1 | Namespace ActiveBasic
2 | Namespace Core
3 |
4 |
5 | ' 中間的な実装(継承専用)
6 | Class TypeBaseImpl
7 | Inherits System.TypeInfo
8 |
9 | strNamespace As String
10 | name As String
11 | fullName As String
12 |
13 | ptrType As TypeBaseImpl
14 | ptrLevel As Long
15 |
16 | ' メンバ情報
17 | memberNames As *String ' 名前リスト
18 | memberTypeFullNames As *String ' 型名リスト
19 | memberCounts As Long ' 個数
20 | memberInfosCache As System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Reflection.MemberInfo>
21 |
22 | Protected
23 |
24 | baseType As System.TypeInfo
25 | 'interfaces As f(^^;;;
26 |
27 | Sub TypeBaseImpl( strNamespace As String, name As String, fullName As String )
28 | This.strNamespace = strNamespace
29 | This.name = name
30 | This.fullName = fullName
31 | This.baseType = Nothing
32 |
33 | ptrType = Nothing
34 | ptrLevel = 0
35 | End Sub
36 |
37 | Sub ~TypeBaseImpl()
38 | End Sub
39 |
40 | Sub PtrLevelUp()
41 | ptrLevel ++
42 | fullName = "*" + fullName
43 | End Sub
44 |
45 | Function Clone() As TypeBaseImpl
46 | Dim result = New TypeBaseImpl( strNamespace, name, fullName )
47 | result.SetBaseType( baseType )
48 | result.SetMembers( memberNames, memberTypeFullNames, memberCounts )
49 | result.memberInfosCache = This.memberInfosCache
50 | result.ptrLevel = This.ptrLevel
51 | Return result
52 | End Function
53 |
54 | Public
55 |
56 | Sub SetMembers( memberNames As *String, memberTypeFullNames As *String, num As Long )
57 | This.memberNames = memberNames
58 | This.memberTypeFullNames = memberTypeFullNames
59 | This.memberCounts = num
60 |
61 | /*
62 | OutputDebugString( Ex"\r\n" )
63 | Dim i As Long
64 | For i=0 To ELM(num)
65 | OutputDebugString( memberNames[i] )
66 | OutputDebugString( ", " )
67 | OutputDebugString( memberTypeFullNames[i] )
68 | OutputDebugString( Ex"\r\n" )
69 | Next
70 | */
71 | End Sub
72 |
73 | Function GetPtrType() As TypeBaseImpl
74 | If Object.ReferenceEquals( ptrType, Nothing ) Then
75 | Dim clone = This.Clone()
76 |
77 | ptrType = clone
78 | ptrType.PtrLevelUp()
79 | End If
80 | Return ptrType
81 | End Function
82 |
83 |
84 | '----------------------------------------------------------------
85 | ' Public properties
86 | '----------------------------------------------------------------
87 |
88 | Override Function BaseType() As System.TypeInfo
89 | Return baseType
90 | End Function
91 |
92 | Sub SetBaseType( baseType As System.TypeInfo )
93 | This.baseType = baseType
94 | End Sub
95 |
96 | Override Function FullName() As String
97 | Return fullName
98 | End Function
99 |
100 | Override Function IsArray() As Boolean
101 | Return False
102 | End Function
103 |
104 | Override Function IsByRef() As Boolean
105 | Return False
106 | End Function
107 |
108 | Override Function IsClass() As Boolean
109 | Return False
110 | End Function
111 |
112 | Override Function IsEnum() As Boolean
113 | Return False
114 | End Function
115 |
116 | Override Function IsInterface() As Boolean
117 | Return False
118 | End Function
119 |
120 | Override Function IsPointer() As Boolean
121 | Return ( ptrLevel > 0 )
122 | End Function
123 |
124 | Override Function IsValueType() As Boolean
125 | Return False
126 | End Function
127 |
128 | Override Function Name() As String
129 | Return name
130 | End Function
131 |
132 | Override Function Namespace() As String
133 | Return strNamespace
134 | End Function
135 |
136 |
137 |
138 | '----------------------------------------------------------------
139 | ' Public methods
140 | '----------------------------------------------------------------
141 |
142 | Override Function GetMembers() As System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Reflection.MemberInfo>
143 | If Object.ReferenceEquals( memberInfosCache, Nothing ) Then
144 | ' キャッシュにないときは生成する
145 | memberInfosCache = New System.Collections.Generic.List
146 | Dim i As Long
147 | For i=0 To ELM(memberCounts)
148 | memberInfosCache.Add( New System.Reflection.MemberInfo( memberNames[i], _System_TypeBase_Search( memberTypeFullNames[i] ) ) )
149 | Next
150 | End If
151 |
152 | Return memberInfosCache
153 | End Function
154 |
155 | End Class
156 |
157 |
158 | ' 値型を管理するためのクラス
159 | Class _System_TypeForValueType
160 | Inherits TypeBaseImpl
161 | Public
162 | Sub _System_TypeForValueType( name As String )
163 | TypeBaseImpl( "", name, name )
164 | End Sub
165 |
166 | Override Function IsValueType() As Boolean
167 | Return True
168 | End Function
169 | End Class
170 |
171 | ' クラスを管理するためのクラス
172 | Class _System_TypeForClass
173 | Inherits TypeBaseImpl
174 |
175 | Public
176 | referenceOffsets As *Long
177 | numOfReference As Long
178 |
179 | Sub _System_TypeForClass( strNamespace As String, name As String, fullName As String, referenceOffsets As *Long, numOfReference As Long )
180 | TypeBaseImpl( strNamespace, name, fullName )
181 |
182 | This.referenceOffsets = referenceOffsets
183 | This.numOfReference = numOfReference
184 | End Sub
185 | Sub _System_TypeForClass( strNamespace As String, name As String, fullName As String )
186 | TypeBaseImpl( strNamespace, name, fullName )
187 | End Sub
188 | Sub ~_System_TypeForClass()
189 | End Sub
190 |
191 | Override Function IsClass() As Boolean
192 | Return True
193 | End Function
194 | End Class
195 |
196 | ' インターフェイスを管理するためのクラス
197 | Class _System_TypeForInterface
198 | Inherits TypeBaseImpl
199 | Public
200 | End Class
201 |
202 | ' 列挙体を管理するためのクラス
203 | Class _System_TypeForEnum
204 | Inherits TypeBaseImpl
205 | Public
206 | End Class
207 |
208 | ' デリゲートを管理するためのクラス
209 | Class _System_TypeForDelegate
210 | Inherits TypeBaseImpl
211 | Public
212 | End Class
213 |
214 |
215 | '--------------------------------------------------------------------
216 | ' プロセスに存在するすべての型を管理する
217 | '--------------------------------------------------------------------
218 | Class _System_TypeBase
219 | Static types As System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<String, TypeBaseImpl>
220 |
221 | Static isReady = False
222 |
223 | Static Sub Add( typeInfo As TypeBaseImpl )
224 | types.Add( typeInfo.FullName, typeInfo )
225 | End Sub
226 |
227 | Static Sub InitializeValueType()
228 | types = New System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<String, TypeBaseImpl>(8191)
229 |
230 | ' 値型の追加
231 | Add( _System_Static_New _System_TypeForValueType[ strNamespace = "", name = "Byte", fullName = "Byte" ] )
232 | Add( _System_Static_New _System_TypeForValueType[ strNamespace = "", name = "SByte", fullName = "SByte" ] )
233 | Add( _System_Static_New _System_TypeForValueType[ strNamespace = "", name = "Word", fullName = "Word" ] )
234 | Add( _System_Static_New _System_TypeForValueType[ strNamespace = "", name = "Integer", fullName = "Integer" ] )
235 | Add( _System_Static_New _System_TypeForValueType[ strNamespace = "", name = "DWord", fullName = "DWord" ] )
236 | Add( _System_Static_New _System_TypeForValueType[ strNamespace = "", name = "Long", fullName = "Long" ] )
237 | Add( _System_Static_New _System_TypeForValueType[ strNamespace = "", name = "QWord", fullName = "QWord" ] )
238 | Add( _System_Static_New _System_TypeForValueType[ strNamespace = "", name = "Int64", fullName = "Int64" ] )
239 | Add( _System_Static_New _System_TypeForValueType[ strNamespace = "", name = "Boolean", fullName = "Boolean" ] )
240 | Add( _System_Static_New _System_TypeForValueType[ strNamespace = "", name = "Single", fullName = "Single" ] )
241 | Add( _System_Static_New _System_TypeForValueType[ strNamespace = "", name = "Double", fullName = "Double" ] )
242 | End Sub
243 |
244 | Static Sub InitializeUserTypes()
245 | ' このメソッドの実装はコンパイラが自動生成する
246 |
247 | '例:
248 | 'Add( New _System_TypeForClass( "System", "String", "System.String", [__offsets...], __numOfOffsets ) )
249 | '...
250 | End Sub
251 | Static Sub InitializeUserTypesForBaseType()
252 | ' このメソッドの実装はコンパイラが自動生成する
253 |
254 | '例:
255 | 'Search( "System.String" ).SetBaseType( Search( "System.Object" ) )
256 | '...
257 | End Sub
258 |
259 | Public
260 | Static Sub Initialize()
261 | ' 値型を初期化
262 | InitializeValueType()
263 |
264 | ' Class / Interface / Enum / Delegate を初期化
265 | InitializeUserTypes()
266 |
267 | isReady = True
268 |
269 | ' 基底クラスを登録
270 | InitializeUserTypesForBaseType()
271 |
272 | selfTypeInfo = _System_TypeBase.Search( "System.TypeInfo" ) As System.TypeInfo
273 |
274 | _System_DebugOnly_OutputDebugString( Ex"ready dynamic meta datas!\r\n" )
275 | End Sub
276 |
277 | Static Sub _NextPointerForGC()
278 | ' TODO: 実装
279 | End Sub
280 |
281 | Static Function Search( fullName As String ) As TypeBaseImpl
282 | If Object.ReferenceEquals(types, Nothing) Then
283 | Return Nothing
284 | End If
285 |
286 | If isReady = False Then
287 | Return Nothing
288 | End If
289 |
290 | If fullName[0] = &H2A Then ' fullName[0] = '*'
291 | Dim result = Search( fullName.Substring( 1 ) )
292 | Return result.GetPtrType()
293 | End If
294 |
295 | Search = types.Item(fullName)
296 |
297 | If Object.ReferenceEquals( Search, Nothing ) Then
298 | OutputDebugString("TypeSearch Failed: ")
299 | If Not ActiveBasic.IsNothing(fullName) Then
300 | OutputDebugStringW(StrPtr(fullName) As PWSTR)
301 | OutputDebugString(Ex"\r\n")
302 | OutputDebugStringA(StrPtr(fullName) As PSTR)
303 | End If
304 | OutputDebugString(Ex"\r\n")
305 | End If
306 | End Function
307 |
308 | Static Function IsReady() As Boolean
309 | Return isReady
310 | End Function
311 |
312 | Static selfTypeInfo As System.TypeInfo
313 |
314 | End Class
315 |
316 |
317 | End Namespace
318 | End Namespace
319 |
320 | Function _System_TypeBase_Search( fullName As String ) As ActiveBasic.Core.TypeBaseImpl
321 | Return ActiveBasic.Core._System_TypeBase.Search( fullName )
322 | End Function