1 | ' Classes/System/Drawing/Color.ab
2 |
5 |
6 | #include <GdiplusTypes.ab>
7 | #include <Classes/System/Math.ab>
8 | #include <Classes/System/Drawing/Imaging/misc.ab>
9 |
10 | Namespace System
11 | Namespace Drawing
12 |
13 | Class Color
14 | Public
15 | Sub Color()
16 | argb = MakeARGB(255, 0, 0, 0) 'Black
17 | End Sub
18 |
19 | Sub Color(r As Byte, g As Byte, b As Byte)
20 | argb = MakeARGB(255, r, g, b)
21 | End Sub
22 |
23 | Sub Color(a As Byte, r As Byte, g As Byte, b As Byte)
24 | argb = MakeARGB(a, r, g, b)
25 | End Sub
26 |
27 | Sub Color(newArgb As Gdiplus.ARGB)
28 | argb = newArgb
29 | End Sub
30 |
31 | Function Operator ==(c As Color) As Boolean
32 | Return Equals(c)
33 | End Function
34 |
35 | Function Operator <>(c As Color) As Boolean
36 | Return Not Equals(c)
37 | End Function
38 |
39 | Function A() As Byte
40 | Return (argb >> ALPHA_SHIFT) As Byte
41 | End Function
42 |
43 | Function R() As Byte
44 | Return (argb >> RED_SHIFT) As Byte
45 | End Function
46 |
47 | Function G() As Byte
48 | Return (argb >> GREEN_SHIFT) As Byte
49 | End Function
50 |
51 | Function B() As Byte
52 | Return (argb >> BLUE_SHIFT) As Byte
53 | End Function
54 |
55 | Function Value() As Gdiplus.ARGB
56 | Return argb
57 | End Function
58 |
59 | Sub Value(value As Gdiplus.ARGB)
60 | argb = value
61 | End Sub
62 |
63 | Sub SetFromCOLORREF(rgb As COLORREF)
64 | If (rgb And &hff000000) = &h01000000 Then
65 | Exit Sub ' パレットインデックス指定は無効
66 | Else
67 | argb = Color_MakeARGB(255, GetRValue(rgb), GetGValue(rgb), GetBValue(rgb))
68 | End If
69 | End Sub
70 |
71 | Function ToCOLORREF() As COLORREF
72 | ToCOLORREF = RGB(R, G, B)
73 | End Function
74 |
75 | Function ToArgb() As Gdiplus.ARGB
76 | Return argb
77 | End Function
78 |
79 | Static Function FromArgb(argb As Gdiplus.ARGB) As Color
80 | Dim c As Color(argb)
81 | Rteurn c
82 | End Function
83 |
84 | Static Function FromArgb(a As Byte, base As Color) As Color
85 | Dim c As Color(a, base.R, base.G, base.B)
86 | Return c
87 | End Function
88 |
89 | Static Function FromArgb(r As Byte, g As Byte, b As Byte) As Color
90 | Dim c As Color(r, g, b)
91 | Return c
92 | End Function
93 |
94 | Static Function FromArgb(a As Byte, r As Byte, g As Byte, b As Byte) As Color
95 | Dim c As Color(a, r, g, b)
96 | Return c
97 | End Function
98 |
99 | Override Function GetHashCode() As Long
100 | Return argb As Long
101 | End Function
102 |
103 | Function Equals(c As Color) As Boolean
104 | Return argb = c.argb
105 | End Function
106 |
107 | ' HSBを求める式はhttp://ofo.jp/osakana/cgtips/hsb.phtmlを参考にしました。
108 | Function GetHue() As Single
109 | Dim max As Long, min As Long, d As Long
110 | max = Math.Max(Math.Max(r, g), b)
111 | min = Math.Min(Math.Min(r, g), b)
112 | d = max - min
113 | If g = max Then
114 | Return (b - r) As Double / d * 60 + 120
115 | ElseIf b = max Then
116 | Return (r - g) As Double / d * 60 + 240
117 | ElseIf g < b Then
118 | Return (g - b) As Double / d * 60 + 360
119 | Else
120 | Return (g - b) As Double / d * 60
121 | EndIf
122 | End Function
123 |
124 | Function GetSaturation() As Single
125 | Dim max As Long, min As Long
126 | max = Math.Max(Math.Max(r, g), b)
127 | min = Math.Min(Math.Min(r, g), b)
128 | Return (max - min) / max
129 | End Function
130 |
131 | Function GetBrightness() As Single
132 | Dim max As Long
133 | max = Math.Max(Math.Max(r, g), b)
134 | Return max * (1 / 255)
135 | End Function
136 |
137 | /*
138 | ' Common color constants
139 | Const Enum
140 | AliceBlue = &hFFF0F8FF
141 | AntiqueWhite = &hFFFAEBD7
142 | Aqua = &hFF00FFFF
143 | Aquamarine = &hFF7FFFD4
144 | Azure = &hFFF0FFFF
145 | Beige = &hFFF5F5DC
146 | Bisque = &hFFFFE4C4
147 | Black = &hFF000000
148 | BlanchedAlmond = &hFFFFEBCD
149 | Blue = &hFF0000FF
150 | BlueViolet = &hFF8A2BE2
151 | Brown = &hFFA52A2A
152 | BurlyWood = &hFFDEB887
153 | CadetBlue = &hFF5F9EA0
154 | Chartreuse = &hFF7FFF00
155 | Chocolate = &hFFD2691E
156 | Coral = &hFFFF7F50
157 | CornflowerBlue = &hFF6495ED
158 | Cornsilk = &hFFFFF8DC
159 | Crimson = &hFFDC143C
160 | Cyan = &hFF00FFFF
161 | DarkBlue = &hFF00008B
162 | DarkCyan = &hFF008B8B
163 | DarkGoldenrod = &hFFB8860B
164 | DarkGray = &hFFA9A9A9
165 | DarkGreen = &hFF006400
166 | DarkKhaki = &hFFBDB76B
167 | DarkMagenta = &hFF8B008B
168 | DarkOliveGreen = &hFF556B2F
169 | DarkOrange = &hFFFF8C00
170 | DarkOrchid = &hFF9932CC
171 | DarkRed = &hFF8B0000
172 | DarkSalmon = &hFFE9967A
173 | DarkSeaGreen = &hFF8FBC8B
174 | DarkSlateBlue = &hFF483D8B
175 | DarkSlateGray = &hFF2F4F4F
176 | DarkTurquoise = &hFF00CED1
177 | DarkViolet = &hFF9400D3
178 | DeepPink = &hFFFF1493
179 | DeepSkyBlue = &hFF00BFFF
180 | DimGray = &hFF696969
181 | DodgerBlue = &hFF1E90FF
182 | Firebrick = &hFFB22222
183 | FloralWhite = &hFFFFFAF0
184 | ForestGreen = &hFF228B22
185 | Fuchsia = &hFFFF00FF
186 | Gainsboro = &hFFDCDCDC
187 | GhostWhite = &hFFF8F8FF
188 | Gold = &hFFFFD700
189 | Goldenrod = &hFFDAA520
190 | Gray = &hFF808080
191 | Green = &hFF008000
192 | GreenYellow = &hFFADFF2F
193 | Honeydew = &hFFF0FFF0
194 | HotPink = &hFFFF69B4
195 | IndianRed = &hFFCD5C5C
196 | Indigo = &hFF4B0082
197 | Ivory = &hFFFFFFF0
198 | Khaki = &hFFF0E68C
199 | Lavender = &hFFE6E6FA
200 | LavenderBlush = &hFFFFF0F5
201 | LawnGreen = &hFF7CFC00
202 | LemonChiffon = &hFFFFFACD
203 | LightBlue = &hFFADD8E6
204 | LightCoral = &hFFF08080
205 | LightCyan = &hFFE0FFFF
206 | LightGoldenrodYellow = &hFFFAFAD2
207 | LightGray = &hFFD3D3D3
208 | LightGreen = &hFF90EE90
209 | LightPink = &hFFFFB6C1
210 | LightSalmon = &hFFFFA07A
211 | LightSeaGreen = &hFF20B2AA
212 | LightSkyBlue = &hFF87CEFA
213 | LightSlateGray = &hFF778899
214 | LightSteelBlue = &hFFB0C4DE
215 | LightYellow = &hFFFFFFE0
216 | Lime = &hFF00FF00
217 | LimeGreen = &hFF32CD32
218 | Linen = &hFFFAF0E6
219 | Magenta = &hFFFF00FF
220 | Maroon = &hFF800000
221 | MediumAquamarine = &hFF66CDAA
222 | MediumBlue = &hFF0000CD
223 | MediumOrchid = &hFFBA55D3
224 | MediumPurple = &hFF9370DB
225 | MediumSeaGreen = &hFF3CB371
226 | MediumSlateBlue = &hFF7B68EE
227 | MediumSpringGreen = &hFF00FA9A
228 | MediumTurquoise = &hFF48D1CC
229 | MediumVioletRed = &hFFC71585
230 | MidnightBlue = &hFF191970
231 | MintCream = &hFFF5FFFA
232 | MistyRose = &hFFFFE4E1
233 | Moccasin = &hFFFFE4B5
234 | NavajoWhite = &hFFFFDEAD
235 | Navy = &hFF000080
236 | OldLace = &hFFFDF5E6
237 | Olive = &hFF808000
238 | OliveDrab = &hFF6B8E23
239 | Orange = &hFFFFA500
240 | OrangeRed = &hFFFF4500
241 | Orchid = &hFFDA70D6
242 | PaleGoldenrod = &hFFEEE8AA
243 | PaleGreen = &hFF98FB98
244 | PaleTurquoise = &hFFAFEEEE
245 | PaleVioletRed = &hFFDB7093
246 | PapayaWhip = &hFFFFEFD5
247 | PeachPuff = &hFFFFDAB9
248 | Peru = &hFFCD853F
249 | Pink = &hFFFFC0CB
250 | Plum = &hFFDDA0DD
251 | PowderBlue = &hFFB0E0E6
252 | Purple = &hFF800080
253 | Red = &hFFFF0000
254 | RosyBrown = &hFFBC8F8F
255 | RoyalBlue = &hFF4169E1
256 | SaddleBrown = &hFF8B4513
257 | Salmon = &hFFFA8072
258 | SandyBrown = &hFFF4A460
259 | SeaGreen = &hFF2E8B57
260 | SeaShell = &hFFFFF5EE
261 | Sienna = &hFFA0522D
262 | Silver = &hFFC0C0C0
263 | SkyBlue = &hFF87CEEB
264 | SlateBlue = &hFF6A5ACD
265 | SlateGray = &hFF708090
266 | Snow = &hFFFFFAFA
267 | SpringGreen = &hFF00FF7F
268 | SteelBlue = &hFF4682B4
269 | Tan = &hFFD2B48C
270 | Teal = &hFF008080
271 | Thistle = &hFFD8BFD8
272 | Tomato = &hFFFF6347
273 | Transparent = &h00FFFFFF
274 | Turquoise = &hFF40E0D0
275 | Violet = &hFFEE82EE
276 | Wheat = &hFFF5DEB3
277 | White = &hFFFFFFFF
278 | WhiteSmoke = &hFFF5F5F5
279 | Yellow = &hFFFFFF00
280 | YellowGreen = &hFF9ACD32
281 | End Enum
282 |
283 | ' Shift count and bit mask for A, R, G, B components
284 |
285 | Const Enum
286 | AlphaShift = 24
287 | RedShift = 16
288 | GreenShift = 8
289 | BlueShift = 0
290 | End Enum
291 |
292 | Const Enum
293 | AlphaMask = &hff000000
294 | RedMask = &h00ff0000
295 | GreenMask = &h0000ff00
296 | BlueMask = &h000000ff
297 | End Enum
298 | */
299 | Static Function MakeARGB(a As Byte, r As Byte, g As Byte, b As Byte) As Gdiplus.ARGB
300 | MakeARGB = (((b As Gdiplus.ARGB) << Gdiplus.BLUE_SHIFT) Or _
301 | ((g As Gdiplus.ARGB) << Gdiplus.GREEN_SHIFT) Or _
302 | ((r As Gdiplus.ARGB) << Gdiplus.RED_SHIFT) Or _
303 | ((a As Gdiplus.ARGB) << Gdiplus.ALPHA_SHIFT))
304 | End Function
305 |
306 | Protected
307 | argb As Gdiplus.ARGB
308 | End Class
309 |
310 | End Namespace 'Drawing
311 | End Namespace 'System
312 |
313 | #endif '__SYSTEM_DRAWING_COLOR_AB__