1 | #ifndef __OLE2_AB__
2 | #define __OLE2_AB__
3 |
4 | TypeDef CLIPFORMAT = Word
5 |
6 | ' 暫定措置
7 | Interface IDataObject
8 | Inherits IUnknown
9 | End Interface
10 |
11 | Interface IOleClientSite
12 | Inherits IUnknown
13 | End Interface
14 |
15 | Interface IAdviseSink
16 | Inherits IUnknown
17 | End Interface
18 |
19 | Interface IPersistStorage
20 | Inherits IUnknown
21 | End Interface
22 |
23 | Interface IPersistStream
24 | Inherits IUnknown
25 | End Interface
26 |
27 | Interface IDropTarget
28 | Inherits IUnknown
29 | End Interface
30 |
31 | Interface IDropSource
32 | Inherits IUnknown
33 | End Interface
34 |
35 | Interface IOleInPlaceFrame
36 | Inherits IUnknown
37 | End Interface
38 |
39 | Interface IOleInPlaceActiveObject
40 | Inherits IUnknown
41 | End Interface
42 |
43 | Interface IOleObject
44 | Inherits IUnknown
45 | End Interface
46 |
47 | Interface IOleAdviseHolder
48 | Inherits IUnknown
49 | End Interface
50 |
51 | Interface IEnumFORMATETC
52 | Inherits IUnknown
53 | End Interface
54 |
55 | Interface IEnumOLEVERB
56 | Inherits IUnknown
57 | End Interface
58 |
60 | End Type
61 |
63 | End Type
64 |
66 | End Type
67 |
68 | #include <api_winerror.sbp>
69 |
70 | #include <objbase.sbp>
71 | #include <oleauto.ab>
72 |
73 | ' View OBJECT Error Codes
74 |
75 | Const E_DRAW = VIEW_E_DRAW
76 |
77 | ' IDataObject Error Codes
79 |
80 | ' Common stuff gleamed from OLE.2,
81 |
82 | /* verbs */
83 | Const OLEIVERB_PRIMARY = (0)
84 | Const OLEIVERB_SHOW = (-1)
85 | Const OLEIVERB_OPEN = (-2)
86 | Const OLEIVERB_HIDE = (-3)
90 |
91 | ' for OleCreateEmbeddingHelper flags; roles in low word; options in high word
92 | Const EMBDHLP_INPROC_HANDLER = &h0000
93 | Const EMBDHLP_INPROC_SERVER = &h0001
94 | Const EMBDHLP_CREATENOW = &h00000000
95 | Const EMBDHLP_DELAYCREATE = &h00010000
96 |
97 | /* extended create function flags */
98 | Const OLECREATE_LEAVERUNNING = &h00000001
99 |
100 | /* pull in the MIDL generated header */
101 |
102 | '#include <oleidl.h>
103 |
104 | /****** DV APIs ***********************************************************/
105 |
106 | /*
107 | #if !defined(ISOLATION_AWARE_ENABLED) \
109 | || !defined(_OBJBASE_H_) \
110 | || !defined(CreateDataAdviseHolder)
112 | #endif
113 | */
114 |
115 | /****** OLE API Prototypes ************************************************/
116 |
117 | Declare Function OleBuildVersion Lib "ole32.dll" () As DWord
118 |
119 | /* helper functions */
120 | Declare Function ReadClassStg Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByVal pStg As *IStorage, /*OUT*/ ByRef clsid As CLSID) As HRESULT
121 | Declare Function WriteClassStg Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByVal pStg As *IStorage, /*IN*/ ByRef clsid As CLSID) As HRESULT
122 | Declare Function ReadClassStm Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByVal pStm As *IStream, /*OUT*/ ByRef clsid As CLSID) As HRESULT
123 | Declare Function WriteClassStm Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByVal pStm As *IStream, /*IN*/ ByRef clsid As CLSID) As HRESULT
124 | Declare Function WriteFmtUserTypeStg Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByVal pstg As *IStorage, /*IN*/ ByVal cf As CLIPFORMAT, /*IN*/ ByVal pszUserType As *OLECHAR) As HRESULT
125 | Declare Function ReadFmtUserTypeStg Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByVal pstg As *IStorage, /*OUT*/ ByRef cf As CLIPFORMAT, /*OUT*/ ByRef rpszUserType As *OLECHAR) As HRESULT
126 |
127 |
128 | /* init/term */
129 |
130 | Declare Function OleInitialize Lib "ole32" (pvReserved As VoidPtr) As HRESULT
131 | Declare Sub OleUninitialize Lib "ole32" ()
132 |
133 |
134 | /* APIs to query whether (Embedded/Linked) object can be created from
135 | the data object */
136 |
137 | Declare Function OleQueryLinkFromData Lib "ole32" (/*IN*/ ByVal pSrcDataObject As *IDataObject) As HRESULT
138 | Declare Function OleQueryCreateFromData Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByVal pSrcDataObject As *IDataObject) As HRESULT
139 |
140 |
141 | /* Object creation APIs */
142 |
143 | Declare Function OleCreate Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByRef rclsid As CLSID, /*IN*/ ByRef riid As IID, /*IN*/ ByVal renderopt As DWord, _
144 | /*IN*/ ByVal pFormatEtc As *FORMATETC, /*IN*/ ByVal pClientSite As *IOleClientSite, _
145 | /*IN*/ ByVal pStg As *IStorage, /*OUT*/ ByRef ppvObj As Any) As HRESULT
146 |
147 | Declare Function OleCreateEx Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByRef rclsid As CLSID, /*IN*/ ByRef riid As IID, /*IN*/ ByVal dwFlags As DWord,
148 | /*IN*/ ByVal renderopt As DWord, /*IN*/ ByVal cFormats As DWord, /*IN*/ ByVal rgAdvf As *DWord,
149 | /*IN*/ ByVal rgFormatEtc As *FORMATETC, /*IN*/ ByVal pAdviseSink As *IAdviseSink,
150 | /*OUT*/ ByVal rgdwConnection As *DWord, /*IN*/ ByVal pClientSite As *IOleClientSite,
151 | /*IN*/ ByVal pStg As *IStorage, /*OUT*/ ByRef ppvObj As Any) As HRESULT
152 |
153 | Declare Function OleCreateFromData Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByVal pSrcDataObj As *IDataObject, /*IN*/ ByRef riid As IID,
154 | /*IN*/ ByVal renderopt As DWord, /*IN*/ ByVal pFormatEtc As *FORMATETC,
155 | /*IN*/ ByVal pClientSite As *IOleClientSite, /*IN*/ ByVal pStg As *IStorage,
156 | /*OUT*/ ByRef ppvObj As Any) As HRESULT
157 |
158 | Declare Function OleCreateFromDataEx Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByVal pSrcDataObj As *IDataObject, /*IN*/ ByRef riid As IID,
159 | /*IN*/ ByVal dwFlags As DWord, /*IN*/ ByVal renderopt As DWord, /*IN*/ ByVal cFormats As DWord, /*IN*/ ByVal rgAdvf As *DWord,
160 | /*IN*/ ByVal rgFormatEtc As *FORMATETC, /*IN*/ ByVal pAdviseSink As *IAdviseSink,
161 | /*OUT*/ ByVal rgdwConnection As *DWord, /*IN*/ ByVal pClientSite As *IOleClientSite,
162 | /*IN*/ ByVal pStg As *IStorage, /*OUT*/ ByRef ppvObj As Any) As HRESULT
163 |
164 | Declare Function OleCreateLinkFromData Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByVal pSrcDataObj As *IDataObject, /*IN*/ ByRef riid As IID,
165 | /*IN*/ ByVal renderopt As DWord, /*IN*/ ByVal pFormatEtc As *FORMATETC,
166 | /*IN*/ ByVal pClientSite As *IOleClientSite, /*IN*/ ByVal pStg As *IStorage,
167 | /*OUT*/ ByRef ppvObj As Any) As HRESULT
168 |
169 | Declare Function OleCreateLinkFromDataEx Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByVal pSrcDataObj As *IDataObject, /*IN*/ ByRef riid As IID,
170 | /*IN*/ ByVal dwFlags As DWord, /*IN*/ ByVal renderopt As DWord, /*IN*/ ByVal cFormats As DWord, /*IN*/ ByVal rgAdvf As *DWord,
171 | /*IN*/ ByVal rgFormatEtc As *FORMATETC, /*IN*/ ByVal pAdviseSink As *IAdviseSink,
172 | /*OUT IN*/ ByVal rgdwConnection As *DWord, /*IN*/ ByVal pClientSite As *IOleClientSite,
173 | /*IN*/ ByVal pStg As *IStorage, /*OUT*/ ByRef ppvObj As Any) As HRESULT
174 |
175 | Declare Function OleCreateStaticFromData Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByVal pSrcDataObj As *IDataObject, /*IN*/ ByRef riid As IID,
176 | /*IN*/ ByVal renderopt As DWord, /*IN*/ ByVal pFormatEtc As *FORMATETC,
177 | /*IN*/ ByVal pClientSite As *IOleClientSite, /*IN*/ ByVal pStg As *IStorage,
178 | /*OUT*/ ByRef ppvObj As Any) As HRESULT
179 |
180 |
181 | Declare Function OleCreateLink Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByVal pmkLinkSrc As *IMoniker, /*IN*/ ByRef riid As IID,
182 | /*IN*/ ByVal renderopt As DWord, /*IN*/ ByVal pFormatEtc As *FORMATETC,
183 | /*IN*/ ByVal pClientSite As *IOleClientSite, /*IN*/ ByVal pDataObj As *IDataObject, /*OUT*/ ByRef ppvObj As Any) As HRESULT
184 |
185 | Declare Function OleCreateLinkEx Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByVal pmkLinkSrc As *IMoniker, /*IN*/ ByRef riid As IID,
186 | /*IN*/ ByVal dwFlags As DWord, /*IN*/ ByVal renderopt As DWord, /*IN*/ ByVal cFormats As DWord, /*IN*/ ByVal rgAdvf As *DWord,
187 | /*IN*/ ByVal rgFormatEtc As *FORMATETC, /*IN*/ ByVal pAdviseSink As *IAdviseSink,
188 | /*OUT*/ ByVal rgdwConnection As *DWord, /*IN*/ ByVal pClientSite As *IOleClientSite,
189 | /*IN*/ ByVal pDataObj As *IDataObject, /*OUT*/ ByRef ppvObj As Any) As HRESULT
190 |
191 | Declare Function OleCreateLinkToFile Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByVal lpszFileName As LPCOLESTR, /*IN*/ ByRef riid As IID,
192 | /*IN*/ ByVal renderopt As DWord, /*IN*/ ByVal pFormatEtc As *FORMATETC,
193 | /*IN*/ ByVal pClientSite As *IOleClientSite, /*IN*/ ByVal pDataObj As *IDataObject, /*OUT*/ ByRef ppvObj As Any) As HRESULT
194 |
195 | Declare Function OleCreateLinkToFileEx Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByVal lpszFileName As LPCOLESTR, /*IN*/ ByRef riid As IID,
196 | /*IN*/ ByVal dwFlags As DWord, /*IN*/ ByVal renderopt As DWord, /*IN*/ ByVal cFormats As DWord, /*IN*/ ByVal rgAdvf As *DWord,
197 | /*IN*/ ByVal rgFormatEtc As *FORMATETC, /*IN*/ ByVal pAdviseSink As *IAdviseSink,
198 | /*OUT*/ ByVal rgdwConnection As *DWord, /*IN*/ ByVal pClientSite As *IOleClientSite,
199 | /*IN*/ ByVal pDataObj As *IDataObject, /*OUT*/ ByRef ppvObj As Any) As HRESULT
200 |
201 | Declare Function OleCreateFromFile Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByRef rclsid As CLSID, /*IN*/ ByVal lpszFileName As LPOLESTR, /*IN*/ ByRef riid As IID,
202 | /*IN*/ ByVal renderopt As DWord, /*IN*/ ByVal pFormatEtc As *FORMATETC,
203 | /*IN*/ ByVal pClientSite As *IOleClientSite, /*IN*/ ByVal pDataObj As *IDataObject, /*OUT*/ ByRef ppvObj As Any) As HRESULT
204 |
205 | Declare Function OleCreateFromFileEx Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByRef rclsid As CLSID, /*IN*/ ByVal lpszFileName As LPOLESTR, /*IN*/ ByRef riid As IID,
206 | /*IN*/ ByVal dwFlags As DWord, /*IN*/ ByVal renderopt As DWord, /*IN*/ ByVal cFormats As DWord, /*IN*/ ByVal rgAdvf As *DWord,
207 | /*IN*/ ByVal rgFormatEtc As *FORMATETC, /*IN*/ ByVal pAdviseSink As *IAdviseSink,
208 | /*OUT*/ ByVal rgdwConnection As *DWord, /*IN*/ ByVal pClientSite As *IOleClientSite,
209 | /*IN*/ ByVal pDataObj As *IDataObject, /*OUT*/ ByRef ppvObj As Any) As HRESULT
210 |
211 | Declare Function OleLoad Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByVal pStg As *IStorage, /*IN*/ ByRef riid As IID, /*IN*/ ByVal pClientSite As *IOleClientSite,
212 | /*OUT*/ ByRef ppvObj As Any) As HRESULT
213 |
214 | Declare Function OleSave Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByVal pPS As *IPersistStorage, /*IN*/ ByVal pStg As *IStorage, /*IN*/ fSameAsLoad As BOOL) As HRESULT
215 |
216 | Declare Function OleLoadFromStream Lib "ole32.dll" ( /*IN*/ ByVal pStm As IStream, /*IN*/ ByRef iidInterface As IID, /*OUT*/ ByRef ppvObj As Any) As HRESULT
217 | Declare Function OleSaveToStream Lib "ole32.dll" ( /*IN*/ ByVal pPStm As *IPersistStream, /*IN*/ ByVal pStm As IStream) As HRESULT
218 |
219 |
220 | Declare Function OleSetContainedObject Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByVal pUnknown As *IUnknown, /*IN*/ ByVal fContained As BOOL) As HRESULT
221 | Declare Function OleNoteObjectVisible Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByVal pUnknown As *IUnknown, /*IN*/ ByVal fContained As BOOL) As HRESULT
222 |
223 |
224 | /* Drag/Drop APIs */
225 |
226 | Declare Function RegisterDragDrop Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByVal hwnd As HWND, /*IN*/ ByVal pDropTarget As *IDropTarget) As HRESULT
227 | Declare Function RevokeDragDrop Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByVal hwnd As HWND) As HRESULT
228 | Declare Function DoDragDrop Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByVal pDataObj As *IDataObject, /*IN*/ ByVal pDropSource As *IDropSource,
229 | /*IN*/ ByVal dwOKEffects As DWord, /*OUT*/ ByRef dwEffect As DWord) As HRESULT
230 |
231 | /* Clipboard APIs */
232 |
233 | Declare Function OleSetClipboard Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByVal pDataObj As *IDataObject) As HRESULT
234 | Declare Function OleGetClipboard Lib "ole32.dll" (/*OUT*/ ByRef pDataObj As *IDataObject) As HRESULT
235 | Declare Function OleFlushClipboard Lib "ole32.dll" () As HRESULT
236 | Declare Function OleIsCurrentClipboard Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByVal pDataObj As *IDataObject) As HRESULT
237 |
238 |
239 | /* InPlace Editing APIs */
240 |
241 | TypeDef HOLEMENU = HGLOBAL ' oleidl.h
242 | Type OLEMENUGROUPWIDTHS ' oleidl.h
243 | width[ELM(6)] As Long
244 | End Type
245 | Type OLEINPLACEFRAMEINFO ' oleidl.h
246 | cb As DWord
247 | fMDIApp As BOOL
248 | hwndFrame As HWND
249 | haccel As HACCEL
250 | cAccelEntries As DWord
251 | End Type
252 | Declare Function OleCreateMenuDescriptor Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByVal hmenuCombined As HMENU,
254 | Declare Function OleSetMenuDescriptor Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByVal holemenu As HOLEMENU, /*IN*/ ByVal hwndFrame As HWND,
255 | /*IN*/ ByVal hwndActiveObject As HWND,
256 | /*IN*/ ByVal pFrame As *IOleInPlaceFrame,
257 | /*IN*/ ByVal pActiveObj As *IOleInPlaceActiveObject) As HRESULT
258 | Declare Function OleDestroyMenuDescriptor Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByVal holemenu As HOLEMENU) As HRESULT
259 |
260 | Declare Function OleTranslateAccelerator Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByVal pFrame As *IOleInPlaceFrame,
261 | /*IN*/ ByRef FrameInfo As OLEINPLACEFRAMEINFO, /*IN*/ ByRef msg As MSG) As HRESULT
262 |
263 |
264 | /* Helper APIs */
265 | Declare Function OleDuplicateData Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByVal hSrc As HANDLE, /*IN*/ ByVal cfFormat As CLIPFORMAT,
266 | /*IN*/ ByVal uiFlags As DWord) As HANDLE
267 |
268 | Declare Function OleDraw Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByVal pUnknown As *IUnknown, /*IN*/ ByVal dwAspect As DWord, /*IN*/ ByVal hdcDraw As HDC,
269 | /*IN*/ ByRef rcBounds As RECT) As HRESULT
270 |
271 | Declare Function OleRun Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByVal pUnknown As IUnknown) As HRESULT
272 | Declare Function OleIsRunning Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByVal pObject As *IOleObject) As BOOL
273 | Declare Function OleLockRunning Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByVal pUnknown As *IUnknown, /*IN*/ ByVal fLock As BOOL, /*IN*/ ByVal fLastUnlockCloses As BOOL) As HRESULT
274 | Declare Sub ReleaseStgMedium Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByRef medium As STGMEDIUM)
275 | Declare Function CreateOleAdviseHolder Lib "ole32.dll" (/*OUT*/ ByRef pOAHolder As *IOleAdviseHolder) As HRESULT
276 |
277 | Declare Function OleCreateDefaultHandler Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByRef clsid As CLSID, /*IN*/ ByVal pUnkOuter As *IUnknown,
278 | /*IN*/ ByRef riid As IID, /*OUT*/ ByRef pObj As Any) As HRESULT
279 |
280 | Declare Function OleCreateEmbeddingHelper Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByRef clsid As CLSID, /*IN*/ ByVal pUnkOuter As *IUnknown,
281 | /*IN*/ ByVal flags As DWord, /*IN*/ ByVal pCF As *IClassFactory,
282 | /*IN*/ ByRef riid As IID, /*OUT*/ ByRef pObj As Any) As HRESULT
283 |
284 | Declare Function IsAccelerator Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByVal hAccel As HACCEL, /*IN*/ ByVal cAccelEntries As Long, /*IN*/ ByRef msg As MSG,
285 | /*OUT*/ ByVal pwCmd As *Word) As BOOL
286 | /* Icon extraction Helper APIs */
287 |
288 | Declare Function OleGetIconOfFile Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByVal lpszPath As LPOLESTR, /*IN*/ ByVal fUseFileAsLabel As BOOL) As HGLOBAL
289 |
290 | Declare Function OleGetIconOfClass Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByRef rclsid As CLSID, /*IN*/ ByVal lpszLabel As LPOLESTR,
291 | /*IN*/ ByVal fUseTypeAsLabel As BOOL) As HGLOBAL
292 |
293 | Declare Function OleMetafilePictFromIconAndLabel Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByVal hIcon As HICON, /*IN*/ ByVal lpszLabel As LPOLESTR,
294 | /*IN*/ ByVal lpszSourceFile As LPOLESTR, /*IN*/ ByVal iIconIndex As DWord) As HGLOBAL
295 |
296 |
297 |
298 | /* Registration Database Helper APIs */
299 |
300 | Declare Function OleRegGetUserType Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByRef rclsid As CLSID, /*IN*/ ByVal dwFormOfType As DWord,
301 | /*OUT*/ ByVal pszUserType As LPOLESTR) As HRESULT
302 |
303 | Declare Function OleRegGetMiscStatus Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByRef rclsid As CLSID, /*IN*/ ByVal dwAspect As DWord,
304 | /*OUT*/ ByRef dwStatus As DWord) As HRESULT
305 |
306 | Declare Function OleRegEnumFormatEtc Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByRef rclsid As CLSID, /*IN*/ ByVal dwDirection As DWord,
307 | /*OUT*/ ByRef penum As *IEnumFORMATETC) As HRESULT
308 |
309 | Declare Function OleRegEnumVerbs Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByRef rclsid As CLSID, /*OUT*/ ByRef penum As *IEnumOLEVERB) As HRESULT
310 |
311 | /* OLE 1.0 conversion APIS */
312 |
313 | /***** OLE 1.0 OLESTREAM declarations *************************************/
314 |
315 |
316 | Interface OleStream
317 | Function Get(p As VoidPtr, dw As DWord) As DWord
318 | Function Put(p As VoidPtr, dw As DWord) As DWord
319 | End Interface
320 | TypeDef LPOLESTREAM = *OleStream
321 |
322 |
323 | Declare Function OleConvertOLESTREAMToIStorage Lib "ole32.dll" ( _
324 | /*IN*/ ByVal lpolestream As LPOLESTREAM,
325 | /*OUT*/ ByVal pstg As *IStorage,
327 |
328 | Declare Function OleConvertIStorageToOLESTREAM Lib "ole32.dll" ( _
329 | /*IN*/ ByVal pstg As *IStorage,
330 | /*OUT*/ ByVal lpolestream As LPOLESTREAM) As HRESULT
331 |
332 |
333 | /* Storage Utility APIs */
334 | Declare Function GetHGlobalFromILockBytes Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByVal plkbyt As *ILockBytes, /*OUT*/ ByRef hglobal As HGLOBAL) As HRESULT
335 | Declare Function CreateILockBytesOnHGlobal Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByVal hGlobal As HGLOBAL, /*IN*/ ByVal fDeleteOnRelease As BOOL,
336 | /*OUT*/ ByRef pplkbyt As *ILockBytes) As HRESULT
337 |
338 | Declare Function GetHGlobalFromStream Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByVal pstm As *IStream, /*OUT*/ ByRef hglobal As HGLOBAL) As HRESULT
339 | Declare Function CreateStreamOnHGlobal Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByVal hGlobal As HGLOBAL, /*IN*/ ByVal fDeleteOnRelease As BOOL,
340 | /*OUT*/ ByRef pstm As *IStream) As HRESULT
341 |
342 |
343 | /* ConvertTo APIS */
344 |
345 | Declare Function OleDoAutoConvert Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByRef pStg As *IStorage, /*OUT*/ ByRef ClsidNew As CLSID) As HRESULT
346 | Declare Function OleGetAutoConvert Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByRef clsidOld As CLSID, /*OUT*/ ByRef ClsidNew As CLSID) As HRESULT
347 | Declare Function OleSetAutoConvert Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByRef clsidOld As CLSID, /*IN*/ ByRef ClsidNew As CLSID) As HRESULT
348 | Declare Function GetConvertStg Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByVal pStg As *IStorage) As HRESULT
349 | Declare Function SetConvertStg Lib "ole32.dll" (/*IN*/ ByVal pStg As *IStorage, /*IN*/ fConvert As BOOL) As HRESULT
350 |
351 |
352 | Declare Function OleConvertIStorageToOLESTREAMEx Lib "ole32.dll" ( _
353 | /*IN*/ ByVal pstg As *IStorage, ' Presentation data to OLESTREAM
354 | /*IN*/ ByVal cfFormat As CLIPFORMAT, ' format
355 | /*IN*/ ByVal lWidth As Long, ' width
356 | /*IN*/ ByVal lHeight As Long, ' height
357 | /*IN*/ ByVal dwSize As DWORD, ' size in bytes
358 | /*IN*/ ByRef medium As STGMEDIUM, ' bits
359 | /*OUT*/ ByVal polestm As LPOLESTREAM) As HRESULT
360 |
361 | Declare Function OleConvertOLESTREAMToIStorageEx Lib "ole32.dll" ( _
362 | /*IN*/ ByVal polestm As LPOLESTREAM,
363 | /*OUT*/ ByVal pstg As *IStorage,' Presentation data from OLESTREAM
364 | /*OUT*/ ByRef pcfFormat As CLIPFORMAT, ' format
365 | /*OUT*/ ByRef plwWidth As Long, ' width
366 | /*OUT*/ ByRef plHeight As Long, ' height
367 | /*OUT*/ ByRef pdwSize As DWord, ' size in bytes
368 | /*OUT*/ ByRef medium As STGMEDIUM) As HRESULT ' bits
369 |
370 | #endif ' __OLE2_AB__