1 | Namespace System
2 | Namespace IO
3 |
4 |
5 | Class FileInfo
6 | Inherits FileSystemInfo
7 | Public
8 | Sub FileInfo(path As String)
9 | OriginalPath = path
10 | FullPath = Path.GetFullPath(path)
11 | End Sub
12 |
13 | Sub ~FileInfo()
14 | End Sub
15 |
16 | '----------------------------------------------------------------
17 | ' パブリック プロパティ
18 | '----------------------------------------------------------------
19 |
20 | Function Directory() As DirectoryInfo
21 | Return New DirectoryInfo(Path.GetDirectoryName(FullPath))
22 | End Function
23 |
24 | Function DirectoryName() As String
25 | Return Path.GetDirectoryName(FullPath)
26 | End Function
27 |
28 | Function IsReadOnly() As Boolean
29 | If (Attributes and FileAttributes.ReadOnly) = FileAttributes.ReadOnly Then
30 | Return True
31 | Else
32 | Return False
33 | End If
34 | End Function
35 |
36 | Function Length() As QWord
39 | Throw New IOException("FileInfo.Length: Failed to CreateFile.")
40 | Exit Function
41 | End If
42 |
43 | Dim length As QWord
44 | If GetFileSizeEx(hFile, VarPtr(length)) Then
45 | CloseHandle(hFile)
46 | Return length
47 | Else
48 | CloseHandle(hFile)
49 | Throw New IOException("FileInfo.Length: Failed to GetFileSize")
50 | End If
51 | End Function
52 |
53 | '----------------------------------------------------------------
54 | ' パブリック メソッド
55 | '----------------------------------------------------------------
56 |
57 | /* Function AppendText() As StreamWriter
58 | End Function*/
59 |
60 | Function CopyTo(destFileName As String) As FileInfo
61 | Return CopyTo(destFileName, False)
62 | End Function
63 |
64 | Function CopyTo(destFileName As String, overwrite As Boolean) As FileInfo
65 | File.Copy(FullPath, destFileName, overwrite)
66 | Return New FileInfo(destFileName)
67 | End Function
68 |
69 | Function Create() As FileStream
70 | Return File.Create(FullPath)
71 | End Function
72 |
73 | /* Function CreateText() As StreamWriter
74 | End Function*/
75 |
76 | /* Sub Decrypt()
77 | End Sub*/
78 |
79 | Override Sub Delete()
80 | File.Delete(FullPath)
81 | End Sub
82 |
83 | /* Sub Encrypt()
84 | End Sub*/
85 |
86 | /* Function GetAccessControl() As FileSecurity
87 | End Function*/
88 |
89 | /* Function GetAccessControl(includeSections As AccessControlSections) As FileScurity
90 | End Function*/
91 |
92 | Sub MoveTo(destFileName As String)
93 | File.Move(FullPath, destFileName)
94 | End Sub
95 |
96 | Function Open(mode As FileMode) As FileStream
97 | Return New FileStream(FullPath, mode)
98 | End Function
99 |
100 | Function Open(mode As FileMode, access As FileAccess) As FileStream
101 | Return New FileStream(FullPath, mode, access)
102 | End Function
103 |
104 | Function Open(mode As FileMode, access As FileAccess, share As FileShare ) As FileStream
105 | Return New FileStream(FullPath, mode, access, share)
106 | End Function
107 |
108 | Function OpenRead() As FileStream
109 | Return Open(FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)
110 | End Function
111 |
112 | Function OpenText() As StreamReader
113 | Return New StreamReader(FullPath)
114 | End Function
115 |
116 | Function OpenWrite() As FileStream
117 | Return Open(FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Write)
118 | End Function
119 |
120 | /* Function Replace(destinationFileName As String, destinationBackupFileName As String) As FileInfo
121 | End Function*/
122 |
123 | /* Function Replace(destinationFileName As String, destinationBackupFileName As String, ignoreMetadataErrors As Boolean) As FileInfo
124 | End Function*/
125 |
126 | /* Sub SetAccessControl(fileSecurity As FileSecurity)
127 | End Sub*/
128 |
129 | Override Function ToString() As String
130 | Return FullPath
131 | End Function
132 |
133 | End Class
134 |
135 |
136 | End Namespace
137 | End Namespace