[1] | 1 | ' api_system.sbp - System API
| 2 |
| 3 | #ifndef _INC_SYSTEM
| 4 | #define _INC_SYSTEM
| 5 |
| 6 |
| 7 | '-------------------
| 8 | ' default constants
| 9 | Const NULL = 0
| 10 | Const TRUE = 1
| 11 | Const FALSE = 0
| 12 |
| 13 | Const _System_TRUE = -1
| 14 | Const _System_FALSE = 0
| 15 |
| 16 | Const MAX_PATH = 260
| 19 |
| 20 | Const SYNCHRONIZE = &H00100000
| 21 | Const STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED = &H000F0000
| 22 |
[42] | 23 | Const MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS = 64
[1] | 24 |
| 25 | '-----------------
| 26 | ' data structs
| 28 | LowPart As DWord
| 29 | HighPart As Long
| 30 | End Type
| 32 | LowPart As DWord
| 33 | HighPart As DWord
| 34 | End Type
| 35 |
| 36 |
| 37 | 'Globally Unique Identifier 128 bit(16 byte)
| 38 | Type GUID
| 39 | Data1 As DWord
| 40 | Data2 As Word
| 41 | Data3 As Word
| 42 | Data4[7] As Byte
| 43 | End Type
| 44 |
| 45 | ' File structure
| 47 | nLength As DWord
| 48 | lpSecurityDescriptor As VoidPtr
| 49 | bInheritHandle As BOOL
| 50 | End Type
| 51 |
| 52 | Type OVERLAPPED
| 53 | Internal As ULONG_PTR
| 54 | InternalHigh As ULONG_PTR
| 55 | Offset As DWord
| 56 | OffsetHigh As DWord
| 57 | hEvent As HANDLE
| 58 | End Type
| 59 |
| 60 | Type FILETIME
| 61 | dwLowDateTime As DWord
| 62 | dwHighDateTime As DWord
| 63 | End Type
| 64 |
| 65 | ' System time
| 66 | Type SYSTEMTIME
| 67 | wYear As Word
| 68 | wMonth As Word
| 69 | wDayOfWeek As Word
| 70 | wDay As Word
| 71 | wHour As Word
| 72 | wMinute As Word
| 73 | wSecond As Word
| 74 | wMilliseconds As Word
| 75 | End Type
| 76 |
| 77 | #ifdef _WIN64
| 78 | Const CONTEXT_AMD64 = &h100000
| 79 |
| 80 | Const CONTEXT_CONTROL = (CONTEXT_AMD64 Or &h1)
| 81 | Const CONTEXT_INTEGER = (CONTEXT_AMD64 Or &h2)
| 82 | Const CONTEXT_SEGMENTS = (CONTEXT_AMD64 Or &h4)
| 85 |
| 87 |
| 89 |
| 90 | Type Align(16) M128
| 91 | Low As QWord
| 92 | High As Int64
| 93 | End Type
| 94 |
| 95 | Type LEGACY_SAVE_AREA 'Winnt.h
| 96 | ControlWord As Word
| 97 | Reserved0 As Word
| 98 | StatusWord As Word
| 99 | Reserved1 As Word
| 100 | TagWord As Word
| 101 | Reserved2 As Word
| 102 | ErrorOffset As DWord
| 103 | ErrorSelector As Word
| 104 | ErrorOpcode As Word
| 105 | DataOffset As DWord
| 106 | DataSelector As Word
| 107 | Reserved3 As Word
| 108 | FloatRegisters[ELM(8 * 10)] As Byte
| 109 | End Type
| 110 |
| 111 | Type Align(16) CONTEXT 'Winnt.h
| 112 | 'Register parameter home addresses.
| 113 | P1Home As QWord
| 114 | P2Home As QWord
| 115 | P3Home As QWord
| 116 | P4Home As QWord
| 117 | P5Home As QWord
| 118 | P6Home As QWord
| 119 | 'Control flags.
| 120 | ContextFlags As DWord
| 121 | MxCsr As DWord
| 122 | 'Segment Registers and processor flags.
| 123 | SegCs As Word
| 124 | SegDs As Word
| 125 | SegEs As Word
| 126 | SegFs As Word
| 127 | SegGs As Word
| 128 | SegSs As Word
| 129 | EFlags As DWord
| 130 | 'Debug registers
| 131 | Dr0 As QWord
| 132 | Dr1 As QWord
| 133 | Dr2 As QWord
| 134 | Dr3 As QWord
| 135 | Dr6 As QWord
| 136 | Dr7 As QWord
| 137 | 'Integer registers.
| 138 | Rax As QWord
| 139 | Rcx As QWord
| 140 | Rdx As QWord
| 141 | Rbx As QWord
| 142 | Rsp As QWord
| 143 | Rbp As QWord
| 144 | Rsi As QWord
| 145 | Rdi As QWord
| 146 | R8 As QWord
| 147 | R9 As QWord
| 148 | R10 As QWord
| 149 | R11 As QWord
| 150 | R12 As QWord
| 151 | R13 As QWord
| 152 | R14 As QWord
| 153 | R15 As QWord
| 154 | 'Program counter.
| 155 | Rip As QWord
| 156 | 'MMX/floating point state.
| 157 | Header[ELM(2)] As M128
| 158 | Legacy[ELM(8)] As M128
| 159 | Xmm0 As M128
| 160 | Xmm1 As M128
| 161 | Xmm2 As M128
| 162 | Xmm3 As M128
| 163 | Xmm4 As M128
| 164 | Xmm5 As M128
| 165 | Xmm6 As M128
| 166 | Xmm7 As M128
| 167 | Xmm8 As M128
| 168 | Xmm9 As M128
| 169 | Xmm10 As M128
| 170 | Xmm11 As M128
| 171 | Xmm12 As M128
| 172 | Xmm13 As M128
| 173 | Xmm14 As M128
| 174 | Xmm15 As M128
| 175 | Reserve[ELM(96)] As Byte
| 176 | 'Vector registers
| 177 | VectorRegisters[ELM(26)] As M128
| 178 | VectorControl As QWord
| 179 | 'Special debug control registers.
| 180 | DebugControl As QWord
| 181 | LastBranchToRip As QWord
| 182 | LastBranchFromRip As QWord
| 183 | LastExceptionToRip As QWord
| 184 | LastExceptionFromRip As QWord
| 185 | End Type
| 186 |
| 187 | #else
| 188 |
| 189 | Const SIZE_OF_80387_REGISTERS = 80
| 191 |
| 193 | ControlWord As DWord
| 194 | StatusWord As DWord
| 195 | TagWord As DWord
| 196 | ErrorOffset As DWord
| 197 | ErrorSelector As DWord
| 198 | DataOffset As DWord
| 199 | DataSelector As DWord
| 200 | RegisterArea[ELM(SIZE_OF_80387_REGISTERS)] As Byte
| 201 | Cr0NpxState As DWord
| 202 | End Type
| 203 |
| 204 | Const CONTEXT_i386 = &h00010000
| 205 | Const CONTEXT_i486 = &h00010000
| 206 |
| 207 | Const CONTEXT_CONTROL = (CONTEXT_i386 Or &h00000001) 'SS:SP, CS:IP, FLAGS, BP
| 208 | Const CONTEXT_INTEGER = (CONTEXT_i386 Or &h00000002) 'AX, BX, CX, DX, SI, DI
| 209 | Const CONTEXT_SEGMENTS = (CONTEXT_i386 Or &h00000004) 'DS, ES, FS, GS
| 210 | Const CONTEXT_FLOATING_POINT = (CONTEXT_i386 Or &h00000008) '387 state
| 211 | Const CONTEXT_DEBUG_REGISTERS = (CONTEXT_i386 Or &h00000010) 'DB 0-3,6,7
| 212 | Const CONTEXT_EXTENDED_REGISTERS = (CONTEXT_i386 Or &h0000002) 'cpu specific extensions
| 213 |
| 215 |
| 217 |
| 218 | Type CONTEXT
| 219 | ContextFlags As DWord
| 220 |
| 221 | Dr0 As DWord
| 222 | Dr1 As DWord
| 223 | Dr2 As DWord
| 224 | Dr3 As DWord
| 225 | Dr6 As DWord
| 226 | Dr7 As DWord
| 227 |
| 228 | FloatSave As FLOATING_SAVE_AREA
| 229 |
| 230 | SegGs As DWord
| 231 | SegFs As DWord
| 232 | SegEs As DWord
| 233 | SegDs As DWord
| 234 |
| 235 | Edi As DWord
| 236 | Esi As DWord
| 237 | Ebx As DWord
| 238 | Edx As DWord
| 239 | Ecx As DWord
| 240 | Eax As DWord
| 241 |
| 242 | Ebp As DWord
| 243 | Eip As DWord
| 244 | SegCs As DWord
| 245 | EFlags As DWord
| 246 | Esp As DWord
| 247 | SegSs As DWord
| 248 |
| 249 | ExtendedRegisters[ELM(MAXIMUM_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION)] As Byte
| 250 | End Type
| 251 |
| 252 | #endif
| 253 |
| 254 | ' Global Memory Flags
| 255 | Const GMEM_FIXED = &H0000
| 256 | Const GMEM_MOVEABLE = &H0002
| 257 | Const GMEM_NOCOMPACT = &H0010
| 258 | Const GMEM_NODISCARD = &H0020
| 259 | Const GMEM_ZEROINIT = &H0040
| 260 | Const GMEM_MODIFY = &H0080
| 261 | Const GMEM_DISCARDABLE = &H0100
| 262 | Const GMEM_NOT_BANKED = &H1000
| 263 | Const GMEM_SHARE = &H2000
| 264 | Const GMEM_DDESHARE = &H2000
| 265 | Const GMEM_INVALID_HANDLE = &H8000
| 268 | Const GMEM_DISCARDED = &H4000
| 269 |
| 270 |
| 271 | ' Heap
| 272 | Const HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE = &H00000001
| 273 | Const HEAP_GROWABLE = &H00000002
| 274 | Const HEAP_GENERATE_EXCEPTIONS = &H00000004
| 275 | Const HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY = &H00000008
| 276 | Const HEAP_REALLOC_IN_PLACE_ONLY = &H00000010
| 277 |
| 278 |
| 279 | ' Locale
| 280 | Const LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT = &H400 'Standard Systemsprache
| 281 | Const LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT = &H800 'Standard Benutzersprache
| 282 |
| 283 |
| 284 | ' Locale flag
| 285 | Const LOCALE_NOUSEROVERRIDE = &H80000000
| 286 |
| 287 |
| 288 | 'Critical Section
| 290 | DebugInfo As VoidPtr
| 291 | LockCount As Long
| 292 | RecursionCount As Long
| 293 | OwningThread As HANDLE
| 294 | LockSemaphore As HANDLE
| 295 | SpinCount As ULONG_PTR
| 296 | End Type
| 297 |
| 298 |
| 299 | 'DllMain
| 300 | Const DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH = 1
| 301 | Const DLL_THREAD_ATTACH = 2
| 302 | Const DLL_THREAD_DETACH = 3
| 303 | Const DLL_PROCESS_DETACH = 0
| 304 |
| 305 | 'Event
[35] | 306 | Const EVENT_MODIFY_STATE = &H0002
[1] | 308 |
| 309 | 'Mutex
| 310 | Const MUTANT_QUERY_STATE = &H0001
[1] | 313 |
| 314 | 'Semaphore
[35] | 315 | Const SEMAPHORE_MODIFY_STATE = &H0002
[1] | 317 |
| 318 | 'Timer
| 319 | Const TIMER_QUERY_STATE = &H0001
| 320 | Const TIMER_MODIFY_STATE = &H0002
| 322 |
| 323 | '----------------------
| 324 | ' Kernel Operation API
| 325 | Declare Function InterlockedIncrement Lib "kernel32" (ByRef lpAddend As Long) As Long
| 326 | Declare Function InterlockedDecrement Lib "kernel32" (ByRef lpAddend As Long) As Long
| 327 | Declare Function InterlockedExchange Lib "kernel32" (ByRef Target As Long, Value As Long) As Long
| 328 | Declare Function InterlockedCompareExchange Lib "kernel32" (Destination As *VoidPtr, Exchange As VoidPtr, Comperand As VoidPtr) As VoidPtr
| 329 | Declare Function InterlockedExchangeAdd Lib "kernel32" (ByRef Addend As Long, Value As Long) As Long
| 330 | #ifdef _WIN64
| 331 | Declare Function InterlockedCompareExchangePointer Lib "kernel32" (Destination As *VoidPtr, Exchange As VoidPtr, Comperand As VoidPtr) As VoidPtr
| 332 | #else
| 333 | Declare Function InterlockedExchangePointer Lib "kernel32" Alias "InterlockedExchange" (ByRef Target As VoidPtr, Value As VoidPtr) As VoidPtr
| 334 | #endif
| 335 | Declare Function Beep Lib "kernel32" (dwFreq As DWord, dwDuration As DWord) As BOOL
| 336 | Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" (hObject As HANDLE) As BOOL
| 337 |
| 338 | Declare Function CompareFileTime Lib "kernel32" (ByRef FileTime1 As FILETIME, ByRef FileTime2 As FILETIME) As Long
| 339 |
| 340 | Const NORM_IGNORECASE = &H00000001
| 341 | Const NORM_IGNORENONSPACE = &H00000002
| 342 | Const NORM_IGNORESYMBOLS = &H00000004
| 343 | Const SORT_STRINGSORT = &H00001000
| 344 | Const NORM_IGNOREKANATYPE = &H00010000
| 345 | Const NORM_IGNOREWIDTH = &H00020000
| 346 | Const CSTR_LESS_THAN = 1
| 347 | Const CSTR_EQUAL = 2
| 348 | Const CSTR_GREATER_THAN = 3
[35] | 349 | Declare Function CompareString Lib "kernel32" Alias "CompareStringA" (Locale As LCID, dwCmpFlags As DWord, pString1 As PCSTR, cchCount1 As Long, pString2 As PCSTR, cchCount2 As Long) As Long
[1] | 350 |
| 351 | Declare Function CopyFile Lib "kernel32" Alias "CopyFileA" (lpExistingFileName As LPCSTR, lpNewFileName As LPCSTR, bFailIfExists As BOOL) As BOOL
| 352 | Declare Function CreateDirectory Lib "kernel32" Alias "CreateDirectoryA" (lpPathName As LPCSTR, lpSecurityAttributes As *SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES) As BOOL
| 353 | Declare Function CreateEvent Lib "kernel32" Alias "CreateEventA" (pEventAttributes As *SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, bManualReset As BOOL, bInitialState As BOOL, pName As PCSTR) As HANDLE
| 354 | Declare Function CreateMutex Lib "kernel32" Alias "CreateMutexA" (lpMutexAttributes As *SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, bInitialOwner As BOOL, lpName As PCSTR) As HANDLE
| 355 | Declare Function CreateSemaphore Lib "kernel32" Alias "CreateSemaphoreA" (lpSemaphoreAttributes As *SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, lInitialCount As Long, lMaximumCount As Long, lpName As LPSTR) As HANDLE
| 356 |
| 357 | TypeDef PTIMERAPCROUTINE = *Sub(lpArgToCompletionRoutine As VoidPtr, dwTimerLowValue As DWord, dwTimerHighValue As DWord)
| 358 | Declare Function CreateWaitableTimer Lib "kernel32" Alias "CreateWaitableTimerA" (lpTimerAttributes As *SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, bManualReset As BOOL, lpTimerName As LPSTR) As HANDLE
| 359 | Declare Function OpenWaitableTimer Lib "kernel32" Alias "OpenWaitableTimerA" (dwDesiredAccess As DWord, bInheritHandle As BOOL, lpTimerName As LPSTR) As HANDLE
| 360 | Declare Function SetWaitableTimer Lib "kernel32" (hTimer As HANDLE, lpDueTime As *LARGE_INTEGER, lPeriod As Long, pfnCompletionRoutine As PTIMERAPCROUTINE, lpArgToCompletionRoutine As VoidPtr, fResume As BOOL) As BOOL
| 361 | Declare Function CancelWaitableTimer Lib "kernel32" (hTimer As HANDLE) As BOOL
| 362 |
| 363 | Const GENERIC_READ = &H80000000
| 364 | Const GENERIC_WRITE = &H40000000
| 365 | Const FILE_SHARE_READ = &H00000001
| 366 | Const FILE_SHARE_WRITE = &H00000002
| 367 | Const FILE_SHARE_DELETE = &H00000004
| 368 | Const CREATE_NEW = 1
| 369 | Const CREATE_ALWAYS = 2
| 370 | Const OPEN_EXISTING = 3
| 371 | Const OPEN_ALWAYS = 4
| 372 | Const TRUNCATE_EXISTING = 5
| 373 | Const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY = &H00000001
| 374 | Const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN = &H00000002
| 375 | Const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM = &H00000004
| 376 | Const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY = &H00000010
| 377 | Const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE = &H00000020
| 378 | Const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED = &H00000040
| 379 | Const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL = &H00000080
| 380 | Const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY = &H00000100
| 381 | Const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SPARSE_FILE = &H00000200
| 382 | Const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT = &H00000400
| 383 | Const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED = &H00000800
| 384 | Const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE = &H00001000
| 385 | Const FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH = &H80000000
| 386 | Const FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED = &H40000000
| 387 | Const FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING = &H20000000
| 388 | Const FILE_FLAG_RANDOM_ACCESS = &H10000000
| 389 | Const FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN = &H08000000
| 390 | Const FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE = &H04000000
| 391 | Const FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS = &H02000000
| 392 | Const FILE_FLAG_POSIX_SEMANTICS = &H01000000
| 393 | Const FILE_FLAG_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT = &H00200000
| 394 | Const FILE_FLAG_OPEN_NO_RECALL = &H00100000
| 395 | Declare Function CreateFile Lib "kernel32" Alias "CreateFileA" (lpFileName As *Byte, dwDesiredAccess As DWord, dwShareMode As DWord, ByRef lpSecurityAttributes As SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, dwCreationDisposition As DWord, dwFlagsAndAttributes As DWord, hTemplateFile As HANDLE) As HANDLE
| 396 |
| 397 | Const SECTION_QUERY = &H0001
| 398 | Const SECTION_MAP_WRITE = &H0002
| 399 | Const SECTION_MAP_READ = &H0004
| 400 | Const SECTION_MAP_EXECUTE = &H0008
| 401 | Const SECTION_EXTEND_SIZE = &H0010
| 403 |
| 408 | Declare Function CreateFileMapping Lib "kernel32" Alias "CreateFileMappingA" (hFile As HANDLE, lpFileMappingAttributes As *SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, flProtect As DWord, dwMaximumSizeHigh As DWord, dwMaximumSizeLow As DWord, lpName As LPSTR) As HANDLE
| 409 | Declare Function OpenFileMapping Lib "kernel32" Alias "OpenFileMappingA" (dwDesiredAccess As DWord, bInheritHandle As BOOL, lpName As LPSTR) As HANDLE
| 410 | Declare Function MapViewOfFile Lib "kernel32" (hFileMappingObject As HANDLE, dwDesiredAccess As DWord, dwFileOffsetHigh As DWord, dwFileOffsetLow As DWord, dwNumberOfBytesToMap As DWord) As VoidPtr
| 411 | Declare Function MapViewOfFileEx Lib "kernel32" (hFileMappingObject As HANDLE, dwDesiredAccess As DWord, dwFileOffsetHigh As DWord, dwFileOffsetLow As DWord, dwNumberOfBytesToMap As DWord, lpBaseAddress As VoidPtr) As VoidPtr
| 412 | Declare Function FlushViewOfFile Lib "kernel32" (lpBaseAddress As VoidPtr, dwNumberOfBytesToFlush As DWord) As BOOL
| 413 | Declare Function UnmapViewOfFile Lib "kernel32" (lpBaseAddress As VoidPtr) As BOOL
| 414 |
| 416 | Declare Function CreateMailslot Lib "kernel32" Alias "CreateMailslotA" (lpName As *Byte, nMaxMessageSize As DWord, lReadTimeout As DWord, ByRef lpSecurityAttributes As SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES) As HANDLE
| 417 |
| 418 | Const DEBUG_PROCESS = &H00000001
| 419 | Const DEBUG_ONLY_THIS_PROCESS = &H00000002
| 420 | Const CREATE_SUSPENDED = &H00000004
| 421 | Const DETACHED_PROCESS = &H00000008
| 422 | Const CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE = &H00000010
| 423 | Const NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS = &H00000020
| 424 | Const IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS = &H00000040
| 425 | Const HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS = &H00000080
| 426 | Const REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS = &H00000100
| 427 | Const CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP = &H00000200
| 428 | Const CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT = &H00000400
| 429 | Const CREATE_SEPARATE_WOW_VDM = &H00000800
| 430 | Const CREATE_SHARED_WOW_VDM = &H00001000
| 431 | Const CREATE_FORCEDOS = &H00002000
| 432 | Const CREATE_DEFAULT_ERROR_MODE = &H04000000
| 433 | Const CREATE_NO_WINDOW = &H08000000
| 434 | Const PROFILE_USER = &H10000000
| 435 | Const PROFILE_KERNEL = &H20000000
| 436 | Const PROFILE_SERVER = &H40000000
| 437 |
| 438 | Const STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW = &H00000001
| 439 | Const STARTF_USESIZE = &H00000002
| 440 | Const STARTF_USEPOSITION = &H00000004
| 441 | Const STARTF_USECOUNTCHARS = &H00000008
| 442 | Const STARTF_USEFILLATTRIBUTE = &H00000010
| 443 | Const STARTF_RUNFULLSCREEN = &H00000020
| 444 | Const STARTF_FORCEONFEEDBACK = &H00000040
| 445 | Const STARTF_FORCEOFFFEEDBACK = &H00000080
| 446 | Const STARTF_USESTDHANDLES = &H00000100
| 447 | Const STARTF_USEHOTKEY = &H00000200
| 448 | Type STARTUPINFO
| 449 | cb As DWord
| 450 | lpReserved As *Byte
| 451 | lpDesktop As *Byte
| 452 | lpTitle As *Byte
| 453 | dwX As DWord
| 454 | dwY As DWord
| 455 | dwXSize As DWord
| 456 | dwYSize As DWord
| 457 | dwXCountChars As DWord
| 458 | dwYCountChars As DWord
| 459 | dwFillAttribute As DWord
| 460 | dwFlags As DWord
| 461 | wShowWindow As Word
| 462 | cbReserved2 As Word
| 463 | lpReserved2 As *Byte
| 464 | hStdInput As HANDLE
| 465 | hStdOutput As HANDLE
| 466 | hStdError As HANDLE
| 467 | End Type
| 469 | hProcess As HANDLE
| 470 | hThread As HANDLE
| 471 | dwProcessId As DWord
| 472 | dwThreadId As DWord
| 473 | End Type
| 474 | Declare Function CreateProcess Lib "kernel32" Alias "CreateProcessA" (lpApplicationName As BytePtr, lpCommandLine As BytePtr, ByRef lpProcessAttributes As SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, ByRef lpThreadAttributes As SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, bInheritHandles As BOOL, dwCreationFlags As DWord, lpEnvironment As VoidPtr, lpCurrentDirectory As BytePtr, ByRef lpStartupInfo As STARTUPINFO, ByRef lpProcessInformation As PROCESS_INFORMATION) As BOOL
| 475 |
| 476 | TypeDef LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE = *Function(lpThreadParameter As VoidPtr) As DWord
| 477 | Declare Function CreateThread Lib "kernel32" Alias "CreateThread" (lpThreadAttributes As *SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, dwStackSize As DWord, lpStartAddress As LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE, lpParameter As VoidPtr, dwCreationFlags As DWord, ByRef lpThreadId As DWord) As HANDLE
| 478 |
| 479 | Declare Sub DebugBreak Lib "kernel32" ()
| 480 | Declare Sub DeleteCriticalSection Lib "kernel32" (ByRef lpCriticalSection As CRITICAL_SECTION)
| 481 | Declare Function DeleteFile Lib "kernel32" Alias "DeleteFileA" (pFileName As PCSTR) As BOOL
| 482 | Declare Function DeviceIoControl Lib "Kernel32" (
| 483 | hDevice As HANDLE,
| 484 | dwIoControlCode As DWord,
| 485 | pInBuffer As VoidPtr,
| 486 | nInBufferSize As DWord,
| 487 | pOutBuffer As VoidPtr,
| 488 | nOutBufferSize As DWord,
| 489 | pBytesReturned As DWordPtr,
| 490 | pOverlapped As *OVERLAPPED
| 491 | ) As Long
| 492 | Declare Function DisableThreadLibraryCalls Lib "kernel32" (hLibModule As HINSTANCE) As BOOL
| 493 | Declare Function DosDateTimeToFileTime Lib "kernel32" (wFatDate As Word, wFatTime As Word, ByRef lpFileTime As FILETIME) As BOOL
| 494 |
| 497 | Declare Function DuplicateHandle Lib "kernel32" (hSourceProcessHandle As HANDLE, hSourceHandle As HANDLE, hTargetProcessHandle As HANDLE, ByRef TargetHandle As HANDLE, dwDesiredAccess As DWord, bInheritHandle As BOOL, dwOptions As DWord) As BOOL
| 498 |
| 499 | Declare Sub EnterCriticalSection Lib "kernel32" (ByRef lpCriticalSection As CRITICAL_SECTION)
| 500 | Declare Sub ExitProcess Lib "kernel32" (dwExitCode As DWord)
| 501 | Declare Sub ExitThread Lib "kernel32" (dwExitCode As DWord)
| 502 | Declare Sub FatalAppExit Lib "kernel32" Alias "FatalAppExitA" (Action As DWord, pMessageText As PCSTR)
| 503 | Declare Function FileTimeToDosDateTime Lib "kernel32" (ByRef lpFileTime As FILETIME, ByRef lpFatDate As Word, ByRef lpFatTime As Word) As BOOL
| 504 | Declare Function FileTimeToLocalFileTime Lib "kernel32" (ByRef lpFileTime As FILETIME, ByRef lpLocalFileTime As FILETIME) As BOOL
| 505 | Declare Function FileTimeToSystemTime Lib "kernel32" (ByRef lpFileTime As FILETIME, ByRef lpSystemTime As SYSTEMTIME) As BOOL
| 506 | Declare Sub FillMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlFillMemory" (pDest As VoidPtr, stLength As SIZE_T, c As Byte)
| 507 | Declare Function FindClose Lib "kernel32" (hFindFile As HANDLE) As BOOL
| 508 | Declare Function FindCloseChangeNotification Lib "kernel32" (hChangeHandle As HANDLE) As BOOL
| 509 | Declare Function FindFirstChangeNotification Lib "kernel32" Alias "FindFirstChangeNotificationA" (
| 510 | pPathName As PCSTR,
| 511 | bWatchSubtree As BOOL,
| 512 | dwNotifyFilter As DWord
| 513 | ) As HANDLE
| 514 |
| 515 | Type WIN32_FIND_DATA
| 516 | dwFileAttributes As DWord
| 517 | ftCreationTime As FILETIME
| 518 | ftLastAccessTime As FILETIME
| 519 | ftLastWriteTime As FILETIME
| 520 | nFileSizeHigh As DWord
| 521 | nFileSizeLow As DWord
| 522 | dwReserved0 As DWord
| 523 | dwReserved1 As DWord
| 524 | cFileName[ELM(MAX_PATH)] As Byte
| 525 | cAlternateFileName[13] As Byte
| 526 | End Type
| 527 | TypeDef LPWIN32_FIND_DATA = *WIN32_FIND_DATA
| 528 | Declare Function FindFirstFile Lib "kernel32" Alias "FindFirstFileA" (lpFileName As BytePtr, ByRef lpFindFildData As WIN32_FIND_DATA) As HANDLE
| 529 | Declare Function FindNextChangeNotification Lib "kernel32" (hChangeHandle As HANDLE) As BOOL
| 530 | Declare Function FindNextFile Lib "kernel32" Alias "FindNextFileA" (hFindFile As HANDLE, ByRef lpFindFildData As WIN32_FIND_DATA) As BOOL
| 531 | Declare Function FlushFileBuffers Lib "kernel32" (hFile As HANDLE) As BOOL
[35] | 532 | Declare Function FlushInstructionCache Lib "kernel32"(hProcess As HANDLE, pBaseAddress As VoidPtr, Size As SIZE_T) As BOOL
[1] | 533 |
| 535 | Const FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS = &H00000200
| 536 | Const FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING = &H00000400
| 537 | Const FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE = &H00000800
| 538 | Const FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM = &H00001000
| 539 | Const FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY = &H00002000
| 540 | Declare Function FormatMessage Lib "kernel32" Alias "FormatMessageA" (dwFlags As DWord, lpSource As VoidPtr, dwMessageId As DWord, dwLanguageId As DWord, lpBuffer As BytePtr, nSize As DWord, Arguments As DWordPtr) As DWord
| 541 | Declare Function FreeEnvironmentStrings Lib "kernel32" Alias "FreeEnvironmentStringsA" (pszEnvironmentBlock As PCSTR) As BOOL
| 542 | Declare Function FreeLibrary Lib "kernel32" (hLibModule As HINSTANCE) As BOOL
| 543 | Declare Sub FreeLibraryAndExitThread Lib "kernel32" (hModule As HANDLE, dwExitCode As DWord)
| 544 | Declare Function GetCommandLine Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetCommandLineA" () As BytePtr
| 545 | Declare Function GetCompressedFileSize Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetCompressedFileSizeA" (lpFileName As BytePtr, ByRef lpFileSizeHigh As DWord) As DWord
| 546 |
| 548 | Declare Function GetComputerName Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetComputerNameA" (lpBuffer As BytePtr, ByRef nSize As Long) As Long
| 549 |
| 550 | Declare Function GetCurrentDirectory Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetCurrentDirectoryA" (nBufferLength As DWord, lpBuffer As BytePtr) As DWord
| 551 | Declare Function GetCurrentProcess Lib "kernel32" () As HANDLE
| 552 | Declare Function GetCurrentProcessId Lib "kernel32" () As DWord
| 553 | Declare Function GetCurrentThread Lib "kernel32" () As HANDLE
| 554 | Declare Function GetCurrentThreadId Lib "kernel32" () As DWord
| 555 |
| 556 | Const DATE_SHORTDATE = &H00000001
| 557 | Const DATE_LONGDATE = &H00000002
| 558 | Const DATE_USE_ALT_CALENDAR = &H00000004
| 559 | Declare Function GetDateFormat Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetDateFormatA" (Locale As LCID, dwFlags As DWord, ByRef lpDate As SYSTEMTIME, lpFormat As BytePtr, lpDateStr As BytePtr, cchDate As Long) As Long
| 560 |
| 561 | Declare Function GetDiskFreeSpace Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetDiskFreeSpaceA" (lpRootPathName As BytePtr, lpSectorsPerCluster As *DWord, lpBytesPerSector As *DWord, lpNumberOfFreeClusters As *DWord, lpTotalNumberOfClusters As *DWord) As BOOL
| 562 | Declare Function GetDiskFreeSpaceEx Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetDiskFreeSpaceExA" (lpDirectoryName As BytePtr, ByRef lpFreeBytesAvailableToCaller As ULARGE_INTEGER, ByRef lpTotalNumberOfBytes As ULARGE_INTEGER, ByRef lpTotalNumberOfFreeBytes As ULARGE_INTEGER) As BOOL
| 563 |
| 564 | Const DRIVE_UNKNOWN = 0
| 565 | Const DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR = 1
| 566 | Const DRIVE_REMOVABLE = 2
| 567 | Const DRIVE_FIXED = 3
| 568 | Const DRIVE_REMOTE = 4
| 569 | Const DRIVE_CDROM = 5
| 570 | Const DRIVE_RAMDISK = 6
[65] | 571 | Declare Function GetVolumeInformation Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetVolumeInformationA" (lpRootPathName As LPCSTR, lpVolumeNameBuffer As LPSTR, nVolumeNameSize As DWord, lpVolumeSerialNumber As *Word, lpMaximumComponentLength As *Word, lpFileSystemFlags As *Word, lpFileSystemNameBuffer As LPSTR, nFileSystemNameSize As DWord) As BOOL
[1] | 572 | Declare Function GetDriveType Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetDriveTypeA" (lpRootPathName As BytePtr) As DWord
| 573 |
| 574 | Declare Function GetEnvironmentVariable Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetEnvironmentVariableA" (lpName As BytePtr, lpBuffer As BytePtr, nSize As DWord) As DWord
| 575 | Declare Function GetEnvironmentStrings Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetEnvironmentStringsA" () As VoidPtr
| 576 | Const STILL_ACTIVE = &H00000103
| 577 | Declare Function GetExitCodeProcess Lib "kernel32" (hProcess As HANDLE, ByRef lpExitCode As DWord) As BOOL
| 578 | Declare Function GetExitCodeThread Lib "kernel32" (hThread As HANDLE, ByRef lpExitCode As DWord) As BOOL
| 579 |
| 580 | Declare Function GetFileAttributes Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetFileAttributesA" (lpFileName As BytePtr) As DWord
| 582 | dwFileAttributes As DWord
| 583 | ftCreationTime As FILETIME
| 584 | ftLastAccessTime As FILETIME
| 585 | ftLastWriteTime As FILETIME
| 586 | dwVolumeSerialNumber As DWord
| 587 | nFileSizeHigh As DWord
| 588 | nFileSizeLow As DWord
| 589 | nNumberOfLinks As DWord
| 590 | nFileIndexHigh As DWord
| 591 | nFileIndexLow As DWord
| 592 | End Type
| 593 | Declare Function GetFileInformationByHandle Lib "kernel32" (
| 594 | ByVal hFile As HANDLE,
| 595 | ByRef FileInformation As BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION
| 596 | ) As BOOL
| 597 | Declare Function GetFileSize Lib "kernel32" (hFile As HANDLE, lpFileSizeHigh As DWordPtr) As DWord
| 598 | Declare Function GetFileTime Lib "kernel32" (hFile As HANDLE, ByRef lpCreationTime As FILETIME, ByRef lpLastAccessTime As FILETIME, ByRef lpLastWriteTime As FILETIME) As BOOL
| 599 |
| 600 | Const FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN = &H0000
| 601 | Const FILE_TYPE_DISK = &H0001
| 602 | Const FILE_TYPE_CHAR = &H0002
| 603 | Const FILE_TYPE_PIPE = &H0003
| 604 | Const FILE_TYPE_REMOTE = &H8000
| 605 | Declare Function GetFileType Lib "kernel32" (hFile As HANDLE) As DWord
| 606 |
| 607 | Declare Function GetFullPathName Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetFullPathNameA" (lpFileName As PCSTR, nBufferLength As DWord, pBuffer As PSTR, lpFilePart As *DWord) As DWord
| 608 | Declare Function GetLastError Lib "kernel32" () As DWord
| 609 | Declare Sub GetLocalTime Lib "kernel32" (ByRef lpSystemTime As SYSTEMTIME)
| 610 | Declare Function GetLogicalDrives Lib "kernel32" () As DWord
| 611 | Declare Function GetLogicalDriveStrings Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetLogicalDriveStringsA" (nBufferLength As DWord, pBuffer As PSTR) As DWord
| 612 | Declare Function GetModuleFileName Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetModuleFileNameA" (hModule As HINSTANCE, lpFileName As BytePtr, nSize As DWord) As DWord
| 613 | Declare Function GetModuleHandle Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetModuleHandleA" (lpModuleName As BytePtr) As HINSTANCE
| 614 | Declare Function GetOverlappedResult Lib "kernel32" (
| 615 | hFile As HANDLE,
| 616 | pOverlapped As *OVERLAPPED,
| 617 | pNumberOfBytesTransferred AS *DWord,
| 618 | bWait As BOOL
| 619 | ) As BOOL
| 620 | Declare Function GetPriorityClass Lib "kernel32" (hProcess As HANDLE) As DWord
| 621 | Declare Function GetProcAddress Lib "kernel32" (hModule As HINSTANCE, lpProcName As BytePtr) As DWord
[35] | 622 | Declare Function GetProcessAffinityMask Lib "kernel32" (
| 623 | hProcess As HANDLE,
| 624 | ByRef ProcessAffinityMask As ULONG_PTR,
| 625 | ByRef SystemAffinityMask As ULONG_PTR
| 626 | ) As BOOL
[1] | 627 | Declare Function GetProcessHeap Lib "kernel32" () As HANDLE
| 628 | Declare Function GetShortPathName Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetShortPathNameA" (
[35] | 629 | pszLongPath As PCSTR,
| 630 | pszShortPath As PSTR,
| 631 | cchBuffer As DWord
[1] | 632 | ) As DWord
| 633 |
| 634 | Declare Sub GetStartupInfo Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetStartupInfoA" (ByRef lpStartupInfo As STARTUPINFO)
| 635 |
| 636 | Const STD_INPUT_HANDLE = -10
| 637 | Const STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE = -11
| 638 | Const STD_ERROR_HANDLE = -12
| 639 | Declare Function GetStdHandle Lib "kernel32" (nStdHandle As DWord) As HANDLE
| 640 |
[35] | 641 | Declare Function GetSystemDirectory Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetSystemDirectoryA" (pBuffer As PSTR, uSize As DWord) As DWord
[1] | 642 |
| 643 | Type SYSTEM_INFO
| 644 | dwOemId As DWord
| 645 | dwPageSize As DWord
| 646 | lpMinimumApplicationAddress As VoidPtr
| 647 | lpMaximumApplicationAddress As VoidPtr
| 648 | dwActiveProcessorMask As ULONG_PTR
| 649 | dwNumberOfProcessors As DWord
| 650 | dwProcessorType As DWord
| 651 | dwAllocationGranularity As DWord
| 652 | wProcessorLevel As Word
| 653 | wProcessorRevision As Word
| 654 | End Type
| 655 | Declare Sub GetSystemInfo Lib "kernel32" (ByRef lpSystemInfo As SYSTEM_INFO)
| 656 |
| 657 | Declare Sub GetSystemTime Lib "kernel32" (ByRef SystemTime As SYSTEMTIME)
| 658 | Declare Sub GetSystemTimeAsFileTime Lib "kernel32" (ByRef SystemTimeAsFileTime As FILETIME)
| 659 |
| 660 | Declare Function GetTempFileName Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetTempFileNameA" (
| 661 | pPathName As PCSTR,
| 662 | pPrefixString As PCSTR,
| 663 | uUnique As DWord,
| 664 | pTempFileName As PSTR
| 665 | ) As DWord
| 666 | Declare Function GetTempPath Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetTempPathA" (nBufferLength As DWord, lpBuffer As BytePtr) As DWord
| 667 | Declare Function GetThreadContext Lib "kernel32" (hThread As HANDLE, ByRef Context As CONTEXT) As BOOL
| 668 |
| 681 | Declare Function GetThreadPriority Lib "kernel32" (hThread As HANDLE) As Long
| 682 | Declare Function GetThreadPriorityBoost Lib "kernel32" (
| 683 | hThread As HANDLE,
| 684 | ByRef pDisablePriorityBoost As BOOL) As BOOL
| 685 | Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As DWord
| 686 |
| 687 | Const TIME_NOMINUTESORSECONDS = &H00000001
| 688 | Const TIME_NOSECONDS = &H00000002
| 689 | Const TIME_NOTIMEMARKER = &H00000004
| 690 | Const TIME_FORCE24HOURFORMAT = &H00000008
| 691 | Declare Function GetTimeFormat Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetTimeFormatA" (Locale As LCID, dwFlags As DWord, ByRef lpTime As SYSTEMTIME, lpFormat As BytePtr, lpTimeStr As BytePtr, cchTime As DWord) As BOOL
| 692 |
| 693 | Declare Function GetUserDefaultLCID Lib "kernel32" () As LCID
[35] | 694 | Declare Function GetUserName Lib "advapi32" Alias "GetUserNameA" (pBuffer As PSTR, ByRef nSize As DWord) As BOOL
[1] | 695 |
| 696 | Const VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s = 0
| 697 | Const VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS = 1
| 698 | Const VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT = 2
| 700 | dwOSVersionInfoSize As DWord
| 701 | dwMajorVersion As DWord
| 702 | dwMinorVersion As DWord
| 703 | dwBuildNumber As DWord
| 704 | dwPlatformId As DWord
| 705 | szCSDVersion[127] As Byte
| 706 | End Type
| 707 | Declare Function GetVersionEx Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetVersionExA" (ByRef lpVersionInformation As OSVERSIONINFO) As BOOL
| 708 |
[35] | 709 | Declare Function GetWindowsDirectory Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetWindowsDirectoryA" (pBuffer As PSTR, uSize As DWord) As DWord
[1] | 710 | Declare Function GlobalAlloc Lib "kernel32" (uFlags As DWord, dwBytes As SIZE_T) As HGLOBAL
[35] | 711 | Declare Function GlobalFrags Lib "kernel32" (hMem As HGLOBAL) As DWord
[1] | 712 | Declare Function GlobalFree Lib "kernel32" (hMem As HGLOBAL) As HGLOBAL
[35] | 713 | Declare Function GlobalHandle Lib "kernel32" (pMem As VoidPtr) As HGLOBAL
[1] | 714 | Declare Function GlobalLock Lib "kernel32" (hMem As HGLOBAL) As VoidPtr
| 715 |
| 717 | dwLength As DWord
| 718 | dwMemoryLoad As DWord
| 719 | dwTotalPhys As SIZE_T
| 720 | dwAvailPhys As SIZE_T
| 721 | dwTotalPageFile As SIZE_T
| 722 | dwAvailPageFile As SIZE_T
| 723 | dwTotalVirtual As SIZE_T
| 724 | dwAvailVirtual As SIZE_T
| 725 | End Type
| 726 | Declare Sub GlobalMemoryStatus Lib "kernel32" (ByRef lpMemStatus As MEMORYSTATUS)
| 727 |
| 728 | Declare Function GlobalReAlloc Lib "kernel32" (hMem As HGLOBAL, dwBytes As SIZE_T, uFlags As DWord) As HGLOBAL
| 729 | Declare Function GlobalSize Lib "kernel32" (hMem As HGLOBAL) As SIZE_T
| 730 | Declare Function GlobalUnlock Lib "kernel32" (hMem As HGLOBAL) As BOOL
| 731 | Declare Function HeapAlloc Lib "kernel32" (hHeap As HANDLE, dwFlags As DWord, dwBytes As SIZE_T) As VoidPtr
| 732 | Declare Function HeapCreate Lib "kernel32" (flOptions As DWord, dwInitialSize As SIZE_T, dwMaximumSize As SIZE_T) As HANDLE
| 733 | Declare Function HeapDestroy Lib "kernel32" (hHeap As HANDLE) As Long
| 734 | Declare Function HeapFree Lib "kernel32" (hHeap As HANDLE, dwFlags As DWord, lpMem As VoidPtr) As Long
| 735 | Declare Function HeapReAlloc Lib "kernel32" (hHeap As HANDLE, dwFlags As DWord, lpMem As VoidPtr, dwBytes As SIZE_T) As VoidPtr
| 736 | Declare Function HeapSize Lib "kernel32" (hHeap As HANDLE, dwFlags As DWord, lpMem As VoidPtr) As SIZE_T
| 737 | Declare Sub InitializeCriticalSection Lib "kernel32" (ByRef lpCriticalSection As CRITICAL_SECTION)
| 738 | Declare Function IsBadReadPtr Lib "kernel32" (lp As VoidPtr, ucb As ULONG_PTR) As BOOL
| 739 | Declare Function IsBadWritePtr Lib "kernel32" (lp As VoidPtr, ucb As DWord) As BOOL
| 740 | Declare Function IsDBCSLeadByte Lib "kernel32" (TestChar As Byte) As BOOL
| 741 |
| 742 | #ifdef _WIN64
| 743 | Declare Function IsWow64Process Lib "kernel32" (hProcess As HANDLE, ByRef bWow64Process As BOOL) As BOOL
| 744 | #endif
| 745 |
| 746 | Const LCMAP_LOWERCASE = &H00000100 ' lower case letters
| 747 | Const LCMAP_UPPERCASE = &H00000200 ' upper case letters
| 748 | Const LCMAP_SORTKEY = &H00000400 ' WC sort key (normalize)
| 749 | Const LCMAP_BYTEREV = &H00000800 ' byte reversal
| 750 | Const LCMAP_HIRAGANA = &H00100000 ' map katakana to hiragana
| 751 | Const LCMAP_KATAKANA = &H00200000 ' map hiragana to katakana
| 752 | Const LCMAP_HALFWIDTH = &H00400000 ' map double byte to single byte
| 753 | Const LCMAP_FULLWIDTH = &H00800000 ' map single byte to double byte
| 754 | Const LCMAP_LINGUISTIC_CASING = &H01000000 ' use linguistic rules for casing
| 755 | Const LCMAP_SIMPLIFIED_CHINESE = &H02000000 ' map traditional chinese to simplified chinese
| 756 | Const LCMAP_TRADITIONAL_CHINESE = &H04000000 ' map simplified chinese to traditional chinese
| 757 | Declare Function LCMapString Lib "kernel32" Alias "LCMapStringA" (Locale As LCID, dwMapFlags As DWord, lpSrcStr As LPCSTR, cchSrc As Long, lpDestStr As LPSTR, cchDest As Long) As Long
| 758 |
| 759 | Declare Sub LeaveCriticalSection Lib "kernel32" (ByRef lpCriticalSection As CRITICAL_SECTION)
| 760 | Declare Function LocalAlloc Lib "kernel32" (uFlags As DWord, uBytes As SIZE_T) As HLOCAL
| 761 | Declare Function LocalFileTimeToFileTime Lib "kernel32" (ByRef lpLocalFileTime As FILETIME, ByRef lpFileTime As FILETIME) As BOOL
| 762 | Declare Function LocalFree Lib "kernel32" (hMem As HLOCAL) As HLOCAL
[35] | 763 | Declare Function LocalHandle Lib "kernel32" (pMem As VoidPtr) As HLOCAL
| 764 | Declare Function LocalLock Lib "kernel32" (hMem As HLOCAL) As VoidPtr
| 765 | Declare Function LocalReAlloc Lib "kernel32" (hMem As HLOCAL, dwBytes As SIZE_T, uFlags As DWord) As HLOCAL
| 766 | Declare Function LocalSize Lib "kernel32" (hMem As HLOCAL) As SIZE_T
| 767 | Declare Function LocalUnlock Lib "kernel32" (hMem As HLOCAL) As BOOL
[1] | 768 | Declare Function LockFile Lib "kernel32" (hFile As DWord, dwFileOffsetLow As DWord, dwFileOffsetHigh As DWord, nNumberOfBytesToLockLow As DWord, nNumberOfBytesToLockHigh As DWord) As BOOL
[35] | 769 | Declare Function LoadLibrary Lib "kernel32" Alias "LoadLibraryA" (pLibFileName As PCSTR) As HINSTANCE
[1] | 770 |
| 771 | Const DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES = &h00000001
| 772 | Const LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE = &h00000002
| 773 | Const LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH = &h00000008
| 774 | Const LOAD_IGNORE_CODE_AUTHZ_LEVEL = &h00000010
| 775 | Declare Function LoadLibraryEx Lib "kernel32" Alias "LoadLibraryExA" (pLibFileName As PCSTR, hFile As HANDLE, dwFlags As DWord) As HINSTANCE
| 776 |
| 777 | Declare Function lstrcat Lib "kernel32" Alias "lstrcatA" (lpString1 As BytePtr, lpString2 As BytePtr) As BytePtr
| 778 | Declare Function lstrcmp Lib "kernel32" Alias "lstrcmpA" (lpString1 As BytePtr, lpString2 As BytePtr) As Long
| 779 | Declare Function lstrcmpi Lib "kernel32" Alias "lstrcmpiA" (lpString1 As BytePtr, lpString2 As BytePtr) As Long
| 780 | Declare Function lstrcpy Lib "kernel32" Alias "lstrcpyA" (lpString1 As BytePtr, lpString2 As BytePtr) As BytePtr
| 781 | Declare Function lstrlen Lib "kernel32" Alias "lstrlenA" (lpString As BytePtr) As Long
| 782 | Declare Sub memcpy Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (pDest As VoidPtr, pSrc As VoidPtr, length As SIZE_T)
| 783 | Declare Function MoveFile Lib "kernel32" Alias "MoveFileA" (lpExistingFileName As BytePtr, lpNewFileName As BytePtr) As BOOL
| 784 | Declare Sub MoveMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (pDest As VoidPtr, pSrc As VoidPtr, length As SIZE_T)
| 785 |
| 786 | Declare Function MulDiv Lib "kernel32" (
| 787 | nNumber As Long,
| 788 | nNumerator As Long,
| 789 | nDenominator As Long
| 790 | ) As Long
| 791 |
| 792 | Const CP_ACP = 0 'default to ANSI code page
| 793 | Const CP_OEMCP = 1 'default to OEM code page
| 794 | Const CP_MACCP = 2 'default to MAC code page
| 795 | Const CP_THREAD_ACP = 3 'current thread's ANSI code page
| 796 | Const CP_SYMBOL = 42 'SYMBOL translations
| 797 | Const CP_UTF7 = 65000 'UTF-7 translation
| 798 | Const CP_UTF8 = 65001 'UTF-8 translation
| 799 |
| 800 | Declare Function MultiByteToWideChar Lib "kernel32" (CodePage As DWord, dwFlags As DWord, lpMultiByteStr As BytePtr, cchMultiByte As Long, lpWideCharStr As WordPtr, cchWideChar As Long) As Long
| 801 |
| 802 | Declare Function OpenEvent Lib "kernel32" Alias "OpenEventA" (dwDesiredAccess As DWord, bInheritHandle As BOOL, pName As PCSTR) As HANDLE
| 803 | Declare Function OpenMutex Lib "kernel32" Alias "OpenMutexA" (dwDesiredAccess As DWord, bInheritHandle As BOOL, lpName As LPSTR) As HANDLE
| 804 | Declare Function OpenSemaphore Lib "kernel32" Alias "OpenSemaphoreA" (dwDesiredAccess As DWord, bInheritHandle As BOOL, lpName As LPSTR) As HANDLE
| 805 |
| 806 | Const PROCESS_TERMINATE = &H0001
| 807 | Const PROCESS_CREATE_THREAD = &H0002
| 808 | Const PROCESS_SET_SESSIONID = &H0004
| 809 | Const PROCESS_VM_OPERATION = &H0008
| 810 | Const PROCESS_VM_READ = &H0010
| 811 | Const PROCESS_VM_WRITE = &H0020
| 812 | Const PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE = &H0040
| 813 | Const PROCESS_CREATE_PROCESS = &H0080
| 814 | Const PROCESS_SET_QUOTA = &H0100
| 815 | Const PROCESS_SET_INFORMATION = &H0200
| 818 | Declare Function OpenProcess Lib "kernel32" (dwDesiredAccess As DWord, bInheritHandle As Long, dwProcessId As DWord) As HANDLE
| 819 |
| 820 | Declare Sub OutputDebugString Lib "kernel32" Alias "OutputDebugStringA" (lpOutputString As BytePtr)
| 821 | Declare Function PulseEvent Lib "kernel32" (hEvent As HANDLE) As BOOL
| 822 | Declare Sub RaiseException Lib "kernel32" (
| 823 | dwExceptionCode As DWord,
| 824 | dwExceptionFlags As DWord,
| 825 | NumberOfArguments As DWord,
| 826 | pArguments As *ULONG_PTR)
| 827 | Declare Function ReadFile Lib "kernel32" (hFile As HANDLE, lpBuffer As VoidPtr, nNumberOfBytesToRead As DWord, lpNumberOfBytesRead As DWordPtr, ByRef lpOverlapped As OVERLAPPED) As BOOL
| 828 | Declare Function ReleaseMutex Lib "kernel32" (hMutex As HANDLE) As BOOL
| 829 | Declare Function ReleaseSemaphore Lib "kernel32" (hSemaphore As HANDLE, lReleaseCount As Long, ByRef lpPreviousCount As Long) As BOOL
| 830 | Declare Function RemoveDirectory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RemoveDirectoryA" (lpPathName As BytePtr) As BOOL
| 831 | Declare Function ResetEvent Lib "kernel32" (hEvent As HANDLE) As BOOL
| 832 | Declare Function ResumeThread Lib "kernel32" (hThread As HANDLE) As DWord
| 833 | Declare Function SetComputerName Lib "kernel32" Alias "SetComputerNameA" (lpComputerName As BytePtr) As BOOL
| 834 | Declare Function SetCurrentDirectory Lib "kernel32" Alias "SetCurrentDirectoryA" (lpPathName As BytePtr) As BOOL
| 835 | Declare Function SetEndOfFile Lib "kernel32" (hFile As HANDLE) As BOOL
| 836 | Declare Function SetEnvironmentVariable Lib "kernel32" Alias "SetEnvironmentVariableA" (lpName As BytePtr, lpValue As BytePtr) As BOOL
| 837 |
| 838 | Const SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS = &h0001
| 839 | Const SEM_NOGPFAULTERRORBOX = &h0002
| 841 | Const SEM_NOOPENFILEERRORBOX = &h8000
| 842 | Declare Function SetErrorMode Lib "kernel32" (uMode As DWord) As DWord
| 843 | Declare Function SetEvent Lib "kernel32" (hEvent As HANDLE) As BOOL
| 844 | Declare Function SetFileAttributes Lib "kernel32" Alias "SetFileAttributesA" (lpFileName As BytePtr, dwFileAttributes As DWord) As BOOL
| 845 |
| 846 | Const FILE_BEGIN = 0
| 847 | Const FILE_CURRENT = 1
| 848 | Const FILE_END = 2
| 849 | Declare Function SetFilePointer Lib "kernel32" (hFile As HANDLE, lDistanceToMove As Long, lpDistanceToMoveHigh As DWordPtr, dwMoveMethod As DWord) As DWord
| 850 |
| 851 | Declare Function SetFileTime Lib "kernel32" (hFile As HANDLE, ByRef lpCreationTime As FILETIME, ByRef lpLastAccessTime As FILETIME, ByRef lpLastWriteTime As FILETIME) As BOOL
| 852 | Declare Function SetLastError Lib "kernel32" (dwErrCode As DWord)
| 853 | Declare Function SetLastErrorEx Lib "kernel32" (dwErrCode As DWord, dwType As DWord)
| 854 | Declare Function SetLocalTime Lib "kernel32" (ByRef lpSystemTime As SYSTEMTIME) As BOOL
| 855 | Declare Function SetPriorityClass Lib "kernel32" (hProcess As HANDLE, dwPriorityClass As DWord) As BOOL
| 856 | Declare Function SetThreadContext Lib "kernel32" (hThread As HANDLE, ByRef Context As CONTEXT) As BOOL
| 857 | Declare Function SetThreadPriority Lib "kernel32" (hThread As HANDLE, nPriority As Long) As BOOL
| 858 | Declare Function SetThreadPriorityBoost Lib "kernel32" (
| 859 | hThread As HANDLE,
| 860 | DisablePriorityBoost As BOOL
| 861 | ) As BOOL
| 862 |
| 864 |
| 866 | ExceptionCode As DWord
| 867 | ExceptionFlags As DWord
| 868 | ExceptionRecord As *EXCEPTION_RECORD
| 869 | ExceptionAddress As VoidPtr
| 870 | NumberParameters As DWord
| 872 | End Type
| 873 |
| 875 | ExceptionRecord As *EXCEPTION_RECORD
| 876 | ContextRecord As *CONTEXT
| 877 | End Type
| 878 |
| 879 | TypeDef PTOP_LEVEL_EXCEPTION_FILTER = *Function(ByRef ExceptionInfo As EXCEPTION_POINTERS) As Long
| 880 |
| 881 | Declare Function SetUnhandledExceptionFilter Lib "kernel32" (pTopLevelExceptionFilter As PTOP_LEVEL_EXCEPTION_FILTER) As PTOP_LEVEL_EXCEPTION_FILTER
| 882 |
| 884 | Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (dwMilliseconds As DWord)
| 885 | Declare Function SleepEx Lib "kernel32" (dwMilliseconds As DWord, bAlertable As BOOL) As DWord
| 886 |
| 887 | Declare Function SuspendThread Lib "kernel32" (hThread As HANDLE) As DWord
| 888 | Declare Function SystemTimeToFileTime Lib "kernel32" (ByRef lpSystemTime As SYSTEMTIME, ByRef lpFileTime As FILETIME) As BOOL
| 889 | Declare Function TerminateProcess Lib "kernel32" (hProcess As HANDLE, dwExitCode As DWord) As BOOL
| 890 | Declare Function TerminateThread Lib "kernel32" (hThread As HANDLE, dwExitCode As DWord) As BOOL
[35] | 891 | Declare Function TlsAlloc Lib "kernel32" () As DWord
[1] | 892 | Declare Function TlsFree Lib "kernel32" (dwTlsIndex As DWord) As BOOL
| 893 | Declare Function TlsGetValue Lib "kernel32" (dwTlsIndex As DWord) As VoidPtr
| 894 | Declare Function TlsSetValue Lib "kernel32" (dwTlsIndex As DWord, pTlsValue As VoidPtr) As BOOL
| 895 | Declare Function UnlockFile Lib "kernel32" (hFile As HANDLE, dwFileOffsetLow As DWord, dwFileOffsetHigh As DWord, nNumberOfBytesToUnlockLow As DWord, nNumberOfBytesToUnlockHigh As DWord) As BOOL
| 896 | Declare Function UnhandledExceptionFilter Lib "kernel32" (ByRef ExceptionInfo As EXCEPTION_POINTERS) As Long
| 897 |
| 898 | Const PAGE_NOACCESS = &H01
| 899 | Const PAGE_READONLY = &H02
| 900 | Const PAGE_READWRITE = &H04
| 901 | Const PAGE_WRITECOPY = &H08
| 902 | Const PAGE_EXECUTE = &H10
| 903 | Const PAGE_EXECUTE_READ = &H20
| 906 | Const PAGE_GUARD = &H100
| 907 | Const PAGE_NOCACHE = &H200
| 908 | Const PAGE_WRITECOMBINE = &H400
| 909 | Const MEM_COMMIT = &H1000
| 910 | Const MEM_RESERVE = &H2000
| 911 | Const MEM_DECOMMIT = &H4000
| 912 | Const MEM_RELEASE = &H8000
| 913 | Const MEM_FREE = &H10000
| 914 | Const MEM_PRIVATE = &H20000
| 915 | Const MEM_MAPPED = &H40000
| 916 | Const MEM_RESET = &H80000
| 917 | Const MEM_TOP_DOWN = &H100000
| 918 | Const MEM_4MB_PAGES = &H80000000
| 919 | Declare Function VirtualAlloc Lib "kernel32" (lpAddress As VoidPtr, dwSize As SIZE_T, flAllocationType As DWord, flProtect As DWord) As VoidPtr
| 920 | Declare Function VirtualFree Lib "kernel32" (lpAddress As VoidPtr, dwSize As SIZE_T, dwFreeType As DWord) As BOOL
| 921 | Declare Function VirtualLock Lib "kernel32" (lpAddress As VoidPtr, dwSize As SIZE_T) As BOOL
[35] | 922 | Declare Function VirtualProtect Lib "kernel32" (
| 923 | pAddress As VoidPtr,
| 924 | Size As SIZE_T,
| 925 | flNewProtect As DWord,
| 926 | ByRef flOldProtect As DWord
| 927 | ) As BOOL
| 928 | Declare Function VirtualProtectEx Lib "kernel32" (
| 929 | hProcess As HANDLE,
| 930 | pAddress As VoidPtr,
| 931 | Size As SIZE_T,
| 932 | flNewProtect As DWord,
| 933 | ByRef flOldProtect As DWord
| 934 | ) As BOOL
| 936 | BaseAddress As VoidPtr
| 937 | AllocationBase As VoidPtr
| 938 | AllocationProtect As DWord
| 939 | RegionSize As SIZE_T
| 940 | State As DWord
| 941 | Protect As DWord
| 942 | MBIType As DWord
| 943 | End Type
| 944 | Declare Function VirtualQuery Lib "kernel32" (
| 945 | pAddress As VoidPtr,
| 947 | Length As SIZE_T
| 948 | ) As SIZE_T
| 949 | Declare Function VirtualQueryEx Lib "kernel32" (
| 950 | hProcess As HANDLE,
| 951 | pAddress As VoidPtr,
| 953 | Length As SIZE_T
| 954 | ) As SIZE_T
[1] | 955 | Declare Function VirtualUnlock Lib "kernel32" (lpAddress As VoidPtr, dwSize As SIZE_T) As BOOL
| 956 | Declare Function WaitForMultipleObjects Lib "kernel32" (nCount As DWord, pHandles As *HANDLE, fWaitAll As BOOL, dwMilliseconds As DWord) As DWord
| 957 | Declare Function WaitForMultipleObjectsEx Lib "kernel32" (nCount As DWord, pHandles As *HANDLE, fWaitAll As BOOL, dwMilliseconds As DWord, bAlertable As BOOL) As DWord
| 958 | Declare Function WaitForSingleObject Lib "kernel32" (hHandle As HANDLE, dwMilliseconds As DWord) As DWord
| 959 | Declare Function WaitForSingleObjectEx Lib "kernel32" (hHandle As HANDLE, dwMilliseconds As DWord, bAlertable As BOOL) As DWord
| 960 |
| 961 | Const WC_COMPOSITECHECK = &H00000200
| 962 | Const WC_DISCARDNS = &H00000010
| 963 | Const WC_SEPCHARS = &H00000020
| 964 | Const WC_DEFAULTCHAR = &H00000040
| 965 | Const WC_NO_BEST_FIT_CHARS = &H00000400
| 966 | Declare Function WideCharToMultiByte Lib "Kernel32" (
| 967 | CodePage As DWord,
| 968 | dwFlags As DWord,
| 969 | pWideCharStr As PCWSTR,
| 970 | cchWideChar As Long,
| 971 | pMultiByteStr As PSTR,
| 972 | cbMultiByte As Long,
| 973 | pDefaultChar As PCSTR,
| 974 | pUsedDefaultChar As *BOOL
| 975 | ) As Long
| 976 |
| 977 | Declare Function WriteFile Lib "kernel32" (hFile As HANDLE, lpBuffer As VoidPtr, nNumberOfBytesToWrite As DWord, lpNumberOfBytesWritten As DWordPtr, ByRef lpOverlapped As OVERLAPPED) As BOOL
| 978 | Declare Sub ZeroMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlZeroMemory" (Destination As VoidPtr, dwLength As DWord)
| 979 |
| 980 | Const MAKELCID(lgid, srtid) = ((((srtid As Word) As DWord)<<16) or ((lgid As Word) As DWord))
| 981 | Const MAKELANGID(p, s) = (((s As Word) << 10) or (p As Word))
| 982 | Const PRIMARYLANGID(lgid) = ((lgid As Word) and &H3ff)
| 983 | Const SUBLANGID(lgid) = ((lgid As Word) >> 10)
| 984 |
| 985 |
| 986 | '
| 987 | ' Primary language IDs.
| 988 | '
| 989 |
| 990 | Const LANG_NEUTRAL = &H00
| 991 | Const LANG_INVARIANT = &H7f
| 992 |
| 993 | Const LANG_AFRIKAANS = &H36
| 994 | Const LANG_ALBANIAN = &H1c
| 995 | Const LANG_ARABIC = &H01
| 996 | Const LANG_ARMENIAN = &H2b
| 997 | Const LANG_ASSAMESE = &H4d
| 998 | Const LANG_AZERI = &H2c
| 999 | Const LANG_BASQUE = &H2d
| 1000 | Const LANG_BELARUSIAN = &H23
| 1001 | Const LANG_BENGALI = &H45
| 1002 | Const LANG_BULGARIAN = &H02
| 1003 | Const LANG_CATALAN = &H03
| 1004 | Const LANG_CHINESE = &H04
| 1005 | Const LANG_CROATIAN = &H1a
| 1006 | Const LANG_CZECH = &H05
| 1007 | Const LANG_DANISH = &H06
| 1008 | Const LANG_DIVEHI = &H65
| 1009 | Const LANG_DUTCH = &H13
| 1010 | Const LANG_ENGLISH = &H09
| 1011 | Const LANG_ESTONIAN = &H25
| 1012 | Const LANG_FAEROESE = &H38
| 1013 | Const LANG_FARSI = &H29
| 1014 | Const LANG_FINNISH = &H0b
| 1015 | Const LANG_FRENCH = &H0c
| 1016 | Const LANG_GALICIAN = &H56
| 1017 | Const LANG_GEORGIAN = &H37
| 1018 | Const LANG_GERMAN = &H07
| 1019 | Const LANG_GREEK = &H08
| 1020 | Const LANG_GUJARATI = &H47
| 1021 | Const LANG_HEBREW = &H0d
| 1022 | Const LANG_HINDI = &H39
| 1023 | Const LANG_HUNGARIAN = &H0e
| 1024 | Const LANG_ICELANDIC = &H0f
| 1025 | Const LANG_INDONESIAN = &H21
| 1026 | Const LANG_ITALIAN = &H10
| 1027 | Const LANG_JAPANESE = &H11
| 1028 | Const LANG_KANNADA = &H4b
| 1029 | Const LANG_KASHMIRI = &H60
| 1030 | Const LANG_KAZAK = &H3f
| 1031 | Const LANG_KONKANI = &H57
| 1032 | Const LANG_KOREAN = &H12
| 1033 | Const LANG_KYRGYZ = &H40
| 1034 | Const LANG_LATVIAN = &H26
| 1035 | Const LANG_LITHUANIAN = &H27
| 1036 | Const LANG_MACEDONIAN = &H2f ' the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
| 1037 | Const LANG_MALAY = &H3e
| 1038 | Const LANG_MALAYALAM = &H4c
| 1039 | Const LANG_MANIPURI = &H58
| 1040 | Const LANG_MARATHI = &H4e
| 1041 | Const LANG_MONGOLIAN = &H50
| 1042 | Const LANG_NEPALI = &H61
| 1043 | Const LANG_NORWEGIAN = &H14
| 1044 | Const LANG_ORIYA = &H48
| 1045 | Const LANG_POLISH = &H15
| 1046 | Const LANG_PORTUGUESE = &H16
| 1047 | Const LANG_PUNJABI = &H46
| 1048 | Const LANG_ROMANIAN = &H18
| 1049 | Const LANG_RUSSIAN = &H19
| 1050 | Const LANG_SANSKRIT = &H4f
| 1051 | Const LANG_SERBIAN = &H1a
| 1052 | Const LANG_SINDHI = &H59
| 1053 | Const LANG_SLOVAK = &H1b
| 1054 | Const LANG_SLOVENIAN = &H24
| 1055 | Const LANG_SPANISH = &H0a
| 1056 | Const LANG_SWAHILI = &H41
| 1057 | Const LANG_SWEDISH = &H1d
| 1058 | Const LANG_SYRIAC = &H5a
| 1059 | Const LANG_TAMIL = &H49
| 1060 | Const LANG_TATAR = &H44
| 1061 | Const LANG_TELUGU = &H4a
| 1062 | Const LANG_THAI = &H1e
| 1063 | Const LANG_TURKISH = &H1f
| 1064 | Const LANG_UKRAINIAN = &H22
| 1065 | Const LANG_URDU = &H20
| 1066 | Const LANG_UZBEK = &H43
| 1067 | Const LANG_VIETNAMESE = &H2a
| 1068 |
| 1069 | '
| 1070 | ' Sublanguage IDs.
| 1071 | '
| 1072 | ' The name immediately following SUBLANG_ dictates which primary
| 1073 | ' language ID that sublanguage ID can be combined with to form a
| 1074 | ' valid language ID.
| 1075 | '
| 1076 |
| 1077 | Const SUBLANG_NEUTRAL = &H00 ' language neutral
| 1078 | Const SUBLANG_DEFAULT = &H01 ' user default
| 1079 | Const SUBLANG_SYS_DEFAULT = &H02 ' system default
| 1080 |
| 1081 | Const SUBLANG_ARABIC_SAUDI_ARABIA = &H01 ' Arabic (Saudi Arabia)
| 1082 | Const SUBLANG_ARABIC_IRAQ = &H02 ' Arabic (Iraq)
| 1083 | Const SUBLANG_ARABIC_EGYPT = &H03 ' Arabic (Egypt)
| 1084 | Const SUBLANG_ARABIC_LIBYA = &H04 ' Arabic (Libya)
| 1085 | Const SUBLANG_ARABIC_ALGERIA = &H05 ' Arabic (Algeria)
| 1086 | Const SUBLANG_ARABIC_MOROCCO = &H06 ' Arabic (Morocco)
| 1087 | Const SUBLANG_ARABIC_TUNISIA = &H07 ' Arabic (Tunisia)
| 1088 | Const SUBLANG_ARABIC_OMAN = &H08 ' Arabic (Oman)
| 1089 | Const SUBLANG_ARABIC_YEMEN = &H09 ' Arabic (Yemen)
| 1090 | Const SUBLANG_ARABIC_SYRIA = &H0a ' Arabic (Syria)
| 1091 | Const SUBLANG_ARABIC_JORDAN = &H0b ' Arabic (Jordan)
| 1092 | Const SUBLANG_ARABIC_LEBANON = &H0c ' Arabic (Lebanon)
| 1093 | Const SUBLANG_ARABIC_KUWAIT = &H0d ' Arabic (Kuwait)
| 1094 | Const SUBLANG_ARABIC_UAE = &H0e ' Arabic (U.A.E)
| 1095 | Const SUBLANG_ARABIC_BAHRAIN = &H0f ' Arabic (Bahrain)
| 1096 | Const SUBLANG_ARABIC_QATAR = &H10 ' Arabic (Qatar)
| 1097 | Const SUBLANG_AZERI_LATIN = &H01 ' Azeri (Latin)
| 1098 | Const SUBLANG_AZERI_CYRILLIC = &H02 ' Azeri (Cyrillic)
| 1099 | Const SUBLANG_CHINESE_TRADITIONAL = &H01 ' Chinese (Taiwan)
| 1100 | Const SUBLANG_CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED = &H02 ' Chinese (PR China)
| 1101 | Const SUBLANG_CHINESE_HONGKONG = &H03 ' Chinese (Hong Kong S.A.R., P.R.C.)
| 1102 | Const SUBLANG_CHINESE_SINGAPORE = &H04 ' Chinese (Singapore)
| 1103 | Const SUBLANG_CHINESE_MACAU = &H05 ' Chinese (Macau S.A.R.)
| 1104 | Const SUBLANG_DUTCH = &H01 ' Dutch
| 1105 | Const SUBLANG_DUTCH_BELGIAN = &H02 ' Dutch (Belgian)
| 1106 | Const SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US = &H01 ' English (USA)
| 1107 | Const SUBLANG_ENGLISH_UK = &H02 ' English (UK)
| 1108 | Const SUBLANG_ENGLISH_AUS = &H03 ' English (Australian)
| 1109 | Const SUBLANG_ENGLISH_CAN = &H04 ' English (Canadian)
| 1110 | Const SUBLANG_ENGLISH_NZ = &H05 ' English (New Zealand)
| 1111 | Const SUBLANG_ENGLISH_EIRE = &H06 ' English (Irish)
| 1112 | Const SUBLANG_ENGLISH_SOUTH_AFRICA = &H07 ' English (South Africa)
| 1113 | Const SUBLANG_ENGLISH_JAMAICA = &H08 ' English (Jamaica)
| 1114 | Const SUBLANG_ENGLISH_CARIBBEAN = &H09 ' English (Caribbean)
| 1115 | Const SUBLANG_ENGLISH_BELIZE = &H0a ' English (Belize)
| 1116 | Const SUBLANG_ENGLISH_TRINIDAD = &H0b ' English (Trinidad)
| 1117 | Const SUBLANG_ENGLISH_ZIMBABWE = &H0c ' English (Zimbabwe)
| 1118 | Const SUBLANG_ENGLISH_PHILIPPINES = &H0d ' English (Philippines)
| 1119 | Const SUBLANG_FRENCH = &H01 ' French
| 1120 | Const SUBLANG_FRENCH_BELGIAN = &H02 ' French (Belgian)
| 1121 | Const SUBLANG_FRENCH_CANADIAN = &H03 ' French (Canadian)
| 1122 | Const SUBLANG_FRENCH_SWISS = &H04 ' French (Swiss)
| 1123 | Const SUBLANG_FRENCH_LUXEMBOURG = &H05 ' French (Luxembourg)
| 1124 | Const SUBLANG_FRENCH_MONACO = &H06 ' French (Monaco)
| 1125 | Const SUBLANG_GERMAN = &H01 ' German
| 1126 | Const SUBLANG_GERMAN_SWISS = &H02 ' German (Swiss)
| 1127 | Const SUBLANG_GERMAN_AUSTRIAN = &H03 ' German (Austrian)
| 1128 | Const SUBLANG_GERMAN_LUXEMBOURG = &H04 ' German (Luxembourg)
| 1129 | Const SUBLANG_GERMAN_LIECHTENSTEIN = &H05 ' German (Liechtenstein)
| 1130 | Const SUBLANG_ITALIAN = &H01 ' Italian
| 1131 | Const SUBLANG_ITALIAN_SWISS = &H02 ' Italian (Swiss)
| 1132 | Const SUBLANG_KASHMIRI_SASIA = &H02 ' Kashmiri (South Asia)
| 1133 | Const SUBLANG_KOREAN = &H01 ' Korean (Extended Wansung)
| 1134 | Const SUBLANG_LITHUANIAN = &H01 ' Lithuanian
| 1135 | Const SUBLANG_MALAY_MALAYSIA = &H01 ' Malay (Malaysia)
| 1136 | Const SUBLANG_MALAY_BRUNEI_DARUSSALAM = &H02 ' Malay (Brunei Darussalam)
| 1137 | Const SUBLANG_NEPALI_INDIA = &H02 ' Nepali (India)
| 1138 | Const SUBLANG_NORWEGIAN_BOKMAL = &H01 ' Norwegian (Bokmal)
| 1139 | Const SUBLANG_NORWEGIAN_NYNORSK = &H02 ' Norwegian (Nynorsk)
| 1140 | Const SUBLANG_PORTUGUESE = &H02 ' Portuguese
| 1141 | Const SUBLANG_PORTUGUESE_BRAZILIAN = &H01 ' Portuguese (Brazilian)
| 1142 | Const SUBLANG_SERBIAN_LATIN = &H02 ' Serbian (Latin)
| 1143 | Const SUBLANG_SERBIAN_CYRILLIC = &H03 ' Serbian (Cyrillic)
| 1144 | Const SUBLANG_SPANISH = &H01 ' Spanish (Castilian)
| 1145 | Const SUBLANG_SPANISH_MEXICAN = &H02 ' Spanish (Mexican)
| 1146 | Const SUBLANG_SPANISH_MODERN = &H03 ' Spanish (Spain)
| 1147 | Const SUBLANG_SPANISH_GUATEMALA = &H04 ' Spanish (Guatemala)
| 1148 | Const SUBLANG_SPANISH_COSTA_RICA = &H05 ' Spanish (Costa Rica)
| 1149 | Const SUBLANG_SPANISH_PANAMA = &H06 ' Spanish (Panama)
| 1150 | Const SUBLANG_SPANISH_DOMINICAN_REPUBLIC = &H07 ' Spanish (Dominican Republic)
| 1151 | Const SUBLANG_SPANISH_VENEZUELA = &H08 ' Spanish (Venezuela)
| 1152 | Const SUBLANG_SPANISH_COLOMBIA = &H09 ' Spanish (Colombia)
| 1153 | Const SUBLANG_SPANISH_PERU = &H0a ' Spanish (Peru)
| 1154 | Const SUBLANG_SPANISH_ARGENTINA = &H0b ' Spanish (Argentina)
| 1155 | Const SUBLANG_SPANISH_ECUADOR = &H0c ' Spanish (Ecuador)
| 1156 | Const SUBLANG_SPANISH_CHILE = &H0d ' Spanish (Chile)
| 1157 | Const SUBLANG_SPANISH_URUGUAY = &H0e ' Spanish (Uruguay)
| 1158 | Const SUBLANG_SPANISH_PARAGUAY = &H0f ' Spanish (Paraguay)
| 1159 | Const SUBLANG_SPANISH_BOLIVIA = &H10 ' Spanish (Bolivia)
| 1160 | Const SUBLANG_SPANISH_EL_SALVADOR = &H11 ' Spanish (El Salvador)
| 1161 | Const SUBLANG_SPANISH_HONDURAS = &H12 ' Spanish (Honduras)
| 1162 | Const SUBLANG_SPANISH_NICARAGUA = &H13 ' Spanish (Nicaragua)
| 1163 | Const SUBLANG_SPANISH_PUERTO_RICO = &H14 ' Spanish (Puerto Rico)
| 1164 | Const SUBLANG_SWEDISH = &H01 ' Swedish
| 1165 | Const SUBLANG_SWEDISH_FINLAND = &H02 ' Swedish (Finland)
| 1166 | Const SUBLANG_URDU_PAKISTAN = &H01 ' Urdu (Pakistan)
| 1167 | Const SUBLANG_URDU_INDIA = &H02 ' Urdu (India)
| 1168 | Const SUBLANG_UZBEK_LATIN = &H01 ' Uzbek (Latin)
| 1169 | Const SUBLANG_UZBEK_CYRILLIC = &H02 ' Uzbek (Cyrillic)
| 1170 |
| 1171 |
[1] | 1174 |
| 1175 |
| 1176 | '
| 1177 | ' Sorting IDs.
| 1178 | '
| 1179 |
| 1180 | Const SORT_DEFAULT = &H0 ' sorting default
| 1181 |
| 1182 | Const SORT_JAPANESE_XJIS = &H0 ' Japanese XJIS order
| 1183 | Const SORT_JAPANESE_UNICODE = &H1 ' Japanese Unicode order
| 1184 |
| 1185 | Const SORT_CHINESE_BIG5 = &H0 ' Chinese BIG5 order
| 1186 | Const SORT_CHINESE_PRCP = &H0 ' PRC Chinese Phonetic order
| 1187 | Const SORT_CHINESE_UNICODE = &H1 ' Chinese Unicode order
| 1188 | Const SORT_CHINESE_PRC = &H2 ' PRC Chinese Stroke Count order
| 1189 | Const SORT_CHINESE_BOPOMOFO = &H3 ' Traditional Chinese Bopomofo order
| 1190 |
| 1191 | Const SORT_KOREAN_KSC = &H0 ' Korean KSC order
| 1192 | Const SORT_KOREAN_UNICODE = &H1 ' Korean Unicode order
| 1193 |
| 1194 | Const SORT_GERMAN_PHONE_BOOK = &H1 ' German Phone Book order
| 1195 |
| 1196 | Const SORT_HUNGARIAN_DEFAULT = &H0 ' Hungarian Default order
| 1197 | Const SORT_HUNGARIAN_TECHNICAL = &H1 ' Hungarian Technical order
| 1198 |
| 1199 | Const SORT_GEORGIAN_TRADITIONAL = &H0 ' Georgian Traditional order
| 1200 | Const SORT_GEORGIAN_MODERN = &H1 ' Georgian Modern order
| 1201 |
| 1202 | '
| 1203 | ' Wait functions' results.
| 1204 | '
| 1205 | Const WAIT_FAILED = (&hFFFFFFFF As DWord)
| 1206 | Const WAIT_OBJECT_0 = 0 '((STATUS_WAIT_0 ) + 0)
| 1207 |
| 1208 | Const WAIT_ABANDONED = &h00000080 As DWord '((STATUS_ABANDONED_WAIT_0 ) + 0)
| 1210 |
| 1211 | Const WAIT_IO_COMPLETION = &h000000C0 'STATUS_USER_APC
| 1212 |
| 1213 | #endif '_INC_SYSTEM