1 | 'command.sbp
2 |
3 |
4 | #ifndef _INC_COMMAND
5 | #define _INC_COMMAND
6 |
7 | #require <windows.sbp>
8 | #require <Classes/System/Environment.ab>
9 |
10 | Const _System_Type_SByte = 1
11 | Const _System_Type_Byte = 2
12 | Const _System_Type_Integer = 3
13 | Const _System_Type_Word = 4
14 | Const _System_Type_Long = 5
15 | Const _System_Type_DWord = 6
16 | Const _System_Type_Int64 = 7
17 | Const _System_Type_QWord = 8
18 | Const _System_Type_Single = 9
19 | Const _System_Type_Double = 10
20 | Const _System_Type_Char = 11
21 | Const _System_Type_String = 13
22 | Const _System_Type_VoidPtr = 14
23 | Const _System_MAX_PARMSNUM = 32-1
24 |
25 | Dim _System_DummyStr As String
26 | Dim _System_DummyStr2 As String
27 |
28 | Macro BEEP()
29 | MessageBeep(MB_OK)
30 | End Macro
31 |
32 | Sub _System_Call_Destructor_of_GlobalObject() 'dummy
33 | End Sub
34 |
35 | Macro END()
36 | _System_EndProgram()
37 | ExitProcess(Environment.ExitCode)
38 | End Macro
39 |
40 | Macro EXEC(filePath As String)(cmdLine As String)
41 | ShellExecute(0, "open", ToTCStr(filePath), ToTCStr(cmdLine), 0, SW_SHOWNORMAL)
42 | End Macro
43 |
44 | Macro INPUT() 'dummy(INPUT_FromFile、INPUT_FromPromptを参照)
45 | End Macro
46 |
47 | Macro PRINT() 'dummy(PRINT_ToFile、PRINT_ToPromptを参照)
48 | End Macro
49 |
50 | Macro RANDOMIZE()
51 | srand(GetTickCount())
52 | End Macro
53 |
54 | Macro WRITE() 'dummy(PRINT_ToFile、PRINT_ToPromptを参照)
55 | End Macro
56 |
57 | '----------------
58 | ' ウィンドウ関連
59 | '----------------
60 |
61 | Function _System_MessageBox(hw As HWND, s As PCSTR, t As PCSTR, b As DWord) As DWord
62 | Return MessageBoxA(hw, s, t, b)
63 | End Function
64 |
65 | Function _System_MessageBox(hw As HWND, s As PCWSTR, t As PCWSTR, b As DWord) As DWord
66 | Return MessageBoxW(hw, s, t, b)
67 | End Function
68 |
69 | Macro MSGBOX(hwnd As HWND, str As String)(title As String, boxType As DWord, ByRef retAns As DWord)
70 | If VarPtr(retAns) Then
71 | retAns = _System_MessageBox(hwnd, str, title, boxType)
72 | Else
73 | _System_MessageBox(hwnd, str, title, boxType)
74 | End If
75 | End Macro
76 |
77 | Macro WINDOW(ByRef hwndRet As HWND, hOwner As HWND, x As Long, y As Long, width As Long, height As Long, title As String, dwStyle As DWord)(className As String, id As HMENU, lpFunc As DWord, dwExStyle As DWord)
78 | Dim hwnd = CreateWindowEx(dwExStyle, ToTCStr(className), ToTCStr(title), dwStyle, x, y, width, height, hOwner, id, GetModuleHandle(0), 0)
79 | If VarPtr(hwndRet) Then
80 | hwndRet = hwnd
81 | End If
82 | End Macro
83 |
84 | Macro DELWND(hWnd As HWND)
85 | DestroyWindow(hWnd)
86 | End Macro
87 |
88 | Macro INSMENU(hMenu As HMENU, PosID As Long, flag As Long)(str As String, id As Long, hSubMenu As HMENU, state As Long)
89 | Dim mii As MENUITEMINFO
90 | ZeroMemory(VarPtr(mii), Len(mii))
91 | With mii
92 | .cbSize = Len(mii)
93 | .fMask = MIIM_TYPE
94 |
95 | If lpString.Length = 0 Then
96 | mii.fType = MFT_SEPARATOR
97 | Else
98 | .fType = MFT_STRING
99 | .fMask = .fMask or MIIM_STATE or MIIM_ID
100 | .dwTypeData = ToTCStr(str)
101 | .wID = id
102 | If hSubMenu Then
103 | .fMask = .fMask or MIIM_SUBMENU
104 | .hSubMenu = hSubMenu
105 | End If
106 | .fState = state
107 | End If
108 | End With
109 | InsertMenuItem(hMenu, PosID, flag, mii)
110 | End Macro
111 |
112 |
113 | '--------------
114 | ' ファイル関連
115 | '--------------
116 |
117 | Dim _System_hFile(255) As HANDLE
118 | Macro OPEN(fileName As String, AccessFor As Long, FileNumber As Long)
119 | Dim access As Long
120 | Dim bAppend = False As Boolean
121 | Dim creationDisposition As Long
122 |
123 | FileNumber--
124 |
125 | Select Case AccessFor
126 | Case 0
128 | creationDisposition = OPEN_ALWAYS
129 | Case 1
130 | access = GENERIC_READ
131 | creationDisposition = OPEN_EXISTING
132 | Case 2
133 | access = GENERIC_WRITE
134 | creationDisposition = CREATE_ALWAYS
135 | Case 3
136 | access = GENERIC_WRITE
137 | creationDisposition = OPEN_ALWAYS
138 | bAppend = True
139 | End Select
140 |
141 | _System_hFile(FileNumber) = CreateFile(ToTCStr(fileName), access, 0, ByVal 0, creationDisposition, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0)
142 |
143 | If bAppend Then SetFilePointer(_System_hFile(FileNumber), 0, 0, FILE_END)
144 | End Macro
145 |
146 | Macro CLOSE()(FileNumber As Long)
147 | FileNumber--
148 |
149 | If _System_hFile(FileNumber) Then
150 | CloseHandle(_System_hFile(FileNumber))
151 | _System_hFile(FileNumber)=0
152 | End If
153 | End Macro
154 |
155 | 'INPUT Command Data
156 | Dim _System_InputDataPtr[_System_MAX_PARMSNUM] As VoidPtr
157 | Dim _System_InputDataType[_System_MAX_PARMSNUM] As DWord
158 | Sub INPUT_FromFile(FileNumber As Long)
159 | Dim i As Long ,i2 As Long, i3 As Long
160 | Dim buffer As String
161 | Dim temp[1] As StrChar
162 | Dim dwAccessBytes As DWord
163 | Dim IsStr As Long
164 |
165 | FileNumber--
166 |
167 | buffer=ZeroString(GetFileSize(_System_hFile[FileNumber],0))
168 |
169 | i=0
170 | While 1
171 | '次のデータをサーチ
172 | Do
173 | i2=ReadFile(_System_hFile[FileNumber],temp,SizeOf (StrChar),VarPtr(dwAccessBytes),ByVal 0)
174 | If i2=0 or dwAccessBytes=0 Then
175 | 'error
176 | Exit Macro
177 | End If
178 | Loop While temp[0]=32 or temp[0]=9
179 | SetFilePointer(_System_hFile[FileNumber],-1,0,FILE_CURRENT)
180 |
181 | '読み込み
182 | i3=-1
183 | IsStr=0
184 | While 1
185 | i3++
186 |
187 | i2=ReadFile(_System_hFile[FileNumber],temp,SizeOf (StrChar),VarPtr(dwAccessBytes),ByVal 0)
188 | If i2=0 or (i3=0 and dwAccessBytes=0) Then
189 | 'error
190 | Exit Macro
191 | End If
192 | If temp[0]=34 Then IsStr=IsStr xor 1
193 |
194 | buffer[i3]=temp[0]
195 | If dwAccessBytes=0 or temp[0]=0 or temp[0]=13 or temp[0]=10 or (IsStr=0 and temp[0]=Asc(",")) or (IsStr=0 and (temp[0]=32 or temp[0]=9) and _System_InputDataType[i]<>_System_Type_String) Then
196 | If temp[0]=13 Then
197 | ReadFile(_System_hFile[FileNumber],temp,SizeOf (StrChar),VarPtr(dwAccessBytes),ByVal 0)
198 | If Not(dwAccessBytes<>0 And temp[0]=10) Then
199 | SetFilePointer(_System_hFile[FileNumber],-1,0,FILE_CURRENT)
200 | Continue
201 | End If
202 | End If
203 |
204 | If temp[0]=32 or temp[0]=9 Then
205 | While 1
206 | ReadFile(_System_hFile[FileNumber],temp,1,VarPtr(dwAccessBytes),ByVal 0)
207 | If dwAccessBytes=0 Then Exit While
208 | If temp[0]=Asc(",") Then Exit While
209 | If Not(temp[0]=32 or temp[0]=9) Then
210 | SetFilePointer(_System_hFile[FileNumber],-1,0,FILE_CURRENT)
211 | Exit While
212 | End If
213 | Wend
214 | End If
215 |
216 | buffer[i3]=0
217 | Exit While
218 | End If
219 | Wend
220 |
221 | 'データを変数に格納
222 | _System_Input_SetArgument(_System_InputDataPtr[i], _System_InputDataType[i], buffer, i3)
223 |
224 |
225 | i++
226 | If _System_InputDataPtr[i]=0 Then Exit While
227 | Wend
228 | End Sub
229 |
230 | Sub _System_Input_SetArgument(arg As VoidPtr, dataType As DWord, ByRef buf As String, bufLen As Long)
231 | Select Case dataType
232 | Case _System_Type_Double
233 | SetDouble(arg, Val(buf))
234 | Case _System_Type_Single
235 | SetSingle(arg, Val(buf))
236 | Case _System_Type_Int64,_System_Type_QWord
237 | SetQWord(arg, Val(buf))
238 | Case _System_Type_Long,_System_Type_DWord
239 | SetDWord(arg, Val(buf))
240 | Case _System_Type_Integer,_System_Type_Word
241 | SetWord(arg, Val(buf))
242 | Case _System_Type_SByte,_System_Type_Byte
243 | SetByte(arg, Val(buf))
244 | Case _System_Type_Char
245 | SetChar(arg, buf[0])
246 | Case _System_Type_String
247 | Dim pTempStr As *String
248 | pTempStr = arg As *String
249 | pTempStr->ReSize(bufLen)
250 | memcpy(pTempStr->Chars, buf.Chars, SizeOf (StrChar) * pTempStr->Length)
251 | pTempStr->Chars[pTempStr->Length] = 0
252 | End Select
253 | End Sub
254 |
255 | Sub PRINT_ToFile(FileNumber As Long, buf As String)
256 | Dim dwAccessByte As DWord
257 | FileNumber--
258 |
259 | WriteFile(_System_hFile(FileNumber), buf, Len(buf), VarPtr(dwAccessByte), ByVal 0)
260 | End Sub
261 |
262 | Dim _System_UsingDblData[_System_MAX_PARMSNUM] As Double
263 | Dim _System_UsingStrData[_System_MAX_PARMSNUM] As String
264 | Dim _System_UsingDataType[_System_MAX_PARMSNUM] As DWord
265 | Function _System_GetUsingFormat(UsingStr As String) As String
266 | Dim i2 As Long, i3 As Long, i4 As Long, i5 As Long, ParmNum As Long
267 | Dim temporary[255] As StrChar
268 | Dim buffer As String
269 |
270 | buffer = ZeroString(1024)
271 |
272 | ParmNum = 0
273 | i2 = 0
274 | While 1
275 | While 1
276 | If UsingStr[i2]=Asc("#") or UsingStr[i2]=Asc("@") or UsingStr[i2]=Asc("&") Then Exit While
277 | buffer[i3]=UsingStr[i2]
278 | If UsingStr[i2]=0 Then Exit While
279 | i2++
280 | i3++
281 | Wend
282 |
283 | If UsingStr[i2]=0 Then Exit While
284 |
285 | If UsingStr[i2]=Asc("#") Then
286 | Dim dec As Long, sign As Long
287 | Dim temp2 As *StrChar
288 |
289 | Dim length_num As Long, length_buf As Long
290 | Dim dblRoundOff=0 As Double
291 |
292 |
293 | '----------------------
294 | ' 四捨五入を考慮
295 | '----------------------
296 |
297 | i4=i2
298 | While UsingStr[i4]=Asc("#")
299 | i4++
300 | Wend
301 | If UsingStr[i4]=Asc(".") Then
302 | i4++
303 |
304 | dblRoundOff=0.5
305 | While UsingStr[i4]=Asc("#")
306 | i4++
307 | dblRoundOff /= 10
308 | Wend
309 | End If
310 |
311 |
312 | '浮動小数点を文字列に変換
313 | temp2=_ecvt(_System_UsingDblData[ParmNum]+dblRoundOff,15,dec,sign)
314 |
315 | '整数部
316 | length_num=dec
317 | If length_num<=0 Then length_num=1
318 |
319 | '符号が有る場合は、一文字分のスペースを考慮する
320 | If sign Then length_num++
321 |
322 | length_buf=0
323 | Do
324 | i2++
325 | length_buf++
326 | Loop While UsingStr[i2]=Asc("#")
327 |
328 | If length_buf>=length_num Then
329 | '通常時
330 | _System_FillChar(VarPtr(buffer[i3]), length_buf - length_num, &h20) 'Asc(" ")
331 |
332 | i3 += length_buf - length_num
333 |
334 | If sign Then
335 | buffer[i3] = Asc("-")
336 | i3++
337 |
338 | length_num--
339 | End If
340 |
341 | If dec > 0 Then
342 | memcpy(VarPtr(buffer[i3]), temp2, SizeOf (StrChar) * length_num)
343 | Else
344 | buffer[i3] = &H30
345 | End If
346 |
347 | i3 += length_num
348 | Else
349 | '表示桁が足りないとき
350 | _System_FillChar(VarPtr(buffer[i3]), length_buf,&h23) 'Asc("#")
351 | i3 += length_buf
352 | End If
353 |
354 | If UsingStr[i2] = Asc(".") Then
355 | buffer[i3] = UsingStr[i2]
356 | i2++
357 | i3++
358 |
359 | i4=dec
360 | While UsingStr[i2] = Asc("#")
361 | If i4<0 Then
362 | buffer[i3]=&H30
363 | Else
364 | buffer[i3]=temp2[i4]
365 | End If
366 | i3++
367 | i4++
368 |
369 | i2++
370 | Wend
371 | End If
372 | ElseIf UsingStr[i2]=Asc("@") Then
373 | i2++
374 |
375 | 'lstrcat(StrPtr(buffer)+i3,_System_UsingStrData[ParmNum])
376 | memcpy(VarPtr(buffer[i3 + lstrlen(VarPtr(buffer[i3]))]), _System_UsingStrData[ParmNum], _
377 | SizeOf (StrChar) * lstrlen(_System_UsingStrData[ParmNum]))
378 | i3 += lstrlen(_System_UsingStrData[ParmNum])
379 | ElseIf UsingStr[i2]=Asc("&") Then
380 | i4=0
381 | Do
382 | i4++
383 | i2++
384 | Loop While UsingStr[i2]=Asc(" ")
385 |
386 | If UsingStr[i2]=Asc("&") Then
387 | i4++
388 | i2++
389 | i5=lstrlen(_System_UsingStrData[ParmNum])
390 | If i4<=i5 Then
391 | i5=i4
392 | Else
393 | _System_FillChar(VarPtr(buffer[i3]), i4, &h20) 'Asc(" ")
394 | End If
395 | memcpy(VarPtr(buffer[i3]), _System_UsingStrData[ParmNum], SizeOf (StrChar) * i5)
396 | i3 += i4
397 | Else
398 | i2 -= i4
399 | buffer[i3] = Asc("&")
400 | i2++
401 | i3++
402 | Continue
403 | End If
404 | End If
405 |
406 | ParmNum++
407 | Wend
408 |
409 | _System_GetUsingFormat = Left$(buffer, lstrlen(buffer))
410 | End Function
411 | Sub PRINTUSING_ToFile(FileNumber As Long, UsingStr As String)
412 | Dim dwAccessByte As DWord
413 | Dim buf As String
414 |
415 | FileNumber--
416 | buf=_System_GetUsingFormat(UsingStr)
417 |
418 | WriteFile(_System_hFile(FileNumber),buf,Len(buf),VarPtr(dwAccessByte),ByVal NULL)
419 | End Sub
420 |
421 | Dim _System_FieldSize(255) As Long
422 | Macro FIELD(FileNumber As Long, FieldSize As Long)
423 | FileNumber--
424 |
425 | _System_FieldSize(FileNumber)=FieldSize
426 | End Macro
427 | Macro GET(FileNumber As Long, RecodeNumber As Long, ByRef lpBuffer As String)
428 | Dim dwAccessByte As Long
429 |
430 | FileNumber--
431 | RecodeNumber--
432 |
433 | SetFilePointer(_System_hFile(FileNumber), SizeOf (StrChar) * RecodeNumber * _System_FieldSize(FileNumber), 0, FILE_BEGIN)
434 | lpBuffer = ZeroString(_System_FieldSize(FileNumber))
435 | ReadFile(_System_hFile(FileNumber), StrPtr(lpBuffer), SizeOf (StrChar) * _System_FieldSize(FileNumber), VarPtr(dwAccessByte),ByVal 0)
436 | If Not dwAccessByte=_System_FieldSize(FileNumber) Then
437 | lpBuffer = Left$(lpBuffer, dwAccessByte)
438 | End If
439 | End Macro
440 | Macro PUT(FileNumber As Long, RecodeNumber As Long, ByRef lpBuffer As String)
441 | Dim dwAccessByte As Long
442 |
443 | FileNumber--
444 | RecodeNumber--
445 |
446 | SetFilePointer(_System_hFile(FileNumber), SizeOf (StrChar) * RecodeNumber*_System_FieldSize(FileNumber), 0, FILE_BEGIN)
447 | WriteFile(_System_hFile(FileNumber), StrPtr(lpBuffer),SizeOf (StrChar) * _System_FieldSize(FileNumber), VarPtr(dwAccessByte), ByVal 0)
448 | End Macro
449 |
450 | Macro CHDIR(path As String)
451 | SetCurrentDirectory(ToTCStr(path))
452 | End Macro
453 | Macro MKDIR(path As String)
454 | CreateDirectory(ToTCStr(path), 0)
455 | End Macro
456 | Macro KILL(path As String)
457 | DeleteFile(ToTCStr(path))
458 | End Macro
459 |
460 |
461 | #endif '_INC_COMMAND