1 | ' api_gdi.sbp - Graphics Device Integerface API
2 |
3 |
4 | #ifndef _INC_GDI
5 | #define _INC_GDI
6 |
7 |
10 |
11 |
12 | Type _System_DeclareHandle_HPALETTE:unused As DWord:End Type
13 | TypeDef HPALETTE = *_System_DeclareHandle_HPALETTE
14 |
15 |
16 | ' Point/Rectangle/Size struct
17 | Type POINTAPI
18 | x As Long
19 | y As Long
20 | End Type
21 |
22 | Type RECT
23 | left As Long
24 | top As Long
25 | right As Long
26 | bottom As Long
27 | End Type
28 |
29 | Type SIZE
30 | cx As Long
31 | cy As Long
32 | End Type
33 |
34 | Type Align(2) METAHEADER
35 | mtType As Word
36 | mtHeaderSize As Word
37 | mtVersion As Word
38 | mtSize As DWord
39 | mtNoObjects As Word
40 | mtMaxRecord As DWord
41 | mtNoParameters As Word
42 | End Type
44 |
45 | Const RGB(r, g, b) = ((r) As Long) Or (((g) As Long) <<8) Or (((b) As Long) <<16)
46 | Const GetRValue(rgb) = (rgb And &hff)
47 | Const GetGValue(rgb) = ((rgb >> 8) And &hff)
48 | Const GetBValue(rgb) = ((rgb >> 16) And &hff)
49 |
50 | Type RGBQUAD
51 | rgbBlue As Byte
52 | rgbGreen As Byte
53 | rgbRed As Byte
54 | rgbReserved As Byte
55 | End Type
56 |
57 |
58 | ' raster operations
59 | Const SRCCOPY = &H00CC0020
60 | Const SRCPAINT = &H00EE0086
61 | Const SRCAND = &H008800C6
62 | Const SRCINVERT = &H00660046
63 | Const SRCERASE = &H00440328
64 | Const NOTSRCCOPY = &H00330008
65 | Const NOTSRCERASE = &H001100A6
66 | Const MERGECOPY = &H00C000CA
67 | Const MERGEPAINT = &H00BB0226
68 | Const PATCOPY = &H00F00021
69 | Const PATPAINT = &H00FB0A09
70 | Const PATINVERT = &H005A0049
71 | Const DSTINVERT = &H00550009
72 | Const BLACKNESS = &H00000042
73 | Const WHITENESS = &H00FF0062
74 |
75 |
76 | ' Object types
77 | Const OBJ_PEN = 1
78 | Const OBJ_BRUSH = 2
79 | Const OBJ_DC = 3
80 | Const OBJ_METADC = 4
81 | Const OBJ_PAL = 5
82 | Const OBJ_FONT = 6
83 | Const OBJ_BITMAP = 7
84 | Const OBJ_REGION = 8
85 | Const OBJ_METAFILE = 9
86 | Const OBJ_MEMDC = 10
87 | Const OBJ_EXTPEN = 11
88 | Const OBJ_ENHMETADC = 12
89 | Const OBJ_ENHMETAFILE = 13
90 |
91 |
92 | ' Bitmap Header Definition
93 | Type BITMAP
94 | bmType As Long
95 | bmWidth As Long
96 | bmHeight As Long
97 | bmWidthBytes As Long
98 | bmPlanes As Word
99 | bmBitsPixel As Word
100 | bmBits As VoidPtr
101 | End Type
102 |
103 |
104 | ' structures for defining DIBs
105 | Const BI_RGB = 0
106 | Const BI_RLE8 = 1
107 | Const BI_RLE4 = 2
108 | Const BI_BITFIELDS = 3
109 | Const BI_JPEG = 4
110 | Const BI_PNG = 5
112 | biSize As DWord
113 | biWidth As Long
114 | biHeight As Long
115 | biPlanes As Word
116 | biBitCount As Word
117 | biCompression As DWord
118 | biSizeImage As DWord
119 | biXPelsPerMeter As Long
120 | biYPelsPerMeter As Long
121 | biClrUsed As DWord
122 | biClrImportant As DWord
123 | End Type
126 | bmpColors[255] As RGBQUAD
127 | End Type
128 |
129 |
130 | ' Bitmap file header struct
131 | Type Align(2) BITMAPFILEHEADER
132 | bfType As Word
133 | bfSize As DWord
134 | bfReserved1 As Word
135 | bfReserved2 As Word
136 | bfOffBits As DWord
137 | End Type
138 |
139 |
140 | ' Region flags
141 | Const NULLREGION = 1
142 | Const SIMPLEREGION = 2
143 | Const COMPLEXREGION = 3
144 |
145 |
146 | ' Poly fill mode
147 | Const ALTERNATE = 1
148 | Const WINDING = 2
149 |
150 |
151 | ' Device mode
152 | Const DM_ORIENTATION = &H00000001
153 | Const DM_PAPERSIZE = &H00000002
154 | Const DM_PAPERLENGTH = &H00000004
155 | Const DM_PAPERWIDTH = &H00000008
156 | Const DM_SCALE = &H00000010
157 | Const DM_POSITION = &H00000020
158 | Const DM_COPIES = &H00000100
159 | Const DM_DEFAULTSOURCE = &H00000200
160 | Const DM_PRINTQUALITY = &H00000400
161 | Const DM_COLOR = &H00000800
162 | Const DM_DUPLEX = &H00001000
163 | Const DM_YRESOLUTION = &H00002000
164 | Const DM_TTOPTION = &H00004000
165 | Const DM_COLLATE = &H00008000
166 | Const DM_FORMNAME = &H00010000
167 | Const DM_LOGPIXELS = &H00020000
168 | Const DM_BITSPERPEL = &H00040000
169 | Const DM_PELSWIDTH = &H00080000
170 | Const DM_PELSHEIGHT = &H00100000
171 | Const DM_DISPLAYFLAGS = &H00200000
172 | Const DM_DISPLAYFREQUENCY = &H00400000
175 | Const DMPAPER_LETTER = 1
177 | Const DMPAPER_TABLOID = 3
178 | Const DMPAPER_LEDGER = 4
179 | Const DMPAPER_LEGAL = 5
182 | Const DMPAPER_A3 = 8
183 | Const DMPAPER_A4 = 9
184 | Const DMPAPER_A4SMALL = 10
185 | Const DMPAPER_A5 = 11
186 | Const DMPAPER_B4 = 12
187 | Const DMPAPER_B5 = 13
188 | Const DMPAPER_FOLIO = 14
189 | Const DMPAPER_QUARTO = 15
190 | Const DMPAPER_10X14 = 16
191 | Const DMPAPER_11X17 = 17
192 | Const DMPAPER_NOTE = 18
193 | Const DMPAPER_ENV_9 = 19
194 | Const DMPAPER_ENV_10 = 20
195 | Const DMPAPER_ENV_11 = 21
196 | Const DMPAPER_ENV_12 = 22
197 | Const DMPAPER_ENV_14 = 23
198 | Const DMPAPER_CSHEET = 24
199 | Const DMPAPER_DSHEET = 25
200 | Const DMPAPER_ESHEET = 26
201 | Const DMPAPER_ENV_DL = 27
202 | Const DMPAPER_ENV_C5 = 28
203 | Const DMPAPER_ENV_C3 = 29
204 | Const DMPAPER_ENV_C4 = 30
205 | Const DMPAPER_ENV_C6 = 31
206 | Const DMPAPER_ENV_C65 = 32
207 | Const DMPAPER_ENV_B4 = 33
208 | Const DMPAPER_ENV_B5 = 34
209 | Const DMPAPER_ENV_B6 = 35
210 | Const DMPAPER_ENV_ITALY = 36
211 | Const DMPAPER_ENV_MONARCH = 37
213 | Const DMPAPER_FANFOLD_US = 39
216 | Const DMRES_DRAFT = -1
217 | Const DMRES_LOW = -2
218 | Const DMRES_MEDIUM = -3
219 | Const DMRES_HIGH = -4
221 | Const DMCOLOR_COLOR = 2
222 | Const DMDUP_SIMPLEX = 1
223 | Const DMDUP_VERTICAL = 2
224 | Const DMDUP_HORIZONTAL = 3
225 | Const DMTT_BITMAP = 1
226 | Const DMTT_DOWNLOAD = 2
227 | Const DMTT_SUBDEV = 3
228 | Const DMCOLLATE_FALSE = 0
229 | Const DMCOLLATE_TRUE = 1
230 |
231 | Const CCHDEVICENAME = 32
232 | Const CCHFORMNAME = 32
233 | Type _devicemodeA
234 | dmDeviceName[ELM(CCHDEVICENAME)] As Byte
235 | dmSpecVersion As Word
236 | dmDriverVersion As Word
237 | dmSize As Word
238 | dmDriverExtra As Word
239 | dmFields As DWord
240 | dmOrientation As Integer
241 | dmPaperSize As Integer
242 | dmPaperLength As Integer
243 | dmPaperWidth As Integer
244 | dmScale As Integer
245 | dmCopies As Integer
246 | dmDefaultSource As Integer
247 | dmPrintQuality As Integer
248 | dmColor As Integer
249 | dmDuplex As Integer
250 | dmYResolution As Integer
251 | dmTTOption As Integer
252 | dmCollate As Integer
253 | dmFormName[ELM(CCHFORMNAME)] As Byte
254 | dmLogPixels As Word
255 | dmBitsPerPel As DWord
256 | dmPelsWidth As DWord
257 | dmPelsHeight As DWord
258 | dmDisplayFlags As DWord
259 | dmDisplayFrequency As DWord
260 | dmICMMethod As DWord
261 | dmICMIntent As DWord
262 | dmMediaType As DWord
263 | dmDitherType As DWord
264 | dmReserved1 As DWord
265 | dmReserved2 As DWord
266 | dmPanningWidth As DWord
267 | dmPanningHeight As DWord
268 | End Type
269 | TypeDef DEVMODEA = _devicemodeA
271 |
272 |
273 | ' Binary raster ops
274 | Const R2_BLACK = 1
275 | Const R2_NOTMERGEPEN = 2
276 | Const R2_MASKNOTPEN = 3
277 | Const R2_NOTCOPYPEN = 4
278 | Const R2_MASKPENNOT = 5
279 | Const R2_NOT = 6
280 | Const R2_XORPEN = 7
281 | Const R2_NOTMASKPEN = 8
282 | Const R2_MASKPEN = 9
283 | Const R2_NOTXORPEN = 10
284 | Const R2_NOP = 11
285 | Const R2_MERGENOTPEN = 12
286 | Const R2_COPYPEN = 13
287 | Const R2_MERGEPENNOT = 14
288 | Const R2_MERGEPEN = 15
289 | Const R2_WHITE = 16
290 |
291 |
293 | dwSize As DWord
294 | iType As DWord
295 | nCount As DWord
296 | nRgnSize As DWord
297 | rcBound As RECT
298 | End Type
299 | Type RGNDATA
301 | Buffer As Byte
302 | End Type
303 |
305 | peRed As Byte
306 | peGreen As Byte
307 | peBlue As Byte
308 | peFlags As Byte
309 | End Type
310 |
311 | Type DOCINFO
312 | cbSize As Long
313 | lpszDocName As LPCSTR
314 | lpszOutput As LPCSTR
315 | lpszDatatype As LPCSTR
316 | fwType As DWord
317 | End Type
318 |
319 | '-------------------
320 | ' GDI API Functions
321 | '-------------------
322 |
323 | Declare Function AbortPath Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC) As BOOL
324 | Declare Function Arc Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, nLeftRect As Long, nTopRect As Long, nRightRect As Long, nBottomRect As Long, nXStartArc As Long, nYStartArc As Long, nXEndArc As Long, nYEndArc As Long) As BOOL
325 | Declare Function BeginPath Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC) As BOOL
326 | Declare Function BitBlt Lib "gdi32" (hdcDest As HDC, nXDest As Long, nYDest As Long, nWidth As Long, nHeight As Long, hdcSrc As HDC, nXSrc As Long, nYSrc As Long, dwRop As DWord) As BOOL
327 | Declare Function CancelDC Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC) As BOOL
328 | Declare Function Chord Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, nLeftRect As Long, nTopRect As Long, nRightRect As Long, nBottomRect As Long, nXRadial1 As Long, nYRadial1 As Long, nXRadial2 As Long, nYRadial2 As Long) As BOOL
329 | Declare Function CloseFigure Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC) As BOOL
330 |
331 | Const RGN_AND = 1
332 | Const RGN_OR = 2
333 | Const RGN_XOR = 3
334 | Const RGN_DIFF = 4
335 | Const RGN_COPY = 5
336 | Declare Function CombineRgn Lib "gdi32" (hrgnDest As HRGN, hrgnSrc1 As HRGN, hrgnSrc2 As HRGN, fnCombineMode As Long) As Long
337 |
338 | Declare Function CreateBitmap Lib "gdi32" (nWidth As Long, nHeight As Long, cPlanes As Long, cBitsPerPel As Long, lpvBits As VoidPtr) As HBITMAP
339 | Declare Function CreateBitmapIndirect Lib "gdi32" (ByRef lpbm As BITMAP) As HBITMAP
340 |
341 | Const BS_SOLID = 0
342 | Const BS_NULL = 1
343 | Const BS_HOLLOW = BS_NULL
344 | Const BS_HATCHED = 2
345 | Const BS_PATTERN = 3
346 | Const BS_INDEXED = 4
347 | Const BS_DIBPATTERN = 5
348 | Const BS_DIBPATTERNPT = 6
349 | Const BS_PATTERN8X8 = 7
350 | Const BS_DIBPATTERN8X8 = 8
351 | Const BS_MONOPATTERN = 9
352 | Const DIB_RGB_COLORS = 0
353 | Const DIB_PAL_COLORS = 1
354 | Const HS_HORIZONTAL = 0
355 | Const HS_VERTICAL = 1
356 | Const HS_FDIAGONAL = 2
357 | Const HS_BDIAGONAL = 3
358 | Const HS_CROSS = 4
359 | Const HS_DIAGCROSS = 5
360 | Type LOGBRUSH
361 | lbStyle As Long
362 | lbColor As Long
363 | lbHatch As Long
364 | End Type
365 | Declare Function CreateBrushIndirect Lib "gdi32" (ByRef lplb As LOGBRUSH) As HBRUSH
366 |
367 | Declare Function CreateCompatibleBitmap Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, nWidth As Long, nHeight As Long) As HBITMAP
368 | Declare Function CreateCompatibleDC Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC) As HDC
369 | Declare Function CreateDC Lib "gdi32" Alias "CreateDCA" (lpszDriver As PCSTR, lpszDevice As PCSTR, lpszOutput As PCSTR, ByRef lpInitData As DEVMODE) As HDC
370 |
371 | Const CBM_INIT = &H04
372 | Declare Function CreateDIBitmap Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, ByRef lpbmih As BITMAPINFOHEADER, fdwInit As Long, lpbInit As VoidPtr, ByRef lpbmi As BITMAPINFO, fuUsage As Long) As HBITMAP
373 |
374 | Declare Function CreateDIBPatternBrushPt Lib "gdi32" (lpPackedDIB As VoidPtr, iUsage As Long) As HBRUSH
375 | Declare Function CreateDIBSection Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, ByRef BmpInfo As BITMAPINFO, iUsage As DWord, ppvBits As *VoidPtr, hSection As HANDLE, dwOffset As DWord) As HBITMAP
376 | Declare Function CreateEllipticRgn Lib "gdi32" (nLeftRect As Long, nTopRect As Long, nRightRect As Long, nBottomRect As Long) As HRGN
377 | Declare Function CreateEllipticRgnIndirect Lib "gdi32" (ByRef lpRect As RECT) As HRGN
378 |
379 | Const FW_DONTCARE = 0
380 | Const FW_THIN = 100
381 | Const FW_EXTRALIGHT = 200
382 | Const FW_LIGHT = 300
383 | Const FW_NORMAL = 400
384 | Const FW_MEDIUM = 500
385 | Const FW_SEMIBOLD = 600
386 | Const FW_BOLD = 700
387 | Const FW_EXTRABOLD = 800
388 | Const FW_HEAVY = 900
393 | Const FW_BLACK = FW_HEAVY
394 |
395 | Const ANSI_CHARSET = 0
396 | Const DEFAULT_CHARSET = 1
397 | Const SYMBOL_CHARSET = 2
398 | Const SHIFTJIS_CHARSET = 128
399 | Const HANGEUL_CHARSET = 129
400 | Const HANGUL_CHARSET = 129
401 | Const GB2312_CHARSET = 134
402 | Const CHINESEBIG5_CHARSET = 136
403 | Const OEM_CHARSET = 255
404 | Const JOHAB_CHARSET = 130
405 | Const HEBREW_CHARSET = 177
406 | Const ARABIC_CHARSET = 178
407 | Const GREEK_CHARSET = 161
408 | Const TURKISH_CHARSET = 162
409 | Const VIETNAMESE_CHARSET = 163
410 | Const THAI_CHARSET = 222
411 | Const EASTEUROPE_CHARSET = 238
412 | Const RUSSIAN_CHARSET = 204
413 | Const MAC_CHARSET = 77
414 | Const BALTIC_CHARSET = 186
415 |
416 | Const OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS = 0
417 | Const OUT_STRING_PRECIS = 1
419 | Const OUT_STROKE_PRECIS = 3
420 | Const OUT_TT_PRECIS = 4
421 | Const OUT_DEVICE_PRECIS = 5
422 | Const OUT_RASTER_PRECIS = 6
423 | Const OUT_TT_ONLY_PRECIS = 7
424 | Const OUT_OUTLINE_PRECIS = 8
426 |
429 | Const CLIP_STROKE_PRECIS = 2
430 | Const CLIP_MASK = &Hf
431 | Const CLIP_LH_ANGLES = &H00010000
432 | Const CLIP_TT_ALWAYS = &H00020000
433 | Const CLIP_EMBEDDED = &H00080000
434 |
435 | Const DEFAULT_QUALITY = 0
436 | Const DRAFT_QUALITY = 1
437 | Const PROOF_QUALITY = 2
440 |
441 | Const DEFAULT_PITCH = 0
442 | Const FIXED_PITCH = 1
443 | Const VARIABLE_PITCH = 2
444 |
445 | Const FF_DONTCARE = 0
446 | Const FF_ROMAN = &H00010000
447 | Const FF_SWISS = &H00020000
448 | Const FF_MODERN = &H00030000
449 | Const FF_SCRIPT = &H00040000
450 | Const FF_DECORATIVE = &H00050000
451 | Declare Function CreateFont Lib "gdi32" Alias "CreateFontA" (nHeight As Long, nWidth As Long, nEscapement As Long, nOrientation As Long, fnWeight As Long, fdwItalic As DWord, fdwUnderline As DWord, fdwStrikeOut As DWord, fdwCharSet As DWord, fdwOutputPrecision As DWord, fdwClipPrecision As DWord, fdwQuality As DWord, fdwPitchAndFamily As DWord, lpszFace As PCSTR) As HFONT
452 |
453 | Const LF_FACESIZE = 32
454 | Type LOGFONTA
455 | lfHeight As Long
456 | lfWidth As Long
457 | lfEscapement As Long
458 | lfOrientation As Long
459 | lfWeight As Long
460 | lfItalic As Byte
461 | lfUnderline As Byte
462 | lfStrikeOut As Byte
463 | lfCharSet As Byte
464 | lfOutPrecision As Byte
465 | lfClipPrecision As Byte
466 | lfQuality As Byte
467 | lfPitchAndFamily As Byte
468 | lfFaceName[ELM(LF_FACESIZE)] As Byte
469 | End Type
470 | Type LOGFONTW
471 | lfHeight As Long
472 | lfWidth As Long
473 | lfEscapement As Long
474 | lfOrientation As Long
475 | lfWeight As Long
476 | lfItalic As Byte
477 | lfUnderline As Byte
478 | lfStrikeOut As Byte
479 | lfCharSet As Byte
480 | lfOutPrecision As Byte
481 | lfClipPrecision As Byte
482 | lfQuality As Byte
483 | lfPitchAndFamily As Byte
484 | lfFaceName[ELM(LF_FACESIZE)] As WCHAR
485 | End Type
486 | #ifdef UNICODE
488 | #else
490 | #endif
491 | Declare Function CreateFontIndirect Lib "gdi32" Alias "CreateFontIndirectA" (ByRef lplf As LOGFONT) As HFONT
492 |
493 | Declare Function CreateHatchBrush Lib "gdi32" (fnStyle As Long, clrref As COLORREF) As HBRUSH
494 | Declare Function CreatePatternBrush Lib "gdi32" (hbmp As HBITMAP) As HBRUSH
495 |
496 | Const PS_SOLID = 0
497 | Const PS_DASH = 1
498 | Const PS_DOT = 2
499 | Const PS_DASHDOT = 3
500 | Const PS_DASHDOTDOT = 4
501 | Const PS_NULL = 5
502 | Const PS_INSIDEFRAME = 6
503 | Const PS_USERSTYLE = 7
504 | Const PS_ALTERNATE = 8
505 | Declare Function CreatePen Lib "gdi32" (nPenStyle As Long, nWidth As Long, crColor As COLORREF) As HPEN
506 |
507 | Type LOGPEN
508 | lopnStyle As DWord
509 | lopnWidth As POINTAPI
510 | lopnColor As COLORREF
511 | End Type
512 | Declare Function CreatePenIndirect Lib "gdi32" (ByRef lplgpn As LOGPEN) As HPEN
513 |
514 | Declare Function CreatePolygonRgn Lib "gdi32" (ByRef lpPoints As POINTAPI, cPoints As Long, fnPolyFillMode As Long) As HRGN
515 | Declare Function CreateRectRgn Lib "gdi32" (nLeftRect As Long, nTopRect As Long, nRightRect As Long, nBottomRect As Long) As HRGN
516 | Declare Function CreateRectRgnIndirect Lib "gdi32" (ByRef lpRect As RECT) As HRGN
517 | Declare Function CreateRoundRectRgn Lib "gdi32" (nLeftRect As Long, nTopRect As Long, nRightRect As Long, nBottomRect As Long, nWidthEllipse As Long, nHeightEllipse As Long) As HRGN
518 | Declare Function CreateSolidBrush Lib "gdi32" (crColor As COLORREF) As HBRUSH
519 | Declare Function DeleteDC Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC) As BOOL
520 | Declare Function DeleteObject Lib "gdi32" (hObject As HANDLE) As BOOL
521 | Declare Function DPtoLP Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, ByRef lpPoints As POINTAPI, nCount As Long) As BOOL
522 | Declare Function Ellipse Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, nLeftRect As Long, nTopRect As Long, RightRect As Long, nBottomRect As Long) As BOOL
523 | Declare Function EndDoc Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC) As Long
524 | Declare Function EndPage Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC) As Long
525 | Declare Function EndPath Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC) As BOOL
526 | Declare Function EqualRgn Lib "gdi32" (hSrcRgn1 As HRGN, hSrcRgn2 As HRGN) As BOOL
527 | Declare Function ExcludeClipRect Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, nLeftRect As Long, nTopRect As Long, nRightRect As Long, nBottomRect As Long) As Long
528 |
531 | Declare Function ExtFloodFill Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, nXStart As Long, nYStart As Long, crColor As COLORREF, fuFillType As DWord) As BOOL
532 |
533 | Const PS_COSMETIC = &H00000000
534 | Const PS_GEOMETRIC = &H00010000
535 | Const PS_ENDCAP_ROUND = &H00000000
536 | Const PS_ENDCAP_SQUARE = &H00000100
537 | Const PS_ENDCAP_FLAT = &H00000200
538 | Const PS_JOIN_ROUND = &H00000000
539 | Const PS_JOIN_BEVEL = &H00001000
540 | Const PS_JOIN_MITER = &H00002000
541 | Declare Function ExtCreatePen Lib "gdi32" (dwPenStyle As DWord, dwWidth As DWord, ByRef lplb As LOGBRUSH, dwStyleCount As DWord, lpStyle As *DWord) As HPEN
542 |
543 | Declare Function ExtSelectClipRgn Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, hRgn As HRGN, fnMode As Long) As Long
544 | Declare Function FillPath Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC) As Long
545 | Declare Function FillRgn Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, hRgn As HRGN, hBrush As HBRUSH) As Long
546 | Declare Function FrameRgn Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, hRgn As HRGN, hBrush As HBRUSH, nWidth As Long, nHeight As Long) As Long
547 | Declare Function GetBitmapBits Lib "gdi32" (hbmp As HBITMAP, cbBuffer As Long, lpvBits As VoidPtr) As Long
548 | Declare Function GetBkColor Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC) As DWord
549 | Declare Function GetBkMode Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC) As Long
550 | Declare Function GetBrushOrgEx Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, ByRef lppt As POINTAPI) As Long
551 | Declare Function GetCharWidth32 Lib "gdi32" Alias "GetCharWidth32A" (hdc As HDC, iFirstChar As Long, iLastChar As Long, lpBuffer As DWordPtr) As Long
552 | Declare Function GetClipBox Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, ByRef lpRect As RECT) As Long
553 | Declare Function GetClipRgn Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, hRgn As HRGN) As Long
554 | Declare Function GetCurrentObject Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, dwObjectType As DWord) As HANDLE
555 | Declare Function GetCurrentPositionEx Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, ByRef lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long
556 |
557 | Const DRIVERVERSION = 0
558 | Const TECHNOLOGY = 2
559 | Const HORZSIZE = 4
560 | Const VERTSIZE = 6
561 | Const HORZRES = 8
562 | Const VERTRES = 10
563 | Const BITSPIXEL = 12
564 | Const PLANES = 14
565 | Const NUMBRUSHES = 16
566 | Const NUMPENS = 18
567 | Const NUMMARKERS = 20
568 | Const NUMFONTS = 22
569 | Const NUMCOLORS = 24
570 | Const PDEVICESIZE = 26
571 | Const CURVECAPS = 28
572 | Const LINECAPS = 30
573 | Const POLYGONALCAPS = 32
574 | Const TEXTCAPS = 34
575 | Const CLIPCAPS = 36
576 | Const RASTERCAPS = 38
577 | Const ASPECTX = 40
578 | Const ASPECTY = 42
579 | Const ASPECTXY = 44
580 | Const SHADEBLENDCAPS = 45
581 | Const LOGPIXELSX = 88
582 | Const LOGPIXELSY = 90
583 | Const SIZEPALETTE = 104
584 | Const NUMRESERVED = 106
585 | Const COLORRES = 108
586 | Const PHYSICALWIDTH = 110
587 | Const PHYSICALHEIGHT = 111
588 | Const PHYSICALOFFSETX = 112
589 | Const PHYSICALOFFSETY = 113
590 | Const SCALINGFACTORX = 114
591 | Const SCALINGFACTORY = 115
592 | Const VREFRESH = 116
593 | Const DESKTOPVERTRES = 117
594 | Const DESKTOPHORZRES = 118
595 | Const BLTALIGNMENT = 119
596 | Const DT_PLOTTER = 0 ' Device Technologies
597 | Const DT_RASDISPLAY = 1
598 | Const DT_RASPRINTER = 2
599 | Const DT_RASCAMERA = 3
600 | Const DT_CHARSTREAM = 4
601 | Const DT_METAFILE = 5
602 | Const DT_DISPFILE = 6
603 | Const CC_NONE = 0 ' Curve Capabilities
604 | Const CC_CIRCLES = 1
605 | Const CC_PIE = 2
606 | Const CC_CHORD = 4
607 | Const CC_ELLIPSES = 8
608 | Const CC_WIDE = 16
609 | Const CC_STYLED = 32
610 | Const CC_WIDESTYLED = 64
611 | Const CC_INTERIORS = 128
612 | Const CC_ROUNDRECT = 256
613 | Const LC_NONE = 0 ' Line Capabilities
614 | Const LC_POLYLINE = 2
615 | Const LC_MARKER = 4
616 | Const LC_POLYMARKER = 8
617 | Const LC_WIDE = 16
618 | Const LC_STYLED = 32
619 | Const LC_WIDESTYLED = 64
620 | Const LC_INTERIORS = 128
621 | Const PC_NONE = 0 ' Polygonal Capabilities
622 | Const PC_POLYGON = 1
623 | Const PC_RECTANGLE = 2
624 | Const PC_WINDPOLYGON = 4
625 | Const PC_TRAPEZOID = 4
626 | Const PC_SCANLINE = 8
627 | Const PC_WIDE = 16
628 | Const PC_STYLED = 32
629 | Const PC_WIDESTYLED = 64
630 | Const PC_INTERIORS = 128
631 | Const PC_POLYPOLYGON = 256
632 | Const PC_PATHS = 512
633 | Const CP_NONE = 0 ' Clipping Capabilities
634 | Const CP_RECTANGLE = 1
635 | Const CP_REGION = 2
636 | Const TC_OP_CHARACTER = &H00000001 ' Text Capabilities
637 | Const TC_OP_STROKE = &H00000002
638 | Const TC_CP_STROKE = &H00000004
639 | Const TC_CR_90 = &H00000008
640 | Const TC_CR_ANY = &H00000010
641 | Const TC_SF_X_YINDEP = &H00000020
642 | Const TC_SA_DOUBLE = &H00000040
643 | Const TC_SA_INTEGER = &H00000080
644 | Const TC_SA_CONTIN = &H00000100
645 | Const TC_EA_DOUBLE = &H00000200
646 | Const TC_IA_ABLE = &H00000400
647 | Const TC_UA_ABLE = &H00000800
648 | Const TC_SO_ABLE = &H00001000
649 | Const TC_RA_ABLE = &H00002000
650 | Const TC_VA_ABLE = &H00004000
651 | Const TC_RESERVED = &H00008000
652 | Const TC_SCROLLBLT = &H00010000
653 | Const RC_BITBLT = 1 ' Raster Capabilities
654 | Const RC_BANDING = 2
655 | Const RC_SCALING = 4
656 | Const RC_BITMAP64 = 8
657 | Const RC_GDI20_OUTPUT = &H0010
658 | Const RC_GDI20_STATE = &H0020
659 | Const RC_SAVEBITMAP = &H0040
660 | Const RC_DI_BITMAP = &H0080
661 | Const RC_PALETTE = &H0100
662 | Const RC_DIBTODEV = &H0200
663 | Const RC_BIGFONT = &H0400
664 | Const RC_STRETCHBLT = &H0800
665 | Const RC_FLOODFILL = &H1000
666 | Const RC_STRETCHDIB = &H2000
667 | Const RC_OP_DX_OUTPUT = &H4000
668 | Const RC_DEVBITS = &H8000
669 | Const SB_NONE = &H00000000 ' Shading and blending caps
670 | Const SB_CONST_ALPHA = &H00000001
671 | Const SB_PIXEL_ALPHA = &H00000002
672 | Const SB_PREMULT_ALPHA = &H00000004
673 | Const SB_GRAD_RECT = &H00000010
674 | Declare Function GetDeviceCaps Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, nIndex As Long) As Long
675 |
676 | Declare Function GetDIBits Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, hbmp As HBITMAP, uStartScan As DWord, cScanLines As DWord, lpvBits As VoidPtr, ByRef lpbi As BITMAPINFO, uUsage As DWord) As Long
677 |
678 | Const MM_TEXT = 1
679 | Const MM_LOMETRIC = 2
680 | Const MM_HIMETRIC = 3
681 | Const MM_LOENGLISH = 4
682 | Const MM_HIENGLISH = 5
683 | Const MM_TWIPS = 6
684 | Const MM_ISOTROPIC = 7
685 | Const MM_ANISOTROPIC = 8
686 | Declare Function GetMapMode Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC) As Long
687 |
688 | Declare Function GetMiterLimit Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, peLimit As SinglePtr) As Long
689 | Declare Function GetObject Lib "gdi32" Alias "GetObjectA" (hgdiobj As HANDLE, cbBuffer As Long, ByRef lpvObject As Any) As Long
690 | Declare Function GetObjectType Lib "gdi32" (hObject As HANDLE) As Long
691 |
692 | Const PT_CLOSEFIGURE = &H01
693 | Const PT_LINETO = &H02
694 | Const PT_BEZIERTO = &H04
695 | Const PT_MOVETO = &H06
696 | Declare Function GetPath Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, ByRef lpPoints As POINTAPI, lpTypes As BytePtr, nSize As Long) As Long
697 |
698 | Declare Function GetPixel Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, x As Long, y As Long) As DWord
699 | Declare Function GetPolyFillMode Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC) As Long
700 | Declare Function GetRgnBox Lib "gdi32" (hRgn As HRGN, ByRef lpRect As RECT) As Long
701 | Declare Function GetROP2 Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC) As Long
702 |
703 | Const WHITE_BRUSH = 0
704 | Const LTGRAY_BRUSH = 1
705 | Const GRAY_BRUSH = 2
706 | Const DKGRAY_BRUSH = 3
707 | Const BLACK_BRUSH = 4
708 | Const NULL_BRUSH = 5
710 | Const WHITE_PEN = 6
711 | Const BLACK_PEN = 7
712 | Const NULL_PEN = 8
713 | Const OEM_FIXED_FONT = 10
714 | Const ANSI_FIXED_FONT = 11
715 | Const ANSI_VAR_FONT = 12
716 | Const SYSTEM_FONT = 13
717 | Const DEVICE_DEFAULT_FONT = 14
718 | Const DEFAULT_PALETTE = 15
719 | Const SYSTEM_FIXED_FONT = 16
720 | Declare Function GetStockObject Lib "gdi32" (fnObject As Long) As HANDLE
721 |
722 | Declare Function GetStretchBltMode Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC) As Long
723 |
724 | Const TA_NOUPDATECP = 0
725 | Const TA_UPDATECP = 1
726 | Const TA_LEFT = 0
727 | Const TA_RIGHT = 2
728 | Const TA_CENTER = 6
729 | Const TA_TOP = 0
730 | Const TA_BOTTOM = 8
731 | Const TA_BASELINE = 24
732 | Const TA_RTLREADING = 256
733 | Declare Function GetTextAlign Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC) As DWord
734 |
735 | Declare Function GetTextColor Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC) As DWord
736 | Declare Function GetTextExtentPoint32A Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, pString As PCSTR, cbString As Long, ByRef Size As SIZE) As Long
737 | Declare Function GetTextExtentPoint32W Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, pString As PCWSTR, cbString As Long, ByRef Size As SIZE) As Long
738 | #ifdef UNICODE
739 | Declare Function GetTextExtentPoint32 Lib "gdi32" Alias "GetTextExtentPoint32W" (hdc As HDC, pString As PCTSTR, cbString As Long, ByRef Size As SIZE) As Long
740 | #else
741 | Declare Function GetTextExtentPoint32 Lib "gdi32" Alias "GetTextExtentPoint32A" (hdc As HDC, pString As PCTSTR, cbString As Long, ByRef Size As SIZE) As Long
742 | #endif
743 |
744 | Const TMPF_FIXED_PITCH = &H01
745 | Const TMPF_VECTOR = &H02
746 | Const TMPF_DEVICE = &H08
747 | Const TMPF_TRUETYPE = &H04
749 | tmHeight As Long
750 | tmAscent As Long
751 | tmDescent As Long
752 | tmInternalLeading As Long
753 | tmExternalLeading As Long
754 | tmAveCharWidth As Long
755 | tmMaxCharWidth As Long
756 | tmWeight As Long
757 | tmOverhang As Long
758 | tmDigitizedAspectX As Long
759 | tmDigitizedAspectY As Long
760 | tmFirstChar As Byte
761 | tmLastChar As Byte
762 | tmDefaultChar As Byte
763 | tmBreakChar As Byte
764 | tmItalic As Byte
765 | tmUnderlined As Byte
766 | tmStruckOut As Byte
767 | tmPitchAndFamily As Byte
768 | tmCharSet As Byte
769 | End Type
770 | Declare Function GetTextMetrics Lib "gdi32" Alias "GetTextMetricsA" (hdc As HDC, ByRef lptm As TEXTMETRIC) As Long
771 |
772 | Declare Function GetViewportExtEx Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, ByRef lpSize As SIZE) As Long
773 | Declare Function GetViewportOrgEx Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, ByRef lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long
774 | Declare Function GetWindowExtEx Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, ByRef lpSize As SIZE) As Long
775 | Declare Function GetWindowOrgEx Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, ByRef lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long
776 | Declare Function IntersectClipRect Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, nLeftRect As Long, nTopRect As Long, nRightRect As Long, nBottomRect As Long) As Long
777 | Declare Function InvertRgn Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, hRgn As HRGN) As Long
778 | Declare Function LineTo Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, nXEnd As Long, nYEnd As Long) As Long
779 | Declare Function LPtoDP Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, ByRef lpPoints As POINTAPI, nCount As Long) As Long
780 | Declare Function MoveToEx Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, x As Long, y As Long, ByRef lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long
781 | Declare Function OffsetRgn Lib "gdi32" (hRgn As HRGN, nXOffset As Long, nYOffset As Long) As Long
782 | Declare Function OffsetClipRgn Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, nXOffset As Long, nYOffset As Long) As Long
783 | Declare Function OffsetViewportOrgEx Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, nXOffset As Long, nYOffset As Long, ByRef lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long
784 | Declare Function OffsetWindowOrgEx Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, nXOffset As Long, nYOffset As Long, ByRef lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long
785 | Declare Function PaintRgn Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, hRgn As HRGN) As Long
786 | Declare Function PatBlt Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, nXLeft As Long, nYLeft As Long, nWidth As Long, nHeight As Long, dwRop As DWord) As Long
787 | Declare Function PathToRegion Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC) As HRGN
788 | Declare Function Pie Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, nLeftRect As Long, nTopRect As Long, nRightRect As Long, nBottomRect As Long, nXRadial1 As Long, nYRadial1 As Long, nXRadial2 As Long, nYRadial2 As Long) As Long
789 | Declare Function PlgBlt Lib "gdi32" (hdcDest As HDC, ByRef lpPoint As POINTAPI, hdcSrc As HDC, nXSrc As Long, nYSrc As Long, nWidth As Long, nHeight As Long, hbmMask As HBITMAP, xMask As Long, yMask As Long) As Long
790 | Declare Function PolyBezier Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, ByRef lppt As POINTAPI, cPoints As Long) As Long
791 | Declare Function PolyBezierTo Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, ByRef lppt As POINTAPI, cPoints As Long) As Long
792 | Declare Function Polygon Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, ByRef lpPoints As POINTAPI, cPoints As Long) As Long
793 | Declare Function Polyline Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, ByRef lppt As POINTAPI, cPoints As Long) As Long
794 | Declare Function PolylineTo Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, ByRef lppt As POINTAPI, cPoints As Long) As Long
795 | Declare Function PtInRegion Lib "gdi32" (hRgn As HRGN, x As Long, y As Long) As Long
796 | Declare Function PtVisible Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, x As Long, y As Long) As Long
797 | Declare Function RealizePalette Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC) As Long
798 | Declare Function Rectangle Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, nLeftRect As Long, nTopRect As Long, nRightRect As Long, nBottomRect As Long) As Long
799 | Declare Function RectInRegion Lib "gdi32" (hRgn As HRGN, ByRef lpRect As RECT) As Long
800 | Declare Function RectVisible Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, ByRef lpRect As RECT) As Long
801 | Declare Function ResetDC Lib "gdi32" Alias "ResetDCA" (hdc As HDC, ByRef lpInitData As DEVMODE) As HDC
802 | Declare Function RestoreDC Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, nSavedDC As Long) As Long
803 | Declare Function RoundRect Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, nLeftRect As Long, nTopRect As Long, nRightRect As Long, nBottomRect As Long, nWidth As Long, nHeight As Long) As Long
804 | Declare Function SaveDC Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC) As Long
805 | Declare Function ScaleViewportExtEx Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, Xnum As Long, Xdenom As Long, Ynum As Long, Ydenom As Long, ByRef lpSize As SIZE) As Long
806 | Declare Function ScaleWindowExtEx Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, Xnum As Long, Xdenom As Long, Ynum As Long, Ydenom As Long, ByRef lpSize As SIZE) As Long
807 | Declare Function SelectClipPath Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, iMode As Long) As Long
808 | Declare Function SelectClipRgn Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, hRgn As HRGN) As Long
809 | Declare Function SelectObject Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, hObject As HANDLE) As HANDLE
810 | Declare Function SelectPalette Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, hpal As HPALETTE, bForceBackground As BOOL) As HPALETTE
811 | Declare Function SetBkColor Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, crColor As DWord) As DWord
812 |
813 | Const TRANSPARENT = 1
814 | Const OPAQUE = 2
815 | Declare Function SetBkMode Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, iBkMode As Long) As Long
816 |
817 | Declare Function SetBrushOrgEx Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, nXOrg As Long, nYOrg As Long, ByRef lppt As POINTAPI) As Long
818 | Declare Function SetDIBits Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, hbmp As HBITMAP, uStartScan As DWord, cScanLines As DWord, lpvBits As VoidPtr, ByRef lpbmi As BITMAPINFO, fuColorUse As DWord) As Long
819 | Declare Function SetMapMode Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, fnMapMode As Long) As Long
820 | Declare Function SetMiterLimit Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, eNewLimit As Single, peOldLimit As SinglePtr) As Long
821 | Declare Function SetPixel Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, x As Long, y As Long, crColor As DWord) As DWord
822 | Declare Function SetPolyFillMode Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, iPolyFillMode As Long) As Long
823 | Declare Function SetRectRgn Lib "gdi32" (hRgn As HRGN, nLeftRect As Long, nTopRect As Long, nRightRect As Long, nBottomRect As Long) As Long
824 | Declare Function SetROP2 Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, fnDrawMode As Long) As Long
825 |
826 | Const BLACKONWHITE = 1
827 | Const WHITEONBLACK = 2
828 | Const COLORONCOLOR = 3
829 | Const HALFTONE = 4
834 | Declare Function SetStretchBltMode Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, iStretchMode As Long) As Long
835 |
836 | Declare Function SetTextAlign Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, fMode As DWord) As DWord
837 | Declare Function SetTextColor Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, crColor As DWord) As DWord
838 | Declare Function SetViewportExtEx Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, nXExtent As Long, nYExtent As Long, ByRef lpSize As SIZE) As Long
839 | Declare Function SetViewportOrgEx Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, x As Long, y As Long, ByRef lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long
840 | Declare Function SetWindowExtEx Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, nXExtent As Long, nYExtent As Long, ByRef lpSize As SIZE) As Long
841 | Declare Function SetWindowOrgEx Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, x As Long, y As Long, ByRef lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long
842 | Declare Function StartDoc Lib "gdi32" Alias "StartDocA" (hdc As HDC, ByRef ref_di As DOCINFO) As Long
843 | Declare Function StartPage Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC) As Long
844 | Declare Function StretchBlt Lib "gdi32" (hdcDest As HDC, nXOriginDest As Long, nYOriginDest As Long, nWidthDest As Long, nHeightDest As Long, hdcSrc As HDC, nXOriginSrc As Long, nYOriginSrc As Long, nWidthSrc As Long, nHeightSrc As Long, dwRop As DWord) As Long
845 | Declare Function StretchDIBits Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, XDest As Long, YDest As Long, nDestWidth As Long, nDestHeight As Long, XSrc As Long, YSrc As Long, nSrcWidth As Long, nSrcHeight As Long, lpBits As VoidPtr, ByRef lpBitsInfo As BITMAPINFO, iUsage As Long, dwRop As DWord) As Long
846 | Declare Function StrokeAndFillPath Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC) As Long
847 | Declare Function StrokePath Lib "gdi32" (DC As DWord) As Long
848 | Declare Function TextOutA Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, nXStart As Long, nYStart As Long, pString As PCSTR, cbString As Long) As Long
849 | Declare Function TextOutW Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, nXStart As Long, nYStart As Long, pString As PCWSTR, cbString As Long) As Long
850 | #ifdef UNICODE
851 | Declare Function TextOut Lib "gdi32" Alias "TextOutW" (hdc As HDC, nXStart As Long, nYStart As Long, pString As PCTSTR, cbString As Long) As Long
852 | #else
853 | Declare Function TextOut Lib "gdi32" Alias "TextOutA" (hdc As HDC, nXStart As Long, nYStart As Long, pString As PCTSTR, cbString As Long) As Long
854 | #endif
855 |
856 | /* Pixel Format */
858 | nSize As Word
859 | nVersion As Word
860 | dwFlags As DWord
861 | iPixelType As Byte
862 | cColorBits As Byte
863 | cRedBits As Byte
864 | cRedShift As Byte
865 | cGreenBits As Byte
866 | cGreenShift As Byte
867 | cBlueBits As Byte
868 | cBlueShift As Byte
869 | cAlphaBits As Byte
870 | cAlphaShift As Byte
871 | cAccumBits As Byte
872 | cAccumRedBits As Byte
873 | cAccumGreenBits As Byte
874 | cAccumBlueBits As Byte
875 | cAccumAlphaBits As Byte
876 | cDepthBits As Byte
877 | cStencilBits As Byte
878 | cAuxBuffers As Byte
879 | iLayerType As Byte
880 | bReserved As Byte
881 | dwLayerMask As DWord
882 | dwVisibleMask As DWord
883 | dwDamageMask As DWord
884 | End Type
887 |
888 | Const PFD_TYPE_RGBA = 0
890 |
891 | Const PFD_MAIN_PLANE = 0
892 | Const PFD_OVERLAY_PLANE = 1
893 | Const PFD_UNDERLAY_PLANE = (-1)
894 |
895 | Const PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER = &H00000001
896 | Const PFD_STEREO = &H00000002
897 | Const PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW = &H00000004
898 | Const PFD_DRAW_TO_BITMAP = &H00000008
899 | Const PFD_SUPPORT_GDI = &H00000010
900 | Const PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL = &H00000020
901 | Const PFD_GENERIC_FORMAT = &H00000040
902 | Const PFD_NEED_PALETTE = &H00000080
903 | Const PFD_NEED_SYSTEM_PALETTE = &H00000100
904 | Const PFD_SWAP_EXCHANGE = &H00000200
905 | Const PFD_SWAP_COPY = &H00000400
906 | Const PFD_SWAP_LAYER_BUFFERS = &H00000800
907 | Const PFD_GENERIC_ACCELERATED = &H00001000
908 | Const PFD_SUPPORT_DIRECTDRAW = &H00002000
909 |
910 | Const PFD_DEPTH_DONTCARE = &H20000000
911 | Const PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER_DONTCARE = &H40000000
912 | Const PFD_STEREO_DONTCARE = &H80000000
913 |
914 | Declare Function ChoosePixelFormat Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, ByRef lppfd As PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR) As Long
915 | Declare Function DescribePixelFormat Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, n As Long, u As DWord, ByRef lppfd As PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR) As Long
916 | Declare Function GetPixelFormat Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC) As Long
917 | Declare Function SetPixelFormat Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC, i As Long, ByRef lppfd As PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR) As BOOL
918 |
919 |
920 | /* OpenGL Support */
921 | Type _System_DeclareHandle_HGLRC:unused As DWord:End Type
922 | TypeDef HGLRC = *_System_DeclareHandle_HGLRC
923 |
924 | Declare Function wglCopyContext Lib "opengl32" (hglrcSource As HGLRC, hglrcDest As HGLRC, mask As DWord) As BOOL
925 | Declare Function wglCreateContext Lib "opengl32" (hdc As HDC) As HGLRC
926 | Declare Function wglCreateLayerContext Lib "opengl32" (hdc As HDC, iLayerPlane As Long) As HGLRC
927 | Declare Function wglDeleteContext Lib "opengl32" (hglrc As HGLRC) As BOOL
928 | Declare Function wglGetCurrentContext Lib "opengl32" () As HGLRC
929 | Declare Function wglGetCurrentDC Lib "opengl32" () As HDC
930 | Declare Function wglGetProcAddress Lib "opengl32" (lpstr As LPSTR) As PROC
931 | Declare Function wglMakeCurrent Lib "opengl32" (hdc As HDC, hglrc As HGLRC) As BOOL
932 | Declare Function wglShareLists Lib "opengl32" (hglrc1 As HGLRC, hglrc2 As HGLRC) As BOOL
933 | Declare Function wglUseFontBitmaps Lib "opengl32" Alias "wglUseFontBitmapsA" (hdc As HDC, first As DWord, count As DWord, listbase As DWord) As BOOL
934 | Declare Function SwapBuffers Lib "gdi32" (hdc As HDC) As BOOL
935 |
937 | x As Single
938 | y As Single
939 | End Type
941 |
943 | gmfBlackBoxX As Single
944 | gmfBlackBoxY As Single
945 | gmfptGlyphOrigin As POINTFLOAT
946 | gmfCellIncX As Single
947 | gmfCellIncY As Single
948 | End Type
951 |
952 | Const WGL_FONT_LINES = 0
953 | Const WGL_FONT_POLYGONS = 1
954 |
955 | Declare Function wglUseFontOutlines Lib "opengl32" Alias "wglUseFontOutlinesA" (hdc As HDC, first As DWord, count As DWord, listbase As DWord, deviation As Single, extrusion As Single, format As Long, ByRef lpgmf As GLYPHMETRICSFLOAT) As BOOL
956 |
958 | nSize As Word
959 | nVersion As Word
960 | dwFlags As DWord
961 | iPixelType As Byte
962 | cColorBits As Byte
963 | cRedBits As Byte
964 | cRedShift As Byte
965 | cGreenBits As Byte
966 | cGreenShift As Byte
967 | cBlueBits As Byte
968 | cBlueShift As Byte
969 | cAlphaBits As Byte
970 | cAlphaShift As Byte
971 | cAccumBits As Byte
972 | cAccumRedBits As Byte
973 | cAccumGreenBits As Byte
974 | cAccumBlueBits As Byte
975 | cAccumAlphaBits As Byte
976 | cDepthBits As Byte
977 | cStencilBits As Byte
978 | cAuxBuffers As Byte
979 | iLayerPlane As Byte
980 | bReserved As Byte
981 | crTransparent As COLORREF
982 | End Type
985 |
986 | Const LPD_DOUBLEBUFFER = &H00000001
987 | Const LPD_STEREO = &H00000002
988 | Const LPD_SUPPORT_GDI = &H00000010
989 | Const LPD_SUPPORT_OPENGL = &H00000020
990 | Const LPD_SHARE_DEPTH = &H00000040
991 | Const LPD_SHARE_STENCIL = &H00000080
992 | Const LPD_SHARE_ACCUM = &H00000100
993 | Const LPD_SWAP_EXCHANGE = &H00000200
994 | Const LPD_SWAP_COPY = &H00000400
995 | Const LPD_TRANSPARENT = &H00001000
996 | Const LPD_TYPE_RGBA = 0
998 |
999 | Const WGL_SWAP_MAIN_PLANE = &H00000001
1000 | Const WGL_SWAP_OVERLAY1 = &H00000002
1001 | Const WGL_SWAP_OVERLAY2 = &H00000004
1002 | Const WGL_SWAP_OVERLAY3 = &H00000008
1003 | Const WGL_SWAP_OVERLAY4 = &H00000010
1004 | Const WGL_SWAP_OVERLAY5 = &H00000020
1005 | Const WGL_SWAP_OVERLAY6 = &H00000040
1006 | Const WGL_SWAP_OVERLAY7 = &H00000080
1007 | Const WGL_SWAP_OVERLAY8 = &H00000100
1008 | Const WGL_SWAP_OVERLAY9 = &H00000200
1009 | Const WGL_SWAP_OVERLAY10 = &H00000400
1010 | Const WGL_SWAP_OVERLAY11 = &H00000800
1011 | Const WGL_SWAP_OVERLAY12 = &H00001000
1012 | Const WGL_SWAP_OVERLAY13 = &H00002000
1013 | Const WGL_SWAP_OVERLAY14 = &H00004000
1014 | Const WGL_SWAP_OVERLAY15 = &H00008000
1015 | Const WGL_SWAP_UNDERLAY1 = &H00010000
1016 | Const WGL_SWAP_UNDERLAY2 = &H00020000
1017 | Const WGL_SWAP_UNDERLAY3 = &H00040000
1018 | Const WGL_SWAP_UNDERLAY4 = &H00080000
1019 | Const WGL_SWAP_UNDERLAY5 = &H00100000
1020 | Const WGL_SWAP_UNDERLAY6 = &H00200000
1021 | Const WGL_SWAP_UNDERLAY7 = &H00400000
1022 | Const WGL_SWAP_UNDERLAY8 = &H00800000
1023 | Const WGL_SWAP_UNDERLAY9 = &H01000000
1024 | Const WGL_SWAP_UNDERLAY10 = &H02000000
1025 | Const WGL_SWAP_UNDERLAY11 = &H04000000
1026 | Const WGL_SWAP_UNDERLAY12 = &H08000000
1027 | Const WGL_SWAP_UNDERLAY13 = &H10000000
1028 | Const WGL_SWAP_UNDERLAY14 = &H20000000
1029 | Const WGL_SWAP_UNDERLAY15 = &H40000000
1030 |
1031 | Declare Function wglDescribeLayerPlane Lib "opengl32" (hdc As HDC, iPixelFormat As Long, iLayerPlane As Long, nByte As DWord, ByRef lplpd As LAYERPLANEDESCRIPTOR) As BOOL
1032 | Declare Function wglSetLayerPaletteEntries Lib "opengl32" (hdc As HDC, iLayerPlane As Long, iStart As Long, cEntries As Long, lpcr As *COLORREF) As Long
1033 | Declare Function wglGetLayerPaletteEntries Lib "opengl32" (hdc As HDC, iLayerPlane As Long, iStart As Long, cEntries As Long, lpcr As *COLORREF) As Long
1034 | Declare Function wglRealizeLayerPalette Lib "opengl32" (hdc As HDC, iLayerPlane As Long, bRealize As BOOL) As BOOL
1035 | Declare Function wglSwapLayerBuffers Lib "opengl32" (hdc As HDC, fuPlanes As DWord) As BOOL
1036 |
1037 | Type WGLSWAP
1038 | hdc As HDC
1039 | uiFlags As DWord
1040 | End Type
1041 | TypeDef PWGLSWAP = *WGLSWAP
1043 |
1044 | Const WGL_SWAPMULTIPLE_MAX = 16
1045 |
1046 | 'Declare Function wglSwapMultipleBuffers Lib "opengl32" (u As DWord, lpwglswap As *WGLSWAP) As DWord
1047 |
1048 | #endif '_INC_GDI