1 | 'Classes/ActiveBasic/Math/Math.ab
2 |
3 | Namespace ActiveBasic
4 | Namespace Math
5 |
6 | 'xの符号だけをyのものにした値を返す。
7 | '引数 x 元となる絶対値
8 | '引数 y 元となる符号
9 | Function CopySign(x As Double, y As Double) As Double
10 | SetQWord(VarPtr(CopySign), (GetQWord(VarPtr(x)) And &h7fffffffffffffff) Or (GetQWord(VarPtr(y)) And &h8000000000000000))
11 | End Function
12 |
13 | Function CopySign(x As Single, y As Single) As Single
14 | SetDWord(VarPtr(CopySign), (GetDWord(VarPtr(x)) And &h7fffffff) Or (GetDWord(VarPtr(y)) And &h80000000))
15 | End Function
16 |
17 | Function Hypot(x As Double, y As Double) As Double
18 | If x = 0 Then
19 | Hypot = Abs(y)
20 | Else If y = 0 Then
21 | Hypot = Abs(x)
22 | Else
23 | Dim ax = Abs(x)
24 | Dim ay = Abs(y)
25 | If ay > ax Then
26 | Dim t = x / y
27 | Hypot = ay * Sqr(1 + t * t)
28 | Else
29 | Dim t = y / x
30 | Hypot = ax * Sqr(1 + t * t)
31 | End If
32 | End If
33 | End Function
34 |
35 | Function Log1p(x As Double) As Double
36 | If x < -1 Or IsNaN(x) Then
37 | Log1p = ActiveBasic.Math.Detail.GetNaN()
38 | ElseIf x = 0 Then
39 | x = 0
40 | ElseIf IsInf(x) Then
41 | Log1p = x
42 | Else
43 | Log1p = ActiveBasic.Math.Detail.Log1p(x)
44 | End If
45 | End Function
46 |
47 | Function IsNaN(ByVal x As Double) As Boolean
48 | Dim p = VarPtr(x) As *DWord
49 | IsNaN = False
50 | If (p[1] And &H7FF00000) = &H7FF00000 Then
51 | If (p[0] <> 0) Or ((p[1] And &HFFFFF) <> 0) Then
52 | IsNaN = True
53 | End If
54 | End If
55 | End Function
56 |
57 | Function IsInf(x As Double) As Boolean
58 | Dim p = VarPtr(x) As *DWord
59 | p[1] And= &h7fffffff
60 | Dim inf = ActiveBasic.Math.Detail.GetInf(False)
61 | IsInf = (memcmp(p As *Byte, VarPtr(inf), SizeOf (Double)) = 0)
62 | End Function
63 |
64 | Function IsFinite(x As Double) As Boolean
65 | Dim p = VarPtr(x) As *DWord
66 | p[1] And= &H7FF00000
67 | IsFinite = ( p[1] And &H7FF00000 ) = &H7FF00000
68 | End Function
69 |
70 | Namespace Detail
71 |
72 | Function SetSign(x As Double, isNegative As Long) As Double
73 | #ifdef _WIN64
74 | SetQWord(AddressOf(CopySign), (GetQWord(VarPtr(x)) And &h7fffffffffffffff) Or (isNegative << 63))
75 | #else
76 | SetDWord(AddressOf(CopySign), GetDWord(VarPtr(x)))
77 | SetDWord(AddressOf(CopySign) + SizeOf (DWord), GetQWord(VarPtr(x) + SizeOf (DWord)) And &h7fffffff Or (isNegative << 31))
78 | #endif
79 | End Function
80 |
81 | #ifdef _WIN64
82 |
83 | Function GetNaN() As Double
84 | SetQWord(VarPtr(GetNaN) As *QWord, &H7FF8000000000000)
85 | End Function
86 |
87 | Function GetInf(sign As Boolean) As Double
88 | Dim s = 0 As QWord
89 | If sign Then s = 1 << 63
90 | SetQWord(VarPtr(GetInf) As *QWord, &h7FF0000000000000 Or s)
91 | End Function
92 |
93 | #else
94 |
95 | Function GetNaN() As Double
96 | Dim p = VarPtr(GetNaN) As *DWord
97 | p[0] = 0
98 | p[1] = &H7FF80000
99 | End Function
100 |
101 | Function GetInf(sign As Boolean) As Double
102 | Dim s = 0 As DWord
103 | If sign Then s = (1 As DWord) << 31
104 | Dim p = VarPtr(GetInf) As *DWord
105 | p[0] = 0
106 | p[1] = &h7FF00000 Or s
107 | End Function
108 |
109 | #endif
110 |
111 | Function Log1p(x As Double) As Double
112 | Dim s = 0 As Double
113 | Dim i = 7 As Long
114 | While i >= 1
115 | Dim t = (i * x) As Double
116 | s = t * (2 * i + 1 + s) / (2 + t)
117 | i--
118 | Wend
119 | Return x / (1 + s)
120 | End Function
121 |
122 | Function _Support_tan(x As Double, ByRef k As Long) As Double
123 | If x>=0 Then
124 | k=Fix(x/(_System_PI/2)+0.5)
125 | Else
126 | k=Fix(x/(_System_PI/2)-0.5)
127 | End If
128 |
129 | x=(x-(CDbl(3217)/CDbl(2048))*k)+4.4544551033807686783083602485579e-6*k
130 |
131 | Dim x2 = x * x
132 | Dim t = 0 As Double
133 |
134 | Dim i As Long
135 | For i=19 To 3 Step -2
136 | t=x2/(i-t)
137 | Next
138 |
139 | _Support_tan=x/(1-t)
140 | End Function
141 |
142 | End Namespace 'Detail
143 | End Namespace 'Math
144 | End Namespace 'ActiveBasic