/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // アプリケーションで使用する汎用テキストを定義しています // // 英語 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////// // 汎用 //////// #define STRING_NONE "None" #define STRING_DEFAULT "Default" #define STRING_ERROR "Error" #define STRING_PROJECT "Project" #define STRING_RESOURCE "Resource" #define STRING_SIZE "Size" #define STRING_OPTION "Options" #define STRING_PROJECTOPTION "Project Options" //////// // 単位 //////// #define STRING_UNIT_COLORS "colors" #define STRING_MORNING "A.M." #define STRING_AFTERNOON "P.M." ////////////////// // ファイルタイプ ////////////////// #define STRING_FILETYPE_BASICPROGRAM "Basic Program" #define STRING_FILETYPE_SUBPROGRAM "Sub Program" #define STRING_FILETYPE_TEXT "Text Document" #define STRING_FILETYPE_UNKNOWN "Unknown" #define STRING_NEWFILE_BASICPROGRAM "Basic source file (*.abp / *.bas)" #define STRING_NEWFILE_TEXT "Text file (*.txt)" #define STRING_NEWFILE_ICON "Icon file (*.ico)" #define STRING_NEWFILE_PROJECT "Project (*.pj)" //////////////////////////////////////////////// // ファイルオープンダイアログボックスのタイトル //////////////////////////////////////////////// #define STRING_FILEOPENTITLE_DEFAULT "Open the file" #define STRING_FILEOPENTITLE_INSERTEDPROJECT "Open the file inserted in the project" #define STRING_FILEOPENTITLE_PROJECT "Open the project file" #define STRING_FILEOPENTITLE_CURSOR "Open the cursor file" #define STRING_FILEOPENTITLE_ICON "Open the icon file" #define STRING_FILEOPENTITLE_BITMAP "Open the bitmap file" #define STRING_FILESAVETITLE_DEFAULT "Save As" #define STRING_DIRECTORY_SELECT "Select the Directory." ////////////////////////// // 保存チェックメッセージ ////////////////////////// #define STRING_MODIFYCHECK_FILE "\"%s\" file was modified. Save it?" /////////////////// // 検索メッセージ /////////////////// #define STRING_SEARCH_AGAIN "Search again from head of the file?" #define STRING_SEARCH_NOTFOUND "\"%s\" was not found." //////////////////////// // 汎用エラーメッセージ //////////////////////// #define STRING_ERROR_MUST_IDNAME "You must enter the id name." #define STRING_ERROR_MUST_CAPTION "You must enter the caption." #define STRING_ERROR_CANT_FILEOPEN "I cannot read the file \"%s\"." #define STRING_ERROR_CANT_FILESAVE "I cannot write to file \"%s\"." #define STRING_FILE_OVERWRIDE "\"%s\" file already exists. Overwrite it?" #define STRING_ERROR_MAXLENGTH "The length of text is max. You cannot input more text." #define STRING_ERROR_NOBASICCOMPILER "BasicCompiler was not found." #define STRING_ERROR_PROJECTTOPCHAR "The head character of a project name must be the alphabet(A-Z,a-Z) or the underbar(_)." #define STRING_ERROR_PROJECTNAME "Illegal character found from the project name" ///////////////////// // その他メッセージ ///////////////////// #define STRING_TOOLBAR_RESET "Reset the state of the toolbar.\nReally?"