/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // プロジェクト管理で使用する汎用テキストを定義しています // // 英語 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////// // 削除メッセージ ////////////////// #define STRING_PJ_CHECK_DELETECURSOR "Delete the Cursor(%s) from the Project?" #define STRING_PJ_CHECK_DELETEBITMAP "Delete the Bitmap(%s) from the Project?" #define STRING_PJ_CHECK_DELETEICON "Delete the Icon(%s) from the Project?" #define STRING_PJ_CHECK_DELETEMENU "Delete the Menu(%s) from the Project?" #define STRING_PJ_CHECK_DELETEWINDOW "Delete the Window(%s) from the Project?" //////////////////////// // 重複エラーメッセージ //////////////////////// #define STRING_DUPLICATIONERROR_ID_IN_PROJECT "\"%s\" ID already exists in a project." #define STRING_DUPLICATIONERROR_FILE_IN_PROJECT "\"%s\" file already exists in a project." #define STRING_DUPLICATIONERROR_WINDOW_IN_PROJECT "\"%s\" window already exists in a project." #define STRING_DUPLICATIONERROR_HANDLE_IN_PROJECT "\"%s\" handle already exists in a project." #define STRING_DUPLICATIONERROR_PROC_IN_PROJECT "\"%s\" procedure already exists in a project." ////////////////////////// // 保存チェックメッセージ ////////////////////////// #define STRING_MODIFYCHECK_PROJECT "\"%s\" project was modified. Save it?" ////////////////////////// // その他エラーメッセージ ////////////////////////// #define STRING_ERROR_CANT_MAINFILE "This is a main source file in the project. You can't delete it from the project." #define STRING_ERROR_MAKEDIRECTORY "Creation of the directory did not succeed." #define STRING_ERROR_PROJECT_OVERWRITE "The project already exists. Overwrite it?" #define STRING_ERROR_BROKEN_PROJECT "The project file was corrupted." #define STRING_ERROR_NOFILE "A file does not exist in a project." #define STRING_ERROR_BROKEN_WNDFILE "The file(*.wnd) was corrupted.\n\n%s" ////////////////// // その他 ////////////////// #define STRING_PROJECT_SAVING "Writing the project..." #define STRING_RENAME_ID "Rename ID"