1 | ' Classes/System/Drawing/Point.ab
2 |
5 |
6 | #require <Classes/System/Drawing/PointF.ab>
7 | #require <Classes/System/Drawing/Size.ab>
8 | #require <Classes/System/Drawing/SizeF.ab>
9 |
10 | Class Point
11 | Public
12 | Sub Point()
13 | x = 0
14 | y = 0
15 | End Sub
16 |
17 | Sub Point(initX As Long, initY As Long)
18 | x = initX
19 | y = initY
20 | End Sub
21 |
22 | Sub Point(sz As Size)
23 | x = sz.Width
24 | y = sz.Height
25 | End Sub
26 |
27 | Sub Point(dw As DWord)
28 | x = LOWORD(dw)
29 | y = HIWORD(dw)
30 | End Sub
31 |
32 | Function X() As Long
33 | Return x
34 | End Function
35 |
36 | Sub X(newX As Long)
37 | x = newX
38 | End Sub
39 |
40 | Function Y() As Long
41 | Return y
42 | End Function
43 |
44 | Sub Y(newY As Long)
45 | y = newY
46 | End Sub
47 |
48 | Function IsEmpty() As Boolean
49 | Return x = 0 And y = 0
50 | End Function
51 |
52 | Function Operator + (pt As Point) As Point
53 | Return Add(This, pt)
54 | End Function
55 |
56 | Function Operator + (sz As Size) As Point
57 | Return Add(This, sz)
58 | End Function
59 |
60 | Function Operator - (pt As Point) As Point
61 | Return Substract(This, pt)
62 | End Function
63 |
64 | Function Operator - (sz As Size) As Point
65 | Return Substract(This, sz)
66 | End Function
67 |
68 | Function Operator == (sz As Point) As Boolean
69 | Return Equals(sz)
70 | End Function
71 |
72 | Function Operator <> (sz As Point) As Boolean
73 | Return Not Equals(sz)
74 | End Function
75 |
76 | Static Function Add(pt1 As Point, pt2 As Point) As Point
77 | Return New Point(pt1.x + pt2.x, pt1.y + pt2.y)
78 | End Function
79 |
80 | Static Function Add(pt As Point, sz As Size) As Point
81 | Return New Point(pt.x + sz.Width, pt.y + sz.Height)
82 | End Function
83 |
84 | Function Offset(pt As Point) As Point
85 | Return New Point(x + pt.x, y + pt.y)
86 | End Function
87 |
88 | Sub Offset(dx As Long, dy As Long)
89 | x += dx
90 | y += dy
91 | End Sub
92 |
93 | Static Function Substract(pt1 As Point, pt2 As Point) As Point
94 | Return New Point(pt1.x - pt2.x, pt1.y - pt2.y)
95 | End Function
96 |
97 | Static Function Substract(pt As Point, sz As Size) As Point
98 | Return New Point(pt.x - sz.Width, pt.y - sz.Height)
99 | End Function
100 |
101 | Function Equals(pt As Point) As Boolean
102 | Return x = pt.x And y = pt.y
103 | End Function
104 |
105 | Override Function GetHashCode() As Long
106 | Return x Xor _System_BSwap(y As DWord)
107 | End Function
108 |
109 | Static Function Ceiling(ptf As PointF) As Point
110 | Return New Point(System.Math.Ceiling(ptf.X) As Long, System.Math.Ceiling(ptf.Y) As Long)
111 | End Function
112 |
113 | Static Function Round(ptf As PointF) As Point
114 | Return New Point(System.Math.Round(ptf.X) As Long, System.Math.Round(ptf.Y) As Long)
115 | End Function
116 |
117 | Static Function Truncate(ptf As PointF) As Point
118 | Return New Point(System.Math.Truncate(ptf.X) As Long, System.Math.Truncate(ptf.Y) As Long)
119 | End Function
120 |
121 | Function Operator () As PointF
122 | Return New PointF(X, Y)
123 | End Function
124 |
125 | Private
126 | x As Long
127 | y As Long
128 | End Class
129 |
130 | #endif '__SYSTEM_DRAWING_POINT_AB__