達
130 | If state = 2 And buf >= &h80 Then
131 | chars[j] = buf As WCHAR
132 | j++
133 | ElseIf state = 3 And buf >= &h800 And buf < &hD800 And &hE0000 >= buf Then
134 | chars[j] = buf As WCHAR
135 | j++
136 | ElseIf state = 4 And buf <= &h10ffff Then
137 | buf -= &h10000
138 | chars[j] = (&hD800 Or (buf >> 10)) As WCHAR
139 | j++
140 | chars[j] = (&hDC00 Or (buf And &h3FF)) As WCHAR
141 | j++
142 | Else
143 | 'DecoderFallback
144 | If j = charCount Then Goto *BufferOver
145 | chars[j] = &hfffd
146 | j++
147 | End If
148 | state = 0
149 | End If
150 | Else
151 | '3, 4バイト文字の先頭
152 | 'DecoderFallback
153 | If j = charCount Then Goto *BufferOver
154 | chars[j] = &hfffd
155 | j++
156 | End If
157 | End If
158 | Next
159 | Exit Sub
160 | *BufferOver
161 | 'バッファ不足
162 | Throw New ArgumentException("Buffer is not enough.", "bytes")
163 | End Sub
164 |
165 | Private
166 | buf As DWord
167 | state As Long
168 | last As Long
169 | End Class
170 |
171 | End Namespace 'Detail
172 |
173 |
174 | /*!
175 | @brief UTF-8用のEncoding
176 | @date 2007/12/21
177 | @auther Egtra
178 | */
179 | Class UTF8Encoding
180 | Inherits Encoding
181 | Public
182 |
183 | Override Function Clone() As Object
184 | Dim c = New UTF8Encoding
185 | c.DecoderFallback = This.DecoderFallback
186 | c.EncoderFallback = This.EncoderFallback
187 | Return c
188 | End Function
189 |
190 | Override Function GetDecoder() As Decoder
191 | GetDecoder = New Detail.UTF8Decoder
192 | ' GetDecoder.Fallback = DecoderFallback
193 | End Function
194 |
195 | Override Function GetEncoder() As Encoder
196 | GetEncoder = New Detail.UTF8Encoder
197 | ' GetEncoder.Fallback = EncoderFallback
198 | End Function
199 |
200 | Override Function GetMaxByteCount(charCount As Long) As Long
201 | Return charCount * 3
202 | '全てがUTF-8で3バイトになる文字の場合が最大。
203 |
204 | 'UTF-8で4バイトになる列は、UTF-16だとサロゲートペアで表現するので、
205 | '1単位あたりでは2バイトしか食わないことになる。
206 | End Function
207 |
208 | Override Function GetMaxCharCount(byteCount As Long) As Long
209 | '全てU+7F以下の文字だけだった場合
210 | Return byteCount
211 | End Function
212 | Protected
213 | Override Function GetBytesCountCore(s As *WCHAR, n As Long) As Long
214 | End Function
215 |
216 | Override Function GetBytesCore(chars As *WCHAR, charCount As Long, bytes As *Byte, byteCount As Long) As Long
217 | End Function
218 |
219 | Override Function GetCharsCountCore(s As *Byte, n As Long) As Long
220 | End Function
221 |
222 | Override Function GetCharsCore(bytes As *Byte, byteCount As Long, chars As *WCHAR, charCount As Long) As Long
223 | End Function
224 | Public
225 | Override Function GetPreamble() As *Byte
226 | Return bom
227 | End Function
228 |
229 | Override Function GetPreambleLength() As Long
230 | Return Len(bom)
231 | End Function
232 |
233 | Override Function IsAlwaysNormalized() As Boolean
234 | IsAlwaysNormalized = False
235 | End Function
236 |
237 | Override Function IsAlwaysNormalized(f As NormalizationForm) As Boolean
238 | IsAlwaysNormalized = False
239 | End Function
240 |
241 | Override Function BodyName() As String
242 | Return "utf-8"
243 | End Function
244 |
245 | Override Function HeaderName() As String
246 | Return "utf-8"
247 | End Function
248 |
249 | Override Function EncodingName() As String
250 | Return "UTF-8"
251 | End Function
252 |
253 | Override Function WebName() As String
254 | Return "utf-8"
255 | End Function
256 |
257 | Override Function IsSingleByte() As Boolean
258 | Return False
259 | End Function
260 | Private
261 | Static bom[2] = [&hEF, &hBB, &hBF] As Byte
262 | End Class
263 |
264 | End Namespace 'Text
265 | End Namespace 'System