1 | 'prompt.sbp
2 |
3 |
4 | #ifndef _INC_PROMPT
5 | #define _INC_PROMPT
6 |
7 |
8 | #include <api_imm.sbp>
9 |
10 | Dim _PromptSys_hWnd As HWND
11 | Dim _PromptSys_dwThreadID As DWord
12 | Dim _PromptSys_bInitFinish As Long
13 |
14 | 'text
15 | Dim _PromptSys_LogFont As LOGFONT
16 | Dim _PromptSys_hFont As HFONT
17 | Dim _PromptSys_FontSize As SIZE
18 | Dim _PromptSys_InputStr[255] As Byte
19 | Dim _PromptSys_InputLen As Long
20 | Dim _PromptSys_KeyChar As Byte
21 | Dim _PromptSys_CurPos As POINTAPI
22 | Dim _PromptSys_Buffer[100] As BytePtr
23 | Dim _PromptSys_TextColor[100] As DWordPtr
24 | Dim _PromptSys_BackColor[100] As DWordPtr
25 | Dim _PromptSys_NowTextColor As DWord
26 | Dim _PromptSys_NowBackColor As DWord
27 | Dim _PromptSys_SectionOfBufferAccess As CRITICAL_SECTION
28 |
29 |
30 | _PromptSys_InputLen=-1
31 |
32 | 'graphic
33 | Dim _PromptSys_hBitmap As HBITMAP
34 | Dim _PromptSys_hMemDC As HDC
35 | Dim _PromptSys_ScreenSize As SIZE
36 | Dim _PromptSys_GlobalPos As POINTAPI
37 |
38 |
39 | _PromptSys_bInitFinish=0
40 | CreateThread(
41 | 0,
42 | 0,
43 | AddressOf(PromptMain) As LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE,
44 | 0 As VoidPtr,
45 | 0,
46 | _PromptSys_dwThreadID)
47 | Do
48 | Sleep(20)
49 | Loop Until _PromptSys_bInitFinish
50 |
51 | Sub DrawPromptBuffer(hDC As HDC, StartLine As Long, EndLine As Long)
52 | Dim i As Long, i2 As Long, i3 As Long
53 | Dim hOldFont As HFONT
54 | Dim sz As SIZE
55 | Dim temporary[2] As Byte
56 |
57 | hOldFont=SelectObject(hDC,_PromptSys_hFont)
58 |
59 | 'Scroll
60 | Dim rc As RECT
61 | GetClientRect(_PromptSys_hWnd,rc)
62 | While (_PromptSys_CurPos.y+1)*_PromptSys_FontSize.cy>rc.bottom and _PromptSys_CurPos.y>0
63 | HeapFree(_System_hProcessHeap,0,_PromptSys_Buffer[0])
64 | HeapFree(_System_hProcessHeap,0,_PromptSys_TextColor[0])
65 | HeapFree(_System_hProcessHeap,0,_PromptSys_BackColor[0])
66 | For i=0 To 100-1
67 | _PromptSys_Buffer[i]=_PromptSys_Buffer[i+1]
68 | _PromptSys_TextColor[i]=_PromptSys_TextColor[i+1]
69 | _PromptSys_BackColor[i]=_PromptSys_BackColor[i+1]
70 | Next
71 | _PromptSys_Buffer[100]=HeapAlloc(_System_hProcessHeap,HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,255)
72 | _PromptSys_TextColor[100]=HeapAlloc(_System_hProcessHeap,HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,255*SizeOf(LONG_PTR))
73 | _PromptSys_BackColor[100]=HeapAlloc(_System_hProcessHeap,HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,255*SizeOf(LONG_PTR))
74 |
75 | _PromptSys_CurPos.y=_PromptSys_CurPos.y-1
76 |
77 | 'Redraw
78 | StartLine=-1
79 | Wend
80 |
81 | i=0
82 | While i*_PromptSys_FontSize.cy<rc.bottom and i<=100
83 | If StartLine=-1 or (StartLine<=i and i<=EndLine) Then
84 | GetTextExtentPoint32(hDC,_PromptSys_Buffer[i],lstrlen(_PromptSys_Buffer[i]),sz)
85 | BitBlt(hDC,_
86 | sz.cx, i*_PromptSys_FontSize.cy, _
87 | rc.right, _PromptSys_FontSize.cy, _
88 | _PromptSys_hMemDC,sz.cx,i*_PromptSys_FontSize.cy,SRCCOPY)
89 |
90 | i3=lstrlen(_PromptSys_Buffer[i])
91 | For i2=0 To i3-1
92 | SetTextColor(hDC,_PromptSys_TextColor[i][i2])
93 | If _PromptSys_BackColor[i][i2]=-1 Then
95 | Else
96 | SetBkMode(hDC,OPAQUE)
97 | SetBkColor(hDC,_PromptSys_BackColor[i][i2])
98 | End If
99 |
100 | temporary[0]=_PromptSys_Buffer[i][i2]
101 | If IsDBCSLeadByte(temporary[0]) Then
102 | temporary[1]=_PromptSys_Buffer[i][i2+1]
103 | temporary[2]=0
104 | Else
105 | temporary[1]=0
106 | End If
107 | TextOut(hDC,i2*_PromptSys_FontSize.cx,i*_PromptSys_FontSize.cy,_
108 | temporary,lstrlen(temporary))
109 |
110 | If IsDBCSLeadByte(temporary[0]) Then i2=i2+1
111 | Next
112 | End If
113 |
114 | i=i+1
115 | Wend
116 |
117 | SelectObject(hDC,hOldFont)
118 | End Sub
119 |
120 | Sub PRINT_ToPrompt(buf As String)
121 | EnterCriticalSection(_PromptSys_SectionOfBufferAccess)
122 |
123 | Dim hDC As HDC
124 | Dim StartLine As Long
125 | Dim i2 As Long, i3 As Long
126 |
127 | StartLine=_PromptSys_CurPos.y
128 |
129 | 'Addition
130 | i2=0
131 | Do
132 | If buf[i2]=9 Then 'tab
133 | i3=8-(_PromptSys_CurPos.x mod 8)
134 |
135 | FillMemory(_PromptSys_Buffer[_PromptSys_CurPos.y]+_PromptSys_CurPos.x,i3,Asc(" "))
136 |
137 | i2=i2+1
138 | _PromptSys_CurPos.x=_PromptSys_CurPos.x+i3
139 | Continue
140 | End If
141 |
142 | If buf[i2]=13 and buf[i2+1]=10 Then '\r\n
143 | i2=i2+2
144 | _PromptSys_CurPos.y=_PromptSys_CurPos.y+1
145 | _PromptSys_CurPos.x=0
146 | Continue
147 | End If
148 |
149 | If buf[i2]=0 Then Exit Do
150 | _PromptSys_Buffer[_PromptSys_CurPos.y][_PromptSys_CurPos.x]=buf[i2]
151 | _PromptSys_TextColor[_PromptSys_CurPos.y][_PromptSys_CurPos.x]=_PromptSys_NowTextColor
152 | _PromptSys_BackColor[_PromptSys_CurPos.y][_PromptSys_CurPos.x]=_PromptSys_NowBackColor
153 |
154 | i2=i2+1
155 | _PromptSys_CurPos.x=_PromptSys_CurPos.x+1
156 | Loop
157 |
158 | 'Draw the text buffer added
159 | hDC=GetDC(_PromptSys_hWnd)
160 | DrawPromptBuffer(hDC,StartLine,_PromptSys_CurPos.y)
161 | ReleaseDC(_PromptSys_hWnd,hDC)
162 |
163 | LeaveCriticalSection(_PromptSys_SectionOfBufferAccess)
164 | End Sub
165 |
166 | Function PromptProc(hWnd As HWND, message As DWord, wParam As WPARAM, lParam As LPARAM) As LRESULT
167 | Dim hIMC As HIMC
168 | Dim hDC As HDC
169 | Dim ps As PAINTSTRUCT
170 | Dim TempStr As String
171 | Dim temporary[255] As Byte
173 | Dim hGlobal As HGLOBAL
174 | Dim pTemp As BytePtr
175 |
176 | Select Case message
177 | Case WM_CREATE
178 | hDC=GetDC(hWnd)
179 | _PromptSys_hBitmap=CreateCompatibleBitmap(hDC,_PromptSys_ScreenSize.cx,_PromptSys_ScreenSize.cy)
180 | _PromptSys_hMemDC=CreateCompatibleDC(hDC)
181 | SelectObject(_PromptSys_hMemDC,_PromptSys_hBitmap)
182 |
183 | 'Initialize for Win9x
184 | Dim hOldBrush As HBRUSH
185 | hOldBrush=SelectObject(_PromptSys_hMemDC,GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH))
186 | PatBlt(_PromptSys_hMemDC,0,0,_PromptSys_ScreenSize.cx,_PromptSys_ScreenSize.cy,PATCOPY)
187 | SelectObject(_PromptSys_hMemDC,hOldBrush)
188 |
189 | Dim hOldFont As HFONT
190 | Dim tm As TEXTMETRIC
191 | hOldFont=SelectObject(_PromptSys_hMemDC,_PromptSys_hFont)
192 | GetTextExtentPoint32(_PromptSys_hMemDC," ",1,_PromptSys_FontSize)
193 | GetTextMetrics(_PromptSys_hMemDC,tm)
194 | SelectObject(_PromptSys_hMemDC,hOldFont)
195 | _PromptSys_FontSize.cy=tm.tmHeight
196 |
197 | ReleaseDC(hWnd,hDC)
198 | Case WM_PAINT
199 | hDC=BeginPaint(hWnd,ps)
200 | BitBlt(hDC,0,0,_PromptSys_ScreenSize.cx,_PromptSys_ScreenSize.cy,_PromptSys_hMemDC,0,0,SRCCOPY)
201 | DrawPromptBuffer(hDC,-1,0)
202 | EndPaint(hWnd,ps)
203 |
204 | _PromptSys_bInitFinish=1
205 | Case WM_SETFOCUS
206 | If _PromptSys_InputLen<>-1 Then
207 | hIMC=ImmGetContext(hWnd)
208 | If hIMC Then
209 | CompForm.dwStyle=CFS_POINT
210 | CompForm.ptCurrentPos.x=_PromptSys_CurPos.x*_PromptSys_FontSize.cx
211 | CompForm.ptCurrentPos.y=_PromptSys_CurPos.y*_PromptSys_FontSize.cy
212 | ImmSetCompositionWindow(hIMC,CompForm)
213 | ImmSetCompositionFont(hIMC,_PromptSys_LogFont)
214 | End If
215 | ImmReleaseContext(hWnd,hIMC)
216 |
217 | CreateCaret(hWnd,NULL,9,6)
218 | SetCaretPos(_PromptSys_CurPos.x*_PromptSys_FontSize.cx, _
219 | (_PromptSys_CurPos.y+1)*_PromptSys_FontSize.cy-7)
220 | ShowCaret(hWnd)
221 | End If
223 | HideCaret(hWnd)
224 | DestroyCaret()
225 | Case WM_KEYDOWN
226 | If _PromptSys_InputLen=-1 Then
227 | _PromptSys_KeyChar=wParam As Byte
228 | End If
229 | Case WM_CHAR
230 | If _PromptSys_InputLen<>-1 Then
231 | If wParam=VK_BACK Then
232 | If _PromptSys_InputLen Then
233 | _PromptSys_InputLen=_PromptSys_InputLen-1
234 | _PromptSys_InputStr[_PromptSys_InputLen]=0
235 |
236 | _PromptSys_CurPos.x=_PromptSys_CurPos.x-1
237 | _PromptSys_Buffer[_PromptSys_CurPos.y][_PromptSys_CurPos.x]=0
238 | End If
239 | ElseIf wParam=VK_RETURN Then
240 | _PromptSys_InputStr[_PromptSys_InputLen]=0
241 | _PromptSys_InputLen=-1
242 | TempStr=Ex"\r\n"
243 | ElseIf wParam=&H16 Then
244 | 'Paste Command(Use Clippboard)
245 | OpenClipboard(hWnd)
246 | hGlobal=GetClipboardData(CF_TEXT)
247 | If hGlobal=0 Then PromptProc=0:Exit Function
248 | pTemp=GlobalLock(hGlobal) As *Byte
249 |
250 | TempStr=ZeroString(lstrlen(pTemp)+1)
251 | lstrcpy(StrPtr(TempStr),pTemp)
252 |
253 | lstrcpy((VarPtr(_PromptSys_InputStr[0])+_PromptSys_InputLen) As *Byte,pTemp)
254 | _PromptSys_InputLen=_PromptSys_InputLen+lstrlen(pTemp)
255 |
256 | GlobalUnlock(hGlobal)
257 | CloseClipboard()
258 | Else
259 | _PromptSys_InputStr[_PromptSys_InputLen]=wParam As Byte
260 | _PromptSys_InputLen=_PromptSys_InputLen+1
261 |
262 | temporary[0]=wParam As Byte
263 | temporary[1]=0
264 | TempStr=temporary
265 | End If
266 |
267 | SendMessage(hWnd,WM_KILLFOCUS,0,0)
268 | PRINT_ToPrompt(TempStr)
269 | SendMessage(hWnd,WM_SETFOCUS,0,0)
270 | End If
271 | Case WM_DESTROY
272 | DeleteDC(_PromptSys_hMemDC)
273 | DeleteObject(_PromptSys_hBitmap)
274 |
275 | PostQuitMessage(0)
276 | Case Else
277 | PromptProc=DefWindowProc(hWnd,message,wParam,lParam)
278 | Exit Function
279 | End Select
280 | PromptProc=0
281 | End Function
282 |
283 | Function PromptMain(dwData As Long) As Long
284 | Dim i As Long
285 |
286 | 'Allocate
287 | For i=0 To 100
288 | _PromptSys_Buffer[i]=HeapAlloc(_System_hProcessHeap,HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,255)
289 | _PromptSys_TextColor[i]=HeapAlloc(_System_hProcessHeap,HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,255*SizeOf(LONG_PTR))
290 | _PromptSys_BackColor[i]=HeapAlloc(_System_hProcessHeap,HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,255*SizeOf(LONG_PTR))
291 | Next
292 |
293 | 'Current Colors initialize
294 | _PromptSys_NowTextColor=RGB(255,255,255)
295 | _PromptSys_NowBackColor=RGB(0,0,0)
296 |
297 | 'Setup
298 | _PromptSys_ScreenSize.cx=GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN)
299 | _PromptSys_ScreenSize.cy=GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN)
300 |
301 | 'LogFont initialize
302 | _PromptSys_LogFont.lfHeight=-16
303 | _PromptSys_LogFont.lfWidth=0
304 | _PromptSys_LogFont.lfEscapement=0
305 | _PromptSys_LogFont.lfOrientation=0
306 | _PromptSys_LogFont.lfWeight=0
307 | _PromptSys_LogFont.lfItalic=0
308 | _PromptSys_LogFont.lfUnderline=0
309 | _PromptSys_LogFont.lfStrikeOut=0
310 | _PromptSys_LogFont.lfCharSet=SHIFTJIS_CHARSET
311 | _PromptSys_LogFont.lfOutPrecision=OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS
312 | _PromptSys_LogFont.lfClipPrecision=CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS
313 | _PromptSys_LogFont.lfQuality=DEFAULT_QUALITY
314 | _PromptSys_LogFont.lfPitchAndFamily=FIXED_PITCH
315 | lstrcpy(_PromptSys_LogFont.lfFaceName,"MS 明朝")
316 |
317 | _PromptSys_hFont=CreateFontIndirect(_PromptSys_LogFont)
318 |
319 | 'Critical Section
320 | InitializeCriticalSection(_PromptSys_SectionOfBufferAccess)
321 |
322 | 'Regist Prompt Class
323 | Dim wcl As WNDCLASSEX
324 | FillMemory(VarPtr(wcl),Len(wcl),0)
325 | wcl.cbSize=Len(wcl)
326 | wcl.hInstance=GetModuleHandle(0)
327 | wcl.style=CS_HREDRAW or CS_VREDRAW or CS_DBLCLKS
330 | wcl.hCursor=LoadCursor(NULL,MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_ARROW))
331 | wcl.lpszClassName="PROMPT"
332 | wcl.lpfnWndProc=AddressOf(PromptProc)
333 | wcl.hbrBackground=GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH)
334 | RegisterClassEx(wcl)
335 |
336 | 'Create Prompt Window
338 | ShowWindow(_PromptSys_hWnd,SW_SHOW)
339 |
340 | Dim msg As MSG, iResult As Long
341 | Do
342 | iResult=GetMessage(msg,0,0,0)
343 | If iResult=0 or iResult=-1 Then Exit Do
344 | TranslateMessage(msg)
345 | DispatchMessage(msg)
346 | Loop
347 |
348 | EnterCriticalSection(_PromptSys_SectionOfBufferAccess)
349 | For i=0 to 100
350 | HeapFree(_System_hProcessHeap,0,_PromptSys_Buffer[i])
351 | HeapFree(_System_hProcessHeap,0,_PromptSys_TextColor[i])
352 | HeapFree(_System_hProcessHeap,0,_PromptSys_BackColor[i])
353 | Next
354 |
355 | '強制的に終了する
356 | ExitProcess(0)
357 |
358 | LeaveCriticalSection(_PromptSys_SectionOfBufferAccess)
359 |
360 | DeleteCriticalSection(_PromptSys_SectionOfBufferAccess)
361 |
362 | ExitProcess(0)
363 | End Function
364 |
365 |
366 | '----------------------
367 | ' Prompt text Commands
368 | '----------------------
369 |
370 | Macro CLS()(num As Long)
371 | Dim i As Long
372 | Dim hOldBrush As HBRUSH
373 |
374 | 'When parameter was omitted, num is set to 1
375 | If num=0 Then num=1
376 |
377 | If num=1 or num=3 Then
378 | 'Clear the text screen
379 | For i=0 To 100
380 | FillMemory(_PromptSys_Buffer[i],255,0)
381 | Next
382 | _PromptSys_CurPos.x=0
383 | _PromptSys_CurPos.y=0
384 | End If
385 |
386 | If num=2 or num=3 Then
387 | 'Clear the graphics screen
388 | hOldBrush=SelectObject(_PromptSys_hMemDC,GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH))
389 | PatBlt(_PromptSys_hMemDC,0,0,_PromptSys_ScreenSize.cx,_PromptSys_ScreenSize.cy,PATCOPY)
390 | SelectObject(_PromptSys_hMemDC,hOldBrush)
391 | End If
392 |
393 | 'Redraw
394 | InvalidateRect(_PromptSys_hWnd,ByVal 0,0)
395 | End Macro
396 |
397 | Macro COLOR(TextColorCode As Long)(BackColorCode As Long)
398 | _PromptSys_NowTextColor=GetBasicColor(TextColorCode)
399 | If BackColorCode=-1 Then
400 | _PromptSys_NowBackColor=-1
401 | Else
402 | _PromptSys_NowBackColor=GetBasicColor(BackColorCode)
403 | End If
404 | End Macro
405 |
406 | '---------- Defined in "command.sbp" ----------
407 | 'Dim _System_InputDataPtr[_System_MAX_PARMSNUM] As VoidPtr
408 | 'Dim _System_InputDataType[_System_MAX_PARMSNUM] As DWord
409 | '----------------------------------------------
410 | Sub INPUT_FromPrompt(ShowStr As String)
411 | Dim i As Long ,i2 As Long, i3 As Long
412 | Dim buf As String
413 |
414 | *InputReStart
415 |
416 | PRINT_ToPrompt(ShowStr)
417 |
418 | 'Input by keyboard
419 | _PromptSys_InputLen=0
420 | SendMessage(_PromptSys_hWnd,WM_SETFOCUS,0,0)
421 | While _PromptSys_InputLen<>-1
422 | Sleep(10)
423 | Wend
424 | SendMessage(_PromptSys_hWnd,WM_KILLFOCUS,0,0)
425 |
426 | 'Set value to variable
427 | i=0
428 | i2=0
429 | buf=ZeroString(lstrlen(_PromptSys_InputStr))
430 | While 1
431 | i3=0
432 | While 1
433 | If _PromptSys_InputStr[i2]=Asc(",") Then
434 | buf.Chars[i3]=0
435 | Exit While
436 | End If
437 |
438 | buf.Chars[i3]=_PromptSys_InputStr[i2]
439 |
440 | If _PromptSys_InputStr[i2]=0 Then Exit While
441 |
442 | i2=i2+1
443 | i3=i3+1
444 | Wend
445 |
446 | Select Case _System_InputDataType[i]
447 | Case _System_Type_Double
448 | SetDouble(_System_InputDataPtr[i],Val(buf))
449 | Case _System_Type_Single
450 | SetSingle(_System_InputDataPtr[i],Val(buf))
451 | Case _System_Type_Int64,_System_Type_QWord
452 | SetQWord(_System_InputDataPtr[i],Val(buf))
453 | Case _System_Type_Long,_System_Type_DWord
454 | SetDWord(_System_InputDataPtr[i],Val(buf))
455 | Case _System_Type_Integer,_System_Type_Word
456 | SetWord(_System_InputDataPtr[i],Val(buf))
457 | Case _System_Type_Char,_System_Type_Byte
458 | SetByte(_System_InputDataPtr[i],Val(buf))
459 |
460 | Case _System_Type_String
461 | Dim pTempStr As *String
462 | pTempStr=_System_InputDataPtr[i] As *String
463 | pTempStr->ReSize(i3)
464 | memcpy(pTempStr->Chars, buf.Chars, pTempStr->Length)
465 | pTempStr->Chars[pTempStr->Length] = 0
466 | End Select
467 |
468 | i=i+1
469 | If _System_InputDataPtr[i]=0 and _PromptSys_InputStr[i2]=Asc(",") Then
470 | PRINT_ToPrompt(Ex"入力データの個数が多すぎます\r\n")
471 | Goto *InputReStart
472 | ElseIf _PromptSys_InputStr[i2]=0 Then
473 | If _System_InputDataPtr[i]<>0 Then
474 | PRINT_ToPrompt(Ex"入力データの個数が足りません\r\n")
475 | Goto *InputReStart
476 | Else
477 | Exit While
478 | End If
479 | End If
480 |
481 | i2=i2+1
482 | Wend
483 | End Sub
484 |
485 | Sub PRINTUSING_ToPrompt(UsingStr As String)
486 | PRINT_ToPrompt(_System_GetUsingFormat(UsingStr))
487 | End Sub
488 |
489 | Macro LOCATE(x As Long, y As Long)
490 | Dim i As Long, i2 As Long
491 |
492 | If x<0 Then x=0
493 | If y<0 Then y=0
494 | If y>100 Then y=100
495 |
496 | _PromptSys_CurPos.x=x
497 | _PromptSys_CurPos.y=y
498 |
499 | i=0
500 | While _PromptSys_Buffer[y][i]
501 | i=i+1
502 | Wend
503 |
504 | If i<x Then
505 | FillMemory(_PromptSys_Buffer[y]+i,x-i,Asc(" "))
506 | For i2=i To x-1
507 | _PromptSys_BackColor[y][i2]=-1
508 | Next
509 | End If
510 | End Macro
511 |
512 |
513 | '-------------------
514 | ' Graphics Commands
515 | '-------------------
516 |
517 | Macro CIRCLE(x As Long , y As Long, radius As Long)(ColorCode As Long, StartPos As Double, EndPos As Double, Aspect As Double, bFill As Long, BrushColor As Long)
518 | '呼び出し方法は以下のようになります(コンパイラがパラメータの並びを最適化します)
519 | 'Circle (x, y), radius [, color] [, start] [, end] [, aspect] [, f] [, color2]
520 |
521 | Dim hDC As Long
522 | Dim hPen As Long, hOldPen As Long
523 | Dim hBrush As Long, hOldBrush As Long
524 | Dim radi2 As Long
525 | Dim sw As Long
526 | Dim i1 As Long, i2 As Long, i3 As Long, i4 As Long
527 |
528 | hPen=CreatePen(PS_SOLID,1,GetBasicColor(ColorCode))
529 | If bFill Then
530 | hBrush=CreateSolidBrush(GetBasicColor(BrushColor))
531 | Else
532 | hBrush=GetStockObject(NULL_BRUSH)
533 | End If
534 |
535 | hDC=GetDC(_PromptSys_hWnd)
536 | SelectObject(hDC,hPen)
537 | SelectObject(hDC,hBrush)
538 | hOldPen=SelectObject(_PromptSys_hMemDC,hPen)
539 | hOldBrush=SelectObject(_PromptSys_hMemDC,hBrush)
540 |
541 | If Aspect<1 Then
542 | radi2=CDbl(radius)*Aspect
543 | Else
544 | radi2=radius
545 | radius=CDbl(radius)/Aspect
546 | End If
547 |
548 | If StartPos=0 And EndPos=0 Then
549 | Ellipse(hDC,x-radius,y-radi2,x+radius,y+radi2)
550 | Ellipse(_PromptSys_hMemDC,x-radius,y-radi2,x+radius,y+radi2)
551 | Else
552 | StartPos=StartPos*100
553 | EndPos=EndPos*100
554 |
555 | If StartPos<0 Or EndPos<0 Then
556 | sw=1
557 | Else
558 | sw=0
559 | End If
560 |
561 | If StartPos<0 Then StartPos=StartPos*-1
562 | If EndPos<0 Then EndPos=EndPos*-1
563 |
564 | If StartPos<=78.5 Then
565 | i1=78
566 | i2=Int(StartPos)
567 | ElseIf StartPos<=235.5 Then
568 | StartPos=StartPos-78.5
569 | i1=78-Int(StartPos)
570 | i2=78
571 | ElseIf StartPos<=392.5 Then
572 | StartPos=StartPos-235.5
573 | i1=-78
574 | i2=78-Int(StartPos)
575 | ElseIf StartPos<=549.5 Then
576 | StartPos=StartPos-392.5
577 | i1=-78+Int(StartPos)
578 | i2=-78
579 | ElseIf StartPos<=628 Then
580 | StartPos=StartPos-549.5
581 | i1=78
582 | i2=-78+Int(StartPos)
583 | End If
584 |
585 | If EndPos<=78.5 Then
586 | i3=78
587 | i4=Int(EndPos)
588 | ElseIf EndPos<=235.5 Then
589 | EndPos=EndPos-78.5
590 | i3=78-Int(EndPos)
591 | i4=78
592 | ElseIf EndPos<=392.5 Then
593 | EndPos=EndPos-235.5
594 | i3=-78
595 | i4=78-Int(EndPos)
596 | ElseIf EndPos<=549.5 Then
597 | EndPos=EndPos-392.5
598 | i3=-78+Int(EndPos)
599 | i4=-78
600 | ElseIf EndPos<=628 Then
601 | EndPos=EndPos-549.5
602 | i3=78
603 | i4=-78+Int(EndPos)
604 | End If
605 |
606 | If sw Then
607 | Pie(hDC,x-radius,y-radi2,x+radius,y+radi2, x+i1,y-i2,x+i3,y-i4)
608 | Pie(_PromptSys_hMemDC,x-radius,y-radi2,x+radius,y+radi2, x+i1,y-i2,x+i3,y-i4)
609 | Else
610 | Arc(hDC,x-radius,y-radi2,x+radius,y+radi2, x+i1,y-i2,x+i3,y-i4)
611 | Arc(_PromptSys_hMemDC,x-radius,y-radi2,x+radius,y+radi2, x+i1,y-i2,x+i3,y-i4)
612 | End If
613 | End If
614 |
615 | ReleaseDC(_PromptSys_hWnd,hDC)
616 | SelectObject(_PromptSys_hMemDC,hOldPen)
617 | SelectObject(_PromptSys_hMemDC,hOldBrush)
618 | DeleteObject(hPen)
619 | If bFill Then DeleteObject(hBrush)
620 | End Macro
621 |
622 | Macro LINE(sx As Long, sy As Long, bStep As Long, ex As Long, ey As Long)(ColorCode As Long, fType As Long, BrushColor As Long)
623 | '呼び出し方法は以下のようになります(コンパイラがパラメータの並びを最適化します)
624 | 'Line (sx,sy)-[STEP](ex,ey),[ColorCode],[B/Bf],[BrushColor]
625 | Dim temp As Long
626 |
627 | If sx=&H80000000 And sy=&H80000000 Then
628 | sx=_PromptSys_GlobalPos.x
629 | sy=_PromptSys_GlobalPos.y
630 | End If
631 |
632 | If bStep Then
633 | ex=sx+ex
634 | ey=sy+ey
635 | Else
636 | If fType Then
637 | 'ラインの場合(四角形でない場合)
638 | If sx>ex Then
639 | temp=ex
640 | ex=sx
641 | sx=temp
642 | End If
643 | If sy>ey Then
644 | temp=ey
645 | ey=sy
646 | sy=temp
647 | End If
648 | End If
649 | End If
650 |
651 | Dim hDC As Long
652 | Dim hPen As Long, hOldPen As Long
653 | Dim hBrush As Long, hOldBrush As Long
654 |
655 | hDC=GetDC(_PromptSys_hWnd)
656 | hPen=CreatePen(PS_SOLID,1,GetBasicColor(ColorCode))
657 | If fType=2 Then
658 | hBrush=CreateSolidBrush(GetBasicColor(BrushColor))
659 | Else
660 | hBrush=GetStockObject(NULL_BRUSH)
661 | End If
662 |
663 | SelectObject(hDC,hPen)
664 | SelectObject(hDC,hBrush)
665 | hOldPen=SelectObject(_PromptSys_hMemDC,hPen)
666 | hOldBrush=SelectObject(_PromptSys_hMemDC,hBrush)
667 |
668 | Select Case fType
669 | Case 0
670 | 'line
671 | MoveToEx(_PromptSys_hMemDC,sx,sy,ByVal NULL)
672 | LineTo(_PromptSys_hMemDC,ex,ey)
673 | SetPixel(_PromptSys_hMemDC,ex,ey,GetBasicColor(ColorCode))
674 | MoveToEx(hDC,sx,sy,ByVal NULL)
675 | LineTo(hDC,ex,ey)
676 | SetPixel(hDC,ex,ey,GetBasicColor(ColorCode))
677 | Case Else
678 | 'Rectangle
679 | Rectangle(hDC,sx,sy,ex+1,ey+1)
680 | Rectangle(_PromptSys_hMemDC,sx,sy,ex+1,ey+1)
681 | End Select
682 |
683 | ReleaseDC(_PromptSys_hWnd,hDC)
684 | SelectObject(_PromptSys_hMemDC,hOldPen)
685 | SelectObject(_PromptSys_hMemDC,hOldBrush)
686 | DeleteObject(hPen)
687 | If fType=2 Then DeleteObject(hBrush)
688 |
689 | _PromptSys_GlobalPos.x=ex
690 | _PromptSys_GlobalPos.y=ey
691 | End Macro
692 |
693 | Macro PSET(x As Long, y As Long)(ColorCode As Long)
694 | '呼び出し方法は以下のようになります(コンパイラがパラメータの並びを最適化します)
695 | 'PSet (x,y),ColorCode
696 |
697 | Dim hDC As Long
698 |
699 | hDC=GetDC(_PromptSys_hWnd)
700 | SetPixel(hDC,x,y,GetBasicColor(ColorCode))
701 | SetPixel(_PromptSys_hMemDC,x,y,GetBasicColor(ColorCode))
702 | ReleaseDC(_PromptSys_hWnd,hDC)
703 |
704 | _PromptSys_GlobalPos.x=x
705 | _PromptSys_GlobalPos.y=y
706 | End Macro
707 |
708 | Macro PAINT(x As Long, y As Long, BrushColor As Long)(ByVal LineColor As Long)
709 | '呼び出し方法は以下のようになります(コンパイラがパラメータの並びを最適化します)
710 | 'Paint (x,y),BrushColor,LineColor
711 |
712 | Dim hDC As Long
713 | Dim hBrush As Long, hOldBrush As Long
714 |
715 | hBrush=CreateSolidBrush(GetBasicColor(BrushColor))
716 |
717 | hDC=GetDC(_PromptSys_hWnd)
718 | SelectObject(hDC,hBrush)
719 | hOldBrush=SelectObject(_PromptSys_hMemDC,hBrush)
720 |
721 | ExtFloodFill(hDC,x,y,GetBasicColor(LineColor),FLOODFILLBORDER)
722 | ExtFloodFill(_PromptSys_hMemDC,x,y,GetBasicColor(LineColor),FLOODFILLBORDER)
723 |
724 | ReleaseDC(_PromptSys_hWnd,hDC)
725 | SelectObject(_PromptSys_hMemDC,hOldBrush)
726 | DeleteObject(hBrush)
727 | End Macro
728 |
729 |
730 | '-----------
731 | ' Functions
732 | '-----------
733 |
734 | Function Inkey$() As String
735 | If _PromptSys_KeyChar=0 Then
736 | Inkey$=""
737 | Else
738 | Inkey$=Chr$(_PromptSys_KeyChar)
739 | End If
740 | _PromptSys_KeyChar=0
741 | End Function
742 |
743 | Function Input$(length As Long) As String
744 | Dim i As Long
745 |
746 | If length<=0 Then
747 | Input$=""
748 | Exit Function
749 | End If
750 |
751 | i=0
752 | While 1
753 | If _PromptSys_KeyChar Then
754 | Input$=Input$+Chr$(_PromptSys_KeyChar)
755 | _PromptSys_KeyChar=0
756 | i=i+1
757 | If i>=length Then
758 | Exit While
759 | End If
760 | End If
761 | Sleep(1)
762 | Wend
763 | End Function
764 |
765 |
766 | #endif '_INC_PROMPT