1 | /*
2 | このファイルでは、ABのガベージコレクションの実装を行います。
3 | */
4 |
5 |
6 | /*
7 | ※これらの変数はコンパイラが自動的に定義します。
8 | Dim _System_gc_GlobalRoot_StartPtr As VoidPtr
9 | Dim _System_gc_GlobalRoot_Size As Long
10 | Dim _System_gc_StackRoot_StartPtr As VoidPtr
11 | */
12 |
13 | Function _System_GetSp() As LONG_PTR 'dummy
14 | End Function
15 |
16 |
17 | Const _System_GC_FLAG_ATOMIC = 1
18 | Const _System_GC_FLAG_NEEDFREE = 2
19 | Const _System_GC_FLAG_INITZERO = 4
20 | Const _System_GC_FLAG_OBJECT = 8
21 |
22 | Class _System_CGarbageCollection
23 | ppPtr As *VoidPtr
24 | pSize As *SIZE_T
25 | pdwFlags As *DWord
26 | n As Long
27 |
28 | iAllSize As SIZE_T
29 |
30 | isSweeping As Boolean
31 |
32 | CriticalSection As CRITICAL_SECTION
33 |
34 | 'メモリの上限値(この値を超えるとGCが発動します)
35 | '※バイト単位
36 | limitMemorySize As LONG_PTR
37 |
38 | isFinish As Boolean
39 |
40 | Public
41 |
42 | ' 特殊クラスのため、コンストラクタ・デストラクタは呼ばれません
43 | Sub _System_CGarbageCollection()
44 | End Sub
45 | Sub ~_System_CGarbageCollection()
46 | End Sub
47 |
48 | Sub Begin()
49 | If ppPtr Then Exit Sub
50 |
51 | isFinish = False
52 |
53 | 'メモリの上限値(この値を超えるとGCが発動します)
54 | '※バイト単位
55 | limitMemorySize = 1024*1024 As LONG_PTR
56 |
57 | ppPtr=_System_calloc( 1 )
58 | pSize=_System_calloc( 1 )
59 | pdwFlags=_System_calloc( 1 )
60 | n=0
61 |
62 | iAllSize=0
63 |
64 | ' スウィープ中かどうか
65 | isSweeping = False
66 |
67 | 'クリティカルセッションを生成
68 | InitializeCriticalSection(CriticalSection)
69 |
70 |
71 | '---------------------------
72 | ' 開始時のスレッドを通知
73 | '---------------------------
74 | Dim hTargetThread As HANDLE
75 | DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(),
76 | GetCurrentThread(),
77 | GetCurrentProcess(),
78 | hTargetThread, 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS) 'カレントスレッドのハンドルを複製
79 |
80 | ' スレッド管理用オブジェクトを生成
81 | _System_pobj_AllThreads = New _System_CThreadCollection()
82 |
83 | ' 自身のThreadオブジェクトを生成
84 | Dim thread As Thread(hTargetThread,GetCurrentThreadId(),0)
85 |
86 | _System_pobj_AllThreads->BeginThread(VarPtr( thread ),_System_gc_StackRoot_StartPtr As *LONG_PTR)
87 |
88 | End Sub
89 | Sub Finish()
90 | If ppPtr=0 Then Exit Sub
91 |
92 | isFinish = True
93 |
94 | ' スレッド管理用オブジェクトを破棄
95 | Delete _System_pobj_AllThreads
96 |
97 | ' 自分以外のスレッドを一時停止
98 | '_System_pobj_AllThreads->SuspendAnotherThread()
99 |
100 | OutputDebugString( Ex"garbage colletion sweeping all memory objects!\r\n" )
101 | DeleteAllGarbageMemories()
102 |
103 | ' 未解放のメモリオブジェクトをトレース
104 | DumpMemoryLeaks()
105 |
106 | ' 自分以外のスレッドを再開
107 | '_System_pobj_AllThreads->ResumeAnotherThread()
108 |
109 | HeapFree(_System_hProcessHeap,0,ppPtr)
110 | ppPtr=0
111 |
112 | HeapFree(_System_hProcessHeap,0,pSize)
113 | pSize=0
114 | HeapFree(_System_hProcessHeap,0,pdwFlags)
115 | pdwFlags=0
116 |
117 | 'クリティカルセッションを破棄
118 | DeleteCriticalSection(CriticalSection)
119 |
120 | End Sub
121 |
122 | Sub add(new_ptr As VoidPtr, size As SIZE_T, flags As DWord)
123 | iAllSize+=size
124 |
125 | EnterCriticalSection(CriticalSection)
126 | ppPtr=HeapReAlloc(_System_hProcessHeap,0,ppPtr,(n+1)*SizeOf(VoidPtr))
127 | ppPtr[n]=new_ptr
128 |
129 | pSize=HeapReAlloc(_System_hProcessHeap,0,pSize,(n+1)*SizeOf(SIZE_T))
130 | pSize[n]=size
131 |
132 | pdwFlags=HeapReAlloc(_System_hProcessHeap,0,pdwFlags,(n+1)*SizeOf(DWord))
133 | pdwFlags[n]=flags
134 | LeaveCriticalSection(CriticalSection)
135 |
136 | n++
137 | End Sub
138 |
139 |
140 | Function __malloc(size As SIZE_T,flags As Byte) As VoidPtr
141 | EnterCriticalSection(CriticalSection)
142 | Dim dwFlags As DWord
143 | If flags and _System_GC_FLAG_INITZERO Then
144 | dwFlags=HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY
145 | Else
146 | dwFlags=0
147 | End If
148 |
149 | Dim ptr = HeapAlloc(_System_hProcessHeap,dwFlags,size)
150 | add( ptr, size, flags )
151 | LeaveCriticalSection(CriticalSection)
152 |
153 | Return ptr
154 | End Function
155 |
156 | Function __realloc(lpMem As VoidPtr, size As SIZE_T) As VoidPtr
157 | EnterCriticalSection(CriticalSection)
158 | Dim i As Long
159 | For i=0 To ELM(n)
160 | If ppPtr[i]=lpMem Then
161 | iAllSize+=size-pSize[i]
162 |
163 | pSize[i]=size
164 | ppPtr[i]=HeapReAlloc(_System_hProcessHeap,HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,lpMem,size)
165 |
166 | LeaveCriticalSection(CriticalSection)
167 | Return ppPtr[i]
168 | End If
169 | Next
170 | LeaveCriticalSection(CriticalSection)
171 | Return 0
172 | End Function
173 |
174 | Sub __free_ex(lpMem As VoidPtr, isSweeping As Boolean)
175 | EnterCriticalSection(CriticalSection)
176 | Dim i As Long
177 | For i=0 To ELM(n)
178 | If ppPtr[i]=lpMem Then
179 | If (pdwFlags[i] and _System_GC_FLAG_NEEDFREE)<>0 or isSweeping Then
180 | iAllSize-=pSize[i]
181 |
182 | HeapFree(_System_hProcessHeap,0,ppPtr[i])
183 | ppPtr[i]=0
184 | pSize[i]=0
185 | Else
186 | If isFinish = False Then
187 | OutputDebugString( Ex"heap free missing!\r\n" )
188 | End If
189 | End If
190 | End If
191 | Next
192 | LeaveCriticalSection(CriticalSection)
193 | End Sub
194 |
195 | Sub __free(lpMem As VoidPtr)
196 | __free_ex( lpMem, False )
197 | End Sub
198 |
199 | Sub sweep()
200 | EnterCriticalSection(CriticalSection)
201 | If iAllSize<limitMemorySize Then
202 | 'メモリ使用量が上限値を超えていないとき
203 | LeaveCriticalSection(CriticalSection)
204 | Exit Sub
205 | End If
206 |
207 | OutputDebugString( Ex"garbage colletion sweep start!\r\n" )
208 |
209 | Dim hThread As HANDLE
210 | Dim ThreadId As DWord
211 | hThread=_beginthreadex(NULL,0,AddressOf(SweepOnOtherThread),VarPtr(This),0,ThreadId)
212 | WaitForSingleObject(hThread,INFINITE)
213 | CloseHandle(hThread)
214 | LeaveCriticalSection(CriticalSection)
215 | End Sub
216 |
217 | Private
218 |
219 | ' 生存検知
220 | Function HitTest(pSample As VoidPtr) As Long
221 | Dim i As Long
222 | For i=0 To ELM(n)
223 | If (ppPtr[i] As LONG_PTR)<=(pSample As LONG_PTR) and (pSample As LONG_PTR)<((ppPtr[i] As LONG_PTR)+pSize[i]) Then
224 | Return i
225 | End If
226 | Next
227 | Return -1
228 | End Function
229 |
230 | ' 指定領域のスキャン
231 | Sub Scan(pStartPtr As *LONG_PTR, size As LONG_PTR, pbMark As *Byte)
232 | Dim i As Long, count As Long, index As Long
233 | count=(size\SizeOf(LONG_PTR)) As Long
234 | For i=0 To ELM(count)
235 | index=HitTest(pStartPtr[i] As VoidPtr)
236 | If index<>-1 Then
237 | If pbMark[index]=0 Then
238 | pbMark[index]=1
239 |
240 | If (pdwFlags[index] and _System_GC_FLAG_ATOMIC)=0 Then
241 | 'ヒープ領域がポインタ値を含む可能性があるとき
242 | If ppPtr[index] = 0 Then
243 | 'エラー
244 |
245 | End If
246 | Scan(ppPtr[index] As *LONG_PTR,pSize[index],pbMark)
247 | End If
248 | End If
249 | End If
250 | Next
251 | End Sub
252 |
253 | ' ローカル領域をルートに指定してスキャン
254 | Sub LocalScan( pbMark As *Byte )
255 | Dim Context As CONTEXT
256 | Dim NowSp As *LONG_PTR
257 | Dim size As LONG_PTR
258 | Dim i As Long
259 | For i=0 To ELM(_System_pobj_AllThreads->ThreadNum)
260 | If _System_pobj_AllThreads->ppobj_Thread[i] Then
261 | FillMemory(VarPtr(Context),SizeOf(CONTEXT),0)
262 | Context.ContextFlags=CONTEXT_CONTROL
263 | If _System_pobj_AllThreads->ppobj_Thread[i]->__GetContext(Context)=0 Then
264 | OutputDebugString(Ex"レジスタ情報の取得に失敗しました。\r\n")
265 | End If
266 |
267 | #ifdef _WIN64
268 | NowSp=Context.Rsp As *LONG_PTR
269 | #else
270 | NowSp=Context.Esp As *LONG_PTR
271 | #endif
272 |
273 | size=(_System_pobj_AllThreads->pStackBase[i] As LONG_PTR)-(NowSp As LONG_PTR)
274 |
275 | If NowSp = 0 Then
276 | debug
277 | Exit Sub
278 | End If
279 |
280 | Scan( NowSp, size, pbMark )
281 | End If
282 | Next
283 | End Sub
284 |
285 | Sub DeleteGarbageMemories( pbMark As *Byte )
286 |
287 | Dim isAllDelete = False
288 | If pbMark = NULL Then
289 | ' すべてを破棄するとき
290 | isAllDelete = True
291 | pbMark = _System_calloc( n )
292 | End If
293 |
294 | Dim i As Long
295 | For i=0 To ELM(n)
296 | If pbMark[i]=0 and ppPtr[i]<>0 and (pdwFlags[i] and _System_GC_FLAG_NEEDFREE)=0 Then
297 | If ppPtr[i] = 0 Then
298 | If isAllDelete Then
299 | Continue
300 | Else
301 | debug
302 | End If
303 | End If
304 |
305 | Dim ptr = ppPtr[i]
306 | Dim size = pSize[i]
307 |
308 | ppPtr[i]=0
309 | pSize[i]=0
310 |
311 | If (pdwFlags[i] and _System_GC_FLAG_OBJECT) <> 0 Then
312 | /* ・オブジェクトの個数
313 | ・オブジェクトのサイズ
314 | ・デストラクタの関数ポインタ
315 | を考慮 */
316 | _System_SweepingDelete (ptr + SizeOf( LONG_PTR ) * 3 )
317 | Else
318 | iAllSize-=size
319 | HeapFree(_System_hProcessHeap,0,ptr)
320 | End If
321 | End If
322 | Next
323 |
324 | If isAllDelete Then
325 | _System_free( pbMark )
326 | End If
327 |
328 | End Sub
329 |
330 | Sub DeleteAllGarbageMemories()
331 | DeleteGarbageMemories( NULL )
332 | End Sub
333 |
334 | Sub Compaction()
335 | Dim i As Long, i2 = 0 As Long
336 | For i=0 To ELM(n)
337 | ppPtr[i2] = ppPtr[i]
338 | pSize[i2] = pSize[i]
339 | pdwFlags[i2] = pdwFlags[i]
340 |
341 | If ppPtr[i] Then
342 | i2++
343 | End If
344 | Next
345 | n = i2
346 | End Sub
347 |
348 | ' スウィープ(新規スレッドで呼び出し)
349 | Function Cdecl SweepOnOtherThread() As Long
350 |
351 | ' すべてのスレッドを一時停止
352 | _System_pobj_AllThreads->SuspendAllThread()
353 |
354 | ' マークリストを生成
355 | Dim pbMark = HeapAlloc(_System_hProcessHeap,HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,n*SizeOf(Byte)) As *Byte
356 |
357 | ' グローバル領域をルートに指定してスキャン
358 | Scan( _System_gc_GlobalRoot_StartPtr, _System_gc_GlobalRoot_Size, pbMark )
359 |
360 | ' ローカル領域をルートに指定してスキャン
361 | LocalScan( pbMark )
362 |
363 | ' スウィープ前のメモリサイズを退避
364 | Dim iBackAllSize = iAllSize
365 |
366 | ' スウィープ前のメモリオブジェクトの数
367 | Dim iBeforeN = n
368 |
369 | '使われていないメモリを解放する
370 | DeleteGarbageMemories(pbMark)
371 |
372 | 'コンパクション
373 | Compaction()
374 |
375 | 'マークリストを解放
376 | HeapFree(_System_hProcessHeap,0,pbMark)
377 |
378 | If iBackAllSize=iAllSize Then
379 | If iAllSize > limitMemorySize Then
380 | limitMemorySize = iAllSize
381 | End If
382 |
383 | '許容量を拡張する
384 | limitMemorySize *= 2
385 |
386 | OutputDebugString( Ex"memory size is extended for gc!\r\n" )
387 | End If
388 |
389 | Dim temp[100] As Char
390 | wsprintf(temp,Ex"object items ... %d -> %d ( %dMB -> %dMB )\r\n",iBeforeN,n, iBackAllSize\1024\1024, iAllSize\1024\1024)
391 | OutputDebugString( temp )
392 | wsprintf(temp,Ex"limit size of memory ... %d\r\n",limitMemorySize)
393 | OutputDebugString( temp )
394 | OutputDebugString( Ex"garbage colletion sweep finish!\r\n" )
395 |
396 |
397 | '-------------------------------------
398 | ' すべてのスレッドを再開
399 | '-------------------------------------
400 | _System_pobj_AllThreads->ResumeAllThread()
401 | End Function
402 |
403 | ' 未解放のメモリオブジェクトをトレース
404 | Sub DumpMemoryLeaks()
405 | Dim isLeak = False
406 | Dim i As Long
407 | For i=0 To ELM(n)
408 | If ppPtr[i] Then
409 | If (pdwFlags[i] and _System_GC_FLAG_NEEDFREE)<>0 Then
410 | If isLeak = False Then
411 | OutputDebugString( Ex"Detected memory leaks!\r\n" )
412 | isLeak = True
413 | End If
414 |
415 | Dim temp[100] As Char
416 | OutputDebugString( Ex"heap free missing!\r\n" )
417 | wsprintf(temp,Ex"{%d} normal block at &H%08X, %d bytes long.\r\n", i, ppPtr[i], pSize[i])
418 | OutputDebugString( temp )
419 | End If
420 | End If
421 | Next
422 |
423 | If isLeak Then
424 | OutputDebugString( Ex"Object dump complete.\r\n" )
425 | End If
426 |
427 | End Sub
428 |
429 | End Class
430 |
431 | 'GC管理用の特殊なシステムオブジェクト(デストラクタは最終のタイミングで呼び出されます)
432 | Dim _System_pGC As *_System_CGarbageCollection
433 |
434 |
435 |
436 | Function GC_malloc(size As Long) As VoidPtr
437 | ' sweep
438 | _System_pGC->sweep()
439 |
440 | 'allocate
441 | Return _System_pGC->__malloc(size,0)
442 | End Function
443 |
444 | Function GC_malloc_atomic(size As Long) As VoidPtr
445 | ' sweep
446 | _System_pGC->sweep()
447 |
448 | 'allocate
449 | Return _System_pGC->__malloc(size,_System_GC_FLAG_ATOMIC)
450 | End Function
451 |
452 | Function _System_GC_malloc_ForObject(size As Long) As VoidPtr
453 | ' sweep
454 | _System_pGC->sweep()
455 |
456 | 'allocate
457 | Return _System_pGC->__malloc(size,_System_GC_FLAG_OBJECT or _System_GC_FLAG_INITZERO)
458 | End Function
459 |
460 | Function _System_GC_malloc_ForObjectPtr(size As Long) As VoidPtr
461 | ' sweep
462 | _System_pGC->sweep()
463 |
464 | 'allocate
465 | Return _System_pGC->__malloc(size,_System_GC_FLAG_OBJECT or _System_GC_FLAG_INITZERO or _System_GC_FLAG_NEEDFREE)
466 | End Function
467 |
468 | Function _System_GC_free_for_SweepingDelete( ptr As *Object )
469 | ' free
470 | _System_pGC->__free_ex( ptr, True )
471 | End Function