1 | Imports System.Collections.Generic
2 |
3 | Namespace System
4 | Namespace IO
5 |
6 | Class DirectoryInfo
7 | Inherits FileSystemInfo
8 | Public
9 | Sub DirectoryInfo(path As String)
10 | OriginalPath = path
11 | FullPath = Path.GetFullPath(path)
12 | Refresh()
13 | End Sub
14 |
15 | Sub ~DirectoryInfo()
16 | End Sub
17 |
18 | 'Public Property
19 | Function Parent() As DirectoryInfo
20 | Return New DirectoryInfo(Path.GetDirectoryName(FullPath))
21 | End Function
22 |
23 | Function Root() As DirectoryInfo
24 | Return New DirectoryInfo(Path.GetPathRoot(FullPath))
25 | End Function
26 |
27 | 'Public Method
28 | Sub Create()
29 | CreateDirectory(ToTCStr(FullPath), NULL)
30 | End Sub
31 |
32 | /* Sub Create(directorySecurity As DirectorySecurity)
33 | End Sub*/
34 |
35 | Override Sub Delete()
36 | RemoveDirectory(ToTCStr(FullPath))
37 | End Sub
38 |
39 | Sub Delete(recursive As Boolean)
40 | If recursive Then
41 | ' ディレクトリ内のすべての情報を削除する
42 |
43 | Dim dirPath = FullPath As String
44 |
45 | ' 終端の '\' を除去
46 | If dirPath[dirPath.Length-1] = Asc("\") Then
47 | dirPath = dirPath.Substring(0, dirPath.Length-1)
48 | End If
49 |
50 | ' double null-terminated にする
51 | dirPath = dirPath + Chr$(0)
52 |
54 | op.hwnd = NULL
55 | op.wFunc = FO_DELETE
56 | op.pFrom = ToTCStr(dirPath)
57 | op.pTo = NULL
59 |
60 | If SHFileOperation(op) <> 0 Then
61 | ' TODO: エラー処理
62 | debug
63 | End If
64 | Else
65 | ' ディレクトリが空の場合は削除する
66 | This.Delete()
67 | End If
68 | End Sub
69 |
70 | /* Function GetAccessControl() As DirectorySecurity
71 | End Function*/
72 |
73 | /* Function GetAccessControl(includeSections As AccessControlSections) As DirectorySecurity
74 | End Function*/
75 |
76 | Function GetDirectories() As List<DirectoryInfo>
77 | Return GetDirectories("?*")
78 | End Function
79 |
80 | Function GetDirectories(searchPattern As String) As List<DirectoryInfo>
81 | Dim infos As List<FileSystemInfo>
82 | infos = GetFileSystemInfos(searchPattern)
83 |
84 | Dim dirs As List<DirectoryInfo>
85 | Dim i As Long
86 | For i = 0 To ELM(infos.Count)
87 | If infos[i].GetType.ToString() = "DirectoryInfo" Then
88 | dirs.Add(infos[i] As DirectoryInfo)
89 | End If
90 | Next
91 | Return dirs
92 | End Function
93 |
94 | Function GetDirectories(searchPattern As String, searchOption As SearchOption) As List<DirectoryInfo>
95 | If searchOption = SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly Then
96 | Return GetDirectories(searchPattern)
97 | ElseIf searchOption = SearchOption.AllDirectories Then
98 | Dim dirs As List<DirectoryInfo>
99 | dirs = GetDirectories(searchPattern)
100 |
101 | Dim subdirs As List<DirectoryInfo>
102 | Dim i As Long, j As Long
103 | For i = 0 To ELM(dirs.Count)
104 | subdirs = dirs[i].GetDirectories(searchPattern)
105 | For j = 0 To ELM(subdirs.Count)
106 | dirs.Add(subdirs[i])
107 | Next
108 | Next
109 | Return dirs
110 | End If
111 | End Function
112 |
113 | Function GetFiles() As List<FileInfo>
114 | Return GetFiles("?*")
115 | End Function
116 |
117 | Function GetFiles(searchPattern As String) As List<FileInfo>
118 | Dim infos As List<FileSystemInfo>
119 | infos = GetFileSystemInfos(searchPattern)
120 |
121 | Dim files As List<FileInfo>
122 | Dim i As Long
123 | For i = 0 To ELM(infos.Count)
124 | If infos[i].GetType.ToString() = "FileInfo" Then
125 | files.Add(infos[i] As FileInfo)
126 | End If
127 | Next
128 | Return files
129 | End Function
130 |
131 | /* Function GetFiles(searchPattern As String, searchOption As SearchOption) As List<FileInfo>
132 | End Function*/
133 |
134 | Function GetFileSystemInfos() As List<FileSystemInfo>
135 | Return GetFileSystemInfos("?*")
136 | End Function
137 |
138 | Function GetFileSystemInfos(searchPattern As String) As List<FileSystemInfo>
139 | Dim find As HANDLE
140 | Dim findData As WIN32_FIND_DATA
141 | find = FindFirstFile(Path.Combine(FullPath, searchPattern), findData)
142 | If find = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE Then
143 | debug 'Exception
144 | Return Nothing
145 | End If
146 |
147 | Dim files As List<FileSystemInfo>
148 | Dim lastError As DWord
149 | Dim i As Long
150 | While lastError <> ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES
151 | If i > 1 Then
152 | Dim s = New String(findData.cFileName As PCTSTR)
154 | files.Add(New DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(FullPath, s)))
155 | Else
156 | files.Add(New FileInfo(Path.Combine(FullPath, s)))
157 | End If
158 | End If
159 |
160 | If FindNextFile(find, findData) = False Then
161 | lastError = GetLastError()
162 | If lastError <> ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES Then
163 | FindClose(find)
164 | debug 'Exception
165 | Return Nothing
166 | End If
167 | End If
168 | i++
169 | Wend
170 | FindClose(find)
171 | Return files
172 | End Function
173 |
174 | Sub MoveTo(destDirName As String)
175 | If MoveFile(ToTCStr(FullPath), ToTCStr(destDirName)) = FALSE Then
176 | 'Exception
177 | End If
178 | End Sub
179 |
180 | /* Sub SetAccessControl(directorySecurity As DirectorySecurity)
181 | End Sub*/
182 |
183 | End Class
184 |
185 | End Namespace
186 | End Namespace