1 | ' dmusicc.sbp - This module defines the DirectMusic core API's
2 |
3 |
4 | #ifndef _INC_DMUSICC
5 | #define _INC_DMUSICC
6 |
7 |
9 |
11 | dwSize As DWord
12 | dwFlags As DWord
13 | guidBufferFormat As GUID
14 | cbBuffer As DWord
15 | End Type
16 |
17 | ' dwEffectFlags fields of both DMUS_PORTCAPS and DMUS_PORTPARAMS.
18 | Const DMUS_EFFECT_NONE = &H00000000
19 | Const DMUS_EFFECT_REVERB = &H00000001
20 | Const DMUS_EFFECT_CHORUS = &H00000002
21 | Const DMUS_EFFECT_DELAY = &H00000004
22 |
23 | ' For DMUS_PORTCAPS dwClass
26 |
27 | ' For DMUS_PORTCAPS dwFlags
28 | Const DMUS_PC_DLS = &H00000001 'Supports DLS downloading and DLS level 1.
29 | Const DMUS_PC_EXTERNAL = &H00000002 'External MIDI module.
30 | Const DMUS_PC_SOFTWARESYNTH = &H00000004 'Software synthesizer.
31 | Const DMUS_PC_MEMORYSIZEFIXED = &H00000008 'Memory size is fixed.
32 | Const DMUS_PC_GMINHARDWARE = &H00000010 'GM sound set is built in, no need to download.
33 | Const DMUS_PC_GSINHARDWARE = &H00000020 'GS sound set is built in.
34 | Const DMUS_PC_XGINHARDWARE = &H00000040 'XG sound set is built in.
35 | Const DMUS_PC_DIRECTSOUND = &H00000080 'Connects to DirectSound via a DSound buffer.
36 | Const DMUS_PC_SHAREABLE = &H00000100 'Synth can be actively shared by multiple apps at once.
37 | Const DMUS_PC_DLS2 = &H00000200 'Supports DLS2 instruments.
38 | Const DMUS_PC_AUDIOPATH = &H00000400 'Multiple outputs can be connected to DirectSound for audiopaths.
39 | Const DMUS_PC_WAVE = &H00000800 'Supports streaming and one shot waves.
40 | Const DMUS_PC_SYSTEMMEMORY = &H7FFFFFFF 'Sample memory is system memory.
41 |
42 | ' For DMUS_PORTCAPS dwType
46 |
48 | dwSize As DWord
49 | dwFlags As DWord
50 | guidPort As GUID
51 | dwClass As DWord
52 | dwType As DWord
53 | dwMemorySize As DWord
54 | dwMaxChannelGroups As DWord
55 | dwMaxVoices As DWord
56 | dwMaxAudioChannels As DWord
57 | dwEffectFlags As DWord
58 | wszDescription[DMUS_MAX_DESCRIPTION-1] As WCHAR
59 | End Type
60 |
61 | ' For DMUS_PORTPARAMS8 dwValidParams
62 | Const DMUS_PORTPARAMS_VOICES = &H00000001
66 | Const DMUS_PORTPARAMS_EFFECTS = &H00000020
67 | Const DMUS_PORTPARAMS_SHARE = &H00000040
68 | Const DMUS_PORTPARAMS_FEATURES = &H00000080
69 |
70 | ' For DMUS_PORTPARAMS8 dwFeatures
71 | Const DMUS_PORT_FEATURE_AUDIOPATH = &H00000001 'Supports audiopath connection to DSound buffers.
72 | Const DMUS_PORT_FEATURE_STREAMING = &H00000002 'Supports streaming waves through the synth.
73 |
75 | dwSize As DWord
76 | dwValidParams As DWord
77 | dwVoices As DWord
78 | dwChannelGroups As DWord
79 | dwAudioChannels As DWord
80 | dwSampleRate As DWord
81 | dwEffectFlags As DWord
82 | fShare As Long
83 | dwFeatures As DWord
84 | End Type
86 |
88 | dwSize As DWord 'Size in bytes of the structure
89 | dwValidStats As DWord 'Flags indicating which fields below are valid.
90 | dwVoices As DWord 'Average number of voices playing.
91 | dwTotalCPU As DWord 'Total CPU usage as percent * 100.
92 | dwCPUPerVoice As DWord 'CPU per voice as percent * 100.
93 | dwLostNotes As DWord 'Number of notes lost in 1 second.
94 | dwFreeMemory As DWord 'Free memory in bytes
95 | lPeakVolume As Long 'Decibel level * 100.
96 | End Type
97 |
98 | Const Enum DMUS_CLOCKTYPE
101 | End Enum
102 |
104 | dwSize As DWord
105 | ctType As DMUS_CLOCKTYPE
106 | guidClock As GUID
107 | wszDescription[DMUS_MAX_DESCRIPTION-1] As WCHAR
108 | dwFlags As DWord
109 | End Type
111 |
112 |
113 | '-----------------
114 | ' Interface
115 | '-----------------
116 |
117 | Class IDirectMusic
118 | Inherits IUnknown
119 | Public
120 | 'IDirectMusic
121 | Abstract Function EnumPort(dwIndex As DWord, pPortCaps As *DMUS_PORTCAPS) As DWord
122 | Abstract Function CreateMusicBuffer(pBufferDesc As *DMUS_BUFFERDESC, ppBuffer As *LPDIRECTMUSICBUFFER, pUnkOuter As LPUNKNOWN) As DWord
123 | Abstract Function CreatePort(ByRef rclsidPort As GUID, pPortParams As *DMUS_PORTPARAMS, ppPort As *LPDIRECTMUSICPORT8, pUnkOuter As LPUNKNOWN) As DWord
124 | Abstract Function EnumMasterClock(dwIndex As DWord, lpClockInfo As *DMUS_CLOCKINFO) As DWord
125 | Abstract Function GetMasterClock(pguidClock As *GUID, ppReferenceClock As **IReferenceClock) As DWord
126 | Abstract Function SetMasterClock(ByRef rguidClock As GUID) As DWord
127 | Abstract Function Activate(fEnable As Long) As DWord
128 | Abstract Function GetDefaultPort(pguidPort As *GUID) As DWord
129 | Abstract Function SetDirectSound(pDirectSound As LPDIRECTSOUND, hWnd As HWND) As DWord
130 | End Class
131 | TypeDef LPDIRECTMUSIC = *IDirectMusic
132 |
133 | Class IDirectMusic8
134 | Inherits IDirectMusic
135 | Public
136 | 'IDirectMusic8
137 | Abstract Function SetExternalMasterClock(pClock As *IReferenceClock) As DWord
138 | End Class
139 | TypeDef LPDIRECTMUSIC8 = *IDirectMusic8
140 |
141 | Class IDirectMusicBuffer
142 | Inherits IUnknown
143 | Public
144 | 'IDirectMusicBuffer
145 | Abstract Function Flush() As DWord
146 | Abstract Function TotalTime(prtTime As *REFERENCE_TIME) As DWord
147 | Abstract Function PackStructured(rt As REFERENCE_TIME, dwChannelGroup As DWord, dwChannelMessage As DWord) As DWord
148 | Abstract Function PackUnstructured(rt As REFERENCE_TIME, dwChannelGroup As DWord, cb As DWord, lpb As BytePtr) As DWord
149 | Abstract Function ResetReadPtr() As DWord
150 | Abstract Function GetNextEvent(prt As *REFERENCE_TIME, pdwChannelGroup As DWordPtr, pdwLength As DWordPtr, ppData As **Byte) As DWord
151 | Abstract Function GetRawBufferPtr(ppData As **Byte) As DWord
152 | Abstract Function GetStartTime(prt As *REFERENCE_TIME) As DWord
153 | Abstract Function GetUsedBytes(pcb As DWordPtr) As DWord
154 | Abstract Function GetMaxBytes(pcb As DWordPtr) As DWord
155 | Abstract Function GetBufferFormat(pGuidFormat As *GUID) As DWord
156 | Abstract Function SetStartTime(rt As REFERENCE_TIME) As DWord
157 | Abstract Function SetUsedBytes(cb As DWord) As DWord
158 | End Class
159 | TypeDef LPDIRECTMUSICBUFFER = *IDirectMusicBuffer
160 | TypeDef IDirectMusicBuffer8 = IDirectMusicBuffer
161 | TypeDef LPDIRECTMUSICBUFFER8 = *IDirectMusicBuffer8
162 |
163 | Class IDirectMusicInstrument
164 | Inherits IUnknown
165 | Public
166 | 'IDirectMusicInstrument
167 | Abstract Function GetPatch(pdwPatch As DWordPtr) As DWord
168 | Abstract Function SetPatch(dwPatch As DWord) As DWord
169 | End Class
170 | TypeDef IDirectMusicInstrument8 = IDirectMusicInstrument
171 | TypeDef LPDIRECTMUSICINSTRUMENT8 = *IDirectMusicInstrument8
172 |
173 | Class IDirectMusicDownloadedInstrument
174 | Inherits IUnknown
175 | End Class
176 | TypeDef IDirectMusicDownloadedInstrument8 = IDirectMusicDownloadedInstrument
177 | TypeDef LPDIRECTMUSICDOWNLOADEDINSTRUMENT8 = *IDirectMusicDownloadedInstrument8
178 |
179 | Class IDirectMusicCollection
180 | Inherits IUnknown
181 | Public
182 | 'IDirectMusicCollection
183 | Abstract Function GetInstrument(dwPatch As DWord, ppInstrument As **IDirectMusicInstrument) As DWord
184 | Abstract Function EnumInstrument(dwIndex As DWord, pdwPatch As DWordPtr, pwszName As *WCHAR, dwNameLen As DWord) As DWord
185 | End Class
186 | TypeDef IDirectMusicCollection8 = IDirectMusicCollection
187 | TypeDef LPDIRECTMUSICCOLLECTION8 = *IDirectMusicCollection8
188 |
189 | Class IDirectMusicDownload
190 | Inherits IUnknown
191 | Public
192 | 'IDirectMusicDownload
193 | Abstract Function GetBuffer(ppvBuffer As DWordPtr, pdwSize As DWordPtr) As DWord
194 | End Class
195 | TypeDef IDirectMusicDownload8 = IDirectMusicDownload
196 | TypeDef LPDIRECTMUSICDOWNLOAD8 = *IDirectMusicDownload8
197 |
198 | Class IDirectMusicPortDownload
199 | Inherits IUnknown
200 | Public
201 | 'IDirectMusicPortDownload
202 | Abstract Function GetBuffer(dwDLId As DWord, ppIDMDownload As **IDirectMusicDownload) As DWord
203 | Abstract Function AllocateBuffer(dwSize As DWord, ppIDMDownload As **IDirectMusicDownload) As DWord
204 | Abstract Function GetDLId(pdwStartDLId As DWordPtr, dwCount As DWord) As DWord
205 | Abstract Function GetAppend(pdwAppend As DWordPtr) As DWord
206 | Abstract Function Download(pIDMDownload As *IDirectMusicDownload) As DWord
207 | Abstract Function Unload(pIDMDownload As *IDirectMusicDownload) As DWord
208 | End Class
209 | TypeDef IDirectMusicPortDownload8 = IDirectMusicPortDownload
210 | TypeDef LPDIRECTMUSICPORTDOWNLOAD8 = *IDirectMusicPortDownload8
211 |
212 | Class IDirectMusicPort
213 | Inherits IUnknown
214 | Public
215 | 'IDirectMusicPort
216 | Abstract Function PlayBuffer(pBuffer As LPDIRECTMUSICBUFFER) As DWord
217 | Abstract Function SetReadNotificationHandle(hEvent As HANDLE) As DWord
218 | Abstract Function Read(pBuffer As LPDIRECTMUSICBUFFER) As DWord
219 | Abstract Function DownloadInstrument(pInstrument As *IDirectMusicInstrument, ppDownloadedInstrument As **IDirectMusicDownloadedInstrument, pNoteRanges As *DMUS_NOTERANGE, dwNumNoteRanges As DWord) As DWord
220 | Abstract Function UnloadInstrument(pDownloadedInstrument As *IDirectMusicDownloadedInstrument) As DWord
221 | Abstract Function GetLatencyClock(ppClock As **IReferenceClock) As DWord
222 | Abstract Function GetRunningStats(pStats As *DMUS_SYNTHSTATS) As DWord
223 | Abstract Function Compact() As DWord
224 | Abstract Function GetCaps(pPortCaps As *DMUS_PORTCAPS) As DWord
225 | Abstract Function DeviceIoControl(dwIoControlCode As DWord, lpInBuffer As VoidPtr, nInBufferSize As DWord, lpOutBuffer As VoidPtr, nOutBufferSize As DWord, lpBytesReturned As DWordPtr, lpOverlapped As *OVERLAPPED) As DWord
226 | Abstract Function SetNumChannelGroups(dwChannelGroups As DWord) As DWord
227 | Abstract Function GetNumChannelGroups(pdwChannelGroups As DWordPtr) As DWord
228 | Abstract Function Activate(fActive As Long) As DWord
229 | Abstract Function SetChannelPriority(dwChannelGroup As DWord, dwChannel As DWord, dwPriority As DWord) As DWord
230 | Abstract Function GetChannelPriority(dwChannelGroup As DWord, dwChannel As DWord, pdwPriority As DWordPtr) As DWord
231 | Abstract Function SetDirectSound(pDirectSound As LPDIRECTSOUND, pDirectSoundBuffer As LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER) As DWord
232 | Abstract Function GetFormat(pWaveFormatEx As *WAVEFORMATEX, pdwWaveFormatExSize As DWordPtr, pdwBufferSize As DWordPtr) As DWord
233 | End Class
234 | TypeDef IDirectMusicPort8 = IDirectMusicPort
235 | TypeDef LPDIRECTMUSICPORT8 = *IDirectMusicPort8
236 |
237 | Class IDirectMusicThru
238 | Inherits IUnknown
239 | Public
240 | 'IDirectMusicThru
241 | Abstract Function ThruChannel(dwSourceChannelGroup As DWord, dwSourceChannel As DWord, dwDestinationChannelGroup As DWord, dwDestinationChannel As DWord, pDestinationPort As LPDIRECTMUSICPORT8) As DWord
242 | End Class
243 | TypeDef IDirectMusicThru8 = IDirectMusicThru
244 | TypeDef LPDIRECTMUSICTHRU8 = *IDirectMusicThru8
245 |
246 |
247 | '-----------------
248 | ' CLSID and IID
249 | '-----------------
250 |
251 | Dim CLSID_DirectMusic = [&H636b9f10,&H0c7d,&H11d1,[&H95,&Hb2,&H00,&H20,&Haf,&Hdc,&H74,&H21]] As GUID
252 | Dim CLSID_DirectMusicCollection = [&H480ff4b0, &H28b2, &H11d1, [&Hbe, &Hf7, &H0, &Hc0, &H4f, &Hbf, &H8f, &Hef]] As GUID
253 | Dim CLSID_DirectMusicSynth = [&H58C2B4D0,&H46E7,&H11D1,[&H89,&HAC,&H00,&HA0,&HC9,&H05,&H41,&H29]] As GUID
254 |
255 | Dim IID_IDirectMusic = [&H6536115a,&H7b2d,&H11d2,[&Hba,&H18,&H00,&H00,&Hf8,&H75,&Hac,&H12]] As GUID
256 | Dim IID_IDirectMusicBuffer = [&Hd2ac2878, &Hb39b, &H11d1, [&H87, &H4, &H0, &H60, &H8, &H93, &Hb1, &Hbd]] As GUID
257 | Dim IID_IDirectMusicPort = [&H08f2d8c9,&H37c2,&H11d2,[&Hb9,&Hf9,&H00,&H00,&Hf8,&H75,&Hac,&H12]] As GUID
258 | Dim IID_IDirectMusicThru = [&Hced153e7, &H3606, &H11d2, [&Hb9, &Hf9, &H00, &H00, &Hf8, &H75, &Hac, &H12]] As GUID
259 | Dim IID_IDirectMusicPortDownload = [&Hd2ac287a, &Hb39b, &H11d1, [&H87, &H4, &H0, &H60, &H8, &H93, &Hb1, &Hbd]] As GUID
260 | Dim IID_IDirectMusicDownload = [&Hd2ac287b, &Hb39b, &H11d1, [&H87, &H4, &H0, &H60, &H8, &H93, &Hb1, &Hbd]] As GUID
261 | Dim IID_IDirectMusicCollection = [&Hd2ac287c, &Hb39b, &H11d1, [&H87, &H4, &H0, &H60, &H8, &H93, &Hb1, &Hbd]] As GUID
262 | Dim IID_IDirectMusicInstrument = [&Hd2ac287d, &Hb39b, &H11d1, [&H87, &H4, &H0, &H60, &H8, &H93, &Hb1, &Hbd]] As GUID
263 | Dim IID_IDirectMusicDownloadedInstrument = [&Hd2ac287e, &Hb39b, &H11d1, [&H87, &H4, &H0, &H60, &H8, &H93, &Hb1, &Hbd]] As GUID
264 |
265 |
266 | #endif '_INC_DMUSICC