1 | #include "stdafx.h"
2 |
3 | void EnumInfo::Collect( const char *buffer,int nowLine)
4 | {
5 | this->members.clear();
6 |
7 | int i=nowLine,i2;
8 |
9 | if(!(buffer[i]==1&&buffer[i+1]==ESC_ENUM)) return;
10 | i+=2;
11 |
12 | //列挙体の名前を取得
13 | char temporary[VN_SIZE];
14 | for(i2=0;;i++,i2++){
15 | if(IsCommandDelimitation(buffer[i])){
16 | temporary[i2]=0;
17 | break;
18 | }
19 | if(!IsVariableChar(buffer[i])){
20 | SetError(1,NULL,i);
21 | break;
22 | }
23 | temporary[i2]=buffer[i];
24 | }
25 |
26 | if(buffer[i]=='\0'){
27 | SetError(22,"Enum",nowLine);
28 | return;
29 | }
30 |
31 | int currentValue = 0;
32 | bool isUseCurrentValue = true;
33 | std::string currentValueStr;
34 | std::string lastMemberName;
35 | char temp2[VN_SIZE];
36 | while(1){
37 | i++;
38 |
39 | if(buffer[i]==1&&buffer[i+1]==ESC_ENDENUM) break;
40 |
41 | for(i2=0;;i2++,i++){
42 | if(IsCommandDelimitation(buffer[i])){
43 | temporary[i2]=0;
44 | break;
45 | }
46 | if(buffer[i]=='='){
47 | temporary[i2]=0;
48 | break;
49 | }
50 | temporary[i2]=buffer[i];
51 | }
52 | if(temporary[0]=='\0'){
53 | if(buffer[i]=='\0'){
54 | SetError(22,"Enum",nowLine);
55 | break;
56 | }
57 | continue;
58 | }
59 |
60 | if( buffer[i] != '=' )
61 | {
62 | if( isUseCurrentValue )
63 | {
64 | currentValue++;
65 |
66 | sprintf( temp2, "%d", currentValue );
67 | currentValueStr = temp2;
68 | }
69 | else
70 | {
71 | currentValueStr = lastMemberName + "+1";
72 | }
73 | }
74 | else
75 | {
76 | i++;
77 | GetCommandToken( temp2, buffer, i );
78 |
79 | _int64 i64data;
80 | if( StaticCalculation( false, temp2, 0, &i64data, Type() ) )
81 | {
82 | currentValue = static_cast<int>(i64data);
83 |
84 | sprintf( temp2, "%d", currentValue );
85 | currentValueStr = temp2;
86 | }
87 | else
88 | {
89 | // 取得できなかった(なんらかの識別子を含む可能性あり)
90 | isUseCurrentValue = false;
91 |
92 | currentValueStr = temp2;
93 | }
94 | }
95 |
96 | //メンバを追加
97 | this->members.push_back( EnumMember( temporary, currentValueStr, i ) );
98 |
99 | lastMemberName = temporary;
100 | }
101 | }
102 |
103 |
104 | void EnumInfoCollection::InitEnum(void)
105 | {
106 | this->clear();
107 |
108 | const char *source = compiler.GetObjectModule().GetCurrentSource().GetBuffer();
109 |
110 | // 名前空間管理
111 | NamespaceScopes &namespaceScopes = compiler.GetNamespaceSupporter().GetLivingNamespaceScopes();
112 | namespaceScopes.clear();
113 |
114 | int i2;
115 | char temporary[VN_SIZE];
116 | for(int i=0;;i++){
117 | if(source[i]=='\0') break;
118 |
119 | if( source[i] == 1 && source[i+1] == ESC_NAMESPACE ){
120 | for(i+=2,i2=0;;i2++,i++){
121 | if( IsCommandDelimitation( source[i] ) ){
122 | temporary[i2]=0;
123 | break;
124 | }
125 | temporary[i2]=source[i];
126 | }
127 | namespaceScopes.push_back( temporary );
128 |
129 | continue;
130 | }
131 | else if( source[i] == 1 && source[i+1] == ESC_ENDNAMESPACE ){
132 | if( namespaceScopes.size() <= 0 ){
133 | SetError(12, "End Namespace", i );
134 | }
135 | else{
136 | namespaceScopes.pop_back();
137 | }
138 |
139 | i += 2;
140 | continue;
141 | }
142 |
143 | if(source[i]==1&&source[i+1]==ESC_ENUM){
144 | if(i>=2){
145 | if(source[i-2]==1&&source[i-1]==ESC_CONST) continue;
146 | }
147 |
148 | i2 = i + 2;
149 | GetCommandToken( temporary, source, i2 );
150 |
151 | // 追加
152 | this->push_back( EnumInfo( namespaceScopes, temporary ) );
153 |
154 | // 収集
155 | this->back().Collect( source, i );
156 | }
157 | }
158 | }
159 |
160 | char *EnumInfoCollection::GenerateSourceCode(void){
161 | char *buffer;
162 | int MaxSize,length;
163 | MaxSize=65535;
164 | buffer=(char *)HeapAlloc(hHeap,0,MaxSize+65535);
165 | length=0;
166 |
167 | buffer[0]=0;
168 |
169 | const EnumInfoCollection &thisEnumInfoCollection = *this;
170 | BOOST_FOREACH( const EnumInfo &enumInfo, thisEnumInfoCollection )
171 | {
172 | BOOST_FOREACH( const string &namespaceStr, enumInfo.GetNamespaceScopes() ){
173 | sprintf(buffer+length,"Namespace %s\n",namespaceStr.c_str());
174 | length+=lstrlen(buffer+length);
175 | }
176 |
177 | sprintf(buffer+length,"Class Enum %s\n",enumInfo.GetName().c_str());
178 | length+=lstrlen(buffer+length);
179 | lstrcpy(buffer+length,"\tInherits EnumBase\n");
180 | length+=lstrlen(buffer+length);
181 | sprintf(buffer+length,"\tSub %s(value As Long,lpszName As LPSTR)\n",enumInfo.GetName().c_str());
182 | length+=lstrlen(buffer+length);
183 | lstrcpy(buffer+length,"\t\tEnumBase(value,lpszName)\n");
184 | length+=lstrlen(buffer+length);
185 | lstrcpy(buffer+length,"\tEnd Sub\n");
186 | length+=lstrlen(buffer+length);
187 | lstrcpy(buffer+length,"Public\n");
188 | length+=lstrlen(buffer+length);
189 | sprintf(buffer+length,"\tSub %s()\n",enumInfo.GetName().c_str());
190 | length+=lstrlen(buffer+length);
191 | if( enumInfo.GetMembers().size()){
192 | sprintf(buffer+length,"\t\tEnumBase(%s)\n",
193 | enumInfo.GetMembers().begin()->GetName().c_str() );
194 | length+=lstrlen(buffer+length);
195 | }
196 | lstrcpy(buffer+length,"\tEnd Sub\n");
197 | length+=lstrlen(buffer+length);
198 | sprintf(buffer+length,"\tSub ~%s()\n",enumInfo.GetName().c_str());
199 | length+=lstrlen(buffer+length);
200 | lstrcpy(buffer+length,"\tEnd Sub\n");
201 | length+=lstrlen(buffer+length);
202 |
203 | BOOST_FOREACH( const EnumMember &member, enumInfo.GetMembers() )
204 | {
205 | sprintf(buffer+length,"\tStatic %s As %s((%s) As Long,\"%s\")\n",
206 | member.GetName().c_str(),
207 | enumInfo.GetName().c_str(),
208 | member.GetValueStr().c_str(),
209 | member.GetName().c_str());
210 | length+=lstrlen(buffer+length);
211 | }
212 |
213 | sprintf(buffer+length,"\tFunction Operator or (enumBase As %s) As %s\n",enumInfo.GetName().c_str(),enumInfo.GetName().c_str());
214 | length+=lstrlen(buffer+length);
215 | sprintf(buffer+length,"\t\tReturn New %s(This.value or enumBase.value, \"custom\")\n",enumInfo.GetName().c_str());
216 | length+=lstrlen(buffer+length);
217 | lstrcpy(buffer+length,"\tEnd Function\n");
218 | length+=lstrlen(buffer+length);
219 |
220 | sprintf(buffer+length,"\tFunction Operator and (enumBase As %s) As %s\n",enumInfo.GetName().c_str(),enumInfo.GetName().c_str());
221 | length+=lstrlen(buffer+length);
222 | sprintf(buffer+length,"\t\tReturn New %s(This.value and enumBase.value, \"custom\")\n",enumInfo.GetName().c_str());
223 | length+=lstrlen(buffer+length);
224 | lstrcpy(buffer+length,"\tEnd Function\n");
225 | length+=lstrlen(buffer+length);
226 |
227 | /*
228 | sprintf(buffer+length,"\tOverride Function ToString() As String\n",enumInfo.TypeName);
229 | length+=lstrlen(buffer+length);
230 | lstrcpy(buffer+length,"\t\tSelect Case value\n");
231 | length+=lstrlen(buffer+length);
232 | for(i2=0;i2<enumInfo.iEnumMemberNum;i2++){
233 | CEnumMember *member;
234 | member=enumInfo.ppobj_EnumMember[i2];
235 |
236 | sprintf(buffer+length,"\t\t\tCase %d\n",member->m_value);
237 | length+=lstrlen(buffer+length);
238 | sprintf(buffer+length,"\t\t\t\tReturn \"%s\"\n",member->m_name);
239 | length+=lstrlen(buffer+length);
240 | }
241 | lstrcpy(buffer+length,"\t\tEnd Select\n");
242 | length+=lstrlen(buffer+length);
243 | lstrcpy(buffer+length,"\tEnd Function\n");
244 | length+=lstrlen(buffer+length);
245 |
246 |
247 | sprintf(buffer+length,"\tSub Operator= (ByRef value As %s)\n",enumInfo.TypeName);
248 | length+=lstrlen(buffer+length);
249 | lstrcpy(buffer+length,"\t\tThis.Copy(ByVal VarPtr(value))\n");
250 | length+=lstrlen(buffer+length);
251 | lstrcpy(buffer+length,"\tEnd Sub\n");
252 | length+=lstrlen(buffer+length);
253 |
254 | sprintf(buffer+length,"\tSub Operator= (ByRef value As String)\n",enumInfo.TypeName);
255 | length+=lstrlen(buffer+length);
256 | lstrcpy(buffer+length,"\t\tSelect Case value\n");
257 | length+=lstrlen(buffer+length);
258 | for(i2=0;i2<enumInfo.iEnumMemberNum;i2++){
259 | CEnumMember *member;
260 | member=enumInfo.ppobj_EnumMember[i2];
261 |
262 | sprintf(buffer+length,"\t\t\tCase \"%s\"\n",member->m_name);
263 | length+=lstrlen(buffer+length);
264 | sprintf(buffer+length,"\t\t\t\tThis=%s.%s\n",enumInfo.TypeName,member->m_name);
265 | length+=lstrlen(buffer+length);
266 | }
267 | lstrcpy(buffer+length,"\t\tEnd Select\n");
268 | length+=lstrlen(buffer+length);
269 | lstrcpy(buffer+length,"\tEnd Sub\n");
270 | length+=lstrlen(buffer+length);
271 |
272 | sprintf(buffer+length,"\tSub Operator= (value As Long)\n",enumInfo.TypeName);
273 | length+=lstrlen(buffer+length);
274 | lstrcpy(buffer+length,"\t\tm_Value=value\n");
275 | length+=lstrlen(buffer+length);
276 | lstrcpy(buffer+length,"\tEnd Sub\n");
277 | length+=lstrlen(buffer+length);*/
278 |
279 | lstrcpy(buffer+length,"End Class\n");
280 | length+=lstrlen(buffer+length);
281 |
282 | BOOST_FOREACH( const string &namespaceStr, enumInfo.GetNamespaceScopes() ){
283 | lstrcpy( buffer+length, "End Namespace\n" );
284 | length+=lstrlen(buffer+length);
285 | }
286 |
287 |
288 | //バッファ領域が足りなくなった場合はバッファを増量する
289 | if(length>MaxSize){
290 | MaxSize+=65535;
291 | buffer=(char *)HeapReAlloc(hHeap,0,buffer,MaxSize+65535);
292 | }
293 | }
294 |
295 | #ifdef _DEBUG
296 | // ログを生成
297 | Jenga::Common::Logger logger( Jenga::Common::Environment::GetAppDir() + "\\enum_generated.log", false );
298 | logger << buffer << endl;
299 | #endif
300 |
301 | return buffer;
302 | }